Version History/Alpha
- See also: Version History/Release, Version History/Legacy
- Some submarine upgrades cost materials in addition to money.
- Crush depths are displayed on the submarine switch terminal.
- Miscellaneous fixes to all translations.
- The "max missions" campaign setting is restricted to a maximum of 3.
- Minor improvements to ragdoll animation when falling prone due to stun/unconsciousness/ragdolling.
- Revisited the skill requirements and the OnFailure conditions on welding tool, plasma cutter, flamer, and steam gun. Flamer and steam gun now apply burns on the user only when they don't have enough skills to use the item. All these items are now less efficient when used with low skills.
- Changed Alarm Buzzer sound to differentiate it from the diving suit warning beep.
- Depth charge tweaks: require UEX, increase non-contained item explosion radius and damage, allow quality to affect explosion, increase pricing.
- Reduced Flak Cannon effectiveness (in particular Spreader Ammo and Explosive Ammo), against large enemies in particular.
- Lights flicker when hit by EMP.
- Large monsters no longer drop the loot when they die. This was implemented as a workaround to it being difficult to grab large monsters, but now they're much easier to grab - you can grab them anywhere near their main limb, instead of having to find the "origin" somewhere at the center of the monster.
- Bots now prefer PUCS over the other diving suits and the other diving suits over exosuit.
- Made drinks and other consumables work more consistently.
- Adjusted the aim poses used while holding certain melee weapons.
- Harpoons: Adjusted the damage on walls and the projectile launch forces. Spears can now stick to the walls. Inversed the reeling logic: ragdoll key = reel in.
Poison overhaul:
- Reworked most poison afflictions with the goal that a medic can now use them offensively on monsters and humans alike.
- Sufforin, Morbusine, Cyanide, Paralyzant now work on most monsters. Bigger monsters are generally more resistant than the smaller.
- Sufforin poisoning: Slowly makes the target fall sick. Eventually leads to death. Stronger monsters may recover.
- Morbusine poisoning: Kills the target relatively quickly from gradual oxygen deprivation/organ damage. Stronger monsters may recover.
- Cyanide poisoning: Doesn't do much at first, but progresses rapidly and kills the target suddenly. Lethal even to the strongest monsters.
- Paralysis: Advances more quickly than previously. Effective even on larger monsters. (Leucocytes don't always apply enough paralysis for it to progress. They also use a version of the affliction that progresses using the old, slower speed.)
- Poisons (and paralysis) now wear off when the affliction level is low.
- Made medic AI react sooner to treat poisons.
- Attempts to poison the target can now fail when the user has a low medical skill.
- Added a short cooldown to applying medical items. Prevents being able to spam medicine (or poisons) at a nearly unlimited rate.
- Adjusted the syringe and stun gun dart trajectories.
- Reworked the weapons and the medical skill gains: instead of always increasing the weapons skill when a target takes damage, afflictions like poisons now increase the medical skill. Also applying the buffs now increases the medical skill. The skill increases are defined per affliction.
- Fixed the skill gains on low levels (0-15) being ridiculously high.
- Fixed "Down With the Ship" sometimes having an incorrect description.
- Fixed "Bounty Hunter" and "Logistics Expert" not giving 15% experience bonus.
- Pet raptor eggs can be fabricated from raptor eggs of any size.
- Fixed Flamer being craftable by anyone, even though it should only be possible with the "Pyromaniac" talent.
- Fixed ability to move in an unpowered exosuit when you've got any speed buff.
- Fixed "True Potential" and "Chonky Honks" not requiring clown power to work.
- Reduced the chance of finding genetic materials with the "Gene Harvester" talent, fixed genetic materials sometimes being found on defense bots.
- Fixed "Spec Ops" not working properly with shotguns and other weapons that fire multiple projectiles per shot. Only the first projectile that hit did double damage.
- Fixed some parts of Hemulen and Venture not flooding properly.
- "Mass production" talent only applies to items in the "material" category. Fixes e.g. recycle recipes sometimes allowing you to keep the original item.
- Fixed "Lone Wolf" not giving any damage/stun resistance.
- Fixed "Scrap Savant" having a 80% chance of finding scrap instead of 20%.
- Fixed "Steady Tune" not doing what the description says (giving a constantly diminishing 7.5% resistance instead of 60%), made the talent give 100% immunity instead.
- Fixed "Multifunctional" talent not giving a boost to crowbar damage.
- Fixed inaccurate "Unstoppable Curiosity" and "Ph.D in Nuclear Physics" descriptions.
- Fixed skill boost from "Journeyman" not matching the value in the description.
- Fixed "Quickdraw" damage bonus.
- Fixed inaccurate "Journeyman" description.
- Fixed "Oiled Machinery" not increasing fabrication speed.
- Fixed tinkered doors requiring a higher condition percentage to become repaired.
- Fixed "Drunken Sailor" not protecting entirely from the negative effects of drunkness.
- Better support for playing the MP campaign without a host or someone with campaign management permissions on the server:
- You can vote to end the round in the campaign as well.
- Automatic restart works in the campaign mode as well.
- Anyone can manage salaries if there's no-one allowed to do it.
- If there's no host or anyone with permissions in the server, anyone is able to setup a new campaign.
- Campaign can be voted for when game mode voting is enabled.
- Made ragdoll syncing more robust: reduces cases of teleportation/desync when manually ragdolling the character in multiplayer.
- Fixed rejoining clients not regaining control of their character even if the character is still alive, if the client's IP address has changed. A respawn would also not trigger.
- Fixed "failed to write a network message, too much data is being stored in SegmentTable" errors that could occur in various situations: for example when the host has a large ban list, lots of submarines, and when rewiring a device with lots of connections.
- Fixed "Create new character" button not appearing in the tab menu when dead or spectating.
- Fixed clients not entering the server lobby if they accept a server invite during a single player round or tutorial.
- Fixed inability to join IPv4 servers when IPv6 is disabled.
- Fixed hidden submarine list sometimes desyncing if you have specific custom submarines.
- Fixed characters spawning with their inventory, skills, etc intact if they die during a round and the round ends when the client is no longer in the server. Or, to put it another way, spawning as if they hadn't died at all.
- Fixed an issue that prevented some dedicated servers from appearing in the server list.
- Fixed chat-linked wifi components not receiving order and report messages.
- Save the server settings after starting up the server to create the default settings file if it doesn't exist, instead of only when the server is shut down or the settings changed.
- Fixed list of hidden submarines sometimes desyncing.
- Fixed inability to start Linux dedicated server using LinuxGSM due to an incorrect EOL character in DedicatedServer.exe.
- Fixed high-quality items spawning earlier in the campaign when playing with a higher campaign difficulty setting.
- Fixed multiple issues in the tutorials: missing text, events not progressing when not following tutorial's steps, infographics usability issues.
- Fixed attacking with a melee weapon making you unable to turn (flip) for a while.
- Fixed ragdolling affecting the character's velocity, allowing it to be used as a way to avoid fall damage.
- Hull fixes to vanilla subs and wrecks.
- Fixed alien flares practically never spawning in ruins.
- Fixed status effects defined inside an attack definition still using the old OnUse/OnFailure logic instead of OnSuccess/OnFailure.
- Fixed "save as item assembly" and "snap to grid" buttons taking cursor focus in the sub editor even when they're not visible.
- Fixed inability to launch custom dedicated server executables from the main menu on mac and linux.
- Fixed inability to drag and drop items from the entity list to small containers (such as battery charging docks) in the sub editor.
- Fixed item condition not decreasing client-side if the condition decreases very slowly: for example when using a thorium rod with the "Cruisin'" talent.
- Fixed flares still emitting light after running out.
- Fixed Electrical Discharge Coil preview not working in the sub editor.
- Fixed alien flares not activating when clicking LMB.
- Fixed crawler's arms getting broken when the character flips (turns) in water.
- Fixed the recycle recipe of flak explosive ammo.
- Fixed misaligned shells in wrecked railgun shell rack.
- Fixed misaligned light component light sprite.
- Fixed crashing if the select audio device is disconnected while in the initial loading screen.
- Fixed inability to sell genetic materials that aren't 100% refined.
- Fixed liquid oxygenite exploding too easily.
- Fixed Hemulen's bottom airlock never fully draining.
- Fixed incorrect damage values in "Genetic Material (Hunter)" tooltip.
- Fixed exosuit not playing the warning beep when low or out of oxygen.
- Fixed "taste test" event showing for everyone and not progressing past the 1st prompt.
- Fixed "special training required" and "too many of this item" messages being shown to everyone when someone tries to place a portable pump.
- Added a pump to RemoraDrone's engine room, otherwise it's impossible to drain.
- Fixed some lighting sprites appearing dimmer than they should (most notably, junction boxes and supercapacitors).
- Fixed submarine's crush depth being displayed incorrectly on the campaign map when a submarine switch is pending: the hull upgrades of the current sub weren't taken into account, even though they carry over to the new sub.
- Fixed item assembly descriptions not showing up in the sub editor unless they're configured in a text file.
- Fixed rapid fissile accelerator ammo causing an explosion when launched, instead of when it hits something.
- Fixed bots sometimes trying to contain multiple ammo boxes when reloading turrets (also affected other items).
- Fixed "Manually Outfitted" not doing anything when starting a campaign.
- Fixed guardians trying to heal themselves in inactive pods (not destroyed pods, but ones deactivated via wiring).
- Fixed bots having trouble with fixing Barsuk's top hatch and leaks around it.
- Fixed sprite bleed in turret icons.
- Fixed radio channel presets resetting between rounds.
- Fixed some lines in the "shockjock" event being shown to everyone.
- Fixed radio noise playing even if you don't have a headset.
- Fixed hitscan projectiles going through subs when you're firing from inside another sub.
- Fixed lights set to flicker/pulse eventually getting out of sync even if they're set to the same frequency.
- Fixes to submarine preview: wires are now visible, scaled doors work correctly, camera is now correctly centered on the sub when opening the preview.
- Fixed the affliction type of some afflictions (like drunk) being "poison", causing them to be treated as poisons. They are now "debuffs" instead.
- Fixed defense bots not attacking pirates or bandits. Also fixed them not protecting the owner when attacked by the outpost guards.
- Fixed bots not knowing how to handle diving suits that don't have an oxygen tank inside them. Now they should be able to use them and refill them with an oxygen tank.
- Added a button for updating core mods into the Mods menu.
- Addressed various inconsistencies, issues and limitations in how status effects are used in certain cases:
- Status effects defined for attacks with the type "UseTarget" now correctly target the use target, instead of the attacker like they used to.
- Changed the status effects of type "Character" to "UseTarget" for MeleeWeapon and Projectile components. The motivation behind this change is that previously we couldn't target the attacker at all within these item components, which might be desirable for some melee weapons.
- MODDERS, PLEASE NOTE: Effects that target "Character" in the previously mentioned components now affect the user - if that's not the intention, the target should be changed to "UseTarget".
- The use target can now be a character, an item, or a structure, depending on the context. This allows effects that weren't previously possible, but due to it we'll now need to introduce some restrictions in the definitions in some cases. For example, we might want to use a conditional to check whether the target is of the right type, before triggering the status effect (<Conditional entitytype="eq Character"/>).
- Added a new attribute for the MeleeWeapon component, "HitOnlyCharacters", which can be used for ignoring the hits to walls and items entirely.
- Due to the changes, some status effects that previously worked, might now need the "AllowWhenBroken" set to true in the definition to keep them working as they used to. So e.g. the "OnImpact" doesn't work anymore on your custom explosive, try that.
- Fixed crashing when trying to place a wreck with no hulls in a level.
- Fixed mod descriptions getting truncated to 255 characters when selecting an already-published item in the Mods menu.
- Fixed HMG's requiring hmgmagazine instead of any item with the type "hmgammo", making the use of modded ammo impossible without overriding the gun too.
- Fixed crashing when an upgrade tries to increase an integer value.
- Changed the affliction type of some afflictions, which might have implications on mods if they targeted them by type.
- Added AimAngle on Holdable item components. Can be used for defining a different hold angle for the aim and the rest poses. Note that on Holdables, the angles are mutually exclusive (defined separately), but on MeleeWeapons they are cumulative (added together). Therefore, no need to change the existing items!
- Fixed <Use/> definitions not triggering the status effects that have the target type "UseTarget".
- Fixed non-hitscan projectiles going through doors.
- Fixed electrical discharge coils hitting characters very unreliably, unless the character happens to be right next to a wall.
- Fixed makeshift shelves being containable in crates and cabinets, allowing for infinite recursive storage space.
- Fixed the effects of the "Grid Maintainer" and "Egghead" talents.
- Fixed incorrect "I Am That Guy" description (it gives a flat 20 skill bonus, not 20%).
- Fixed "Cruisin'" talent increasing fuel consumption by 10% instead of decreasing it by 20%.
- Optimized Steam Workshop queries done by the game (less bandwidth usage and stress on Steam's servers).
- Redesigned and rebalanced talents: lots of new talents, changes and balancing to existing ones and replacing some of the more broken ones with new ones.
- Redesigned talent tree structure: there's now a selection of "generic" talents, and after you've unlocked 4 of them, you can choose a specialization talent tree. After completing a specialization tree, you can choose another one.
- Lots of new talent-related items and 2 new pets.
- Players can select talents for bots in multiplayer.
- Anyone can fabricate the items bots have unlocked using talents.
- Slightly adjusted values of handheld weapons.
- Damage values of weapons have been adjusted to be more in line with their cost
- Damage to structures has been revised (f.e. knives shouldn't be so efficient at cutting through walls).
- Improved ammo availability for basic weapons.
- Usage of a minimum difficulty level to have some weapons appear in stores only later in the game. Even some previously talent-only items can appear in stores now in very late biomes.
- Made some weapons available later in the game to increase the feeling of progression.
- Slightly adjusted values of apparel (armor, clothing, diving suits) to better highlight strengths and weaknesses.
- Combat Diving Suit is now actually better for combat than the regular diving suit, due to higher damage resistances.
- PUCS no longer gives a bonus to speed when using Underwater Scooter, as it has plenty of other strengths.
- Mechanic's apparel now has higher laceration protection than Engineer's apparel, as that's typically the damage they'd get from failing to repair.
- All starter clothing gives less protection now, while some shop/npc clothing now gives some benefit.
- Chance of finding good/excellent/masterwork quality items in higher-difficulty levels.
- Plasma cutter is now much better at cutting.
- Rebalanced damage dealt by tools. Damage should be a bit higher overall. (don't actually try to fight mudraptors with a wrench though)
Tutorial improvements:
- A new campaign-integrated tutorial that teaches the basics of the campaign mode in the first outpost.
- Various fixes and improvements to the Basic and Role tutorials.
- Added popups when completing tutorial chapters that allow you to restart or continue and to return back to the menu.
- Added a reactor infographic designed to help new players better understand the reactor interface. It's accessible through a help button on the top right corner of the interface.
- Added in-game hints for the genetic system.
Changes and additions:
- New weapons: Rifle, Heavy Machine Gun, Machine Pistol, Harpoon Coil-Rifle.
- Flashlight can now be attached to all ranged weapons held with two hands.
- Limit which submarines are available in each outpost: high-tier subs become available as you get further in the campaign, and the submarine class selection depends on the type of the outpost.
- Two new music tracks.
- Added a slider to the fabricator that can be used to select how many items to fabricate.
- Added an option to hide enemy health bars.
- Items' damage modifiers are shown in store tooltips.
- Added a button for treating all characters in one go in the medical clinic.
- Breaches through the submarine's outer hull throws shrapnels that can cause minor damage to nearby characters, making monsters that can't get inside more of a threat to the crew (as opposed to just the submarine itself).
- Added a new honking scary random event to beacon stations.
- Water-sensitive materials now explode when they've been in water for 3 seconds, not immediately. Added particle, sound and light effects.
- Affliction descriptions change depending on the strength of the affliction, and whether you're treating someone else or yourself.
- Added a button for opening the Steam Workshop to all tabs of the workshop menu.
- Added tooltips that explain how the bot spawn modes work to the server lobby.
- Added various new loot items to different creatures.
- Large monsters (Abyss monsters, Moloch, Watcher) now also drop items upon death.
- Husk eggs now come in two forms: Husk eggs with actual egg-like appearance and the syringe version. Typically syringes are crafted, so finding a syringe on creatures felt a bit out of place. The eggs look as yucky as you’d expect.
- Made saline significantly less effective as a treatment for bloodloss to make blood packs more useful.
- Nerfed flak cannon's explosive ammo.
- Emp damage now stuns and damages electrical characters (Fractalguardian and Defensebot). Modders note: it’s implemented as an affliction, so it's not tied to the "empstrength" attribute defined for explosions.
- Allow putting medium items (e.g. storage container) in medical and toxic cabinets.
- Some changes to wrecked item sprites (replacing the old low-res pictures with modified versions of the normal items' sprites).
- Optimized the server lobby: there was an issue in the logic that updates the microphone icon that caused the game to check available audio devices every frame.
- Optimized status monitors: previously some parts of their UI were always updated regardless if anyone is viewing the UI.
- Quality of the radio voice chat diminishes with distance (gradually fading into radio static), similar to the way as the quality of the text chat.
- Voice chat range also affects spectators (= spectators can't hear players talking at the other side of the level).
- Fixed speech impediments only affecting the text chat, not the voice chat.
- Fixed radio voice chat not working properly if the range of the radio is larger than 250 meters. Happened because characters' positions aren't synced if they're further away than 250 meters from the client. In practice, the quality/volume of the chat would stop diminishing after 250 meters, and then immediately cut off when outside the radio range.
- Fixed inability to connect to IPv4 servers when IPv6 is disabled.
- Fixed occasional crashes when shutting down a server (for example with the error messages "pipe is broken" or "ChildServerRelay readTask did not run to completion").
- Fixed "no core packages in the list of mods the server has enabled" error when trying to join a server that's using a different version of the core package you have enabled.
- Fixed "Input contains duplicate packages" error still occurring if you try to join a server that has empty content packages when you don't have those packages yourself.
- Fixed networking errors when the connection to the server is momentarily lost and then re-established.
- Added a cooldown to client name changes to prevent using it for spamming.
- Fixed bans issued with the "banaddress" command using a client's Steam ID not working.
- Server visibility can be adjusted in the server lobby (instead of having to restart the server).
- The "respawnnow" console command forces a respawn even if there's less than the minimum amount of players waiting for a respawn.
- Fixed candidate box not being visible when using the Chinese input method.
- Fixed switching characters interrupting outpost events (even if there's currently no dialog active).
- Fixed certain events preventing other events from triggering when half-finished (e.g. preventing you from unlocking missions when an event is still running and for example waiting for you to talk to some other NPC).
- Fixed bots sometimes firing in a random direction when they equip a weapon. Happened because the aim and shoot inputs could already be active when the bot switches from another item to the weapon (e.g. from underwater scooter to some gun).
- Fixed pirates sometimes being unable to operate multiple turrets at the same time (even if there's enough crew to operate multiple), and attempting to operate hardpoints.
- Fabricator chooses the available ingredient that's in the worst condition when there's multiple suitable ingredients available.
- Fixed Esc not closing the campaign interfaces (map, store, shipyard, etc) but opening the pause menu instead.
- Fixed piezo crystals no longer spawning in the Great Sea.
- Fixed characters falling off ladders when using aimable tools.
- Fixed currently selected mission being included in the mission count displayed on the campaign map (i.e. showing "1/2" when you're choosing a new destination at an empty location).
- Fixed inability to sit in cafeteria chairs.
- Fixed projectile impacts getting triggered by gravity spheres and other TriggerComponents (meaning you couldn't hit monsters near a gravity sphere).
- Fixed blood pack fabrication recipe outputting only one item.
- Fixed tutorial not progressing when inserting a welding fuel tank inside the welding tool straight away, rather than inventory first.
- Fixed PUCS not beeping when you're underwater without a tank if you're inside a hull that has oxygen in it.
- Fixed some issues in sonar AITargets which made monsters hear the sonar when they shouldn't: switching to passive would immediately make the current directional ping cover 360 degrees, and whether the ping was directional or not would actually depend on whether the previous ping was directional, not what the mode is now.
- Fixed items getting autofilled into non-interactable containers in wrecks and outposts.
- Fixed ID cards looted from the corpses of a wreck not giving access to the secure containers in the wreck.
- Fixed verifying file integrity on Steam resetting the server settings file.
- Fixed crashing if you try to open an access-restricted directory in the file selection dialog.
- Fixed a typo in physicorium shell's damage config, causing it to not do bleeding damage.
- Fixed money gain/lose popups no longer showing in the campaign.
- Fixed bloodloss and drunkenness never fully healing, just dropping below the threshold at which the icon appears. As a result e.g. drunkenness and bloodloss never fully went away, which caused issues with some talent effects.
- Fixed bots always opening the door/hatch they're trying to repair.
- Fixed power indicator not rotating with batteries.
- Fixed lights on welding tools and plasma cutters emitting light the next round if the round ends while using them.
- Fixed Camel's airlock not draining fully.
- Fixed Berilia's bottom EDC not being wired to a supercapacitor and a loose wire between the flak cannon and the right supercapacitor.
- Fixed status effects targeting "NearbyCharacters" or "NearbyItems" being applied twice. Modders: if you used this, double the effects (e.g. damage) to get the same results as previously.
- Fixed a rounding error that caused Health Scanner HUD to display every level of bleeding below 100% as "minor".
- Fixed speech impediment from the husk infection making the bots unable to register any new targets on their own (= without being ordered).
- Fixed bots having unintentionally long reaction times on reporting the issues, causing them to ignore new enemies for a while when they first encounter them, unless being attacked.
- Fixed the default aim assist being 50% instead of 5%. Fixed aim assist not resetting when the reset button is pressed on the settings window.
- Fixed other players not seeing the spray particles when someone uses a sprayer in multiplayer.
- Fixed ability to "fire" (just dropping the projectile) hardpoints that are connected to a periscope and loader.
- When throwing an item (such as a grenade), the whole throw animation is played before the item is actually launched. Prevents being able to throw items at a ridiculous rate by spamming the hotkeys and LMB.
- Fixed portable pump's per-sub limit not working if you attach them at a spot with no background wall.
- Fixed oxygenlow resistance not affecting the time it takes to die in an unconscious state.
- Fixed bloodloss resistance not affecting how fast bleeding causes bloodloss.
- Fixed numpad keys toggling the chat when the Chat key is bind to nothing.
- Fixed main menu sometimes appearing half obstructed when starting the game on Mac.
- Fixed husk appendage breaking if the character already has extra limbs from e.g. genes.
- Fixed blocked doorways in Alien_Entrance3.
- Fixed Cyrillic symbols not being visible in the server list's server info panel when playing in a language other than Russian.
- Fixed certain genetic effects (such as regeneration from Hammerhead Matriarch genes) not working properly when multiple characters have the same effect.
- Adjusted railgun, coilgun and double coilgun firing offsets to make the projectile spawn closer to the end of the barrel.
- Fixed loot sometimes spawning in vending machines' output slots.
- Fixed water level sometimes "flickering" up and down when water is leaking to a room from the left or right.
- Fixed resetting the UI position doing nothing to equipped items' UIs (e.g. handheld status monitor).
- Fixed items equipped in the health interface slot being sellable.
- Fixed inconsistent view ranges of large turrets.
- Fixed SMG magazine shape being inconsistent with the shape of the mag well on the SMG sprite.
- Fixed character portrait and health bar buttons being clickable (despite being hidden) when the health interface is open.
- Fixed occasional crashes due to location store being null when teleporting from location to another with console commands.
- Fixes to impact-sensitive items exploding at the start of the round (e.g. at the start of explosive transport missions or when purchasing explosives).
- Fixed bots occasionally being unable to operate turrets when starting a new round until they're re-ordered to man the turret.
- Fixed focus staying on the highlighted item/character indefinitely if you keep holding LMB, even if you're outside interaction range.
- Fixed some creatures not having enough space in their inventory for the genetic materials to spawn into.
- Fixed minerals still sometimes being placed outside the level in mineral missions.
- Fixed cave tunnels sometimes being too narrow to pass through.
- Fixed "man and his raptor" outpost event giving 1000 marks in an incorrect branch of the dialog (the one where you immediately accept the NPC on board, instead of the one where the NPC says they'll pay you 1000 mk).
- Fixed cases of interaction texts for focused item (most notoriously, the planter) not being updated correctly.
- Fixed "snap to grid" causing door gaps to get misaligned.
- Fixed weird equipping behavior on fruit and paints, causing them to be equipped in both hands when trying to unequip.
- Fixed junction boxes not getting damaged by water.
- Fixed opiate withdrawal only reducing down to 20%, but never fully healing by itself.
- Fixed engines reverting back to the non-damaged sprite when they're damaged badly enough that the sprite starts shaking.
- Fixed walls being set up incorrectly in vertical abandoned outpost hallway modules, causing them to stick out into the connected modules.
- Fixed bots being unable to fix Typhon 2's top docking hatch or the wall right next to it.
- Fixed crashing when applying upgrades to linked subs, and there's more than one linked sub.
- Fixed Research Station being in the "Outpost" subcategory in the sub editor.
- Fixed bots dropping medicine from PUCS when changing its oxygen tank.
- Added a button to the main menu that can be used to update all installed mods when there's updates available.
- Mods with errors can no longer be enabled. This change should encourage modders to fix errors in their mods and report bugs, as well as discourage players from ignoring errors.
- Removed most of the debug console error spam seen when launching the game or opening the settings menu when faulty mods are installed.
- Fixed mods failing to show up in the mods list at all when they have certain kinds of errors.
- Implemented the status effect type "OnSuccess" where "OnUse" was used instead. Changed "OnUse" to be neutral, meaning it always triggers, regardless of the (skill) requirements. You may need to switch using "OnSuccess" instead of "OnUse", if it's intended for the status effect to trigger only when the (skill) requirements are matched.
- Fixed increasing an item's HealthMultiplier making the items appear damaged in existing subs/saves (e.g. if you doubled an item's maximum condition, the items would remain in the old maximum condition and appear 50% damaged).
- Fixed crashing if a talent is triggered when the character receives some affliction, and that talent applies the same affliction on the character.
- Fixed crashing if the ingredient of a fabrication recipe can't be found.
- Fixed inability to sync properties of ItemComponents that the item has multiple of (meaning that it was only possible to e.g. edit the light color of the item's first LightComponent if it has multiple).
- Added 'launchimpulse' on RangedWeapon to affect projectile's speed (sum of launch impulses).
- Added 'penetration' on RangedWeapon to affect projectile's penetration (sum of penetration).
- Added 'DontApplyToHands' property to Propulsion, preventing extra force applying to hands when the item is held in hands (instead applying only to the character's whole body).
- Added a skill requirement conditional for StatusEffect, example: <Conditional skillrequirement="true" weapons="lt 35" /> to make a status effect occur only if the target has less than 35 weapon skill.
- Added ReloadSkillRequirement and ReloadNoSkill to RangedWeapon. E.g. a weapon with reload=2s, ReloadSkillRequirement=40, ReloadNoSkill=5s will have a character with 20 weapons skill reload at 3.5 s.
- Fixed sound's frequency multiplier not working in many cases (status effects, specific item sounds like turret movement sounds).
- Made it possible to check if some value is null or not with PropertyConditionals (e.g. CurrentHull="eq null").
- Added UseEnvironment.None to Propulsion component.
- Fixed the debug console command "head" causing the character to disappear. The command can be used for changing the appearance of the character at runtime.
- Status effects of type "OnUse" on projectiles now trigger when the projectile is launched. Previously it launched when the projectile hit the target. Use OnImpact (or OnSuccess/OnFailure) when you want something to happen when the projectile hits the target.
- Added an option to multiply the damage by max vitality (relative damage) per affliction definition, in addition to the "multiplyAfflictionsByMaxVitality" attribute defined for the status effects. If you want to define it for an affliction separately, leave the status effect level definition undefined, because it'd override the affliction specific value.
- Fixed item's OnSpawn effects being applied twice.
- Fixed item components that inherit the status effects from another item component (e.g. the medical syringes) triggering the status effects twice when the effect is triggered via the item and not via the item component. Didn’t cause issues with the vanilla items, but might affect some mods. If your item e.g. suddenly does only half of the damage after the update, it’s possible that it was affected by the bug. Just double the effect to fix it.
- Fixed "Tandem Fire" talent causing a crash due to the changes in the previous version.
- Fixed some monster events not being as common/uncommon as intended. In more technical terms (which may be of interest to modders): the commonness defined as an attribute of an EventSet did nothing, making the event default to a commonness of 1. The commonnesses defined for specific level types worked correctly.
- Fixed clients getting stuck in a non-functional lobby if they happen to disconnect or get kicked back to the lobby at a specific point when loading a new round.
- Fixed large turret hardpoint origin being off, causing turrets installed on a large hardpoint to be misaligned.
- Attempt to fix crashing when disconnecting from the server you're hosting.
- Fixed Ctrl+Shift+S shortcut (quicksave) not working in the sub editor.
- Fixed toolbelts and storage containers in old subs going inside toolbelts.
- Fixed submarine tier resetting to default when reopening the sub editor's save dialog.
- Fixed sub editor not taking filename case into account when saving an existing sub: if you'd try to save the file with a different filename case, it'd ask about overwriting the existing sub, but save it as a new file even if you opt to overwrite.
- Fixes to Herja room names (use Engineering, Gunnery compartment, etc. labels), add camera to the front, with a periscope for the captain.
- Fixed non-purchaseable talent items not being available as extra cargo.
- Sorted extra cargo alphabetically + added a filter box.
- Fixed taking items that spawned inside another item (e.g. tanks in a diving mask) from NPCs spawned by an event not counting as stealing.
- Fixed characters falling off ladders when using aimable tools.
- Fixed money gain/lose popups no longer showing in the campaign.
- Fixed inability to manage the campaign if there's no-one with permissions alive. Previously we allowed anyone to manage the campaign if there's no-one with permissions present in the server, but that's not enough, because the players with permissions can't end the round if they're dead. Now if there's no-one with permissions alive, anyone is allowed to manage the campaign.
- If Select and Deselect have been bound to the same key, the deselect input is ignored when interacting with another item than the selected one. Prevents e.g. falling off ladders when trying to open a hatch when both Select and Deselect have been bound to E.
- Made it possible to enter a hostname (e.g. in the direct join prompt.
- Adjusted the size of the submarine list elements in the server lobby to reduce the amount of empty space on large resolutions.
- Fixed event texts for the "scan ruin" mission being in an incorrect language.
- Attachable items cannot be attached inside walls.
- Fixed distance at which you can attach items being slightly longer than the interact distance, making it possible to attach items out of reach.
- Fixed inability to turn when you're dual wielding melee weapons and attacking continuously.
- Fixed inability to cancel deconstruction if there's non-deconstructible items in the queue.
- Fixed local copy of a mod you're publishing not using the version number you've entered in the publish menu.
- Fixed crashing when trying to open the tab menu's character tab with a character who has no personality trait (may happen e.g. if you use a mod that adds custom personality traits and try to play that save without the mod).
- Fixed sourcerect issue in alien generator + decorative sprite not disappearing when the fuel rod is taken out.
- Fixed corrupted mods causing a nullref exception when autodetecting required mods in the sub editor.
- Fixed minerals not disappearing from mineral scanner if they get detached by something else than a character picking them up (e.g. by the destructible ice wall they're on breaking).
- Fixed event-specific metal crate deconstructing to steel.
- Fixed inability to join servers that have enabled multiple mods with identical content.
- Fixed tandem fire not working if there's a character between you and the other character on a periscope.
- Fixed "update all mods" button doing nothing in the Workshop menu.
- Fixed inability to create mod lists that include Workshop mods. (Hoist the Sails)
- Fixes to Camel waypoints.
- Fixed pump in Camel's airlock not pumping out by default.
- Fixed high-quality fuel rods and other high-quality consumable items resetting to 100% between rounds.
- Fixed missions always giving rewards even if you fail them!
- Fixed clients sometimes failing to reconnect to the server if the connection is momentarily lost.
- Fixed item conditions resetting to 100% between rounds.
- Fixed mineral missions always causing a crash.
- Fixed Typhon 2's chaingun being placed inside solid walls.
- Fixed Tandem Fire talent causing a crash if there's no allies alive.
- Fixed bots being unable to shoot at ice spires with pulse laser or chaingun.
- Removed outdated Deep Diver loading screen tip.
- Fixed misaligned connection panel interface when repairing a status monitor.
- Fixed Winterhalter battery recharge speed being limited by the relay that supplies power to them, making recharge speed upgrades useless.
- Fixed a networking issue that caused afflictions' periodic effects (e.g. nausea-induced vomiting) to happen too frequently client-side.
- Fixed none of the contextual orders except "wait here" showing the name of the order in the tooltip.
- Fixed inconsistencies in some crawler swarm mission names (large swarms not being described as large).
- Fixed mineral mission resources sometimes spawning in separate caves.
- Fixed minerals mission resources sometimes spawning outside the level.
- Moved handheld sonar's drag icon to a more appropriate position.
- Fixed buoyancy making locked subs slowly move vertically.
- Reactors don't explode if they reach 0 condition without fuel.
- Fixed motion sensor not detecting pets.
- Fixed cargo capacity displayed in the mission selection screen including the cargo containers in the outpost the sub is docked.
- Fixed clients being unable to select the respawn shuttle if they have to download it from the server.
- Fixed duplicate banlist entires when a client gets banned due to an incorrect password.
- Some wire and waypoint cleanup to R-29 and Remora.
- Removed a wall in Remora to allow for better movement inside.
- Changed one railgun shelf to boxes shelf on Remora.
- Added a coilgun and a couple more diving suit cabinets to R-29.
- Fixed "completed initialization before receiving content package order" error when trying to reconnect to a SteamP2P server.
- Completely remade tutorials. There is now a Basics Tutorial to cover basics like moving, inventory and repairs. More specific tasks are explained in the Roles Tutorial, where every job has their own tutorial to go through, explaining what it means to be e.g. an Engineer or a Captain.
- Added new mining missions, including some in the abyss.
- Reintroduced separate local/radio voice chat keys as a legacy option. Now it's again possible to speak with voice activation by default and use a push-to-talk button for radio, the same way as before, by setting the chat mode to Local and using the new radio voice chat hotkey.
- Device/item UIs can be moved around by dragging.
- Allow using devices while on a ladder or sitting on a chair.
- Changed reactor temperature bar colors (from blue to red).
- Higher quality stun batons cause heavier stun.
- Changed unit load device capacity to 12 (because the sprite has space for 12) and made them waterproof.
- Changed fabricator skill calculations: the most inadequate of the required skills determines the fabrication time (instead of the average).
- Made dying drop a characters' skills towards the maximum initial skill instead of minimum.
- Added a new keybind for opening and closing the chat box. The default bind is B.
- Added a warning if a new keybind overlaps with any of the player's existing binds.
- Overvoltage makes devices perform better, increasing the output of engines, making fabricators, deconstructors and pumps operate faster, electrical discharge coils do more damage, batteries recharge faster and oxygen generators generate more oxygen. Encourages operating the reactor manually and hopefully makes it a little more engaging.
- Added more randomness to junction box overvoltage damage, and made partially damaged boxes take more damage from overvoltage. Prevents all boxes from breaking at the same time, making overvoltage less of a pain to deal with and intentionally overvolting devices more worthwhile.
- Added manual temperature adjustment buttons which immediately increase/decrease the temperature of the reactor for a brief amount of time on manual control (bumps the gauge up/down by a fifth, and the boost fades out in 20 seconds). Allows reacting to load fluctuations very quickly, and conserving fuel by operating the reactor at a lower fission rate – a new benefit to operating reactors manually.
- Signals no longer set the fission and turbine rates of the reactor instantaneously, making automated reactor circuits less overpowered. They are still viable, but especially now with the addition of the extra incentives for operating the reactor manually, they're no longer as clearly the best and most efficient way to operate the reactor, making manual operation more worthwhile.
- Made the "distort" camera effect a little less obtrusive and glitchy-looking (smoother texture + less heavy effect).
- Made water-sensitive materials (lithium, potassium, sodium) spawn in waterproof chemical crates.
- Made crates deconstruct much faster to make them easier to get rid of.
- Sonar disruptions now hide minerals.
- Grayed out ranged weapons' crosshair when reloading (similar to turret crosshairs).
- Disabled the autodocking prompt (which verifies whether you actually want to dock when docking is initiated by an automated circuit) in single player.
- Improved the way drag is applied on submerged items. Fixes heavy items dropping at unnaturally high speeds in water.
- Added a splash effect when an item falls into water.
- The deconstructor UI shows what the input items deconstruct to (particularly important now with the lossy deconstruction recipes * it can be risky to deconstruct something just to see what materials it gives out if that results in material loss).
- Wall and device repair costs in outposts are calculated based on the amount of damage on your sub, instead of always having a fixed price.
- Inflamed lung doesn't affect characters that don't need oxygen.
- Added swarm behavior for crawler husks.
- Added some more oomph to nuclear explosions.
- Adjust the alpha of the outpost service icons according to distance to make it easier to estimate where the NPC is at. Show the title of the NPC when hovering the cursor over the icon.
- Added "unlockmission" console command.
- Added "setcampaignmetadata" console command (may be useful for modders creating custom scripted events for the campaign).
- Changed how NPC "titles" work. Previously we defined "titles" for the pirates (e.g. "Pirate Lord" and such), and the title replaced the name of the NPC (which made their dialog a little awkward). Now we display both the name and the title over the character, and special outpost NPCs also have titles.
- Gave diving masks to most NPCs.
- Changed the burn overlay formula: now also the non-affected limbs get half of the effect, because the sharp contrast between limbs looked weird.
- Restored the 3-shell Railgun rack as a legacy option.
- Reworded the "respawn with penalty" prompt to make it less confusing: you always get a penalty to your skills when you die now, and Reaper's Tax is an "extra penalty" you get on top of that if you opt to respawn mid-round. The intention behind this is to incur a cost to respawning, as it shouldn't be possible to get unlimited free reinforcements and supplies mid-round.
- Made SIGTERM close the linux server gracefully.
- Made respawn items (suits, scooters) spawn in the respawn shuttle's cabinets when possible.
- Show a healthbar on items (e.g. eggs and thalamus organs) when damaging them with handheld weapons (melee or ranged).
- Added a new intermediate transport sub, Camel.
- Added submarine tiers. Higher-tier submarines can be upgraded further than lower-tier submarines.
- Overhauled and balanced submarine upgrades.
- Added Large Weapon Hardpoints.
- Added Flak Cannon and Double Coilgun as new Large Weapons.
- Railgun is now considered a Large Weapon.
- Added an upgrade that adds a mineral scanner to nav terminals and sonar monitors.cannon
- Submarine class now affects which upgrades are available for the sub.
- Removed the Deep Diver class: the way we see it, Deep Divers didn't have a clear enough role in the game, especially considering that hull upgrades served pretty much the same purpose. In practice, the only clear benefit of a Deep Diver was being able to get through the very last levels of the campaign, and having to switch to one just for that purpose wasn't fun. Now any submarine with full hull upgrades can get all the way to the end of the campaign.
- Fixed messy wiring in Typhon 2's bottom left hardpoint.
- Winterhalter and Remora are now Scout class ships.
- Added some loose vents and panels to Herja, Winterhalter and Barsuk, fixed invisible "loose panel" (news stand) in Orca 2.
- Fixed floating light component in Orca 2.
- Medical fabricator now consumes 500 power on all submarines, to be consistent with other fabricators.
- Updated prices of all submarines to match tiers.
- Gave Typhon 2 better stats and even more firepower, to outclass the original Typhon.
- Improved R-29's speed and gave it a Flak Cannon.
- Added Large Weapon hardpoints to Berilia to make it a Tier 3 transport.
- Tweaked the hulls and waypoints around Herja's top docking hatch to make it easier for bots to reach and weld.
- Fixed a waypoint/hull issue in Typhon's stowage compartment (waypoint in such a tight space the bots couldn't reach it).
- "Mission cheesing" by repeatedly undocking and redocking to an outpost to reroll the mission events no longer works: new mission events don't reappear until one "world step" has passed (~10 minutes or traversing through one level).
- Balance pass on handheld weapons: adjusted reload times, damages, stun durations, recoil and ammo stack sizes.
- Reduced tools' structure damage (dual-wielded storage containers no longer chew through submarine walls in seconds).
- Increased heavy ruin wall health to make it less easy to cheese your way into the artifact room in ruins.
- Made boomstick fire in bursts of 2 (similar to deadeye carbide) to prevent ridiculous fire rates with quick-reloading.
- Added EMP effect to nuclear depth charges for consistency.
- Pulse Laser and Railgun now have similar power consumption as other turrets.
- Changed how skill levels affect the quality of fabricated items. Previously having a skill level equal to or higher than the item's skill requirement would result in a good quality item, meaning that practically everyone could e.g. fabricate good quality oxygen tanks. Now your skill needs to be >20% from the minimum skill requirement towards 100 (e.g. if the item requires 20 skill to fabricate, 36 results in a higher quality item).
- Reduced PUCS's radiation resistance from 100% to 90%. Complete invulnerability to radiation has way too much potential for exploits and overpowered strategies.
- Adjusted supplies in pirate submarines.
- Turned some weapons' burn damage into explosion damage.
- Made the extra sales from "traveling tradesman" talent stack.
- Terminal ignores empty signals.
- Reduced commonness of molochs (as they can take a lot of time to kill, running into multiple of them can quickly become a chore)
- Removed steel requirement for depth charges. Fabricate decoy depth charges from depth charges, rather than from the base material.
- Reduced the Pulse Laser tri-laser bolt spread.
- Explosions are now calculated differently, using the number of limbs to divide the damage (up to a maximum of 15 limbs). Adjusted explosion damage values to match new calculations.
- Coilgun costs 5000 marks to install, Pulse Laser and Chaingun 6000. Large turrets each cost 7500 each.
- Made mudraptor eggs modestly profitable for farming (decreased cost from shop, increased deconstruction yields).
- Mineral yield and spawn rates rebalance: minerals found are now much more dependent on location (biome, cave, abyss).
- Balanced existing mineral missions: adjusted rewards & required minerals, and required some minerals to be handed over to the outposts as proof of their existence.
- Rebalanced Engine Force values to better match hull size. Most Scouts (Azimuth, Orca2, Remora, Winterhalter) are now faster. Humpback, Typhon and Orca are slightly slower.
- Fixed missions sometimes unlocking in incorrect locations in MP campaign, making them either unselectable or causing a "mission mismatch" error when the round starts.
- Fixed clients downloading submarines they already have from the server if the mods those submarines are in are not currently enabled.
- Significantly sped up file transfers (mods, submarine files, campaign saves).
- Clients who've recently joined (by default 2 minutes) are not allowed to vote to kick others, and vote kicking someone always requires at least 2 votes.
- Servers don't allow selecting hidden jobs (jobs only used by NPCs) as job preferences.
- The minimum kick vote counts are no longer rounded down. Previously if you had for example four players on the server and the minimum vote count set to 60%, kicking would require 2 votes, now it requires 3.
- Fixed inventory and wallet resetting if a campaign round ends when a client's character has spawned, but the client is not currently controlling it (e.g. due to getting kicked to the lobby).
- Fixed spectator checkbox overlapping with the character info if you get kicked to the lobby mid-round.
- Fixed "kick" button staying disabled indefinitely if you vote to kick someone and the vote doesn't go through.
- Fixed Steamworks publish tab showing the "free weekend" message when using Steam family sharing.
- Minor tweaks to the end of PvP missions to make them a little less underwhelming: instead of ending the round immediately when one team is dead (without even giving enough time to see the enemy die), there's a brief delay, a message box and a camera transition to let the players see what happened.
- Fixed PvP team assignment sometimes being wildly imbalanced, even when there were enough players with no preference to make the team sizes equal.
- Fixed clients getting stuck in the loading screen if they happen to disconnect at the right moment between rounds.
- Fixed bank balance not getting corrected if it's become desynced by e.g. client-side commands.
- Fixed server not registering a client's character as disconnected if the client disconnects and reconnects before the round has fully started, causing the client to get stuck as a spectator when they rejoin.
- Fixed clients disabling their client-side-only mods when they join a server.
- Fixed hull/item repairs purchased from an outpost sometimes not getting applied client-side.
- Fixed "missing entity" errors in a specific situation in multiplayer. Occurred when a respawn shuttle was enabled and loaded on the server (= i.e. in a non-outpost level), and a client disconnected and immediately reconnected. This would cause the client to deselect the respawn shuttle and make them start the round without loading one, leading to the "missing entity" issues due to the shuttle only existing server-side.
- Fixed damage visuals not showing on characters who've died off-screen.
- Fixed ability to upgrade the sub when there's a switch pending in multiplayer.
- Fixed friendly fire and karma always showing up as disabled on dedicated servers in the server list.
- Fixed spineling spikes fired by a human with spineling genes not damaging any human characters (enemies in PvP, pirates in pirate missions) when friendly fire is disabled.
- Fixed "invalid ExecuteAttack message: limb index out of bounds" errors when you join a server where a character has fired spineling spikes with spineling genes mid-round.
- Fixed "entity not found" errors if a shuttle or submarine ends up absurdly deep in multiplayer (>100 km). We don't even know how someone managed to pull this off.
- Fixed rapidly clicking on the mission giver sometimes not giving all the available missions when the "Use" input is set to LMB. Happened because the conversation logic didn't check if there's another conversation active, causing the server to show a new conversation when clicking the NPC, without interrupting/continuing the previous conversation.
- Made shockjock event only show for the player triggering the event (making it visible for everyone works kind of weirdly, when the event involves talking to an NPC next to the character who triggered the event).
- Fixed outpost events getting stuck at the last ConversationAction if another client has finished the action.
