Item IDs
From Official Barotrauma Wiki
This page contains a sortable list of item IDs, and other technical information that are used internally in Barotrauma's game code to reference items. This information can be useful for Console Commands, or in the development of mods.
Item | Identifier | Category | Tags |
Defense Bot Ammunition Rounds | defensebotammobox | Weapons, Machine | smallitem, defensebotammo |
Compound N | compoundn | Weapon, Material | smallitem, explosive, demolitionsexpert |
Volatile Compound N | volatilecompoundn | Weapon, Material | smallitem, explosive, demolitionsexpert |
Alien Pistol | alienpistol | Weapon, Alien | smallitem, weapon, alien, mountableweapon, pistolitem |
Physicorium Harpoon | alienspear | Weapon, Alien | mediumitem, harpoonammo |
Depth Charge Shell | depthchargeshell | Weapon | depthchargeammo, explosive, demolitionsexpert |
Depth Decoy Shell | depthdecoyshell | Weapon | depthchargeammo, decoy, explosive, demolitionsexpert |
40mm Stun Grenade | 40mmstungrenade | Weapon | smallitem,grenade |
Nuclear Depth Charge | nucleardepthcharge | Weapon | depthchargeammo, nucleardepthchargeammo, demolitionsexpert |
Nuclear Depth Charge | nucleardepthchargecheap | Weapon | depthchargeammo, nucleardepthchargeammo, demolitionsexpert |
Nuclear Depth Decoy | nucleardepthdecoy | Weapon | depthchargeammo, decoy, demolitionsexpert |
Nuclear Depth Decoy | nucleardepthdecoycheap | Weapon | depthchargeammo, decoy, demolitionsexpert |
Modified Dirty Bomb | dirtybomb_showofstrength | Weapon | smallitem,explosive,separatists |
Ceremonial Sword | ceremonialsword | Weapon | smallitem, weapon, gunsmith, mountableweapon |
EMP Grenade | empgrenade | Weapon | smallitem, weapon, explosive, demolitionsexpert |
Hardened Diving Knife | divingknifehardened | Weapon | smallitem, weapon, gunsmith, mountableweapon |
Boarding Axe | boardingaxe | Weapon | mediumitem, weapon, gunsmith, mountableweapon |
IC-4 Block | ic4block | Weapon | smallitem, explosive, demolitionsexpert |
Diving Knife | divingknife | Weapon | smallitem, weapon, gunsmith, mountableweapon |
Rapid Fissile Accelerator | nucleargun | Weapon | mediumitem, weapon, gun, mountableweapon |
Explosive Flak Shells Box | flakcannonammoboxexplosive | Weapon | flakcannonequipment, flakcannonammo, ammobox |
Assault Rifle Magazine | assaultriflemagazine | Weapon | smallitem, assaultrifleammo, handheldammo |
Handcannon Round | handcannonround | Weapon | smallitem, handcannonammo, pistolammoitem |
Autoshotgun | autoshotgun | Weapon | mediumitem, weapon, gun, gunsmith, mountableweapon, provocativetohumanai |
Physicorium Chaingun Ammunition Box | chaingunammoboxphysicorium | Weapon | chaingunequipment, chaingunammo, ammobox |
Explosive Slug | shotgunslugexplosive | Weapon | smallitem, shotgunammo, handheldammo |
Deadeye Carbine | smgunique | Weapon | smallautoweapon, smallitem, weapon, gun, provocativetohumanai, mountableweapon |
Harpoon Coil-Rifle | harpooncoilrifle | Weapon | mediumitem, weapon, gunsmith, provocativetohumanai, mountableweapon |
Physicorium Flak Shells Box | flakcannonammoboxphysicorium | Weapon | flakcannonequipment, flakcannonammo, ammobox |
Machine Pistol | machinepistol | Weapon | smallautoweapon, smallitem, weapon, gun, gunsmith, provocativetohumanai, mountableweapon |
Ticking Time Bomb (Exposed) | traitortimebomb2 | Weapon | smallitem,explosive,traitorbomb,traitormissionitem |
Assault Rifle | assaultrifle | Weapon | mediumitem, weapon, gun, gunsmith, mountableweapon, provocativetohumanai |
Shredder Chaingun Ammunition Box | chaingunammoboxshredder | Weapon | chaingunequipment, chaingunammo, ammobox |
Grenade Launcher | grenadelauncher | Weapon | mediumitem, weapon, gun, gunsmith, provocativetohumanai, mountableweapon |
Rifle | rifle | Weapon | mediumitem, weapon, gun, gunsmith, mountableweapon |
Rifle Round | riflebullet | Weapon | smallitem, rifleammo, handheldammo, riflemanbonus |
Wrench (Murder Mystery) | divingknife_murdermystery | Weapon | smallitem,tool,simpletool,mechanicalrepairtool,wrenchitem,mountableweapon |
Scrap Cannon | scrapcannon | Weapon | mediumitem, weapon, gun, mountableweapon |
C-4 Block | c4block | Weapon | smallitem, explosive, demolitionsexpert |
Railgun Harpoon | railgunharpoon | Weapon | railgunequipment, railgunammo |
Toy Hammer | toyhammer | Weapon | smallitem, mountableweapon, clowns |
Screwdriver (Murder Mystery) | screwdriver_murdermystery | Weapon | smallitem,simpletool,tool,electricalrepairtool,screwdriveritem |
Gravity Flak Shells Box | flakcannonammoboxgravity | Weapon | flakcannonequipment, flakcannonammo, ammobox |
HMG Magazine | hmgmagazine | Weapon | smallitem, hmgammo, handheldammo |
Coilgun Harpoon Box | coilgunharpoonbox | Weapon | coilgunequipment, coilgunammo, ammobox, noammobelt |
HMG | hmg | Weapon | mediumitem, weapon, gun, gunsmith, provocativetohumanai, mountableweapon |
SMG | smg | Weapon | smallautoweapon, smallitem, weapon, gun, gunsmith, mountableweapon |
