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Broad-spectrum Antibiotics

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Main article: Medical Items

Broad-spectrum Antibiotics

Inventory icon

An antibiotic that acts against a wide range of disease-causing bacteria, though with the side effect of internal damage and alcohol sensitivity. Used as an ingredient in many medical compounds.
Medical Usage
Only reduces Husk infection
when it is below 75%
 Husk Infection (-30)*
 Organ Damage (33)*
 Infected Wound (-90)*
Duration 60s*
Only reduces Husk infection
when it is below 75%
 Husk Infection (-15)*
 Organ Damage (60)*
 Infected Wound (-60)*
Duration 60s*
Skill Requirements
Skill Requirements
Medical: 25
Constructible? No
Deconstructible? No
Base Price 40 mk
OutpostOutpost Buy Sell
Habitation OutpostHabitation 40 mk 12 mk
ColonyColony 36 mk 10 mk
Research OutpostResearch 36 mk 10 mk
Military OutpostMilitary N/A 13 mk
Mining OutpostMining N/A 13 mk
Medical MerchantMedical Merchant 36 mk 10 mk
Engineer MerchantEngineer Merchant N/A 12 mk
Armory MerchantArmory Merchant N/A 12 mk
Children of The HonkmotherClown Merchant N/A 12 mk
The Church of HuskHusk Merchant 40 mk 12 mk
Identifier antibiotics
Categories Medical
Tags smallitem, chem, medical, syringe

Broad-spectrum Antibiotics is a basic chemical used to treat or slow down Husk Infection.


Broad-spectrum Antibiotics fights Husk Infections in two ways: Firstly, it grants Husk Infection Resistance, which reduces the rate at which the infection advances from +0.3/s to +0.15/s. Secondly, it directly reduces the infection by -0.5/s for 60 seconds. These effects together mean that one dose can reduce the infection by 21, two doses can treat 51, and three doses will cure the infection as long as it is below 75.

If the patient's Husk Infection has advanced above 75, the -0.5/s reduction will not work, but the Infection Resistance will.

Beyond this point, Calyxanide, Sufforin, Cyanide (not recommended) or usage of the outpost clinic is necessary.

Since Husk Infection is hidden until it reaches 75 strength (50 for users of the Health Scanner HUD), if a patient is likely to be infected, it may be beneficial to apply Broad-spectrum Antibiotics before it can be confirmed with certainty. The first possible indication is at 25 strength, where the infected character may receive a notification depending on the Show husk infection warning setting, so applying a dose early can save on resources, though at the cost of potentially wasting resources if the patient isn't infected.

Contrary to popular belief, the Husk Infection Resistance from this medical item does not reduce the chance of being inflicted with Husk Infection when attacked by husked creatures, but if one is infected within 60 seconds of receiving a dose, it's likely that the reduction will cure the infection before it can become a problem.

As a disinfectant, Broad-spectrum Antibiotics treats Infected Wounds effectively, one Broad-spectrum Antibiotics is enough to cure a limb out of infections below 84%.


Like all Medical Items, Broad-spectrum Antibiotics can be applied through the Health GUI (Default Key H). See this page for more information on usage.

Broad-spectrum Antibiotics can be loaded into a Syringe Gun, and can also be swung from the hand to apply its effects to whatever it hits. Note that the effects that treat Husk Infection are not dependent on which limb it is used on, but Infected Wound will only be reduced on the limb that the syringe was applied to.

Broad-spectrum Antibiotics is used to craft some more advanced medicines:

Fabrication & Deconstruction

Medical Fabricator Items
Crafting Materials Crafting Talent, Skill, Time Item Deconstruction Time Deconstruction Yield
Broad-spectrum Antibiotics (x2)
Elastin (x1)
Medical 48

Antibiotic Glue
20 Broad-spectrum Antibiotics
Calyx Extract
Broad-spectrum Antibiotics
20 Broad-spectrum Antibiotics

Deconstructor Items
Crafting Materials Crafting Talent, Skill, Time Item Deconstruction Time Deconstruction Yield

Slime Bacteria
5 3 Broad-spectrum Antibiotics

v · d · e · h

Medical Items

Basic Chemicals