Fulgurium Battery Cell

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This article is about the portable item. For other uses, see Battery (disambiguation).
Fulgurium Battery Cell

A battery cell constructed of the rare and poorly understood compound Fulgurium.
Skill: Electrical: 40
Deconstructor Yield
Minimum Difficulty 15%
Base Price 250 mk
OutpostOutpost Buy Sell
Habitation OutpostHabitation N/A 93 mk
ColonyColony 250 mk 75 mk
Research OutpostResearch 250 mk 75 mk
Military OutpostMilitary 250 mk 75 mk
Mining OutpostMining N/A 93 mk
Medical MerchantMedical Merchant N/A 75 mk
Engineer MerchantEngineer Merchant 225 mk 67 mk
Armory MerchantArmory Merchant N/A 75 mk
Children of The HonkmotherClown Merchant N/A 75 mk
The Church of HuskHusk Merchant N/A 75 mk
Identifier fulguriumbatterycell
Categories EquipmentElectrical
Tags smallitem, loadable, mobilebattery

The Fulgurium Battery Cell is a rechargeable item that can be used to power handheld electrical devices.


Fulgurium Battery Cells are used for powering Flashlights, Underwater Scooters, Cargo Scooters, Handheld Sonars, Sonar Beacons, Portable Pumps, Stun Batons, Harpoon Coil-Rifles and Scrap Cannons.

When depleted, Fulgurium Battery Cells can be recharged by placing them in a Charging Dock or Battery. Fulgurium Battery Cells last for a longer time than the common and cheaper variant, Battery Cells.


  • Fabricated Fulgurium Battery Cells start with a full charge.
  • Fulgurium Battery Cell will be deconstructed into Zinc (x1) and Fulgurium Chunk (x1), regardless of how much charge it has.
  • Fulgurium Battery Cell on a Stun Batons will stun for twice as long, stun larger creatures, and give almost twice as many charged attacks than Battery Cells.
  • Higher quality Fulgurium Battery Cells will last longer.
  • Normal quality Fulgurium Battery Cells take 100 seconds to charge, good quality takes 110 seconds, excellent quality takes 120 seconds, and masterwork quality takes 130 seconds.
  • The charge rate of the Fulgurium Battery Cell is independent of the recharge rate slider found in Batteries, since it only controls the rate at which the ship battery is charged.

Related Talents

Talent Tree Description

Unlimited Power
ID: unlimitedpower
Spec. 2
Battery Cells you fabricate are of 1 higher quality.
Batteries and Supercapacitors have +10% capacity.

See Also

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