Gravity Railgun Shell | railgunharpoon | Weapon | railgunequipment, railgunammo |
Boom Stick | shotgununique | Weapon | mediumitem, weapon, gun, mountableweapon |
C-4 Block (VIP) | c4block_vipbombing | Weapon | smallitem, explosive, demolitionsexpert |
Spreader Flak Shells Box | flakcannonammobox | Weapon | flakcannonequipment, flakcannonammo, ammobox |
Harpoon Gun | harpoongun | Weapon | mediumitem, weapon, gunsmith, mountableweapon |
Europan Handshake | divingknifeunique | Weapon | smallitem, weapon, mountableweapon |
Ticking Time Bomb | traitortimebomb | Weapon | smallitem,explosive,traitorbomb,traitormissionitem |
Physicorium Ammunition Box | physicoriumammobox | Weapon | coilgunequipment, coilgunammo, ammobox |
Acid Grenade | chemgrenade | Weapon | smallitem, weapon, explosive, demolitionsexpert |
Coilgun Ammunition Box (Blanks) | coilgunammobox_blanks | Weapon | coilgunequipment, coilgunammo, ammobox |
Dementonite Diving Knife | divingknifedementonite | Weapon | smallitem,weapon,mountableweapon |
Coilgun Ammunition Box | coilgunammobox | Weapon | coilgunequipment, coilgunammo, ammobox |
Railgun Shell | railgunshell | Weapon | railgunequipment, railgunammo |
Pulse Tri-Laser Fuel Box | pulselaserammoboxtrilaser | Weapon | pulselaserequipment, pulselaserammo, ammobox |
Handcannon | handcannon | Weapon | smallitem,weapon,gun,pistolitem,mountableweapon |
Revolver Round | revolverround | Weapon | smallitem, revolverammo, pistolammoitem |
Husk Stinger | huskstinger | Weapon | smallitem |
Pulse Laser Fuel Box | pulselaserammobox | Weapon | pulselaserequipment, pulselaserammo, ammobox |
Shotgun Rubber Shell | shotgunshellblunt | Weapon | smallitem, shotgunammo |
Boarding Pod | boardingpod | Weapon | depthchargeammo, autointeractabledepthchargeammo |
Riot Shotgun | shotgun | Weapon | mediumitem, weapon, gun, gunsmith, mountableweapon |
40mm Mini Nuke | 40mmnuke | Weapon | smallitem,grenade,separatists |
Dirty Bomb | dirtybomb | Weapon | smallitem,explosive,separatists |
Frag Grenade | fraggrenade | Weapon | smallitem, weapon, explosive, demolitionsexpert |
Fulgurium Stun Gun Dart | stungundartfulgurium | Weapon | smallitem, stungunammo |
Stun Gun | stungun | Weapon | smallitem, weapon, gun, stunner, gunsmith, provocativetohumanai, mountableweapon |
Stun Gun Dart | stungundart | Weapon | smallitem, stungunammo |
Spineling's Spike | spinelingspikeloot | Weapon | smallitem |
Depleted Fuel Coilgun Ammunition Box | coilgunammoboxdepletedfuel | Weapon | coilgunequipment, coilgunammo, ammobox |
Arc Emitter | arcemitter | Weapon | mediumitem, weapon, gun, mountableweapon |
Stun Baton | stunbaton | Weapon | smallitem,weapon,stunner,gunsmith,mountableweapon |
Revolver | revolver | Weapon | smallitem, weapon, gun, pistolitem, gunsmith, mountableweapon |
Stun Grenade | stungrenade | Weapon | smallitem,weapon,explosive,demolitionsexpert |
Incendium Grenade | incendiumgrenade | Weapon | smallitem, weapon, explosive, demolitionsexpert |
Harpoon | spear | Weapon | mediumitem, harpoonammo |
Ahab's Spear | spearunique | Weapon | mediumitem, harpoonammo |
Explosive Harpoon | explosivespear | Weapon | mediumitem, harpoonammo, demolitionsexpert |
Focused Flak Shells Box | flakcannondirectionalammobox | Weapon | flakcannonequipment, flakcannonammo, ammobox |
Depleted Fuel Revolver Round | revolverrounddepletedfuel | Weapon | smallitem, revolverammo, pistolammoitem |
UEX | UEX | Weapon | smallitem,explosive,demolitionsexpert |
Diving Knife (Murder Mystery) | divingknife_murdermystery | Weapon | smallitem,weapon,gunsmith,mountableweapon,sharptool,murderweapon |
40mm Grenade | 40mmgrenade | Weapon | smallitem,grenade |
Shotgun Shell | shotgunshell | Weapon | smallitem, shotgunammo |
Depleted Fuel SMG Magazine | smgmagazinedepletedfuel | Weapon | smallitem, smgammo |
SMG Magazine | smgmagazine | Weapon | smallitem, smgammo |
Chaingun Ammunition Box | chaingunammobox | Weapon | chaingunequipment, chaingunammo, ammobox |
40mm Acid Grenade | 40mmchemgrenade | Weapon | smallitem,grenade |
Piercing Coilgun Ammunition Box | coilgunammoboxpiercing | Weapon | coilgunequipment, coilgunammo, ammobox |
Ticking Time Bomb (Powered) | traitortimebomb3 | Weapon | smallitem,explosive,traitorbomb,traitormissionitem |
Explosive Coilgun Ammunition Box | coilgunammoboxexplosive | Weapon | coilgunequipment, coilgunammo, ammobox |
Nuclear Railgun Shell | nuclearshell | Weapon | railgunequipment, railgunammo |
Nuclear Railgun Shell | nuclearshellcheap | Weapon | railgunequipment, railgunammo |
Physicorium Railgun Shell | alienshell | Weapon | railgunequipment, railgunammo |
Canister Railgun Shell | railguncanistershell | Weapon | railgunequipment, railgunammo, containershell |
Pet Food | food | Misc | smallitem, petfood1, petfood2, petfood3, monsterfood |
Husk Figurine | huskfigurine | Misc | smallitem,traitormissionitem |
Book of Chalices: On Becoming a Herald of the Tide | bookofchalices2 | Misc | smallitem, huskcult |
Petraptor Egg | petraptoregg | Misc | |
