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Skills are levels determining how capable a character is at performing a specific task.


Depending on the job the character has, they will start the game with a randomized range of skill levels in each field. Performance of certain tasks or usage of certain items will be hindered by an insufficient skill related to the task. This handicap is scaled and proportional to the character's level difference with the task or item's skill requirements.

The lowest skill level a character can have in any skill is 5; thus, the maximum handicap is suffered at level 5, and gradually decreases as the skill level increases, being completely removed when reaching the required skill level.

  • In modes other than Campaign, experience gain is multiplied by 5x.
  • Global Experience gain settings are defined in /Barotrauma/Content/SkillSettings.xml
  • Skill gain is generally divided by your current skill level.
  • Crafting more difficult recipes awards more experience.

Degree of Success

The degree of success is a value between 0 and 1, used to determine the outcome of skill checks, where 0.5 corresponds to exactly meeting the skill requirement.

This is calculated by the following equation for a check that uses only 1 skill; if a check requires multiple skills, the average of the skill differences is used.

(Character Skill - Required Skill + 100) / 200

A value below 0.5 means the requirement is not met. This generally means there is a probability of failure or other detrimental effect.

A value above 0.5 guarantees success for the check, but does not necessarily provide any other benefit.


When crafting items in Fabricators or Medical Fabricators, exceeding the requirement grants a bonus to crafting speed of up to +100%. If the requirement is not met, crafting may be 4 to 100 times longer:
Base Crafting Time / (Degree of Success * Degree of Success)


Success Rate for actions involving "Items" is proportional to the difference in levels out of 100, the percentage is calculated as follows:

100 - (Required Skill - Character Skill)


Repairs currently use the same probability to determine if the user immediately takes damage instead of beginning the repair. Highest skill level required to repair is 55 and the minimum skill is 5, the minimum probability of success is 50%.

  • Repair time for being skilled or unskilled is set based on the item, this can be changed in the Submarine Editor. By Default, it takes 5 times longer to repair for unskilled characters.

Medical Items

When applying Medical Items, failing the check means reduced positive effects and/or increased negative effects. Exceeding the requirement provides no benefit other than guaranteed success.


Determines how good a character is at steering a submarine. Depending on the skill level the Navigation Terminal has a longer/shorter time delay between receiving the desired X/Y velocity and setting the Engines and Pumps to the right speed and water level. Helm value also gives a scaling bonus to engine power.

Captains have the highest starting level of helm skill in the crew.

Ways to improve the Helm Skill:

  • Manually steering the submarine or a drone
  • Manufacturing pipe tobacco
Helm Usage
Name Skill Requirement Handicap

Ceremonial Sword
Helm: 50
Weapons: 50
Medical: 50
Attack Speed -1.25 (1.92 → 0.67)

Helm Crafting
Name Skill Requirement

Deepdiver Duck
Helm: 10

Pipe Tobacco
Helm: 30


Determines a character's effectiveness with certain weapons. Not having the required skill level to use a weapon will hinder its performance in a particular field, and not having the required skill level to craft items will make the item take longer to craft.

Security Officers, followed by Captains have the highest starting level of weapon skill in the crew.

Ways to improve the Weapons Skill:

  • Firing weapons
  • Damaging enemies with weapons
  • Crafting weapons and ammunition
Weapons Usage
Name Skill Requirement Handicap

Stun Gun
Weapons: 20
Spread +2 (0 → 2)

Syringe Gun
Weapons: 20
Medical: 30
Spread +10 (0 → 10)

Rapid Fissile Accelerator
Weapons: 25
Spread +10 (0 → 10)

Scrap Cannon
Weapons: 25
Spread +3 (1 → 4)

Harpoon Coil-Rifle
Weapons: 30
Spread +4.8 (0.2 → 5)

Advanced Syringe Gun
Weapons: 30
Medical: 50
Spread +10 (0 → 10)

Harpoon Gun
Weapons: 30
Spread +9 (1 → 10)

Weapons: 40
Reload time +3 (2 → 5)
Spread 2 (No penalty)

Prototype Steam Cannon
Weapons: 40
Burns applied to user
Lower fire rate
Spread 25 (No penalty)

Weapons: 40
Spread +5.9 (0.1 → 6)

Ceremonial Sword
Helm: 50
Weapons: 50
Medical: 50
Attack Speed -1.25 (1.92 → 0.67)

Deadeye Carbine
Weapons: 50
Spread +6 (10 → 16)

Machine Pistol
Weapons: 50
Spread +8 (10 → 18)

Assault Rifle
Weapons: 50
Spread +12 (4 → 16)

Weapons: 50
Spread +6 (10 → 16)

Boom Stick
Weapons: 50
Spread +3 (1 → 4)

Weapons: 50
Burns applied to user
Lower fire rate
Spread 25 (No penalty)

Riot Shotgun
Weapons: 50
Spread +2.9 (0.1 → 3)

Grenade Launcher
Weapons: 60
Spread +9 (1 → 10)

Weapons: 60
Spread +8 (0 → 8)

Weapons: 75
Spread +13 (5 → 18)

Weapons: 90
Spread +44 (6 → 50)
Short Stun when firing.

