From Official Barotrauma Wiki
This template is used to display Item IDs and other technical information on the Item IDs page.
Sub Templates
Item | Identifier | Category | Tags |
Defense Bot Ammunition Rounds | defensebotammobox | Weapons, Machine | smallitem, defensebotammo |
Compound N | compoundn | Weapon, Material | smallitem, explosive, demolitionsexpert |
Volatile Compound N | volatilecompoundn | Weapon, Material | smallitem, explosive, demolitionsexpert |
Alien Pistol | alienpistol | Weapon, Alien | smallitem, weapon, alien, mountableweapon, pistolitem |
Physicorium Harpoon | alienspear | Weapon, Alien | mediumitem, harpoonammo |
Depth Charge Shell | depthchargeshell | Weapon | depthchargeammo, explosive, demolitionsexpert |
Depth Decoy Shell | depthdecoyshell | Weapon | depthchargeammo, decoy, explosive, demolitionsexpert |
40mm Stun Grenade | 40mmstungrenade | Weapon | smallitem,grenade |
Nuclear Depth Charge | nucleardepthcharge | Weapon | depthchargeammo, nucleardepthchargeammo, demolitionsexpert |
Nuclear Depth Charge | nucleardepthchargecheap | Weapon | depthchargeammo, nucleardepthchargeammo, demolitionsexpert |
Nuclear Depth Decoy | nucleardepthdecoy | Weapon | depthchargeammo, decoy, demolitionsexpert |
Nuclear Depth Decoy | nucleardepthdecoycheap | Weapon | depthchargeammo, decoy, demolitionsexpert |
Modified Dirty Bomb | dirtybomb_showofstrength | Weapon | smallitem,explosive,separatists |
Ceremonial Sword | ceremonialsword | Weapon | smallitem, weapon, gunsmith, mountableweapon |
EMP Grenade | empgrenade | Weapon | smallitem, weapon, explosive, demolitionsexpert |
Hardened Diving Knife | divingknifehardened | Weapon | smallitem, weapon, gunsmith, mountableweapon |
Boarding Axe | boardingaxe | Weapon | mediumitem, weapon, gunsmith, mountableweapon |
IC-4 Block | ic4block | Weapon | smallitem, explosive, demolitionsexpert |
Diving Knife | divingknife | Weapon | smallitem, weapon, gunsmith, mountableweapon |
Rapid Fissile Accelerator | nucleargun | Weapon | mediumitem, weapon, gun, mountableweapon |
Explosive Flak Shells Box | flakcannonammoboxexplosive | Weapon | flakcannonequipment, flakcannonammo, ammobox |
Assault Rifle Magazine | assaultriflemagazine | Weapon | smallitem, assaultrifleammo, handheldammo |
Handcannon Round | handcannonround | Weapon | smallitem, handcannonammo, pistolammoitem |
Autoshotgun | autoshotgun | Weapon | mediumitem, weapon, gun, gunsmith, mountableweapon, provocativetohumanai |
Physicorium Chaingun Ammunition Box | chaingunammoboxphysicorium | Weapon | chaingunequipment, chaingunammo, ammobox |
Explosive Slug | shotgunslugexplosive | Weapon | smallitem, shotgunammo, handheldammo |
Deadeye Carbine | smgunique | Weapon | smallautoweapon, smallitem, weapon, gun, provocativetohumanai, mountableweapon |
Harpoon Coil-Rifle | harpooncoilrifle | Weapon | mediumitem, weapon, gunsmith, provocativetohumanai, mountableweapon |
Physicorium Flak Shells Box | flakcannonammoboxphysicorium | Weapon | flakcannonequipment, flakcannonammo, ammobox |
Machine Pistol | machinepistol | Weapon | smallautoweapon, smallitem, weapon, gun, gunsmith, provocativetohumanai, mountableweapon |
Ticking Time Bomb (Exposed) | traitortimebomb2 | Weapon | smallitem,explosive,traitorbomb,traitormissionitem |
Assault Rifle | assaultrifle | Weapon | mediumitem, weapon, gun, gunsmith, mountableweapon, provocativetohumanai |
Shredder Chaingun Ammunition Box | chaingunammoboxshredder | Weapon | chaingunequipment, chaingunammo, ammobox |
Grenade Launcher | grenadelauncher | Weapon | mediumitem, weapon, gun, gunsmith, provocativetohumanai, mountableweapon |
Rifle | rifle | Weapon | mediumitem, weapon, gun, gunsmith, mountableweapon |
Rifle Round | riflebullet | Weapon | smallitem, rifleammo, handheldammo, riflemanbonus |
Wrench (Murder Mystery) | divingknife_murdermystery | Weapon | smallitem,tool,simpletool,mechanicalrepairtool,wrenchitem,mountableweapon |
Scrap Cannon | scrapcannon | Weapon | mediumitem, weapon, gun, mountableweapon |
C-4 Block | c4block | Weapon | smallitem, explosive, demolitionsexpert |
Railgun Harpoon | railgunharpoon | Weapon | railgunequipment, railgunammo |
Toy Hammer | toyhammer | Weapon | smallitem, mountableweapon, clowns |
Screwdriver (Murder Mystery) | screwdriver_murdermystery | Weapon | smallitem,simpletool,tool,electricalrepairtool,screwdriveritem |
Gravity Flak Shells Box | flakcannonammoboxgravity | Weapon | flakcannonequipment, flakcannonammo, ammobox |
HMG Magazine | hmgmagazine | Weapon | smallitem, hmgammo, handheldammo |
Coilgun Harpoon Box | coilgunharpoonbox | Weapon | coilgunequipment, coilgunammo, ammobox, noammobelt |
HMG | hmg | Weapon | mediumitem, weapon, gun, gunsmith, provocativetohumanai, mountableweapon |
SMG | smg | Weapon | smallautoweapon, smallitem, weapon, gun, gunsmith, mountableweapon |
Gravity Railgun Shell | railgunharpoon | Weapon | railgunequipment, railgunammo |
Boom Stick | shotgununique | Weapon | mediumitem, weapon, gun, mountableweapon |