Crawler Egg | crawleregg | Misc | |
Tiger Thresher Egg | tigerthresheregg | Misc | |
Tormsdale Report (Item) | tormsdalereport | Misc | smallitem |
Honkmotherian Scriptures: The Nine Pillars of Fun (IV-VI) | honkmotherianscriptures2 | Misc | smallitem, clowns |
Pipe Tobacco | pipetobacco | Misc | smallitem, pipetobacco |
Moloch Bone | molochbone | Misc | mediumitem |
Raptor Bane Seed | raptorbaneseed | Misc | smallitem, seed, plantitem |
Bike Horn | bikehorn | Misc | smallitem, hornitem, clowns |
Poop | poop | Misc | smallitem |
Cigar | cigar | Misc | smallitem |
Book of Chalices: The Three Metamorphoses | bookofchalices1 | Misc | smallitem, huskcult |
Small Crawler Egg | smallcrawleregg | Misc | smallitem, ignorebyai, monsterfood |
Commendation | coalitioncommendation | Misc | smallitem |
Deepdiver Duck | deepdiverduck | Misc | smallitem,traitormissionitem |
Medal | coalitionmedal | Misc | smallitem |
Seed Bag | seedbag | Misc | smallitem |
Dementonite Cymbals | cymbals | Misc | smallitem,clowns |
Researcher Scribble | researcherscribble1 | Misc | smallitem |
Banana | banana | Misc | smallitem, seed, plantitem |
Researcher Scribble | researcherscribble2 | Misc | smallitem |
Art of Submarine Warfare | skillbooksubmarinewarfare | Misc | smallitem, skillbook |
The Handy Seaman | skillbookhandyseaman | Misc | smallitem, skillbook |
The Sailorʹs Guide | skillbooksailorsguide | Misc | smallitem, skillbook |
Pomegrenade Seed | creepingorangevineseed | Misc | smallitem, seed, plantitem |
Mucus Ball | mucusball | Misc | smallitem |
Honkmotherian Scriptures: The Nine Pillars of Fun (VII-IX) | honkmotherianscriptures3 | Misc | smallitem, clowns |
Captain's Pipe | captainspipe | Misc | smallitem |
Europan Medicine | skillbookeuropanmedicine | Misc | smallitem, skillbook |
Collection of War Stories | skillbook_warstories | Misc | smallitem, skillbook |
Guitar | guitar | Misc | smallitem, instrument |
Accordion | accordion | Misc | smallitem, instrument |
Banana Peel | bananapeel | Misc | smallitem,clowns |
Watcher Shell Fragment | watchershell | Misc | mediumitem |
Mudraptor Egg | smallmudraptoregg | Misc | smallitem, ignorebyai, mudraptoregg |
Harmonica | harmonica | Misc | smallitem, instrument |
Tobacco Vine Seed | tobaccovineseed | Misc | smallitem, seed, plantitem |
Diver's Remains | diversremains | Misc | mediumitem,monsterfood |
Alien Circuitry | aliencircuitry | Misc | smallitem,signal |
Strange Eggs | peanutegg, psilotoadegg, orangeboyegg, balloonegg | Misc | smallitem, monsterfood |
Small Planter Box | smallplanter | Misc | planter, mediumitem, dontsellitems |
Endworm Shell Fragment | endwormshell | Misc | mediumitem |
Salt Vine Seed | saltvineseed | Misc | smallitem, seed, plantitem |
Fertilizer | fertilizer | Misc | fertilizer,smallitem |
Watering Can | wateringcan | Misc | smallitem, tool |
Chitin Chunk | chitin | Misc | smallitem |
Honkmotherian Scriptures: The Nine Pillars of Fun (I-III) | honkmotherianscriptures1 | Misc | smallitem, clowns |
Hammerhead Ribs | hammerheadribs | Misc | mediumitem |
Rum | rum | Medical, Misc | smallitem |
Beer Bottle | beerbottle | Medical, Misc | smallitem |
Tonic Liquid | tonicliquid | Medical, Material | smallitem, chem, medical |
Ethanol | ethanol | Medical, Material | smallitem, chem, medical, petfood2 |
Protein Bar | proteinbar | Medical, Material | smallitem, chem, medical |
Energy Drink | energydrink | Medical, Material | smallitem, chem, medical |
Pressure Stabilizer | pressurestabilizer | Medical | smallitem, chem, medical, syringe |
Stabilozine | stabilozine | Medical | smallitem, chem, medical, syringe |
Opium | opium | Medical | smallitem, chem |
Blood Pack | antibloodloss2 | Medical | smallitem, chem, medical, petfood1 |
Naloxone | antinarc | Medical | smallitem, chem, medical, syringe |
Saline | antibloodloss1 | Medical | smallitem, chem, medical, petfood1, petfood2, petfood3 |
Alien Blood | alienblood | Medical | smallitem, chem, medical |
Liquid Oxygenite | liquidoxygenite | Medical | smallitem, chem, medical, syringe |
Calyx Extract | huskeggs | Medical | smallitem, chem, medical, syringe |
Blood Sample Vial | bloodsamplevial | Medical | smallitem,chem,medical,syringe |
Methamphetamine | meth | Medical | smallitem, chem, medical, syringe |
Antirad | antirad | Medical | smallitem, chem, medical, syringe |
Anabolic Steroids | steroids | Medical | smallitem, chem, medical, syringe |
Hyperzine | hyperzine | Medical | smallitem, chem, medical, syringe |
Mindsense | mindsense | Medical | smallitem, chem, medical |
Mind Wipe | mindwipe | Medical | smallitem |
Sufforin Antidote | sufforinantidote | Medical | smallitem, chem, medical, syringe |
ID Card (Sootman) | idcardfakesootman | Medical | smallitem,idcard |
Deliriumine Antidote | deliriumineantidote | Medical | smallitem, chem, medical, syringe |
Crimson Acid | sulphuricacidsyringe | Medical | smallitem, chem, syringe |
Pomegrenade Extract | pomegrenadeextract | Medical | smallitem, chem, medical, syringe |