Weapons: 50
Spring Stiffness -48 (50 → 2)
Spring Damping -9.5 (10 → 0.5)
Rotation Speed -4 (5 → 1)

Pulse Laser
Weapons: 50
Spring Stiffness -48 (50 → 2)
Spring Damping -9.5 (10 → 0.5)
Rotation Speed -7 (8 → 1)

Weapons: 50
Spring Stiffness -48 (50 → 2)
Spring Damping -9.5 (10 → 0.5)
Rotation Speed -7 (8 → 1)

Weapons: 50
Spring Stiffness -48 (50 → 2)
Spring Damping -9.5 (10 → 0.5)
Rotation Speed -7 (8 → 1)

Flak Cannon
Weapons: 50
Spring Stiffness -48 (50 → 2)
Spring Damping -9.5 (10 → 0.5)
Rotation Speed -7 (8 → 1)

Double Coilgun
Weapons: 50
Spring Stiffness -48 (50 → 2)
Spring Damping -9.5 (10 → 0.5)
Rotation Speed -7 (8 → 1)

Weapons Crafting
Name Skill Requirement

Makeshift Armor
Weapons: 20
Mechanical: 20

Weapons: 20

Weapons: 20

Iron Helmet
Weapons: 20
Mechanical: 20

Depth Charge Shell
Weapons: 25

Depth Decoy Shell
Weapons: 25

Railgun Harpoon
Weapons: 25

Coilgun Harpoon Box
Weapons: 25

Spreader Flak Shells Box
Weapons: 25

Coilgun Ammunition Box
Weapons: 25

Railgun Shell
Weapons: 25

Boarding Pod
Weapons: 25

Focused Flak Shells Box
Weapons: 25
File:Canister Railgun Shell.png
Canister Railgun Shell
Weapons: 25

40mm Stun Grenade
Weapons: 30

Hardened Diving Knife
Weapons: 30

Diving Knife
Weapons: 30

Harpoon Coil-Rifle
Weapons: 30

Rifle Round
Weapons: 30

Gravity Railgun Shell
Weapons: 30

Riot Shield
Weapons: 30

Harpoon Gun
Weapons: 30

Riot Helmet
Weapons: 30

Revolver Round
Weapons: 30

Shotgun Rubber Shell
Weapons: 30

Stun Gun Dart
Weapons: 30

Stun Baton
Weapons: 30

Stun Grenade
Weapons: 30

Physicorium Harpoon
Weapons: 30

Explosive Harpoon
Weapons: 30

Weapons: 30
Electrical: 10

Depleted Fuel Revolver Round
Weapons: 30
Electrical: 30

Gunner's Helmet
Weapons: 30

40mm Grenade
Weapons: 30

Shotgun Shell
Weapons: 30

Ballistic Helmet
Weapons: 30

40mm Acid Grenade
Weapons: 30
File:Piercing Coilgun Ammunition Box.png
Piercing Coilgun Ammunition Box
Weapons: 30
File:Physicorium Railgun Shell.png
Physicorium Railgun Shell
Weapons: 30

Weapons: 35

Weapons: 35

Nuclear Depth Charge
Weapons: 40

Nuclear Depth Decoy
Weapons: 40

Ceremonial Sword
Weapons: 40

Boarding Axe
Weapons: 40

Assault Rifle Magazine
Weapons: 40

Explosive Slug
Weapons: 40

Physicorium Flak Shells Box
Weapons: 40

Body Armor
Weapons: 40

Gravity Flak Shells Box
Weapons: 40

HMG Magazine
Weapons: 40

Acid Grenade
Weapons: 40
File:Physicorium Coilgun Ammunition Box.png
Physicorium Coilgun Ammunition Box
Weapons: 40

Fulgurium Stun Gun Dart
Weapons: 40

Stun Gun
Weapons: 40

Depleted Fuel Coilgun Ammunition Box
Weapons: 40

Incendium Grenade
Weapons: 40

Depleted Fuel SMG Magazine
Weapons: 40
Electrical: 30

SMG Magazine
Weapons: 40

Chaingun Ammunition Box
Weapons: 40
File:Nuclear Railgun Shell.png
Nuclear Railgun Shell
Weapons: 40