C-4 Block (VIP) | c4block_vipbombing | Weapon | smallitem, explosive, demolitionsexpert |
Spreader Flak Shells Box | flakcannonammobox | Weapon | flakcannonequipment, flakcannonammo, ammobox |
Harpoon Gun | harpoongun | Weapon | mediumitem, weapon, gunsmith, mountableweapon |
Europan Handshake | divingknifeunique | Weapon | smallitem, weapon, mountableweapon |
Ticking Time Bomb | traitortimebomb | Weapon | smallitem,explosive,traitorbomb,traitormissionitem |
Physicorium Ammunition Box | physicoriumammobox | Weapon | coilgunequipment, coilgunammo, ammobox |
Acid Grenade | chemgrenade | Weapon | smallitem, weapon, explosive, demolitionsexpert |
Coilgun Ammunition Box (Blanks) | coilgunammobox_blanks | Weapon | coilgunequipment, coilgunammo, ammobox |
Dementonite Diving Knife | divingknifedementonite | Weapon | smallitem,weapon,mountableweapon |
Coilgun Ammunition Box | coilgunammobox | Weapon | coilgunequipment, coilgunammo, ammobox |
Railgun Shell | railgunshell | Weapon | railgunequipment, railgunammo |
Pulse Tri-Laser Fuel Box | pulselaserammoboxtrilaser | Weapon | pulselaserequipment, pulselaserammo, ammobox |
Handcannon | handcannon | Weapon | smallitem,weapon,gun,pistolitem,mountableweapon |
Revolver Round | revolverround | Weapon | smallitem, revolverammo, pistolammoitem |
Husk Stinger | huskstinger | Weapon | smallitem |
Pulse Laser Fuel Box | pulselaserammobox | Weapon | pulselaserequipment, pulselaserammo, ammobox |
Shotgun Rubber Shell | shotgunshellblunt | Weapon | smallitem, shotgunammo |
Boarding Pod | boardingpod | Weapon | depthchargeammo, autointeractabledepthchargeammo |
Riot Shotgun | shotgun | Weapon | mediumitem, weapon, gun, gunsmith, mountableweapon |
40mm Mini Nuke | 40mmnuke | Weapon | smallitem,grenade,separatists |
Dirty Bomb | dirtybomb | Weapon | smallitem,explosive,separatists |
Frag Grenade | fraggrenade | Weapon | smallitem, weapon, explosive, demolitionsexpert |
Fulgurium Stun Gun Dart | stungundartfulgurium | Weapon | smallitem, stungunammo |
Stun Gun | stungun | Weapon | smallitem, weapon, gun, stunner, gunsmith, provocativetohumanai, mountableweapon |
Stun Gun Dart | stungundart | Weapon | smallitem, stungunammo |
Spineling's Spike | spinelingspikeloot | Weapon | smallitem |
Depleted Fuel Coilgun Ammunition Box | coilgunammoboxdepletedfuel | Weapon | coilgunequipment, coilgunammo, ammobox |
Arc Emitter | arcemitter | Weapon | mediumitem, weapon, gun, mountableweapon |
Stun Baton | stunbaton | Weapon | smallitem,weapon,stunner,gunsmith,mountableweapon |
Revolver | revolver | Weapon | smallitem, weapon, gun, pistolitem, gunsmith, mountableweapon |
Stun Grenade | stungrenade | Weapon | smallitem,weapon,explosive,demolitionsexpert |
Incendium Grenade | incendiumgrenade | Weapon | smallitem, weapon, explosive, demolitionsexpert |
Harpoon | spear | Weapon | mediumitem, harpoonammo |
Ahab's Spear | spearunique | Weapon | mediumitem, harpoonammo |
Explosive Harpoon | explosivespear | Weapon | mediumitem, harpoonammo, demolitionsexpert |
Focused Flak Shells Box | flakcannondirectionalammobox | Weapon | flakcannonequipment, flakcannonammo, ammobox |
Depleted Fuel Revolver Round | revolverrounddepletedfuel | Weapon | smallitem, revolverammo, pistolammoitem |
UEX | UEX | Weapon | smallitem,explosive,demolitionsexpert |
Diving Knife (Murder Mystery) | divingknife_murdermystery | Weapon | smallitem,weapon,gunsmith,mountableweapon,sharptool,murderweapon |
40mm Grenade | 40mmgrenade | Weapon | smallitem,grenade |
Shotgun Shell | shotgunshell | Weapon | smallitem, shotgunammo |
Depleted Fuel SMG Magazine | smgmagazinedepletedfuel | Weapon | smallitem, smgammo |
SMG Magazine | smgmagazine | Weapon | smallitem, smgammo |
Chaingun Ammunition Box | chaingunammobox | Weapon | chaingunequipment, chaingunammo, ammobox |
40mm Acid Grenade | 40mmchemgrenade | Weapon | smallitem,grenade |
Piercing Coilgun Ammunition Box | coilgunammoboxpiercing | Weapon | coilgunequipment, coilgunammo, ammobox |
Ticking Time Bomb (Powered) | traitortimebomb3 | Weapon | smallitem,explosive,traitorbomb,traitormissionitem |
Explosive Coilgun Ammunition Box | coilgunammoboxexplosive | Weapon | coilgunequipment, coilgunammo, ammobox |
Nuclear Railgun Shell | nuclearshell | Weapon | railgunequipment, railgunammo |
Nuclear Railgun Shell | nuclearshellcheap | Weapon | railgunequipment, railgunammo |
Physicorium Railgun Shell | alienshell | Weapon | railgunequipment, railgunammo |
Canister Railgun Shell | railguncanistershell | Weapon | railgunequipment, railgunammo, containershell |
Pet Food | food | Misc | smallitem, petfood1, petfood2, petfood3, monsterfood |
Husk Figurine | huskfigurine | Misc | smallitem,traitormissionitem |
Book of Chalices: On Becoming a Herald of the Tide | bookofchalices2 | Misc | smallitem, huskcult |
Petraptor Egg | petraptoregg | Misc | |
Crawler Egg | crawleregg | Misc | |
Tiger Thresher Egg | tigerthresheregg | Misc | |
Tormsdale Report (Item) | tormsdalereport | Misc | smallitem |