Calyxanide | calyxanide | Medical | smallitem, chem, medical, syringe |
Cyanide | cyanide | Medical | smallitem, chem, poison, syringe |
Sufforin | sufforin | Medical | smallitem, chem, poison, syringe |
Broad-spectrum Antibiotics | antibiotics | Medical | smallitem, chem, medical, syringe |
Deusizine | deusizine | Medical | smallitem, chem, medical, syringe |
Endocrine Booster | endocrinebooster | Medical | smallitem, chem, medical, syringe |
Adrenaline | adrenaline | Medical | smallitem, chem, medical, syringe |
Raptor Bane Extract | raptorbaneextract | Medical | smallitem, chem, poison, syringe |
Cyanide Antidote | cyanideantidote | Medical | smallitem, chem, medical, syringe |
Hallucinogenic Bufotoxin | hallucinogenicbufotoxin | Medical | smallitem, chem, poison, medical |
Morbusine Antidote | morbusineantidote | Medical | smallitem, chem, medical, syringe |
Radiotoxin | radiotoxin | Medical | smallitem, chem, poison, syringe |
Combat Stimulant | combatstimulantsyringe | Medical | smallitem, chem, medical, syringe |
Europabrew | europabrew | Medical | smallitem, chem, medical, syringe |
Anaparalyzant | antiparalysis | Medical | smallitem, chem, medical, syringe |
Chloral Hydrate | chloralhydrate | Medical | smallitem, chem, poison, syringe |
Paralyzant | paralyzant | Medical | smallitem, chem, poison, syringe |
Deliriumine | deliriumine | Medical | smallitem, chem, poison, syringe |
Haloperidol | antipsychosis | Medical | smallitem, chem, medical, syringe |
Sulphuric Acid | sulphuricacid | Medical | smallitem, chem, poison |
Morbusine | morbusine | Medical | smallitem, chem, medical, syringe |
Plastiseal | antibleeding2 | Medical | smallitem, medical |
Bandage | antibleeding1 | Medical | smallitem, medical |
Antibiotic Glue | antibleeding3 | Medical | smallitem, medical |
Morphine | antidama1 | Medical | smallitem, chem, medical, syringe |
Fentanyl | antidama2 | Medical | smallitem, chem, medic, syringe |
Nitroglycerin | nitroglycerin | Material, Weapon | smallitem, chem, medical |
Oxygenite Shard | oxygeniteshard | Material, Alien | alien, smallitem |
Sulphurite Shard | sulphuriteshard | Material, Alien | alien, smallitem |
Physicorium Bar | physicorium | Material, Alien | smallitem, ore |
Dementonite Cluster | dementonite | Material, Alien | smallitem, ore |
Incendium Crystal | incendium | Material, Alien | smallitem, ore |
Fulgurium Chunk | fulgurium | Material, Alien | smallitem, ore |
Dementonite Cluster (Minds Unraveled) | dementonite_mindsunraveled | Material, Alien | smallitem, ore |
Copper | copper | Material | smallitem, petfood3, munition_core, munition_jacket, advmunition_jacket |
Flash Powder | flashpowder | Material | smallitem, chem, explosive |
Galena | galena | Material | smallitem, ore |
Lithium | lithium | Material | smallitem, explodesinwater |
Sodium | sodium | Material | smallitem, explodesinwater |
Aragonite | aragonite | Material | smallitem, ore |
Esperite | esperite | Material | smallitem, ore |
Potassium | potassium | Material | smallitem, explodesinwater |
Adrenaline Gland | adrenalinegland | Material | smallitem, chem, medical |
Magnesium | magnesium | Material | smallitem, munition_propulsion |
Raptor Bane | raptorbane | Material | smallitem, plantitem, petfood1, petfood2, petfood3 |
Organic Fiber | organicfiber | Material | smallitem |
Iron | iron | Material | smallitem, munition_jacket, petfood3, scrapcannonammo |
Lead | lead | Material | smallitem, petfood3, munition_core, scrapcannonammo |
Steel Bar | steel | Material | smallitem, petfood3, munition_core, advmunition_core, advmunition_tip, scrapcannonammo |
Bornite | bornite | Material | smallitem, ore |
Scrap | scrap | Material | smallitem, scrapcannonammo |
Lazulite | lazulite | Material | smallitem, ore |
Quartz | quartz | Material | smallitem, ore |
Graphite | graphite | Material | smallitem, ore |
Chamosite | chamosite | Material | smallitem, ore |
Unidentified Genetic Material | geneticmaterial_unresearched | Material | smallitem,unidentifiedgeneticmaterial,blackmarketgenes |
Elastin Plant | elastinplant | Material | smallitem, plant |
Phosphorus | phosphorus | Material | smallitem, munition_propulsion |
Swim Bladder | swimbladder | Material | smallitem, chem, medical |
Velonaceps Calyx Eggs | huskeggsbasic | Material | smallitem, chem, medical |
Iron Ore | ironore | Material | smallitem, ore |
Mutated Raptor Bane | badraptorbane | Material | smallitem, plantitem, petfood1, petfood2, petfood3 |
Cryolite | cryolite | Material | smallitem, ore |
Paralyxis | paralyxis | Material | smallitem, ore |
Silicon | silicon | Material | smallitem |
Ilmenite | ilmenite | Material | smallitem, ore |
Mutated Pomegrenade | badcreepingorange | Material | smallitem, plantitem, petfood1, petfood2, petfood3 |
Aluminum | aluminium | Material | smallitem, petfood3 |
Fiber Plant | fiberplant | Material | smallitem, plant |
Sea Yeast Shroom | yeastshroom | Material | smallitem, plant |