- Updated our runtime to .NET 6, which should yield significant performance improvements. Do note that this unfortunately means we'll have to drop support for macOS versions older than 10.15, but we have taken some measures to help the affected Mac players continue having access to Barotrauma.
- Optimized afflictions that apply other afflictions on the character (e.g. radiation sickness, drunkenness, opiate withdrawal).
- Optimizations to the talent system, particularly when the talent menu is open and when there's a large number of talents (e.g. when using mods that make all talents available to every class).
- Physics optimization: fixed submerged items' physics bodies staying active indefinitely even after they've come to rest due to buoyant forces being applied on them constantly. Now we stop updating bodies that have come to rest on the floor and aren't light enough to float.
- Optimized AI objectives that make bots fetch items (combat, contain item, decontain item, get item).
Submarine editor:
- Fixed door gaps not appearing in the sub editor until you select the door.
- Fixed sub editor background images not saving.
- Fixed turret lightsource rotation not refreshing in the sub editor when flipping the item.
- Fixed prefab placement breaking in the sub editor if LMB is held while moving the cursor outside of the selection panel.
- Fixed several instances of janky UI interactions in the submarine editor: dragging the selection rectangle now works even if the cursor reaches into the prefab list; letting go of a dragged entity works even if the cursor reaches into the prefab list; the dragged entity no longer goes invisible when reaching into the prefab list.
- Made PowerContainer recharge speed always default to 0.
- Fixed adding resizeable items (like ladders) not being registered in the sub editor's command history, preventing undoing it.
- Changed default reactor output from 10,000 kW to 5000 kW.
- Decreased Winterhalter reactor output and increased its fuel consumption rate.
- Fixed some gap issues in Winterhalter.
- Fixed medics not having access to the toxin cabinet in Barsuk.
- Fixed medic, engineer and mechanic spawnpoints having no tags in Typhon.
- Fixed crashing when trying to multi-edit a string value in the sub editor.
- Fixed dragged objects becoming invisible if you bring the cursor over a UI element in the sub editor.
- Fixed screwdrivers and wires in your "inventory" being included in the total item count in the sub editor's wiring mode.
- Fixed entities that were below the cursor when starting to resize a structure staying highlighted during resizing.
- Fixed sub editor treating the autosave interval as minutes instead of seconds (saving every 300 minutes instead of 300 seconds).
- Fixed "power flowback" issue in turrets. As of the power rework, wires connected to the same input or output pin of a device are considered to be in the same grid, which in practice meant a turret could be connected to another supercapacitor through the power_in connection of another turret, even if there was no direct connection between the 1st turret and the supercapacitor. Now the turrets (and electrical discharge coils) need to be wired directly to the supercapacitor.
- Fixed brief freezes when monsters spawn mid-round.
- Fixed turrets linked to the same loader messing up the upgrade store UI and causing item swaps to cost more than they should.
- Fixed submarines always saving in the root folder of a local mod, instead of the subfolder they were originally in.
- Fixed Reaper's Tax not stacking.
- Fixes to ruin decals in a bunch of ruin modules.
- Fixed a waypoint issue in the Alien_Entrance3 ruin module.
- Removed oxygen tanks from DockingModule_01_Colony.
- Fixed duct block's misaligned broken sprite.
- Fixed status monitor calculating linked hulls' water amounts incorrectly (displaying the average of their water percentages, which isn't correct if the hulls aren't the same size).
- Fixed inactive components (components not currently sending any signal) not reactivating if their output is set to a non-empty value.
- Fixed missing gap in SecurityModule_02.
- Fixed lack of outpost events in difficulties past 80 (which no longer occur normally but still exist in old saves and mods).
- Fixed lithium and magnesium descriptions.
- Adjusted hulls in DockingModule_02_Colony to prevent bots from jumping off the ledge.
- Fixed motion sensors detecting pets as monsters (pets are now a separate target type).
- Fixed helmets not protecting against concussions.
- Fixed safety harness not protecting against lacerations.
- Fixed increasing an item's HealthMultiplier not increasing the current condition (so e.g. doubling the item's max health would cause it to have 50% condition).
- Fixed successive event dialogs in the same prompt scrolling the prompt back up and then down.
- Fixed missing "pirateclothes" inventory icon.
- Made bots better at figuring out which button controls a door when there's some complex circuit involved. Previously the bots would try to find a button connected to any of the door's connections via wires/circuits, now only the toggle and set_state inputs are considered.
- Bots now clearly prefer using buttons linked to the door in the sub editor. Can be used as another way to help bots figure out which button they should press in situations with multiple buttons and complex door control logic.
- Fixed bots failing to find a path to a couple of spots on Herja.
- Fixed alien materials (physicorium, incendium, fulgurium, dementonite, paralyxis) not being shown on the mineral scanner.
- Another fix to cave generation to prevent it from creating impassable paths.
- Fixed inability to use manual assignment for bot orders with options.
- Fixed all boolean components (And, Or, Xor) using the And Component's tooltip for the "timeframe" property.
- Fixed boolean operator component (And, Or, Xor) timeframes not working correctly in some situations (non-zero timeframe, empty false output). The component would deactivate as soon as it stops sending an output, which could prevent some inputs from timing out (meaning that the component could send a signal again as soon as it receives signal A, even if signal B hasn't been received within the timeframe).
- Fixed PUCS consuming the medical item inside it when a welding fuel or incendium tank is inserted.
- Fixed a level generation issue that sometimes made the level impassable if there happened to be a cave right above the outpost.
- Fixed holes on sloped walls being impossible to pass through when you're swimming straight down/up (or straight right/left depending on the wall): the walls are technically considered either horizontal or vertical (depending on the angle of the slope), and you would have to swim in a direction perpendicular to this "technical" direction of the wall.
- Fixed retrying the Hognose mission making a new Hognose join your crew every time.
- Fixed idling NPCs sometimes getting stuck on ladders.
- Fixed mirrored turrets being displayed backwards on the status monitor.
- Fixed character's hands getting "stuck" if you handcuff yourself while dragging someone.
- Fixed dragged character's arms not being pulled towards you, making it look like you're dragging them without touching if you run or walk away while dragging.
- Fixed dragged bots slowly moving constantly, preventing them from switching to the normal standing pose.
- Fixed bots having trouble fixing leaks in multi-hull rooms: they were required to be in the same hull as the leak, which prevented them from fixing leaks in e.g. R-29's bilge.
- Fixed combat missions not ending the round if both crews are dead.
- Fixed bots stating the name of the character they're firing at with turrets, making it seem like they know the name of every pirate they come across and magically recognize them through the walls of the enemy sub.
- Fixed Chaingun rotation speed not being affected by the weapons skill.
- Fixed crashing when using ':' in item assembly names on Linux platforms.
- Fixed ImmuneToPressure ability flag being ignored on characters who don't need air (in practice meaning that you can get killed by pressure if you get huskified even if you have a talent that makes you immune to pressure).
- Fixed geneticmaterialcrawler_unresearched3 producing mudraptor genes.
- Fixed linked subs still sometimes getting placed on the wrong side of the docking port when switching subs.
- Fixes to ruin door connections, wiring and connection panels.
- Fixed "insurance policy" giving the money to the dead character instead of the bank.
- Fixed damage to mirrored wall pieces resetting between rounds.
- Increased the minimum width of cave tunnels to prevent impassable paths.
- Fixed deconstructor input slots becoming unlocked when starting a new round while the deconstructor is running.
- Fixed Grenade Launcher quality doing basically nothing, because it increased the minuscule amount of blunt force trauma the grenade causes on impact instead of the explosion damage.
- Fixed vitality modifiers not being taken into account in the readings in the health interface. For example, gunshot wounds on the head cause a x2 larger vitality drop than on other limbs, but this wasn't displayed on the health interface.
- Fixed Planet Neon Sign sprite bleed.
- Fixed level resource spawn rate not properly respecting the resource spawn chance values of level generation parameters.
- Fixed some text overflows in the hiring menu when using a small HUD scale.
- Fixed name on an ID card resetting to the original name if you rename a character and then start a new round.
- Fixed handcuffs in the backmost hand being drawn in front of the character.
- Fixed water splashes appearing in an incorrect hull when a character's limb moves from a flooded hull to another hull, where the limb is no longer underwater.
- Fixed crashing when a signal causes a wired item to be dropped (e.g. when you attach a detonator to a destructible ice wall and blow it up).
- Oxygen generators and shelves don't fill up oxygen tanks when on fire. Caused repeated explosions when the tank constantly refilled and re-exploded.
- Fixed "gene harvester" and "deep sea slayer" working on all enemies, not just monsters.
- Fixed floating point inaccuracy sometimes preventing items from being used as fabrication ingredients (e.g. an oxygen generator may sometimes only fill tanks up to something like 99.9998%, which prevented it from being used in recipes that require a full tank).
- Fixed item picking timer (e.g. detaching an item from a wall) ticking down when the game is paused.
- Fixed outpost supply cabinets missing the oxygen tank spawns.
- Made the water current outside the levels start from the same point where monsters start heading towards the level, to make sure monsters can't escape too far from subs with a weak engine.
- Fixed hardened diving knife recipe.
- Fixed probability multiplier not being shown in wearable tooltip if the damage multiplier is 1.
- Yet another attempt to prevent beacon missions from failing for apparently no reason: sonar monitors won't get damaged by water after the beacon's been activated.
- Fixed text selection in a textbox stopping when the cursor goes outside the box.
- Fixed fire, breach and intruder report icons not being shown to anyone.
- Fixed missing/unwired lighting in ResearchModule_02_Colony.
- Remove particles when switching screens (otherwise e.g. particles from the previous round are still in the level if you happen to be looking at the right spot).
- Thalamus or ice walls can't be welded.
- Quick-reloading tries to reload the item whose contained items have the lowest condition. In other words, if you've equipped 2 weapons, quick-reloading reloads the one with the least ammo instead of the one that's the first in your inventory.
- Fixed erroneous dementonite and depleted fuel tool recipes.
- Fixed swapping a scaled turret/hardpoint causing the new one to be misplaced.
- Fixed inability to upgrade the sub or do maintenance if you buy and opt to switch to a new sub, and then go to the submarine switch terminal to cancel the switching.
- Fixed stolen items becoming non-stolen when deconstructed.
- Fixed ItemContainer UI popping up (with no visible inventory slot) when you pick one up, e.g. picking up a detonator from the floor.
- Fixed "[E] Rewire" hover text being shown on attachable items that haven't been attached to a wall (even though they can't be rewired until attached).
- Fixed trying to bind multiple console commands to the same key with the "bindkey" command crashing the game.
- Fixed high-quality revolvers having no difference to normal-quality ones. They should get a 10% damage boost per quality level but didn't, due to incorrectly configured quality stats.
- Fixed multiple monster missions sometimes spawning the monsters close to each other, causing them to attack each other.
- Fixed monsters sometimes using the wrong animation parameters while idling (or moving slowly).
- Fixed nuclear depth decoy using the same sprite as the normal depth decoy.
- Fixed fractal guardian VitalityMultipliers being configured incorrectly (using the "type" attribute but with affliction identifiers instead of types).
- Fixed incorrectly sized thalamus wall colliders, added background sprites to the walls.
- Fixed "tried to overwrite a submarine that's not in a local package" error when loading and trying to save a submarine autosave file.
- Fixed location portraits sometimes not showing up in the mission tab. Happened when we initialized the mission tab before the portrait had been loaded.
- Fixed Coilguns and Chainguns not always playing the firing sound when fired. Happened because their audio clips were so long (albeit mostly silent) that firing them continuously led to a ton of clips playing simultaneously, exhausting the available audio channels.
- Fixed monster missions' sonar marker being placed incorrectly if a monster ends up inside the sub, making it look as if the monster was far outside the level. This often made it look like the monster was moving away from the sub when trying to approach its position as it appeared on the sonar?
- Fixed bandolier (and other items that give bonuses when worn) giving bonuses when the item is held.
- Fixed mod texts being briefly misaligned when scrolling down the list of unpublished mods.
- Fixed light sprite rotation not getting refreshed when placing an attachable item on a wall when lighting has been disabled with console commands.
- Fixed supercapacitors showing 1% as the initial recharge rate because the recharge rate defaulted to 10.
- Fixed some ending options of the "good samaritan" outpost event not ending the event.
- Fixed random (non-mission) events disappearing from outposts when you save and quit.
- Fixed crashes on MacOS 10.13 and 10.14. This seems to have happened because Microsoft quietly dropped support for these versions in .NET Core in late 2021, and we didn't realize until this hotfix when we deployed with a sufficiently new version of the technology.
- Fixed inability to use the voice chat on some MacOS versions, due to the game not having permissions to access the microphone as a result of the aforementioned .NET Core upgrade.
- Fixed dragged objects becoming invisible if you bring the cursor over a UI element in the submarine editor.
- Fixed a bug that sometimes caused radio voice chat to be muffled.
- Show a warning when trying to switch to a submarine that's low on fuel or to a submarine that has no manually placed items to prevent softlocking the campaign if you switch to a sub that has no fuel. Whether a submarine is considered to have manually placed items can be set when saving it in the submarine editor (the checkbox "manually outfitted" in the saving dialog).
- Also show the low fuel warning when leaving an outpost without enough fuel.
- Handheld sonars can't detect minerals from inside the sub.
- Changed the plus and minus button in the campaign settings into arrows. The button on the right increases difficulty, which in the case of the starting balance and supplies means reducing them, making the plus and minus buttons misleading.
- Reduced costs of handheld weapon ammunition significantly.
- Slightly reduced effectiveness of harpoons and revolver round to compensate for the cheaper ammo.
- Changed recipes for Handcannon, Assault Rifle and Auto-Shotgun. Weapon crafting is more expensive, to compensate for cheaper ammo.
- Adjusted numerous other recipes and price costs of materials. Previously little used materials (like tin) are now used more.
- Partially reintroduced the "toggle inventory" keybind, now called "toggle entity list". Even though toggling the in-game inventory is no longer possible, the keybind can be used to change the hotkey for toggling the sub editor's entity list.
- Fixed shuttles getting misplaced when switching and transferring items to a new sub with shuttles.
- Fixed inability to damage items (such as monster eggs) with melee weapons or handheld weapons.
- Fixed "failed to parse the string 'COLOR.GUI.GREEN' to Color" errors when using the submarine upgrade interface in Spanish.
- Fixed items with a projectile component (e.g. bullets, harpoons, syringes) going through external walls when dropped.
- Fixed incorrect value in the "too many lights" error message in the sub editor.
- Fixed lightcomponent not getting refreshed when flipping a lightcomponent horizontally.
- Fixed extra cargo defined in the server settings spawning every round in multiplayer campaign.
- Fixes wreck corpses' damage visuals (bloodstains, burns) not showing client-side.
- Fixed wearables that are worn (or held) in multiple limbs applying skill bonuses multiple times (e.g. when holding a bandolier with both hands).
- Fixed console error when deselecting all target types from a motion sensor in the sub editor.
- Fixed crashing when multi-editing motion sensor targets in the sub editor.
- Fixed one of the path unlock event texts still using the old price (talking about 12,000 mk even though the price is 4,000 mk).
- Fixed money getting incorrectly deducted on the client side when buying items from the vending machine.
- Fixed item transfer taking items from non-interactable containers.
- Made depleted fuel sprite darker to match the rest of the "depleted" items.
- Fixed PUCS's autoinjection feature sometimes causing performance drops in multiplayer.
- Fixed "tried to overwrite a submarine that's not in a local package" error when you delete a sub that's in a local package and try to resave it.
- Fixed misaligned broken duffelbag sprite.
- Fixed full-white x-ray monitors.
- Fixed FPS drop when adjusting character appearance in the campaign setup menu or server lobby.
- Fixed tunnels at the beginning or end of the level sometimes being too narrow to pass through (especially with a small sub) when there's no outpost at that side of the level.
- Fixed missing background sprite in duct block.
- Fixed water particles not showing up when water is flowing down a duct block.
- Fixed changing the scale of resizeable structures (such as background doors) messing up the outline of linked subs in the sub editor.
- Fixed non-player-team interactable items getting transferred on sub switch.
- Fixed ballast flora root emitting particles when damaged client-side, even if it's already been destroyed.
- Fixed recycle recipes for Piercing Ammunition Box and Pulse Tri-Laser Fuel Box.
- Fixed friendly fire and karma always showing up as disabled on dedicated servers in the server list.
- Fixed some lights (e.g. vending machines, neon lights, holographics displays) looking different in the sub editor than they do in-game.
- Fixed undocked shuttles remaining undocked if you save and start a new game with the same submarine during the same session. Restarting the game fixed the issue though.
- Fixed sonar markers going crazy if the start and end locations have the same name + added some more variety to location names to prevent duplicate location names.
- Fixed multiediting an ItemComponent modifying all the components of that type in all the selected items (e.g. when editing the 1st light component of a switch, all lights in all switches would be edited).
- Fixed melee weapons not damaging structures from outside.
- Fixed removing a door mid-round crashing the game. Does not affect the vanilla game, because doors are never removed mid-round.
- Fixed having a vending machine in your inventory crashing the game due to the 0-capacity input inventory of the machine.
- Fixed occasional disconnects with the error "the given key was not present in the dictionary' when giving orders or reporting things in multiplayer.
- Fixed occasional crashes caused by AIObjectivePumpWater.
- Fixed certain looping item sounds (oxygen generators, vents, reactor) being too quiet to hear.
- Fixed one of texts not appearing in the "captive souls" event.
- Fixed inability to fabricate rubber shells.
- Fixed crashing when a MonsterEvent fails to find the character prefab (only affects certain mods). (3rd Anniversary Update)
- Added some new campaign settings: starting balance, amount of starting items and difficulty.
- Cargo mission reward of construction materials has been reduced to be less balance-breaking.
- Revisited all item spawns. Drastically reduced and adjusted the spawns everywhere. Disabled some spawns in campaign. All the subs should now start with a bare minimum in the campaign.
- Reduced selling price to ~25% of base price to avoid getting too rich from looting too early/easily
- Increased effect of "Requested Goods" to be 2x to compensate for the decreased selling price.
- Alien artifacts and trinkets can still be sold for a high price at research stations. (2x modifier, to compensate for the reduced selling price)
- Removed batteries from Headset, to reduce the value of selling/deconstructing these.
- Duffelbag deteriorates over time when in use, and now is carried with both hands.
- All items now deconstruct into less materials than it takes to construct them. Avoiding infinite construction/deconstruction loops for easy skill leveling.
- (Temporarily?) Removed most hand-placed items from the vanilla subs to make balancing and debugging the auto item placement easier.
- Revisited crew corpse spawns. The id cards are no longer manually placed. The cards found from the crew now actually work.
- Minor adjustments to bandit loadouts.
- Changes to chaingun. Now fires 500 shots instead of 200 per ammo box, at the cost of DPS.
- Added shredder rounds for chaingun, as an option against armoured targets.
- Adjusted the armor penetration of all turrets.
- Made location evolution take a little longer, colonies cannot be formed closer than three steps to another colony.
- Made wreck missions a little more common.
- Adjustments to the preferred containers (where things are spawned and where they should be placed).
- Changes to the existing missions and how they are distributed. Added new missions.
- Reduced the costs for unlocking the biomes.
- Adjustments to the monster spawns.
- Changes to the item "gating". Some items don't appear early in the game anymore.
- Adjustments to the mission specific variants of the monsters.
- Added a large Crawler variant for some missions (removed the Swarmcrawler that was used for crawler missions).
- Halved Mudraptors' priority for eating dead bodies.
- Reduce nausea chance of energy drink to 25%.
- Changes to the campaign progression in general.
- Changes to the level generation parameters, especially in Cold Caverns and the Ridge.
- Changes to the level resources distribution.
- Changes to the event manager settings (that affect the monster spawns).
- Adjusted and normalized the item loadouts for all the jobs.
Chat improvements:
- Chat mode (radio/local) can be toggled using a dropdown next to the chat box or with a dedicated "ToggleChatMode" keybind (R by default).
- Voice chat now has only one push-to-talk keybind (V by default) which respects the selected chat mode.
- There's now a dedicated "ActiveChat" keybind (T by default) to open the chat using the currently active chat mode.
- If you want to keep the chat keybinds the way they were (separate keybinds for local and radio), you can rebind the "Chat" and "RadioChat" inputs back to T and R and the new "ToggleChatMode" and "ActiveChat" inputs to something else.
Changes and additions:
- Added damage overlays to characters (characters who've taken damage look damaged).
- Added two new beacon stations.
- Added a bunch of new UI sounds (tickbox toggling, confirming transactions, increase/decrease sounds for number inputs, cart sound for adding/removing items in store interfaces, selecting/clicking components, sliders and modlist).
- Added UI volume slider.
- Show a verification prompt if an automated circuit tries to make the submarine undock from or dock with an outpost. Prevents campaign getting softlocked if someone rewires the docking port in a way that makes it dock/undock immediately at the start of around.
- Color subs in the sub editor's list to indicate whether they're vanilla, workshop or local subs, added a tooltip that explains why some of them cannot be deleted through the editor.
- ID cards can now be purchased from outposts. The card gets assigned the appropriate tags for the character doing the purchase.
- Clients need to wait 1 minute if their vote gets rejected before they can start another vote of the same type.
- Increased the priority of explosion particles to make it less likely for them to not appear when the particle limit has been reached.
- Made matriarch genes slowly heal bleeding (not just afflictions of the type "damage") to get it to be more in line with the description.
- Adjusted small water flow sounds: lower max volume, lerp volume according to the water flow (-> small leaks are much more quiet).
- Added energy drinks and protein bars to vending machines.
- Reduced Winterhalter engine power drain (from 6000 total to 4250).
- Decorative level objects (plants and whatnot) can spawn on outpost walls.
- Adjustments on the particle effects of chaingun and coilgun.
- Added non-lethal rubber bullets for riot shotgun.
- Added a server setting to change if the looted money goes to the player or to the bank.
- Improved tooltips in the wallet menu to make their function more clear.
- Corpses can now be grabbed in singleplayer to loot money.
- Made the crew wallet menu update when the players permissions change.
- Prevented selling items from submarine containers tagged with "dontsellitems", instead of "donttakeitems".
- Removed merchant balance effect on item prices.
- Replaced "item sell value" with the location reputation effect on the store interface.
- Hide AppData path from tooltips in the sub editor to prevent exposing the user's name.
- Made the descriptions of some materials (that used to just say "useful for crafting") more descriptive.
- Increased oxygen generator output in some vanilla subs.
- Made handheld sonar beacon sound less grating.
- The client who initiated a vote cannot take part in that vote (except if they're the only client who can vote, in which case the vote automatically passes).
- Made flashlight flicker before the battery runs out.
- Added some lootable money to corpses found in wrecks.
- Removed the small equipment indicators next to the character portrait.
- Weapon holders now use the tag "mountableweapon" instead of "weapon" to determine which items can be placed in them. Allows tagging non-weapon items as mountable in the holder, without making bots consider it a weapon due to the "weapon" tag. Also allows to keep some weapons not-mountable.
- Ammunition Shelf can now also store Depth Charges ("depthchargeammo" tag added)
- Doors and hatches can now be mirrored in the sub editor (making them open from top to bottom, or from right to left).
- Depth charges can be stored in coilgun ammo shelves.
- Adding preview images to wrecks, beacon stations, outposts or enemy subs isn't allowed in the sub editor (unnecessarily bloats up their file size, as the preview images aren't visible anywhere).
- Improved the performance statistics view that's enabled with the "showperf" console command: more fine-grained stats and easier-to-read visuals.
- Optimized AI pathfinding when they're trying to find a safe hull. Particularly noticeable in colonies when the NPCs are fleeing from something.
- Optimized character status effects (e.g. health regen and other constant damage reductions).
- Optimized watcher's acid clouds.
- Optimized loading submarines. Reduces loading times especially when there's lots of items in the sub.
- Lighting optimization: now some unimportant (dim and small) lights are hidden when there's lots of light sources visible on the screen at the same time. The maximum number of visible lights can be adjusted in the game settings.
- Lighting optimization: the number of light recalculations per frame is limited, meaning that when there's lots of moving, shadow-casting lights visible, the game doesn't try to recalculate the shadows all at the same time.
- Lighting optimization: simplify the light rendering when zoomed very far out (e.g. when looking through a periscope).
- Optimized status effects that modify items' conditions every frame (for example, oxygen tank shelves that fill up oxygen tanks).
- Optimized many status effects by making them only execute once per second instead of every frame (most importantly, diving suits and volatile fuel rods).
- Optimized talents: buffs are applied to characters periodically instead of every frame.
- Optimized the logic that bots use to determine the safety of hulls.
- Optimized items: stop updating items that don't need to be updated more aggressively.
- Optimized bot AIs: in particular, the cleanup, repair, pump water and load items objectives. Should significantly improve performance when the bots are doing these objectives when there's a large number of items in the sub.
- Optimized entity culling logic (determines which items/structures are currently visible in the screen).
- Optimized a bunch of textures.
- Fixed server not refreshing the power grid when a client disconnects and reconnects a power wire.
- Fixed hull updates not being sent if the water/oxygen/fire in the hull doesn't change server-side, preventing the hull's status from getting corrected if a client somehow ends up out of sync.
- Fixed ballast flora sometimes becoming unkillable in multiplayer.
- Attempt to fix tab menu crew list sometimes getting stuck to a broken state at the beginning of a round.
- Fixed inability to access the character tab in the tab menu when dead (preventing you from creating a new character).
- Fixed occasional "hash calculation for content package xxxx didn't match expected hash" errors when updating/enabling certain mods.
- Fixed preview sometimes breaking in the character customization menu when switching the hair or accessories on Linux or Mac.
- Fixed fonts not getting rescaled when changing resolution.
- Fixed misplaced hull in the beacon stations.
- Fixed ability to pick up items and take items from other characters when controlling a character whose inventory is inaccessible while alive.
- Fixed message box about a too large preview image not being shown when trying to publish one in the Workshop (instead throwing the generic "publishing failed" error).
- Fixed Venture airlock (missing button, inner door wiring).
- Fixed level floor not being visible on the sonar.
- Fixed bots being unable to shoot with a turret whose line of sight is blocked by another turret (even though the projectiles can go through the turret).
- Fixed switching a sub making its preview image disappear from the submarine switch menu.
- Fixed an issue where the client was adding mission rewards into the bank on their screen causing desync.
- Fixed item assemblies still getting misaligned when saving.
- Fixed crashing when there's no audio device available (no speakers/headset connected) and a character enters water.
- Fixed crashing when trying to save an item assembly with a space at the end of the name.
- Fixed crashing when a character tries to operate a turret from outside the sub.
- Fixed submarine name being set to a truncated value in the submarine save dialog if the submarine name text at the top of the screen gets truncated, leading to a crash if you try to save the sub with that name.
- Fixed devices whose power consumption is set to 0 not working when not connected to a grid.
- Fixed outpost NPCs choosing the item to spawn for the device they're operating randomly, occasionally causing them to for example load reactors with volatile rods.
- Clients replicate sending chat messages to wifi components in mp. Fixes radio-linked wifi components not receiving the signals client-side.
- Fixed tab menu staying open during loading screens.
- Signal components' and terminals' sprites don't mirror horizontally in mirrored subs (what's a DNA, RO, ROX or XEGER component??).
- Fixed inability to rewire any docking ports in outpost levels, even if the port is not docked with anything (should only apply to the port docked with the outpost).
- Fixed "Ignore This" orders being wiped when loading an existing multiplayer campaign save.
- Fixed abyss area being very small in the Aphotic Plateau, preventing the abyss monster from reaching you if you go deep enough.
- Fixed status monitor displaying small amounts of water as 1% even though water detectors output 0%.
- Fixed autopilot conflicting with VELOCITY_IN inputs (now signals override the autopilot for 1 second).
- Fixed ConversationAction getting interrupted when opening an input-blocking menu in single player.
- Fixed sprite bleed in chaingun ammunition boxes.
- Fixed appearance of specific named NPCs being inconsistent (e.g. Captain Hognose sometimes being a woman or not having an eyepatch).
- Fixed certain scripted events getting stuck if you switch characters in single player (e.g. the events that require you to interact with fliers on the wall).
- Fixed crashing when the source of a rope is removed (e.g. when a latcher despawns while latched on to the sub).
- Fixed votes always going through if no-one votes.
- Fixed energy drink giving x10 more haste when used via the health interface.
- Fixed the monster spawns for the new game plus not working (currently a placeholder set).
- Fixed monsters spawning from missions not avoiding the engines.
- Split campaign state networking messages into multiple ones. Previously all the campaign-related data (map state, reputation, upgrades, purchased items, selected missions) was included in the same message, and whenever anything in the data changed, the server would send all of it to clients. This would cause performance and bandwidth issues in some situations, for example when reputation was changing rapidly.
- Fixed some pumps in Kastrull working without power.
- Fixed quick-reloading working incorrectly when trying to reload from a stack that doesn't fully fit in the weapon (e.g. when double clicking on a full stack of revolver rounds with a half-loaded revolver in hand).
- Fixed inability to quick-reload weapons with more than 1 inventory slot (e.g. autoshotgun).
- Fixed outpost NPCs having x3 more health than they should.
- Fixed morbusine not killing NPCs with higher-than-default health.
- Fixed graphics errors when using Razer Cortex overlay.
- Fixed bots being unable to repair Winterhalter's top hatch.
- Fixed server crashing if you disable all mission types and try to start a mission round.
- Fixed Chinese/Japanese/Korean text not wrapping properly on terminals.
- Fixed bots sometimes walking towards a wall or holding the ladders when they are idling.
- Fixed "main docking port" property not being taken into account when placing outposts (the outpost was placed with the assumption that the docking port closest to the sub's center is the main docking port). Sometimes caused the outpost to be placed too close to the level walls, preventing the sub from docking with it.
- Fixed ladders not being visible in the sub preview.
- Fixed some UI elements being too large when switching from a large resolution to a smaller one, or vice versa.
- Fixed weapon holder sprite depth.
- Fixed level editor's test mode generating a different level than the editor itself.
- Fixed ballast flora branches that have been disconnected from the root not being considered disconnected after a level transition (allowing them to keep growing).
- Fixed "set default bindings" not doing anything in the settings menu.
- Fixed door/hatch gaps not getting moved when snapping to grid in the sub editor.
- Vertically mirrored beds can't be laid on.
- Fixed wrecked reactors being forced to non-interactable even if made interactable in the sub editor.
- Fixed keybinds shown in the controls tab not refreshing when resetting the binds.
- Hopefully fixed colonies sometimes not including some modules (most often the armory module).
- Fixed ready checks sometimes ending at a slightly different time client-side compared to the server, allowing you to answer the prompt even though the time to answer already ended server-side.
- Fixed large terminal welcome messages going slightly outside the bounds of the listbox.
- Fixed overlapping in the tab menu's mission tab when there's more than one mission selected.
- Fixed fabricators and deconstructors playing the sounds even if they're out of power.
- Fixed occasional "hash mismatch for downloaded mod" errors on Linux.
- Fixed clients occasionally spawning as the old character after they've opted to create a new one. Only happened if the client hadn't died and was still controlling the old character at the end of the round.
- When a client creates a character with a new name, the client's name is changed to match it after they spawn as that character.
- Fixed enabled mods getting disabled when updating them in the mods menu.
- Fixed a rounding error in Sprite.DrawTiled that sometimes caused an extra 1-pixel line on some scaled and flipped structures (e.g. certain wall pieces scaled to 0.6).
- Fixed Orca 2 still using the old chaingun charge time.
- Added "mod lists" which can be used to enable/disable sets of mods more easily.
- Option to choose which local mod(s) to add a submarine to when saving one in the submarine editor.
- Mods can be unsubscribed from by right-clicking on them in the mod list, and it's possible to unsubscribe from multiple ones at the same time by using ctrl+click or shift+click to select more than one.
- Local mods can be merged in the mod list by selecting the ones you want to merge and selecting "merge all selected" from the right-click context menu.
- Better filtering in the mod list: option to only show local mods, Workshop mods, published mods, submarines and/or item assemblies.
- Added "SameInventory" spawn position type to status effects (allows spawning items in the same inventory the entity applying the effect is in).
- Added support for multiple light components in wearables.
- Fixed permanent stats given by talents not getting synced to clients in multiplayer (doesn't affect any vanilla talents).
- Fixed nullref exception when trying to trigger a location type change to a type that doesn't exist (doesn't happen in the vanilla game).
- Added an extra tag to the "canned heat" talent to make it easier to add custom upgradeable tanks that aren't compatible with vanilla tools.
- Option to make status effects drop the items contained inside the target item (usage example in the duffel bag).
- Level object, cave and mineral commonness can be defined based on the biome instead of the level generation parameters (no need to define commonness for "coldcavernsbasic", "coldcavernsmaze" etc separately).
- Option to define ConversationAction texts directly in the event xml (instead of having to always define them in a spearate text file).
- Extended CustomInterface functionality with NumberInput elements that allow using float values ("numbertype") and defining the increment size ("step") the number of decimal places ("decimalplaces"). (Thanks, mLuby!)
- Implemented <clear/> element for removing all the child elements of an element in a variant file.
- TriggerComponent now supports negative forces: negative force value will cause the it to pull triggerers towards it.
- Multiple TriggerComponent properties can now be modified through signals and CustomInterface components.
- Display both wallet and bank balance on campaign interfaces when the player has access to the bank funds.
- Players who are allowed to manage money in the multiplayer campaign can use money directly from the bank without having to transfer it to their wallet first.
- Managing money always requires permissions: unlike other campaign-related permissions, not having anyone with permissions on the server doesn't give everyone permissions.
- Fixed crashing if a custom language doesn't configure NPC personality traits or conversations.
- Fixed crashing when you try to disguise as someone else when using a mod that overrides the vanilla human config.
- Fixed characters getting instakilled if you dive too deep in the sub editor test mode.
- Hopefully fixed the frequent "SteamP2P connection timed out" errors during loading screens.
- Fixed "missing entity" error when a character who's stats have been modified by a talent gets removed (e.g. eaten by a monster, despawning).
- If starting a multiplayer round takes a long time, instead of throwing the "did not receive STARTGAMEFINALIZE message" error, you're asked whether you want to keep waiting or return to the lobby.
- Fixed "failed to parse the string 'COLOR.GUI.GREEN' to Color" errors when using the submarine upgrade interface in Spanish.
- Fixed junction boxes not deteriorating over time.
- Fixed turrets being able to fire without consuming power when the power is wired to some other connection than power_in.
- Fixed broken supercapacitors providing unlimited power to turrets.
- Fixed IsMale/IsFemale properties resetting when saving and reloading (not used by the vanilla game).
- Fixed haloperidol not healing psychosis.
- Fixed ballast flora sometimes becoming unkillable client-side when entering a new level.
- Fixed the Server Log button overlapping campaign interfaces by hiding it whenever a campaign interface is open.
- Fixed an inconsistency in the assault rifle mag recipe.
- Fixed job not showing up in ID card description.
- Fixed store interface not being updated when the player balance changes.
- Fixed deconstructors, fabricators and research stations not being powered in some colony modules.
- Fixed power connections not getting recalculated server-side when disconnecting and reconnecting a wire.
- Fixed client context menu not working in the tab menu if the client's not controlling a character.
- Fixed preview image disappearing when saving a sub.
- Fixed custom jobid tags not working on ID cards.
- Fixed crashing with the error "Coroutine Barotrauma.SinglePlayerCampaign+<DoLoadInitialLevel>d__16 threw an exception" when trying to give items to a human prefab instance that has no item sets configured.
- Fixed installed mods list not refreshing when uninstalling an unsubscribed mod.
- Fixed outpost reactors using mechanical skill for repairs instead of electrical.
- Fixed outdated Dugong preview image.
- Fixed Deadeye Carbine firing an inconsistent number of rounds per burst in multiplayer.
- Fixed crashing when launching the server with a fresh config file due to the language being set to None.
- Fixed crashing on startup if the workshop mod directory doesn't exist.
- Fixed "Canned Heat" not having an effect on oxygenite tanks.
- Fixed entity list's search results being in a random order in the sub editor.
- Fixed crashing when trying to view an item assembly that contains entities that can't be found in the sub editor.
- Fixed bots not taking medical items' negative effects into account when determining which meds to use, often leading to overdoses/suffocation when using opiates.
- Fixed bots trying to clean up items into deconstructors.
- Fixed clients failing to spawn items with console commands when there's a structure prefab with the same identifier (e.g. ladders).
- Fixed characters being unable to gain skills added by a mod if the job doesn't initially have those skills defined.
- Automatically correct linked submarine paths in the submarine editor.
- Fixed electrical discharge coils sometimes working with insufficient power.
- Fixed crashing when creating a humanoid character in character editor.
- Fixed cargo missions putting cargo in non-interactable and hidden-in-game containers.
- Fixed only the first Powered component being considered when determining how much power an item is supplying to the grid. Prevented alien generators from working.
- Fixed textbox's text position breaking when there's overflow and you're editing in the middle of the string. (Urban Expanses)
- Overhauled colonies: completely new modules, improved layouts, new structures and items, new events.
- Split outposts stores into several different vendors who sell different types of items.
- New store (and sub editor) categories: weapon, medical, diving, and fuel. Reorganized the items into categories.
- Adjusted the amount of colonies in Cold Caverns.
- Added personal wallets. Everyone in the crew now has their personal wallet that they can use to purchase whatever they wish in outposts. The host (or people with campaign management permissions) can distribute a portion of the mission rewards to the crew or transfer money from the shared funds to the players.
- Reworked campaign permissions: removed BuyItems and CampaignStore permissions (no longer needed, since everyone can buy), added ManageMap and ManageHires permissions, ManageCampaign allows gives you all the other campaign-related permissions.
- Items can be purchased from outpost vending machines using the personal wallet.
- Reworked the power distribution logic. Should fix unstability and inconsistencies in power grids involving relays and batteries.
- Adjustments to reactors and supercapacitors to prevent the increased supercapacitor loads from crippling the subs on default recharge rates: slightly increased Humpback reactor output and decreased the default recharge rate of the capacitors, reduced recharge rates in the 3 new subs and set the supercapacitor efficiency to match the rest of the subs.
- Ballast flora improvements: improved damage visuals, branches die when cut from the root, the flora regenerates health at a rate relative to it's size.
- Made text displays and terminals craftable/attachable/detachable.
- Made Concat component's separator field editable mid-round.
- Made Deadeye Carbine fire in bursts.
- Animation adjustment: The head now rotates towards the mouse cursor while aiming or swimming.
- Swim animation adjustment: The body now rotates towards the aim target also when the character is moving, and not only while staying still. Moving while not facing the movement direction results in reduced movement speed.
- Set the bottom hole probability to 0 in Cold Caverns, which reduces the size and the frequency of holes in the level bottom.
- Characters spawn at a spawnpoint appopriate for their job when using the console command "spawn [job] inside".
- Added "low_oxygen" output to oxygen detectors.
- Beacon missions can spawn other types of monsters than just crawlers.
- Made supercapacitors take some damage when they're being charged faster than 70%.
- Increased Orca 2's reactor output.
- Adjustments to mission distribution: only easy missions at the beginning of the campaign, moved some of the more difficult missions later into the campaign.
- Made Not Component's ContinuousOutput property editable in-game.
- Show warnings when saving a sub in the sub editor if any of the entity counts (walls, items, lights, etc) are very high, don't allow saving if the light counts are above the upper limits.
- Added "power_value_out" and "load_value_out" connections to relays, batteries and supercapacitors.
- Boosted the structure damage from the small crawler eggs from 150 to 200.
- Adjusted structure and item damage for coilgun ammunition: piercing 50% less damage, exploding 100% more damage (from explosions), physicorium 50% more damage.
- Don't populate the abyss in difficulty levels 0 to 10 in single mission mode.
- Modified Selkie emergency hatch: can only use it if the shuttle is flooded.
- Reduce the probability for the coilgun to dismember limbs (or break armor).
- Removed submarine download confirmation prompt. All subs that are required to play in a server will be downloaded automatically, which shouldn't be a problem since they're only stored temporarily.
- Buffed ethanol's and tobacco's effects.
- Renamed "details" to "manage" and "permissions" to "rank" in the client management context menu to make them a little more clear.
- Changes to character aiming behavior.
- Water no longer dirties up walls.
- Disabled store category buttons for categories that contain no items.
- An extensive rewrite of how the game handles content packages and loading content. Addresses a ton of issues, inconsistencies and usability issues regarding modding.
- The Mods folder has been replaced by folders called "WorkshopMods" and "LocalMods". "WorkshopMods" is used to store mods installed from the Workshop, and any mods stored in it should never need to be modified manually. "LocalMods" is used for developing mods: installing/updating mods never modifies the contents of this folder to prevent any work from being lost.
- Submarines are no longer saved in the Submarines folder, because it made it easy to get vanilla and custom subs mixed up. The sub editor now automatically creates a new local mod for each saved submarine.
- Remade the Workshop menu and made it a tab of the settings menu.
- More robust handling of mod load order, overrides and variants.
- Clients now download the mods a server is using directly from the server, fixing content mismatches when for example trying to join a server that uses outdated mods.
- Mods now have version numbers to make it easier to determine which of the players are out of date.
- The Workshop preview images are no longer saved into the game folder, fixing the folder gradually growing in size as you use browse mods in the Workshop menu.
- Switching languages no longer requires restarting the game.
- Music can be overridden by identifiers.
- Reimplemented ServerExecutable to be usable in non-core packages. Now, players must select a server executable from a dropdown in the "Host server" menu if multiple are available.
- Character gender and ethnicity are no longer hard-coded: modders can use any kind of arbitrary tags to categorize character sprites.
- Option to set the condition of an item spawned with status effects.
- Added new "accessiblebyowner" property to inventories. Allows making a character able to access their inventory even when "accessiblewhenalive" is false.
- Fixed clients not gaining control of the final stage of a husk affliction when "controlhusk" is enabled.
- When using a mod that doesn't set the InitialCount of any job, choose the first 3 jobs as the starting crew. Otherwise the crew customization menu will be empty and starting the campaign will lead to an immediate game over.
- Made it possible for attack StatusEffects to target the character doing the attack instead of the limb by using "Parent" as the target type.
- Using RemoveCharacter on a limb removes the character that limb belongs to.
- Fixed editing human character in the character editor sometimes making the inventory inaccessible.
- Fixed character editor crashing when trying to copy a character (unstable only).
- ItemContainers apply the OnContaining effects even when the item is broken. Doesn't affect any vanilla items.
- Ropes attached to limbs now automatically snap when another attack is chosen.
Ropes can now be set to break from the end instead of always breaking from the middle (see the new abyss monster for an example).
- Ropes can be set to break if they are in too steep angle to the target.
- Projectiles always stick permanently unless a stick duration is defined.
- Characters (with deformable sprites) can be set to be drawn after (on top of) other characters. Normally characters are drawn in the order of spawning.
- AI Triggers can now be permanent.
- Added a generic damage threshold that currently defines how much damage the character needs to take from a single hit to hit the avoiding and releasing captured targets.
- Added a support for multiple identifiers and types in the limb health definitions.
- Added a support for min range for ranged attacks.
- Fixed monsters not being able to shoot faster than every ~1.5 second if they change the attacking limb.
- Added new after attack behaviors: Reverse and ReverseUntilCanAttack.
- Fixed "targetcontaineditem" still not working correctly.
- Fixed crashing when trying to remove fog of war at the very edges of the campaign map. Doesn't affect the vanilla game because there's enough padding at the edges of the map.
- Made DockingPort.ApplyEffectsOnDocking editable in the sub editor.
- Option to make missions force a ruin in the level if there isn't one.
- Character editor: don't check the validity of the texture path when copying humans (because the path is not valid and will be parsed later). Allows creating custom human characters by copying the vanilla human (even though they are not fully supported).
- Level editor no longer attempts to save the vanilla content.
- Added Latcher, a new abyss monster.
- Added a difficulty hierarchy for the abyss monsters. Easier monsters should spawn more frequently on an easier difficulty level, the harder should spawn more frequently on higher difficulty levels. Currently the new abyss monster is defined as the easiest, and Endworm the hardest. Charybdis is in between.
- Revisited endworm: the armor now breaks less easily, reduced the change of cutting the worm towards the head, adjusted the bleeding speed.
- Adjusted abyss resource spawning: less resources per level, the number of resources is relative to the difficulty, the spawned resources aren't guaranteed to always be the 5 least common alien materials.
- Made molochs, abyss monsters and fractal guardians immune to poisons.
- Fixed monsters sometimes trying to follow targets after losing the track of them even when they should be falling back from them (according to the after attack behavior).
- Fixed monsters sometimes using the after attack behavior of the current attack even when the cooldown of that attack is not active.
- Fixed monsters sometimes being unable to target the submarine, because their attack was incorrectly considered invalid.
- Fixed fractal guardians fleeing to a shelter immediatedly after taking some damage when they have targeted the guardian pod once and have not changed the target yet (e.g. if you shoot a guardian that is returning from the pod and if it has not yet spotted you).
- Adjusted the probabilities for spawning the Thalamus in the wrecks.
- Rebalanced mudraptors: slightly more health, less damage at head.
- Crawler: adjusted the vitality multipliers of hands and tail from 50% to 75%.
- Fixed Giant Spineling targeting doors after being attacked, which it shouldn't do by design. Might affect other creatures too.
- Fixed calyxanide not damaging the "naturally spawning" husks.
- Giant Spineling doesn't flee anymore when being shot with coilgun, chaingun, or small arms.
- Adjusted the kill hammerhead missions.
- Increased the price of calyxanide to make it more in line with the price of husk eggs.
- Fixed wrecked supply cabinets being treated as normal supply cabinets. Reduces the amount of loot spawned in them.