Handcannon Round
Weapons: 45

EMP Grenade
Weapons: 50

IC-4 Block
Weapons: 50

Explosive Flak Shells Box
Weapons: 50

Pulse Laser Fuel Box
Weapons: 50

Weapons: 50
File:Explosive Coilgun Ammunition Box.png
Explosive Coilgun Ammunition Box
Weapons: 50

Weapons: 55

Physicorium Chaingun Ammunition Box
Weapons: 55

Weapons: 55

Weapons: 55

Riot Shotgun
Weapons: 55

Shredder Chaingun Ammunition Box
Weapons: 60

Weapons: 60

Frag Grenade
Weapons: 60

Assault Rifle
Weapons: 65

Weapons: 65

Pulse Tri-Laser Fuel Box
Weapons: 65

C-4 Block
Weapons: 70

Mechanical Engineering

Determines how well a character operates certain Tools and how long crafting takes in the Fabricator. Not having the required skill level can cause the tools to be less efficient and makes items take longer to craft. See each item's page for their mechanical skill requirements when crafting.

Mechanics have the highest starting level of mechanical engineering skill in the crew.

Ways to improve the Mechanical Engineering Skill:

  • Repairing hulls
  • Performing mechanical repairs on Installations
  • Manufacturing items requiring the Mechanical Engineering skill in the Fabricator

Mechanical Engineering affects the insufficient skill handicap of Plasma Cutters and Welding Tools and also affects the structure damage they inflict/repair per second.

The handicap affects the consistency of the tool by comparing if a random number between 0 and 0.5 is greater than the Degree of Success, which can be expressed this way: 1 - (Degree of Success / 0.5), meaning an average decrease of 45% at the lowest skill level.

Tools apply structure damage 60 times per second, the structure damage is calculated using the formula: (-Structure Fix Amount * Degree of Success)

  • Plasma Cutters have a Structure Fix Amount of -0.5, meaning they damage structures at a rate of 15/s at 50 skill.
  • Welding Tools have a Structure Fix Amount of 2.0, meaning they repair structures at a rate of 60/s at 50 skill.
Mechanical Usage
Name Skill Requirement Handicap

Heavy Wrench
Attack Speed 0.67
Stun (0.3)* to self

Scrap Cannon
Weapons: 25
Spread +3 (1 → 4)

Ceremonial Sword
Helm: 50
Weapons: 50
Medical: 50
Attack Speed -1.25 (1.92 → 0.67)

Plasma Cutter
Slower Cutting Speed ~45% (0% → ~45%)

Welding Tool
Slower Welding Speed ~45% (0% → ~45%)

