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Data is potentially outdated
Last updated for version
Last mentioned in changelog
The current game version is


ID: Moloch

1,250 (Boss: 1,600)

Sight: 0.075 (Boss: 0.1)
Hearing: 1 (Boss: 1.5)

Shell, Skirt, Tentacles
(See values in the Defense section)


Core beneath the Shell

Immunities Vulnerabilities
Poisons x 0.3
Walk speed


Swim speed

2 slow - 6.50 fast



Can Enter Submarine?


only 1 of the items marked with an asterisk * may drop at a time
Items Chance
Moloch Bone
100% (1/1)
Moloch Shell Fragment
33% (1/3)

The Moloch is a large jellyfish-like creature that manifests in Barotrauma.


Molochs' large dark blue shells cover most of their main bodies, also known as their "core", to provide protection from their front. Moloch's cores are mostly made up of their "ballast sac", which pulsates to allow movement underwater.
Above the Moloch's core, three elongated dark brown tentacles protrude from under the shell. Below the core, thin black tendrils known as the "skirt" trail the Moloch, providing extra protection.
Molochs rely on echolocation to navigate. The sounds emitted from this are strikingly tuneful notes, which become stronger and higher in tone when the creature attacks. These will also cause interference on Sonar if they are close enough, and leads to Moloch being detected from a relatively long range in passive sonar, compared to other Creatures.


Molochs are agitated by noise. If attacked in melee by a reckless diver, the Moloch will strike back but won't persist, unless it is actively chasing the submarine. If the submarine and its crew stay silent for a few seconds, the Moloch may lose them and stop pursuit.
Impact with a Moloch, or even just a corpse thereof, is especially damaging to the submarine's hull and will easily punch holes in it, causing floods.
Molochs will deliberately attempt to ram the submarine. Despite their persistence to sink the submarine, they tend to be unable to match their speed, which makes fleeing a viable option.

Combat Strategies

Coilgun Piercing and Exploding Ammunition will damage the core through the shell, and is the best option when attacking from above.

Since the shell of a Moloch significantly reduces the efficiency of regular attacks from above, if lacking any piercing or exploding ammunition it is strongly recommended to shoot them from below for maximum efficiency. A Railgun will take three to four shots to kill it. If a player manages to shoot it under its shell, it will usually be an instant-kill.


Attack Target type Afflictions on hitAfflictions InsideArea of EffectStructure DamageCooldownKinetic Force
Core Submarine Stun 7.5s 8m 150 12 50
Shell Character
 Bite Wounds (100)*
 Stun (3)*
12 15
Tentacles (x2) Character
 Bite Wounds (75)*
 Stun (3)*
10 5 50
Third Tentacle Character
 Bite Wounds (50)*
 Stun (3)*
10 5 50



Limb Burn Bleeding Damage (all)Min
Severance Damage
Core x 1.5 x 1.5 x 1.5 
Shell x 0.25 x 0 x 0.1 15 
Tentacles x 0.5 x 0.5 x 0.5
Skirt x 0.25 x 0.25 x 0.25 1


  • Moloch "bosses" are the targets of "Killing a Moloch" Missions.
    They are 20% bigger than regular Molochs, have higher vitality, inflict +20% affliction damage, their attacks have +20% range, and cause more damage to hulls.
  • Black Moloch, as their name suggests, have a darker shade to their shell and limbs, and are encountered in Random Events.
    They are 20% bigger than regular Molochs, have higher vitality, inflict +20% affliction damage, and their attacks have +20% range. Their ramming attack has a large area-of-effect with a light EMP effect.
  • Moloch Baby Moloch Babies lack any offensive capabilities, but will emit a very loud noise when hurt, calling for their mother to defend them from a very long range.
    They drop 1 Alien Blood and 1 Swim Bladder.


  • The Moloch Boss' internal ID used to be "Molochboss"; in version, it was changed to "Moloch_m".
  • Before version, Molochs were unable to damage players, but tried to regardless. This resulted in the popularity of a 'rush' strategy to deal with them: divers would swim to the Moloch and strike it with the least efficient weapon, distracting the creature from the comparatively vulnerable submarine and slowly wearing out the monster. The issue was fixed in, and the strategy abandoned.
  • Interestingly, the Moloch's code doesn't include direct damage values against structures, instead transferring kinetic energies to yield the same result and create hull breaches.
  • Molochs bear a resemblance to the extinct Dollocaris as it has a similar body plan, and may have been based on them.
  • Black Moloch when nearby the sub cause different interference then regular Moloch, which resembles Sonar Flora.
  • In The Europan there is a mention of the Moloch's Milk that Aunt Doris uses in her recipe for fried tiger thresher.


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