- Adjust the medical item spawns in wreck and abandoned med cabinets: less powerful medicines. Basic ingredients and consumables are more common, but come in low quantities.
- Increased the amount of scrap in wrecks.
- Increased Gene Splicer's price from 200 to 500.
- Increase the commonness of Esperite and Galena, which are sources of lead.
- Fixed bots accidentally shooting with a weapon if they have it equipped when they try to use the underwater scooter.
- Fixed bots still sometimes getting stuck when trying to get something from or put something to secure lockers.
- Fixed bots acting weird while trying to use underwater scooters inside.
- Fixed bots failing to heal characters in a docked sub/shuttle.
- Adjusted bot behavior around ballast flora: priority of some objectives now drops to 0 when the target's been claimed by ballast flora, items claimed by ballast flora aren't valid targets for some objectives anymore.
- Made bot healing dialog reflect if CPR was performed or not.
- Fixed security from the player's own crew attacking the player in multiplayer when the player attacks someone in an outpost.
- Fix bots not ignoring items marked to be "Hidden In Game".
- Bots prefer not to take diving suits off in rooms marged with the "IsWetRoom" flag.
- Docking ports are now automatically considered as "wet rooms".
- Fixed bots trying to target through doors and walls even though there's no line of sight between the end node and the target.
- Added some dialogue to bots when they get infected with the husk infection.
- Fixed bots sometimes getting stuck to doors when they are trying to fix a hull behind it. Happened because the goto objective was completed before the bot could open the door.
- Attempt to fix a crash in AIObjectiveExtinguishFire.
- Fixed bots not being able to repair leaks between rooms (leaks that are not in the outer walls).
- Waypoint fixes on abandoned outpost modules, some regular outpost modules, and Winterhalter.
- Fixed bots occasionally getting stuck while climbing ladders connecting outpost modules.
- Fixes to waypoint generator, mainly on stairs.
- Fixed a null reference exception when a bot is dismissed while being told to follow the player and still in the combat state.
- Fixed items flagged as "HiddenInGame" being considered interactable and therefore e.g. valid repair targets.
- Fixed outpost guards not arresting the offender when it's very far from them.
- Fixed bots sometimes failing to navigate back to the sub (when they are on the other side of the sub than where the hatch is).
- Fix to yet another issue that sometimes prevented unlocking additional talents after unlocking "All-seeing Eye".
- Fixed "Curiosity" talent not giving experience to allies.
- Removing or changing order priority doesn't trigger the "Commander" talent buff.
- Fixed "Mass Production" talent allowing you to power devices by tinkering.
- Fixed "Pyromaniac" giving 39.9% damage resistance instead of 40%.
- Fixed ability to tinker indefinitely by interrupting the tinkering by switching to repairing the item.
- Fixed "Trusted Captain" and "Esteemed Captain" giving medals even when no missions have been completed.
- Fixed disconnected players preventing talents that require everyone to survive from working (e.g. "Field Medic", "Bootcamp").
- Fixed "Deep Sea Slayer" always giving you a 50% buff to harpoons regardless if you're inside or not.
- Fixed "Deep Sea Slayer" talent not affecting explosive harpoons.
- Fixed monsters being able to attack with practically no cooldown when they're taking constant damage from a player.
- Fixed crawler eggs not being displayed on the sonar.
- Fixed aiming being slightly off when crouching and not moving.
- Fixed item interfaces getting misaligned when there's several linked item UIs visible at the same time.
- Fixed inability to interact with doors/hatches through docking ports.
- Fixed escort missions failing if the escorted characters are in a shuttle docked to the main sub.
- Fixed pumps rounding the pumping rate value to -39 instead of -40.
- Fixed shell shields dropping from moloch's inventories when they spawn (because they could only be placed in hand slots which the molochs don't have).
- Fixed linked subs not being taken into account in the cargo capacity displayed in the sub's info panel.
- Fixed ID card descriptions disappearing between rounds.
- Fixed ID card description not being added if the ID card tags are empty.
- Fixed "error" text in the medical clinic UI when trying to heal a character who's disconnected.
- Fixed texts overlapping on health scanner hud when using a text scale above 100%.
- Fixed "snap to grid" not working on structures.
- Update items' hulls after creating the hulls between docking ports. Fixes e.g. water detectors between docking ports still thinking they're outside after the ports lock and the area between them drains.
- Fixed decorative sprites rotating incorrectly on vertically mirrored items.
- Disable collisions between subs when "locking" the docking ports between them. Fixes the ports leaving a gap between them if some structures of the sub prevent them from aligning exactly.
- Fixed wifi components ignoring signals to the "signal_in" connection if the signal originated from another wifi component that can't transmit to this one (i.e. if a wifi component passes a signal through a wire to another wifi component that uses a different channel).
- Fixed dropped signal components being drawn behind devices (now they're only drawn behind devices when attached to a wall).
- Fixed SMGs autofilled into the subs sometimes spawning without magazines.
- Fixed misaligned "Label Number 6" decal.
- Attempt to fix occasional performance drops in the store interface.
- Fixed clients seeing a blank server lobby if they join when a round is running with respawning disabled.
- Fixed arithmetic and trigonometric components not passing the sender of the signal forwards, preventing e.g. helm skill from boosting engines if the signal goes through a component.
- Fixed occasional crashes when transitioning between levels with showperf enabled in multiplayer campaign.
- Fixed wearables not affecting movement speed when godmode is on.
- Fixes periscopes not focusing on turrets if there's certain components (e.g. arithmetic components) between them.
- Fixed crashing when trying to use the "dumpeventtexts" command with no arguments or a disallowed path.
- Made smoke detectors a little more sensitive (should fix small fires sometimes not being detected even if they're in the same room).
- Fixed reactor sometimes not catching fire again if you start overheating it again immediately after a fire.
- Fixed recycling a non-empty SMG magazine dropping the bullet inside it on the floor.
- Fixed EntitySpawnerComponent's SpawnAreaOffset.Y being inverted.
- Fixed gaps generating incorrectly on "Shell A 70 Degrees".
- Fixed items powered by battery cells not working correctly (certain devices like handheld sonar beacons never powering up, and items staying powered indefinitely when you put in a battery and take it out). Unstable only.
- Fixed turret lights starting in an incorrect rotation in the sub editor.
- Fixed "commander" talent still not correctly giving the buff (giving orders that a character already had didn't move the buff). Unstable only.
- Fixed nav terminals sometimes determining which docking port the docking button controls incorrectly (specifically, when the correct docking port is also connected to other ports).
- Fixed an exploit in the depleted fuel SMG magazine recipe.
- Fixed reactor gauges' background sticking out from the gauges when selecting a reactor in the editor.
- Fixed fractal guardians fleeing to the shelter immediatedly after taking some damage when they have targeted the guardian pod once and have not changed the target yet (e.g. if you shoot a guardian that is returning from the pod and if it has not yet spotted you).
- Fixed Crawler Broodmother regenerating really fast while eating. Broodmother no longer eats her own eggs.
- Fixed spinelings accidentally killing each other with their spikes.
- Fixed burn being ignored in the damagemodifier of Charybdis' head. The jaw worked correctly. Affects pulse laser damage for example.
- Fixed lights that are drawn behind subs counting as shadow-casting in the sub editor.
- Fixed server host creating 2 disconnect message boxes if the server crashes.
- Fixed text scale not being taken into account on scrolling text displays.
- Re-filled Typhon 2 oxygen tank shelves.
- Fixed spawnpoint editing panel being too small on large resolutions.
- Fixed inability to equip one-handed items when there's a suitable container in the other hand (e.g. flashlight when there's a storage container in the other hand).
- Cargo missions don't require the cargo to be inside a hull: being in the sub is enough. Fixes inability to complete cargo missions with unconventional subs where the cargo is stored outside hulls.
- Fixed non-equipped items that can't be put into a duffel bag disappearing when a character despawns.
- Fixed incorrect animation parameters being used for swimming while wearing a regular diving suit.
- Fixed projectiles sometimes staying attached to the target even when they are far from it.
- Fixed multiplayer campaign saves with semicolons or pipes in their name causing "path to a save file was empty" errors in the server lobby.
- Fixed performance drops in multiplayer when someone attacks the outpost NPCs and causes the reputation to drop.
- Moved the showperf view to the right to prevent it from overlapping with the crew list.
- Fixed status monitor's electrical view and item finder not showing items in docked subs.
- The sound of crowbaring a door open can't be heard from other subs.
- Fixed "a gaze into the abyss" achievement working unreliably. The achievement didn't unlock until you returned to 50% of the crush depth, which isn't possible in some levels (e.g. if the level starts at 3500 m and crush depth at 5000 m). Now it's unlocked if you get to 500 m above the crush depth or to the end of the level.
- Fixed certain achievements (last man standing, lone sailor, finishing a round with a specific job) not unlocking if you're in a docked sub instead of the main sub at the end of the round.
- Readjusted all sitting animations so that they characters shouldn't twitch anymore while sitting.
- Doubled the rate limit for medical clinic which should reduce "No response from server" errors.
- Fixed swimming characters sometimes being unable to stand up on stairs/platforms even if the water is shallow enough.
- Fixed guitar and harmonica being rendered on top of the water effect.
- Fixed guitar, harmonica, accordion and captains pipe having neutral buoyancy.
- Fixed mid-round joining clients not seeing subs purchased during that round.
- Fixed research station being repairable by clicking on it instead of pressing E.
- Fixed medical curtains disappearing before they're off-screen.
- Fixed karma preset being forced to default when starting a new server.
- Fixed Herja's rear motion detector being connected to an incorrect display, and the bottom turret display having an incorrect text.
- Fixed crash caused by selection not being cleared when autocompleting or running a console command.
- Fixed occasional performance dips when spineling spikes get stuck to the sub's exterior walls.
- Fixed item assemblies getting misaligned with the grid after saving.
- Fixed "Shell A 18" not aligning with the other shell pieces.
- Fixed welding tool's, plasma cutter's and watering can's particle effects getting "clamped" to the edges of the hull they're inside.
- Fixed permission icon in the client list not updating mid-round.
- Fixed "lock default wires" server setting not affecting docked subs.
- Fixed Dugong's small pumps working without power.
- Fixed buttons in structure editing menu using a different style than other types of entities in the sub editor.
- Fixed certain logic components (and/or/xor with an empty output and non-empty false output) stopping to work altogether when they stop sending a signal.
- Fixes to crashes when trying to interact with certain elements in the server lobby while getting disconnected.
- Fixed door lights appearing to be off in the tutorials.
- Fixed crashing when you try to use the hotkeys or double-clicking to put an item inside another item you're holding in your left hand, but there's an item with no inventory in your right hand.
- Fixed inability to repair Research Stations.
- Fixed status monitors crashing the game if the selected UI style doesn't define "IconOverflowIndicator".
- Fixed crashing when trying to view the specs window of a sub that hasn't been saved yet (= if you create a new sub, go to the test mode and open the submarine tab in the tab menu).
- Fixed some of Spineling's spikes getting hidden for 30 seconds instead of 15. (Rising Tide)
- Added a Medical Clinic to outposts that allows you to heal your crew for a price.
- Added three new sub: Barsuk, Herja and Winterhalter.
- Improvements and polish to the human sprites.
- Improvements and polish to clothing and headgear sprites.
- Added the Submarine tab to the multiplayer campaign store to allow selling items on the submarine.
- Prevented selling items from submarine containers tagged with "donttakeitems", e.g. constructors, deconstructors.
- Added new campaign store related client permissions: use campaign store, buy items, sell inventory items, and sell submarine items.
- Entities can be grouped together and the groups selectively hidden in the submarine editor.
- Balanced mission rewards, commonness and difficulties.
- Added some new decorative items and structures.
- Adjusted Medical Items' effects on bleeding and burns. Bandages, plastiseal and antibiotic glue are now much more effective at treating them, and morphine & fentanyl only heal them by a negligible amount.
- Heavily increased supercapacitor's power consumption and made the recharge speed increase exponentially when the recharge rate is increased.
- Optimizations to signal logic, status effects and property conditionals.
- Item update optimizations.
- Optimizations to gap logic.
- Optimized multiplayer store interface.
- Added "separator" property to Concat Component.
- Added "power_value_out" and "load_value_out" connections to junction boxes.
- Added "set_output" connection to Greater Than Component, Equals Component and Regex Component.
- Made alien materials spawn in abyss islands.
- Exposed wall healths in the sub editor.
- Modified Orca 2 and R-29 reactor values so they're more in line with other subs.
- Made ballast flora toxins more visible and made them emit a sound.
- Made impacts toss items around less effectively, especially when the item is heavy.
- "Allow rewiring" server setting doesn't affect wrecks, pirate subs or ruins.
- Added an option to disable all in-game hints to the hint message box.
- Option to make sonar displays center on the connected sonar transducer.
- Made the sizes of signal components consistent (32x32px, they also align to the grid now).
- Don't allow fabricators to take items from linked containers the user doesn't have access to.
- Connected diving suit lockers to oxygen in vanilla subs.
- Pulse laser ammo can be bought from outposts and cities.
- Chaingun tweaks: doubled turning speed when firing, reduced charging up time, reduced ammo consumption and made the ammo boxes more expensive.
- Simplified Remora drone docking system.
- Show notifications about reputation changes mid-round.
- Escorted NPCs drop the items they took from the sub (like suits) at the end of the round.
- Added warnings when the game fails to run the physics at the desired 60 updates per second (which would cause rubberbanding in multiplayer). The warnings are shown below the FPS when the client is running slowly, and in the debug console of the host/moderators/admins when the server is.
- Made turret icons on the minimap gray instead of red when not manned (easy to think there's something wrong with the turret when it's red).
- Abandoned outpost's oxygen generators now consume power.
- Made characters crouch a little lower (enough to make it possible to shoot while standing behind a crouching character).
- Added a "sendchatmessage" console command with an option to configure the color of the message.
- Added button to align selected items and wire nodes to grid to the sub editor.
- Allow using cheats in editors.
- Don't show "hidden in-game" docking ports on the sonar, option to disable the docking port's particle and sound effects.
- The prompt about forbidden words in the server's name is only shown when trying to start a public server.
- Show prices in the submarine specs window (previously there was no way to see a sub's price in the server lobby).
- Allow wiring non-interactable items and accessing non-interactable containers in the sub editor.
- Chaingun projectiles and Canister Shells cause lacerations instead of gunshot wounds.
- Added recycle recipe to SMG magazines.
- Significantly reduced the speed at which welding tools fix walls.
- Changed the small arms max stack sizes to either 6 or 12 when the clip size is 6. Makes it less tedious to use the extra ammunition.
- Added damage sounds to doors when they take 10 or more damage.
- Made outpost containers' sprite depths more consistent with other containers.
- Added tags to outpost medical compartments and made them linkable.
- Mission completion and failure icons are now displayed mid-round in the tab menu.
- Added 3 new monster variants: Giant Spineling, Crawler Broodmother and Veteran Mudraptor.
- An overall balance and behavior fix pass on all monsters. Feedback is welcome.
- Monster mission reward and difficulty level adjustments.
- Adjustments to the random monster spawn events.
- Adjusted the loot dropped by Crawler Broodmother, Giant Spineling, and Bonethresher.
- Moloch Pupa and Hammerhead Matriarch now also drop some loot.
- Crawler Eggs now deconstruct into suplhuric acid (and adrenaline gland, if they are not the smallest variants).
- Fixed mudraptors being unable to hit the targets that are very near.
- Fixed monsters sometimes getting stuck near the Humpback's bottom railgun.
- Fixed monsters getting stuck on trying to reach open gaps that are on the other side of the sub.
- Fixed aggressive boarders not being aggressive enough inside the player sub, because they couldn't target things that were blocked by a wall.
- Fixed Molochs not doing anything when there's babies around.
- Fixed Mudraptors not staying together in swarms.
- Fixed monsters continuing to eat a characters who've been revived with console commands (leading to weird results, such as the character being able to run around after being dismembered)..
- Fixed some monsters, like crawlers, trying to target walls with lots of gaps even though there are better targets closer to them.
- Fixed monsters being unable to target inner walls when they are technically outside of the sub (= when there's no hull where they are). Such places, between the outer and the inner walls, can be found e.g. in Humpback.
- Tigerthreshers can now target doors.
- Monsters that try to get inside the sub, should now notice and prioritize doors more overall. Affects e.g. Mudraptors, and to lesser extent Crawlers (and Tigerthreshers).
- Monsters' burns don't heal by themselves.
- Fixed hammerhead matriarchs sometimes spawning in low-difficulty levels.
- Fixed endworm not having a burn damage modifier in the right tooth.
- Changed Golden Hammerhead's behavior towards stronger monsters.
- The order of the crew list is saved between rounds in single player.
- Indicate when a bot is following someone else than you on the crew list's order icons.
- When quick-assigning orders, prioritize the characters with the same Operate order only when they are targeting the same item.
- When quick-assigning orders, don't prioritize characters with the same Maintenance order. Otherwise, Maintenance orders will always be quick-assigned to characters who already have the same order. This will prevent giving out multiple Maintenance orders of the same type to multiple characters using the quick-assignment logic.
- Allow quick-assigning the same kind of Operate order to multiple characters. Previously, it would always be given to the character that already had the same kind of order.
- Added a new "Assault Enemy" order: bots with the order will seek out and attack any hostile characters in any connected submarines or outposts.
- Made the order quick-assigning logic prefer characters who don't have the order yet (among the characters with the appropriate job).
- Made it possible to use the order quick-assignment to give the Fix Leaks order to all character (although mechanics, engineers, and assistants are still preferred).
- Fixed bots sometimes getting stuck while trying to fix a leak that's not in the same sub (e.g. bot in Remora and the leak in the drone).
- Reduced the range where the bots can spot enemies outside of the sub.
- Improved bots' ability to return back to the submarine from caves.
- Fixed oxygen shards from old saves still being used as oxygen sources by bots.
- Fixed bots getting stuck in certain spots with ladders (e.g. Berilia's reactor room).
- Fixed contextual "clean up" order not being visible for weapons.
- Defined preferred containers for some items and added "locker" as the secondary preferred container for most items. Helps bots clean up things even when they can't find the primary container for the items.
- Fixed bots sometimes halting briefly next to a door when they shouldn't.
- "Fight intruders" order doesn't make the bots enter abandoned outposts to fight the enemies there.
- Disable aggressive behavior towards the player for the friendly crew members in single player (= accidental friendly fire never turns the security hostile in single player).
- Fixed bots saying they can't find items to load when someone takes an item they were targeting.
- Fixed bots saying they can't reach a leak when someone else fixes it before them.
- Fixed bots sometimes trying to adjust auto-controlled pumps when doing the autonomous Pump Water objective.
- Arrested pirate captains don't try to give orders to their crew.
- Change how captains (and theoretically other bots with an autonomous fight intruders order) behave: instead of idling around, they'll flee to the safety. And if there's no security officers around, they should fight the enemy aggressively.
- Fixed bots filling target containers with items that can't be refilled/recharged when given the Load Items order (e.g. putting welding fuel tanks in oxygen tank shelves).
- Made bots prefer the same fuel rods or ammo as already loaded when they're operating a reactor or a turret and need to find new ones.
- Bots that follow a character who's going inside/outside stick closer to the character they're following. Helps the bots to get back inside with you.
- Fixed pets becoming hostile towards the crew and other pets if a human attacks the character they're protecting.
- Fixed pirates not operating turrets when they have no power.
- Fixed bots not unequipping diving suits when they have an order but not actively following it (i.e. they are on idle).
- Fixed Operate orders not being dismissed automatically when another character is ordered to operate the same device.
- Fixed the dialogue reserved for rearranging character orders not being used in multiplayer.
- Fixed bots sometimes getting stuck on ladders while swimming.
- Fixed bots returning to the sub even when they have an active wait order. Happened when the order was given inside and then when e.g. the character is controlled by the player, and then when the player changes the character, the bot falls to the "find safety objective", because it's not allowed to stay outside.
- Bots can find buttons connected to a door using links made in the sub editor. Allows working around complex circuits that prevent the bots from figuring out which button controls a door.
- Fixed bots taking battery cells from portable pumps without considering their condition when acting on the Recharge Battery Cells order.
- Fixed bots not always reacting to monsters when they should be able to see them, while swimming outside.
- Fixed bots accidentally damaging friendly characters while trying to hit Swarmfeeders latched on to them.
- Fixed bots not using melee weapons when there's Swarmfeeders latched on to them.
- Fixed bots being able to shoot without any delay if they already have a weapon equipped.
- Fixed bots dropping the syringe inside PUCS when replacing the oxygen tank.
- Fixed bots sometimes failing to find a path to a docked shuttle or drone.
- Fixed NPCs reacting to combat between other characters when they shouldn't (e.g. when they don't witness it).
- Fixed bots not re-equipping body armor/ballistic helmet/something else when they drop the diving gear.
- Fixed bots having issues with some stairs. Note: these changes might require alterations on stair waypoints. Currently the generator doesn't do perfect job there. Look for the examples on how to fix them manually in the vanilla subs.
- Fixed bots sometimes trying to put items they're cleaning up into containers inside fabricators/deconstructors (e.g. an oxygen tank into a diving suit in a fabricator).
- Fixed bots equipping gene splicers when cleaning them up, causing the genetic material to get destroyed when the bot puts the splicer in a container.
- Removed the special stat boosts from "Olympian" (now it only increases the skill cap to 200).
- Halved the amount of damage "Still Kicking" heals (100 -> 50)
- Reduced gunshot wounds inflicted by handcannon.
- "True Potential" only has a chance of instakilling things smaller than a moloch.
- Halved damage buff from "Quickdraw" (80% -> 40%).
- Reduced skill gain from "Field Medic" (7 -> 3).
- Nerfed "Warlord" (20% chance of doubling the damage -> 5% chance).
- Reduced damage buff from "Expert Commando" (40% -> 20%).
- Health scanner doesn't show buffs from talents.
- Fixed "unused talent points" indicator staying visible after all talents have been unlocked if the character's gained extra talent points from other talents.
- Fixed incorrect talents sometimes unlocking server-side when unlocking "All-Seeing Eye". Happened because the server checked how many talents the client can unlock before applying All-Seeing Eye, which meant that the 3 extra talents would not be available, and the server would leave the last 3 talents unlocked.
- Fixed "Inspired to Act" talent only giving a skill bonus of 9.98 instead of 10.
- Fixed "Atmos Machine" talent not spawning psychosis artifacts or alien pistols.
- Fixed "Hazardous Materials" considering any reactor outside the main sub (e.g. beacon station) a wreck reactor.
- Fixed ranged weapons (including turrets) triggering "Electrochemist" talent's stun.
- Fixes character resetting in MP campaign if you join mid-round and don't get to spawn in before the next round in a campaign you've previously played in.
- Fixed equipping two of the same genetic material and then unequipping one of them removing all the genetic effects.
- Fixed "novice seafarer", "experienced seafarer" and "naval architect" achievements being possible to unlock even if cheats are enabled.
- Fixed kills in multiplayer sessions not progressing the "xenocide" and "genocide" achievements, and kills being reported to Steam unreliably.
- Fixed clients not spawning the respawn shuttle if they join after the server had disabled the shuttle mid-round, leading to an "entity not found" kick.
- Fixed medical effects being different when the medical item is fired with a syringe gun.
- Fixed wall healths being half of what they should be on vanilla subs, increased structure damages to compensate.
- Fixed fabricator sometimes desyncing in MP when some of the ingredients are in the user's inventory.
- Fixed clients trying to reconnect to SteamP2P indefinitely if establishing the initial connection fails, eventually leading to a crash.
- Fixed "allow linking wifi to chat" server setting causing syncing problems with headsets. The setting wasn't synced with clients who don't have settings management permissions, which would cause them to get some of the wifi components' properties mixed up and sometimes prevent them from communicating using the headsets.
- Fixed motion detector requiring the target's velocity to be higher than the specified minimum velocity, instead of higher than or equal. As a result, a minimum velocity of 0 would not sometimes detect targets in range.
- Fixed an exploit that allowed combining genetic materials in deconstructors.
- Fixed "fixitems" command setting genetic materials' condition to 100.
- Fixed "reset to prefab" not resetting wall healths.
- Fixed certain logic components not passing forwards the character who sent the signal, preventing e.g. the character who undocked a drone from being logged or the character who killed something from being determined if the signal activates a weapon.
- Orca 2: Fixed missing power wires to a couple small pumps, neutral ballast level, gunnery marked as wet room. Added a duct block between upper and lower deck. Some minor visual fixes.
- Fixed voronoi sites sometimes getting placed outside the level's bounds, leading to messed up level geometry.
- Fixed turrets always starting at rotation 0 at the beginning of the round (instead of halfway between the min/max angles like in the editor).
- Fixed changing a delay component's delay using the editing hud not having an effect in-game when the component is receiving a continuous signal.
- Take structures/items with a collider into account when calculating a sub's dimensions (as opposed to just hulls). Fixes dimensions being incorrect in the submarine's info if the sub includes structures that extend far outside the hulls.
- Fixed crashing when swimming up from hull to another in a specific kind of hull configuration (two hulls side-by-side, with a gap leading up to another one).
- Fixed oxygen shards from old saves still being used as oxygen sources by bots.
- Fixed changes not being applied to all selected items when multi-editing a string field in the sub editor and deselecting the items without applying the changes by pressing enter.
- The game doesn't try to save a campaign if an exception occurs at any point during the saving process (should fix rare occurrences of campaign saves getting corrupted).
- Don't allow signals to deactivate ItemContainers. Fixes portable pumps' "toggle" input not working.
- Fixed removed items staying visible on the status monitor's electrical tab.
- Fixed plants still using the old values in old saves (i.e. dying too fast when not watered).
- Outposts can't request the "psychosisartifact_event" item (an event-specific special artifact that looks identical to the normal ones).
- Fixed size of a door's gap relative to the door changing when rescaling the door in the sub editor.
- Fixed fabricator consuming all the suitable ingredients when the ingredient is configured using a tag instead of an identifier (e.g. fabricating a stun gun dart would consume all the wires in the input slots).
- Fixed motion detector's detect offset getting mirrored when copying a mirrored detector.
- Fixed status monitor's submarine blueprint refreshing when initiating docking with a shuttle, instead of when the docking ports lock (sometimes causing the shuttle to appear slightly off from the docking port on the monito).
- Fixed fabricator failing to stack oxygenite tanks.
- Fixed items in the player's inventory not getting highlighted as valid ingredients when using a fabricator.
- Attempt to fix a rare crash caused by ScalableFont.DrawStringWithColors.
- Fixed freezing when trying to enable GameAnalytics from the settings menu on Mac.
- Fixed locked connection panel and non-interactable lights in R-29.
- Fixed Delay Component failing to parse set_delay inputs on systems that use comma as the decimal separator.
- Fixed charge rate not being displayed correctly on batteries in Chinese.
- Fixed junction box load not being displayed on status monitors in Russian.
- Fixed oxygen tanks being misaligned in oxygen generators.
- Fixed motion sensor not being able to detect subs in the sub editor test mode.
- Fixed recycled volatile fulgurium rods incorrectly using mechanical instead of electrical skill.
- Consider the character who severed a limb as the character who inflicted the afflictions caused by severing the limb. + Consider the character who caused bleeding as the character who caused the resulting bloodloss. Fixes achievements not unlocking and talents not triggering if you kill a target by cutting its limbs off or by making it bleed to death.
- Fixed characters sometimes becoming momentarily unresponsive when swimming out from a hull.
- Fixed speed penalty caused by the vegetation in caves sometimes not disappearing after passing through the vegetation.
- Fixed links from a docking port to a linked sub not being considered valid in the sub editor (only a link from linked sub to a docking port). Now the order of the link doesn't matter.
- Fixed repair window showing up if you use a periscope wired to a broken device.
- Fixed sonar getting misaligned when switching to the docking mode (the amount of misalignment being relative to the distance of the docking port from the sub's center).
- Fixed light textures not rotating with the lamps in the sub editor.
- Fixed elements in CustomInterface getting misaligned if the signal_out connections aren't used in sequential order (e.g. if you only connect a wire to outputs 2 and 3).
- Fixed server including lines multiple times in the saved server logs (e.g. the 2nd saved log file would include some lines that were already saved to the 1st log file).
- Fixed initial husk infection message being displayed immediately after getting infected, not after the infection advances.
- Fixed equip slots being misplaced if you open the health interface when the equip slots have been hidden.
- Fixed wrecks sometimes not spawning in levels despite a wreck mission being selected.
- Fixed characters moving slowly downwards when aiming underwater.
- Fixed moloch shell shields not protecting the user from non-hitscan weapons or melee weapons.
- Fixed messed up mining crane sprite.
- Fixed crashing when pirates try to operate the sub using a nav terminal that doesn't control any sub (doesn't affect vanilla subs because they don't contain that kind of nav terminals).
- Fixed fabricator showing the info of the selected item wrong when selecting the fabricator with another character (e.g. fabrication time still calculated based on the previous user's skills).
- Fixed characters reading skillbooks upside-down.
- Fixed personality traits changing after every round in mp campaign.
- Fixed monsters always eating the character they're grabbing, even when the monster is configured as not being able to eat (in practice only happened when a player controlled something like a fractal guardian and grabbed another character).
- Fixed characters sometimes using the "priorities have changed" dialogue when giving a new order.
- Fixed pumps' auto-controlled status not being updated correctly.
- Added some extra logging to diagnose the "did not receive STARTGAMEFINALIZE message from the server" errors.
- Misc localization fixes and improvements.
- Fixed tab menu's character tab not refreshing when switching to another character.
- Fixed ballast flora still being present when you replace an infested lost shuttle in an outpost.
- Fixed occasional crashes and entity ID errors when entering a new level with a ballast flora infested sub.
- Fixed inability to swap SMG magazines (or other items that go inside the held item) by double-clicking.
- Fixed "failed to parse the string to Vector2" when loading bot orders that have been saved on a system that uses comma as a decimal separator.
- Fixed rounding error in RespawnManager that caused it to require 1 extra dead player to trigger a respawn (e.g. 9 players and a minimum of 30% players to respawn required 3 players, but the client-side texts showed 2).
- Fixed "stairs left" appearing mirrored in the status monitor's sub blueprint and in the sub editor's entity selection menu.
- Fixed Wifi Component's "set_channel" input not working when sending signals to it via chat in multiplayer.
- Fixed autoshotgun not taking stacks into account in the ammo indicator below the inventory slot (= displaying it as being full when there's one shell in each slot, even though more could be stacked on the slots).
- Fixed hitscan turrets sometimes hitting targets inside your own sub when there's linked subs present.
- Fixed faraday and nasonov artifacts' periodic explosions stopping if the round is ended during their 0.5s "reset" period.
- Fixed oxygenite shards not exploding in depth charge shells.
- Fixed killer sometimes being determined incorrectly when a character gets killed by something else than another character: e.g. if a character got crushed by pressure, the character who last did damage to them was considered to be the killer, which could for example lead to achievements being unlocked in inappropriate situations.
- Fixed pumps not taking the volumes/shapes of the linked hulls into account when using "set_targetlevel", causing the neural level to be off in irregularly shaped multi-hull ballasts.
- Fixed artifacts sometimes spawning outside the level when there's no artifact holder to place them in (e.g. when having 2 artifact missions active at the same time).
- The electrical grid in beacon stations is turned indestructible after activating it. Should fix beacon missions sometimes failing for no apparent reason (if something happened to damage the beacon's walls during the round and flood it).
- Attempt to fix a null reference exception in Map.RemoveFogOfWar (suspecting it was caused by a mod that didn't configure the campaign map's sprite for some biome).
- Fixed nav terminal's docking button staying visible if the terminal is disconnected from the docking port by deactivating a relay between them.
- Fixed cursor position jittering when the sub is moving fast.
- Fixed discharge coils in Berilia and Orca 2 being connected to junction boxes instead of supercapacitors.
- Fixed wall colliders generating twice on abyss islands without caves, and the 1st generated wall not getting mirrored along with the level, leading to "invisible walls" in some areas of the abyss in mirrored levels.
- Pirates that are outside or unconscious count as being dead in the pirate missions. Fixes pirate missions failing if e.g. one of the pirates gets stranded outside their sub.
- Fixed some turrets being possible to power with batteries, even though the maximum power output of the batteries shouldn't be high enough.
- Fixed the drug dealer in the "heart of gold" event fleeing from the other bandits.
- Fixed decapitating not working as it should.
- Fixed being able to grab hostile NPCs.
- Fixed sound effects not playing when a monster hits the sub's inner wall.
- Fixed correct sprite not being used in the great sea on the campaign map.
- Fixed "settings" text overlapping in the settings menu when using a very large text size.
- EventManager doesn't consider monsters in a docked non-player sub (e.g. abandoned outpost) to be "inside the sub". Fixes intensity always being at 100% in monster-infested outposts.
- Fixed outpost cabinet's sprite having empty space above it.
- Fixed inability to put syringe guns, toy hammers, welding tools, plasma cutters and sprayers in weapon holders.
- Fixed escort missions giving huge rewards in higher difficulty levels.
- Fixed a nullref exception in CharacterHUD.Draw when an icon can't be found for a campaign interaction.
- Added "HealCostMultiplier" attribute to AfflictionPrefabs that adjusts the heal cost in medical clinic.
- EntitySpawnerComponent treats positive y offset as up to make it more consistent with other components.
- Added an option to define a hard limit for how many entities EntitySpawnerComponent can spawn.
- Fixed "targetself" attack conditionals checking both the attacker and the target.
- Added "delaybetweenspawns" property to MonsterEvents (determines the delay between spawning the individual monsters of a given monster event).
- Don't allow setting an item's or limb's density to 0 (leads to "attempted to apply invalid force/torque" errors).
- Fixed shields blocking projectiles from the user's weapon. Didn't affect any vanilla items, because all the shields are 2-hand items that prevent using a weapon at the same time.
- Fixed ButtonTerminals without an ItemContainer component causing crashes.
- If a mod makes a vanilla item movable/detachable and sets it as being attached by default, attach it to a wall when loading a sub that already had those items placed. I.e. making static devices movable doesn't cause them to deattach in existing subs.
- Fixed monster AI's targeting priorities doing nothing if the threshold is 0 and the target hasn't done any damage.
- Fixed custom ID card tags not working in wrecks.
- Fixed Rope component not attaching to the limb it's fired from in multiplayer (doesn't affect any vanilla content).
- Fixed crashing in multiplayer when there are spectators in the server and someone reaches the final stage of a modded husk affliction that allows remaining in control of the final form.
- Fixed wearables that are equipped into multiple slots (e.g. InnerClothes+OuterClothes) not being visible when worn.
- Fixed server not loading the previous save, but continuing from where you left off if you return to the server lobby without saving and try to continue.
- Fixed characters who've died and respawned during a round getting a penalty to their skills again on the following round.
- Attempt to fix clients sometimes gaining control of an incorrect character in the multiplayer campaign.
- Fixed deconstructor not being able to put the items into containers in the output slots.
- Fixed Kastrull's drone sometimes spawning inside the sub client-side in multiplayer.
- Fixed opening the settings menu resetting the game window, which caused screen capture software to stop capturing the window.
- Fixed certain mods that don't configure the "you are here" circle sprite for the status monitors causing crashes.
- Fixed abilities that give simultaneous skill gain (minor in mechanics, once upon a time in europa, apprenticeship) not giving the extra skill points.
- Fixed repair minigame not working correctly if the user has a talent that allows repairing past max condition.
- Fixed "error in Order Pump Water * the number of option names doesn't match the number of options" errors in Russian, Korean and Traditional Chinese.
- New submarine: Orca 2.
- Improved monster spawning: different monsters spawn in different biomes and tougher monsters are introduced gradually during the course of the campaign. WIP, probably requires balancing and adjusting. Feedback is welcome.
- Adjusted gardening: the plants now require less continuous attention, making gardening a more viable "downtime activity" that you can focus on when there's nothing else to do, and ignore when you're busy without killing the plants.
- Readded GameAnalytics, a library that allows us to collect gameplay statistics and error reports automatically. Sending statistics is completely optional: when you launch the game, you're asked whether you want to allow the game to send us data or not. If you decline, no data of any kind is collected. The collected data is completely anonymous and doesn't contain any personal information, but only things such as error reports and statistics about the selected game mode, submarine, missions and mods.
- Added a simple QTE "minigame" to the repair interface. Allows speeding up the repairs slightly and hopefully makes repairing feel a little more engaging.
- Characters can climb up ladders faster by holding the sprint key.
- Changed the way purchasable submarines for the multiplayer campaign are selected: instead of choosing them when creating the campaign, all of the server's visible submarines are made available for purchase.
- Diving suits play a different warning sound when low on oxygen (<5% left in tank).
- PUCS doesn't consume oxygen tanks in rooms with oxygen.
- Added "Pump In" option to the contextual "Pump Water" order.
- Added "fuel_percentage_left" output to reactors. Outputs the sum of the fuel rods' condition percentage, as opposed to the total "heating power" of the rods like the "fuel_out" output.
- Powered down reactors don't zap the user when repairing.
- Improved weapon indicators on the status monitor (they now indicate the rotation of the turrets).
- Damaging outpost NPCs when there's a monster or an instigator nearby doesn't turn the outpost NPCs hostile (i.e. accidentally damaging one of the NPCs when you're fighting a hostile NPC doesn't trigger the guards).
- Damaging outpost NPCs when there's a monster or an instigator nearby doesn't lower outpost reputation.
- Adjustments to job gear and diving suit sprites and inventory icons.
- New depth charge tube sprite.
- Added a verification prompt when saving and quitting a campaign round (mp or sp).
- Added options to adjust karma penalty for containing dangerous items in the server settings.
- Made it a bit more viable to take out enemy humans stealthily: if an attack immediately kills/incapacitates the character, others won't be alerted unless they witness the attack.
- Option to end outpost rounds without saving.
- Made sonar transducer consume less power when the sonar is running in passive mode (or when the transducer isn't connected to anything).
- Treatment suggestions in the health interface take items in subinventories into account as well.
- Added tooltips to treatment suggestions to make it more clear the treatments can be applied by clicking on the suggestions.
- Added "condition_out" pin to fabricators, deconstructors and blank loader.
- Added "set_delay" input to delay component.
- Tagged boarding axe and assault rifle as medium items to allow storing them in cabinets.
- Removed "weapon" and "gun" tags from the bike horn and the syringe gun.
- Added a menu to hide submarines in the server lobby, allowing hosts to remove vanilla submarines from the list without replacing the content package.
- Added LOS effect to the server settings.
- Added line break support to the server message.
- Connected the diving suit lockers on the vanilla submarines to the power grid so that they refill the contained oxygen tanks.
- Connected the oxygen shelves on Humpback to the power grid.
- Allowed in-game editing of lamps in R-29.
- Mudraptor shell shields block projectiles and can be destroyed by firing at them.
- Prototype Steam Cannon can damage ballast flora.
- Water detectors treat minuscule amounts (< 1.0 water volume) as 0.
- Improvements to the "infiltration" outpost event: you can talk to any of the clowns to progress, not just the one that spawned 1st, and the clowns head to the airlock when told to leave.
- Medical curtains can be opened and closed.
- Restricted the amount of additional cargo you can choose in multiplayer: max 10 items of a type, max 20 types of items.
- Allow editing item quality in the sub editor.
- Removed stun tools from riot officer loadout, replaced with riot shotgun.
- Burns slowly heal by themselves, adjusted radiation poisoning accordingly.
- Shotguns now spawn with 6 shells, autoshotguns with 8 (a full stack).
Multiplayer fixes:
- Fixed campaign character resetting if the client, disconnects, rejoins and respawns on the same round after their character has gotten killed.
- Fixed skill penalties not getting applied when respawning during the same round.
- Fixed several issues (namely mission/submarine mismatches and desyncs) when clients take too long to receive an up-to-date campaign save at the start of a new round.
- Fixed "received data without a transfer initiation message" errors when a client disconnects and reconnects while a file transfer is in progress.
- Fixed respawn not triggering during multiplayer rounds if a client disconnects and rejoins after dying. Happened because the server was expecting the client to answer the "respawn with penalty?" prompt, which wouldn't be shown when the client rejoins mid-round.
- Fixed server making Client A switch their character to Client B's when Client B disconnects if the clients have the same connection endpoint (Steam ID or IP, for example when the players are using the same wifi connection), and Client B's character was created after Client A's.
- Fixed items sometimes teleporting from monster to another or dropping when trying to pick them up by double-clicking. Happened when the monster had selected (= grabbed, started to eat) another monster when they were still alive.
- Fixed crashing if you start the round as a spectator, take control of someone with console commands and try to access the tab menu's character tab.
- Fixed empty exploding coilgun ammo boxes exploding client-side when deconstructed.
- Fixed disabling friendly fire preventing buffs from being applied to crewmates, while allowing harmful afflictions to be applied (= the setting basically worked the wrong way around).
- Fixed other clients' characters sometimes appearing to teleport outside the sub for 1 frame when moving from sub to another, leading to further issues if the client has water-sensitive items in their inventory.
- Fixed whitelist controls getting disabled when adding new players to the list if whitelist wasn't enabled when opening the server settings.
- Fixed bots losing their items if you quit the 1st MP campaign round without saving, continue, and repeat that again.
- Fixed playstyle always being displayed as Serious in the server lobby unless you're hosting yourself.
- Reduced the severity and frequency of the "Maximum packet size exceeded" error in the server lobby.
- Fixed context menus not opening when right-clicking player names in the chat and server log.
- Improved the error message shown when a Steam lobby could not be created.
Talent improvements and fixes:
- Overall balancing to the stats boots from talents.
- Adjustments to some of the ability descriptions to address some inaccuracies/ambiguities.
- Reworked "implacable": now allows the character to stay conscious for 15 seconds after falling below 0 health.
- Reworked "field medic": if you complete a mission and all crew members survived, you gain medical skill.
- Reworked "beat cop": now gives 25% repair speed and increases inflicted stuns by 25% (and the tackle).
- Reworked "reverse engineer": whenever you deconstruct an alien artifact, you have a 50% chance to gain double output from it and gain 8 to a random skill. Small alien artifacts, when deconstructed, give 4 skill instead.
- Reworked "curiosity": whenever you deconstruct an alien artifact, you and another random allied crewmember gains 125 experience. Small alien artifacts, when deconstructed, give 50 experience instead.
- Reworked "expert commando": now gives, to ranged weapons, 70% spread reduction, 40% attack multiplier and 30% attack speed reduction while crouched.
- Reworked "gene therapist": now gives an additional 25% medical item potency, correctly displays as adding a flat 10% to each refined genetic material.
- Reworked "genetic stability": no longer gives 25% repair speed, and instead gives 15 to all skills. Probability of tainting genetic material reduced to 50%.
- Reworked "still kicking": now rapidly heals over a short duration instead.
- Reworked "stand and deliver": assistant skillbook can no longer be used on another character, instead the nearest ally gains 5 to all skills when the book is read by the talent owner.
- Reworked "first aid training": Now gives a flat 35% increase to medical item potency when applied to the character.
- Reworked "evasive maneuvers": now gives 15% more money for nest/swarm missions instead of giving attack bonus inside submarine.
- Reworked "expanded research": whenever you or another allied crewmember deconstructs depleted fuel, they gain 400 experience. This effect can only occur up to 3 times until you finish another mission.
- "Scrap savant" and "scrounger" only spawn the scrap in items with the tag "container" and only if the container can hold scrap. Fixes ability to generate free scrap by placing containers like detonators and portable pumps in the wrecks.
- "Advanced splicing", "optimized power-flow" and "elbow grease" can now only give up to 100 skill bonus.
- Fixed "canned heat" not increasing the quality of fabricated oxygenite tanks.
- Fixed "pyromaniac" applying the buff to the enemy you're damaging instead of your character.
- Fixed server ending the round if the last player alive is an assistant with the "still kicking" talent and said assistant falls unconscious.
- Electrochemist talent doesn't stun the attacker if the attack doesn't apply any harmful afflictions (e.g. if it only applies buffs or gives experience).
- Fixed autofill not working on the new talent items.
- Fixed "crew layabout" applying stat boosts to enemies as well.
- Fixed "expert commando" talent affecting turrets.
- Fixed hardened/dementonite crowbars not opening doors faster than normal ones.
- Fixed unlocking "all seeing eye" preventing you from unlocking further talents until you've gained enough EXP to compensate for the 3 "free" talents.
- Fixed high-quality items with whose max condition is above 100% not being accepted as fabrication ingredients.
- Fixed "tandem fire" crashing the game if there are no other crewmates present.
- Fixed "safety first" talent giving you mechanical skill when you gain electrical skill instead of the other way around.
- Added PreferredContainers to the new talent items to allow the bots to clean them up.
- Rebalanced combat stimulant: now applies faster, but less in total per dose. Healing reduced.
- Dropped type "poison" from chem addiction, making it non-healable (only chem withdrawal can be healed).
- New order: Find Weapon
- New order: Prepare for Expedition.
- New order: "Load Items", with options "Recharge battery cells", "Refill oxygen tanks", and "Reload ammo". Bots will take battery cells to be recharged, take oxygen tanks to be refilled, or place more ammo to loaders depending on the order option.
- Added an option to pump in water. Only applicable to pumps that are not automatically controlled.
- Orders that cannot be completed should now be dismissed automatically instead of keeping active but doing nothing.
- The bots should now tell you when they can't follow an order, instead of always replying positively.
- Changes to the default order assignment priorities, which determine the initial order of the orders when multiple is issued. You can still alter the order manually by dragging the order icons.
- Fixed bots getting stuck with invalid paths for too long.
- Fixed AIObjectiveGetItem not working properly when we try to ignore the items that already are in the inventory. In practice, only affects the find better weapons behavior in the combat objective (Fight Intruders).
- Bots don't automatically unequip PUCS when they don't need diving gear.