Alien Pump
Slower Repairs
Minor Injuries if failed

Railgun Loader (Legacy)
Slower Repairs
Minor Injuries if failed

Railgun Loader Single Horizontal
Slower Repairs
Minor Injuries if failed

Railgun Loader Single Vertical
Slower Repairs
Minor Injuries if failed

Chaingun Loader
Slower Repairs
Minor Injuries if failed

Pulse Laser Loader
Slower Repairs
Minor Injuries if failed

Railgun Loader
Slower Repairs
Minor Injuries if failed

Coilgun Loader
Slower Repairs
Minor Injuries if failed

Flak Cannon Loader
Slower Repairs
Minor Injuries if failed

Coilgun Loader
Slower Repairs
Minor Injuries if failed

Mechanical Crafting
Name Skill Requirement

Mechanical: 20

Steel Bar
Mechanical: 20

Mechanical: 20

Welding Fuel Tank
Mechanical: 20

Mechanical: 20

Handheld Itemfinder
Mechanical: 20
Electrical: 20

Makeshift Shelves
Mechanical: 20
Electrical: 20

Fire Extinguisher
Mechanical: 20

Hardened Wrench
Mechanical: 20

Hardened Screwdriver
Mechanical: 20

Mechanical: 20

Heavy Wrench
Mechanical: 20

Oxygen Tank
Mechanical: 20

Small Planter Box
Mechanical: 20

Watering Can
Mechanical: 20

Storage Container
Mechanical: 20

Mechanical: 25

Diving Mask
Mechanical: 25

Safety Harness
Mechanical: 25

Handheld Sonar
Mechanical: 30

Handheld Status Monitor
Mechanical: 30

Cargo Scooter
Mechanical: 30

Mechanical: 30

Mechanical: 30

Plasma Cutter
Mechanical: 30

Health Scanner HUD
Mechanical: 30
Medical: 50

Welding Tool
Mechanical: 30

Mechanical: 30
Weapons: 20

Auto-Injector Headset
Mechanical: 30

Hardened Crowbar
Mechanical: 30

Sonar Beacon
Mechanical: 30

Mechanical: 30

Underwater Scooter
Mechanical: 30

Titanium-Aluminum Alloy
Mechanical: 30

Fixfoam Grenade
Mechanical: 35

Mechanical: 40

Diving Suit
Mechanical: 40

Oxygenite Tank
Mechanical: 40

Incendium Fuel Tank
Mechanical: 40

Ballistic Fiber
Mechanical: 40

Portable Pump
Mechanical: 50

Combat Diving Suit
Mechanical: 60

Abyss Diving Suit
Mechanical: 60

Mechanical: 60

Funbringer 3000
Mechanical: 60

Scrap Cannon
Mechanical: 65

Electrical Engineering

Determines how long electrical repairs take, and if rewiring or reparations can be done safely.

Also improves optimal areas when manually controlling the Reactor.

Engineers have the highest starting level of electrical engineering skill in the crew.

Ways to improve the Electrical Engineering Skill:

  • Performing electrical repairs
  • Manufacturing items requiring Electrical Engineering skill in the Fabricator

Rewiring and Electrical Repairs Requirements

A character attempting to rewire or repair Installations without the proper skill risks getting Stunned (5) and Burned (5). The risk is proportional to the level gap.

The risk of failure is absent when repairing installations that have been fully destroyed, or that are unpowered; however such repairs will still take longer.

Electrical Usage
Name Skill Requirement Handicap

Ceremonial Sword
Helm: 50
Weapons: 50
Medical: 50
Attack Speed -1.25 (1.92 → 0.67)

Rapid Fissile Accelerator
Weapons: 25
Spread +10 (0 → 10)

Slower Repairs
Minor Injuries if failed

Sonar Monitor
Slower Repairs
Minor Injuries if failed

Slower Repairs
Minor Injuries if failed

Electrical Crafting
Name Skill Requirement

Timed Detonator
Electrical: 10

Seed Bag
Electrical: 15

FPGA Circuit
Electrical: 15

Light Component
Electrical: 20

Light Component
Electrical: 20

Light Component
Electrical: 20

Electrical: 20

Electrical: 25

Handheld Electrical Monitor
Electrical: 25

Fuel Rod
Electrical: 25

Battery Cell
Electrical: 25

Electrical: 25

Smoke Detector
Electrical: 30

Water Detector
Electrical: 30

Emergency Siren
Electrical: 30

Alarm Buzzer
Electrical: 30

Reactor PDA
Electrical: 30

Oxygen Detector
Electrical: 30

Motion Detector
Electrical: 30

Depleted Fuel
Electrical: 35

Circuit Box
Electrical: 35

Nuclear Depth Charge (cheap)
Electrical: 40

Nuclear Depth Decoy (cheap)
Electrical: 40

Fulgurium Battery Cell
Electrical: 40
File:Nuclear Shell (cheap).png
Nuclear Shell (cheap)
Electrical: 40

Electrician's Goggles
Electrical: 50

Thorium Fuel Rod
Electrical: 50

Electrical: 50

Text Display
Electrical: 50

Thermal Goggles
Electrical: 50

Electrical: 60

Fulgurium Fuel Rod
Electrical: 60

Rapid Fissile Accelerator
Electrical: 65

Arc Emitter
Electrical: 65

Volatile Fulgurium Fuel Rod
Electrical: 70


Determines how proficient a character is at treating their wounds and the wounds of others. Not having the required skill level can cause incorrect diagnosis of conditions, ineffective usage of Chemicals, and ineffective or even harmful CPR.

Medical doctors have the highest starting level of medical skill in the crew.

Ways to improve the Medical Skill:

  • Manufacturing items requiring medical skill in the Fabricator and Medical Fabricator
  • Reviving characters from a critical state
  • Healing other crewmembers. Experience gained = 0.7 * vitality healed / (current medical skill)1.5
Medical Usage
Name Skill Requirement Handicap

Tonic Liquid

Medical: 25

Medical: 25

Pomegrenade Extract
Medical: 25
Risk of failure proportional to the skill level.

Broad-spectrum Antibiotics
Medical: 25

Medical: 25
Risk of failure proportional to the skill level.

Medical: 30

Chloral Hydrate
Medical: 30

Syringe Gun
Weapons: 20
Medical: 30
Spread +10 (0 → 10)

Pressure Stabilizer
Medical: 35

Alien Blood
Medical: 35

Medical: 35

Anabolic Steroids
Medical: 35

Raptor Bane Extract
Medical: 35

Combat Stimulant
Medical: 35

Medical: 35

Medical: 37

Medical: 38

Medical: 40

Blood Pack
Medical: 40
Risk of failure proportional to the skill level.