Honkmotherian Scriptures: The Nine Pillars of Fun (IV-VI) | honkmotherianscriptures2 | Misc | smallitem, clowns |
Pipe Tobacco | pipetobacco | Misc | smallitem, pipetobacco |
Moloch Bone | molochbone | Misc | mediumitem |
Raptor Bane Seed | raptorbaneseed | Misc | smallitem, seed, plantitem |
Bike Horn | bikehorn | Misc | smallitem, hornitem, clowns |
Poop | poop | Misc | smallitem |
Cigar | cigar | Misc | smallitem |
Book of Chalices: The Three Metamorphoses | bookofchalices1 | Misc | smallitem, huskcult |
Small Crawler Egg | smallcrawleregg | Misc | smallitem, ignorebyai, monsterfood |
Commendation | coalitioncommendation | Misc | smallitem |
Deepdiver Duck | deepdiverduck | Misc | smallitem,traitormissionitem |
Medal | coalitionmedal | Misc | smallitem |
Seed Bag | seedbag | Misc | smallitem |
Dementonite Cymbals | cymbals | Misc | smallitem,clowns |
Researcher Scribble | researcherscribble1 | Misc | smallitem |
Banana | banana | Misc | smallitem, seed, plantitem |
Researcher Scribble | researcherscribble2 | Misc | smallitem |
Art of Submarine Warfare | skillbooksubmarinewarfare | Misc | smallitem, skillbook |
The Handy Seaman | skillbookhandyseaman | Misc | smallitem, skillbook |
The Sailorʹs Guide | skillbooksailorsguide | Misc | smallitem, skillbook |
Pomegrenade Seed | creepingorangevineseed | Misc | smallitem, seed, plantitem |
Mucus Ball | mucusball | Misc | smallitem |
Honkmotherian Scriptures: The Nine Pillars of Fun (VII-IX) | honkmotherianscriptures3 | Misc | smallitem, clowns |
Captain's Pipe | captainspipe | Misc | smallitem |
Europan Medicine | skillbookeuropanmedicine | Misc | smallitem, skillbook |
Collection of War Stories | skillbook_warstories | Misc | smallitem, skillbook |
Guitar | guitar | Misc | smallitem, instrument |
Accordion | accordion | Misc | smallitem, instrument |
Banana Peel | bananapeel | Misc | smallitem,clowns |
Watcher Shell Fragment | watchershell | Misc | mediumitem |
Mudraptor Egg | smallmudraptoregg | Misc | smallitem, ignorebyai, mudraptoregg |
Harmonica | harmonica | Misc | smallitem, instrument |
Tobacco Vine Seed | tobaccovineseed | Misc | smallitem, seed, plantitem |
Diver's Remains | diversremains | Misc | mediumitem,monsterfood |
Alien Circuitry | aliencircuitry | Misc | smallitem,signal |
Strange Eggs | peanutegg, psilotoadegg, orangeboyegg, balloonegg | Misc | smallitem, monsterfood |
Small Planter Box | smallplanter | Misc | planter, mediumitem, dontsellitems |
Endworm Shell Fragment | endwormshell | Misc | mediumitem |
Salt Vine Seed | saltvineseed | Misc | smallitem, seed, plantitem |
Fertilizer | fertilizer | Misc | fertilizer,smallitem |
Watering Can | wateringcan | Misc | smallitem, tool |
Chitin Chunk | chitin | Misc | smallitem |
Honkmotherian Scriptures: The Nine Pillars of Fun (I-III) | honkmotherianscriptures1 | Misc | smallitem, clowns |
Hammerhead Ribs | hammerheadribs | Misc | mediumitem |
Rum | rum | Medical, Misc | smallitem |
Beer Bottle | beerbottle | Medical, Misc | smallitem |
Tonic Liquid | tonicliquid | Medical, Material | smallitem, chem, medical |
Ethanol | ethanol | Medical, Material | smallitem, chem, medical, petfood2 |
Protein Bar | proteinbar | Medical, Material | smallitem, chem, medical |
Energy Drink | energydrink | Medical, Material | smallitem, chem, medical |
Pressure Stabilizer | pressurestabilizer | Medical | smallitem, chem, medical, syringe |
Stabilozine | stabilozine | Medical | smallitem, chem, medical, syringe |
Opium | opium | Medical | smallitem, chem |
Blood Pack | antibloodloss2 | Medical | smallitem, chem, medical, petfood1 |
Naloxone | antinarc | Medical | smallitem, chem, medical, syringe |
Saline | antibloodloss1 | Medical | smallitem, chem, medical, petfood1, petfood2, petfood3 |
Alien Blood | alienblood | Medical | smallitem, chem, medical |
Liquid Oxygenite | liquidoxygenite | Medical | smallitem, chem, medical, syringe |
Calyx Extract | huskeggs | Medical | smallitem, chem, medical, syringe |
Blood Sample Vial | bloodsamplevial | Medical | smallitem,chem,medical,syringe |
Methamphetamine | meth | Medical | smallitem, chem, medical, syringe |
Antirad | antirad | Medical | smallitem, chem, medical, syringe |
Anabolic Steroids | steroids | Medical | smallitem, chem, medical, syringe |
Hyperzine | hyperzine | Medical | smallitem, chem, medical, syringe |
Mindsense | mindsense | Medical | smallitem, chem, medical |
Mind Wipe | mindwipe | Medical | smallitem |
Sufforin Antidote | sufforinantidote | Medical | smallitem, chem, medical, syringe |
ID Card (Sootman) | idcardfakesootman | Medical | smallitem,idcard |
Deliriumine Antidote | deliriumineantidote | Medical | smallitem, chem, medical, syringe |
Crimson Acid | sulphuricacidsyringe | Medical | smallitem, chem, syringe |
Pomegrenade Extract | pomegrenadeextract | Medical | smallitem, chem, medical, syringe |
Deusizine | deusizine | Medical | smallitem, chem, medical, syringe |