- Don't allow bots to heal pets (because they are likely to just kill them).
- Fixed bots trying to equip diving gear when they have spliced genes that give pressure immunity and/or remove the need for oxygen.
- Improved the bots door interaction so that they don't slam the door at your face, nor bump into closed doors so often, or keep "smashing the select key" as frequently. There's now a three second cooldown after succesfully pressing a button before next attempt.
- Bots now hold still while waiting a door to open instead of moving towards it.
- Bots now only put oxygen tanks into oxygen generators with the "Refill Oxygen Tanks" order option.
- Bots take previous heals into account when determining when to react to attacks. Fixes deusizine and liquid oxygenite aggroing the bots when using them to treat oxygen loss.
- Bots now treat handcuffed targets as neutralized, unless they are hostiles spawned from events. Fixes e.g. bots killing captured prisoners, but also allows you to submit to the outpost guards by handcuffing yourself.
- Prevent bots from healing the targets that have recently attacked them. Fixes bots healing and shooting you at the same time.
- Fixed rescue order (healing) not working outside of the sub.
- Fixed bots not knowing how to use the Rapid Fissile Accelerator. Also improves on how they use smg, assault rifle, and autoshotgun.
- Fixed unconscious NPCs being able to see you steal.
- Fixed bots sometimes repathing too eagerly while they are on ladders, sometimes causing them to get stuck in places where they should switch from a ladder to another one nearby.
- Fixed hostages in the abandoned outpost rescue mission refusing to follow a player that has some diving gear on they don't have access to.
- Fixed pirates giving redundant orders and consequently talking too much in the chat.
- Fixed pirates not always shooting monsters if there's only a few of them.
- Fixed bots not always trying to press the right button to interact with a door.
- Fixed bots getting stuck when trying to follow a target with some diving gear they don't have access to. Now they should self-dismiss the order instead.
- Fixed bots sometimes deploying Kastrull's drone for no reason.
- Improvements to cave waypoints: should fix bots getting stuck next to destructible ice chunks even if there's a way past them.
- Husks now remain neutral towards characters that are late in the husk transformation, unless they act offensively.
- Reduced Husk and Humanhusk sight from 1 to 0.5.
- Oxygenite shards are no longer oxygen sources and can't be inserted into diving gear or tools directly. They are still a source of liquid oxygenite, which can be used to craft oxygenite tanks.
- Added some dialog for the bots when they are getting attacked outside a friendly sub to tell the player why they are fleeing from an enemy and that they don't have a weapon.
- Fixed combat objective overriding the priority of find safety objective when the combat objective shouldn't even be active, leading to bots sometimes suffocating after combat if they don't have enough oxygen in the currently equipped tank.
Misc fixes:
- Exploding the abandoned outpost reactor doesn't damage the player sub in missions that require destroying it.
- Hopefully occasional fixed fires/meltdowns at the start of a round. Was caused by the "warm start" logic that simulates 10 seconds of power grid updates at the start of a round: if the reactor wasn't running on auto or was controlled by some custom circuit, it wouldn't adapt to the changes in the grid load during those simulated 10 seconds, which could lead to overloads.
- Fixed blips not disappearing from the sonar when it's been repaired above 100% condition by using talents.
- Fixed Security Officer Uniform's and Gunner Uniform's icons being swapped.
- Fixed RegExFindComponent handling some inputs incorrectly.
- Fixed sprite bleed in the harmonica inventory icon.
- Fixed crashing when equipping a handheld status monitor that spawned outside subs.
- Fixed ruins sometimes extending above the top of the level.
- Fixed submarine editor failing to generate waypoints on stairs.
- Fixed submarine editor failing to connect some of the waypoints around the sub.
- Fixed non-localized list formatting in the "I need [treatment1], [treatment2] or [treatment3]" bot dialog.
- Fixed crashing if a mineral mission fails to find a long enough edge to spawn the resources on.
- Fixed one of the hulls not covering the whole room in the "Alien_MaintenanceTunnels1" module.
- Widen a gap in the "Alien_Entrance2" module to cover the full width of the hole in the wall.
- Removed non-interactable black wire from inside one of the terminals in Alien_Chasm2.
- Fixed pirate subs sometimes not withstanding the pressure in the level in the deeper biomes.
- Fixed diving gear not affecting the depth at which huskified humans' get crushed by pressure.
- Fixed characters with husk genes + husk infection becoming huskified when they die.
- Fixed the ragdolls breaking when characters with a harpoon/guardian spear (or any other projectile) attached to their body exits a submarine/ruin.
- Fixed harpoon rope pulling with excessive forces when the target is on a platform.
- Always snap the rope between the harpoon and the harpoon gun when the harpoon is detached from the target. Possibly fixes cases where physics forces from the rope are still applied when the projectile has dropped. Also applies to fractal guardians.
- Fixed physics glitches with guardian's tail when it switches subs or goes outside.
- Fixed characters sometimes getting teleported to an invalid position when they are exiting/entering the sub and have more than one swarm feeder latched on them.
- Fixed Kastrull and Typhon 2 using different id card tags than the rest of the vanilla sub ("idjob" instead of "id_job").
- Fixed artifact transport cases not reliably suppressing thermal artifact fires.
- Fixed ability to stack batteries in wrecked charging docks.
- Fixed certain signal components (boolean operators, artihmetic, equals, trigonometric, string) triggering at the start of a round when they're set to a timeframe larger than 0.1 s.
- Fabricator drops the items inside the fabrication materials instead of consuming them (e.g. fabricating a combat suit from a normal one with a tank inside doesn't make the tank disappear).
- Fixed deconstructor destroying items contained in the deconstructed item if they can't fit in the output slots.
- Fixed lights becoming full-brightness for one frame when their color is set using the "set_color" input.
- Fixed turret lights' rotation being wrong for one frame when the light is toggled on
- Fixed shuttles docked to a shuttle docked to the main sub appearing on sonar in PvP.
- Fixed detonator's contained item position.
- Fixed Jovian Radiation bypassing all damage modifiers, including wearable items that protect from radiation.
- Fixed outpost reactors not accepting volatile fulgurium rods as fuel.
- Fixed some ugly first frames when populating certain listboxes (e.g. server list).
- Fixed spineling spikes given by spineling genes launching in an incorrect direction when the character is mirrored (= facing left) in multiplayer.
- Characters don't consume hull oxygen when their need for oxygen has been removed with thresher genes or pressure stabilizer.
- Fixed cigar and captain's pipe giving practically no psychosis resistance.
- Fixed being able to sell items from inventories of characters who are on the player's sub.
- Fixed occasional "Attempted to set the anchor B of a limb's pull joint to an invalid value" errors when dragging someone underwater.
- Fixed oxygenite tanks not being affected by gas vents in caves.
- Fixed items disappearing when trying to combine stacks of partially consumed items.
- Fixed upgrading devices' max condition causing issues with repairing: the repair thresholds were being treated as condition values instead of percentages, meaning that the devices would need to deteriorate more before they become repairable.
- Fixed ability to combine genetic materials in normal deconstructors.
- Fixed harpoon guns spawning with only 5 harpoons and stun guns with 1 dart.
- Fixed "bombscare" outpost event giving the characters xp for a non-existent "engineering" skill.
- Restrict downwards movement when a character has reached the bottom of a ladder to fix phasing through the floor.
- Fixed characters' feet dangling in the air when moving from a ladder to another (e.g. when climbing from the sub to the outpost).
- Adjusted flamethrower and prototype steam cannon particles to get them to match the range of the weapons more closely.
- Fixed most outpost modules being named as airlock and consequently defined as "wet rooms". Fixes bots still slamming doors and hatches on each others face while moving around in the outposts.
- Fixed portable pump consuming batteries when it's not pumping in/out.
- Fixed waypoint connections on Remora drone causing navigation issues for the bots.
- Fixed undocking a drone (e.g. on Remora/Kastrull) permanently breaking the navigation between the shuttle and the main sub.
- Fixed mudraptors and crawlers trying to swim to the bottom of the ocean.
- Fixed structures without a collider not being taken into account when determining which submarines are visible, causing them to vanish if there are only structures without a collider on the screen.
- Fixed Round and Ceil components returning -0 when rounding a negative value to 0.
- Fixed inability to swim up through a small hull on top of another one (e.g. the upper airlock in R-29).
- Fixed skillbooks, oxygenite shards and sulphurite shards not spawning in crates.
- Fixed name of the currently installed turret not being displayed in the submarine upgrade menu.
- Fixed AI gunners not shooting at visible enemies inside the enemy submarine.
- Fixed status monitor's electrical view not showing the power/load values in Korean.
- Fixed bots trying to equip a scooter when their hands are occupied by something that can't be put in the inventory (e.g. a crate), leading to weird twitching when they drop and immediately pick up the carried item.
- Bots stop moving before starting to repair a device. Fixes bots "flying away" when the repair fails, because they'd start the repair while still running at full speed and would keep the momentum if they get stunned because of the failed repair.
- Fixed looking at the sonar sometimes causing a significant performance hit (most often in the abyss). If a path to a marker couldn't be found when determining the distance to the marker, the game would keep trying to find a path every frame.
- Fixed Alien_Entrance3's left opening getting connected to other modules instead of being used as an entrance.
- Fixed coilgun draining ammo boxes at the same rate regardless of the number of linked loaders.
- Fixed some of the artifacts still playing sounds when inside a transport case.
- Fixed inability to put genetic materials into a container inside another container.
- Fixed characters' legs sometimes bending the wrong way around when climbing (seems to happen most often when trying to get on ladders while swimming up-side down).
- Fixed borked "Front E P2" collider.
- Fixed certain wires in vanilla subs being impossible to remove.
- Fixed gaps sometimes getting connected to incorrect hulls between docking ports, preventing water from flowing down from the space between the ports.
- Fixed mudraptor shell armor's sprite depth getting messed up when climbing ladders.
- Fixed drunkenness, opiate withdrawal and chem withdrawal not causing nausea.
- Fixed wire nodes getting misplaced in the sub editor when loading mirrored wires.
- Fixed campaign setup menu going crazy if you try to scroll it with arrow keys.
- Fixed handheld status monitor drawing the water levels and character icons of the previous sub when it's taken outside.
- Fixed spawnitem command not working in the sub editor.
- Fixed alien pistol not having a crosshair.
- Fixed weapon skill above 100 making weapons less accurate.
- Fixed cargo sometimes spawning inside the floor. Happened because the spawn position was determined based on the purchased item's size, instead of the crate the item spawns in.
- Fixed campaign getting "locked" if the submarine undocks immediately at the start of the round (on the first frame, e.g. as a result of some custom docking circuit).
- Fixed deconstructor being unable to combine the output items if they're inside a container in the output slots.
- Fixed misaligned outpost reactor meters.
- Fixed sprite bleed in the outpost computer terminal sprite.
- Fixed inability to override talent trees.
- Item variants try to load sprites from the base item's directory if the path isn't specified.
- Fixed crashing when trying to fire a projectile with no Attack configured with a turret.
- Made memory component's "writeable" field editable in the sub editor.
- Fixed all ruin generation params displaying "RuinGenerationParams" as their name in the level editor.
- Fixed PropertyConditionals with comparison type "And" that check a parent container's tags being very unintuitive to use because they checked the components of the item as well, not just the item object.
- Made several outpost store parameters editable separately for each location type (see locationTypes.xml).
- Fixed crashing when trying to create a non-humanoid that can walk in the character editor.
- Added a randomize button for level editor seed.
- Fixed fabricators without a repairable component crashing the game when activated.
- Fixed overriding a Controller component (e.g. button) resetting its Toggle and State settings.
- Fixed ParticleEmitter's angle not getting mirrored when spawned by a mirrored item.
- Fixed certain explosion flashduration values causing the light to flicker/loop.
- Allow the enemy AI to target using groups in addition to species names.
- Moved the turret ammo box definitions from containers.xml to where the gun and the ammo are defined.
- Fixed hulls' "hidden in game" setting doing nothing.
- Fixed certain items causing the "analyzeitem" and "deconstructvalue" console commands to crash.
- Remove spawnpoint-based job assignment logic. Previously, the number of job-specific spawnpoints in the sub affected how many players the server would try to assign to a given job, which would often lead to players not getting the job they wanted to.
- Made the captain job optional (i.e. if no-one has captain in their preferences, no-one gets forced to play as one).
- Improvements to the Korean localization.
- Added rewards to side objective missions (hunting grounds, beacon).
- Reduce Pyromaniac's burning damage increase from 40% to 25%.
- Fixed clients' characters getting reset in the multiplayer campaign if they're spectating at the end of the round.
- Fixed crashing when an event set fails to load any of its sub events. Caused certain mods to crash the game at 42% in the loading screen.
- Fixed crashing on startup when using mods that remove the small icons from job prefabs.
- Fixed bots being unable to find their way to the submarine if the switch to the "find safety" state outside the sub.
- Fixed bots often being unable to find a way to leaks they're trying to weld.
- Fixed crashing when a monster was just about to turn to a husk when the round ends.
- Fixed opened item disappearing when switching to the test mode from the sub editor.
- Fixed Artie Dolittle's ID card not working in the player's sub after he's hired.
- Fixed category labels (sufficient skills to fabricate, requires recipe, etc) disappearing from the fabricator's item list when searching.
- Fixed prisoner's uniform using a wrong texture file.
- Fixed inability to edit pulse laser's power consumption in the sub editor.
- Fixed an exploit in Pressure Stabilizer crafting recipe.
- Fixed an exploit in Fixfoam Grenade deconstruction recipe.
- Fixed crashing when selecting a gene splicer and hovering over its inventory slot in the sub editor.
- Fixed bots being unable to use hardened and dementonite tools.
- Fixed a typo in Tinkering cooldown reduction description.
- Fixed inactive reactors electrocuting low-skill characters when rewired.
- Fixed ignore orders carrying over when switching subs, causing them to target random items in the new sub.
- Fixed dementonite knives being sold in stores.
- Fixed contained items' impact sounds being played when the item they're inside hits the floor.
- Fixed True Potential instant kills not properly giving kill credit (achievements, other talents).
- Fixed Gene Harvester incorrectly checking the owner of the talent's submarine rather than the killer's.
- Fixed certain talents not appearing to have an effect client-side, causing e.g. the high-pressure effects to appear when swimming outside with the Water Prankster talent.
- Fix Scavenger's buff duration multiplier.
- Fixed Insurance Policy not triggering properly.
- Fixed issues with input going through interfaces drawn over inventory slots.
- Fixed bots trying to treat talent afflictions.
- Fixed player-controlled creature attacks sometimes not hitting characters when they should.
- Fixed "x in command room" spam when dragging and dropping orders in multiplayer.
- Fixed pirate missions not being considered completed if any of the pirates have been removed (e.g. eaten or despawned).
- Fixed high-quality items not stacking in the fabricator's output slot.
- Fixed ice shards' colliders taying active after the shard has shattered.
- Fixed bots following the controlled character instead of the order giver in singleplayer.
- Fixed purchased medals spawning on the floor.
- Fixed vision obstruction effect "flickering" when moving the cursor around when an item UI is open.
- Fixed some pumps in Dugong having 0 power consumption.
- Fixed pumps deteriorating when they don't have power.
- Fixed batteries/supercapacitors deteriorating when not charging/discharging.
- Fixed afflictions applying face/body tints on monsters.
- Fixed "select matching items" selecting all gaps if you've selected both a door and its gap in the sub editor.
- Fixed door gaps not being selected if you use "select matching items" on a door in the sub editor.
- Fixed biome ambience loop volume not being affected by the sound volume setting.
- Fixed players wearing a PUCS not using up hull oxygen when no tank is equipped.
- Fixed bots getting stuck on long outpost ladders.
- Restored the sounds for legacy fractal guardians. Fixes console errors when they are spawned/viewed in the editor.
- Fixed Reactor PDA showing hidden and non-interactable reactors.
- Fixed welding tool scale being forced to 0.5.
- Fix crew list content being repositioned when selected character was hovered.
- Made deconstruction recipes' mincondition accept items whose condition equals to the mincondition, not just items whose condition is higher.
- Fixed color values being used incorrectly in explosion flashes.
- Fixed crashing when a monster gets huskified.
- Fixed crashing when a client tries to deactivate the husk infection of a character that's been removed.
- Fixed crashing in EnemyAIController.UpdateFollow.
- Fixed console errors when an electrical discharge coil damages a monster that gets instakilled and disappears on death (e.g. swarm feeder).
- Slightly reduced the amount of experience given by missions and increased the amount of experience required to unlock a talent point.
- Made escort missions more common.
- The creature attack keybind is automatically switched from R to the new default keybind F when loading up the new update for the first time.
- Fixes to ruin waypoints.
- Fixes to outdoors pathfinding.
- Fixes to Fractal Guardians' aiming.
- Fixed psychosis artifact doing burn damage when picked up.
- Fixed a bunch of pathfinding issues when bots are trying to navigate out from the ruins and/or return back to the sub.
- Fixed bots not being able to swap oxygen tanks in the ruins.
- Fixed railgun lights having an excessively high power consumption, causing them to immediately drain the supercapacitors.
- Fixed occasional crashes when clearing the item search bar that is already empty in the status monitor.
- Fixed ruin generator sometimes leaving empty space between some of the modules and the hallways connected to them.
- Fixed alien gas vents affecting the monsters inside ruins.
- Fixed background wall not extending all the way to the edge of one of the outpost docking modules.
- Fixed harpoon rope sometimes being drawn when it's already snapped. (Among the Ancients)
- Overhauled ruins: completely remade sprites, monsters, layouts, items and puzzles.
- New Scan mission: scan an Alien ruin by placing down provided scanners at target locations and take the scanners back to the outpost.
- New Alien Ruin mission: kill the guardians inhabiting the ruin and destroy their pods.
- Added an additional ambience track for the ruins.
Character overhaul:
- Completely remade character sprites, ragdolls and animations.
- Option to customize the starting crew in the single player campaign.
- More customization options (skin, hair and facial hair colors, more accessories).
- Added a button to randomize character appearance in the character customization menus.
Health system improvements:
- Streamlined the health interface.
- Allow administering meds by clicking on the "suitable treatments" suggestions in the health interface.
- The health interface displays a prediction of how much a medical item will reduce/increase the afflictions when hovering the cursor over one.
- Certain afflictions can make the characters' face or body change color.
- Physical injuries to the head can cause concussions.
- Improvements to the blood particle effects when a character is bleeding.
- Damage to arms reduces aiming accuracy.
- Crippled legs slow the player down more.
Talent system:
- The new talent system allows you to unlock things such as special skills, buffs and fabrication recipes in the course of a campaign, with experience points gained from completing missions.
- Three different talent trees for all the character classes.
- Dozens of new items.
- Item quality system: certain talents allow you to fabricate higher-quality versions of items.
- Characters lose some skill points when respawning mid-round. The talent system makes it easier to gain skills and permanent improvements to the character, and this change is intended to balance that out.
Overhauled Status Monitor:
- Improved visuals.
- Indicates the locations of the crew's ID cards.
- Indicates the locations of alerts.
- Electrical view, indicating locations and health of Junction Boxes, Reactor and batteries.
- Allows searching for items and indicating the hulls in which they're located.
Balance changes:
- Reduced loot in Wrecks.
- Difficulty affects the amount of loot.
- Reduced the amount of weapons and grenades in wrecks, pirate ships and abandoned outposts.
- Disabled stacking quality-based items (experimental change, feedback is welcome).
- Reduced Diving Suits damage resistances.
- Buffed Vigor and Haste.
- Modified characters' base vitalities.
- Adjustments to monster stats.
- Reduced mission experience gains, level difficulty affects mission experience.
- Made welding tools a bit less effective early to compensate for increases to their effectiveness from quality/talents.
- Upgrade system reworked to work better in conjunction with new talents and quality systems. Quality of life upgrades made better or cheaper, hull upgrades are less effective towards the lategame but are better early, reorganized categories.
- Diving suit and human ragdoll damagemodifier changes: the suits now offer less protection, but humans have a bit more natural protection towards physical damage types.
- Adjustments to outpost distribution: natural formations greatly reduced in the 1st zone, cities slightly reduced in the 1st zone, outposts (including specialized ones) increased in the 3rd and 4th zone.
- Made magnesium a little more common in stores and wrecks.
Additions and changes:
- Gene Splicing. You can find alien genetic material inside ruins (and for the time being, wrecks), and use these materials to gain special abilities and buffs. The materials can be processed using a Research Station (which atm can be found in research outposts) and applied on a character using a Gene Splicer.
- Added a new "Return" order for ordering bots to return back to the main submarine.
- Bots can now use level waypoints to help them navigate around when they are outside the submarine.
- Play editor music in the multiplayer lobby.
- Option to specify the amount of items to spawn with the "spawnitem" command.
- Optimized cave vent and ballast flora spore particles.
- Added a 5 second "cooldown" before a junction box broken by overloading can take damage from overloading again. Prevents continuous fires and particles when continuously repairing an overloaded junction box.
- Small monsters don't eat the inventory contents of a character they're eating (the items drop instead).
- Disabled new status monitor features from handheld status monitors.
- Round water and oxygen percentage readings on the status monitor (e.g. 99.999998% shows up as 100% instead of 99%).
- Adjustments to how far creatures can see and hear the submarine and it's devices from. Moving fast now makes more noise, moving slowly less, and the monsters can't see the sub from as far as before. Effectively it should now be more viable tactic to shut the engines down and keep silent.
- Reduce sonar ping's sound range from 10000 to 8000 to make it possible to spot (some) monsters before they target the sub.
- Made a couple of monsters unable to eat characters (Hammerheads, Terminal Cells, Leucocytes, Molochs, Spinelings and Watchers).
- Changed default creature attack key to F because R conflicts with the radio keybind.
- Disabled toggling the sonar mode by pressing the Run key.
- Added condition_out pin to various items.
- Bots no longer ignore unconscious targets that regenerate health (i.e. they will finish off downed husks to prevent them from getting back up again).
- Fabricating fuel rods now requires electrical skills instead of mechanical.
- Reactor now requires electrical skills instead of mechanical to repair.
- When the status monitor receives the oxygen/water level for a hull, it registers it on all the linked hulls as well (-> no need to put an oxygen/water detector in all the hulls of a multi-hull room).
- Removed the "burndamage" damage type (not the same as "burn") that was added as a temporary workaround to allow pulse lasers to bypass monster's damage modifiers.
- Changed the look of the skill/xp notifications to accommodate the larger numbers of notifications you can get from talents and skillbooks.
- Added a fabricator and deconstructor to Azimuth and slightly lowered its maximum speed.
- Increased Azimuth's battery out relay max power.
- Temporarily disabled magnesium exploding in water to prevent issues with talents related to it.
- Added "targetlimb" argument to the giveaffliction command (allows applying the affliction to a specific limb).
- Players who wander inside a respawn shuttle don't get automatically killed when the shuttle despawns if they weren't part of the respawning crew.
- Bots no longer ignore severe fires in reactor, engine, or command rooms. The intention for them ignoring the severe fires was to prevent unwanted casualities when the fire can be left untreated and wait for it to fade out when not ordered to extinguish fires.
- Buffs are transferred to AI-controlled husks when a character transforms.
- Projectiles shift to the left in multi-slot loaders when firing.
- Option to make terminals use a monospaced font.
- Player-controlled monsters can now grab and eat bodies.
- Added triangle and sawtooth wave types to oscillator component.
- Added "high_pressure" output to water detector.
- Water detectors round the water percentage output up, so any amount of water will be at least 1%.
- Focus on the password field automatically in the server password prompt and allow submitting it with enter.
- Made pirates a little less accurate when they're operating turrets: they can no longer magically aim exactly at characters inside another sub.
- Biome noise loop volume is tied to sound volume instead of music volume.
- Endworms no longer always bleed to death when their tail is cut.
- Lever state is visualized on its sprite.
- Enabled NVidia Optimus on Windows.
- Fixed crashing when an attack is applied on a character from a source other than another character, e.g. propeller (unstable only).
- Fixed current_position_y output not working on nav terminals (unstable only).
- Fixed fuel rods having a bullet as a contained indicator (unstable only).
- Removed duplicate welcome messages from humpack's terminal.
- Fixed start and spectate buttons shrinking in the server lobby every time they're hidden and re-enabled.
- Fixed contained items inside contained items not moving when repositioning a container in the sub editor (e.g. when moving a weapon holder that contains a weapon with a magazine).
- Fixed issues with inaccurate tooltips and incorrectly blocked out order nodes in character-specific command interface.
- Fixed contained items' status effects appearing at the top-left corner of the container if the contained items are not visible (e.g. particle-emitting fuel rods would emit the particles from the top-left corner of the reactor instead of the center).
- Fixed hanging wires not getting selected when selecting the items they're connected to.
- Fixed "divide by zero" console error when scaling construction barrier.
- Fixed ability to wire items between two submarines as long as you stay inside the same sub.
- Fixed crew list background blocking mouse input (again).
- Fixed crashing when the majority of the players are controlling characters belonging to a non-player team while the sub is at the end of the level (e.g. if you're alone in the sub and take control of a monster with console commands).
- Fixed cargo missions sometimes only rewarding the players for 1 crate even when transporting more.
- Fixed the "use as treatment" tooltip showing up when trying to drop an item that can't be used as a treatment on the health interface.
- Fixed characters in the transition phase of a husk infection (i.e. after the stinger has appeared) getting stunned at the start of every round.
- Fixed inability to adjust max mission count in a dedicated server.
- Fixed light components staying powered indefinitely when in a container or inventory (didn't seem to be noticeable on any other vanilla items than sonar beacons, which stayed active indefinitely).
- Fixed some outpost events being possible to activate even if the target NPC is dead.
- Fixed ability to swap contained non-interactable items.
- Fixed crash when loading a container that has no containable restrictions and contains items (e.g. if you put items in a deconstructor and start a new round).
- Fixed bots not swapping oxygen tanks when they are outside and going to a target that is inside.
- Fixed issues with bot combat behavior when outside the submarine.
- Fixed ability to hold 2-handed items with one hand by trying to insert them into an occupied slot in a container that can't hold the item.
- Fixed misaligned nav terminal and status monitor in pirate humpback.
- Fixed inability to install/update mods that have periods in the name.
- Fixed nav terminals "current_position_x" output being in pixels when "current_position_y" is in meters.
- Fixed minerals sometimes spawning in unreachable spots in mining missions (on cells that are next to a cave, but at the wrong side of that cell if there's empty space behind it).
- Fixed items' "allow swapping" property being editable in-game.
- Fixed RegEx components with a non-continuous output always sending a signal out after being loaded.
- Fixed pirate subs sometimes spawning inside floating ice chunks.
- Fixed tracer particles not starting from the position of ranged weapons' barrel.
- Fixed inability to open the pause menu when the cursor is over an inventory slot.
- Fixed handcuffs dropping off from characters' hands when they die or turn into a husk.
- Fixed loadsub command.
- Cap the amount argument of the spawnitem command to 100 to prevent freezing/crashing when trying to spawn a ridiculous amount of the item.
- Fixed "infiltration" event getting stuck on one of the conversation options.
- Fixed signal source being wrong on delayed electrical signals (= signals that were delayed for the next frame after they'd passed through 10 steps). Most noticeably affected status monitors that need to know which oxygen/water detector a signal came from.
- Fixed WifiComponents delaying the signals based on the number of receivers, not how many steps the signal has actually taken, contributing to the previous issue.
- Hopefully fixed an oversight in the sub editor where changing ItemComponent colors with the HSV picker would create an error in the console.
- Fixed paralyzant (and many other meds that don't do direct damage) not triggering guards.
- Fixed sonar monitor's UI being unnecessarily small.
- Fixed contained items inside contained items (e.g. magazines in a rifle on a weapon holder) not rotating in the sub editor.
- The overdosed NPC in the "good samaritan" event can't die until the player has triggered the event (completing the event after the NPC had already died made no sense).
- Fixed console errors when an item a bot has been ordered to target was removed between rounds (e.g. an ignore order targeting a mission item that gets removed at the end of the round).
- Fixes to oxygen generator logic: the generator now periodically recalculates how to distribute the oxygen between the vents, as opposed to doing it once at the start of the round. Just doing it once caused issues if there were e.g. vents or doors that are initially open between the rooms.
- Fixed characters sometimes getting "stuck" when swimming in partially filled multi-hull rooms. Happened because the bottom of the current hull was used as the "floor" if the actual floor was too far below, even if there was another hull below the current one, causing the ragdoll to switch to walking animation and being unable to move because it's not touching the floor (unstable only).
- Fixed outpost events always unlocking the same escort mission.
- The hints about flooded rooms and ballast flora aren't shown in ruins, wrecks or enemy subs.
- Fixed "stowaway" event triggering an event cooldown, preventing monsters from spawning at the beginning of the round.
- Fixed clients (excluding the host) always considering friendly fire to be disabled, leading to minor cosmetic desyncs when a player applies afflictions on another one (i.e. there was a brief delay before the afflictions update client-side).
- Fixed inability to apply buffs on the crew when friendly fire is disabled.
- Fixed ItemContainers only applying the StatusEffects from the first matching Containable, even if there's multiple. Prevented the artifact-specific effects of artifact holder from executing.
- Fixed "giveaffliction" command's limbtype argument not working in multiplayer.
- Fixed "linesperlogfile" server setting doing nothing.
- Fixed discharge coils not working when triggered by via a wired button.
- Fixed hatch waypoint and platforms on Remora Drone.
- Memory usage optimizations.
- Fixed bots shooting enemies even when there's a friendly sub between them and the target.
- Bots take their masks off when if they have successfully equipped a suit.
- Fixed a pathfinding issue in Remora caused by too sparse waypoint distribution.
- Fixed disguises not changing the color of a character's name when hovering the cursor over the character.
- Fixed monsters' attack sounds never playing in multiplayer.
- Implemented an item variant system that works similar to the character variants: you can create new items that inherit the properties of another item and only modify specific aspects of it, reducing the amount of duplicate XML code. See "Depleted Fuel Rod" in engineer_talent_items.xml for an usage example.
- Option to configure minimum damage for OnDamage status effects that require a specific type of affliction (see the "vigor on damage" affliction for an usage example).
- Option to make afflictions draw a full-screen overlay when active.
- Option to make property conditionals target contained items using the attribute targetcontaineditem="true".
- Added support for tileable light textures for Structures by using <light> XML element that has the same syntax as <LightComponent> does for Items.
- Added "InPressure" property to characters.
- Fixed hidden items appearing in the job loadout preview if there are other items of the same type that are not hidden (didn't affect any vanilla loadouts).
- Removed error message when trying to transfer items to a husk monster and inventory sizes don't match
- Submarine upgrades can be disallowed by category instead of having to do it separately for each upgrade in the sub editor.
- Fixed a modding related crash when trying to apply a property value of a wrong type using status effects.
- Option to create custom husk infections where player control carries over to the transformed creature.
- Display a console warning when an item's deconstruct output defines an out condition and is also set to copy the condition of the deconstructed item.
- If multiple turrets have been linked to the same loader, the turrets can't be swapped individually (both need to be swapped at the same time to prevent turrets from getting linked to an incorrect type of loader).
- Emergency lights don't cast shadows by default (they have such a short range that disabling the shadows usually doesn't make a difference visually, but improves the performance of the subs).
- Allow closing the submarine previews with esc.
- Made ballast pumps in Kastrull's drone indestructible (because they're impossible to access without breaking the walls/floors).
- Made exploding coilgun ammo more expensive and increased the capacity of the ammo boxes a bit.
- Changed the crafting requirements for Nuclear Depth Charge and Nuclear Depth Decoy (Oxygenite Shard and UEX are replaced by IC-4 Block) and slightly increased their price.
- Made pirate subs immune to Ballast Flora.
- Security's Stun Guns spawn fully loaded.
- Reduced escort missions' base commonness. Doesn't have an effect in the campaign because the commonness is defined in the mission events, but fixes escort missions being much more common than other mission types in mission mode.
- Destroying a reactor with explosives depletes the fuel rods.
- Hide the equipment slots and character portait in wiring mode.
- Added platforms behind Remora Drone's hatches.
- Fixed enemies sometimes not spawning at all during a mission. Happened when the game selected the "stowaway" event to occur during the mission.
- Fixed pirate and escort missions not being available from late-game outposts.
- Fixed occasional "unauthorized multithreaded access to RandSync.Server" errors when starting a pirate mission in multiplayer.
- Fixed crashing with a "E_INVALIDARG" SharpDXException if an ice spire happens to generate on a very short level wall edge.
- Fixed crashing when trying to spawn inventory items for a character who left before respawning during the previous round.
- Fixed batteries always recharging at "full speed" when not full, regardless of how much power is being drawn from the battery. E.g. a battery that's only connected to a lamp drawing 5 kW of power would always recharge at the full 500 kWmin.
- Fixed traitor items sometimes spawning in non-interactable or hidden containers.
- Fixed turret rotation limit widgets working unreliably in the sub editor.
- Fixed barrels being misaligned on scaled turrets in the sub preview.
- Stores don't offer/request sealed supply crates as daily specials.
- Fixed campaign settings (radiation enabled, max missions) resetting when reopening the campaign settings menu.
- Fixed hitscan projectiles not hitting structures outside hulls when the turret itself is inside a hull.
- Fixed inability to swap items between the character's inventory and a container in some situations in multiplayer (when the container was right at the edge of the character's interaction range).
- Fixed bots being unable to repair the pump in Typhon's bottom airlock.
- Fixed crashing when repairing or fabricating something as a husk (or some other character with no CharacterInfo).
- Fixed crashing when reviving someone using CPR as a character with no CharacterInfo (e.g. husk).
- Fixed upgrades using the original value from a previous item when swapping to a new one (e.g. swapping a railgun to a coilgun sets the power consumption to the railgun's power consumption). More specifically, this happened when the campaign was saved and reloaded after purchasing the upgrade, and the item was swapped after that.
- Fixed wrecks sometimes being positioned right side of the exit position.
- Fixed characters not getting knocked down at the last stage of husk infection if they have the Vigor buff.
- Fixed discharge coil triggering when trying to rewire it.
- Fixed some ActionTypes having the same value (e.g. OnFire == OnDamaged). Caused wrong type of status effects triggering in some cases, for example OnDamage effects when an indestructible thalamus organ is on fire.
- Fixed items that are set to be hidden in-game being visible in the sub preview.
- Fixed bots being unable to weld leaks that are too high above them, even if they're actually in reach. Happened because the distance to the leak was calculated relative to the character's position, even though the range of the welding tool is relative to the character's shoulder.
- Fixed cargo mission rewards being displayed incorrectly when there's multiple cargo missions selected and not enough capacity for all the cargo.
- Fixed caret getting misplaced when clicking on a textbox with padding.
- Fixed headset only being able to send signals to each wifi component once.
- Fixed bots sometimes ignoring broken devices. Happened when another bot had selected the device as their repair target, even if the bot was currently repairing something else.
- Fixed nav terminal labels sometimes being draw under linked status monitor HUDs.
- Fixed bots sometimes not fixing airlock doors/hatches. More specifically, doors whose center point was outside a hull.
- Fixed medic bots grabbing the target and never letting go when there's no suitable treatments available anywhere in the sub, or when they're in an outpost and not carrying any suitable treatments.
- Fixed bots suffocating when they run out of oxygen tanks if ordered to wait wearing a suit.
- Fixed ability to select other items when operating periscopes. Didn't cause problems in vanilla subs, but in custom subs where the turret was placed close to the periscope and other interactable items, it was possible to accidentally select something else when trying to fire.
- Made nav terminal's "velocity_in" input change the target velocity, not just the steering input, making it possible to adjust the velocity with signals when using autopilot.
- Fixed text fields in a component's editing menu not refreshing until you've interacted with another component.
- Fixed ruins sometimes overlapping with level walls (when they happen to spawn next to a very large cell).
- Fixed ability to "partially open" the health interface in the sub editor, causing the inventory layout to get messed up when clicking on the character portrait even though the health interface isn't drawn.
- Fixed ability to keep dragging an item from a stunned/ragdolled character's inventory after they get back up.
- Fixed nuclear weapons not damaging ballast flora.
- Fixed normal uniforms deflecting projectiles even though they shouldn't.
- Fixed clients who've opted to spawn with reaper's tax getting a new character if the round ends before the client respawns.
- Fixed occasional crash with the error message "collection was modified; enumeration operation may not execute" when loading mods on startup.
- Fixed ability to keep dragging the previously equipped wire in the sub editor after you equip another wire with the wire hotkeys.
- Fixed characters' sprite depth changing during the "autowalk" towards a bed or chair.
- Require the sub to move a bit faster to crush characters between the sub and a wall. Previously essentially any non-zero velocity was enough to crush a character, even if the sub didn't appear to move.
- Fixed nests sometimes getting placed outside caves. Happened when the game tried to position the nest above an opening at the bottom of the cave.
- Fixed inability to use the health interface on the escorted characters.
- Fixed 1st client (usually the host) always spawning at the same spawnpoint in multiplayer even if there's multiple suitable ones available.
- Fixed stacked partially used items (e.g. stacked explosives that have been damaged) dropping from character inventories at the start of a round.
- Fixed occasional freezing when replacing lost shuttles after purchasing submarine upgrades.
- Adjusted Endworm's colliders so that you can't hit the tail between the armor segments before first breaking the armor (making it less easy to cut the worm in half).
- Fixed hull properties not carrying over when copying hulls in the sub editor.
- Fixed occasional "collection was modified" exception in CargoMission.DetermineCargo. Happened if the client received an updated campaign save while trying to load the sub between rounds.
- Fixed a broken waypoint in Berilia's cargo bay.
- Fixed seeds sometimes vanishing when trying to plant them in MP.
- Fixed planter boxes displaying the "uproot" message when empty.
- Fixed depth charges going through doors and hatches.
- Fixed ability to dock docking hatches to ports and vice versa.
- Fixed camera being able to focus on a turret when a periscope's "position_out" connection is wired to a turret's "power_in" connection.
- Fixed water detectors not detecting very small (water depth < 1px) amounts of water in hulls.
- Fixed duffel bags not spawning at the end of a round if the character hasn't despawned/respawned yet (i.e. if the character's corpse is still present in the sub).
- Fixed wrecked Dugong's distress signal being impossible to receive due to "allow cross-team communication" being set to false on the wifi component sending the signal.
- Fixed fabricator being unable to stack empty items in the output slots, preventing empty tanks from being fabricated when the output slots are occupied even if additional tanks could be stacked on them.
- Fixed messed up "Shuttle Shell A Glass A" sprite.
- Fixed delay components not working if the delay is set to 0.
- Fixed loaders getting slightly misaligned when swapping an empty hardpoint with some weapon.
- Fixed pumps placed in the sub editor being off by default.
- Fixed weapon skill increases not being capped according to the max vitality of the target. Resulted in enormous weapon skill gains when doing massive amounts of damage (more than the target's max vitality), e.g. by shooting a hammerhead matriarch in the egg sack with a nuke.
- Fixed ability to delete vanilla beacon stations and pirate subs in the sub editor.
- Fixed pirate subs sometimes spawning in side paths that are too narrow for the sub to pass through.
- Fixed an exploit that allowed creating game-crashing infinite signal loops using wifi components.
- Fixed a typo in the abyss diving suit description (100,000 m -> 10,000 m).
- Fixed several vanilla sub docking hatches requiring a welding tool instead of a wrench to repair them.
- Fixed "Operate Weapons" order being available when interacting with a turret directly, leading to a crash when trying to do so.
- Fixed missions disappearing from abandoned outposts after finishing the campaign.
- Fixed canister shells refilling automatically between rounds.
- Fixed turrets working with incorrect loader types (e.g. coilgun being able to fire laser bolts when linked to a pulse laser loader).
- Fixed "exterior pressure exceeds diving suit capabilities" hint popping up when carrying a diving suit.
- Fixed biome noise loops still playing after the round ends.
- Fixed detonator rapidly draining condition from flash powder and incendium instead of exploding them immediately (potentially resulting in partially used items).
- Fixed exploit in plastiseal crafting recipe (plastiseal deconstructing to 1 bandage even though 1 bandage can be used to craft 2 plastiseal).
- Fixed RepairTools applying their effects multiple times to items whose bodies consist of multiple fixtures. Caused minerals to get deattached 3 times faster than they should.
- Fixed AFK kicks when staying in any of the campaign UIs (store, etc) or other input-blocking menus for too long.
- Fixed monsters sometimes targeting owners of targeted items although the owner is ignored.
- Fixed some items held in the left hand rendering in front of the character's thigh.
- Fixed characters being focusable through UI elements (e.g. item interfaces), causing accidental interactions when the NPC interaction key is bind to LMB.
- Added support for "additive" event sets which get added on top of another normal event set, allowing mods to spawn additional types of monsters without having to touch the vanilla event sets. See the "transitevents" event set in OutpostEvents.xml for an usage example.
- Fixed subs appearing to disappear after being published in the Workshop, because the content package the sub gets moved to wasn't automatically selected.
- Fixed MaxTargetsToHit not working on hitscan projectiles.
- Fixed offsets not being taken into account when positioning contained items, causing status effects to happen at the position of the container instead of the position of the contained item. Didn't have a noticeable effect in the vanilla game because most contained items are positioned close to the container's origin.
- Fixed spawnpoint's job restrictions being ignored when spawning pirates and escortees.
- It's now possible to use multiple equipped WifiComponents at the same time: instead of finding the first equipped item and seeing if it can receive/transmit, the game now goes through the items until it finds one that can.
- Fixed crashing when trying to pick an item that can't be put in any type of inventory slot from a container. Doesn't happen in the vanilla game because there are no such items in any container.
- Fixed crashing during wreck generation if there's any thalamus organs outside hulls.
- Fixed crashing if a wall whose max health is set to 0 in the sub editor takes damage.
- Fixed crashing if a reactor's maximum output is set to 0 and it's set to be on by default.
- Fixed a crashing due to a null reference exception if a status effect uses "target" instead of "targets" or "targettypes" in the definition.
- Fixed shuttles docked to a wreck undocking during level generation.
- Fixed occasional "mission equality check failed" errors when starting a round with multiple missions selected.
- Fixed outpost events not triggering in levels with a difficulty between 40-41.
- Fixed hunting grounds missions only spawning Endworms.
- Fixed 2nd part of the Jacov Subra event chain not triggering.
- Fixes certain particles (e.g. flare) "dragging behind" inside moving subs.
- Fixed Typhon 2's railgun not being connected to the loader.
- Fixed occasional "failed to read event for xxx" errors when syncing a pirate's AI state in multiplayer.
- Fixed atan component working unreliably when using the separate x/y inputs.
- Fixed missing prisoner outfit sprite.
- Crates pre-placed into a submarine's cargo containers or ULD's aren't taken into account when calculating the cargo capacity to display in the submarine preview.
- Fixed limbs getting automatically deselected in the health interface when receiving a new affliction (most noticeable when trying to heal an affliction that's being continuously applied on the character, e.g. burns caused by radiation).
- Added a missing hull to beacon station's airlock room.
- Fixed inventory toggle button being rendered in the top-left corner of the screen when grabbing a character with a 0-capacity inventory (such as a hatchling).
- Fixed an exploit that allowed crashing the game using certain looping circuits that involve trigonometric function components.
- Removed underwater explosion particle effect when vomiting underwater.
- Fixed screen noise effect cutting from white to black with no blending when the oxygen low affliction kicks in while the white noise effect (e.g. radiation sickness) is active.
- Fixed ability to set the reactor's turbine output or fission rate outside the allowed range of 0-100 using the "set_fissionrate" and "set_turbineoutput" inputs.
- Fixed crashing when opening the weapon customization menu when there's non-swappable turrets in the sub.
- Fixed misaligned light sprites on nav terminal and status monitor.
- Fixed crashing when trying to create a thalamus when there's no wreck AI configs available in the selected content packages. (Thunder Under The Ice)
- Submarine weapons can be swapped in the Outposts.
- Added Pulse Laser and Chaingun.
- Added Canister Shells (a reloadable burst-type munition for the railgun).
- Added escort missions.
- Added pirate missions.
- Option to choose multiple missions per level.
- Made it possible to sell items on the sub through a new store tab in singleplayer.
- Cargo now spawns in Crate Shelves and "Unit Load Devices" (large containers mostly used in cargo subs). The amount of cargo you can transport depends on the number of the shelves/ULDs, and the cargo mission rewards scale according to the cargo capacity. If there's no shelves or ULDs, you can still transport a small number of crates on the cargo room's floor like before.
- Made upgrades affect all submarines. Old purchased submarines will have their upgrades overridden by the currently loaded submarine's upgrades.
- The previous music track continues playing when the game switches back from the "intensity tracks" to normal music.
- Made it possible to carry Diving Suits and Toolbelts in hands. We could use some feedback on the way this works: is it intuitive, should there be a separate key for picking them up...?
- The Ice Shards and Exploding Mushrooms in caves can be destroyed with weapons and explosives.
- Added tracer particles to raycast projectiles (hitscan).
- Increased Sonar Beacon range.
- Color character names according to the team when using the Health Scanner HUD.
- Allow combining Elastin.
- Character orders and ignore orders now persist between rounds and saved sessions.
- Added indicators for the tasks the bots are currently doing when they are not following the orders.
- Revisited the random (monster) events: more Watchers and Tigerthreshers, less Crawlers. Fixed a number of issues. Feedback appreciated. (WIP)
- Numerous fixes and improvements on particle effects.
- Changed how autonomous steering objective works. Captains now idle near the helm instead of standing next to the nav terminal.
- Only show the "Save and Quit" button when the game can be saved. Renamed the button in the lobby to "Quit". Saving in multiplayer is done like in single player: on level transitions and on exit from an outpost.
- Updated sounds for Endworm and the electrical discharger.