Slime Bacteria | slimebacteria | Material | smallitem, plant |
Tin | tin | Material | smallitem, petfood3 |
Uranium Ore | uraniumore | Material | smallitem, ore |
Aquatic Poppy | aquaticpoppy | Material | smallitem, plant |
Uranium | uranium | Material | smallitem, advmunition_core, scrapcannonammo |
Thorium | thorium | Material | smallitem |
Sphalerite | sphalerite | Material | smallitem, ore |
Velonaceps Calyx Eggs (Infect) | huskeggs_huskroulette_infect | Material | smallitem,chem,medical,syringe,huskroulette,traitormissionitem |
Tobacco Bud | tobaccobud | Material | smallitem, plantitem |
Titanite | titanite | Material | smallitem, ore |
Thorianite | thorianite | Material | smallitem, ore |
Rubber | rubber | Material | smallitem |
Calcium | calcium | Material | smallitem |
Langbeinite | langbeinite | Material | smallitem, ore |
Chlorine | chlorine | Material | smallitem, chem, medical |
Stannite | stannite | Material | smallitem, ore |
Hydroxyapatite | hydroxyapatite | Material | smallitem, ore |
Plastic | plastic | Material | smallitem |
Salt Bulb | saltbulb | Material | smallitem, plantitem, explodesinwater |
Pomegrenade | creepingorange | Material | smallitem, plantitem, petfood1, petfood2, petfood3 |
Pyromorphite | pyromorphite | Material | smallitem, ore |
Velonaceps Calyx Eggs (Harmless) | huskeggs_huskroulette_harmless | Material | smallitem,chem,medical,syringe,huskroulette,traitormissionitem |
Carbon | carbon | Material | smallitem |
Chalcopyrite | chalcopyrite | Material | smallitem, ore |
Titanium | titanium | Material | smallitem, petfood3, advmunition_core, advmunition_tip |
Brockite | brockite | Material | smallitem, ore |
Triphylite | triphylite | Material | smallitem, ore |
Polyhalite | polyhalite | Material | smallitem, ore |
Sylvite | sylvite | Material | smallitem, ore |
Elastin | elastin | Material | smallitem, chem |
Cassiterite | cassiterite | Material | smallitem, ore |
Diamond | diamond | Material | smallitem, ore |
Zinc | zinc | Material | smallitem, munition_jacket, advmunition_jacket |
Chrysoprase | chrysoprase | Material | smallitem, ore |
Amblygonite | amblygonite | Material | smallitem, ore |
Ballistic Fiber | ballisticfiber | Material | smallitem |
Titanium-Aluminum Alloy | titaniumaluminiumalloy | Material | smallitem, petfood3 |
Portable Pump | portablepump | Machine | smallitem, donttakeitems |
Depleted Fuel | depletedfuel | Fuel, Material | smallitem |
Thorium Fuel Rod | thoriumfuelrod | Fuel | smallitem,reactorfuel |
Fuel Rod | fuelrod | Fuel | smallitem, reactorfuel |
Volatile Fulgurium Fuel Rod | fulguriumfuelrodvolatile | Fuel | smallitem, reactorfuel |
Fulgurium Fuel Rod | fulguriumfuelrod | Fuel | smallitem, reactorfuel |
Timed Detonator | timeddetonator | Equipment, Weapon | smallitem, detonator |
Detonator | detonator | Equipment, Weapon | smallitem, detonator |
Advanced Syringe Gun | advancedsyringegun | Equipment, Medical, Weapon | smallitem, gun, mountableweapon |
Syringe Gun | syringegun | Equipment, Medical, Weapon | smallitem, gun, mountableweapon |
Auto-Injector Headset | autoinjectorheadset | Equipment, Medical | smallitem, mobileradio |
Welding Fuel Tank | weldingfueltank | Equipment, Fuel | smallitem, weldingtoolfuel, weldingfuel |
Incendium Fuel Tank | incendiumfueltank | Equipment, Fuel | smallitem, weldingtoolfuel, weldingfuel |
Fulgurium Battery Cell | fulguriumbatterycell | Equipment, Electrical | smallitem, loadable, mobilebattery |
Battery Cell | batterycell | Equipment, Electrical | smallitem, loadable, mobilebattery |
Handheld Sonar | handheldsonar | Equipment, Diving | smallitem, sonar, provocative |
Cargo Scooter | cargoscooter | Equipment, Diving | mediumitem, provocative, scooter |
Clown Diving Mask | clowndivingmask | Equipment, Diving | smallitem, clownmask, diving, lightdiving |
Sonar Beacon | sonarbeacon | Equipment, Diving | smallitem, sonar, provocative |
Underwater Scooter | underwaterscooter | Equipment, Diving | smallitem, provocative, scooter |
Alien Flare | alienflare | Equipment, Alien | smallitem, light, provocative |
Outpost Dweller's Outfit | commonerclothes3 | Equipment | smallitem, clothing |
Outpost Dweller's Outfit | commonerclothes4 | Equipment | smallitem, clothing |
Flare | flare | Equipment | smallitem, light, provocative |
Outpost Dweller's Outfit | commonerclothes5 | Equipment | smallitem, clothing |
Assistant Clothes | assistantclothes | Equipment | smallitem, clothing |
Chitin Helmet | chitinhelmet | Equipment | smallitem |
Multi-tool | repairpack | Equipment | smallitem, tool, electricalrepairtool, mechanicalrepairtool, wrench, wrenchitem, screwdriver |
Electrician's Goggles | electriciansgoggles | Equipment | smallitem |
Handheld Status Monitor | handheldstatusmonitor | Equipment | smallitem, sonar, provocative |
Shipwreck ID Card | idcardwreck | Equipment | smallitem, wreck_id, identitycard |
Toolbelt | toolbelt | Equipment | mediumitem, mobilecontainer, tool |
Pet Name Tag | petnametag | Equipment | smallitem |
