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Traitor Events

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Traitor Events are random objectives assigned to Traitors.

  • Each event has a "danger level" that describes how destructive/dangerous the event is. Maximum Danger level can be chosen in the server lobby.
  • If a traitor completes their objective successfully, they may get assigned a more dangerous objective on future rounds (up until the maximum defined danger level is reached).

Traitor Events often involve crafting and using Traitor Items.


Nobody gets hurt.

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Ad Hominem

Min 6 crew
30% of crew as traitors
Traitors steal 10% experience
ID adhominem

People often get more honest when under the influence of alcohol, and yesterday was no exception. Although your head is spinning and parts of the night are missing from memory, you remember the comments of one crewmember rubbing you the wrong way, and not just you. While you can't exactly recall who insulted whom, the drunk version of you left behind a note: “Codeword: [codeword].” Perhaps this will help with identifying like-minded folk?


  • Identify co-conspirators with the codeword
  • Get your target accused of being a traitor
  • Ensure people know who the target is

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Arms Interception

Affiliated with the Jovian Separatists
ID armsinterception

You find a wrinkly note in your pocket that you certainly didn't put there yourself. You unfold it and can barely make out the hastily written instructions:
“You know those weapons you're transporting are going to harm good people—get rid of them and we'll see you're rewarded.”


  • Get rid of the weapons

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Blood Samples

Affiliated with The Church of Husk
Traitor steals 10% experience
ID bloodsamples

You find a note in your pocket. “The Church would like to offer you an assignment. You may or may not believe in our cause, but this is strictly for research purposes.
We need blood samples from healthy individuals. Your crew would make excellent test subjects. We've hidden some blood sample vials in your sub; find and fill them, and we'll be sure to make it worth your while.”


  • Obtain the empty vials
  • Collect blood samples

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Compound Nowhere

Affiliated with the Europa Coalition
Traitor steals 10% experience
ID compoundnowhere

Just as you enter the submarine, your headset emits some static noises. When you're about to check whether or not it's damaged, you hear a voice:
“Listen carefully. You're transporting high explosive materials to be used in a terrorist attack on civilians. Remember, the Coalition is kind to those who help us.”


  • Get rid of the explosives

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Deepdiver Ducks

Affiliated with the Children of the Honkmother
Traitor steals 10% experience
ID deepdiverducks

You find a handkerchief with drawings and incoherent scribbling. Writing runs along the edges: “You know what's funny? Rubber ducks. What's even funnier is rubber ducks filled with lead so that they sink instead of float. We need prototypes. Get to it. Now that's funny.”


  • Craft 7 Deepdiver Ducks

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Divine Labor

Affiliated with The Church of Husk
Traitor steals 10% experience
ID divinelabor

There was an addendum in the monthly issue of Beacon: “Hard times are upon the Church of Husk. We require aluminum to make a batch of commemorative Velonaceps calyx figurines, but the coffers run dry. All the faithful are called upon to create figures according to their means.”


  • Craft 10 husk figurines

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Duck Side of the Moon

Affiliated with the Children of the Honkmother
Min 6 crew
20% of crew as traitors
Traitors steal 10% experience
ID ducksideofthemoon

You've gotten yourself in quite a preduckament. All signs induckate yet another preducktable trip from outpost to outpost. Without feather ado, you started Operation: “[codeword].” You do reckon you need some help, and you already know who fits the bill.
You ducktate to them what to do: “What's this? A submarine woefully underpopulated by ducks?!…”


  • Identify co-conspirators with the codeword
  • Find and acquire ducks
  • Fill ballast tanks with ducks
  • First duck in ballast
  • A-duck-ate number of ducks in ballast

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Traitor steals 10% experience
ID exhibitionism

Confined to your calamitous coffin, with the same sweaty sailors for company day by day, moment to month. You need to feel freedom, the air caressing your exposed body. It's time to get those clothes off.


  • Strip down
  • Stay undressed

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Firing Blanks

Traitor steals 10% experience
ID firingblanks

“Who laughs last…” you mumbled to yourself as you walked through the airlock, into the submarine. They pulled the classic “broken airlock” prank on you, and you did for a moment there think you'd be flushed, crushed and imploded.
Let's see how they react to one of the true classics: the blank ammunition prank. You just need to sabotage one of the coilgun's ammunition boxes a bit…


  • Obtain a coilgun ammunition box
  • Convert the box to blanks
  • Insert the blanks into a loader
  • Crewmembers fired blanks

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Dungeons and Doomworms: Goblin Horde

Min 6 crew
20% of crew as traitors
Traitors steal 10% experience
ID goblinhorde

“You step into the forest clearing…roll for initiative,” said the GM. The appropriately costumed party members looked at each other in concern.
“Not again…” exclaimed the rogue. “A one…oh dear.”
“Goblin children appear at the tree lines all around you, and their bows sing: ‘Thwang, thwang.’”