- Increased the stun of smg rounds from 0.125 to 0.15 to give it a bit more stopping power.
- Lowered Husks' health regeneration and bleeding reduction. Crawler Husks now regenerate too. Lowered their health a bit to compensate it.
- Hammerhead and Golden Hammerhead: Increased health, added some protection on claws and the tail end. Slightly increase the slow swimming speed and animations. The claws don't break anymore when shot with coilgun.
- Hammerheads and Husks don't avoid gun fire anymore. Pets now avoid gun fire.
- Removed Endworm's weak point in the mouth.
- Most outpost events no longer trigger automatically, but require interacting with a specific item/character.
- Taking items that contain stolen items counts as stealing, so you can't for example put a toolbox inside an outpost cabinet, load it full of items and then take it.
- Added a button for resetting in-game hints to the settings.
- Mention diving suits' depth limits in their descriptions.
- Modified the locked path tooltips to mention the officer in the outpost.
- Reset Reactor fission rate, turbine output and temperature to optimal levels at the start of a round. Prevents the reactor from catching fire at the start of a round if it was being operated at a high fission rate at the end of the previous round.
- Removed ability to drag and drop seeds into planters.
- Added ability to load .sub, .xml, .png and .jpeg files in sub editor by dragging and dropping them onto the game window.
- Added new biome-specific background noise tracks.
- Improved the command interface minimap view by adding connector lines between icons and item positions to better visualize which item each icon is linked to.
- Projectiles go through severed limbs.
- Docking ports can't be rewired in outpost levels because it can be abused to force to submarine to depart from the outpost.
- Allow clicking on the main menu buttons when the credits are open.
- Option to adjust motion sensor's update interval in the sub editor.
- Fixed clients timing out at the start of a multiplayer round if loading the campaign save takes more than 30 seconds.
- Fixed previous missions still being available in outposts that have become abandoned due to radiation.
- Fixed eggs sometimes spawning partially inside walls in abandoned outpost missions.
- Fixed thalamus walls' colliders still being present even if the wreck doesn't contain a thalamus, preventing entering the sub from places where thalamus walls used to be.
- Fixed minerals sometimes not being mineable in outposts.
- Fixed small characters being unable to avoid the edges of the hulls when idling.
- Save submarine and characters' inventories when saving and quitting an mp campaign round in an outpost.
- Marked "control" console command as a cheat.
- Fixed items sometimes disappearing client-side when the server corrects their position from outside to inside.
- The traitor mission to sabotage the engine doesn't require sabotaging shuttle engines.
- Stacks of seeds can't be put into planters.
- Fixed non-repeatable events (e.g. mission events) no longer appearing after completing the campaign.
- Fixed security officers using head set batteries when their stun batons are out of batteries, causing them to be unable to hear or receive orders (#5681).
- Fixed security officers often handcuffing you after one hit with stun baton (#5649).
- Fixed ignore orders not being properly synced when joining a multiplayer game mid-round.
- Fixed abyss monsters not spawning if there's any player sub (including the respawn shuttle) above the abyss.
- Fixed "are you sure you want to depart without a mission" prompt popping up even if there's no missions available.
- Fixed health bars showing up through walls.
- Fixed horizontal docking ports sometimes docking from the wrong side in mirrored subs.
- Fixed mouse wheel zooming the nav terminal view when the server log (or any other UI element) is blocking it.
- Fixed campaign's initial text popup getting stuck if the sub automatically undocks at the start of a round.
- Non-empty items (ammo boxes, fuel rods, etc) can't be recycled.
- Made airlock door assembly behave a bit more reliably. The circuit in the assembly simply toggles the state of both doors, meaning that one of the doors needs to always be closed and the other open for the logic to work correctly. If using the assembly in a respawn shuttle, it'd break when the shuttle leaves and it's doors are forced to close.
- Fixed inability to go through docking ports when the door/hatch at the other side is broken.
- Fixed other entities' sprites disappearing when reloading a sprite in the sub editor.
- Fixed Remora drone's docking hatch being repairable with a welding tool instead of a wrench.
- Fixed some of Remora drone's walls being transparent.
- Fixed rotation of mirrored items getting messed up when saving and reloading a sub.
- Fixed inability to detach items attached outside the sub.
- Fixed items that are inside a hull being difficult to target from outside the sub (docking ports/hatches in particular).
- Fixed crashing when trying to load a campaign save that contains pets that can't be found (e.g. if you've saved while using a mod that adds custom pets and try to load the save in the vanilla game).
- Fixed crashing when trying to change a location's type to a type that can't be found (e.g. if a mod includes custom location types which are configured incorrectly).
- Fixed "Ignore This" order affecting all NPCs. It should only affect the bots in a player team.
- Fixed "Ignore This" order restricting player access to doors.
- Fixed bots targeting same targets when fixing/repairing.
- Fixed monsters sometimes getting stuck "dancing" near the submarine because they try to avoid and target it at the same time.
- Monster events: Fixed many higher difficulty subsets spawning multiple monster events when they should spawn only one.
- Fixed items taken from abandoned outposts sometimes reappearing when returning to the outpost.
- Fixed highlighting items sometimes breaking after dropping a metal crate or some other container whose inventory is always visible when the item is equipped.
- Fixed bots putting minerals in the closest locker instead of preferring those that have been tagged with the "mineralcontainer" tag
- Fixed bots not respecting the access restrictions when choosing a where to put items into.
- Fixed bots being able to take items from secure cabinets if the item is inside another container inside the cabinet.
- Fixes to hull generation between docking ports. Should fix tiny gaps between the hulls that caused characters to briefly teleport outside the sub when passing through the port, and hulls generating incorrectly when the main submarine has hulls at both sides of the docking port.
- Fixed captain's pipe, harmonica and pipe tobacco not spawning in crates when purchased.
- Fixed console errors when trying to overwrite an existing item assembly in the sub editor.
- Fixed the margin calculations that in some cases made it impossible for Bonethreshers (and possibly other monsters) to reach a moving target.
- Fixed abyss monsters sometimes being unable to hit the sub and just keep pushing the sub.
- Define "tool", "weapon", and "provocative" targeting params to be ignored if the creature is not in the same sub as the target. Fixes some odd cases where the monsters e.g. target some item inside the sub when they are outside.
- Fixed occasional excessive camera shake when a large monster is lodged between the sub and the level.
- Fixed ballast flora not getting cleared from respawn shuttles when the shuttle despawns.
- Fixed ability to switch back to a sub you've left behind using the outpost terminals.
- Fixed doors without integrated buttons getting instantly opened by clicking on them when you have access to the button.
- Fixed ability to switch control to the hostages with Z and X keys during hostage missions.
- Fixed abyss and combat suits not getting autofilled with oxygen tanks when placing the initial supplies to a sub.
- Fixed inability to type in the "max players" field in the "host server" tab.
- Fixed item sell quantity sometimes appearing "maxed out" at a quantity less than what the player is actually selling.
- Fixed crashing when the team id argument for the "spawn" console command is formatted incorrectly, mention the argument in the command's help text.
- Fixed bots trying to clean up seeds and put items into bags that were moved to somewhere the bot can't access them, causing the bot to be stuck trying to reach the target.
- Fixed missions sometimes unlocking in paths leading to an irradiated location even if there's a more suitable path available.
- Fixed white rectangle around selected items in the sub editor being slightly off if the item's position/size is not a whole number.
- Fixed "incorrect password" text overlapping with the buttons in the password prompt.
- Fixed z-fighting in Medium Weapons Display Case.
- Fixed inability to drop through broken hatches.
- Fixed sprite bleed in IC-4 block's inventory icon.
- Fixed healthbar and affliction area being clickable even if there's an UI element in front of them, and even if there's no afflictions in the affliction area. Most noticeable when editing an electrical components properties.
- Fixed some incorrect room names in the beacon stations.
- Fixed propeller damage area triggering very inaccurately, particularly on shuttle engines.
- Fixed hull indicators fading in when loading a sub in the editor (they should only get hidden and fade in when editing the ambient light value).
- Fixed gaps sometimes getting linked incorrectly to the hulls between docking hatches, preventing water from flowing down from the lower hull in mirrored subs. Happened in mirrored Kastrull for example.
- Fixed fires in hulls between docking ports never going out client-side.
- Fixed nav terminal's, sonar monitor's and status monitor's selection rectangles being offset from the sprite in the sub editor.
- Fixed mirrored pumps emitting particles from the wrong side of the pump.
- Made it possible to use StatusHUD components in non-equippable items like turrets.
- Fixed scripted event's StatusEffectAction not being able to target ItemComponents.
- Added support for making missions trigger scripted events.
- Option to configure the color of an explosion's flash.
- Option to configure the number of gates between biomes (see MapGenerationParameters.xml).
- Turret's barrel and rail sprites are shown in the sprite editor.
- Made SecondaryUse status effects work with melee and ranged weapons.
- Renamed "Inflitrate" to "CanOpenDoors" and rewrote the tooltip.
- Added "scalemultiplier" (Vector2) for particle emitters so that the effects can be scaled just in one axis instead of both.
- Fixed overriding nav terminals with a mod resetting the changes to the custom interface buttons.
- Fixed status effect conditionals that check a parent container's tags checking the container's components, not just the item itself. Resulted in tag inequality checks always succeeding, because the components don't have any tags.
- Fixed crashing if a scripted event tries to spawn a human prefab that can't be found (i.e. if a mod uses a non-existent human prefab identifier).
- RemoveItemAction can be used to remove tagged items directly, not just items in a tagged character's inventory.
- Replaced "spawnprobability" attribute in monster events with a generic "probability" attribute that can be used for any type of event.
- Option to spawn particles across the ray cast from a hitscan projectile (see "pulselaserbolt").
- Fixed linked subs included in outpost modules being positioned incorrectly.
- Added "swapidentifier" to SwappableItem definitions. Can be used to restrict which items in a given category can be swapped with each other (e.g. if you want to add custom upgradeable turrets but not make them swappable with the vanilla turrets).
- Made SecondaryUse status effects work with ranged weapons.
- Added "equal" targeting tag to enemy AI. Makes it possible to define how monsters react to monsters with the same combat strength.
- TagAction can be used to tag characters based on the human prefab identifier.
- Fixed a crash in the character editor that happened when a humanoid character had an elbow joint but didn't (yet) have a wrist joint.
- The "avoid gun fire" parameter now defaults to false.
- Adjusted autopilot logic to make it better at keeping the sub afloat when there's extra water on board. The maximum velocity of the autopilot is limited, which previously prevented it from emptying the ballast fully. Now it's only limited if the submarine is heading in the correct direction with enough speed, so if the sub starts sinking due to extra water, the autopilot can compensate and fully empty the ballast.
- Made large monsters immune to sufforin.
- Fixes to issues that prevented mods installed from the Workshop from getting automatically updated and caused errors when trying to join modded servers.
- Fixed an issue in the voice chat that caused audio crackling when multiple people were speaking at the same time.
- Fixed inability to drag players who've ragdolled themselves with space bar.
- Fixed certain submarines spawning with a non-neutral ballast level (Kastrull seems to have been the only affected vanilla submarine). Happened because the game would determine the neutral ballast level from the first nav terminal it finds in the sub, without checking whether that terminal controls a shuttle or the sub itself.
- Fixed explosions using wall damage value instead of level wall damage when the explosion happens outside a level wall.
- Fixed inability to place oxygenite tanks in oxygen tank shelves.
- Fixed crashing when a bot tries to find a diving suit inside ruins.
- Fixed minor wall draw order issue in Orca's top deck.
- Fixed bots trying to treat nausea even though the only cure for it is to wait it out.
- Fixed status monitor being messed up on mirrored subs that contain shuttles.
- Fixed railgun payloads not exploding.
- Fixed server sometimes assigning players who haven't set any job preferences as the captain, even if someone else wants to be the captain.
- Fixed ancient weapon propelling the character in an incorrect direction when using it underwater.
- Fixed sonar beacons not appearing on the sonar in the sub editor's test mode.
- Fixed "easterbunny" traitor mission failing after the mudraptor hatches.
- Fixed "changes to your character will be applied after the round ends" texts getting drawn behind the tab menu elements.
- Fixed "IsToggle" setting not working on periscopes.
- Fixed "Praise the Honkmother" mission being impossible to complete because it required more items to be delivered than the crate contains.
- Fixed humanhusk's inventory not being visible while controlling one.
- Fixed sub editor's entity list getting cleared when changing the entity category while a container/cabinet is selected.
- Fixed items that have been edited in the sub editor (e.g. recolored clothing) reverting back to default when starting a new campaign round while the item is in a character's inventory.
- Fixed clicking on command interface nodes crashing the game if the key is rebound to primary mouse button.
- Fixed tiling issues in some of the legacy background wall sprites.
- Fixed Spinelings attacking Leucocytes. Spinelings should avoid Leucocytes if they get close.
- Fixed "beacon station" text and "generating preview..." in the submarine preview window not being translated when playing in a language other than English.
- Fixed console errors when a character with no gender tries to wear clothing that only has separate male and female sprites.
- Fixed crashing if the current style doesn't define a saving indicator.
- Fixed inability to load ragdoll/animation definitions from mods that override a character.
- Fixed ClearTagAction not properly clearing all the tags assigned by a scripted event. (Embrace the Abyss)
- Replaced "Lair" locations with "hunting grounds" in the connections between levels. Inhabited locations next to hunting grounds have a chance of getting abandoned and habitation can't spread through those levels to adjacent locations. The hunting grounds can be cleared by killing a boss monster in the level.
- Beacon stations are shown on the campaign map.
- Visual changes to the map to make it a bit more intuitive.
- When you enter a level with a beacon station, you always get an optional side objective to restore it even if you haven't selected a beacon mission.
- Added radiation on the campaign map: the intensity of the radiation around Jupiter is slowly increasing, which is forcing Europans to delve deeper under the ice. In practice, the radiation gradually destroys the outposts starting from the left side of the map, making it more dangerous and costly to stay in these areas. The intention behind this is to prevent players from farming resources indefinitely in the low-difficulty areas of the game before proceeding further.
- Gating progress between Biomes: you need a certain amount of money or reputation before you can enter the next biome.
- Reworked exit points at uninhabited locations: there's a hole/tunnel above the start/end of the level the sub needs to enter to leave.
- Reintroduced Endworm and Charybdis.
- Added floating islands that contain Caves and rare Minerals to the Abyss.
New player experience:
- Added in-game hints, designed to help with new player onboarding. Can be disabled in the settings.
- Added text highlighting to Mission descriptions.
- Player-controlled characters get automatically assigned an appropriate Order when the game starts to guide the player on what they should do and to make it easier to find the relevant device(s).
- Changed the camera animation at the start of the campaign to show the entire outpost.
- Display mission difficulty in the available missions list, the info tab, and the round summary.
- Show an indicator when the campaign is saved.
Changes and additions:
- Added abandoned outposts.
- New mission types for abandoned outposts: destroying the outpost, clearing a nest, hostage rescue and assassination.
- Added entity subcategories to the Submarine Editor.
- Added interactive submarine previews to the server lobby and "New Game" screen.
- Added respawning mid-round in the multiplayer campaign mode. Respawning gives you an Affliction that can be healed for a cost at outposts. You can also choose not to respawn mid-round, and instead wait for the next round to spawn normally without the affliction, just like before.
- Reworked the impacts to the sub when it's hit by monsters. Increased the screen shake and stunning. There's now a 30 second cooldown for getting knocked down. Fixed the impact not triggering if the colliding limb is not big enough.
- Reworked attacks and effects for the following creatures: Moloch, Black Moloch, Hammerhead, Hammerhead Matriarch, and Golden Hammerhead. They now have a bigger impact on the sub when they hit it. Black Moloch's emp damage is halved.
- Added Abyss Diving Suits which slows down your movement speed but offers more protection against pressure and consumes oxygen more slowly than the normal suits.
- Added Combat Diving Suits which slow you down less than normal suits and offer more protection against damage.
- Added black moloch mission variants.
- Moloch's shell now always breaks when shot with a railgun.
- Increased the audio ranges for Watcher and Hammerhead Matriarch.
- Overhauled tab menu: improved layout, added submarine and reputation tabs, current funds are displayed in the campaign mode.
- Recreated waypoints for the vanilla subs.
- Bots can now be renamed through the outpost crew management interface.
- Certain large monsters' (endworm, charybdis, boss variants of molochs and hammerheads) health bars become visible at the top of the screen when you damage them.
- Added EMP effect to Nuclear Shells. Increased the damage a bit.
- Added a right click context menu option to copy debug console errors to clipboard.
- Railgun shells now explode instead of piercing armor. Physicorium shells still go through armor. Make all railgun ammunition slightly more likely to break limb joints.
- Added multiple current Orders: you can assign up to three simultaneous orders for characters and drag the icons to change their priority.
- NPCs (non-bots) speak report related lines less than they used to.
- The bleeding particles are now emitted from the last matching limb instead of the first. Readjusted particle emit frequency and scale.
- Reduced Moloch's bleeding reductions.
- Trying to pick up a Diving Suit when you're already wearing one swaps the suits.
- Made monster eggs glow to make them easier to spot in caves and abandoned outposts.
- Exploding oxygen/fuel tanks don't make other tanks explode.
- Added a delay to oxygen/fuel tank explosions.
- Disconnect wires from beacon stations instead of deleting the wires completely.
- The probability of disconnected wires in beacon stations is relative to the level's difficulty, and no wires are removed if the difficulty is less than 20.
- Improved server filters: instead of only being able to search for servers that have a certain setting enabled/disabled, the filter can be set to "Any" (thanks someone972!).
- Show whether a server is player-hosted or dedicated in the server list.
- Show whether a server is public or private in the server lobby.
- Added a server setting for locking all default wiring in subs.
- Added favorite button to the server lobby.
- Banning a player who's using Steam Family Sharing will now also ban the owner's account, solving ban evasion using this method.
- Disabled NPC conversations in sub editor test mode.
- Beacon stations' reactors don't deteriorate or consume fuel to prevent the station from going back down when the player is travelling out from the level.
- The output length of all signal components is now restricted to 200 characters by default to prevent performance and networking issues if the output is set to an excessively long value (such as the entire dialog of the Bee Movie). The limit can be increased in the sub editor.
- Stunning still works on friendly characters even if friendly fire has been disabled on a server.
- Made Radiation Sickness's icon appear before it starts causing Burns (instead of working the other way around).
- Made radiation sickness cause Nausea.
- Added a screen distortion effect for radiation sickness.
- Added a checkbox to Color Component that toggles between RGBA and HSV input.
- Fabricators now display remaining time when fabricating.
- Revisited Husk animations, movement speeds, and general balance. Husks regenerate a lot and are a bit tougher than they used to be. Human husks can and will easily rise again, unless properly killed.
- Adjustments and fixes on the thresher attacks.
- Revisit Mudraptors' attacks. Fixes unarmored mudraptors and mudraptor hatchlings acting weird when attacking characters in water.
- Lower the overall damage of all the hatchlings.
- Added a link to the wiki to the main menu. <3
- Drop empty/used oxygen tank from diving suit when trying to swap in a new one when the inventory is full.
- When using an equipped item from a stack (e.g. a medical item), another item from the same stack is automatically equipped.
- The mid-round mission messages (e.g. "the monster is dead, navigate out...") are shown in the tab menu's mission tab.
- Make characters grabbable and the inventories accessible after a half a second delay. Fixes abusing the Toy Hammer to access NPC inventories.
- Allow fabricating fresh Fuel Rods, Welding Fuel Tanks and Coilgun Ammunition Boxes using depleted ones.
- Restrict the length of the text that can be entered as a Sonar Beacon's sonar label.
- Major improvements to the voice chat: higher audio quality, less intrusive radio effect, fixed clicks/distortion.
- Attempt to fix crashes with the error message "failed to generate OpenAL/stream buffer" on Mac.
- Fixed crashing on startup with the error message "unable to load shared library 'freetype6' or one of its dependencies" on some Linux systems.
- Removed outdated file from the dedicated server (no longer needed because it's automatically installed by Steamworks). Should fix inability to host dedicated servers on Linux.
- Fixed clients' job preferences not being respected in all cases where they should, resulting in some clients getting a job that should be give to another client.
- Items can't be stacked in the equip slots (e.g. you can't hold and throw a stack of grenades).
- Trying to pick up a stack of items with a full inventory doesn't pick up the item in both hand slots.
- Fixes/improvements to item position syncing. When trying to pick up an item whose position has gotten desynced, the server should correct the item's position immediately.
- Fixed turrets getting cropped by the "wikiimage" console command.
- Fixed items with nothing but a holdable component (e.g. medical items) being hidden when hiding wires in the sub editor.
- Fixed ban list not displaying ban reasons or the duration of the ban.
- Fixed items appearing misplaced when switching to the sub editor mid-round with console commands.
- Fixed shuttles spawning undocked in certain custom subs (e.g. DOMA Prototype Mk 8).
- Fixed "tried to add a dead character to CrewManager" console error when reviving a character who died of high pressure.
- Fixed skill levels not getting updated in the "my character" tab mid-round.
- Fixed clients not calculating eventmanager intensity, preventing any high-intensity tracks from playing in multiplayer.
- Fixed campaign map being closed with RMB even if the user has inverted their mouse buttons.
- Fixed damage sometimes desyncing when the sub hits walls/spires: happened because damage was also applied client-side, which sometimes caused the clients to damage walls that weren't actually hit server-side.
- Fixed physics bodies between docking ports not getting mirrored in mirrored subs, sometimes causing impassable areas in spots where the docking port used to be.
- Fixed status monitor in a docked shuttle sometimes not displaying the main sub.
- Fixed campaign stores sometimes displaying prices for a previous location.
- Fixed various scaling issues on higher resolutions.
- Fixed monsters fluttering while pursuing other creatures. Only happened while swimming and was not notable on all monsters).
- Fixed mouse cursor being switched to hand even when the spritesheet is not shown in the character editor.
- Fixed monsters with low head/torso torques moving backwards when they try to turn around 180 degrees.
- Fixed regular Moloch not bleeding correctly.
- Fixed Workshop mod download prompt looping and freezing when there's a hash mismatch after a mod has already been installed.
- Fixed ability to walk through the heavy doors in mining outposts.
- Fixed nav terminal ignoring velocity_in signals when the terminal hasn't been operated by anyone during the round.
- Fixed one of the engineer variants having too many items in the toolbelt.
- Fixed "hide incompatible" checkbox in the server browser.
- Fixed characters getting impact damage from collisions with sensors. Caused characters to get stunned when they're thrown around by a monster while touching a level trigger (for instance, the branches in forest caves).
- Fixed bioluminescent cave's hallucination effect never going fully away and made it treatable with Haloperidol.
- Fixed bots treating radiation sickness too eagerly (leading to wasted antirad).
- Added missing platforms to abandoned outpost modules.
- Fixed non-interactable items being counted as owned in the store interface.
- Fixed husk's mouth tentacles rendering on top of the left hand. Also fixed a minor texture bleeding on the waist.
- Fixed possible desync when multiple players use the crew management interface simultaneously.
- Fixed a crash when no valid limb was found for an affliction. Probably only happened with characters that already had some limbs severed.
- Fixed non-multiplied damage to limbs effectively always being clamped to 100, which means that no attack could do more than 100 damage per hit unless there's some damage modifier defined on the target limb.
- Monsters now stop targeting characters that are far enough behind level geometry. Fixes them getting stuck while trying to reach targets that are not easily reachable.
- Fixed players getting prompted to download subs when the server has disabled file transfers.
- Fixed command-spawned characters not getting the "job" tag on their id cards.
- Fixed coilguns consuming ammo faster than they should when linked to multiple loaders.
- Fixed wiring interface labels overlapping when using a high text scale.
- Allow engine propellers to do damage inside the sub.
- Fixed new lights being displayed as off in the sub editor until you toggle the lighting.
- Fixed non-ruin artifacts sometimes spawning on top of the sub.
- Fixed terminal's welcome message getting cleared when using the test mode in the sub editor.
- Fixed fabricator displaying the "not enough room in the input inventory" error even if the items fit in the input inventory by stacking.
- Fixed signal check components being unable to output whitespace.
- Fixed inability to edit smoke detector's parameters in-game.
- Fixed smoke detectors outputting empty signals.
- Fixed "engineers are special" outpost event not giving a price discount.
- Fixed clients being unable to vote for subs they don't have.
- Fixed a bunch of non-suitable items (such as devices that can't be deattached) being displayed in the "extra cargo" menu in the server lobby.
- Fixed crashing if you try to press the server log button in the lobby when connection to the server has been lost.
- Fixed item disappearing from the character's hand when you combine it with an item in a container in a way that doesn't fully deplete/remove it.
- Fixed gaps in the "backwall pipes" sprite.
- Fixed dedicated servers restricting player count to 1 less than the MaxPlayer setting.
- Fixed Kastrull's drone airlock not flooding correctly.
- Replaced legacy small pumps with the new ones in Orca.
- Fixed monsters sometimes spawning very close (or even inside) the respawn shuttle.
- Fixed "attempted to set SoundRange to NaN" error when a reactor's maximum power output is 0.
- Fixed wall damage particles sometimes spawning at an incorrect position.
- Fixed black moloch doing only 62.5% of the structure damage compared to the regular moloch.
- Fixes to R-29: fixed top docking port's control circuit, adjustments to pre-placed supplies, adjusted discharge coil power consumption, minor visual fixes.
- Reduced the amount of clown gear in the "Praise the Honkmother" mission to fit everything in the crate.
- Fixed non-repeatable outpost events starting to repeat once all of them have been triggered.
- Fixed inconsistency in the way vertical velocity in/out signals are handled by the nav terminals. Previously "velocity_in" would interpret positive y as upwards, even though "velocity_y_out" outputs a negative value when going up. Now positive is always down (corresponds with the "descent velocity" value displayed on the terminal).
- Fixed Hammerhead Spawns not targeting decoys.
- Fixed the abyss monsters not targeting "provocative" items, like flares, glowsticks, scooters etc.
- Fixed Hammerhead Matriarch constantly fleeing from divers. It's intentional that the matriarch avoids the divers, but not as much. Now they should flee briefly only when shot by the player, making it possible for the divers to reach it (#5449).
- Fixed camera shaking/vibrating when moving at high speed.
- Fixed monsters being able to attack through ruin walls.
- Fixed overlapping vending machine and light switch in CrewModule_02.
- Fixed respawn shuttle maintaining an incorrect position after getting dispatched.
- Fixed inventory tooltip not changing when the cursor is hovered on the slot and the condition of the item changes.
- Fixed waypoints not being able to find hulls that have been added since the sub was last saved in the sub editor, causing them to appear blue.
- Fixed resizable outpost hallway modules not having waypoints and thus causing navigation issues.
- Fixed water particle effects not showing up when water flows between certain rooms in Remora.
- Addressed the lag spikes occasionally caused by Spineling's spikes when they hit/get stuck to something.
- Fixed logbooks being empty in the wreck salvage missions.
- Bots now warn when you are running low / out of oxygen or welding fuel tanks, turret ammunition, or reactor fuel.
- Bots no longer report dead monsters on the sonar.
- Disabled the dialogue lines about not finding any targets for the given order, since they don't really improve the feedback. Instead they can give a wrong impression that the bot is not following the order when they actually are.
- Bots no longer speak about not being able to reach the diving suit when they fail to get it because it was taken by someone else. They will target another suit like they used to.
- Bots don't extinguish fires when there's ballast flora in the hull.
- Bots only speak about getting attacked when attacked by players. Fixes security bots throwing ultimatums on other bots that accidentally damage them (e.g. while welding).
- Bots that operate an item (reactor/turret) now drop the empty items on the floor instead of placing them back to a container. This saves time and the empty items should be taken care of by the idle bots.
- Fixed bots not seeking more oxygen before the remaining oxygen level drops to zero when they already have diving gear equipped and when they are staying stationary, leading to suffocation when the bot is repairing/operating while already wearing the diving gear and running out of oxygen tanks.
- Fixed bots trying to swap the oxygen tank too early when they are outside of the sub, which in some cases might lead to bugs where they try to get back inside the submarine.
- Improved the feedback by adding dialogues for swapping the oxygen and for not being able to find more oxygen.
- Fixed bots trying to return the diving suit when it's not a reasonable thing to do, but when they actually don't need it.
- Fixed bots failing to swap an oxygen tank from a diving mask to a diving suit when both items are equipped.
- Fixed bots getting confused when they have a mask without a valid oxygen tank inside it and when there's not enough oxygen in the room to be without the mask.
- Bots now react faster in general to all enemies.
- Bots now automatically attack enemies outside of the main sub, if they have a weapon. While docked to an enemy outpost or submarine, the "fight intruders" order now acts as an offensive order to attack the enemies on the connected submarine/outpost.
- Fixed bots following the player when the player is controlling a monster.
- You can now escape from NPCs by going far enough from them while they are pursuing you.
- Fixed bots reacting to attackers that are outside of the submarine.
- Fixed the "reportrange" parameter not working when the character is attacked. In practice only has effect on NPCs.
- Fixed report icons being shown also for other teams instead of just one's own team.
- Bots now target the closest limb instead of the main collider when they aim with the turret. With small creatures, this should now make any difference. With long creatures, it allows the bots to target the extremities of the body instead of always shooting at the main body.
- Fixed non-security bots fleeing the enemy (in defensive combat state) even when they are ordered to fight intruders.
- Bots no longer automatically unequip weapons after combat if they are outside of a friendly submarine.
- Fixed bots having difficulties in leaving the ruins via gaps.
- Allow bots to use gaps also to exit the sub, but only when following a player character.
- Fixed bots always trying to reach the closest item even when it's unreachable.
- Make bots find items faster.
- Fixed bots sometimes continuing their movement (e.g. walking towards a wall) when they fail to find the diving gear they need to continue with the go to objective (e.g. follow).
- Fixed security officers standing idle next to the stunned target and doing nothing when they don't have handcuffs. Only happened while trying to arrest the target.
- Fixed multiple bots occasionally trying to operate the reactor at the same time.
- Fixed bots "stealing" stuff while cleaning up. Happened when the objective changed (they decided or were ordered to do something else while cleaning up). Idle bots are no longer allowed to take items from purchased containers.
- Fixed bots running headlessly around while trying to find the container for items while following the clean up order. Now they should walk around instead and only run when the target container is found.
- Fixes and adjustments to security officer reactions for damage done by friendlies.
- Fixed bots sometimes yelling that they can't enter an airlock when the sub is docked.
- Fixed bots taking items from fabricators and deconstructors.
- Fixed bots saying "Can't reach target [name]".
- Fixed custom loading screen tips not showing up if the vanilla content package is enabled.
- Fixed crashing when loading a save where a stack contains more items than the maximum stack size for the item/container.
- The hit impact of a monster's attack can now be adjusted with the new "submarineimpactmultiplier" defined in the attack block. Note that this is a multiplier to the actual impact, hence also the force applied on the attacking monster affects the final impact.
- Explosions now have three new parameters: ignorecover, onlyinside, and onlyoutside.
- Fixed crashing/disconnects when preloading content at the start of a round if random events contain character variants. In practice, mods that used character variants in random events occasionally prevented rounds from starting.
- Fixed crashing when attempting to play a music clip that isn't a valid ogg file or if the file is not found.
- Fixed crashing when trying to spawn a character variant with custom inventory contents.
- Renamed the ai parameter "Threshold" as "DamageThreshold".
- Replaced "spawndeep" with "abyss" spawn type (defined in random events).
- New parameters StayInAbyss and StayInsideLevel that define the area where the creature tries to keep inside while not attacking.
- The creature disable distance, which totally disables the creature, is now exposed in the character parameters. The distance for triggering simple physics, which disables all the limbs and keeps only the main collider updated, is half of this distance. Increased the default from 22 000 to 25 000 (pixels).
- New attack pattern: Circle (around the target). Used by the abyss creatures.
- The aim speed and accuracy of NPC characters can now be adjusted in the npc (spawn) definition. The Aim speed also affects melee attack speed.
- Fixed OnSevered status effects launching also on the limb that the severed limb was attached to.
- Added "bleedingnonstop" affliction, which is just the same as normal bleeding but it never wears off.
- Added and option to target the last matching limb instead of the first (StatusEffect.TargetType.Limb). Implemented targeting other limbs even when the status effect is triggered from the limb, which was previously only implemented for status effects that targeted character. See Endworm for an example.
- Fixed hidden limbs not being ignored in many cases where they should, which potentially could cause issues with some custom monsters.
- Added "bleedparticlemultiplier" parameter in character definition, which can be used to increase/decrease the general amount of bleeding for the character in question.
- Added an option to always ignore an ai target if it's not inside the same sub as the character.
- Attacks can now "blink" limbs when they attack (Endworm). Blinking is a generic way to rotate limbs so that they "animate" (see Watcher's eye).
- Added AITrigger that can be used to trigger an ai state using the status effects (See Charybdis).
- Turned IsTraitor into a property so it can be accessed by status effects.
- Changed husk affliction's type to "alieninfection" because using "huskinfection" as both the identifier and type makes it impossible to add custom husk infections and reference just the custom one in conditionals or statuseffects.
- Fixed affliction statuseffects targeting NearbyItems or NearbyCharacters causing a crash.
- Corpses don't spawn in wrecks that contain no waypoints/spawnpoints.
- Monster events don't spawn monsters in wrecks that don't contain enemy spawnpoints.
- Fixed afflictions caused by status effects being multiplied by deltatime even when setvalue ="true". The only vanilla statuseffect affected by this was incremental stun, which would stun the player for 1 frame instead of 1 second, but this may have affected some mods as well.
- Fixed errors when trying to load a beacon station with no reactor.
- Fixed level editor crashing when it tries to place a wreck that contains linked subs in the level.
- Added "onlyplayertriggered" condition for status effects. Currently only implemented for OnDamaged.
- Fixed crashing if you try to create a decal with incorrect casing.
- Fixed affliction's periodic effects being unable to reference afflictions defined later in the affliction xml.
- Fixed crashing if you save a campaign with a large map and try to load it with map generation parameters where the map is smaller.
- Fixed explosions not damaging level walls if their structure damage is set to 0.
- Fixed inability to load more than 5 wires per connection even if the connection is set to allow more.
- Allow to define afflictions (types or identifiers) to trigger the OnDamaged status effects only from certain afflictions and not all that do the damage. If the afflictions property is not defined, no restrictions are used (works as it used to).
- Fixed Scrap items failing to load in saves done prior to v0.12.
- Fixed Bandage/Plastiseal crafting exploit.
- Fixed crashing if a bot tries to operate a turret that's linked to some other item than a loader. (Cave Update)
- Added nausea as a side-effect of Drunk and Opiate Withdrawal.
- All medical items and chemicals are now single use regardless of skill.
- Reworked most medical items / chemicals crafting requirements, effects and duration to balance out item stacking.
- Changed icons and/or sprites of some items, notably Oxygen Tanks and Welding Fuel Tanks to better tell them apart, as well as Minerals and Plants.
Cave improvements:
- New cave types and improvements to cave sprites.
- New cave hazards: exploding mushrooms, gas vents that drain oxygen and fuel tanks, sharp crystals that inflict bleeding and lacerations, hallucination-inducing plants.
- Made the caves more narrow.
- Position caves and ruins closer to the main path so the players won't have to swim hundreds of meters just to get to the entrance.
- Completing a nest mission turns adjacent empty locations to "Explored".
- Monster spawns are delayed up to a certain limit when most of the human players are exploring a ruin, wreck or a cave.
- Show a sonar marker at the cave's entrance in nest missions.
- Added some nest-specific level objects.
Additions and changes:
- Implemented stacking small items.
- Decreased Toolbelt capacity to 6 slots.
- Rebalanced level events to have a better difficulty curve.
- Further improvements and balancing to the way locations change to other types of locations.
- The owner of a Duffel Bag is shown when hovering the cursor over one.
- Increased vanilla drones' range to 400 m.
- Nerfed stunning. The effect is now incremental: for example, a few hits from a Stun Baton only slows the target down, but a full stun requires several hits.
- Allow laying on beds.
- Added Mudraptor, Tiger Thresher, Bone Thresher and Crawler hatchlings.
- Removed vision obstructing effects from diving mask and diving suit.
- Added "quickstart" console command.
- Added "setfreecamspeed" console command.
- Zoom more slowly when holding Ctrl in freecam. The speed can be adjusted with the "camerasettings" command.
- Added "CauseSpeechImpediment" attribute to afflictions that stops huskaffliction from causing a speech impediment when set to false.
- Added "sendmessages" attribute to affliction prefabs. When set to false it prevents husk affliction from sending messages on the screen.
- Increased the steps in the aim assist slider to make it possible to set it more precisely (there's a big difference between 0% and 10%).
- Show a "waiting for the campaign to start" text for clients without campaign management permissions in the game mode panel when Campaign is being set up.
- Disable all the non-campaign-related elements in the server lobby when a campaign or campaign setup is active.
- Added some diving suits to outpost modules.
- Made engine's propeller damage indicator in the Submarine Editor match the damage radius.
- Invert nav terminal velocity_x output and applied engine force for flipped subs. This should make it so that the sub will go forward when the engine is in "forward" state, instead of going to the right which is the default forward direction.
- Made cabinets waterproof.
- Nav terminals display a warning then the autopilot detects an Ice Spire.
- Modified oxygen tank, welding fuel tank, underwater scooter and duffel bag densities (they don't sink or ascend as quickly as they used to).
- Reduced Skill requirements for rewiring.
- Restrict Concat Component's output length.
- Welding Tools can now be used to destroy ballast flora.
- Made floating ice chunks easier to destroy.
- Ballast Flora can be damaged by explosions and tools even when it's submerged.
- Select the items/structures in an assembly when placing one in the sub editor.
- Fertilizer no longer increases water consumption on plants.
- Replaced fuel rods for uranium in fertilizer recipes.
- Allow adjusting sound volumes at 1% increments.
- Allow opening Command Interface's manual assignment when using hotkeys or "clickless" mode. Can be done by holding Shift (same key used to open the contextual interface) when navigating to the assignment phase.
- Added new editable property "NonPlayerTeamInteractable" for Items. Prevents players or the bots in their crew from interacting with the item, but still allows outpost NPCs to interact with it.
- Made outpost reactors non-interactable for player team characters.
- Monsters can spawn at both sides of the level during PvP missions, as opposed to always spawning near the sub on the left.
- Disable trying to edit human heads in the character editor, because it would break.
- Monsters can now use doors for fleeing and they should be able to break doors that are in the way to the escape target. However, if the target they are fleeing from is in the same room, they still "panic" and just try to run away from the target.
- Previously the swimming speed of monsters was halved. Now it's clamped. This fixes slow monsters like husk swimming really slow inside the submarine, but it also affects the others.
- Added a Diving Knife in one of the security item sets, so that the security officers always have a lethal weapon and won't have to keep bashing the creatures with a stun baton.
- Added a medic crate for medical items that are bought from an outpost. Previously the medical items were spawned inside a chemical crate.
- Changed the sounds heard in Psychosis depending on whether the character is inside or outside of a submarine.
- Husks can now operate doors and hatches. They can also climb ladders and break doors, which they can't open.
- Added ability to set custom background images in sub editor.
- Added a checkbox to skip localization to item labels.
- Made changes to ignore icon visibility: they can now be seen from further and won't fade out when you move close to them.
- Made item selling prices adjust based on the store balance: as the store balance decreases, the store will offer less for the items you are selling.
- Added "wikiimage_character" command, which generates an isolated image of the currently controlled character.
- Added "wikiimage_sub" command, which generates an isolated image of the currently loaded submarine.
- Renamed memory component's "signal_store" input as "lock_state".
- Added visual snap grid into submarine editor and "togglegrid" console command to toggle it.
- Relay's toggle input ignores "0" signals.
- Only allow attaching one wire to a reactor's power_out connection, because more leads to power issues.
- Made motion sensor's IgnoreDead, Offset and Target properties editable in-game.
- Entering the sub while docked to an outpost doesn't make the music switch from an outpost track to a normal one.
- Restricted pet name tag to 32 characters.
- Instead of a static starting wallet of 2500 marks, the players get 8500 minus the price of the starting sub.
- Replaced existing skill progression feedback with skill increase popups.
- Added new music track, "Extraterrestrial Broadcast".
- Fruits now float on water.
- Added a HSV color picker in sub editor that can be accessed by clicking the small color preview rectangle in the property editor.
- Ctrl+V keybind in sub editor now pastes on the position of your cursor instead of at the center of the screen.
- Holding Alt and dragging the mouse now brings up a measuring tape in sub editor.
- Added "bindkey", "unbindkey" and "savebinds" console commands that can be used to assign console commands to keys.
- Disabled hotbar slot keybinds when holding the Windows Key on Linux.
- Allow banning players who've left the server by clicking on their name in the crew list or server log.
- Husks now ignore incapacitated characters. They also know how to crouch to reach stunned/ragdolled characters lying on the floor.
- Improved the waypoint generator.
- Added store-specific Daily Specials and Requested Goods that change as the game progresses: Daily Specials are cheaper to buy and Requested Goods are more profitable to sell.
- Added store-specific price variance: every store has its own small price factor that affects all item prices.
- Hammerhead spawns are no longer afraid of being shot with sub's turrets. They also try to get in more aggressively.
- Readjusted the flame particle positions on the welding tool and the plasma cutter.
- Lowered the electrical skill required for wiring oxygen tank shelves and diving suit lockers.
- Mission cargo items are now marked with the red hand item. Taking them is considered stealing.
- Added Glowsticks.
- Added an option to change the text scale.
- Show cave entrance markers on the Sonar Monitor during mineral Missions.
- Bots report ballast flora when they see it.
- Bots operating turrets now report what they see. They also call "firing" a bit less frequently.
- Bots using a coilgun/railgun report which kind of enemies they see.
- Fixed medics sometimes not letting go of the character they're treating after running out of medical items.
- Fixed medics not ignoring targets that they can't heal, because they don't have the items for it, which caused the medics to be trapped in a looping behavior.
- Outpost NPCs can arrest or kill players who try to cause leaks in the outpost.
- Changes to how the bots operate repair tools, so that they won't fail so easily when the water forces kick in.
- Bots (only the crew) now tolerate a bit more damage from repair tools before reacting.
- Bots should now properly respect ignored targets also when they are already targeting the item when you tell them to ignore it.
- Fixed bots not equipping diving gear when the oxygen level is low and there is no leaks/water in the hull, causing them to suffocate.
- Fixed bots "forgetting" autonomous operate (operate reactor or steer) orders if the objectives happen to fail.
- Fixed bots sometimes incorrectly abandoning a movement objective, when the path requires a diving gear.
- Bots should now know how to get back inside through gaps in the hull.
- Fixed NPCs not being able to repower the reactor if the player somehow manages to unpower it.
- Bots now run when they are ordered to clean up things.
- Bots now ignore mudraptor eggs (to not foil your evil plans by cleaning them up).
- AI Pathing: Fixed a huge penalty given to stairs causing characters to choose weird paths to avoid stairs.
- Fixed bots running towards a door when they can't find a path while following a target, which was not the intended behavior. The bots should now stop moving and wait in place instead.
- Fixed docking port not always being properly connected to a door, causing a missing link between the waypoints and making it impossible for the bots to access the port on some subs. The accepted distance is now relative to the docking port's sprite's height so that all doors inside the sprite should be treated as close enough. Additionally you can manually link a door to a docking port in the sub editor.
- Fixed bots thinking that they need a diving suit to access certain drones/airlocks on subs that the creator haven't manually removed the waypoints on the ladders outside the airlock door. There's no need to remove those waypoints anymore, although it shouldn't matter if you do.
- Bots should now always heal players when ordered to. They still use a threshold for targeting other bots, but it's now slightly higher (90 instead of 85). This only applies when the bots are ordered, not when they act on their own.
- Bots now speak about not having any targets after a 3 sec delay. Fixes bots sometimes complaining that there's no targets even when there are.
- Fixed bots not properly ignoring non-interactable containers.
- Fixed bots dropping off from ladders when they first try to go up using a ladder and then down using another ladder right next to the first ladder. Happened especially in Kastrull.
- Fixed bots taking items from mission cargo containers (e.g. clean up or rescue).
- Fixed bots not properly checking the line of sight while trying to extinguish fires.
- Bots don't anymore drop empty oxygen tanks in the sea, if they have room in the inventory.
- Bots should now take oxygen tanks with less than 80% either to an oxygen generator or an oxygen tank shelf. Secondary places for non-empty tanks are the diving and the supply cabinets.
- Bots should now take battery cells with less than 80% to a battery or charging dock (added "batterycellrecharger" tag for these items).
- Bots don't yell anymore that they need more oxygen when they are running out of oxygen and have a non-empty oxygen tank(s) in their inventory.
- Fixed bots not respecting the Wait order inside ruins.
- Bots now shoot ice spires when the sub is moving towards them or if they are very close to the turret.
- Bots steering the sub now report ice spires they spot on the sonar.
- Bots now switch batteries when operating scooters. They also unequip the scooter if they run out of batteries, instead of just swimming with it.
- Bots now know how to switch batteries to the stun baton.
- Bots don't drop empty welding tanks or ammunition in the sea anymore, if they have room in the inventory.
- Fixed bots not shooting through turrets that block the line of sight.
- Fixed mods not being sorted correctly until changing the order through the settings.
- Fixed mod load order not being restored correctly when leaving a server.
- Status effect definition attributes are now case insensitive.
- TriggerEvent in StatusEffects now supports inline events and the event tags have been renamed to "statuseffecttarget" and "statuseffectentity".
- Added support for defining a contextual name for an order (e.g. "Wait" and "Wait Here").
- Added support for IntegerInput elements (with "min" and "max" attributes) for the CustomInterface component.
- Option to define character variants that override some parts of another character. See the "Content/Characters/Variants" folder for some usage examples.
