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Notes: The sections "Submarines", "Improvement" and "Maintenance" still need to be updated.
See also: Campaign

The Shipyard introduces Submarine customization and progression, which is available in every Outpost.


Main article: Submarines

The NPC in charge of selling Submarines wears a Boiler Suit with a submarine icon above them. Their station is the Maintenance bay, easily recognized from all the Submarine Blueprints hanging on the wall.

When interacting with them, an interface similar to the Outpost Terminal appears, showing all available subs for sale, with the fixed price and its class specified, along with the options to either Purchase or Purchase and Switch (This function is identical to the Switch option in the Outpost Terminal).


Subs may have their hulls and systems upgraded in a variety of ways to improve durability and effectiveness. These are purchased from the Chief Mechanic at any station, who is usually in the station engineering section with the reactor and the oxygen generator. They can be seen wearing Outpost Dweller's Attire with an Upgrade icon above them.

The Chief Mechanic offers multiple Upgrades per Upgrade category to further improve them, but each additional Upgrade in the same category also costs more than the one before. Thus, more money buys more and nicer things. The Chief Mechanic also offers sub Maintenance services to ensure the safety of the crew on their next trip, provided they can afford such services.

When purchasing and switching to a new submarine, it will only be delivered and available for use once the crew leaves the Outpost. During this period, the Upgrade interface will become inaccessible as the Chief Mechanic isn't able to work on any of the crew's newly purchased subs until they have been delivered.

The pricing of their Upgrades and Maintenance services is dependent on the RP of the current Outpost, specifically 1 RP is equivalent to 0.5% of the price. Therefore, the maximum discount is 50% off at 100 RP, and at -80 RP they will charge 40% extra. Much like Store, the price gets higher beyond -80 RP as the entire Outpost hound for the crew's blood.


There are 13 item categories that can be upgraded, each with one or more upgrades and each upgrade having one or more levels. There are a total of 20 unique upgrades across all parts.
Upgrades can have differing maximum levels, base prices and price increase percentages.

Purchased upgrade levels are kept when switching to a new submarine. When switching to a submarine using the "Transfer Items" option, all of the items inside the submarine (placed items such as Wiring Components, Small Planter Boxes, Portable Pumps and Makeshift Shelves have to be detached first) will be transferred over to the new submarine. Items will be sorted into containers using Autofill Tags, otherwise they will be dropped on the floor of the Cargo room.

Downgrading to a lower tier sub keeps the ownership of upgrade levels above the allowed maximum for that tier, but restricts the effects of those upgrades to the tier's maximum level.
For example, if a crew is currently using a tier 3 submarine and has the "Enhanced Battery Capacity" upgrade at level 3 (+60% Max Charge), they can switch to a tier 2 submarine, and will still own level 3 of that upgrade, but only have the effects of the level 2 upgrade (+40% Max Charge).
The same applies for switching submarine classes.

NOTE: Upgrade prices in the tables below are displayed at 0 RP.


Enhanced Battery Capacity

ID: increasebatterycapacity

Increase maximum energy storage capacity.
Level Tier Max Charge Price
1 1 +20%  2,000 mk
2 2 +40%  3,333 mk
3 3 +60%  4,666 mk

Enhanced Battery Charging

ID: increasebatteryrechargespeed

Increase maximum recharge rate.
Level Tier Max Charge Rate Price
1 1 +10%  2,000 mk
2 2 +20%  3,333 mk
3 3 +30%  4,666 mk


Quicker Deconstruction

ID: decreasedeconstructiontime

Items will be deconstructed faster. Power usage increased slightly.
Level Tier Deconstruction Speed Power Consumption Price
1 1 +30%  +5%  1,500 mk
2 2 +60%  +10%  2,250 mk
3 3 +90%  +15%  3,000 mk
4 3 +120%  +20%  3,750 mk

Note: "Transport" class submarines can gain 1 additional level of this upgrade before needing to switch tiers. This means tier 3 transport subs have access to the 4th upgrade where other sub classes can only reach the 3rd.