  • Identify co-conspirators with the codeword
  • Paint all ballast tanks green
  • Occupy ballast tanks for five minutes straight
  • One minute passed
  • Two minutes passed
  • Three minutes passed
  • Four minutes passed
  • Five minutes passed

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Handcuff Shortage

Affiliated with the Europa Coalition
Traitor steals 10% experience
ID handcuffshortage

“The plebs have been growing unruly as of late, and we are lacking in certain peacekeeping tools. Perhaps for a reward, you could craft some on your submarine? You've probably got too many resources stockpiled, anyway—time to clear some of those cabinets.”


  • Craft 8 handcuffs

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Harbinger of Honks

Affiliated with the Children of the Honkmother
Traitor steals 10% experience
ID harbingerofhonks

The call of the Honkmother has undoubtedly been heard by now. Time for the next step.


  • Honk a bike horn in various rooms
  • Hide a bike horn in supplies cabinets

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Nature vs. Nurture

Traitor steals 10% experience
ID naturevsnurture

In the latest edition of The Europan magazine, you read about a hot new craze: pet mudraptors. How cool would it be if you could hatch and train a mudraptor from birth to be your loyal ally? Your captain wouldn't dare refuse your requests for a pay raise after that. And it just so happens that you might have a perfect chance to get yourself a fresh mudraptor egg!


  • Find and obtain a mudraptor egg
  • Bring a mudraptor egg to the submarine

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Nature vs. Nurture

Traitor steals 10% experience
ID naturevsnurture_beacon

In the latest edition of The Europan magazine, you read about a hot new craze: pet mudraptors. How cool would it be if you could hatch and train a mudraptor from birth to be your loyal ally? Your captain wouldn't dare refuse your requests for a pay raise after that. Now, it just so happens the beacon station here was destroyed by mudraptors, and they may have left an egg behind. You better volunteer to fix that station and find the egg!


  • Find and obtain a mudraptor egg
  • Bring a mudraptor egg to the submarine

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The Original Honkero

Affiliated with the Children of the Honkmother
Traitor steals 10% experience
ID originalhonkero

The Original Clown Experience™. You aren't currently tormenting any crewmembers with bike horns. An absolute disgrace, which you plan to rectify IMMEDIATELY.


  • Obtain a Bike Horn
  • Torment your victim with your Bike Horn
  • 5 times remaining
  • Wait before honking again

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Party Preparations

Min 6 crew
20% of crew as traitors
Traitors steal 10% experience
ID partypreparations

“How about we throw a heckin' big party?” one of you said.
“Yeah!”someone replied. “But it's gotta be a surprise until we're ready.”
“Let's call it ‘Project: [codeword],’” another anonymous voice on the terminal suggested.
You don't know who your fellow planners are, yet, but they're probably the coolest kids on the crew.


  • Identify co-conspirators with the codeword
  • Decorate a party room
  • Prepare the party in secret
  • Ethanol for every crewmember
  • One instrument present
  • Red party lighting

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Powered by Faith

Affiliated with The Church of Husk
Min 6 crew
20% of crew as traitors
Traitors steal 10% experience
ID poweredbyfaith

You wake up from a fever dream. Beads of sweat have collected on your forehead, but you're not bothered by all that. You still remember your dream vividly, and it must have had some meaning to it. In it, a person taken over by the husk infection slowly approached you, and you had no way to move—your limbs were completely frozen. But! Instead of brutally attacking and murdering you, the Velonaceps calyx radiated calmness and compassion. They WANT to save us, if we'll let them!
As long as we show our faith and truly BELIEVE, we can do anything. Although your crew is full of blasphemous non-believers, you'll ensure the submarine will be turned into a temple worthy of the husks' blessing. You do hope you might enlist some people to your cause, though.
Studies have shown that believing in husks as saviors can be linked to an interest in [codeword]. Mentioning [codeword] might find you some allies.


  • Identify co-conspirators with the codeword
  • Find the husk figurines
  • Spread the figurines around
  • First figurine placed
  • Replace the fuel rods in the reactor

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The Duffel Bag

Affiliated with the Children of the Honkmother
Traitor steals 10% experience
ID theduffelbag

You find a note in your pocket.
“The Con-sortium of Very Important Deliveries has chosen you to deliver a very important item to your destination. The item is a seemingly normal (but in reality, a very important) duffel bag, hidden somewhere in your submarine. It is very important that you do not let anyone look inside the bag until it's reached its destination.”