Medical: 40

Medical: 40
Risk of failure proportional to the skill level.

Sufforin Antidote
Medical: 40

Deliriumine Antidote
Medical: 40

Medical: 40

Cyanide Antidote
Medical: 40

Morbusine Antidote
Medical: 40

Medical: 40
Risk of failure proportional to the skill level.

Ceremonial Sword
Helm: 50
Weapons: 50
Medical: 50
Attack Speed -1.25 (1.92 → 0.67)

Liquid Oxygenite
Medical: 50
Risk of failure depending on the skill level.

Advanced Syringe Gun
Weapons: 30
Medical: 50
Spread +10 (0 → 10)

Medical: 50

Medical: 50

Medical: 50
Risk of failure proportional to the skill level.

Antibiotic Glue
Medical: 55
Risk of failure proportional to the skill level.

Medical: 60

Medical: 60

Endocrine Booster
Medical: 60

Medical: 60

Medical: 64

Medical: 72
Risk of failure proportional to the skill level.

Medical: 72
Risk of failure proportional to the skill level.

Medical Crafting
Name Skill Requirement

Medical: 5

Medical: 5

Medical: 16

Medical: 18

Pomegrenade Extract
Medical: 20

Medical: 30

Blood Pack
Medical: 31

Medical: 40

Volatile Compound N
Medical: 40

Antibiotic Glue
Medical: 48

Advanced Syringe Gun
Medical: 50

Mind Wipe
Medical: 50

Gene Splicer
Medical: 50

Syringe Gun
Medical: 50

Medical: 50

Compound N
Medical: 60

Advanced Gene Splicer
Medical: 60

Medical: 70

v · d · e · h

Talent Trees

Bounty Hunter

Inspirational Leader

Logistics Expert


Travelling Tradesman



Down with the Ship

Emergency Maneuvers


Sailor with No Name

Steady Tune
Gunslinger Skipper Politician


Leading By Example



Lone Wolf



Your Reputation...

Drunken Sailor

Inspiring Presence

Trickle Down



Big Guns


Security Officer


First Aid Training

Physical Conditioning

Protect and Serve


War Stories


By the Book

Don't Push It

Munitions Expertise

Frogman Enforcer Gunner

Boarding Party

Pacification Kit




Beat Cop



Tandem Fire

Daring Dolphin

Easy Turtle

Crusty Seaman

Inordinate Exsanguination

Extra Powder

Gun Runner




Ballast Denizen

Engine Engineer

Machine Maniac


Safety First

Salvage Crew


Modular Repairs

Oiled Machinery

Pump N Dump

Scrapper Machinist Brawler


Hull Fixer

I Am That Guy

Mass Production

Residual Waste



Heavy Lifting

Mudraptor Wrestler

Scrap Savant

Tool Maintenance

Let it Drain



Iron Storm





Junction Junkie

Remote Monitor

Station Engineer

Aggressive Engineering

Fun With Fission

Melodic Respite

Sample Collection

Submarine Of Things
Weapons Engineer Electrician Physicist

Military Applications

Grid Maintainer

Unstoppable Curiosity

Arms Race

Heavy Hitter


Unlimited Power



Weapon Artisan

Better Than New

Danger Zone

Nuclear Option

Lightning Wizard

Ph.D in Nuclear Physics
Medical Doctor

Example of Health

Health Insurance

La Resistance

Nobody Important Dies


Stayin' Alive

Blood Donor

Don't Die on Me!

Fireman's Carry

Medical Companion

No Pressure
Xenologist Medic Chemist

Gene Harvester

Medical Expertise

Plague Doctor

Bloody Business

Gene Splicer

Emergency Response

Medical Assistance

Delivery System

Lab Contacts

Blackmarket Genes

Gene Tampering

Dr. Submarine

Vitamin Supplements

Super Soldiers

What a Stench!

Genetic Genius

Miracle Worker


Crew Layabout



Playing Catchup


Starter Quest

Bag It Up

Indentured Servitude

Inspiring Tunes

Jenga Master

Peer Learning

Revenge Squad
Grayshirt Apprentice Clown

The Waiting List


Enroll into Clown College


Tasty Target


Logistics System

Water Prankster

An Apple A Day

Insurance Policy

Loyal Assistant

Treacherous Scum

Chonky Honks

Psycho Clown

The Friends We Made

Graduation Ceremony

True Potential

v · d · e · h

Game Mechanics

Game Modes