Endocrine Booster | endocrinebooster | Medical | smallitem, chem, medical, syringe |
Adrenaline | adrenaline | Medical | smallitem, chem, medical, syringe |
Raptor Bane Extract | raptorbaneextract | Medical | smallitem, chem, poison, syringe |
Cyanide Antidote | cyanideantidote | Medical | smallitem, chem, medical, syringe |
Cyanide | cyanide | Medical | smallitem, chem, poison, syringe |
Sufforin | sufforin | Medical | smallitem, chem, poison, syringe |
Hallucinogenic Bufotoxin | hallucinogenicbufotoxin | Medical | smallitem, chem, poison, medical |
Morbusine Antidote | morbusineantidote | Medical | smallitem, chem, medical, syringe |
Radiotoxin | radiotoxin | Medical | smallitem, chem, poison, syringe |
Combat Stimulant | combatstimulantsyringe | Medical | smallitem, chem, medical, syringe |
Calyxanide | calyxanide | Medical | smallitem, chem, medical, syringe |
Europabrew | europabrew | Medical | smallitem, chem, medical, syringe |
Anaparalyzant | antiparalysis | Medical | smallitem, chem, medical, syringe |
Chloral Hydrate | chloralhydrate | Medical | smallitem, chem, poison, syringe |
Paralyzant | paralyzant | Medical | smallitem, chem, poison, syringe |
Deliriumine | deliriumine | Medical | smallitem, chem, poison, syringe |
Haloperidol | antipsychosis | Medical | smallitem, chem, medical, syringe |
Sulphuric Acid | sulphuricacid | Medical | smallitem, chem, poison |
Morbusine | morbusine | Medical | smallitem, chem, medical, syringe |
Broad-spectrum Antibiotics | antibiotics | Medical | smallitem, chem, medical, syringe |
Plastiseal | antibleeding2 | Medical | smallitem, medical |
Bandage | antibleeding1 | Medical | smallitem, medical |
Antibiotic Glue | antibleeding3 | Medical | smallitem, medical |
Morphine | antidama1 | Medical | smallitem, chem, medical, syringe |
Fentanyl | antidama2 | Medical | smallitem, chem, medic, syringe |
Nitroglycerin | nitroglycerin | Material, Weapon | smallitem, chem, medical |
Oxygenite Shard | oxygeniteshard | Material, Alien | alien, smallitem |
Sulphurite Shard | sulphuriteshard | Material, Alien | alien, smallitem |
Physicorium Bar | physicorium | Material, Alien | smallitem, ore |
Dementonite Cluster | dementonite | Material, Alien | smallitem, ore |
Incendium Crystal | incendium | Material, Alien | smallitem, ore |
Fulgurium Chunk | fulgurium | Material, Alien | smallitem, ore |
Dementonite Cluster (Minds Unraveled) | dementonite_mindsunraveled | Material, Alien | smallitem, ore |
Copper | copper | Material | smallitem, petfood3, munition_core, munition_jacket, advmunition_jacket |
Flash Powder | flashpowder | Material | smallitem, chem, explosive |
Galena | galena | Material | smallitem, ore |
Lithium | lithium | Material | smallitem, explodesinwater |
Sodium | sodium | Material | smallitem, explodesinwater |
Aragonite | aragonite | Material | smallitem, ore |
Esperite | esperite | Material | smallitem, ore |
Potassium | potassium | Material | smallitem, explodesinwater |
Adrenaline Gland | adrenalinegland | Material | smallitem, chem, medical |
Magnesium | magnesium | Material | smallitem, munition_propulsion |
Raptor Bane | raptorbane | Material | smallitem, plantitem, petfood1, petfood2, petfood3 |
Organic Fiber | organicfiber | Material | smallitem |
Iron | iron | Material | smallitem, munition_jacket, petfood3, scrapcannonammo |
Lead | lead | Material | smallitem, petfood3, munition_core, scrapcannonammo |
Steel Bar | steel | Material | smallitem, petfood3, munition_core, advmunition_core, advmunition_tip, scrapcannonammo |
Bornite | bornite | Material | smallitem, ore |
Scrap | scrap | Material | smallitem, scrapcannonammo |
Lazulite | lazulite | Material | smallitem, ore |
Quartz | quartz | Material | smallitem, ore |
Graphite | graphite | Material | smallitem, ore |
Chamosite | chamosite | Material | smallitem, ore |
Unidentified Genetic Material | geneticmaterial_unresearched | Material | smallitem,unidentifiedgeneticmaterial,blackmarketgenes |
Elastin Plant | elastinplant | Material | smallitem, plant |
Phosphorus | phosphorus | Material | smallitem, munition_propulsion |
Swim Bladder | swimbladder | Material | smallitem, chem, medical |
Velonaceps Calyx Eggs | huskeggsbasic | Material | smallitem, chem, medical |
Iron Ore | ironore | Material | smallitem, ore |
Mutated Raptor Bane | badraptorbane | Material | smallitem, plantitem, petfood1, petfood2, petfood3 |
Cryolite | cryolite | Material | smallitem, ore |
Paralyxis | paralyxis | Material | smallitem, ore |
Silicon | silicon | Material | smallitem |
Ilmenite | ilmenite | Material | smallitem, ore |
Mutated Pomegrenade | badcreepingorange | Material | smallitem, plantitem, petfood1, petfood2, petfood3 |
Aluminum | aluminium | Material | smallitem, petfood3 |
Fiber Plant | fiberplant | Material | smallitem, plant |
Sea Yeast Shroom | yeastshroom | Material | smallitem, plant |
Slime Bacteria | slimebacteria | Material | smallitem, plant |
Tin | tin | Material | smallitem, petfood3 |