- Fixed a number of crashes in custom repair tools, especially if they operate on their own without requiring a user.
- Added "needsair" attribute to husk affliction, when set to true it disables low oxygen resistance granted by husk affliction.
- Fixed crashing when a StatusEffect targets a removed limb.
- Fixed conditional "And" comparisons not always working correctly when targeting items (the conditional needed to be true on the item and all it's components).
- Added support for overriding textures on character variants. Only supports overriding the entire texture, not separate textures per limb.
- Added support for overriding animations on character variants.
- Added min and max conditions (in percentages) for preferred containers.
- Added support for randomized deconstruction output: Deconstruct elements now support "chooserandom" and "amount" attributes, Item elements support "commonness" attribute.
- Added ClearTagAction that removes the specified tag from the event.
- Added CheckAfflictionAction that can be used to check if a character has an affliction.
- Added "InWater" property to characters.
- Planter component now triggers "OnPicked" status effects when interacted with.
- Allow items with a kinematic physics body to have a connection panel component.
- Fixed HasStatusTag conditionals only checking the first active status effect.
- Fixed multiple characters spawning when a character infected with multiple different types of husk afflictions dies.
- Fixed desync when entering a new level when there's a logbook with a very long message in the sub or in someone's inventory in the multiplayer campaign.
- Fixed very large numbers of submarines in the "Submarines/Downloaded/" folder causing excessive loading times, freezes and high memory usage.
- Delete submarines from Submarines/Downloaded when launching the game and hide downloaded subs from menus. The folder is now essentially a temporary folder for storing a server's submarines during a game session, not a place for persistent storage.
- Fixed crashing when trying to "select matching items" when right-clicking a linked sub in the sub editor.
- Fixed filename case issues and using backslashes instead of forward slashes in mod file paths causing errors on Linux and Mac.
- Fixed crashing when trying to respawn a bot in the multiplayer campaign.
- Fixed server list only showing up to 50 servers.
- Fixed connections that have the same start and end location sometimes getting generated on the campaign map, leading to a crash when trying to load the campaign save.
- Number input boxes don't clamp the value until the input box loses focus or enter is pressed. Fixes clamped values being very difficult to edit.
- Fixed a crash in GetDisguisedSprites.
- Mission events unlock the mission even if the conversation gets interrupted.
- Fixed lights on turrets rotating around the origin of the item, not the origin of the barrel.
- Fixed nav terminal's "velocity_in" input doing nothing.
- Fixed newly placed coilguns and searchlights not rotating the light sprite in sub editor.
- Fixed R-29 cargo lights not toggling on.
- Fixed missing waypoints in Berilia.
- Fixed docking ports' DockingDistance not being affected by the scale of the item.
- Fixed KarmaManager's MaxStructureDamageKarmaDecreasePerSecond not working as intended, allowing karma to decrease more than it should when doing lots of structure damage in a short time (e.g. when using explosives).
- Fixed engine's propeller hitbox not being moved or scaled when the engine is rescaled.
- Fixed holes in walls becoming non-see-through when starting a new round in the campaign.
- Fixed corrupted/invalid content packages whose xml file can't be loaded being added to the list of content packages, leading to a crash.
- Fixed devices failing to receive power if connected directly to a docking port's power connection without a junction box or relay in between.
- Fixed "disallowed upgrades" field not being taken into account in the upgrade UI when using prefab identifiers.
- Fixed level generation sometimes failing to generate the complete path to the destination.
- Fixes to docked subs being placed on the wrong side of the docking target in some cases (namely, when neither of the ports is connected to a door). Also added "ForceDockingDirection" setting to docking ports to enforce the direction if the automatic logic still fails due to some weird port setup.
- Fixed "velocity invalid" error if a monster that's indoors eats a corpse that's outdoors or vice versa (e.g. if you drag a corpse through the airlock while a monster is eating it).
- Fixed diving suit not giving any protection for radiation sickness.
- Fixed conversation prompts not disappearing if the controlled character dies when executing subactions (for instance, when the clowns are approaching the players at the beginning of the "clown relations" event).
- Fixed crashing when taking control of a black moloch with console commands.
- Fixed character editor creating tiny limbs if the mouse cursor goes outside of the sprite sheet area when the user is drawing a new limb. Drawing new limbs is no longer restricted to the sprite sheet area (it still works in display screen space!).
- Fixed husks and humanhusks targeting turrets when they are inside the submarine.
- Fixed monsters sometimes choosing weird paths when the hulls are flooding.
- Fixed assignment tooltip sometimes being displayed on command interface when it shouldn't be.
- Fixed ability to open manual assignment for orders targeting all characters.
- Fixed player characters' orders not being reset in between multiplayer rounds.
- Fixed "unignore" icons being displayed in multiplayer.
- Fixed crew list background blocking mouse input.
- Fixed order icons being always displayed over container when the order target is contained.
- Fixed CustomInterface component's UI text not reflecting the actual signal when changed by another player in multiplayer.
- Fixed inconsistencies in meds when fired from a syringe gun.
- Fixed thalamus spawning too many leucocytes in wrecks (particularly on higher difficulties).
- Fixed ability to choose a campaign save filename that's illegal on Windows when hosting a server on Linux or Mac, preventing Windows players from joining the server.
- Fixed workshop item download prompt not fitting on the screen when trying to join a server that has a large number of mods installed.
- Fixed being able to hear ready check ticking when the popup wasn't visible.
- Fixed an occasional lag following a crash when there's Spinelings present in the game (#4453).
- Fixed autopilot trying to steer away from connected subs that aren't directly docked to the main sub (e.g. drone docked to a drone docked to the main sub).
- Fixed a crash in the character editor when editing a limb's source with "adjust collider" enabled and if the source rect's size is zero or negative.
- Fixed docking ports not locking client-side if hulls fail to generate between the ports (e.g. if the thing docking to the sub doesn't have hulls).
- Fixed subs with a tall shuttle docked on top sometimes spawning partially inside the level's top wall.
- Fixed melee weapons being able to hit through walls/doors as long as the origin of the item is on the same side of the wall/door as the user.
- Fixed ballast flora jamming doors permanently if it dies while trying to drown a player in the ballast tank.
- Fixed pets not spawning at the position of the owner.
- Fixed rare "failed to generate a wall (not enough vertices)" error when generating a level.
- Fixed ability to see inside secure steel crates without appropriate access by swapping them with a normal crate.
- Fixed welded doors staying stuck and nav terminal not getting reset when redispatching a shuttle.
- Fixed mudraptor shells spawning outside the mudraptor's inventory.
- Fixed recovered shuttles disappearing if you quit during the round immediately after purchasing shuttle recovery in multiplayer campaign.
- Fixed logbooks always spawning in the same cabinet in a given wreck.
- Fixed items with a physics body disappearing when they are outside hulls during saving.
- Fixed items attached to walls (e.g. signal components) deattaching when resetting them to prefab values in the sub editor.
- Fixed characters that have been turned invisible by psychosis staying invisible when you switch to them.
- Fixed crashing when selecting a client who's controlling a monster in the tab menu.
- Fixed "where no man has gone before" achievement being impossible to unlock due to the depth being calculated incorrectly.
- Fixed submarine switching deleting all upgrades in multiplayer.
- Fixed Hammerhead Matriarch often not being able to break the sub's walls when hitting it.
- Fixed Hammerhead Matriarch's head deforming incorrectly (this fix may affect any modded content using conditional sprites with deformations).
- Fixed crash in sub editor when copying a linked submarine that you lacked the original file to.
- Fixed turrets and searchlights having incorrect light rotation when minimum rotation limit was the same as maximum rotation limit.
- Fixed popup messages preventing you from steering on the navigation terminal.
- Fixed inability to start a server when there's a very large number of subs installed.
- Fixed XP messages flying away when inside a moving sub.
- Potential fix to occasional disconnects with an "index was outside the bounds of the array (ENTITY_POSITION)" error message. Happened when lots of items and characters were being created and removed in rapid succession, for example when using turrets against large numbers of enemies.
- Fixed a rare crash caused by an "index out of range" exception in Hull.Update after loading or mirroring certain custom submarines.
- Linked subs inherit the submarine class of the parent sub. Fixes drones/shuttles on deep diver subs getting crushed in the late game levels.
- Fixed nav terminal displaying pressure warnings when the sub is past the crush depth of a non-upgraded sub.
- Fixed monsters sometimes spawning inside floating ice chunks.
- Fixed wrecks sometimes blocking cave entrances.
- Fixed Kastrull drone flooding when undocking using the button next to the hatch.
- Fixed wire/component placement grid having a too high opacity.
- Fixed ancient weapon being sometimes unable to damage ruin walls.
- Fixed bots getting removed from the crew when starting a multiplayer campaign, returning to the lobby during the first round and then reloading the campaign.
- Fixed crashing when entering a new level in the campaign when an inactive pump has been infected with ballast flora.
- Fixed ballast flora branches respawning instantly if they're destroyed while they're growing towards a target.
- Fixed crashing when attempting to place components outside of the submarine in test mode.
- Fixed inability to rewire beacon stations when rewiring is disabled on the server.
- Fixed repair tools that aren't held causing a crash upon use (only affects modded items).
- Fixed raycast weapons (revolvers, shotguns, SMGs) sometimes not hitting monsters in specific areas outside the sub.
- Fixed submarine's price field being difficult to edit in the sub editor due to the value getting clamped above the minimum price while typing in the box.
- Potential fix to certain projectiles (e.g. harpoons, spineling's spikes) sometimes causing erratic physics behavior and errors (ragdolls going crazy, submarine getting launched off at a high velocity...) when they stick to the submarine or to characters.
- Fixed occasional crashes when swapping to another character's ID card with a diving mask or diving suit on.
- Fixed ruins sometimes spawning partially inside level walls.
- Fixed the game occasionally failing to generate a crash report when it crashes.
- Fixed occasional console errors when loading a submarine with a ballast flora infection.
- Fixed ambient lighting not affecting the submarine's outer walls.
- Fixed wire nodes getting messed up between campaign rounds if the wire was mirrored horizontally while placing it.
- Fixed ruins sometimes spawning with some of the wires disconnected.
- Fixed ice spires sometimes spawning too close to the start/end of the level.
- Render egg sprites in front of minerals.
- Fixed dancing coilguns. (Uncharted Depths)
- Remade textures.
- Branching level paths.
- More varied level layouts.
- Added small explorable caves alongside the main path.
- Made the floating ice chunks destructible.
- The areas outside the traversable path are solid instead of hollow, so it's no longer possible for monsters to spawn "outside the level" or for the sub to get lost at the wrong side of the level walls.
- Ice Spires: tall, protrusions that cut holes in the submarine if you hit them.
- Piezo Crystals: environmental objects that drain power from the submarine when you get too close to them.
- The Biomes further on the campaign map are deeper down in the ocean, meaning that crush depth starts higher up in the level. The biomes near the end of the map require hull upgrades to traverse safely.
- Improved resource (minerals and plants) spawning: resources now spawn in clusters which can contain multiple instances of the same resource.
- Made thermal Artifacts a bit more manageable: they now start a fires periodically, not continuously.
New missions:
- Nest missions where you need to enter a cave to destroy a monster nest.
- Beacon missions where you have to repair and power up a "beacon station".
- Mineral collection missions where you have to locate and mine a mineral cluster.
Additions and changes:
- Added ballast flora, a plant-like organism that can infect the submarine and leech power from junction boxes and batteries. A ballast flora infection may be contracted by passing through a colony of ballast flora spores (which are faintly visible on the sonar).
- Added a new monster, "Spineling".
- Adjustments and balancing to the way locations change to other types of locations: habitation now spreads faster as the player explores the campaign map further.
- Added new military outpost music track.
- Submarine hull upgrades increase the submarine's tolerance to pressure, allowing it to dive deeper without getting crushed by pressure.
- Deep Diver subs can dive 20% deeper than other subs without getting crushed.
- Added mineral scanning functionality for sonars: enabled by default for handheld sonars, can be enabled for other sonar devices in the Sub Editor with Sonar component's "HasMineralScanner" property
- Added Concatenation Component (a signal component that joins two inputs together).
- Added a ready check that can be used to check if everyone is ready to depart from an outpost in multiplayer.
- Added "ignore" Order that can be used to prevent bots from using/repairing/taking specific items or devices.
- Discharge coil's range can be visualized by holding space while one is selected in the sub editor.
- Level difficulty affects the way outpost events are chosen (the more difficult events don't occur until later in the campaign).
- Non-wiring-related items become transparent in the sub editor's wiring mode.
- Improved turret range visualization in the sub editor.
- Made skill checks in outpost events probability-based: a low skill doesn't mean you'll always fail, just that you're less likely to succeed.
- Reworked bonethresher's behavior and attacks. Tigerthreshers now protect Bonethreshers with a low priority. Minor tweaks to the ragdolls and animations.
- Added water percentage output to water detector.
- Reduced scrap spawn rates in wrecks.
- Removed the explosive cargo mission variant where one of the explosives spontaneously explodes.
- Split combat missions into a separate game mode.
- Added a toggle for transparent wiring mode.
- The "Leaving Start Location" track isn't played at outposts.
- Increased default KillDisconnectTime to 5 minutes.
- Added pet food item.
- Added support for defining sonar icon colors in XML.
- Neutralize ballasts in submarine test level.
- Items can be attached to level walls.
- Fixed Watcher's Gaze causing severe effects inside the submarine.
- UI: Moved the navigation controls to the right side of the sonar view and readjusted the layout.
- Moved the cleanup order to the last in the maintenance category.
- Flagged certain parts of the nose and tail of the vanilla submarines as non-targetable, because the monsters tended to go inside the nose/tail parts too often.
- Increased the sound ranges for Tigerthresher, Leucocyte, Terminal Cells, Mudraptor, and Crawler (should make them more audible).
- Crawlers, Tigerthreshers, and Spinelings now avoid being killed by the engine (more or less).
- Adjusted the avoiding behavior for monsters.
- Bots don't anymore clean up other diving suits when they have one equipped already.
- Bots don't anymore take diving suits off inside outposts (unless they have to).
- Fixed bots getting stuck on ladders when their body is near the floor.
- Fixed bots equipping diving gear too eagerly when the oxygen level drops in the room.
- Fixed all npcs and bots using the "Passive" idle behavior. Changed the guard idling so that they now more and prefer longer distances. Also other crew members should now move slightly more than previously.
- Increase combat priority of some tools so that the bots prefer those to toy hammer.
- More descriptive bot dialog when they can't find items they're looking for.
- Diving suits the bots have dropped in an outpost are automatically moved to the cargo bay when departing from the outpost.
- Outpost security allows "stealing" diving masks and suits if the outpost is flooding.
- Bots keep more distance to the player while following underwater and outside the sub.
- Fixed a rare crash in AIObjectiveIdle.Wander method.
- Bots now defend themselves (if possible) also when they are being attacked outside of the submarine.
- Bots should no longer hoard fuel rods.
- Fixed bots getting stuck while swimming near the submarine, because they kept switching between different steering modes.
- Fixed bots not avoiding other submarines connected to the submarine they are heading to while swimming around the submarine using waypoints.
- Fixed broken walls near hatches/doors sometimes preventing characters from entering the sub/outpost through the hatch/door.
- Fixed security or bots that have been ordered to fight enemies first fleeing from the enemies.
- Fixed bots sometimes failing to put out fires in multi-hull rooms.
- Fixed bots not being able to clean up items that occupy both hands (like the fire extinguisher).
- Fixed bots having issues with empty items while operating the reactor or the turrets, causing them e.g. to not knowing how to load the target item.
- Fixed outpost NPCs sometimes "cleaning up" the spawned toolbox in the event "clownrelations1".
- Fixed bots loading more rods to the reactor when the load is too high, even if the current amount of fuel is already enough to maximize the output.
- Added "IgnoreWhileInside" and "IgnoreWhileOutside" parameters on character targeting parameters.
- Added ranged projectile attacks for monsters. See Spineling for an example. Note that there are five different rotation modes for the projectile aiming: Fixed, Target, Limb, MainLimb, and Collider.
- Added a "sweep attack", which makes the creature sinuate while closing to the target instead of moving straight towards it. Used on Spineling.
- Added limb hiding (permanent or temporary) with status effects. Used on Spineling.
- Added limb breaking with status effects.
- Allow characters to move full speed after attacking, when the cooldown is active. The property is found in the attack definition.
- Allow to use the idle behavior (wandering) after attacking, during the cooldown.
- Added "OnlyOutside" and "OnlyInside" attributes for status effects. Affects only the targets of the effect.
- Fixed particle's "LoopAnim" property doing nothing.
- Fixed occasional "missing entity" errors caused by the server failing to write an ID card's data in a network message.
- Fixed a bug that sometimes caused power to desync in multiplayer: when connecting the second end of a wire to a device other than a junction box, the server would sometimes not register the wire as being connected.
- Fixed previous messages disappearing from terminals and logbooks when transitioning to a new level in the campaign.
- Fixed sprite depths in dockingmodule 2, should prevent z-fighting.
- Fixed crashing when a bot abandons AIObjectiveCombat due to the target being in a different sub (e.g. if a character the outpost security is chasing moves from the outpost to the sub).
- Fixed undocking enabling all disabled nodes instead of just those that were connected to the docking port in question.
- Fixed EventManager to always choosing the same events from identical event sets in a given level. Meaning that if a level for example had 3 monster spawns that spawn either a crawler or a mudraptor, and the first event spawned a crawler, the rest would as well. In practice this lead to there being less variation in monster spawns than intended.
- Kastrull: Added more waypoints around the drone so that bots know how to get around it when it's docked to the main sub. Also fixed the airlock waypoints not being linked to the doors, causing the bots not being able to operate them.
- Fixed Health Scanner HUD showing a disguised character's true identity.
- Fixed health interface showing the original face and occupation of disguised characters.
- Fixed changelog layout getting messed up in the main menu after changing the resolution.
- Fixed some structures turning into wrecked versions when reloading the core content package with the "reloadcorepackage" console command.
- Fixed vent output being calculated incorrectly in multi-hull rooms.
- Fixed switch state being toggled when selecting them in the sub editor's wiring mode.
- Fixed engine not being affected by low power unless the voltage is low enough to turn it off completely (in practice meaning that there's not benefit to supplying the engine more than 50% of it's power consumption).
- Fixed characters getting healed between campaign rounds in single player.
- Fixed atan component output being inconsistent: the output was only correct if the y input was received after the x input during the same frame.
- Fixed crashing if a character's hands get severed while repairing something.
- Fixed stored non-shadow-casting lights being subtracted from the shadow-casting light count in the sub editor.
- Fixed autocalculated submarine price not being saved if the player doesn't touch the price field in the sub editor's save dialog.
- Fixed OnContained/OnNotContained StatusEffects not running if the itemcomponent is not active. In practice prevented oxygenite shards from supplying power until someone moves them. May have caused some other issues as well.
- Fixed console error when deconstruction Bufotoxin.
- Fixed reputation loss when "stealing" fire extinguishers from outposts when there's a fire.
- Fixed periscopes outputting rotation values incorrectly when connected to something else than a turret (e.g. camera).
- Fixed resetting game settings reloading content packages, causing items to disappear if the settings are reset when a round is running.
- Fixed pet's hunger/happiness values and inventories not getting saved between rounds.
- Fixed pet name tags disappearing client-side between rounds.
- Fixed empty oxygen tank not triggering the warning sound of a diving suit's oxygen supply.
- Fixed StatusEffects targeting "NearbyItems" only being able to target the Item instance, not the ItemComponents.
- Fixed "deceased" text wrapping in the health interface on small resolutions.
- Fixed open subinventories remaining visible on screen when using a railgun, coilgun or periscope.
- Fixed zoom getting stuck whenever exiting a railgun, coilgun or periscope and instantly hovering on an inventory slot.
- Fixed turret range upgrades not increasing the range of the turret's spotlight.
- Fixed all monsters spawned by the same monster event having the same sets of items.
- Fixed disconnected, hanging wires sometimes appearing at the wrong end of the wire.
- Fixed progress bar saying "welding" instead of "cutting" when cutting open a welded door.
- Fixed explosion damage to items not being diminished if there are obstacles between the explosion and the item.
- Fixes to flamer particles going through walls.
- Fixed items that are included in multiple categories (e.g. oxygen tanks, battery cells) not appearing in the sub editor's entity list unless using the search bar.
- Fixed psychosis sounds affecting all players.
- Fixed fabricators and deconstructors deteriorating even if they're not running.
- Fixed crashing when selecting a fabricator linked to a deconstructor or vice versa.
- Fixed "hide offensive server names" tickbox working the wrong way around in the server browser.
- Fixed console errors when setting an engine's max force to 0.
- Fixed in ability to damage huskified crew members if friendly fire is disabled.
- Fixed prototype steam cannon particles going through walls.
- Fixed "engineers are special" outpost event not giving XP when successfully helping the NPC.
- Fixed "propaganda" and "clown outbreak" outpost events not triggering.
- Fixed wires not appearing in some item assemblies placed in the sub editor until the sub is saved.
- Fixed decorative sprites being positioned incorrectly on mirrored items (such as pumps and fabricators).
- Fixed rotation limits being incorrect on turrets that have been mirrored before saving the sub.
- Fixed crashing when a bot is left to idle inside ruins.
- Fixed deconstructing an SMG magazine causing an SMG round to drop on the ground.
- Fixed empty SMG magazines not deconstructing to plastic.
- Fixed SMG magazines in character's inventories spawning SMG rounds at the start of a round (again).
- Fixed console errors in StatusEffect.GetPosition when applying a delayed status effect on a removed character.
- Fixed the latching behavior on Crawlers.
- Fixed latched creatures not releasing the sub when the submarine moves fast enough (defined in the latching behavior definition).
- Fixed outpost events sometimes triggering on dead/unconscious players.
- Fixed wifi component accepting input from chat regardless of the "link to chat" setting (the setting only determined if the component outputs the messages to the chat of the player holding the item, making it only useful for headsets).
- Fixed an issue that caused freezes when opening the server browser.
- Fixed "there is not enough room in the input inventory" error when placing a legacy medical fabricator in the sub editor.
- Fixed picking up a captain's pipe selecting it, preventing aiming until the item is deselected.
- Fixed hitscan projectiles briefly dropping out of the weapon client-side when fired.
- Fixed inability to play the campaign from the same local network when hosting with the dedicated server.
- Fixed crashing when clicking "spectate" in the server lobby after connection has been lost.
- Fixed occasional "too much data in network event" error messages.
- Fixed clients assigning different initial location reputations than the server, causing the round summary to display random reputation loss/gain when leaving the first outpost.
- Fixed "No AI Target" property not working properly.
- Fixed a rare crash when crawlers latch to a submarine.
- Fixed the vanilla submarines not always having any wrenches, which causes the bots not being able to fix mechanical items if they don't have a wrench in their inventory. Also made sure that all engineers have a wrench when they spawn.
- Fixed recovering and repairing a shuttle not removing the wall damage client-side.
- Fixed crashing when a hull smaller than 16x16px is painted or becomes dirty.
- Fixed characters not being visible when viewing an area far away from the player with a drone in multiplayer. (Halloween 2020: Creepy Creature Feature)
- Fixed inability to pick up chitin chunks.
- Fixed event manager considering pets to be enemies, leading to monster spawns being delayed or disabled altogether when there are pets inside the sub.
- Fixed bots having difficulties in entering/exiting the airlocks.
- Fixed doors not obstructing waypoints after docking.
- Fixes to pet syncing.
- Fixes to pets disappearing when transitioning between levels.
- Removed small crawler egg (was only intended for testing).
- Kastrull: Fixed the airlock waypoints not being linked to the doors, causing the bots not being able to operate them.
- Most fruits can be fed to pets.
- Increased the time it takes for pets to get hungry.
- Decreased pets' item production rate.
- The number of monsters now increases the event intensity more than previously, which should spawn monsters less frequently.
- Added some unarmored mudraptors to low-difficulty levels.
- Fixed crashing when a character takes damage from something else than another character attacking them (e.g. volcanoes).
- Fixed some steering issues where bots would return to the last waypoint instead of continuing with their current path when they should.
- Fixed occasional "velocity invalid" error messages when a character gets hit by a very fast projectile (e.g. coilgun bolt).
- Fixed severed tiger thresher heads doing the "death wiggle" animation.
- Fixed water flow sounds not disappearing over time.
- Fixed throwing an item that has no status effects (such as a flare) causing a crash.
- Fixed chitin helmet spawning in armory cabinets.
- Fixed event intensity going down immediately when the situation gets less intense instead of gradually returning to normal. Should make it happen less that more monsters are spawned soon after the player survives the previous wave of monsters.
- Fixed monsters using the Escape state when they should use the Flee state.
- Fixed Threshers not dying after being beheaded.
- Fixed heads or other extruding limbs being severed also when their root body takes damage.
- Fixed bots trying to get inside outposts (from outside) that they can't and shouldn't be able to enter to.
- Fixed very small creatures getting stuck on waypoints.
- Test changing the assignment logic for maintenance/operate orders: if the player doesn't specify the target character, use the bot who already is following the same order. The intention is to make it easier to change the target item of the order. The draw back is that ordering multiple bots to man the turrets now requires an extra step: specify the target character.
- Reworked Watcher.
- Added Pets (can be obtained by buying eggs from outposts). The pets produce items that can be used for crafting if they're kept happy and well-fed.
- Added a new AI behaviors: Observe, Follow and Freeze.
- Added Toolbelt (a wearable container with a capacity of 12 and it's own dedicated slot) as a replacement for the Toolbox.
- Improvements to the effects caused by psychosis: the affliction icon is not visible to the psychotic character, the fake fires and floods are a bit more convincing, the affliction plays random sounds and can cause other characters to become invisible.
- Added capture group support to RegEx component.
- Added black and white paint.
- Added optional "forbidden word filter" to the server browser. The filter is off by default. The list of forbidden words can be modified by editing the file "Data/forbiddenwordlist.txt" in the game folder.
- Increased the damage of 40mm Grenades.
- Misc improvements to the tutorials.
- Added undo and redo functionality to the Submarine Editor.
- Added animations and lights to pump, fabricator, deconstructor and engines.
- All explosions now inflict explosion damage instead or in addition to lacerations.
- Nerfed the mudraptor slightly: the head and the tail armor should now break more easily; increased the cooldown of some attacks.
- Mudraptor's armor now explodes when destroyed.
- Added an unarmored variation of mudraptor.
- Bonethresher's head is now vulnerable to gunshotwounds and lacerations.
- Adjusted the appropriate jobs for bots.
- Changed the automatic crew selection logic for orders.
- Only show either electrical or mechanical repair order for the contextual selection, depending on which skills the item requires.
- Previous order icons of the same type are no more created, no matter if the target was different than the current.
- Tigerthreshers can now attack inner walls of the submarine. They still need help to get inside.
- Changes to the Tigertherthresher's main collider that should improve the overall movement.
- Option to make particle emitters modify the color of the particles.
- Set a limit to how many bots you can hire in the campaign (currently 16).
- Explosions caused by Sodium, Potassium, Magnesium and Lithium being exposed to water don't trigger additional explosions (e.g. Oxygen Tanks don't explode if they happen to be next to a sodium explosion).
- Pumps and relays placed in the sub editor are on by default.
- Added sounds for the Nausea affliction.
- Nausea now inflicts a minor Stun and Internal Damage when the character throws up.
- Monsters now stop fleeing after a while, if they are not being chased and can't perceive the target anymore.
- Implement spread, speed, and rotation for the spawn item status effects.
- Minor damage (less than 1 hp) doesn't spawn particles anymore.
- Rebalanced upgrade parameters, allowing for more noticable benefits.
- Allow closing the splash screens with esc.
- Added more copper to Chalcopyrite and Bornite deconstruct recipe.
- More calcium for Aragonite, adjusted prices.
- Made large monsters immune to Paralyzant (mudraptor is the largest affected monster).
- Use player name instead of server name for the server owner when hosting a server.
- Don't draw turret range indicators in the sub editor when the turret isn't selected.
- Adjusted Hammerhead's posture.
- Minor adjustments to Mudraptor's animations.
- Added Scale and Offset to Light Sprite's parameters.
- Fixed the Constant Torque parameter not working right.
- Allow to enable/disable tail angles per limb. Previously the angle was only applied to the first limb of type Tail.
- Added per limb multipliers for sine animations (fish tail movement).
- Exposed the fleeing and avoiding times on the monster AI parameters.
- The Light Sources on characters can now be defined with conditionals.
- Added HealthMultiplier parameter that can be used in StatusEffects like SpeedMultiplier.
Character Editor:
- Fixed a number of issues with the joint limit widgets. Also allowed to set a joint to rotate clockwise, which inverses the widget direction. Useful for heads or other limbs that extrude right from the main body.
- The colliders of the hidden limbs are now hidden in the game view.
- Changed the hotkey for toggling the parameter editor from "Tab" to "F1" and fix the inability to toggle the editor when a text field is selected.
- Fixed load and save interfaces being broken on lower resolutions.
- Added 2 new background music tracks
- Added a new, separate sounds for opening and closing the alien doors
- Added a new sound for medium-sized fires
- Added new heartbeat sound for suffering from low oxygen
- Added new sounds for the hull creaking
- Added a new sound for a broken pump
- Added a new sound for tinnitus after an explosion
- Added a new sound for alien artifacts
- Added a new sound for electrocution
- Added a new sound for husk footsteps
- Added new misc. UI sounds
- Added a new variations for some existing sounds
- Improved some existing sounds
- Exposed GUI sound definitions in the sounds.xml file
AI improvements and fixes:
- Added a new AI behavior and order: cleanup items.
- Fixed severe performance hit when damaging outpost NPCs with a weapon that does continuous damage (for example a flamer).
- Reworked the contextual "Wait" order: the order now targets a position instead of an entity.
- Bots are now allowed to more things even they are not inside the player sub. For example they can be told to extinguish fires in the outpost or rescue crew members inside a wreck (when they are at the same place). WIP.
- Bots now try to put oxygen tanks to oxygen tank containers, before the oxygen generator or supplycab.
- Bots now re-equip hats, helmets, and other clothing that they have unequipped for being able to wear diving gear.
- Bots now use the underwater scooter when they have one in the inventory.
- Bots should now be slightly smarter when putting off fires.
- Bots don't anymore retaliate if they are being shot while there is an enemy around. Fixes #3840.
- Fixed a number of cases where bots would get stuck or fail to fix a leak.
- Fixed bots with steering order targeting the shuttle nav terminal instead of the main nav terminal.
- Fixed NPCs getting aggroed by certain drugs (e.g. anaparalyzant).
- Fixed bots not prioritizing the wall mounts for containing the extinguishers.
- Fixed monsters targeting inner doors when they shouldn't (#3891).
- Fixed outpost guards attacking the player for defending themselves against the aggressors on the event "mediator".
- Fixed NPCs not reacting when the player is attacked.
- Fixed AI considering characters on the opposing combat mission team as friendly.
Misc fixes:
- Fixed clients always getting the generic "could not connect" error message when connecting to a server fails, even if there's a specific reason to the connection failing (e.g. disallowed symbols in the player's name, mismatching content packages or game version).
- Fixed yet another cause for "missing entity" errors. Occasionally happened in monster missions when a monster happened to get assigned the same ID as an item in a player's inventory.
- Fixed clients spawning a respawn shuttle in non-campaign missions even if the server has disabled respawning, leading to "missing entity" errors.
- Fixed planters dropping removed seeds after a save is reloaded.
- Fixed plants not updating the health after being fully grown in multiplayer.
- Fixed decal syncing working unreliably in multiplayer.
- Fixed "level doesn't match" errors after leaving a shuttle/drone behind in the multiplayer campaign.
- Fixed painted/dirty walls going to full opacity when transitioning to a new level in the campaign.
- Fixed crashing when trying to render a light whose range is less than 1 pixel.
- Fixed crashing when using a repair tool causes an explosion (e.g. when killing a terminal cell with a plasma cutter).
- Mudraptor: Adjusted and fixed the animations.
- Fixed irrelevant damage modifiers (like bleeding) affecting the damageemitter's particles. In practice, this caused damagemodifiers with bleeding modifier 0 not spawn any particle effects when the limb was hit.
- Fixed extinguish fires not working with extinguish fire orders if the room has not enough oxygen.
- Fixed the user set state of the crew list not being respected; autohiding/showing shouldn't change the state set by the player.
- Fixed significant lag spikes at outposts with many NPCs. Caused by too frequent pathfinding calls, when an NPC can't find a path to the target.
- Fixed AIState.Protect throwing exceptions when an attacker has been removed.
- Fixed status effects targeting nearby characters/items failing to launch, unless they used the "Active" effect type.
- Fixed crashing when trying to crouch while swimming in the character editor.
- Fixed pause menu being togglable during level transitions, causing errors if quitting the game during a transition.
- Fixed wire disappearing from the character's inventory and from the walls when getting shocked from attaching the 2nd end of a wire in multiplayer.
- Fixed airlock warning light in Kastrull not turning off when the airlock door is closed.
- Made plants non-combineable.
- Fixed random submarine selection setting for servers occasionally selecting non-submarines.
- Fixed dedicated servers still showing up as "playstyle-less" in the server browser.
- Fixed sounds defined in affliction status effects not working.
- Require at least 1 kick vote before kicking someone, no matter how low KickVoteRequiredRatio is set to.
- Fixed gaps being misplaced on certain wall structures, preventing certain walls from leaking in some subs (for example the wall above Typhon's junction compartment).
- Fixed "Select Matching Items" crashing in the editor when used with submarines with a linked submarine.
- Fixed hull above Kastrull's drone not being connected to the rest of the hulls, preventing oxygen from flowing between the drone and the sub when docked.
- Fixed junction boxes' signal connections passing power/load information.
- Fixed crash when trying to clone a linked sub that you don't have the submarine file for in the sub editor.
- Fixed incorrectly scaled items in the diving gear cabinet/locker assemblies.
- Fixed inability to sell faraday artifacts when the condition of the artifact is 0.
- Fixed monsters not fleeing if the attacker is a bot.
- Fixed OnImpact statuseffects not launching if the impact was negative (e.g. when a moving sub hits an item that's below the sub).
- OnDamaged status effects now launch only when there's any damage. Not when the damage is zero.
- Fixed health bar pulsating even when no damage is done by an attack/status effect.
- Fixed affliction probability not having any effect when used in status effects.
- Fixed EventManager crashing if there are no event sets configured for the current location type (only affected mods that add new location types without adding any events for them).
- Fixed items held in the left hand being drawn in front of the characters.
- Fixed ability to drag and drop items into outpost reactors.
- Set terminal's maximum message length to match maximum chat message length (otherwise chat-linked terminals work differently in multiplayer).
- Fixed diving suit's low oxygen warning beep not following the player wearing the suit.
- Fixed "propaganda" and "clown outbreak" outpost events never triggering.
- Fixed "clown brutality" event getting stuck after the NPCs have been spawned.
- Fixed "impromptu engineering" event giving only one coilgun ammo box despite the text saying 2.
- Fixed "black market" event always giving the player the alien pistol.
- Fixed incendium bars exploding when pressing the Use key while holding one.
- Fixed outpost security not reacting to players throwing items that explode on impact (e.g. flash powder or nitroglycerin).
- Fixed outpost security reacting to raptor bane extract injections with lethal force.
- Fixed mantis' animation.
- Fixed multiple wire nodes occasionally getting placed with one click when rewiring.
- Fixed fire and water flow sounds staying active when returning from a multiplayer session to the main menu.
- Fixed previously discovered map tiles becoming undiscovered when saving and loading a campaign.
- Fixed 1st shot from SMG magazines spawned with console commands doing nothing.
- Fixed calyxanide not damaging huskified humans or crawlers.
- Fixed explosives exploding when combining them results in one being removed.
- Fixed items that don't flip horizontally being positioned incorrectly in mirrored subs.
- Added gardening: four different growable plants that produce specialed fruits which can be crafted into different items, or just thrown about and splattered on the hulls of the sub.
- Added cleaning: decals are now persistent and water gradually dirties up the submarine's walls. The dirt and the decals can be cleaned with a special tool that can also be used to paint the walls.
- New submarine, the heavy transportation ship R-29. Original design by "Rav2n".
- Overhauled mudraptor: new sprites, more varied attacks and heavier armor.
- Option to change the channel on the headset, making it possible to do things like secret communication on another channel or devices that react to commands sent on a specific channel.
- Added a verification prompt when trying to handcuff yourself.
- The inventory of handcuffed players isn't hidden completely, just locked (with a tooltip that explains why it's locked). Hiding the inventory was confusing to many new players, and it was easy to mistake it for a bug.
- Added directional markers that show the locations of the interactable NPCs in outposts.
- User's helm skill affects engine output.
- The game is paused when the campaign map is open in the single player campaign.
- The campaign map is automatically closed if the submarine gets too far from the end of the level while the map is open in multiplayer.
- Clients are allowed to view the campaign map even if they don't have the permissions to select the destination or the mission.
- The docking confirmation prompt is only shown when attempting to redock to the outpost you just left from.
- Wrecks are now properly initialized when spawned with "spawnsub" console command.
- Readjusted the attacks for the Husk and the Humanhusk.
- Added the option to select the minimum number of players required on the server for traitors to become active to the server settings menu.
- Log when clients modify the properties of an item (e.g. light colors, signal component settings).
- Allow selling items as long as their condition is over 90%.
- ID cards can be sold (as long as they're not in the player's own ID card slot).
- Disallowed selling items in equipment slots.
- Added cancel button to the "reconnecting to server" message box.
- DockingPort, Turret and LightComponent toggle connections ignore 0 signals.
- Traitor victims get a message saying they were killed by a traitor.
- Stack chat message popups when the chatbox is hidden instead of just showing one at a time.
- Switches now have lights that indicate whether they're on or off.
- Added "fuel_out" output to reactors.
- Added "set_light" connection to turrets.
- Made stun gun darts craftable from any type of wire.
- Outpost generator uses the first module type defined in the outpost config as the 1st module instead of forcing it to "airlock" (making it possible for modders to create outposts with another type of entrance module).
- Mission rounds end automatically if there are more living players inside the outpost than outside it, even if the sub is not at the end of the level.
- Made togglehud command usable in the sub editor for nicer screenshots.
- Characters don't gain helm skill when the sub isn't moving. Prevents grinding the helm skill when the sub is docked or maintaining position.
- Improved the way solid obstacles reduce explosion damage. Non-broken doors and walls nullify the damage almost completely.
- Fabricator continues fabricating when transitioning to a new level while it's running.
- Hid movement orders from the contextual command interface when there are orders of another type available.
- Made improvements to store interface tooltips. They now include the item name and should be displayed more consistently.
- Disabled automatic crew list sorting. The order now remains the same throughout the round.
- Added a second previous order icon to the crew list.
- Added character godmode, renamed mainsub godmode command to 'godmode_mainsub'.
- Increased sub editor auto save slots from one to 8 by default.
- Made logbooks sellable.
- Equipping a weapon activates it's reload time (capped to a maximum of 1 second), preventing bypassing the reload times by swapping between multiple weapons.
- Hide campaign NPC icon when the NPC is dead or incapacitated.
- Bots now prioritize stunning melee weapons based on their damage if they run out of battery.
- Made antidotes cheaper and easier to fabricate.
- Location reputations are shown when overing the cursor over a location in the campaign map screen.
Modding improvements and fixes:
- The order of all installed mods (not just the enabled ones) is now saved into the config file.
- Workshop mods can now be downloaded and installed automatically before joining a modded server.
- Disabled the Executable content type due to issues with cross-platform support.
- Fixed Unsubscribe button sometimes failing to delete mod content.
- Fixed a crash when attempting to modify the currently selected core package when other core packages aren't available.
- Fixed a modding-related crash at startup.
- Increased the "SeverLimbsProbability" cap (for items) from 1 to 10. The value is multiplied together with the joint setting "SeveranceProbabilityModifier", and limiting the value to 1 makes it impossible to boost the probability of some weapons/attacks.
- Fixed negative rotation speeds not working on decorative sprites.
- Fixed ItemPrefabs loading after AfflictionPrefabs.
- Previous enabled mods are restored when leaving a server.
- Added support for "periodic effects" (effects that execute every x seconds) to Afflictions. See the new "nausea" affliction for a usage example.
AI improvements:
- Using the fire extinguisher when there is a fire is no longer considered stealing by the NPCs.
- NPCs now spawn an oxygen tank if they can't find any. They don't spawn diving gear though.
- NPC guards now spawn more handcuffs if they don't have any and are trying to arrest a target.
- NPCs now spawn a welding fuel tank, if they can't find any. They don't spawn welding tools.
- Some adjustments to the logic on when a diving gear is required and when it's not.
- Bots now avoid idling in narrow hulls. Instead of taking the whole hull volume into account, they now give weight only for the width of the room.
- Bots should now avoid idling in flooding hulls even when they have proper equipment.
- Medics don't anymore try to rescue targets that are fixing leaks.
- Medics now try to replace empty oxygen tanks for their targets before dragging them into safety. They should also take the suit off when it's not needed.
- Security officers and those who are ordered to fight intruders now actively seek new weapons if they have a poor weapon or run out of ammo.
- Bots don't try to move while grabbed by a friendly character.
- Bots now detect and ignore leaks that other bots are targeting.
- Bots don't anymore try to decontain diving suits when the path to the cabinets is flooding.
- All crew members now try to keep the reactor running, unless the player orders someone to shut if down or turns it off manually.
- Bots shouldn't anymore try to operate items that other bots are targeting (previously they used to walk next to the device and only then continue).
- Removed the following autonomous objectives from medic and the security officer: fix leaks, repair systems, and pump water.
- Bots should now give a high priority on items that they are currently repairing, no matter if the decision to repair that item was made by them or the player controlling the character.
- Bots that operate/fix should now wait a few seconds before heading on their business (previously only in idle state). They are not allowed to wait in some circumstances, like when they are underwater or when there's a threat around.
- Fixed items that are added outside hulls not getting saved in the sub editor.
- Fixed "missing entity" errors in multiplayer if the respawn shuttle despawns after its walls have started leaking.
- Fixed submarine upgrades, hired bots and purchased items disappearing if the round immediately after the purchases ends due to returning to the server lobby or the crew dying.
- Fixed characters spawning with a 100% husk affliction on the next round if they've become huskified during a multiplayer campaign round.
- Fixed dedicaters servers not setting a play style.
- Fixed servers with no play style showing up as "Serious".
- Fixed attachable items teleporting back to the player's inventory in multiplayer if they first equip it and then attach it immediately.
- Fixed duplicate saves in the multiplayer campaign's "load save" tab when the server is running on the same machine as the client.
- Fixed broken junction boxes carrying signals from other junction boxes.
- Fixed bots disappearing from the campaign save when loading a save that was done in a level between 2 uninhabited locations.
- Fixed mp campaign sometimes loading an outpost level with no outpost and forcing the player to the map view. Happened when a campaign save that had been done in a level between 2 natural formations was loaded, which would mess up the save and cause the bug when quitting and reloading the save.
- Fixed submarine voting not working in the server lobby.
- Fixed outpost events repeating more often than they should.
- Fixed dedicated servers always being public.
- Fixed right mouse button not behaving correctly in the campaign UI when using left-handed mode.
- Made endpoint checks in the banlist more robust.
- Certain audio errors no longer crash the game.
- More Fabricator syncing fixes.
- Fixed molochs bleeding when they take any damage on the brain/main body.
- Fixed attacks never being able to do more than 100 hp damage per affliction, which resulted for example nuclear explosions and railgun shots being too weak -> re-adjusted railgun and explosion damages.
- Fixed bots failing to get an item if their inventory is full.
- Fixed bots sometimes running towards a wall after extinguishing fires.
- Fixed Husks trying to target floors/ceilings.
- Fixed the security not reacting when being attacked by a friendly character with the husk stinger.
- Fixed the Husk infection not progressing properly in multiplayer (#3673.)
- Fixed taking more husk damage reducing the Husk infection when its strength was higher than 50 (#3673).
- Fixed creatures in the group "human" not being considered friendly, which prevented creating friendly non-human characters.
- Fixed bots not always prioritizing the selected (contextual) targets first when ordered.
- Fixed incorrect priority calculations for repair objectives that causes bots to make weird decisions on what to repair.
- Fixed latched monsters ignoring decoys. Also changed the latching logic a bit, which has some minor implications on the gameplay.
- Fixed a crash when "money" cheat command was used used in the main menu.
- Fixed bots suffocating in diving suits, because they were unable to take the suit off when they should. (#3333)
- Fixed bots sometimes being unable to hit with melee weapons, especially in the "arrest" mode or when the target is down.
- Fixed bots sometimes getting stuck when they are fixing leaks while they are a bit too far from the target.
- Fixed bots insisting on equipping the diving suit before accessing Kastrull's drone.
- Fixed bots rapidly turning left and right when they are positioned between a wall and another bot in the idle state.
- Fixed one of the Thalamus spawn organs always dying because the hull was not flooding in Wreck1.
- Fixed bots failing to take account all the items in the inventory. Addresses cases where bots are confused because there are some empty/broken items and some full/functional items in their inventory.
- Fixed bots getting stuck in the find safety state when they can't find any safe hull (e.g. all the hulls are flooding and they don't have a suit).
- Fixed bots avoiding lethal pressure in some cases even when they have a diving suit.
- Fixed bots being unable to get the diving gear when some of the hulls in the path are flooding.
- Fixed bots failing to switch oxygen tanks when the tanks are empty. They don't yet know how to use the oxygen generator for refilling the tanks (coming later).
- Fixed many AI objectives not resetting properly, causing many separate issues.
- Fixed bots trying to use stabilozine to treat internal damage even though it only treats poisonings.
- Incapacitated bots now forget what they were doing. Fixes bots shooting at the player when revived after being shot by the player.
