Abyss Diving Suit

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Abyss Diving Suit

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A heavy suit designed for deep sea exploration. Protects against damage and high pressure all the way down to 6,600 meters. Also reduces oxygen usage, but at a cost of reduced movement speed.
Resistances (Protects All limbs)
 Bite Wounds (40%)*
 Lacerations (40%)*
 Gunshot Wound (40%)*
 Burn (30%)*
 Husk Infection (0% | 50%)*
 Bleeding (40%)*
Speed Modifiers -20% Movement Speed
-15% Scooter Propulsion Speed
Pressure Protection Up to 6650 m
Breathing Supplies Oxygen Tank
Oxygenite Tank
Welding Fuel Tank
Incendium Fuel Tank
Breathing Supplies Capacity 1 Item Slot
Skill: Mechanical: 60
Deconstructor Yield
Minimum Difficulty 35%
Base Price 550 mk
OutpostOutpost Buy Sell
Habitation OutpostHabitation 495 mk 148 mk
ColonyColony 467 mk 140 mk
Research OutpostResearch 550 mk 165 mk
Military OutpostMilitary 550 mk 165 mk
Mining OutpostMining 687 mk 206 mk
Medical MerchantMedical Merchant N/A 165 mk
Engineer MerchantEngineer Merchant N/A 165 mk
Armory MerchantArmory Merchant N/A 165 mk
Children of The HonkmotherClown Merchant N/A 165 mk
The Church of HuskHusk Merchant N/A 165 mk
Identifier abyssdivingsuit
Categories DivingEquipment
Tags diving,deepdiving,human

The Abyss Diving Suit is an Outerwear in Barotrauma.


The Abyss Diving Suit is an protective and pressure resistant Outerwear. Its an upgrade over the regular Diving Suit specialized in Abyss operations due to the highest Pressure Protection of all Diving Suits - 6650 meters of depth - only matched by the Exosuit; It provides much higher protection against many Afflictions, but slows down the user's Movement Speed and Scooter Propulsion Speed significantly. It incorporates a built-in light and a breathing gas supply that allows the user to breathe underwater, provided that the breathing supplies are filled. Due to its construction it reduces its user's field of view and muffles certain sounds.

It can be crafted by anyone or bought at some Outposts with a Minimum Level Difficulty of 35%.


The Abyss Diving Suit can be worn in the Outerwear slot.

  • When worn it protects all limbs.
  • It requires a Breathing Supply item inserted into it to provide Oxygen to the user, otherwise they will suffocate.
  • It has a built-in light that doesn't require a battery and will work as long as the user is alive.
  • It reduces the user's field of view.
  • It can't be stored in the inventory, only held with both hands or stored in a Diving Suit Locker where it replenishes its Oxygen Tank automatically, provided that the Locker is powered.
Supply effects when worn
Item Effect Supply Duration
Oxygen Tank +1000 Air 22m 13s
Oxygenite Tank +1000 Air

+30% movement

44m 27s
Welding Fuel Tank -100 Air 6m 40s
Incendium Fuel Tank -100 Air

Burn (+20/s)*

3m 20s
None -100 Air Infinite

See Also


Misc. Gear