Dementonite Screwdriver

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Dementonite Screwdriver

Inventory icon

Fabricated from the poorly understood alien material dementonite. Holding it evokes a strange sense of unease.
 Lacerations (7.5)*
 Psychosis (5)*
 Stun (0.2)*
Range 0.5 m
Attack Speed 1.11
Item Damage 2
Constructible? No
Deconstructor Yield
Base Price 450 mk
OutpostOutpost Sell
Habitation OutpostHabitation 135 mk
ColonyColony 135 mk
Research OutpostResearch 135 mk
Military OutpostMilitary 135 mk
Mining OutpostMining 135 mk
Medical MerchantMedical Merchant 135 mk
Engineer MerchantEngineer Merchant 135 mk
Armory MerchantArmory Merchant 135 mk
Children of The HonkmotherClown Merchant 135 mk
The Church of HuskHusk Merchant 135 mk
Identifier screwdriverdementonite
Categories Equipment
Tags smallitem, simpletool, tool, electricalrepairtool, screwdriveritem

The Dementonite Screwdriver is a Tool in Barotrauma.


The Dementonite Screwdriver is a one-handed tool which can be used as a Melee Weapon. Its an upgrade over the regular Screwdriver as it repairs 40% faster, inflicts more Lacerations, has increased attack speed, and additionaly inflicts Psychosis, which doesn't have much of a use other than messing with crewmates, but it no longer inflicts any Bleeding. Despite that it should still only be used as a last resort for smaller Creatures like Crawlers. Its main purpose is performing electrical repairs on installations. It is also used to rewire Connection Panels of any installations or electrical components.

It can only be acquired using console commands as the talent unlocking its crafting recipe and the crafting recipe itself have been removed.


The Dementonite Screwdriver is held with one hand. As with all weapons and tools, using it is done by holding the Right Mouse Right-click to take aim, then by Left Mouse Left-clicking to shoot/use.

  • It can be used to repair electrical installations by pressing the "Use" keybind (E by default) on an installation to open the repair GUI and starting the repairs.
    • Attempting a repair while not having the required Electrical Engineering skill takes a lot longer and presents a risk of failure, which interrupts the repair and inflicts Burn and Stun.
  • It can also be used to rewire Connection Panels of any installations or electrical components inside the repair GUI.
    • Attempting a rewiring while not having the required Electrical Engineering skill presents a high risk of failure, which interrupts the rewiring and inflicts Burn and Stun.
  • Its one-handed, meaning it can be dual-wielded, essentially doubling the DPS, but it does not increase the repair speed.
  • It has a 5% chance to inflict 5 Psychosis on the user when used. Failing a repair or rewiring inflicts 10 Psychosis on the user.
  • The Dementonite Screwdriver gains 10% Repair Speed per quality level. (10% / 20% / 30%)

Damage Values

Item Afflictions Attack Speed Armor Penetration

Dementonite Screwdriver
 Lacerations (7.5)*
 Psychosis (5)*
 Stun (0.2)*
1.11 0%

Hardened Screwdriver
 Lacerations (7)*
 Bleeding (2)*
 Stun (0.08)*
1 25%

 Lacerations (5)*
 Bleeding (2)*
 Stun (0.05)*
1 0%

Related Talents

Talent Tree Description

Aggressive Engineering
ID: aggressiveengineering
Tier 2
You deal triple damage with Screwdrivers.

Heavy Hitter
ID: heavyhitter
Weapons Engineer
Spec. 2
Unlock recipe: Hardened Wrench, Hardened Screwdriver, Hardened Crowbar, Hardened Diving Knife.

See Also


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v · d · e · h


Submarine Weapons
Large Turrets
Handheld Weapons
Ranged Weapons
Melee Weapons
Ammunition & Explosives