Pomegrenade Seed

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Main article: Gardening

Pomegrenade Seed

A red-orange seed
Time to fully grow 57 minutes, 8 seconds
Average fruit spawn rate 7.92 / hour
Fruit Pomegrenade (95%)
Mutated Pomegrenade (5%)
Conditions Time to decay when fully watered
Base 55 minutes, 33 seconds
Flooded 15 minutes, 9 seconds
Constructible? No
Deconstructor Yield
1 Carbon(≥50%*)
Base Price 30 mk
OutpostOutpost Buy Sell
Habitation OutpostHabitation N/A 9 mk
ColonyColony 36 mk 10 mk
Research OutpostResearch 36 mk 10 mk
Military OutpostMilitary N/A 8 mk
Mining OutpostMining N/A 6 mk
Medical MerchantMedical Merchant N/A 9 mk
Engineer MerchantEngineer Merchant N/A 9 mk
Armory MerchantArmory Merchant N/A 9 mk
Children of The HonkmotherClown Merchant N/A 9 mk
The Church of HuskHusk Merchant N/A 9 mk
Identifier creepingorangevineseed
Categories Misc
Tags smallitem, seed, plantitem

Pomegrenade Seed is a Gardening item.


Pomegrenade Seeds are small red-orange seeds, storable in Seed Bags. They are the main, natural source of Pomegrenades, which can be used to craft Pomegrenade Extracts, and of Mutated Pomegrenades, which serve no practical purpose except deconstruction.

It's a relatively dangerous plant to grow as any produced Mutated Pomegrenades can explode, starting a fire. It is advisable to keep a Fire Extinguisher nearby. If no Fire Extinguishers are available, flooding the associated partition of the submarine to extinguish the fire may be an option. Water from the Watering Can DOES NOT put out flames.

Pomegrenade Seeds can be bought at some Outposts, obtained from deconstructing Pomegrenades or Mutated Pomegrenades, and looted from Wrecks.
Mutated Pomegrenades can only be grown.

Spawn Chances
Location Chance
Wrecked Storage Cabinet 10%
Abandoned Storage Cabinet 10%
Seed Bag 30%


To start a Garden, first place a Small Planter Box inside the submarine, then, use the Pomegrenade Seed on the Planter Box to plant it.


Deconstructor Items
Crafting Materials Crafting Talent, Skill, Time Item Deconstruction Time Deconstruction Yield

Mutated Pomegrenade
35 1 Carbon(≥50%*)
1 Pomegrenade Seed(≥50%*)

35 1 Carbon(≥50%*)
1 Pomegrenade Seed(≥50%*)

See Also


v · d · e · h

Gardening Items