Dementonite Wrench | wrenchdementonite | Equipment | smallitem, tool, simpletool, mechanicalrepairtool, wrenchitem, mountableweapon |
Screwdriver | screwdriver | Equipment | smallitem, simpletool, tool, electricalrepairtool, screwdriveritem |
Molotov Cocktail | molotovcoctail | Equipment | smallitem, light, provocative, separatists |
Prisoner Outfit | prisonerclothes | Equipment | smallitem, clothing |
ID Card | idcard | Equipment | smallitem, identitycard |
Hazmat Suit | orangejumpsuit1 | Equipment | smallitem, clothing, radiationproof |
Backpack | backpack | Equipment | mediumitem, mobilecontainer, largemobilecontainer, tool |
Mother's Countenance | clownmaskunique | Equipment | smallitem, clownmask, clowns |
Handheld Electrical Monitor | handheldelectricalmonitor | Equipment | smallitem, sonar, provocative |
Duffel Bag | duffelbag | Equipment | mobilecontainer, despawncontainer |
Body Armor | bodyarmor | Equipment | smallitem,clothing |
Sprayer | sprayer | Equipment | smallitem, tool, mountableweapon |
Dementonite Screwdriver | screwdriverdementonite | Equipment | smallitem, simpletool, tool, electricalrepairtool, screwdriveritem |
Flashlight | flashlight | Equipment | smallitem, tool, provocative |
Researcher's Outfit | researcherclothes | Equipment | smallitem, clothing |
Separatist Body Armor | piratebodyarmor | Equipment | smallitem, clothing, separatists |
Headset | headset | Equipment | smallitem, mobileradio |
Handcuffs | handcuffs | Equipment | smallitem, handlocker |
Bandolier | bandolier | Equipment | mediumitem,clothing |
Plasma Cutter | plasmacutter | Equipment | smallitem, cuttingequipment, tool, mountableweapon |
Wrench | wrench | Equipment | smallitem, tool, simpletool, mechanicalrepairtool, wrenchitem, mountableweapon |
Turban | turban | Equipment | smallitem,clothing |
Health Scanner HUD | healthscanner | Equipment | smallitem |
Dementonite Crowbar | crowbardementonite | Equipment | smallitem, tool, simpletool, dooropeningtool, crowbaritem, mountableweapon |
Handheld Itemfinder | handhelditemfinder | Equipment | smallitem |
VIP Outfits | vipclothes1 | Equipment | smallitem, clothing |
VIP Outfits | vipclothes2 | Equipment | smallitem, clothing |
VIP Outfits | vipclothes3 | Equipment | smallitem, clothing |
Ritual Lantern | rituallantern | Equipment | smallitem,light,huskcult |
Cultist Robes (Faulty) | cultistrobesfaulty | Equipment | smallitem, clothing, huskcult |
Baseball Cap | baseballcap | Equipment | smallitem |
Welding Tool | weldingtool | Equipment | smallitem, weldingequipment, tool, mountableweapon |
Makeshift Armor | makeshiftarmor | Equipment | smallitem,clothing |
Mother's Providence | clownsuitunique | Equipment | smallitem,clothing,clowngear,clowns |
Riot Shield | riotshield | Equipment | mediumitem |
Station Administrator's Outfit | administratorclothes | Equipment | smallitem, clothing |
Prototype Steam Cannon | flamerunique | Equipment | smallitem, weapon, gun, mountableweapon |
Flamer | flamer | Equipment | smallitem, weapon, gun, mountableweapon |
Duffel Bag (Traitor) | traiterduffelbag | Equipment | mobilecontainer, despawncontainer |
Clown Costume | clowncostume | Equipment | smallitem,clothing,clowngear,clowns |
Clown Mask | clownmask | Equipment | smallitem,clownmask,clowns |
Mudraptor Shell | mudraptorshell | Equipment | smallitem,clothing |
Crew Chief's Outfit | crewchiefclothes | Equipment | smallitem, clothing |
Reactor PDA | reactorpda | Equipment | smallitem |
Engineer's Jumpsuit | orangejumpsuit2 | Equipment | smallitem, clothing |
Riot Helmet | ballistichelmet3 | Equipment | smallitem |
Watchman Clothes | watchmanclothes | Equipment | smallitem, clothing |
Ruin Scanner | ruinscanner | Equipment | smallitem, scanner |
Bandit Outfits | banditclothes1 | Equipment | smallitem, clothing |
Bandit Outfits | banditclothes2 | Equipment | smallitem, clothing |
Artifact Transport Case | artifacttransportcase | Equipment | mediumitem,mobilecontainer,artifactcontainer,poweredcontainer |
Doctor's Uniform | doctorsuniform2 | Equipment | smallitem, clothing |
Fire Extinguisher | extinguisher | Equipment | mediumitem, fireextinguisher, provocative |
Hardened Wrench | wrenchhardened | Equipment | smallitem, tool, simpletool, mechanicalrepairtool, wrenchitem, mountableweapon |
Boiler Suit | bluejumpsuit1 | Equipment | smallitem, clothing |
Hardened Screwdriver | screwdriverhardened | Equipment | smallitem, simpletool, tool, electricalrepairtool, screwdriveritem |
Quartermaster's Outfit | quartermasterclothes | Equipment | smallitem, clothing |
Hardened Crowbar | crowbarhardened | Equipment | smallitem, tool, simpletool, dooropeningtool, crowbaritem, mountableweapon |
Heavy Wrench | heavywrench | Equipment | smallitem, tool, simpletool, mechanicalrepairtool, wrenchitem, mountableweapon |
Glowstick | glowstick | Equipment | smallitem,light,provocative |
Crawler Mask | crawlermask | Equipment | smallitem |