Uranium Ore | uraniumore | Material | smallitem, ore |
Aquatic Poppy | aquaticpoppy | Material | smallitem, plant |
Uranium | uranium | Material | smallitem, advmunition_core, scrapcannonammo |
Thorium | thorium | Material | smallitem |
Sphalerite | sphalerite | Material | smallitem, ore |
Velonaceps Calyx Eggs (Infect) | huskeggs_huskroulette_infect | Material | smallitem,chem,medical,syringe,huskroulette,traitormissionitem |
Tobacco Bud | tobaccobud | Material | smallitem, plantitem |
Titanite | titanite | Material | smallitem, ore |
Thorianite | thorianite | Material | smallitem, ore |
Rubber | rubber | Material | smallitem |
Calcium | calcium | Material | smallitem |
Langbeinite | langbeinite | Material | smallitem, ore |
Chlorine | chlorine | Material | smallitem, chem, medical |
Stannite | stannite | Material | smallitem, ore |
Hydroxyapatite | hydroxyapatite | Material | smallitem, ore |
Plastic | plastic | Material | smallitem |
Salt Bulb | saltbulb | Material | smallitem, plantitem, explodesinwater |
Pomegrenade | creepingorange | Material | smallitem, plantitem, petfood1, petfood2, petfood3 |
Pyromorphite | pyromorphite | Material | smallitem, ore |
Velonaceps Calyx Eggs (Harmless) | huskeggs_huskroulette_harmless | Material | smallitem,chem,medical,syringe,huskroulette,traitormissionitem |
Carbon | carbon | Material | smallitem |
Chalcopyrite | chalcopyrite | Material | smallitem, ore |
Titanium | titanium | Material | smallitem, petfood3, advmunition_core, advmunition_tip |
Brockite | brockite | Material | smallitem, ore |
Triphylite | triphylite | Material | smallitem, ore |
Polyhalite | polyhalite | Material | smallitem, ore |
Sylvite | sylvite | Material | smallitem, ore |
Elastin | elastin | Material | smallitem, chem |
Cassiterite | cassiterite | Material | smallitem, ore |
Diamond | diamond | Material | smallitem, ore |
Zinc | zinc | Material | smallitem, munition_jacket, advmunition_jacket |
Chrysoprase | chrysoprase | Material | smallitem, ore |
Amblygonite | amblygonite | Material | smallitem, ore |
Ballistic Fiber | ballisticfiber | Material | smallitem |
Titanium-Aluminum Alloy | titaniumaluminiumalloy | Material | smallitem, petfood3 |
Portable Pump | portablepump | Machine | smallitem, donttakeitems |
Depleted Fuel | depletedfuel | Fuel, Material | smallitem |
Thorium Fuel Rod | thoriumfuelrod | Fuel | smallitem,reactorfuel |
Fuel Rod | fuelrod | Fuel | smallitem, reactorfuel |
Volatile Fulgurium Fuel Rod | fulguriumfuelrodvolatile | Fuel | smallitem, reactorfuel |
Fulgurium Fuel Rod | fulguriumfuelrod | Fuel | smallitem, reactorfuel |
Timed Detonator | timeddetonator | Equipment, Weapon | smallitem, detonator |
Detonator | detonator | Equipment, Weapon | smallitem, detonator |
Advanced Syringe Gun | advancedsyringegun | Equipment, Medical, Weapon | smallitem, gun, mountableweapon |
Syringe Gun | syringegun | Equipment, Medical, Weapon | smallitem, gun, mountableweapon |
Auto-Injector Headset | autoinjectorheadset | Equipment, Medical | smallitem, mobileradio |
Welding Fuel Tank | weldingfueltank | Equipment, Fuel | smallitem, weldingtoolfuel, weldingfuel |
Incendium Fuel Tank | incendiumfueltank | Equipment, Fuel | smallitem, weldingtoolfuel, weldingfuel |
Fulgurium Battery Cell | fulguriumbatterycell | Equipment, Electrical | smallitem, loadable, mobilebattery |
Battery Cell | batterycell | Equipment, Electrical | smallitem, loadable, mobilebattery |
Handheld Sonar | handheldsonar | Equipment, Diving | smallitem, sonar, provocative |
Cargo Scooter | cargoscooter | Equipment, Diving | mediumitem, provocative, scooter |
Clown Diving Mask | clowndivingmask | Equipment, Diving | smallitem, clownmask, diving, lightdiving |
Sonar Beacon | sonarbeacon | Equipment, Diving | smallitem, sonar, provocative |
Underwater Scooter | underwaterscooter | Equipment, Diving | smallitem, provocative, scooter |
Alien Flare | alienflare | Equipment, Alien | smallitem, light, provocative |
Outpost Dweller's Outfit | commonerclothes3 | Equipment | smallitem, clothing |
Outpost Dweller's Outfit | commonerclothes4 | Equipment | smallitem, clothing |
Flare | flare | Equipment | smallitem, light, provocative |
Outpost Dweller's Outfit | commonerclothes5 | Equipment | smallitem, clothing |
Assistant Clothes | assistantclothes | Equipment | smallitem, clothing |
Chitin Helmet | chitinhelmet | Equipment | smallitem |
Multi-tool | repairpack | Equipment | smallitem, tool, electricalrepairtool, mechanicalrepairtool, wrench, wrenchitem, screwdriver |
Electrician's Goggles | electriciansgoggles | Equipment | smallitem |
Handheld Status Monitor | handheldstatusmonitor | Equipment | smallitem, sonar, provocative |
Shipwreck ID Card | idcardwreck | Equipment | smallitem, wreck_id, identitycard |
Toolbelt | toolbelt | Equipment | mediumitem, mobilecontainer, tool |
Pet Name Tag | petnametag | Equipment | smallitem |
Dementonite Wrench | wrenchdementonite | Equipment | smallitem, tool, simpletool, mechanicalrepairtool, wrenchitem, mountableweapon |
