Harpoon Gun

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Harpoon Gun

Launches harpoons, explosive harpoons, and alien harpoons.
Quality Bonuses +10% Affliction Strength
Attack Speed 0.571
Ammunition Harpoon
Explosive Harpoon
Physicorium Harpoon
Ahab's Spear
Ammo Capacity 6
Ammo Max Stack 6
Skill Requirements
Skill Requirements
Weapons: 30
Handicap Spread +9 (1 → 10)
Skill: Weapons: 30
Steel Bar (x2)
Plastic (x2)
Tin (x2)
Fabrication time 20s
Deconstructor Yield
Base Price 170 mk
OutpostOutpost Buy Sell
Habitation OutpostHabitation 255 mk 76 mk
ColonyColony N/A 63 mk
Research OutpostResearch 212 mk 63 mk
Military OutpostMilitary 153 mk 45 mk
Mining OutpostMining 212 mk 63 mk
Medical MerchantMedical Merchant N/A 51 mk
Engineer MerchantEngineer Merchant N/A 51 mk
Armory MerchantArmory Merchant 153 mk 45 mk
Children of The HonkmotherClown Merchant N/A 51 mk
The Church of HuskHusk Merchant N/A 51 mk
Identifier harpoongun
Categories Weapon
Tags mediumitem, weapon, gunsmith, mountableweapon

The Harpoon Gun is a Handheld Ranged Weapon in Barotrauma.


The Harpoon Gun is a two-handed long-range medium-sized weapon. It fires Harpoons at a high velocity. The Harpoon Gun is effective both on board of the submarine and underwater. Upon hitting something, Harpoons may become lodged in the target (Note: This does not apply to the Explosive Harpoon) and can usually be recovered and reused. This property (plus the small material cost of the Ammunition) makes the Harpoon Gun a very cost-efficient weapon, combined with relatively good damage for the cost makes it proficient at stopping the smaller denizens of Europa, such as Crawlers, but it can easily be overwhelmed by big groups of enemies due to the slow firerate.

It can be crafted by anybody, and bought at any Outpost.


The Harpoon Gun is held with both hands and must be loaded with a Harpoon, an Explosive Harpoon, a Physicorium Harpoon or Ahab's Spear to be used. As with all weapons and tools, using it is done by holding the Right Mouse Right-click to take aim, then by Left Mouse Left-clicking to shoot/use.

  • It has a single slot for ammunition which can contain up to 6 Harpoons.
  • Fired Harpoons, other than Explosive Harpoons, may be picked up as any other item with Left Mouse Button by default, and reloaded into the Harpoon Gun.
  • Shot Harpoons have a rope attached to them, which reels any hit target towards the player. The rope snaps automatically 1 second after the Harpoon is fired if not attached to a target.
  • The rope will also snap automatically when the player ragdolled, shoot a new harpoon, or being too far from target.
  • Player can reel a target with a harpoon attached, as long as the target not being too heavy.
  • It should be noted that characters with inadequate weapons skill (less than 30) will be affected by greatly increased spread, reducing the effective accuracy of the gun.
  • Like most two-handed weapons, the Harpoon Gun has a Flashlight slot. The inserted Flashlight automatically turns on whenever the weapon is drawn.
  • It can be stored in the inventory, but not in Storage Containers. The same is true with Harpoons.

Damage Values

ItemShots Afflictions Armor PenetrationStructure Damage Explosion Range

Ahab's Spear
 Lacerations (80)*
 Bleeding (80)*
 Stun (1)*
Impact: 20

Explosive Harpoon
Explosion (2m):
 Burn (50)*
 Stun (1.5)*
Impact: 20
Explosion (2m): 10
2 meters

 Lacerations (35)*
 Bleeding (35)*
 Stun (0.5)*
Impact: 20

Physicorium Harpoon
 Lacerations (60)*
 Bleeding (60)*
 Stun (0.5)*
Impact: 20

Related Talents

Talent Tree Description

ID: slayer
Security Officer
Spec. 2
Gain an additional 25% attack power with harpoons. If you are in the open sea, gain an additional 50% attack power to Harpoons instead.

See Also


  • Pre-release videos for Barotrauma showed that Harpoons were originally going to have a rope attached between them and the Harpoon Gun. This would allow the player to retract a Harpoon back into the barrel of the gun after launching it. In the Among the Ancients update, rope was finally added, but it doesn't allow for full retraction of the fired Harpoon - instead it just drags the Harpoon back for a second before it snaps, helping to collect it.


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Submarine Weapons
Large Turrets
Handheld Weapons
Ranged Weapons
Melee Weapons
Ammunition & Explosives