  • Find the duffel bag
  • Do not let anyone look inside the bag

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Affiliated with the Jovian Separatists
Traitor steals 10% experience
ID undercover

“Your crew is aiding the oppressors, another boot on the neck of the workers who risk their lives every day. Will you do what is right? All we need is [target]'s ID card…”


  • Obtain target's ID card


Might result in injuries and/or damage to the submarine.

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Baking Station

Traitor steals 25% experience
ID bakingstation

You are angry. Enraged, even. The constant stress of being confined to your metal coffin is taking its toll on you, and you know it. You have to take out that anger somewhere on something… The beacon station you're supposed to visit might have a nuclear reactor that could be overloaded, causing a huge explosion and radiation to harm those Jove-forsaken crawlers and mudraptors for a long time to come. Your hand stops shaking for the first time in days. You know now: It is what you have to do.


  • Cause beacon station reactor meltdown

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Cargo Theft

ID cargotheft

Right before you entered the submarine through the station's airlock, you found a shady-looking figure standing in the shadows. He gave you a crooked smile, and said: “Your wallet looks awfully light after the shore leave, eh? Want to do something about that? You see, the cargo you're transporting… The recipients are very desperate for that cargo. They pay good money. Now, if that cargo arrives, they're no longer desperate, no longer paying good money. See where I am going with this? If some cargo were to go missing, it might profit both of us.”
Now you're still wondering whether or not to take the money. It's dirty, but marks are marks.


  • Dispose of the cargo

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The Clobbery Robbery

Min 6 crew
2 traitors
Traitors steal 25% experience
ID clobberyrobbery

Oof. You feel the lightness of your pockets. “That wretched [victim] did it again…” Foul play HAS to be involved—how can you be this unlucky ALL the time? On the other hand, luck always seems to be in the favor of that wretched [victim]. You know you weren't the only one who lost money yesterday, although the shady gambling room made it hard to see who else was there.
Maybe you can get some of your money back in an old-fashioned robbery. You can play unfair too.
The gambling event was called “[codeword],” so mentioning the “[codeword]” incident might help you identify possible co-conspirators.


  • Identify co-conspirators with the codeword
  • Wear your bandanas
  • Use a blunt instrument to knock the victim unconscious
  • Rob the victim while they're unconscious

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Faulty Robes

Affiliated with The Church of Husk
Traitor steals 25% experience
ID faultyrobes

A recent mishap at a Church of Husk initiation rite left the church feeling rather embarrassed. Some of their robes didn't do their intended job of masking the wearer from the husks. Not a good showing for potential recruits, as those wearing the faulty robes got torn to pieces or taken over. Now they're offering a reward for anyone willing to test out the faulty batch.
All you have to do is get your crew to wear the robes amidst a large group of husks. It may be difficult to convince them to participate—better wait for the husks to board so the crew is more willing to try out the robes.


  • Find the robes and the husk caller
  • Use the husk caller
  • Dock with only functional robes on board

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Gnawing Cold

Min 6 crew
2 traitors
Traitors steal 25% experience
ID gnawingcold

Tack-tack-tack-tack. With chattering teeth you practically embrace the somewhat heated pipes running along the walls of the submarine. The chill air sends shivers through your spine, and you frantically try to rub your hands together before they go numb. “Why is it always so darned cold here?” you think to yourself. “Would turning up the heating just a tiny bit really hurt our fuel consumption?!”
In the distance, you see a fellow crewmember buried in blankets, and hear a familiar sound: “tack-tack-tack.” Perhaps together you could heat up the submarine?
You vaguely recall someone else complaining about the cold earlier on the radio too. Perhaps you could all heat up the submarine? Use the codeword “[codeword]” to find the other freezing crewmates.


  • Identify co-conspirators with the codeword
  • Find something flammable
  • Start fires

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Husk Roulette

Affiliated with The Church of Husk
Min 6 crew
3 traitors
Traitors steal 25% experience
ID huskroulette

You were contacted by the Church of Husk: “We acknowledge having a symbiote growing inside your throat may be a bit scary for some people, so we would like to research the psychological effects of the threat of the husk infection, in order to be able to treat it effectively…”
Attached with the message were three syringes, two of which don't do anything, one of which contains the Velonaceps calyx in advanced stages. You'll be running the “[codeword]” test group, for a small monetary reward.


  • Identify co-conspirators with the codeword
  • Distribute the syringes
  • Receive your syringe
  • Inject yourself
  • Survive and deflect accusations

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Mining Sabotage

Traitor steals 25% experience
ID miningsabotage

A burly figure leans in the doorframe, blocking your way. You're already late, having just heard the call to get back to your submarine ASAP—what could he possibly want? He has a scowl on his face, but does not seem to be threatening you.
“Hear me out,” he starts. “I oversee mining operations around here, and to put it frankly, your mining mission is going to cut into my profits. Not your problem, you could say, but I say: business opportunity. Cause a few malfunctions in your plasma cutters, and I'll see you're paid more than your mission's cut would be.”