Zealot Robes | zealotrobes | Equipment | smallitem, clothing, huskcult |
Cultist Robes | cultistrobes | Equipment | smallitem, clothing, huskcult |
Medic's Fatigues | doctorsuniform1 | Equipment | smallitem, clothing |
Fixfoam Grenade | fixfoamgrenade | Equipment | smallitem, weapon, explosive, demolitionsexpert |
Separatist Bandana | piratebandana | Equipment | smallitem, separatists |
Miner's Overalls | minerclothes | Equipment | smallitem, clothing |
Separatist Captain Hat | piratecaptainhat | Equipment | smallitem, clothing, separatists |
Veteran's Hat | captainsseparatistcap1 | Equipment | smallitem |
Radio Jammer | radiojammer | Equipment | smallitem |
Veteran's Fatigues | captainseparatistsuniform2 | Equipment | smallitem, clothing |
Warlord's Hat | captainsseparatistcap2 | Equipment | smallitem |
Warlord's Attire | captainseparatistsuniform3 | Equipment | smallitem, clothing |
Commander's Uniform | captainseparatistsuniform1 | Equipment | smallitem, clothing |
Veteran's Cap | captainscap1 | Equipment | smallitem |
Gunner's Helmet | ballistichelmet2 | Equipment | smallitem |
Renegade's Hat | captainscap2 | Equipment | smallitem |
Admiral's Hat | captainscap3 | Equipment | smallitem |
Veteran's Jacket | captainsuniform1 | Equipment | smallitem, clothing |
Renegade's Jacket | captainsuniform2 | Equipment | smallitem, clothing |
Thermal Goggles | thermalgoggles | Equipment | smallitem |
Gunner's Uniform | securityuniform3 | Equipment | smallitem, clothing |
Moloch Shell Fragment | shellshield | Equipment | mediumitem |
Admiral's Uniform | captainsuniform3 | Equipment | smallitem, clothing |
Commando's Fatigues | securityuniform1 | Equipment | smallitem, clothing |
Security Officer's Uniform | securityuniform2 | Equipment | smallitem, clothing |
Mechanic's Jumpsuit | bluejumpsuit2 | Equipment | smallitem, clothing |
Separatist Engineer Outfit | engineerseparatistsuniform1 | Equipment | smallitem, clothing |
Separatist Engineer Outfit | engineerseparatistsuniform2 | Equipment | smallitem, clothing |
Separatist Mechanic Outfit | mechanicseparatistsuniform1 | Equipment | smallitem, clothing |
Separatist Mechanic Outfit | mechanicseparatistsuniform2 | Equipment | smallitem, clothing |
Separatist Medic Fatigues | medicseparatistsuniform1 | Equipment | smallitem, clothing |
Separatist Medic Fatigues | medicseparatistsuniform2 | Equipment | smallitem, clothing |
Separatist Security Officer Fatigues | securityseparatistsuniform1 | Equipment | smallitem, clothing |
Separatist Security Officer Fatigues | securityseparatistsuniform2 | Equipment | smallitem, clothing |
Safety Harness | safetyharness | Equipment | smallitem,clothing |
Separatist Security Officer Fatigues | securityseparatistsuniform3 | Equipment | smallitem, clothing |
Separatist Costume | separatistcommoner1 | Equipment | smallitem, clothing, separatists |
Separatist Costume (Novice) | separatistcommoner2 | Equipment | smallitem, clothing, separatists |
Medical Officer's Outfit | medicalofficerclothes | Equipment | smallitem, clothing |
Separatist Costume (Hard) | separatistcommoner3 | Equipment | smallitem, clothing, separatists |
Gene Splicer | genesplicer | Equipment | smallitem,geneticdevice |
Storage Container | toolbox | Equipment | smallitem, tool, mountableweapon |
Advanced Gene Splicer | advancedgenesplicer | Equipment | smallitem, geneticdevice |
Crowbar | crowbar | Equipment | smallitem, tool, simpletool, dooropeningtool, crowbaritem, mountableweapon |
Outpost Security Uniform | securitypatrolclothes | Equipment | smallitem, clothing |
Iron Helmet | ironhelmet | Equipment | smallitem |
Ballistic Helmet | ballistichelmet1 | Equipment | smallitem |
Separatist Helmet | piratehelmet | Equipment | smallitem |
Outpost Dweller's Outfit | commonerclothes1 | Equipment | smallitem, clothing |
Outpost Dweller's Outfit | commonerclothes2 | Equipment | smallitem, clothing |
Wires | wire | Electrical | smallitem,wire |
Wires | redwire | Electrical | smallitem,wire |
Wires | bluewire | Electrical | smallitem,wire |
Wires | orangewire | Electrical | smallitem,wire |
Wires | greenwire | Electrical | smallitem,wire |
Wires | blackwire | Electrical | smallitem,wire |
Wires | brownwire | Electrical | smallitem,wire |
RegEx Find Component | regexcomponent | Electrical | smallitem, logic |
Not Component | notcomponent | Electrical | smallitem, logic |
Terminal | terminal | Electrical | smallitem, logic |
Lever | lever | Electrical | smallitem,switch |
Round Component | roundcomponent | Electrical | |
Subtract Component | subtractcomponent | Electrical | |
Acos Component | acoscomponent | Electrical | |
And Component | andcomponent | Electrical | smallitem, logic |
Equals Component | equalscomponent | Electrical | smallitem, logic |
Delay Component | delaycomponent | Electrical | smallitem, logic |
Sin Component | sincomponent | Electrical | |
Smoke Detector | smokedetector | Electrical | smallitem,sensor |
Asin Component | asincomponent | Electrical | |