Screwdriver | screwdriver | Equipment | smallitem, simpletool, tool, electricalrepairtool, screwdriveritem |
Molotov Cocktail | molotovcoctail | Equipment | smallitem, light, provocative, separatists |
Prisoner Outfit | prisonerclothes | Equipment | smallitem, clothing |
ID Card | idcard | Equipment | smallitem, identitycard |
Hazmat Suit | orangejumpsuit1 | Equipment | smallitem, clothing, radiationproof |
Backpack | backpack | Equipment | mediumitem, mobilecontainer, largemobilecontainer, tool |
Mother's Countenance | clownmaskunique | Equipment | smallitem, clownmask, clowns |
Handheld Electrical Monitor | handheldelectricalmonitor | Equipment | smallitem, sonar, provocative |
Duffel Bag | duffelbag | Equipment | mobilecontainer, despawncontainer |
Body Armor | bodyarmor | Equipment | smallitem,clothing |
Sprayer | sprayer | Equipment | smallitem, tool, mountableweapon |
Dementonite Screwdriver | screwdriverdementonite | Equipment | smallitem, simpletool, tool, electricalrepairtool, screwdriveritem |
Flashlight | flashlight | Equipment | smallitem, tool, provocative |
Researcher's Outfit | researcherclothes | Equipment | smallitem, clothing |
Separatist Body Armor | piratebodyarmor | Equipment | smallitem, clothing, separatists |
Headset | headset | Equipment | smallitem, mobileradio |
Handcuffs | handcuffs | Equipment | smallitem, handlocker |
Bandolier | bandolier | Equipment | mediumitem,clothing |
Plasma Cutter | plasmacutter | Equipment | smallitem, cuttingequipment, tool, mountableweapon |
Wrench | wrench | Equipment | smallitem, tool, simpletool, mechanicalrepairtool, wrenchitem, mountableweapon |
Turban | turban | Equipment | smallitem,clothing |
Health Scanner HUD | healthscanner | Equipment | smallitem |
Dementonite Crowbar | crowbardementonite | Equipment | smallitem, tool, simpletool, dooropeningtool, crowbaritem, mountableweapon |
Handheld Itemfinder | handhelditemfinder | Equipment | smallitem |
VIP Outfits | vipclothes1 | Equipment | smallitem, clothing |
VIP Outfits | vipclothes2 | Equipment | smallitem, clothing |
VIP Outfits | vipclothes3 | Equipment | smallitem, clothing |
Ritual Lantern | rituallantern | Equipment | smallitem,light,huskcult |
Cultist Robes (Faulty) | cultistrobesfaulty | Equipment | smallitem, clothing, huskcult |
Baseball Cap | baseballcap | Equipment | smallitem |
Welding Tool | weldingtool | Equipment | smallitem, weldingequipment, tool, mountableweapon |
Makeshift Armor | makeshiftarmor | Equipment | smallitem,clothing |
Mother's Providence | clownsuitunique | Equipment | smallitem,clothing,clowngear,clowns |
Riot Shield | riotshield | Equipment | mediumitem |
Station Administrator's Outfit | administratorclothes | Equipment | smallitem, clothing |
Prototype Steam Cannon | flamerunique | Equipment | smallitem, weapon, gun, mountableweapon |
Flamer | flamer | Equipment | smallitem, weapon, gun, mountableweapon |
Duffel Bag (Traitor) | traiterduffelbag | Equipment | mobilecontainer, despawncontainer |
Clown Costume | clowncostume | Equipment | smallitem,clothing,clowngear,clowns |
Clown Mask | clownmask | Equipment | smallitem,clownmask,clowns |
Mudraptor Shell | mudraptorshell | Equipment | smallitem,clothing |
Crew Chief's Outfit | crewchiefclothes | Equipment | smallitem, clothing |
Reactor PDA | reactorpda | Equipment | smallitem |
Engineer's Jumpsuit | orangejumpsuit2 | Equipment | smallitem, clothing |
Riot Helmet | ballistichelmet3 | Equipment | smallitem |
Watchman Clothes | watchmanclothes | Equipment | smallitem, clothing |
Ruin Scanner | ruinscanner | Equipment | smallitem, scanner |
Bandit Outfits | banditclothes1 | Equipment | smallitem, clothing |
Bandit Outfits | banditclothes2 | Equipment | smallitem, clothing |
Artifact Transport Case | artifacttransportcase | Equipment | mediumitem,mobilecontainer,artifactcontainer,poweredcontainer |
Doctor's Uniform | doctorsuniform2 | Equipment | smallitem, clothing |
Fire Extinguisher | extinguisher | Equipment | mediumitem, fireextinguisher, provocative |
Hardened Wrench | wrenchhardened | Equipment | smallitem, tool, simpletool, mechanicalrepairtool, wrenchitem, mountableweapon |
Boiler Suit | bluejumpsuit1 | Equipment | smallitem, clothing |
Hardened Screwdriver | screwdriverhardened | Equipment | smallitem, simpletool, tool, electricalrepairtool, screwdriveritem |
Quartermaster's Outfit | quartermasterclothes | Equipment | smallitem, clothing |
Hardened Crowbar | crowbarhardened | Equipment | smallitem, tool, simpletool, dooropeningtool, crowbaritem, mountableweapon |
Heavy Wrench | heavywrench | Equipment | smallitem, tool, simpletool, mechanicalrepairtool, wrenchitem, mountableweapon |
Glowstick | glowstick | Equipment | smallitem,light,provocative |
Crawler Mask | crawlermask | Equipment | smallitem |
Zealot Robes | zealotrobes | Equipment | smallitem, clothing, huskcult |
Cultist Robes | cultistrobes | Equipment | smallitem, clothing, huskcult |