  • Swap welding fuel tanks into 50% of the plasma cutters

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Nature vs. Nurture – Part 2

Traitor steals 25% experience
ID naturevsnurture2

A one-armed wretch of a man has sold you a guide titled “Mudraptor Pets 101.” It is far from professional—in fact it's all written on some crusty old bandages—but he insisted he has experience in raising mudraptors as pets.
According to the guide, the first minutes after hatching are crucial. If they get a taste of human flesh during this period, they'll forever crave more, so this should be avoided at all costs.


  • Retrieve the mudraptor egg from its hiding spot
  • Hatch the egg in a safe spot
  • Keep the hatchling alive

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2 Duffel 2 Bag

Affiliated with the Children of the Honkmother
Traitor steals 20% experience
ID theduffelbagbomb

You find a note in your pocket.
“The Con-sortium of Very Important Deliveries has chosen you, yet again, to deliver a very important item to your destination. Plot twist, though! You do want people to take a peek inside it this time.”


  • Enjoy your duffel bag
  • Tick tick tick
  • Tick tick tick

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Affiliated with the Europa Coalition
ID vipbombing

“A certain activist you're transporting is actually responsible for the bombing of Dank Station. We want the separatist scum to know what it is like to be caught in the blast. It's the one with the fancy hat who calls himself a captain.”


  • Find the detonator and C-4
  • Detonate the C-4 near the VIP

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Taste of Their Own Medicine

Affiliated with the Jovian Separatists
Traitor steals 25% experience
ID vippoison

“You know when the Coalition says you are transporting ‘a highly esteemed medical expert,’ they mean someone who does horrible experiments on anyone disagreeing with them, right?” The separatist recruiter sounded convincing and gave plenty of evidence of a certain Dr. Happy, to boot. Now they asked you to give the VIP a taste of their own medicine. Even if they survive, it will get the message across.


  • Find the poison in a hiding spot
  • Inject the VIP with the poison


High chance of causing injuries or even casualties.

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Blood Samples – Part 2

Affiliated with The Church of Husk
Traitor steals 50% experience
ID bloodsamples2

“Research of the husk symbiote is progressing, but could be sped up if you ask me. The next experiment is dangerous but crucial for any significant breakthrough to occur. Your blood samples collection suggests [character] is the perfect candidate for symbiosis. It is up to you to convince them to voluntarily agree to the symbiosis, or just inject them against their will.”


  • Inject the target with Calyx extract
  • Observe the husk infection's progress

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Dead or Alive

Affiliated with the Europa Coalition
Traitor steals 50% experience
ID deadoralive

“We have strong suspicions [character] is actually the nefarious Sootman, although we have no evidence to back it up. We’ve put a big bounty on their head, dead or alive. Also, about that evidence… We'd like you to plant some.”


  • Plant Sootman's ID card and mask
  • Make sure "Sootman" is found

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Murder Mystery

Min 8 crew
3 traitors
Traitors steal 50% experience
ID murdermystery

“Well well well, it seems we have a murder mystery on our hands,” you mutter while looking at the mangled corpse of a crawler.
“No we don't,” replied a crewmember. “Crawler lives don't count. We should murder an assistant or something, present the crew with a real murder mystery.”
While it seems like a rather psychopathic thing to say, you do think giving the crew some relief from their dreary routines is worth sacrificing one crewmember. After all, a lack of motivation could get the entire crew killed.


  • Kill the target
  • Using the designated weapon
  • By the designated murderer

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Show of Strength

Affiliated with the Jovian Separatists
Traitor steals 50% experience
ID showofstrength

While the comrades are unhappy that you have chosen to socialize with the ruling class, they are willing to look past this. You have been chosen as the executive muscle for a display of strength, cause and message. The separatist effort has tasked Blind Jim to stash necessary tools inside your vessel. Retrieve the stash and separate the bourgeoisie snakehead from its body, or whatever the missive suggests.


  • Find the hidden stash
  • Blow up the crew at the navigation terminal

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Duffel Bag: Turku Drift

Affiliated with the Children of the Honkmother
Traitor steals 30% experience
ID theduffelbagbomb2

You find a note in your pocket.
“The Con-sortium of Very Important Deliveries has chosen you to—well, you know the drill. Do they look inside? Do they not look inside? You'll figure it out.”


  • Enjoy your duffel bag
  • Tick tick tick
  • Tick tick tick

v · d · e · h

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