Wifi Component | wificomponent | Electrical | smallitem, logic |
Exponentiation Component | powcomponent | Electrical | |
Divide Component | dividecomponent | Electrical | |
Multiply Component | multiplycomponent | Electrical | |
Oscillator Component | oscillator | Electrical | smallitem, logic |
Signal Check Component | signalcheckcomponent | Electrical | smallitem, logic |
Modulo Component | modulocomponent | Electrical | |
Xor Component | xorcomponent | Electrical | smallitem, logic |
Switch | switch | Electrical | smallitem,switch |
Cos Component | coscomponent | Electrical | |
Atan Component | atancomponent | Electrical | |
Greater Component | greatercomponent | Electrical | smallitem, logic |
Concatenation Component | concatcomponent | Electrical | smallitem, logic |
Floor Component | floorcomponent | Electrical | |
Tan Component | tancomponent | Electrical | |
Factorial Component | factorialcomponent | Electrical | |
Memory Component | memorycomponent | Electrical | smallitem, logic |
Square Root Component | squarerootcomponent | Electrical | |
Water Detector | waterdetector | Electrical | smallitem, sensor |
Or Component | orcomponent | Electrical | smallitem, logic |
Relay Component | relaycomponent | Electrical | smallitem, logic |
Output Selector Component | demultiplexercomponent | Electrical | smallitem, logic |
Input Selector Component | multiplexercomponent | Electrical | smallitem, logic |
Emergency Siren | emergencysiren | Electrical | smallitem, sound |
Ceil Component | ceilcomponent | Electrical | |
Abs Component | abscomponent | Electrical | |
Adder Component | addercomponent | Electrical | |
Color Component | colorcomponent | Electrical | smallitem, logic |
FPGA Circuit | fpgacircuit | Electrical | smallitem, signal |
Text Display | textdisplay | Electrical | mediumitem,logic |
Alarm Buzzer | alarmbuzzer | Electrical | smallitem,sound |
Oxygen Detector | oxygendetector | Electrical | smallitem,sensor |
Button | button | Electrical | smallitem,button |
Circuit Box | circuitbox | Electrical | smallitem |
Motion Detector | motiondetector | Electrical | smallitem,sensor |
Logbook | handheldterminal | Electrical | smallitem, logic |
Light Component | lightcomponent | Electrical | smallitem,lightcomponent |
Light Component | lightcomponent90 | Electrical | smallitem,lightcomponent |
Light Component | lightcomponent | Electrical | smallitem,lightcomponent |
Diving Suit | divingsuit | Diving,Equipment | diving,deepdiving,human |
Combat Diving Suit | combatdivingsuit | Diving,Equipment | diving,deepdiving,human |
Abyss Diving Suit | abyssdivingsuit | Diving,Equipment | diving,deepdiving,human |
Slipsuit | slipsuit | Diving,Equipment | diving,deepdiving,human |
PUCS | pucs | Diving,Equipment | diving,deepdiving,divinggear_wearableindoors,human |
Exosuit | exosuit | Diving,Equipment | diving,deepdiving,deepdivinglarge,human |
Funbringer 3000 | clownexosuit | Diving,Equipment | clowngear,deepdiving,deepdivinglarge,clowns,human |
Disposable Diving Suit | respawndivingsuit | Diving,Equipment | diving,deepdiving,human,respawnsuit |
Broken Diving Suit | brokendivingsuit | Diving,Equipment | diving,deepdiving,human |
Oxygenite Tank | oxygenitetank | Diving, Equipment | smallitem, oxygensource |
Diving Mask | divingmask | Diving, Equipment | smallitem, diving, lightdiving |
Oxygen Tank | oxygentank | Diving, Equipment | smallitem, oxygensource |
Alien Power Cell | alienpowercell | Alien,Equipment | alien,smallitem,alienpowercell |
Ancient Weapon | ancientweapon | Alien, Weapon | alien,mediumitem,weapon,mountableweapon |
Psychosis Alien Artifact | psychosisartifact | Alien | alien,alienartifact |
Psychosis Alien Artifact | psychosisartifact_event | Alien | alien,alienartifact |
Alien Ornament | alientrinket3 | Alien | alien,smallitem,smallalienartifact |
Sky Alien Artifact | skyholderartifact | Alien | alien,alienartifact |
Nasonov Alien Artifact | nasonovartifact | Alien | alien,nasonov,alienartifact |
Alien Translator | alientranslator | Alien | smallitem |
Alien Curio | alientrinket2 | Alien | alien,smallitem,smallalienartifact |
Faraday Alien Artifact | faradayartifact | Alien | alien,alienartifact |
Alien Trinket | alientrinket1 | Alien | alien,smallitem,smallalienartifact |
Thermal Alien Artifact | thermalartifact | Alien | alien,alienartifact |
Crates | securemetalcrate | crate,securecrate | |
Crates | explosivecrate | crate,allowcleanup | |
Crates | chemicalcrate | crate,allowcleanup | |
Crates | mediccrate | crate,allowcleanup | |
Crates | magneticsuspensioncrate | crate,magneticsuspensioncrate,poweredcontainer | |
Crates | chemicalcratedamaged | crate | |
Crates | sealedsupplycrate | crate | |
Party Banner | partybanner | smallitem,traitormissionitem | |
Husk Caller | huskcaller | smallitem,instrument,traitormissionitem | |
Makeshift Shelves | makeshiftshelf | container, cargocontainer | |
Clown Crate | clowncrate | crate,allowcleanup,clowns | |
Crates | metalcrate | crate,allowcleanup |