Medic's Fatigues | doctorsuniform1 | Equipment | smallitem, clothing |
Fixfoam Grenade | fixfoamgrenade | Equipment | smallitem, weapon, explosive, demolitionsexpert |
Separatist Bandana | piratebandana | Equipment | smallitem, separatists |
Miner's Overalls | minerclothes | Equipment | smallitem, clothing |
Separatist Captain Hat | piratecaptainhat | Equipment | smallitem, clothing, separatists |
Veteran's Hat | captainsseparatistcap1 | Equipment | smallitem |
Radio Jammer | radiojammer | Equipment | smallitem |
Veteran's Fatigues | captainseparatistsuniform2 | Equipment | smallitem, clothing |
Warlord's Hat | captainsseparatistcap2 | Equipment | smallitem |
Warlord's Attire | captainseparatistsuniform3 | Equipment | smallitem, clothing |
Commander's Uniform | captainseparatistsuniform1 | Equipment | smallitem, clothing |
Veteran's Cap | captainscap1 | Equipment | smallitem |
Gunner's Helmet | ballistichelmet2 | Equipment | smallitem |
Renegade's Hat | captainscap2 | Equipment | smallitem |
Admiral's Hat | captainscap3 | Equipment | smallitem |
Veteran's Jacket | captainsuniform1 | Equipment | smallitem, clothing |
Renegade's Jacket | captainsuniform2 | Equipment | smallitem, clothing |
Thermal Goggles | thermalgoggles | Equipment | smallitem |
Gunner's Uniform | securityuniform3 | Equipment | smallitem, clothing |
Moloch Shell Fragment | shellshield | Equipment | mediumitem |
Admiral's Uniform | captainsuniform3 | Equipment | smallitem, clothing |
Commando's Fatigues | securityuniform1 | Equipment | smallitem, clothing |
Security Officer's Uniform | securityuniform2 | Equipment | smallitem, clothing |
Mechanic's Jumpsuit | bluejumpsuit2 | Equipment | smallitem, clothing |
Separatist Engineer Outfit | engineerseparatistsuniform1 | Equipment | smallitem, clothing |
Separatist Engineer Outfit | engineerseparatistsuniform2 | Equipment | smallitem, clothing |
Separatist Mechanic Outfit | mechanicseparatistsuniform1 | Equipment | smallitem, clothing |
Separatist Mechanic Outfit | mechanicseparatistsuniform2 | Equipment | smallitem, clothing |
Separatist Medic Fatigues | medicseparatistsuniform1 | Equipment | smallitem, clothing |
Separatist Medic Fatigues | medicseparatistsuniform2 | Equipment | smallitem, clothing |
Separatist Security Officer Fatigues | securityseparatistsuniform1 | Equipment | smallitem, clothing |
Separatist Security Officer Fatigues | securityseparatistsuniform2 | Equipment | smallitem, clothing |
Safety Harness | safetyharness | Equipment | smallitem,clothing |
Separatist Security Officer Fatigues | securityseparatistsuniform3 | Equipment | smallitem, clothing |
Separatist Costume | separatistcommoner1 | Equipment | smallitem, clothing, separatists |
Separatist Costume (Novice) | separatistcommoner2 | Equipment | smallitem, clothing, separatists |
Medical Officer's Outfit | medicalofficerclothes | Equipment | smallitem, clothing |
Separatist Costume (Hard) | separatistcommoner3 | Equipment | smallitem, clothing, separatists |
Gene Splicer | genesplicer | Equipment | smallitem,geneticdevice |
Storage Container | toolbox | Equipment | smallitem, tool, mountableweapon |
Advanced Gene Splicer | advancedgenesplicer | Equipment | smallitem, geneticdevice |
Crowbar | crowbar | Equipment | smallitem, tool, simpletool, dooropeningtool, crowbaritem, mountableweapon |
Outpost Security Uniform | securitypatrolclothes | Equipment | smallitem, clothing |
Iron Helmet | ironhelmet | Equipment | smallitem |
Ballistic Helmet | ballistichelmet1 | Equipment | smallitem |
Separatist Helmet | piratehelmet | Equipment | smallitem |
Outpost Dweller's Outfit | commonerclothes1 | Equipment | smallitem, clothing |
Outpost Dweller's Outfit | commonerclothes2 | Equipment | smallitem, clothing |
Wires | wire | Electrical | smallitem,wire |
Wires | redwire | Electrical | smallitem,wire |
Wires | bluewire | Electrical | smallitem,wire |
Wires | orangewire | Electrical | smallitem,wire |
Wires | greenwire | Electrical | smallitem,wire |
Wires | blackwire | Electrical | smallitem,wire |
Wires | brownwire | Electrical | smallitem,wire |
RegEx Find Component | regexcomponent | Electrical | smallitem, logic |
Not Component | notcomponent | Electrical | smallitem, logic |
Terminal | terminal | Electrical | smallitem, logic |
Lever | lever | Electrical | smallitem,switch |
Round Component | roundcomponent | Electrical | |
Subtract Component | subtractcomponent | Electrical | |
Acos Component | acoscomponent | Electrical | |
And Component | andcomponent | Electrical | smallitem, logic |
Equals Component | equalscomponent | Electrical | smallitem, logic |
Delay Component | delaycomponent | Electrical | smallitem, logic |
Sin Component | sincomponent | Electrical | |
Smoke Detector | smokedetector | Electrical | smallitem,sensor |
Asin Component | asincomponent | Electrical | |
Wifi Component | wificomponent | Electrical | smallitem, logic |
Exponentiation Component | powcomponent | Electrical | |