- Fixes and improvements on NPC/bot reactions when being attacked by the player.
- Fixed the devotion not working right for the subobjectives of looping objectives. Should fix cases where the bots keep switching repair/fix targets, resulting in looping walking behavior.
- Fixed coils not triggering in some alien ruin rooms.
- Fixed misaligned oxygen tanks in the oxygen generator.
- Fixed misaligned railgun shells being in the single loaders.
- Fixed explosives not triggering inside depth charges.
- Fixed damage modifiers overriding each other instead of stacking, causing some protective items to make the characters less protected.
- Fixed skill checks in the "sound in the vent", "mediator" and "big brother" events always failing.
- Fixed conversation prompt staying open after finishing either of the "Mike the Idiot" events.
- Fixed attacks never being able to do more than 100 units of damage per affliction, making some weapons less effective than they should be.
- Fixed inability to override item assemblies with mods.
- Fixed items contained inside another item in an item assembly not getting saved in the sub editor.
- Fixed links between entities not getting saved in item assemblies, causing doors to create a duplicate gap when the assembly is placed.
- Fixed stabbing with a syringe bypassing the medical skill check.
- Fixed piercing coilgun bolts going through level walls.
- Fixed particles sometimes going through walls (example case: Typhon's ballast pumps).
- Fixed SMG magazines always spawning a bullet at the start of a round even if there's already one inside the mag.
- Fixed respawn shuttle sometimes spawning with upwards velocity.
- Fixed mining outposts sometimes failing to generate, causing the game to use one of the old pre-built outposts as a fallback.
- Fixed "acid party" traitor mission causing a crash if there's only one player on the server.
- Fixed ruins sometimes spawning close to the beginning/end of the level, blocking the way to the outpost.
- Fixed crew members that have been removed during the round (e.g. despawning, turning into a husk) reappearing on the next round.
- Fixed round summary displaying "new hire" instead of the status of recently hired characters who've died during the round.
- Fixed monsters often spawning behind the submarine even if there are valid spawnpoint ahead of it.
- Fixed duct blocks in vanilla subs being repairable with a welding tool instead of a wrench.
- Fixed giveperm, revokeperm, giverank, givecommandperm and revokecommandperm not working when executed on a player with spaces in their name by a client.
- Fixed occasional crashes at the end of the round due to a race condition where SteamManager tries to check for damaged walls while the sub is being unloaded.
- Fixed mudraptor eggs never hatching.
- Fixed the "giveaffliction" command not accepting the affliction identifier as a parameter in multiplayer.
- Fixed the contextual repair order being shown even if the item was not in need of repair.
- Fixed a networking bug that caused "index out of bounds" and "missing entity errors" (although there are probably other bugs remaining that can cause these error messages). Happened in multiplayer campaign when a purchased or player-owned item happened to take the ID of an existing structure during the start of the round.
- Fixed inability to give Operate Weapons order when there's only 1 turret.
- Fixed store total not updating properly when location reputation changes.
- Fixed bots not being able to reach leaks that are behind intact walls.
- Fixed pause menu staying open when clicking "Save and quit" in an outpost level.
- Fixed all saves getting hidden from the "load game" menu when deleting a save.
- Fixed projectiles staying active if picked up mid-flight, causing them to hit the character when dropped from the inventory.
- Fixed a crash when taking control of a previously player-controlled character that has turned into husk.
- Fixed attacks working unreliably when controlling a monster in multiplayer.
- Fixed grenade launcher's muzzle flash causing items' OnFire effects to trigger.
- Fixed clicking on the job name not selecting the job as a preference.
- Fixed bots running back and forth after reaching the target waypoint if there's nothing telling them otherwise. Now the bots should continue running towards the target as intended.
- Fixed "sound in the vent" and "giving directions" events not giving any rewards.
- Fixed prices not refreshing in the store screen if the crew's reputation changes while inside the outpost.
- Fixed characters not getting stunned when failing to repair an oxygen generator.
- Fixed missing fire extinguisher in securitymodule_03.
- Fixed secure steel cabinets not requiring a key card to open in securitymodule_01 and 02.
- Fixed campaign setup menu sometimes randomly selecting an invalid sub when opening the menu.
- Fixed monster attacks not working inside ruins.
- Fixed doors not working in AlienDoorAssembly2.
- Fixed ability to link hulls to each other multiple times.
- Fixed bots triggering the campaign map by undocking from outposts.
- Don't allow the current location or the destination to change it's type at the end of a round (i.e. an uninhabited location can't turn to an outpost as you're entering it).
- Bots don't try to power up the reactor unless ordered to in outposts.
- Fixed "invalid docking port network event" error if the ID of the port has changed after the event has been created (e.g. if one of the clients happens to have an item with the same ID in their inventory).
- Fixed changes to spawn point's text properties not saving in the sub editor without pressing enter.
- Fixed ability to "bypass" sonar disruptions by switching to passive sonar before the active ping reaches the disruption.
- Fixed incorrect diving suit deconstruction recipe.
- Fixed faraday artifact not playing the explosion effect in multiplayer.
- Fixed ability to bypass vote kicks by changing your name before you get kicked.
- Fixed killing a character with morbusine not unlocking the "Poisoner" achievement.
- Fixed killing a moloch that's the target of a mission not unlocking the "Killed a Moloch" achievement.
- Fixed Berilia's and Typhon's docking ports not being connected to the power grid.
- Fixed contained item positions not being updated if they're inside a non-equipped item in a character's inventory (e.g. a sonar beacon inside a toolbox).
- Fixed sonar beacon staying active after running out of battery.
- Fixed stationary batteries being able to provide power when broken.
- Fixed pumps being impossible to adjust manually after they've received a signal through the "set_targetlevel" connection in multiplayer.
- Fixed sub names and save times disappearing from the "load campaign" menu in the server lobby after deleting a save.
- Fixed autopilot being turned on automatically at the start of a round on nav terminals that control a shuttle/drone remotely.
- Fixed names not being color coded according to job in the server lobby when a round is running.
- Fixed non-mission artifacts sometimes spawning inside level walls.
- Signal components don't output anything if the result of an arithmetic operation is undefined (square root of a negative value, division by zero, inverse trig function outside the defined range).
- Fixed handcuffs becoming unequipped client-side on successive campaign rounds.
- Fixed copypasting a single docking port/hatch or a wire in the sub editor placing it very far from the submarine.
- Fixed characters not dying, but still being unable to move, if they get crushed by pressure when they have the vigor affliction.
- Fixed crashing if a turret receives a NaN signal in the position_in connection.
- Fixed crashing when trying to reselect the current preview image as the preview image for a workshop item.
- Fixed shadow-casting convex hulls being calculated incorrectly on hatches with windows (only affects mods that add hatches with windows).
- Fixed custom items disappearing when saving a sub if the sub is both the items and the sub are configured in the same content package.
- Fixed nullref exception if a client joins or disconnects when tab menu's crew tab hasn't been initialized.
- Fixed Dugong's oxygen generator being rewireable with a wrench instead of a screwdriver.
- Fixed particles not being emitted when cutting ores.
- Fixed unwired lamp in EngineeringModule_01.
- Fixed tunnel background being interactable in ResearchModule_02.
- Fixed inability to interact with hidden linked containers in multiplayer.
- Fixed undocked linked subs being positioned incorrectly when entering a new level in the campaign.
- Fixed players not getting notified about shuttles being left behind when docking with an outpost in the campaign.
- Fixed salvage missions not completing if the item is inside a subinventory (for example a toolbox).
- Fixed rejoining clients not gaining control of their previous character if they've changed their name.
- Fixed healthbar being positioned incorrectly on large resolutions.
- Fixed fabricator's hover text saying it's repairable with a screwdriver.
- Fixed last hit from a stun baton doing nothing.
- Fixed diving suit lockers that have been recolored in the sub editor reverting to default color when a suit is placed inside them.
- More reliable syncing of doors' stuck state. Should fix doors appearing usable client-side even though they're actually welded server-side or vice versa.
- More reliable memory component and text display syncing.
- Fixed events that require a specific item not taking items in subinventories into account.
- Fixed events where the player has to pay for something being possible to complete even if the player doesn't have enough money.
- Made "goodsamaritan" and "huskcultist" events remove the items from the player immediately after opting to give/use the item. Otherwise it's possible to keep the item by dropping it from the inventory before dismissing the conversation prompt.
- Fixed events that increase the medical skill giving the character a duplicate medical skill entry.
- Fixed light sprites not rotating when rotating an item.
- Fixed contained items not rotating when the container is rotated.
- Fixed legacy railgun controllers being fired with the Use key instead of the Shoot key.
- Fixed XP popups not showing up in multiplayer.
- Shuttle batteries can't be damaged by explosions because they can't be repaired.
- Fixed text overlapping with the icon in the "purchased supplies have been delivered" popup.
- Fixed mission notification appearing in front of the round summary.
- Fixed crawler walking/running animations when the creature is facing left.
- Fixed irrelevant damagemodifiers affecting the final damage when multiple damage modifiers exist. (New Frontiers)
- Fixed bots going to operate the reactor/navterminal in the main sub when they are inside the outpost. Now they should only be allowed to do this when ordered to.
- Fixed mechanic tutorial getting softlocked if the oxygen tanks are put in the deconstructor without putting them in the player inventory first (e.g. by putting them inside a diving mask and moving them from there to the deconstructor).
- Fixed "failed to spawn item, component index out of range" error when an item that originally spawned in a container has been moved inside another container whose ItemContainer component doesn't have the same index as the previous one (e.g. when moving items from cabinets in a wreck into a toolbox).
- Fixed dialog prompts in the "clownrelations1" and "engineers_are_special" events being displayed to all players in the server.
- Fixes to localization issues (text overflows, some texts being displayed in English regardless of the selected language).
- Prevent selling items contained inside an item equipped in Head, OuterClothes, or Headset slot (should prevent accidentally selling your headset batteries or oxygen tanks in your diving mask).
- Fixed changes during the last campaign round not being saved.
- Fixed campaign character being recreated on every round start after modifying it via the tab-menu during a campaign.
- Fixed crashing when clicking the "close" button in the end credits in multiplayer campaign.
- Reset stores and unlocked missions when finishing the campaign.
- Fixed open subinventory slots staying visible during the campaign end cinematic.
- Fixed talk icon not disappearing from NPCs when another client finishes the conversation.
- Made end round button more noticeable.
- Added a missing platform to Wreck1.
- Added burn and lacerations resistance for assistant clothes, removed gunshotwound resistance.
- Raised explosive and piercing coilgun ammunition prices, reduced quantity by 25%.
- Limited availability of piercing and explosive rounds at cities to 1 box.
- Fixed bots getting stuck on ladders when there are two ladders next to each other and no non-ladder waypoint between them.
- Outpost medics won't anymore try to heal NPCs that are turned hostile by an event.
- Fixed OnActive StatusEffects not working on Vent components.
- Fixed clients crashing if they can't find a preview image for a campaign sub.
- Fixed characters not getting slowed down when walking/running in a partially flooded hull.
- Fixed end biome being used in sandbox/mission modes.
- Fixed event prompts not having a scrollbar if the first message is too long.
- Made chemical and explosive crates water proof to make it possible to use them for transporting water-sensitive materials.
- Made levels in the Cold Caverns and Europan Ridge biomes a little smaller.
- Gray out upgrades on the UI if the user lacks campaign management permissions.
- Disable elements in crew hiring menu when lacking permissions.
- Idling bots don't try to steer away from each other if there are characters standing on both sides. Fixes groups of bots "spazzing out" in small spaces.
- Fixed all clients seeing the mission-related conversation lines.
- Fixed last conversation the huskcultrelations event showing up for all players.
- Fixed mission notifications being appended to whatever conversation prompt a client has active.
- Fixed Dugong not receiving power through the docking hatch.
- Fixed unwired junction box in ResearchModule_01.
- Fixed occasional "connection index for mission out of range" errors when unlocking missions in multiplayer campaign.
- Refresh upgrade store when granted manage campaign and manage round permissions.
- Fixed client's character data not getting saved in the multiplayer campaign if they disconnect but their character doesn't get killed by the disconnect timer.
- Fixed tiny buttons in wrecks.
- Fixed crawler mask not showing up on characters.
- Fixed returning to lobby not triggering a proper reload of the campaign save when continuing.
- Fixed SmokeDetector's Output and FalseOutput properties doing nothing.
- Fixed some locations sometimes not being connected to the rest of the campaign map (example seed: JKPNeh4f).
- Fixed characters being able to play instruments while stunned.
- Attempt to fix the game process sometimes staying active after the game is closed.
- Fixed mining outposts sometimes failing to generate.
- Fixed purchased items not spawning if the crew dies and the previous save is loaded in the multiplayer campaign.
- Fixed clients not seeing subs they don't have in the campaign setup's purchasable sub selection.
- Clients who die due to a disconnection in the multiplayer campaign get to keep their character when they rejoin.
- Fixed submarines with spaces or commas in the name breaking campaign saves.
- Fixed favorite and recent server queries causing errors if there's a very high number of them.
- Fixed audio not working on some systems.
- Fixes to incorrectly sized item colliders.
- Fixed monsters not spawning in the first few levels of the campaign.
- Fixed store interface switching to the Buy tab after receiving a campaign state update in multiplayer campaign.
- Gray out items on store lists when the player doesn't have the relevant permissions.
- Putting outpost items into crates and toolboxes now gets the guards riled up.
- Fixed "kill" not being marked as a cheat command.
- Alarm buzzers and sirens turn off if they're deattached and picked up.
- Fixed wire that's connected between two docking ports becoming visible and interactable when leaving an outpost.
- Fixed subinventories being drawn on top of campaing interfaces.
- Fixed selecting purchasable submarines not working on non-host clients with campaign management permissions.
- Fixed ResearchModule_01 not being fully powered.
- Fixed initial campaign cinematic being shown to clients who join mid-campaign.
- Explorable, procedurally generated outposts.
- Interactable NPCs: things such as hiring, unlocking missions and purchasing supplies are now done by interacting with NPCs instead of just a menu.
- Multi-step, branching scripted events in outposts.
- A reputation system that affects how outposts and factions relate to you and your crew. High reputation can make NPCs give you discounts for supplies or unlock special events and event outcomes, while low reputation may turn outposts hostile towards you.
- Items can now be sold in outposts.
- Persistent bots in multiplayer campaign.
- Bots can be hired in multiplayer campaign.
- New campaign map.
- The end location is now reachable (do note that the ending is still not completely final).
- Submarines can be upgraded: for example, you can increase the durability of the walls and make devices more powerful, less prone to malfunctions or less power-hungry.
- Submarines can be purchased and switched during the campaign.
- Improved end-of-round summary.
Miscellaneous changes and additions:
- Overhauled most structure and item sprites to make the artstyle more consistent.
- Balanced economy (item prices, hiring costs).
- The currency is now called the Europan Mark instead of credits.
- 4 new background music tracks.
- Tons of new decorative items and structures.
- Chairs you can sit on.
- Allow characters to hear messages sent through the radio when within speaking range of the speaker, even if the characters don't have functional headsets.
- Made organ damage non-limb-specific.
- Hostile bots now take stunning into account when evaluating the weapons. I.e. switch from stun baton to diving knife if the target is stunned and back to stun baton if it's not.
- Sodium and lithium explode in water.
- Item sprites can be rotated in the sub editor.
- Purchased adrenaline glands spawn in crates.
- Allow changing audio output device in the game settings.
- Added "Is On" property to pumps to make them easier to turn on in the sub editor.
- Tuned difficulty of level events, now with a less severe difficulty curve and more account taken of intensity.
- Numerous quality of life and visual improvements for stock subs.
- Mission specific creature variants.
- Node based event editor.
- Crawlers tuned to be considerably more dangerous.
- General creature balance improvements.
- Creatures avoid targeting the same targets as other characters of the same swarm/type. Should considerably reduce the "stacking", where multiple creatures attack exactly the same target.
- Bots can rescue/heal targets when they are inside wrecks/outposts.They are not allowed to switch submarines during the objective.
- Molochs' skirts are now fully severable and collide with the sub instead of floating through the walls.
- Grenades and syringe guns can be put inside toolboxes.
- Headsets no longer consume battery power
- Steam networking fixes and additional logging to address issues with some clients being unable to join servers.
- Ignore ballast tanks when calculating flooding in EventManager. Fixes intensity going up when a submarine with large ballast tanks dives.
- Fixed gaps generating incorrectly on sloped walls that have been mirrored vertically (horizontal gaps when they should be vertical and vice versa), preventing water from getting through the wall when it's damaged.
- Fixed sub MD5 hash not getting recalculated when saving a sub, causing a mismatch when trying to host a server without restarting.
- Fixed item highlights being visible in the generated sub preview images.
- Fixed cargo spawning partially inside walls in Azimuth.
- Fixed ragdoll going crazy when trying to run a wire past the maximum length.
- Fixed LOS effect "twitching" when the cursor is close to the character's position.
- Fixed handheld sonar pinging and quickly draining the battery when holding E.
- Fixed PowerContainer's charge indicator going outside bounds if the charge is set higher than the capacity in the sub editor.
- Fixed sub editor's entity list resetting when pressing esc.
- Fixed reactors degrading all the way to 0% condition and exploding when submerged.
- Fixed dumptofile command not including error messages.
- Fixed salvage missions not considering the item to be salvaged if it's inside a container in a character's inventory.
- Fixed ragdolls going crazy when moving directly from the sub to a ruin (e.g. when parking the sub so that the airlock is right against the entrance to the ruins).
- Fixed audio staying disabled when disconnecting and reconnecting the audio device.
- Fixed inability to detach an item the same round it's attached if it's been loaded from a save as a part of a character inventory at the beginning of the round.
- Fixed trying to give an order to a character who can't hear you when using the quick-assignment on the command interface.
- Avoid giving different campaign locations the same name.
- Fixed bots sometimes getting stuck in the "get item" objective, if the item was specified with a reference instead of identifier.
- Fixed bots getting stuck in broken hatches when they climb in ladders.
- Fixed a bug where a waypoint lost all the references when it was selected and the user pressed over an UI element, like the save button. (Moloch-sized Update)
- Added 2 new moloch variants: Black Moloch and Moloch Baby.
- Reworked Moloch.
- Overhauled level layouts and events (longer and more difficult levels).
- Added two new afflictions: medical items and poisons cause organ damage instead of internal damage and explosions cause deep tissue injuries. Both are functionally identical to internal damage, and treated with the same items.
- Added DXT5 texture compression to reduce memory consumption. Slightly increases loading times; if you're not short on memory, you may want to disable the compression from the game settings.
- Added partial dismemberment for live creatures. Currently enabled only for non-humanoids. (Dismembering dead bodies was already in the game).
- Destructible shells/armor -> Moloch's shell can now be destroyed.
- Added a new monster AI state: Protect.
- Increased the threshold for limping and changed the calculations.
- Added limping for non-human characters.
- Modded servers show up as purple in the server list.
- Added 4 new background music tracks.
- Added parameter autocompletion to the "spawnsub" command.
- All content types except UI styles are now hotswappable.
- Made Smoke Detector logic more accurate (no size restrictions on the size of the fire, the fire doesn't have to be inside the same hull).
- Added "Output" and "FalseOutput" properties to smoke detector.
- Option to define ambient light values for individual hulls in the Submarine Editor.
- Characters float in place instead of sinking when staying still underwater.
- Improvements to water flow forces: flowing water can push characters around much more heavily now.
- Balanced item prices and fabrication/deconstruction recipes.
- Balanced medical items.
- UI layout improvements when using an ultrawide resolution.
- Added "set_channel" input to Wifi Components.
- Added "power_value_out" and "load_value_out" outputs to reactor.
- Added search/filter boxes to content package list in the settings menu and item lists in the Workshop menu.
- Added submarine filter to the server lobby.
- Detonators are only triggered by non-zero signals.
- The state of toggleable controllers (= switches) can be set in the sub editor.
- Made toolboxes purchaseable.
- Added a warning to keep the drone door closed in Remora.
- All Thalamus cells die when the Thalamus dies.
- Removed "hold fire" option from the "operate weapon" order, display turrets on minimap as icons instead of text.
- Added some logic to prevent the game from modifying/deleting any vanilla content in any situation.
- Readded Legacy Carrier (doesn't spawn naturally but can be spawned with console commands).
- Modified Typhon 2's coilgun rotation limits a bit so it isn't possible to hit the walls when firing at enemies near the airlock.
- Hulls can be multiedited in the sub editor.
- Placed down wires can now be re-equipped in the sub editor by double clicking a loose end.
- Added charging docks to Remora.
- Adjusted how pixel sizes are converted to meters (which are used to display the submarine's dimensions and distances on the navigation terminal). Previously 100 pixels corresponded to 1 meter, now it's 80px -> 1m, making the human characters about 1.75m tall.
- Distance calculations on the navigation terminal take the shape of the path into account instead of just using the direct distance to the target.
- Made improvements to the manual order assignment by adding always visible name labels, displaying indicators for characters' current orders, and repositioning the nodes.
- Reduced the damage range of fires, characters don't take damage from fires if there's a closed door or a wall in between.
- Always draw steering indicators at the center of the display instead of the center of the sub. Fixes indicators getting offset (sometimes even outside the display) during docking.
- Added option to give all command perms with the "givecommandperm" command by using "all" as the parameter.
- Wrecks with no predefined Thalamus items can no more be infested by Thalamus. Allows to create wrecks that always spawn without Thalamus.
- The "shut down" reactor order now allows the bot to continue doing other things after powering off the reactor, instead of just standing next to the reactor.
- Removed the "initiative" skill -> all bots should now react better when there's something to do. Note: this doesn't mean that they always react on everything. It's just the end of individualism. At least for now.
- Reduced the physical forces applied on characters when they are hit by melee weapons, harpoons, or frag grenades. Adjusted stun for crowbar and harpoon.
- Disabled retreat/escape behavior for the bots when they take damage from items or explosions. They still escape/fight back when attacked by other characters.
- Refactor the medic priority calculations/logic: Bots should never treat others autonomously, unless they are medics or ordered to rescue. Bots should always give a high priority for treating themselves, unless there's a medic on board.
- Adjusted the flipping logic of non-humanoids to make them flip less frequently.
- Monsters won't anymore target nasonov artifact unless it is inside the player submarine or in the player inventory.
- Made it possible to use repair tools with StatusEffect's UseItem.
- Made pressure deaths more moddable. Dying because of high pressure isn't hard-coded anymore, the characters are just given the barotrauma affliction which (by default) kills them.
- Added "HideConditionBar" property to items.
- Fixed wearables staying on the character when the item is removed by a status effect.
- Character light sprites can now deform. The cells of Thalamus (Leucocyte and Terminal cell) now use the deformable light sprites.
- Creature flipping parameters are now exposed. Adjusted the flipping for all creatures.
- Allow to define character joints as weld joints in addition of normal revolute joints. Weld joints don't rotate.
- Allow sound definitions to ignore the muffling effect.
- Exposed the "scatter" value and added new "offset" attribute for monster events.
- Added support for status effects in limb definitions (ragdoll file).
- Status effects defined in the character definition can now also target limbs.
- Added ActionType.OnSevered status effect for limbs.
- Creatures can now be set to disrupt sonar.
- Player attacks can now also use the conditionals (i.e. when player is controlling a character). Previously only the AI used the conditionals.
- Conditional sprites don't anymore require a texture definition.
- Conditional Sprites can now be non-exclusive -> Draw more than just one sprite at a time.
- Fixed conditional sprites not being able to target limbs.
- Fixed crashing when opening the tab menu when there are clients present with no job preferences set.
- Fixed "ColdCavernsMaze" levels sometimes being extremely short.
- Fixes to level generation when playing with a very large submarine.
- Fixed bots being unable to shoot at enemies from another room/hull.
- Fixed bots being unable to get items from dead bodies.
- Fixed submarines being unable to move vertically in the submarine test mode.
- Fixed crashing when starting a new round with no audio device (speakers, headset) available.
- Improvements to shadow/LOS rendering.
- Fixed double click being ignored if it's been less than 0.4s since the last double click.
- Fixed all servers sometimes not showing up in the server list (showing only the servers in the same/nearby region).
- Fixed "lone sailor" achievement not unlocking in single player.
- Fixed "Gaze in to the Abyss" achievement sometimes unlocking as soon as the round starts.
- Fixed characters sometimes being unable to exit the submarine when outside the borders of the level.
- Fixed ruin/wreck monsters not spawning if the submarine is too close to them.
- Fixed ruin items sometimes getting saved as a part of the main submarine in the campaign.
- Fixed rare "item with the same key has already been added" errors when starting a round (particularly when playing with a submarine with very large numbers of items/structures).
- Thalamus entities can't be selected in the sub editor when they're hidden.
- Fixed "spawnsub" console command not working.
- Fixed projectiles, welding tools and plasma cutters hitting destroyed Thalamus organs.
- Fixed reactor not shutting down if the turbine/fission rate are controlled via signals even the power switch is toggled off.
- Fixed reactor sliders not moving when they're controlled by signals.
- Fixed level triggers sometimes affecting entities that have left the trigger. The most noticeable effect was characters getting burn damage indefinitely after they've been close to a hydrothermal vent.
- Made flamers fire proof to prevents the flames from blowing up the fuel tank inside it.
- Don't allow harpoons to stick to very small limbs (such as mudraptor's "mouth tentacles"), because it lead to physics glitches.
- Fixed the husk infection crashing when turning the character, if either the non-husk or the husked variation has no inventory defined.
- Fixed characters getting weapon XP after using a turret, until someone else operates the same turret.
- Fixed characters being able to crouch when their pose is controlled by a controller (e.g. periscope, modded chair).
- Fixed bots being unable to aim correctly when operating a turret in another submarine (such as a remotely controlled coilgun in a shuttle).
- Fixed bots sometimes taking too much time to interrupt their current objective when the room they're in floods, causing them to get crushed by pressure.
- Fixed bots sometimes letting go of ladders too soon, preventing them from reaching certain areas (such as the upper platform in Berilia's cargo bay).
- Fixed multiple bots sometimes trying to treat the same person.
- Bots stop grabbing the character they're treating after they're done.
- Fixed harpoons going through doors.
- Fixed depth charges going through level walls.
- Fixed husks attacking human husks wearing a diving suit.
- Fixed first shot from a firearm that uses a magazine/clip not doing anything.
- Fixes to waypoints in Kastrull, Berilia and Remora.
- Fixed chat-linked wifi components not working in single player.
- Fixed chat-linked wifi components not working in multiplayer outside of combat missions.
- Fixed Azimuth using tutorial junction boxes instead of normal ones (the tutorial variants are indestructible and don't have signal connections).
- Fixed autopilot not being able to navigate past wrecks.
- More reliable syncing of door's breaking state. Fixes doors sometimes being impassable or impossible to repair client-side, particularly when joining mid-round.
- Fixed repairing doors getting interrupted at 50% when the door's collider is re-enabled and the character pushed out of the doorway.
- Fixed items getting used in the health interface when dropped on a subinventory slot in front of the interface.
- Fixed dedicated servers letting clients join with an invalid name when there's no server owner.
- Fixed server letting clients join with a name that's already taken.
- Changed "creating hulls between docking ports failed" from errors to warnings. Allows creating exterior docking ports that aren't next to a hull without having the console pop up every time the port is used.
- Fixed changing resolution not updating character inventory slot sizes properly, causing invalid spacing in dead characters' inventories.
- Don't allow detaching signal components when rewiring is disabled or the item's connection panel is locked.
- Fixed misaligned hull next to Wreck1's airlock.
- Fixed "attempting to remove an already removed item" errors when mass-deleting items. Happened because removing items a wire is connected to removes the orphaned wires automatically.
- Fixed multi-part subs (example case: The Aeche III) getting teleported to oblivion when flipped.
- Fixes to bots getting stuck or killed for no apparent reason when the player is very far from them, due to the bots switching to a "simple physics mode" which prevents them from doing certain kinds of interactions.
- The explosive cargo mission that places a block of Volatile Compound N in one of the crates no longer requires delivering the volatile block to the destination.
- Disabled crush depth in the submarine test mode.
- Fixed monsters staying invisible if they die far away from the camera view.
- Fixed very small limbs (mudraptor's mouth tentacles, husk appendages) launching off at a very high velocity, leading to glitchy physics behavior, when hit by a non-raycast projectile or an explosion.
- Allow subs to be saved to subdirectories of the "Submarines" folder (e.g. "Submarines/Downloaded").
- Fixed a couple of waypoints in Berilia that prevented bots from using the ladders.
- Fixed Husked Crawler bleeding red blood.
- Fixed the priority of the operate order being 69 when it should be 70, which sometimes caused bots to get stuck between two objectives (like repairing or fixing leaks).
- Fixed enemies always using the priority defined for "room" when they should use the priority for "sonar".
- Fixed monsters not being able to drop down from platforms/hatches etc. In practice they still have difficulties in getting down from the hatches when they don't swim because they are so big.
- Fixed bots ignoring themselves as a target when they are rescuing others.
- Fixed numerous issues in the monster behavior when simple physics is enabled. e.g. Ignoring targets or not being able to attack or eat them.
- Fixed hitting damage modifiers emitting a ridiculous amount of particles.
- Fixed some cases where bots fail to open the door that they should be able to open (because they skipped a waypoint without checking the doors).
- Fixed monsters not keeping inside the level.
- Fixed a crash when the command interface button was pressed while the player is controlling a custom monster that didn't have character info but was able to speak.
- Fixed monsters sometimes ignoring their target after attacking.
- Fixed submarine's version number resetting to when saving in the sub editor (didn't affect the actual saved sub file, only the in-game metadata that got fixed by restarting the game * so there's no need to do anything to fix the sub files you saved with the previous version).
- Fixed server list occasionally crashing when trying to filter based on game mode.
- Fixed an issue in multiplayer campaign that occasionally caused clients to get kicked with a "missing entity" error message.
- Fixed clients occasionally crashing when joining a server mid-round. Happened when the client tried to execute the attack of a monster that has already despawned server-side.
- Fixed local changes an user has made to a mod getting overwritten when the item gets autoupdated.
- Changed the hotkey to toggle the entity list in the sub editor from Q to the "toggle inventory" keybind to make it a little more user-friendly on AZERTY keyboards.
- Fixed corpses in wrecks being considered dead members of the crew in SteamAchievementManager, preventing "lone sailor" from unlocking and making it possible to unlock "last man standing" with just one character. (Rusted Remnants)
- Reimplemented carrier (now called Thalamus).
- New submarine, Azimuth.
- Miscellaneous performance optimizations.
- Improvements to traitor missions (slightly simpler, with clearer instructions).
- Reduced the skill requirements for mechanical repairs.
- Reduced the damage when a mechanical repair fails.
- Rebalanced Missions rewards.
- New water ambience sounds.
- Speed up despawning when there are lots of bodies inside the sub, enemies despawn x2 faster.
- Salvage missions can be completed by taking the artifact to the start outpost (the descriptions don't specify which outpost to return it to).
- Characters with insufficient skills can fail at mechanical repairs, causing minor injuries.
- Gaps that are inside a hull don't flood the sub, a warning icon is displayed on those gaps in the sub editor.
- Added submarine test mode to the sub editor.
- Moved the entity filter panel and "previously used" panel in the sub editor to the top left corner of the screen.
- Pressing enter after modifying the value of a text field in the sub editor is no longer required.
- "teleportsub" console command can be used to teleport the sub to the position of the cursor.
- The engine vibrates and plays a loud sound when it's damaged to indicate more clearly that it needs repairs.
- Added animated lights to alarm buzzers and sirens.
- Sonar beacon's label can be edited in-game.
- Assistants gain skills faster than other characters.
- Skills increase faster during non-campaign rounds.
- More noticeable particle effects on damaged devices.
- Added "itemdamage" parameter to the explosion command.
- Huskified characters turn to the final stage faster.
- Using the "dumptofile" and "findentityids" commands doesn't require a permission from the server.
- Added Scale and Color properties to DecorativeSprites.
- Added OnDamaged status effect type.
- Added lights that indicate the state of a docking port.
- Significantly increased the item damages of all explosives.
- Replaced the old husk stinger with tentacles (similar to Husked Crawler).
- Minor adjustments to Husk, Human Husk, and Husked Crawler.
- Modding: Added "probabilitymultiplier" attribute for damagemodifiers. Can be used to make items/armor affect the probability of getting an affliction.
- Diving suits now give some protection against husk infections.
- Light components can be set to flicker in the sub editor.
- Fixed odd movements when pressing the ragdoll button while stunned.
- Made it easier to interact with doors that are overlapping with a docking port/hatch.
- Option to disable bot conversations in multiplayer in the server config file.
Submarine Editor improvements:
- Removed character mode. All the functionality of the character mode is now supported in the default mode.
- It's possible to modify the properties of multiple selected entities at the same time.
- Autosaving (the submarine is automatically saved to a temporary file which can be recovered if the game crashes).
- Added hotkeys for a bunch of actions (the hotkeys are visible in the tooltips).
- Pressing F focuses the camera on the selected entities.
- Control + A to select/deselect everything.
- Hold shift to ignore the grid when placing / resizing.
- The outlines of all wires are shown in wiring mode.
- Orphaned wires are deleted automatically.
- The content of the search box isn't reset when switching entity categories.
- Mouse middle mouse dragging is now 1:1, previously the view moved too fast.
- Linked submarines now have visuals when dragging.
- Holding down arrow keys now continues to move the entity after a small delay.
- Changing the background color by shift right clicking.
Antigriefing improvements:
- Players can be kicked/banned/muted/votekicked and their ranks changed by right clicking the name in the crew list or chat.
- Karma penalty for stunning: gets progressively more severe the more stuns a player causes.
- Stealing weapons or ID cards from stunned/unconscious characters reduces karma.
- Added karma category to server log.
Tab menu improvements:
- Improved layout.
- Show the roles of the players (moderator, admin, host) in the player list.
- Characters can be muted/kicked/banned from the player list.
- List the players who have joined/left the server.
- Display spectators in the list.
- Show player pings in the list.
Command interface improvements:
- Contextual commands: characters can be ordered to operate/repair/use specific items by holding shift while enabling the command interface.
- Job icons are shown in the command interface to make it a little faster to differentiate between characters.
- Added separate orders for repairing electrical and mechanical devices.
VOIP improvements:
- Added a keybind for local voice chat (= it's possible to only speak to players next to you without everyone within headset range hearing it).
- Added an adjustable delay for cutting audio capture after the push-to-talk key has been released.
- Fixed audio being suppressed when someone speaks even if VOIP volume is low or completely muted.
Workshop improvements:
- "Enabling" a mod through the ingame Workshop screen is no longer a thing; subscribing to a mod is all you need to do for the game to install it once it's downloaded.
- Loading preview images and installing mods is done asynchronously (= no lag spikes).
- Added notifications to the main menu to indicate when mods are being downloaded and have been installed.
- Files are automatically added to the Workshop item publish menu as they're added to a to-be-published content package's directory.
- Fixed achievements not unlocking.
- Fixed positions of artifacts spawning in caves and on level walls getting desynced between the server and clients.
- Fixed new wire node being created at an item client-side if connecting the wire fails due to an electric shock server-side.
- Fixed clients executing console commands they don't have permission to use.
- Fixed enablecheats command not being relayed to server.
- Fixed light component and alarm siren/buzzer states occasionally getting desynced.
- Fixed inability to enter the sub through very small hulls.
- Fixed antibiotics not giving husk infection resistance when shot from a syringe gun.
- Fixed text overflows in the player management panel in the server lobby in languages other than English.
- Fixed searchlight toggle doing nothing.
- Fixed hulls that have minuscule amounts of water in them (too small to be even rendered) being able to trigger InWater effects and water footstep sounds.
- Fixed pumps dicarding the previously received set_targetlevel signal after 0.1 seconds, preventing manual control systems from working if the pumps aren't receiving a continuous set_targetlevel signal.
- Fixes to occasional crashes when rendering alien artifacts.
- Fixed radio chat key not working.
- Fixed reconnected clients not gaining XP.
- Fixes to sprite depth issues in Berilia's decorative fin structures.
- Fixed bots with an active order not switching to idle state when they have nothing to do, causing them to stand in place or walk against a wall.
- Fixed docking ports without a door sometimes getting linked to an incorrect door, preventing the door's linked gap from working correctly.
- Fixed monsters not spawning in ruins if the submarine hasn't left the starting outpost.
- Fixed freezing caused by SoundManager.InitStreamThread.
- Fixed generic Powered components (= charging dock) always using the default power consumption value defined in XML even if the power consumption is changed in the sub editor.
- Fixed last traitor objective's end message not being shown.
- Fixed command interface showing non-interactable devices as valid targets.
- Fixed dragged characters sometimes getting stuck on staircases.
- Fixed serious performance issues triggered by bot's combat and rescue objectives when there are no safe hulls left.
- Fixed characters being grabbable through walls.
- Potentially fixed a crash in GameMain.WindowActive caused by voice chat capture when the game is exiting.
- Spawn cargo above the floor structure of the cargo room, not above the bottom of the cargo hull. Fixes items spawning partially inside structures where the hull extends below the floor.
- Fixed all monsters bleeding red blood.
- Fixed light sprite's scale not being taken into account in light culling, causing lights with a large scaled-up light sprite to disappear before they're off-screen.
- Fixed damageable items not taking damage from repair tools.
- Fixed hitscan projectiles not hitting items.
- Fixed the short freeze when switching to the sub editor.
- Fixed sprites not being included in the xml element when using "copy to clipboard" in the particle editor.
- Fixed clients being able to use the number inputs in the multiplayer campaign store without the appropriate permissions.
- Fixed ability to buy more than 100 items of a kind despite 100 being the limit of how many purchased items of a kind can spawn.
- Fixed handheld sonar pinging when LMB is held, quickly draining the battery.
- Added some checks to prevent character sounds from crashing the game when audio playback is disabled.
- Fixed character collider's angular damping getting set to 0 if the character gets frozen, which caused the character's swimming animation to get wobbly.
- Fixed private messages not having the [PM] tag when dead.
- Fixed inability to open the health interface when hovering the cursor over another character, even if the character's health interface is inaccessible.
- Fixed bots being inactive when far away from all player characters.
- Fixed some particles (like muzzle flash) not being drawn on top of structures that are outside hulls.
- Fixed enemies being unable to target entities outside the submarine if they are inside it.
- Fixed oxygenite shards and tanks causing characters to move at turbo speed.
- Fixed waypoint links to gaps, doors, and ladders etc being removed when linking waypoint to another in the sub editor. Allow to remove links between waypoints.
- Fixed "teleportsub" console command teleporting also the connected outposts.
- Fixed characters getting stuck on platforms that extend outside the sub.
- Fixed diving suit lockers that have been recolored in the sub editor switching back to the default color when a suit is placed inside them.
- Coilgun/railgun loaders don't deteriorate if launching the turret fails. Fixes loaders deteriorating rapidly if the turret is receiving a continuous signal.
- Fixed rendering glitches on the surface of water when there's steep angles on the surface.
- Fixed inability to fire ranged reapons from sub to another through docking ports.
- Fixed inability drag characters from sub to another through docking ports.
- Fixed bots trying to shoot targets inside the alien ruins.
- Added Husked Crawler.
- Re-worked Crawler.
- Moloch: Changed behavior. Added attacks on the tentacles. Fixed some behavior and targeting related issues.
- Improved eating animations.
- Rebind monster attack to "R", because the middle mouse button is now reserved for the command interface. Fixes attacking while controlling a husk or some other monster.
- Calculate the direction from the limbs separately when attacking. Fixes some issues when an attack applies forces on multiple limbs.
- Added damage protection on Hammerhead Matriarch's and Moloch's skirts/tentacles.
- Changed the ai target calculations for characters.
- Adjusted the AI targets for: navterminal, sonar, flashlight, diving suit, underwater scooter, flare, fire extinguisher, and many weapons.
- Husk infection progress is now a bit different: The thresholds are different, and the damage is taken only in the final phase before turning. The final phase now causes minor twitching in the body.
- Husk faces are now only visible on fully turned (human) husks.
- Fixed rapid turning into husk when taking a a lot of damage from husks.
- Monsters with "flee health threshold" defined now only flee when they are being chased.
- Adjusted Bonethresher's attacks.
- Adjusted the AI priorities for Hammerhead Spawn, Husk, Tigerthresher, Moloch, Mudraptor.
- Mudraptors don't flee anymore when on low health.
- Improvements and fixes on the medic AI.
- Add medical autonomous objectives for also other jobs than medics.
- Improvements and fixes on the extinguish fires behavior.
- The bots don't anymore report about low priority issues while fighting or fleeing. Also fixes bots always reporting theirself as the target for the required treatments.
- Movement speed modifiers now adjust the swimming animations and steering forces too.
- Removed deprecated Molochboss. The boss will be reimplemented later.
- Forced aggressive behavior for creatures that are spawned as mission targets, make an exception with the Matriarch.
- Pressing enter is not required after changing values in text fields in the sub editor.
- Husk affliction mechanics now fully support different species.
- Added "Visibility" parameter for the characters (similar to Noise).
- Added "Attack Force Multiplier" for all limbs.
- Implemented per joint and per limb scaling.
- New LimbType: "Jaw". Used for eating animations.
- Added "Attack Distance" parameter, which is currently only used for Aggressive and PassiveAggressive behaviors.
- Added "Constant Angle" and "Constant Torque" for keeping a limb constantly rotated in a desired orientation.
- Allow to define world forces for the root movement in three phases of the attack: start, middle, end. Set the main collider position to the main limb position when the attack ends to fix the rubberbanding behavior after the attacks.
- Implemented "After Attack Delay": A property for adding a delay after the attack has hit the target, before starting to update the after attack behavior (e.g. falling back).
- Renamed "AttackContext.NotDefined" to "AttackContext.Any".
- Added "Retreat" parameter for attacks. When enabled, the character tries to steer away from the target while attacking it.
- Accept the plural "requireditems" when overriding items.
- Replaced "identifiers" with "items" on "RequiredItems" elements. Both strings are handled in code -> no functional difference. Fixed just for clarity.
- Fixes to crashes when autoupdating Workshop items during startup.
- Fixes to disconnections with the error message "expected old event" when loading a round takes a long time.
- Fixed crashing if the selected core content package contains errors (missing files, invalid XML files).
- Fixed splash screen causing a crash on some Mac systems.
- Fixed corrupted save files causing the game to crash during loading.
- Fixed a memory leak in the health interface that may have caused crashes on very long game sessions.
- Fixed clients being able to run the "enablecheats" command client-side without the permission to use the command.
- Fixed AI inputs not being synced with clients, preventing clients from seeing when the bots aim/shoot/attack.
- Don't allow using the "flipx" console command while playing online.
- Fixed portrait area & health bar being clickable (despite being hidden) when grabbing another character.
- Fixed a case of characters getting stuck facing one direction. Happened when you switched a character when the command interface was enabled.
- Fixed previous order disappearing from the crew list on resolution change.
- Fixed text not being colored according to message type (default/radio/pm/dead) in the chat input box.
- Fixed "collection was modified" exception if drawing a subinventory causes highlighted inventory slots to change.
- Fixed coilgun/railgun projectiles occasionally hitting the wall next to the turret when launched.
- Fixed text overlays "vibrating" when using the Health Scanner HUD while the sub is moving.
- Fixed level editor not saving level generation parameters that are inside an <override> element.
- Fixed job icons overflowing from the job selection panel when using mods that add more jobs.
- Fixed clients being unable to cancel file transfers.
- Fixed StatusEffects with a delay or a duration "transferring" to another target when the same effect is applied on another entity (for example when using the same stabilozine syringe on multiple characters).
- Fixed particles spawned in StatusEffects only copying the emission angle of the parent item, but not the rotation when CopyEntityAngle is set to true.
- Fixed terminals not sending any outputs server-side.
- Fixed bots unequipping diving suits when they shouldn't. Only happened while doing a low prio objective.
- Fixed retreating bots attacking with adhoc weapons like tools. If the bots retreat, they shouldn't use weapons at all.
- Fixed the priority calculation for the rescue all objective. Should fix bots refusing to treat seriously injured characters and also fixes the priority of the targets.
- Fixed occasional rapid flipping (usually noticeable only in debug draw mode) when a bot has no valid path or the path has ended.
- Fixed bots sometimes not being able to climb ladders because they skip a node too early. Happened especially in Katrull.
- Fixed some cases where bots fail to release the ladders when they should.
- Fixed bots occasionally disgarding an autonomous objective with low priority after starting to follow it.
- Fixed bots ignoring unsafe hulls (= any threats) when they shouldn't and consequently heading into danger.
- Fixed some monster attacks causing internal damage instead of bitewounds.
- Fixed Hammerhead Matriarch's head damage modifier ignoring bitewounds.
- Fixed latched creatures not reacting on being damaged.
- Fixed monsters flipping constantly while swimming.
- Fixed Husks not regenerating health properly.
- Fixed AI targets not being decreased on inactive items.
- Fixed fire extinguisher definition (xml): the identifier and the tag shouldn't be the same string.
- Fixed monsters sometimes moving slower than they should when walking inside.
- Fixed charge indicator not being flipped in horizontally/vertically flipped batteries.
- Fixed fabricators occasionally getting stuck to the active/inactive state client-side when the fabrication is paused due to insufficient power.
- Fixed ancient weapon not cutting through holes in walls.
- Fixed ambient light being brighter in the submarine editor than in-game.
- Fixed walk speed not being affected by speed reductions.
- Fixed all enemies ignoring the speed modifiers.
- Fixed wires appearing as loose items on the floor after saving and reloading if they've been disconnected from both ends.
- Fixed non-stackable status effects with a duration having no effect. (Silky Smooth)
- Graphical and functional overhaul of all user interfaces.
