Honkmotherian Scriptures: The Nine Pillars of Fun (VII-IX)

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Honkmotherian Scriptures: The Nine Pillars of Fun (VII-IX)

Inventory icon

Constructible? No
Deconstructible? No
Reputation Requirement
Base Price 20 mk
OutpostOutpost Buy Sell
Habitation OutpostHabitation N/A 6 mk
ColonyColony N/A 6 mk
Research OutpostResearch N/A 6 mk
Military OutpostMilitary N/A 6 mk
Mining OutpostMining N/A 6 mk
Medical MerchantMedical Merchant N/A 6 mk
Engineer MerchantEngineer Merchant N/A 6 mk
Armory MerchantArmory Merchant N/A 6 mk
Children of The HonkmotherClown Merchant 20 mk 6 mk
The Church of HuskHusk Merchant N/A 6 mk
Identifier honkmotherianscriptures3
Categories Misc
Tags smallitem, clowns

The Honkmotherian Scriptures: The Nine Pillars of Fun (VII-IX) is a miscellaneous item.


The Honkmotherian Scriptures: The Nine Pillars of Fun (VII-IX) contains teachings written by the Children of the Honkmother.

It can be bought from Clown Merchants, provided the player has at least 50 Reputation with the Children of the Honkmother.


If the player has all three of the scriptures in their inventory, they will gain Clown Power.

When held it displays the following text:

Honkmotherian Scriptures: The Nine Pillars of Fun (VII-IX)
VII. If you do not fear death, how can it intimidate you? To truly understand this is to take a great stride along the Path of the Bike Horn. To unnaturally try to extend life is to fear death. To try and alter the life-breath is to fear death. The Jester understands that when something reaches its prime it will soon begin to decline. Changing the natural is to stray from the Path of the Bike Horn. Those who do it will not have Fun in the end.

VIII. With compassion, you will be able to be brave. With moderation, you will be able to bring Fun to the world. With humility, you will be able to guide others. To abandon compassion while seeking to be brave, or abandoning moderation while being amusing, or abandoning humility while seeking to guide will not lead to Fun.

IX. The kite rises high and the Jester lets it soar; the kite string pops and the Jester lets it fly away. He has but does not possess, acts but does not expect. When his work is done, he forgets it. That is why it lasts forever, much like the Grandest of Jesters. Praise the Honkmother!


  • The Honkmotherian Scriptures are based on excerpts from Tao Te Ching, an ancient Chinese text that provides the basis for the philosophical school of Taoism.
  • The seventh 'Pillar of Fun' is based on Chapter 74 of the Tao Te Ching.
  • The eighth 'Pillar of Fun' is based on Chapter 67 of Tao Te Ching.
  • The sixth 'Pillar of Fun' is based on Chapter 2 Tao Te Ching. It also includes a reference to the album "When the Kite String Pops" by the band Acid Bath, whose cover art depicts the clown alter-ego of the notorious serial killer John Wayne Gacy.

See Also

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