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A .30 caliber rifle with a manual reload mechanism. Slow rate of fire for unskilled users.
Quality Bonuses +10% Affliction Strength
Attack Speed 0.5
Ammunition Rifle Bullet
Ammo Capacity 6
Ammo Max Stack 12
Secondary Ammunition 40mm Grenade
40mm Stun Grenade
40mm Acid Grenade
40mm Mini Nuke
Secondary Ammo Capacity 1
Secondary Ammo Max Stack 8
Skill Requirements
Skill Requirements
Weapons: 40
Handicap Reload time +3 (2 → 5)
Spread 2 (No penalty)
Talent: Rifleman
Skill: Weapons: 55
Deconstructor Yield
Minimum Difficulty 15%
Base Price 500 mk
OutpostOutpost Buy Sell
Habitation OutpostHabitation N/A 225 mk
ColonyColony N/A 187 mk
Research OutpostResearch N/A 187 mk
Military OutpostMilitary 450 mk 135 mk
Mining OutpostMining N/A 187 mk
Medical MerchantMedical Merchant N/A 150 mk
Engineer MerchantEngineer Merchant N/A 150 mk
Armory MerchantArmory Merchant 450 mk 135 mk
Children of The HonkmotherClown Merchant N/A 150 mk
The Church of HuskHusk Merchant N/A 150 mk
Identifier rifle
Categories Weapon
Tags mediumitem, weapon, gun, gunsmith, mountableweapon

The Rifle is a Handheld Ranged Weapon in Barotrauma.


The Rifle is a two-handed long-range medium-size firearm. As a bolt-action weapon, it has to be reloaded after every shot which slows down the fire rate considerably, especially for characters with an inadequate Weapon Skill. However, its accuracy is pinpoint and it packs a punch, with every bullet dealing almost as much damage as a point-blank shot with a Riot Shotgun.

It can be crafted by a Security Officer with the Rifleman talent unlocked, or alternatively can be bought on Outposts with a difficulty of at least 15


The Rifle is held with both hands and must be loaded with Rifle Bullets to be used. As with all weapons and tools, using it is done by holding the Right Mouse Right-click to take aim, then by Left Mouse Left-clicking to shoot/use. Despite being a bolt-action firearm, the rifle can be fired continuously until it runs out of bullets by holding Left Mouse.

  • It has a single slot for ammunition which can contain up to 6 bullets.
  • Rather uniquely, the Rifle also has a slot for a 40mm Grenade, which are used before the weapon starts using ammo from the internal magazine.
  • An another unique feature of this weapon is the unskilled penalty - instead of increased spread, the reload time is increased significantly. From 2s at 40 skill and above to 5s at 0 skill.
  • Like most two-handed weapons, the Rifle has a Flashlight slot. The inserted Flashlight automatically turns on whenever the weapon is drawn.
  • It can be stored in the inventory, but not in Storage Containers.

Damage Values

ItemShots Afflictions Armor PenetrationStructure Damage Explosion Range

40mm Acid Grenade
Explosion (5m):
 Acid Burn (20)*
 Acid Burn (10)* (20% chance)
 Stun (0.5)*
0% 5 meters

40mm Grenade
Explosion (3m):
 Bleeding (400)* (5% chance)
 Burn (100)*
 Stun (5)*
Impact: 40
Explosion (3m): 20
3 meters

40mm Mini Nuke
 Burn (100)*
 Bleeding (50)*
 Stun (5)*
Explosion (5m):
 Burn (200)*
 Bleeding (40)* (5% chance)
 Stun (10)*
Explosion (10m):
 EMP (20)*
 Scaled by Vitality
Impact: 40
Explosion (5m): 300
5 meters

40mm Stun Grenade
Explosion (3m):
 Stun (15)*
0% 3 meters

Rifle Round
 Gunshot Wound (55)*
 Gunshot Wound (10)*
 (On Headshot)
 Bleeding (33)*
 Stun (1.2)*
 Stun (1.2)*
 (On Headshot)
Impact: 15

Related Talents

Talent Tree Description

ID: rifleman
Security Officer
Spec. 1
Inflict 10% more damage with Rifles. Unlock recipe: Assault Rifle, Assault Rifle Magazine, Rifle, Rifle Round.


  • The Rifle is actually fully automatic and has a capacity of 6 bullets, with the fire rate set very low to look like a reload between each shot.


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Submarine Weapons
Large Turrets
Handheld Weapons
Ranged Weapons
Melee Weapons
Ammunition & Explosives