Electrical Repairs

Enhanced Durability

ID: increasemaxcondition

Increases the maximum condition of the item, making it deteriorate more slowly and withstand more damage.
Level Tier Max Condition Price
1 1 +20%  1,500 mk
2 2 +40%  2,500 mk
3 3 +60%  3,499 mk

Modular Repairs

ID: decreaselowskillfixduration

Decrease the amount of time and skill needed to repair equipment.
Level Tier Unskilled Repair Duration Required Skill Level Price
1 1 -10%  -10%  1,000 mk
2 2 -20%  -20%  1,666 mk
3 3 -30%  -30%  2,333 mk


Engine Power

ID: increaseenginemaxforce

Increase maximum speed.
Level Tier Max Force Price
1 1 +8%  2,500 mk
2 2 +16%  3,750 mk
3 3 +24%  5,000 mk
4 3 +32%  6,250 mk

Note: "Scout" class submarines can gain 1 additional level of this upgrade before needing to switch tiers. This means tier 3 scout subs have access to the 4th upgrade where other sub classes can only reach the 3rd.


Quicker Fabrication

ID: increasefabricationspeed

Decrease the time needed to fabricate items, but increase power usage.
Level Tier Fabrication Speed Power Consumption Price
1 1 +30%  +5%  2,000 mk
2 2 +60%  +10%  3,000 mk
3 3 +90%  +15%  4,000 mk
4 3 +120%  +20%  5,000 mk

Note: "Transport" class submarines can gain 1 additional level of this upgrade before needing to switch tiers. This means tier 3 transport subs have access to the 4th upgrade where other sub classes can only reach the 3rd.


Hull Reinforcements

ID: increasewallhealth

Increase submarine hull durability. Makes the walls less vulnerable to damage and allows the submarine to dive deeper without getting crushed by pressure.
Level Tier Max Wall Health Crush Depth Price
1 1 +20%  +15% (4025m) 2,000 mk
2 1 +40%  +30% (4550m) 3,333 mk
3 2 +60%  +45% (5075m) 4,666 mk
4 2 +80%  +60% (5600m) 6,000 mk
5 3 +100%  +75% (6125m) 7,333 mk
6 3 +120%  +90% (6650m) 8,666 mk

Note: Hull upgrades require resources in addition to Marks.
Level 1 and 2 upgrades require 5x Steel Bars each, level 3 and 4 require 5x Titanium-Aluminum Alloy each and level 5 and 6 require 5x Physicorium Bars each.

Junction Boxes

Enhanced Resistors

ID: increaseovervoltageresistance

Resist damage from excessive voltage. Decrease the probability of fires occurring.
Level Tier Fire Probability Overload Voltage Price
1 1 -10%  +10%  2,000 mk
2 2 -20%  +20%  3,333 mk
3 3 -30%  +30%  4,666 mk

Mechanical Repairs

Enhanced Durability

ID: increasemaxcondition

Increases the maximum condition of the item, making it deteriorate more slowly and withstand more damage.
Level Tier Max Condition Price
1 1 +20%  1,500 mk
2 2 +40%  2,500 mk
3 3 +60%  3,499 mk

Modular Repairs

ID: decreaselowskillfixduration

Decrease the amount of time and skill needed to repair equipment.
Level Tier Unskilled Repair Duration Required Skill Level Price
1 1 -10%  -10%  1,000 mk
2 2 -20%  -20%  1,666 mk
3 3 -30%  -30%  2,333 mk


Mineral Scanner

ID: enablemineralscanner

Displays locations of minerals on Navigation Terminals and Sonar Monitors.
Level Mineral Scanner Price
1 Available for all terminals. 2000 mk

Note: Only "Scout" and "Transport" class submarines can receive this upgrade. Note 2: Some submarines with multiple sonar monitors such as the R-29 and Berilia already have mineral scanners installed on the additional monitors. This upgrade will simply add a scanner to the the helm console specifically in such cases.


Efficient Pumps

ID: increasemaxpumpflow

Increase the speed at which water is pumped in or out of the sub. Decreases pumps' power consumption.
Level Tier Max Flow Rate Power Consumption Price
1 1 +10%  -5%  3,000 mk
2 2 +20%  -10%  5,000 mk
3 3 +30%  -15%  6,999 mk


Reactor Efficiency

ID: increasereactoroutput

Increase reactor power output.
Level Tier Max Power Output Price
1 1 +3%  2,000 mk
2 2 +6%  3,333 mk
3 3 +9%  4,666 mk
  • Stacks multiplicatively with Buzzin'.