Divide Component | dividecomponent | Electrical | |
Multiply Component | multiplycomponent | Electrical | |
Oscillator Component | oscillator | Electrical | smallitem, logic |
Signal Check Component | signalcheckcomponent | Electrical | smallitem, logic |
Modulo Component | modulocomponent | Electrical | |
Xor Component | xorcomponent | Electrical | smallitem, logic |
Switch | switch | Electrical | smallitem,switch |
Cos Component | coscomponent | Electrical | |
Atan Component | atancomponent | Electrical | |
Greater Component | greatercomponent | Electrical | smallitem, logic |
Concatenation Component | concatcomponent | Electrical | smallitem, logic |
Floor Component | floorcomponent | Electrical | |
Tan Component | tancomponent | Electrical | |
Factorial Component | factorialcomponent | Electrical | |
Memory Component | memorycomponent | Electrical | smallitem, logic |
Square Root Component | squarerootcomponent | Electrical | |
Water Detector | waterdetector | Electrical | smallitem, sensor |
Or Component | orcomponent | Electrical | smallitem, logic |
Relay Component | relaycomponent | Electrical | smallitem, logic |
Output Selector Component | demultiplexercomponent | Electrical | smallitem, logic |
Input Selector Component | multiplexercomponent | Electrical | smallitem, logic |
Emergency Siren | emergencysiren | Electrical | smallitem, sound |
Ceil Component | ceilcomponent | Electrical | |
Abs Component | abscomponent | Electrical | |
Adder Component | addercomponent | Electrical | |
Color Component | colorcomponent | Electrical | smallitem, logic |
FPGA Circuit | fpgacircuit | Electrical | smallitem, signal |
Text Display | textdisplay | Electrical | mediumitem,logic |
Alarm Buzzer | alarmbuzzer | Electrical | smallitem,sound |
Oxygen Detector | oxygendetector | Electrical | smallitem,sensor |
Button | button | Electrical | smallitem,button |
Circuit Box | circuitbox | Electrical | smallitem |
Motion Detector | motiondetector | Electrical | smallitem,sensor |
Logbook | handheldterminal | Electrical | smallitem, logic |
Light Component | lightcomponent | Electrical | smallitem,lightcomponent |
Light Component | lightcomponent90 | Electrical | smallitem,lightcomponent |
Light Component | lightcomponent | Electrical | smallitem,lightcomponent |
Diving Suit | divingsuit | Diving,Equipment | diving,deepdiving,human |
Combat Diving Suit | combatdivingsuit | Diving,Equipment | diving,deepdiving,human |
Abyss Diving Suit | abyssdivingsuit | Diving,Equipment | diving,deepdiving,human |
Slipsuit | slipsuit | Diving,Equipment | diving,deepdiving,human |
PUCS | pucs | Diving,Equipment | diving,deepdiving,divinggear_wearableindoors,human |
Exosuit | exosuit | Diving,Equipment | diving,deepdiving,deepdivinglarge,human |
Funbringer 3000 | clownexosuit | Diving,Equipment | clowngear,deepdiving,deepdivinglarge,clowns,human |
Disposable Diving Suit | respawndivingsuit | Diving,Equipment | diving,deepdiving,human,respawnsuit |
Broken Diving Suit | brokendivingsuit | Diving,Equipment | diving,deepdiving,human |
Oxygenite Tank | oxygenitetank | Diving, Equipment | smallitem, oxygensource |
Diving Mask | divingmask | Diving, Equipment | smallitem, diving, lightdiving |
Oxygen Tank | oxygentank | Diving, Equipment | smallitem, oxygensource |
Alien Power Cell | alienpowercell | Alien,Equipment | alien,smallitem,alienpowercell |
Ancient Weapon | ancientweapon | Alien, Weapon | alien,mediumitem,weapon,mountableweapon |
Psychosis Alien Artifact | psychosisartifact | Alien | alien,alienartifact |
Psychosis Alien Artifact | psychosisartifact_event | Alien | alien,alienartifact |
Alien Ornament | alientrinket3 | Alien | alien,smallitem,smallalienartifact |
Sky Alien Artifact | skyholderartifact | Alien | alien,alienartifact |
Nasonov Alien Artifact | nasonovartifact | Alien | alien,nasonov,alienartifact |
Alien Translator | alientranslator | Alien | smallitem |
Alien Curio | alientrinket2 | Alien | alien,smallitem,smallalienartifact |
Faraday Alien Artifact | faradayartifact | Alien | alien,alienartifact |
Alien Trinket | alientrinket1 | Alien | alien,smallitem,smallalienartifact |
Thermal Alien Artifact | thermalartifact | Alien | alien,alienartifact |
Crates | securemetalcrate | crate,securecrate | |
Crates | explosivecrate | crate,allowcleanup | |
Crates | chemicalcrate | crate,allowcleanup | |
Crates | mediccrate | crate,allowcleanup | |
Crates | magneticsuspensioncrate | crate,magneticsuspensioncrate,poweredcontainer | |
Crates | chemicalcratedamaged | crate | |
Crates | sealedsupplycrate | crate | |
Party Banner | partybanner | smallitem,traitormissionitem | |
Husk Caller | huskcaller | smallitem,instrument,traitormissionitem | |
Makeshift Shelves | makeshiftshelf | container, cargocontainer | |
Clown Crate | clowncrate | crate,allowcleanup,clowns | |
Crates | metalcrate | crate,allowcleanup |
This is the documentation page, it should be transcluded into the main template page. See Template:Doc for more information.