Upgraded Cooling Rods

ID: decreasefuelconsumption

Decrease fuel consumption rate. Increase the time reactors can stay at critical temperature before meltdown.
Level Tier Max Fuel Consumption Rate Meltdown Delay Price
1 1 -20%  +20%  2,000 mk
2 2 -40%  +40%  3,000 mk
3 3 -60%  +60%  4,000 mk
4 3 -80%  +80%  5,000 mk

Note: "Transport" class submarines can gain 1 additional level of this upgrade before needing to switch tiers. This means tier 3 transport subs have access to the 4th upgrade where other sub classes can only reach the 3rd.


Enhanced Supercapacitor Capacity

ID: increasesupercapacitorcapacity

Increase maximum energy storage capacity.
Level Tier Max Charge Price
1 1 +10%  2,000 mk
2 2 +20%  3,333 mk
3 3 +30%  4,666 mk

Enhanced Supercapacitor Charging

ID: increasesupercapacitorrechargespeed

Increase maximum recharge rate.
Level Tier Max Charge Rate Price
1 1 +10%  2,000 mk
2 2 +20%  3,333 mk
3 3 +30%  4,666 mk


Energy Efficiency

ID: turretdecreasepowerconsumption

Reduce power consumption.
Level Tier Power Consumption Price
1 1 -8%  1,500 mk
2 2 -16%  2,250 mk
3 3 -24%  3,000 mk
4 3 -32%  3,750 mk

Note: "Attack" class submarines can gain 1 additional level of this upgrade before needing to switch tiers. This means tier 3 attack subs have access to the 4th upgrade where other sub classes can only reach the 3rd.

Enhanced Periscopes

ID: turretincreaseoffsetonselected

Increase the view range of all weapons.
Level Tier View Distance Light Range Price
1 1 +4%  +16%  2,000 mk
2 2 +8%  +32%  3,000 mk
3 3 +12%  +48%  4,000 mk
4 3 +16%  +64%  5,000 mk

Note: "Attack" and "Scout" class submarines can gain 1 additional level of this upgrade before needing to switch tiers. This means tier 3 scout & attack subs have access to the 4th upgrade where transport sub classes can only reach the 3rd.

Quicker Guns

ID: turretincreaserotationlowskill

Increase the rotation rate of all guns when operated by insufficiently skilled crew.
Level Tier Unskilled Rotation Speed Price
1 1 +20%  1,500 mk
2 2 +40%  2,250 mk
3 3 +60%  3,000 mk
4 3 +80%  3,750 mk

Note: "Attack" class submarines can gain 1 additional level of this upgrade before needing to switch tiers. This means tier 3 attack subs have access to the 4th upgrade where other sub classes can only reach the 3rd.

Weapon Customization

Turrets can be swapped out for other turrets. Large/small turrets cannot be interchanged.

Small Turrets Large Turrets
Turret Hardpoint
Large Turret Hardpoint
Double Coilgun
Flak Cannon
Pulse Laser


Main article: Maintenance

Keeping the sub and its installations in good condition is crucial for the crew's survival when traversing the Europa's ocean. Sub Maintenance can be done manually by anyone, preferably individuals skilled in those aspects, mainly Mechanics.

Manually repairing things can be a tedious and difficult task depending on the structure of a sub and the current state of a sub. The quickest way to maintain a sub is to just stop by an Outpost, spend money in Maintenance services, and get everything repaired automatically instead.

However, things like shuttles (drones) that come with certain subs can't be recovered manually if they get destroyed or the crew happens to lose them along the way. The only way to retrieve the lost shuttle is to replace it for a new one in Maintenance.

There are 2 types of services in Maintenance: Repair and Replace. The repair service is available for purchase once per visit to an Outpost. The repair cost depends on the amount of damage to walls/devices. The cost to repair walls and items is capped at 600 and 2,000 marks respectively. The replace service is only available for subs with built-in shuttles that have lost said shuttles and also only purchasable once per visit to an Outpost.

The price of the services is shown below at 0 RP and maximum cost.

Service Price
Repair All Walls 600 mk
Repair All Items 2,000 mk
Replace Lost Shuttles 1,000 mk

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