- Cursor changes according to what it's hovered on (hand icon when on a button, caret icon when on a textbox, etc).
- New loading screen.
- Better feedback on shooting.
- Double clicking on an item moves it to the equipped inventory (e.g. ammo to the equipped weapon).
- Periscopes can be deselected by pressing esc.
- Fabricators can pull ingredients directly from the user's inventory without having to place them in the fabricator's input slots.
- Lock the on/off switch in the pump interface when the state is controlled by signals, same with the engine slider.
- 1 second cooldown before Doors can be opened/closed after someone else has opened/closed them. Makes it less likely for doors to be opened/closed accidentally when multiple people are trying to use them at the same time.
- Show a warning if trying to start a campaign for the first time without playing the tutorials.
- Diving suits and fire extinguishers are not automatically picked up from the lockers/brackets when clicking on them to make it less likely to accidentally pick them up. Instead, clicking on them opens the inventory of the container, the same way when interacting with e.g. a steel cabinet.
- Subinventories (= inventories inside items, toolboxes for example) open/close faster and cannot be interacted with until fully open.
- Contents of toolboxes and crates are shown in the tooltip when hovering the cursor over the slot.
- In-game message boxes (mission/traitor notifications) close automatically after 15 seconds if not interacted with.
- Right-clicking in the sub editor opens a context menu that can be used to remove, cut, copy and paste entities (making it possible to remove them when using a keyboard that doesn't have a delete key).
- Hide cursor when aiming with a turret or a ranged weapon.
- Hide inventory when operating a turret.
- Added filtering to sprite and particle editors.
- Added a "Decorative" category to the Submarine Editor.
- Made docking indicators more visible on the sonar.
- Show mic input level also when Push-to-Talk mode is selected to make it easier to adjust the level without having to switch the mode to Voice Activity.
- Pressing the up arrow brings up previously sent chat messages, making it easier to resend them.
- The filter in the sub editor only searches from the currently selected category.
- Major physics optimization. Most importantly, the physics are now multithreaded, making the game perform much better when there are large numbers of characters active.
- Item optimizations. Items that don't currently have any components active are not updated, which significantly improves the performance especially in large subs with lots of items.
- More aggressive character culling (characters stop being rendered as soon as they exit the camera view).
- Dead bodies despawn after a few minutes (or when the character respawns in multiplayer). The despawning character's items are placed in a duffel bag and dropped near the body. Prevents performance issues when lots of bodies start to accumulate in the submarine.
- Preload necessary monster assets at the start of the round to prevent lag spikes when a monster spawns.
- Fixed serious performance issues when creatures are on the borders of the sub (some issues still remain).
- Improved the performance of human AI (bots).
Additions and changes:
- Added Korean translation.
- Added an improved version of Typhon.
- Reworked Berilia.
- New shuttle, "Hemulen".
- Merged Selkie and Bunyip into a new, improved shuttle (just called Selkie now).
- Increased level sizes.
- Rebalanced monster spawns.
- Balanced skill levels and skill gains.
- Skill gain values are now moddable (see Content/SkillSettings.xml).
- Added a few new artifact missions.
- The job gear variants are not just visually different versions of the same item, but completely separate items. The job variants now allow the players to choose what kind of gear they want to spawn with, not just the look of the uniform.
- Attachable items and wire nodes can now be freely placed around the character instead of always being placed at the position of the character. When attaching items/wires, there's a placement grid that makes it much easier to neatly attach/wire things mid-round.
- The submarines now get automatically outfitted with a semi-random selection of supplies when starting a campaign. The items that have been manually placed in the submarine editor are kept as-is.
- Split internal damage into multiple subtypes: blunt force trauma, lacerations and bite wounds. The new afflictions are functionally identical to the default internal damage affliction, but can be used to identify the source of the injuries.
- Humans are more resistant to gunshot wounds, lacerations and blunt force trauma than monsters. The intention is to allow making weapons more effective towards monsters without making killing your crewmates with them too easy.
- Added a "terminal" item that can be used to send and display textual signals. Could be used for things such as terminals that send commands to devices or display some data received from devices.
- Added muzzle flashes to small firearms.
- Added a crosshair when aiming with small firearms. The crosshair also indicates the spread of the weapon.
- Increased the skill requirements to operate the reactor.
- New background music for editors.
- Characters with an insufficient electrical engineering skill may get electrocuted when rewiring powered devices.
- Added holes in the level walls next to the outpost at the end of the level, so the player doesn't have to backtrack through most of the level if they approach the outpost from the wrong side of the level wall.
- Added heavy water currents at the sides of the level to make it more obvious that you're not supposed to go that way.
- Added subtle chromatic aberration & blur when suffering from heavy bloodloss.
- Nerfed hull damage from plasma cutter and welding tool explosions.
- Removed repair thresholds from items; any device that's not in perfect condition can now be repaired.
- Rebalanced medical items: stat-boosting effects last much longer.
- Modified vigor buffs from steroids and hyperzine to be intantaneous instead of delayed.
- Tweaked opiates. They now do less overdose damage, produce a lower addiction for skilled users, but produce a serious addiction for unskilled users.
- Bandages now have 3 uses.
- Removed oxygenite shards as a product of deconstructing liquid oxygenite to prevent production loops.
- Screwdrivers can be used as shivs!
- Fuel Rods now always return their steel on deconstruction.
- Constructing fuel rods now requires lead.
- Mouse button names are now translated.
- Improved tiger thresher texture and lights.
- Replaced the legacy ladder, stair and docking port sprites.
- New alarm buzzer sprite that actually looks like an alarm buzzer.
- New (smaller) small pump sprite.
- Decreased the range and brightness of the "halo" around the players.
- Exposed pump's MaxFlow parameter in the sub editor.
- Added a lot more oomph to nuclear explosions.
- Added damage particle effects that are rendered on top of the characters (also under water).
- Split internal damage into categories: gunshot wound, blunt trauma, lacerations, monster bites, and internal damage.
- Gunshot wound is no longer a bleeding affliction.
- Humans are more resistant to damage caused by weapons (means we can increase the damage on monsters without making the weapons too lethal on humans)
- Added damage protections on some clothes.
- Major SMG buff: larger magazine, less spread, more damage, but slightly lower fire rate.
- Minor Shotgun buff: more damage and stun.
- Slightly decreased the stun effect from revolver ammunition.
- Modding: Removed all texture paths from limbs where they are not required. Fixes issues when trying to create a copy with a custom texture based on an existing character. Note that the "Copy Character" functionality does not automatically replace texture paths that have been defined in limbs, because that could lead into issues. If there are texture paths in the limbs, you'll have to handle it manually. The texture paths defined in limbs are limb specific overrides to the common path defined in the ragdoll's properties.
- Use "weldingequipment" tag instead of "weldingtool" identifier when seeking the equipment for fixing the leaks to enable support for custom welding equipment.
- Use "cuttingequipment" tag instead of "plasmacutter" identifier as required items for collecting minerals to enable support for custom cutting equipment.
- Artifact mission markers are shown on the sonar even after the artifact is on board to make it harder to lose the artifact.
- Made monster mission markers more imprecise.
- Made the "name contains illegal symbols" error message more descriptive (with instructions to change the name to something else).
- CPR damage can be modded by editing the affliction xml.
- A warning when attempting to start a campaign that was saved with different mods than the ones that are currently active.
- Switched from .NET Framework 4.5/Mono to .NET Core 3.0:
- Improves general stability, especially on macOS and Linux.
- Lowers number of dependencies, simplifying the installation process.
- Introduces features that will translate into further stability and performance improvements in the future.
- Switched from MP4 to WebM to minimize bloat and dependencies on patented tech.
- Cap the framerate to 200 FPS when VSync is off to prevent overloading the GPU. The cap can be adjusted by changing the "framelimit" attribute in config_player.xml.
- Wifi components in the respawn shuttle can't communicate with components in other submarines/shuttles.
- Power consumption of damaged devices doesn't increase as much anymore.
- Made tonic liquid purchasable.
- Added combat priorities to alien weapons to allow bots to use them.
- Improved name tag hiding.
- Give job items to humans spawned with the "spawn" command.
- Slightly increased the view range of the coilguns and railguns.
- Continue playing the main menu and editor music from the previous position instead of restarting when switching between screens.
- Marked "editsubs" a cheat command (so you can't just switch to the sub editor, spawn whatever you need and go back to the game without enabling cheats).
- Bots can now undock the sub.
- Humanoids now use the "group" property like non-humanoids. This allows non-humanoid creatures to be treated as friendly/neutral subjects by the bots.
- Replaced the generic "cannot reach target" messages with context-specific and more descriptive messages.
- Bots now take the other bots into account when they evaluate the importance of the tasks. Fixes multiple bots going to fix the same leaks or repair the same items.
- Bots should now abandon the combat objective only when not fleeing from an enemy. If they fail to flee from an enemy, they will fight (or avoid) instead.
- Fixed bots loading the turrets only with the default ammunition.
- Fixed multiple bots trying to navigate the submarine at the same time.
- Fixed pathfinding applying 10x more penalty on vertical distance when the host is outside (should only apply inside).
- Fixed bots starting the path from obstructed waypoints or waypoints that are inside when they are outside or vice versa.
- Fixed issues when bots are trying to enter the airlock from outside.
- Fixed bots getting stuck in the combat mode (with 100 priority) when they try to retreat to a target that cannot be reached.
- Fixed two-handed items like ammoboxes not being visible when the bots carry them.
- Fixed issues when the bots try to equip items or contain them inside other items.
- Fixed bots sometimes going to repair leaks/fix things without a mask or a suit.
- Fixed bots being unable to put diving suits into lockers when there already is a diving suit in the targeted container. Instead of dropping it on the ground, the bots now try to find a new place for the suit before abandoning the objective.
- Fixed bots seeking paths through doors when they have a crowbar/wrench equipped.
- Fixed bots sometimes being unable to put off fires and dying while trying to do it (because of a failing raycast).
- Fixed bots not shooting hostile submarines.
- New behaviors: avoiding, passive-aggressive, and aggressive.
- Adjusted Bonethresher, added a berserker attack when the creature is low in health.
- Revised Matriarch's behavior: Matriarchs now spawn in swarms, protected by other Hammerheads, and they try to keep the distance to the submarine. Boosted the explosion and increased the Spawn count.
- Added new missions about Hammerhead Matriarch.
- Revised all the creatures using the new behaviors.
- Changed how "attack when provoked" works. The previous state is now reset when the target changes. Also fixed several relate issues. Rename the property (requires action if custom characters use it). When a creature is attacked and "attack when provoked" is false and the attacker is not found in the predefined ai targets, the creature flees by default instead of just ignoring the attacker.
- Refactored the eating behavior: fixes small creatures not being able to eat significantly larger creatures.
- Adjusted the commonness and the reward of the Thresher swarm mission.
- Improved the indoors escaping behavior.
- Reduced the linear velocity when not facing the movement direction. Should fix monsters moving unnaturally when abruptly changing directions.
- Increased the swimming speeds of all monsters and adjusted the animations accordingly.
- Improved the path steering while swimming inside the submarine.
- Halved the swimming speeds inside the submarine.
- Increased the attack ranges for Hammerhead and Hammerhead gold to help them reach the targets.
- Don't allow large creatures like Bonethreshers or Hammerheads enter the submarine, because they easily get stuck and it's glitchy.
- Fixed characters that cannot enter the submarine still trying to target the inner walls.
- Fixed Tigerthresher and other creatures that can't attack the submarine bumping on the doors.
- Fixed characters occasionally getting stuck while trying to reach the last known position of the previous target.
- Fixed a crash when the creature is set to attack when provoked and when the damage source is null.
- Fixed extra creature being spawned when using the <monster> elements in the monster mission definitions.
- Fixed Hammerhead Matriarch's skirt going throught the walls.
- Fixed performance issues when creatures are trying to find a path out from the submarine while escaping. Also improved the escaping behavior in general.
- Fixed Mudraptors sometimes squeezing themselves towards doors without being able to attack them.
- Fixed monsters not reacting to being fired with turrets unless they can target the attacker.
- Fixed minor slipping in Mudraptor's walking animation.
- Weapons and tools now have ai targets that are only activated when the items are used -> shooting monsters should make you much more attractive target than just swimming peacefully around.
- Fixed a bunch of bugs that caused "missing entity" errors. However, there are many different reasons the error can occur, so even though we have not run into the issue anymore during out testing rounds, there is still a chance it may occur in some situations.
- Fixed inventory items occasionally getting mixed up in the multiplayer campaign.
- Fixed a bug that caused clients to get disconnected with an "invalid object header" error when a character has a large amount of different afflictions.
- Fixed collider tunneling when client is slow to send inputs. Caused characters to occasionally noclip through walls when the connection or framerate is poor.
- Fixed server owner occasionally timing out if loading the round takes too long.
- Fixed server owner's character occasionally being killed due to round start timeouts.
- Fixed players not getting notified in any way when their connection to the server has timed out, allowing them to keep playing without being able to interact with anything.
- Made giveperm/giverank commands suck less by allowing names, endpoints and SteamIDs instead of clientlist id, and allowing users to skip question prompt by adding rank or perm as a second parameter.
- Fixed multiplayer campaign saves appearing in the single player "load game" menu if they're placed in the singleplayer save folder (leading to a crash if a player starts to load the save).
- Fixed server not sending condition updates for inactive items, potentially causing the condition to get desynced when all of the components of the item go inactive.
- Fixed clients only being informed of the reason for their ban the moment they're banned, but not if they try to rejoin.
- Fixed clients not attempting to reconnect to the server automatically when the connection is lost, forcing the client to rejoin the server manually.
- Fixed clients sometimes being able to noclip through walls when the framerate or connection is poor.
- Karma system can be enabled/disabled in the "host server" menu.
- Option to set the number of password retries before a ban.
- Fixed voice chat indicators not working in the in-game crew list.
- Moved "End Round" button to the pause menu.
- Added a separate server log category for wiring.
- Fixed clients not relaying console commands that don't exist client-side to the server (i.e. custom commands implemented by a server mod can now be used by clients).
- Added "killdisconnectedtime" command that can be used to set the time after a disconnected player's character gets automatically killed.
- Increased default killdisconnectedtime to 2 minutes.
- Player cap can be adjusted in the server settings.
- Made "showseed" console command usable by clients.
- Fixed lobby command (which switches to the single player lobby) being usable in multiplayer.
- Fixes to render order oddities (structures with a depth > 0.5 always rendering behind all items, inconsistent render order between sub editor and in-game). Now structures with a depth of >= 0.9 are always behind everything (and visible through the LOS effect), and item's sprite depth is capped to 0.9.
- Fixed background structures that are resizeable on both axes always being drawn behind other background structures regardless of the sprite depth.
- Fixed Kastrull flooding when the drone undocks.
- Fixed ballast pumps deteriorating in Kastrull's drone despite being unreachable by the players.
- Fixed sonar transducers consuming no power.
- Fixed EventManager intensity being calculated incorrectly in multiplayer, causing monster spawns to be more sparse in multiplayer than in singleplayer.
- Fixed autopilot overshooting and compensating too heavily when attempting to maintain position, causing it to never fully stop on the target position.
- Fixed charactes being unable to get through multi-layer walls from inside the sub (for example the walls above Humpback's command room).
- Fixed plasma cutter not cutting through holes in walls.
- Fixed melee weapons not working inside ruins due to the colliders that block subs from entering the ruins.
- Fixed fabricator cancellation failing to be communicated under certain circumstances.
- Fixed fabricator and deconstructor operating faster when run on overvoltage, making it possible to fabricate/deconstruct things almost instantaneously by using relays.
- Fixed camera position "twitching" when moving the cursor around while unconscious.
- Fixed crashing if there's no audio device available.
- Fixed texts in mission/traitor notifications occasionally overflowing outside the border of the message box.
- Fixed subinventories not opening when trying to heal an unconscious character.
- Fixed engines causing crashes if MinVoltage is set to 0.
- Fixed small "twitch" when a character enters or exits a submarine.
- Fixed starting a combat mission with just 1 player counting as winning the mission.
- Fixed linked shuttles occasionally spawning at the wrong side of a sub's docking port.
- Fixed clients being assigned as traitors in combat missions even if there's no-one else in their team.
- Fixed server lobby screen not scaling correctly after changing to a bigger resolution.
- Made the screen distortion effects caused by afflictions change less abruptly when the condition of the character changes quickly.
- Fixed items being swapped from slot to another when combining an item with one that has a higher condition.
- Fixed lights in deviced bleeding through characters and blurry black "shadow" around characters.
- Fixed '+' and '-' signs in number input fields being misaligned in Chinese and Japanese.
- Fixed Workshop item descriptions only showing the first 256 characters.
- Fixed reactor highlight effect extending outside the reactor sprite.
- Fixed ID-restricted doors only taking the first ID card in the inventory into account.
- Fixed crashes in the character editor when creating a humanoid with incomplete limb definitions.
- Fixed the character editor crashing if no textures were found.
- Don't allow to save invalid texture paths in the character editor.
- Decreased the range of some of the motion sensors inside alien ruins to prevent certain rooms from being nearly impossible to get past without getting zapped by an alien coil.
- Fixed excessively large tonic liquid collider.
- Fixed accordion collider.
- Fixed doors not blocking hitscan weapons.
- Fixed sonar showing everything around the sub when sending out a directional ping and immediately switching to passive.
- Fixed inability to drag characters from room to another in alien ruins.
- Fixed crashing if a modded UI style contains multiple child styles with the same name.
- Fixed wire nodes getting misplaced when flipping wires in the sub editor.
- Fixed groups of items that include wires sometimes not getting placed at the position of the cursor when pasting them in the sub editor.
- Fixed currents heavily slowing down the submarine regardless of the force or direction of the current.
- Fixed some held items vibrating/twitching when moving.
- Fixed turrets emitting muzzle flash particles in an incorrect direction (the rotation of the particle was correct but the direction it flew towards not, which isn't noticeable with the non-moving vanilla particles).
- Fixed "skip tutorials" returning to the main menu instead of opening the correct tab when starting a new game.
- Fixed all items being highlighted in the multiplayer campaign store menu when another player buys something.
- Fixed setting the number of items to buy by typing a number in the text box being practically impossible in the multiplayer campaign store.
- Fixed grenades exploding multiple times if you throw one, pick it up before it explodes and rethrow it.
- Fixed bots occasionally letting go of ladders too soon when going to operate an item, causing them to fall down.
- Fixed some waypoint issues in Orca.
- Fixed wifi components in the respawn shuttle being able to communicate with the main sub in non-combat missions.
- Fixed engine sound range being up to 20 times larger than it should be.
- Fixed monsters occasionally being able to attack through walls.
- Fixed alarm buzzer not returning to the original rotation when the alarm stops.
- Fixed a couple of unfair ruin traps (rooms with coil/sensor placement that makes it impossible to pass through without getting zapped).
- Fixed mechanic tutorial getting softlocked if the player never has an oxygen tank (or aluminium) and sodium in their inventory at the same time. I.e. if they deconstruct the oxygen tanks first and put the aluminium in the fabricator, and then get the sodium and put it in the fabricator.
- Fixed the game occasionally freezing when joining a server.
- Fixed a bug that occasionally caused clients to disconnect with an "entity not found" error in the multiplayer. In technical terms, the issue occurred when the server spawned an entity with a given ID, sent a network event for that entity, and then spawned another entity that took up the ID of the previous entity. This could happen, for example, if in the multiplayer campaign a player happens to get an item with the same ID as an item in the inventory of another player who isn't currently present, and the other player joins the server. There are still most likely additional bugs that can cause similar error messages, so this fix will probably not get rid of the errors entirely.
- Fixed start button staying disabled in the server lobby when switching from the campaign mode to another game mode.
- Fixed clients occasionally getting disconnected due to the campaign store. Happened if a location had changed from one type to another (for example, natural formation to outpost), the players had bought something that wasn't originally available from the location and a new client joined.
- Fixed clients occasionally being prompted to download subs from the server even if they already have a matching sub.
- Fixed server having a password even if the password box is left empty in the in-game "host server" menu when hosting with the Linux version.
- Fixed server name being shortened to one word when hosting from the in-game "host server" menu with the Linux version.
- Fixed server name length not being restricted when set from serversettings.xml or using console commands.
- Fixed "ready to start" tickbox disappearing if a client joins while a round is running.
- Fixed traitors remaining as traitors client-side after restarting the round, allowing them to access the sabotage interface despite not having a traitor objective.
- Fixed characters occasionally not selecting/deselecting a periscope client-side, causing them to walk in place or not grab the periscope.
- Fixed male asian heads not appearing in the server lobby.
- Fixed campaign servers never being filtered out from the server browser when filtering based on game mode.
- Fixed clients not displaying the "could not connect" popup if the initial connection to a server times out.
- Fixed door weld state occasionally getting desynced, causing the door to be welded server-side but possible to open client-side.
Electricity fixes:
- Fixed junction boxes not passing signals to relays.
- Fixed broken junction boxes and relays carrying power.
- Fixed devices not receiving power if they're connected directly to batteries/supercapacitors with no relays or junction boxes in between.
- Fixed light components that receive power from somewhere else than a power input connection not going out when they lose power (e.g. lights on the diving suits).
- Fixed pumps and batteries operating/recharging faster when receiving overvoltage, with no upper limit, making it possible to for example operate pumps at 10x the speed by connecting them to a relay that's receiving 10x more power than is being drawn from it.
- Fixed LightComponents being toggled twice when they receive a signal to the toggle connection.
Misc fixes:
- Fixed "last used" listbox overlapping with the entity visibility tickboxes in the submarine editor on low resolutions.
- Fixed misaligned colliders on the "Shell A Cap 0 deg A/B" wall pieces.
- Fixed links disappearing between linked subs and docking ports when loading in the sub editor.
- Fixed loading freezing for up to 10 seconds if the game cannot fetch the remote content for the main menu (update notifications, changelogs, etc).
- Fixed lights on devices (junction boxes, nav terminals, reactor) being rendered on top of characters.
- Fixed lights lagging a little behind moving objects (e.g. diving suit light).
- Fixed characters being able to grab/heal others when handcuffed.
- Character editor: don't switch to the limb mode when clicking a limb in the joint edit mode. Fixes difficulties in using the joint angle widgets when the widgets are interloping limb source rects.
- Character editor: Fixed the texture path field not being copied if the source character has no texture path defined. In this case, we can use a texture path found in one of the limbs.
- Fixed bots incorrectly reporting problems in the room they are in instead of the room the issues is spotted at.
- Fixed bots reporting broken devices or asking medical attendance even if they are taking care of those things.
- Fixed bots saying "put out a fire in hull" instead of using the name of the room when they extinguish a fire.
- Fixed AITargets staing active even if the entity is not active (for example, the sonar could still be heard by monsters after it's turned off).
- The bots now only report about issues that have not been already been reported.
- Fixed monsters attacking doors that are open.
- Monsters keep pursuing the target if the behavior is "pursue" even when they cannot attack.
- Bots stop operating devices if a player starts operating them (unless they have been ordered to operate the device).
- Fixed bots playing the rewiring sound when repairing an item with a screwdriver.
- Fixed bots sometimes stopping behind a closed door when trying to extinguish a fire.
- Fixed chat messages occasionally extending below the lower bound of the chatbox.
- Fixed searchlight and turret lights disappearing before the light is fully off-screen.
- Waypoint fixes in Kastrull and the drone.
- Fixed Kastrull flooding when the drone is undocked.
- Fixed ballast pumps in Kastrull's drone being off by default.
- Fixed enormous in-game ballistic helmet sprite.
- Fire extinguishers can't be placed inside toolboxes anymore.
- Fixed lobby screen not scaling correctly after changing to a bigger resolution.
- Fixed Kastrull's drone not being docked to the sub by default.
- Fixed items occasionally launching through walls/floors when they're spawned or dropped.
- Nerfed Hammerhead Spawns.
- Fixed occasional disconnections when the Hammerhead Matriarch releases her spawns.
- Fixed Hammerhead Matriarch exploding twice when it attacks.
- Fixed bots sometimes getting stuck in an objective loop, causing them to repeatedly drop and pick up diving suits or spam doors.
- Fixed bots being allowed to go outside without a diving suit.
- Fixed characters with a rectangular main collider being unable to use path finding.
- Fixed microphone volume scrollbar resetting to the maximum value when opening the settings menu.
- Fixed a bug that caused occasional crashes on Linux when pinging servers in the server list menu. (Beasts Within)
- A new submarine, Kastrull.
- 6 new traitor missions with much more varied objectives.
- More variants of all job outfits.
- 30 new character face sprites.
- Overhauled job assignment logic to make the job distribution a little more balanced. Now each client gets assigned one of the spawnpoints (and its associated job) according to their job preference, which means that if the sub for example has 2x as many engineer spawnpoints than medic spawnpoints, there tend to be 2x more engineers. When playing with a mod that adds new jobs to the game, spawnpoints that have no job associated with them are considered spawnpoints for the non-vanilla jobs.
- We would like to get feedback from players about this: does the job assignment seem fair, are people generally getting the jobs they want?
- New logic components: sin, cos, tan, asin, acos, atan, modulo, round, ceil, floor and factorial.
- Improved autopilot: much faster and less likely to get stuck.
- We would like to get feedback from players about this: Is there still incentive to steer manually?
- AI characters don't set stationary batteries to recharge unless ordered to do so.
- Items can be made damageable by projectiles, melee weapons and explosions by adding DamagedByProjectiles="true", DamagedByMeleeWeapons="true" or DamagedByExplosions="true" to the config.
- Nerfed welding fuel + diving mask combo. The tank depletes much faster and one tank is only enough to make the target fall unconscious, not to kill them.
- Added deconstruction recipes to all drugs.
- Added huskified face sprites to all characters.
- Question prompts in the debug console and dedicated server console (such as "enter the reason to ban XXX") can be cancelled by pressing Ctrl+D or Ctrl+Z (or Ctrl+C in the in-game debug console).
- Welding tools and plasma cutters explode when loaded with the wrong fuel.
- Removed sodium as a product of recycling fire extinguishers.
- Added some loose vents and panels to Orca and Typhon.
- Option to set a name for a character added by a mod without having to configure it in a separate text file. Use displayname="somemonster" in the character element to set the name.
- Balanced splash screen audio volumes.
- Alarm buzzers twitch when active to make it more clear where the sound is coming from.
- Scrollbars that work as on/off switches (e.g. power switches and autotemp sliders in item interfaces) can be toggled by clicking on them.
- Decreased the chance of selecting a traitor mission that's already been selected during the session.
- Option to choose a "play style" for the servers to tell the players what kind of gameplay and rules they can expect on the server.
- Improved server browser:
- More filtering options
- Same version
- Show whitelisted
- Karma enabled
- Traitors enabled
- Friendly fire off
- Voice chat enabled
- Modded
- Option to filter by play style.
- Option to filter by game mode.
- Added the option to favorite servers.
- Added a list of recent servers.
- Added a friends list, you can keep track on which servers your friends are playing at as well as join them directly from the friends list.
- Miscellaneous layout improvements.
- More filtering options
- Improved server lobby:
- Improved character customization interface: players now have full control over their appearance.
- Improved job preferences interface: players can now more easily switch around their class preferences, as well as pick which variation of an outfit they would like to wear.
- Mission selection is more flexible: mission types can be toggled separately.
- The campaign interface is displayed directly in the menu, not in a separate view.
- The submarine preview is displayed directly in the menu without having to open a separate window.
- The job preferences of other players are indicated in the player list.
- Voice chat icon now indicates the loudness of the audio being transmitted/received.
- Voice chat settings are indicated in the bottom-right corner of the chat box.
- The server log is integrated into the chat box.
- Added new server settings under anti-griefing tab which previously were only accessible through serversettings.xml.
- Allow friendly fire.
- Allow rewiring.
- Allow disguises.
- Miscellaneous layout changes.
Human AI:
- Changed the logic for automatically unequipping the diving gear, extinguishers or items that are held in hands.
- Taught the bots to place diving suits, fuel rods and fire extinguishers into right places, if they can't unequip the items without dropping them AND if the current objective is not high priority. The system uses tags/identifiers and two new attributes: "preferredcontainers" in Items and "containablerestrictions" in ItemComponents so it can be adjusted both in the editor and in xml.
- Improved the code to prevent dead-locks between the AI states.
- Start looking new oxygen when the current oxygen tank is at 10% instead of starting when it's empty (which often lead the bot to suffocate while doing the objective).
- Combat: Don't ignore empty weapons when evaluating weapons for the first time (allows to try reloading a weapon before ignoring it as useless).
- Fight Intruders: Automatically switch weapon when the current weapon runs out of ammo. Find ammunition for the current weapon if no other decent weapon is found. Don't allow to go offensive while armed with poor weapons, like a wrench.
- Fix Leaks: Improved the operating of welding tools.
- Rescue: Major refactoring. Allow to heal self. Improve the priority calculation. The priority is now based on the severity of wounds.
- Taught the bots to look deeper into the inventories (recursive) when seeking items.
- Changed the decision making on whether or not a bot needs diving gear.
- The bots now avoid unsafe paths in the idle state or when doing low priority objectives.
- The bots don't follow targets outside of the submarine.
- The bots don't stay still when idling underwater. They swim in place instead.
- Adjusted the combat priorities for the weapons.
- Increased the minimum initiatives.
- Adjusted the target evaluation for the Fix Leaks objective.
- Improved the distance approximations for all AI objectives.
- Increased the base devotion (how much the current objective priority is boosted).
- Reduced the shooting distance when the bots are operating turrets.
- Adjusted the idle waiting, standing, and walking times.
- Fixed bots getting stuck if the next node was behind a door.
- Fixed bots getting stuck on ladders when the main collider bottom was slightly lower than the floor level, even though the bot should be able to take off from the ladders.
- Fixed bots getting stuck on ladders when they need a new target while climbing.
- Fixed bots ignoring/avoiding targets in hulls when there were dead enemies inside them.
- Fixed issues in switching empty oxygen tanks to new.
- Fixed bots unequipping and re-equipping diving gear while ordered to follow another character.
- Fixed bots not being able to handle things when they cannot find diving gear. Now they should first try to get the gear and if it fails, they should just target a safe hull.
- Fixed bots shooting friendly characters with turrets.
- Fixed bots always treating weapons as revolvers.
- Fixed the loading of smg magazines/fuel tanks etc (because they are different from revolver rounds).
- Fixed autonomic objectives overriding the user-defined settings (steering, batteries).
- Fixed bots being able to do things while hand-cuffed.
- Fixed a dead-end when an item is taken by another character after the target item was defined and before the objective is completed.
- Fixed item prioritization calculations.
- Fixed hull safety calculations always using the current visible hulls (which should only be taken into account when the hull is the current hull).
- Fixed bots abandoning the operate item objective if there was another character operating the item.
- Fixed bots speaking about success/failure to repair when another character fixes their target.
- Fixed bots reporting individual failures when doing a loop objective. Should fix bots spamming with the "Cannot reach the target" msgs.
- Fixed the current objective not being reassigned after sorting the objectives, leading to sorting the subobjectives of the old current objective, which would be fixed only after the next time the objectives were sorted (after 1 sec).
- Fixed the gap size being misinterpreted when calculating the priority for a fix leak objective.
- Fixed bots switching repair targets while repairing an item.
- Fixed bots in some situations facing the wrong direction. The bots should now always face the item they are operating.
- Fixed bots' ragdolls getting unstable due to constant flipping in some rare cases.
- Fixed bots not immediately targeting the other rooms when they reach the airlock (when entering the submarine).
- New monster: Hammerhead Matriarch
- New monster: Hammerhead Spawn
- New diving suit sprite for husks.
- Characters now have a separate property that defines whether or not they can walk, meaning that characters can now enter the submarine even if they cannot walk. When there is no water, the character will fidget around. Also fixes Fractal Guardians flying in non-flooded alien ruins.
- Monsters now remember the position of the last target even when idling. The memories fade, however.
- Monsters now flee briefly when being fired at with the turrets. Fixes swarming characters being easy to exploit.
- Don't allow the monsters to retaliate unless they are in the same submarine as the attacker. Removed the CanRetaliate parameter on character AI that was added in the previous update.
- Refactored ConditionalSprite: ConditionalSprite now takes Sprite or DeformableSprite as child elements.
- StatusEffects can now be used to spawn characters.
- Monster missions now support multiple monsters of different species.
- Minor adjustments on eating. Fixes Bonethresher's eating animation.
- Improved the avoid steering logic (used when the character is not using pathfiding, i.e. outside the submarine).
- Charybdis: Increase the damage against structures for all attacks.
- Adjusted Mudraptor, Bonethresher and Tigerthersher behavior. Threshers now hunt in packs.
- Fixed incorrect flipping and mirroring. Disable mirroring on characters that don't need it.
- Fixed Mudraptors preferring doors over humans.
- Fixed targeting at wall center position instead of the section position. Fixes hammerheads and bonethreshers targeting destroyed wall sections.
- Fixed the damage modifiers on hammerheads not working properly.
- Fixed a crash when trying to create a swarm with characters that have no swarming behavior defined.
- Fixed monsters not targeting the closest limb when they should.
- Fixed ai targets not being updated when the character is dead, causing the characters to be too perceivable/not perceivable enough by the monsters.
- Fixed limbs' lightsources not being visible inside the submarine.
- Fixed immobilized characters (e.g. stunned, monsters on dry land) occasionally "hanging" mid-air.
- Fixed draw order issues due to normal sprites and deformable sprites being used on the same characters.
Character editor:
- Added "TailTorqueBoost" parameter that can be used to prevent long and fast-moving characters, like the Tigerthresher, to get tangled around themselves.
- "TailTorque" no longer affects the swimming sine amplitude (how strong the tail moves).
- Sprite orientation no longer affects the damage modifiers.
- Exposed the ragdoll main limb.
- Exposed the damage emitters.
- Exposed the damage sound of damage modifiers.
- The radial widget angles are now rounded to the closest 10.
- Fixed characters being able to collide with the submarine, which often caused large monsters to get stunned and impact sounds to be played when they're spawned.
- Fixed characters moving when they shouldn't.
- Rewrote power distribution logic to resolve several issues and oddities in the way power was distributed across electrical grids, particularly when relays were used. The new system is also less performance intensive, so submarines that had performance issues due to large and complex power grids should now run better.
- Fixed inability for mods to override jobs.
- Fixed pumps calculating targetlevel incorrectly when receiving a "set_targetlevel" signal, causing neutral ballast level value in the sub editor to be off.
- Fixed clients being able to join servers when they're using content packages the server doesn't have, which usually causes the client to get disconnected when a round starts.
- Fixed clients being able to join servers after enabling a required content package in the settings, even though they need to restart first (leading to errors when a round starts).
- Fixed "attempted to access a potentially removed character" console errors if a character dies while the client is waiting to apply the character's remote inventory state.
- Fixed broken waypoints in Typhon that prevented bots from opening some of the doors.
- Fixed characters being very hard or impossible to hit with melee weapons when they're lying on the floor.
- Fixed characters placing their feet above a platform when not actually standing on the platform (noticeable in rooms where there's a platform on top of the "actual" floor).
- Fixed husk eggs not causing a husk infection when injected.
- Fixed depth sorting not working on damageable structures.
- Fixed characters stepping on nothing if their feet are below the lowest step of a ladder.
- Fixed door components being selectable when the door is broken, causing characters to drop from ladders if they interact with a door while climbing.
- Alien motion sensors don't react to dead bodies to prevent bodies from blocking the way through the ruins by constantly activating coils.
- Fixes to waypoints and outdated structure sourcerects in Bunyip, Selkie & Venture.
- Put the shotgun shells in Dugong's, Kastrull's and Humpback's armory inside the shotgun.
- Fixed clients retaining their original character when taking control of another one in the multiplayer campaign, but keeping the items of the new character.
- Fixed sourcerects being moved when going through the sprite lists with arrow keys in the sprite editor.
- Fixed servers occasionally appearing in the server list twice.
- Improved color input layout in EntityEditors to prevent overlaps.
- Fixed flares not depleting when in inventory.
- Fixed propeller position becoming unmirrored when saving and reloading a mirrored engine.
- Fixed detection area offset becoming unmirrored when saving and reloading a mirrored motion sensor.
- Fixed a couple of doors and hatches in vanilla subs being repairable with welding tools instead of wrenches.
- Fixed ruins occasionally having rooms too narrow to pass through.
- Fixed door gaps occasionally getting misplaced when placing them in ruins, preventing water from flowing through the room.
- Fixed "picked/selected required" fields disappearing from the item editing panel in the submarine editor if left blank.
- Fixed being able to hit through walls with melee weapons.
- Fixed framerate issues when using passive sonar near large amounts of sound emitters (right outside a submarine for example).
- Fixed empty exploding ammo boxes exploding when deconstructed.
- Fixed old chat messages overlapping in the server lobby after the scrollbar of the chatbox becomes active.
- Fixed textbox selection not being cleared when pressing Ctrl+Z or Ctrl+R, causing a crash if the selection is outside the bounds of the current text and the player attempts to remove text from the box.
- Don't allow reporting things while inside ruins.
- Fixed crashing if a client has written something in the chatbox, gets disconnected and sends the message.
- Fixed servers showing up in the server lobby after the server has been shut down.
- Fixed traitor missions not ending when the traitor dies and the traitor retaining their old mission info in the info menu.
- Fixed dead characters still appearing in the crew list when a client joins mid-round.
- Fixes to decorative sprites: Rotation property is in degrees, fixed offset anim type being used as the rotation anim. (Halloween 2019: Trick or Trauma)
- New character: Bonethresher.
- New character: Golden Hammerhead.
- Completely remade the Tigerthresher (new skin, ragdoll, behavior and attacks).
- Reworked Hammerhead (new ragdoll, adjusted behavior and attacks).
- Adjusted the behavior of most characters.
- Medium sized monsters can now more easily trigger impact effects when ramming the submarine.
- Characters are now allowed to move faster than previously (9 -> 15).
- Changed the mouth position calculations and redefined the values for all monsters that have the eating behavior.
- Removed Moloch Baby (Which was just a test. Molochs will be revisited in the next update).
- Better bend deformations on limbs.
- Better feedback about hit impacts on limbs when the character takes damage.
- AI monsters should hit moving targets more easily.
- Added configurable health regeneration, which is applied when the character is eating a corpse.
- Added configurable affliction reductions (bleeding, burn, damage).
- Added an option for the monsters to ignore retaliation when they are attacked.
- Added an option to target the attack on specific limb types.
- Added an option to continue the movement, "following through" the target after the attack.
Modding improvements:
- Mods can override specific content without having to create a completely new content package. This can be done by surrounding the element with "<override></override>" (for example, an Item or a Character config element you want to replace a vanilla Item/Character with). The overrides work based on identifiers; for instance, if you configure an item with the identifier "wrench" and surround it with the override tags, it will replace the vanilla wrench.
- Content package load order: the game will first load the core package, then other content in the order of selection (proper ui still pending). The load order is saved in the config_player.xml.
- Made AI orders and event manager settings moddable.
- The engine and reactor sound ranges can now be modified in the item XML.
- The husk affliction can now be modified and applied on any character.
- Support for multiple simultaneous husk afflictions based on the same system.
- Support for multiple husk appendages. Made the attachment limb configurable in the affliction definition.
- Additional content package validity checks during startup: make sure all XML files in the package can be loaded, and disable the package if they can't. Fixes tons of console errors on startup when a mod with invalid XML files is enabled.
- Don't allow publishing workshop items that contain invalid XML files.
- Don't allow selecting invalid content packages in the settings menu.
- Fixed disabled content packages becoming active when they're autoupdated.
Character editor improvements:
- Improved layout, hotkeys, general UI/UX improvements.
- Support for editing the character configuration files including health, ai, inventory, sounds, particles etc.
- Support for limb sounds.
- Support for light sources attached to limbs.
- Support for adding and removing attacks.
- Support for afflictions in attacks.
- Support for damage modifiers in limbs.
- New functionality: creating limbs (without having to operate on duplicates).
- Support for creating humanoids.
- Allow to create new characters based on an existing character (copy character).
- Added a limb specific "sprite orientation" that overrides the universal "spritesheet orientation".
- Option for mirroring limb sprites.
- Option for hiding the limb sprite (invisible limbs).
- Multiple minor additions and changes, like an option to enable lights or to display the damage modifiers drawn on the character.
- Exposed structure sound types.
- Exposed the mouth position.
- Exposed the angular damping and density for limbs (removed mass, which was not used).
- Added a default texture path for ragdolls so that the texture can only be defined once. Limb specific texture definitions override this.
- Allow to define a group for different species. The characters in the same group are friendly to each other.
- DecorativeSprites can now be used on character limbs (like on items).
- Made it easier to adjust the source rect's position with the arrows. Hold CTRL to change the size.
- Fixed a rare case where characters got stunned in the character editor.
Misc improvements:
- New husk faces.
- Increased default VOIP and microphone volume and the maximum values.
- Force a restart when switching the language.
- More detailed "x is not a valid XML file" error messages.
- Improved mission and traitor info popups.
- Show the number of lights (total and shadow-casting) in the sub editor.
- When rewiring, clicking the right mouse button only removes one node from the wire.
- Wire nodes are added by left clicking in the sub editor, and can be laid out horizontally/vertically by holding shift.
- Improved logging for DXGI_ERROR crashes on startup.
- Made level ambient lighting darker.
- Added "pause" console command (only usable in single player).
- Fixed crashing when the recharge speed of a PowerContainer with no interface (e.g. Alien Generator) is adjusted by a signal or a bot.
- Fixed docking interface becoming active on navigation terminals when any of the submarine's docking ports are close to another docking port, even if the terminal in question is not wired to that port.
- Fixed an occasional crash when a bot starts retreating away from an enemy immediately after spawning.
- Fixed clients not creating a download prompt when a sub they don't have is selected by vote.
- Fixed traitor missions almost always placing the mission-related items inside the same containers.
- Fixed traitor goal durations being displayed as "duration(xx) seconds" instead of "xx seconds".
- Fixed Traitor's "find an item" objectives not being considered complete if the target item is inside another item within the traitor's inventory.
- Fixed server using the provided campaign savefile name as-is (without the required .save file extension) when starting a new campaign through the console. Caused clients to throw "File transfer failed (wrong file extension """!)" errors and prevented them from receiving the save files.
- Fixed servers being able to start the round multiple times by spamming the "start" console command before loading the round finishes.
- Fixed rewiring sound playing whenever a remote player is using a rewireable device.
- Fixed subinventories not opening when grabbing another character with no items in the corresponding slot.
- Fixed draggable inventories getting stuck to a half-open state if the item is equipped when the inventory is opening/closing.
- Fixed light sprites being mirrored when the item is mirrored, even if the mirroring the item's sprite had been disabled (e.g. junction boxes).
- Fixed motion sensor detection area not being flipped when the item is mirrored.
- Fixed status monitor not mirroring rooms on the display in mirrored subs.
- Fixed engine propeller position not being flipped when the item is mirrored.
- Fixed diving suits being displayed in an incorrect position when the locker has been flipped on either axis.
- AI characters turn autotemp back on when leaving the reactor.
- Fixed item sprites becoming unmirrored when a damaged sprite is fading in.
- Fixed damaged item sprites that are set to fade in according to the damage always being drawn at full opacity.
- Fixed spectators being distributed into teams in combat missions, potentially leading to imbalanced crew sizes.
- Notify the client using the "togglekarmatestmode" command about the test mode being enabled/disabled.
- Send karma change notifications when karma has changed by 1 unit or more when test mode is enabled, not just when an action causes an immediate change of 1 unit or more.
- Fixed adjacent sprites bleeding into the platform and topwindow sprites.
- Fixed autocompleting submarine/shuttle names when using the submarine/shuttle console commands.
- Fixed some items (like sonar beacon) attracting monsters even when they're powered off.
- Fixed inability to open the pause menu if an inventory slot had been highlighted when exiting the game screen.
- Fixed welded door sprites "twitching" when the submarine moves.
- Fixed crashing when a character with no hands or arms drops a holdable item.
- Non-humanoids (i.e. monsters controlled by a player) cannot be assigned as traitors.
- Traitor missions are considered unsuccessful if the objectives cannot be completed (for example if the submarine doesn't have suitable containers to place the traitor items inside).
- Fixed the "Barotrauma" title text staying invisible in the main menu when coming back from the credits.
- Fixed clients not refreshing an item's editing hud when a remote player adjusts the values (i.e. if two players had selected the same lamp and one changed the color value, the other client wouldn't see the value change in the editing hud).
- Fixed a couple of the additive light sprites being slightly offset from the lamp.
- Clients don't display client-side vitality changes in healthbars until the actual vitality is received from the server. Fixes health occasionally dropping and then jumping back up if the client predicts damage incorrectly (e.g. if a melee attack hits client-side but doesn't server-side).
- Fixed character syncing being very inaccurate when switching to freecam and spectating a character far away from other players.
- Fixed oxygen/fuel tanks attached to a tool being rendered behind the character's legs.
- Fixed a character inventory desyncing error in multiplayer that caused random disconnections
- Fixed download prompts for submarines not showing up
- Added Japanese translation.
- Added Polish, Spanish and Turkish NPC conversations.
- Improvements to Russian and Spanish translations.
- Fixed fonts getting messed up when playing in Simplified Chinese.
- Players who haven't been a traitor yet are more likely to get selected as a traitor.
- If both teams have a traitor during a combat mission, traitor win will result in the opposite team's victory.
- Fixed the order of the traitor objective chat messages.
- Fixed flooding the respawn shuttle counting as flooding a part of the submarine when doing the "flood the submarine" traitor task.
Multiplayer fixes:
- Fixed server not sending a condition update for an item that gets removed when its condition drops to zero. Caused potassium and magnesium to explode continuously client-side when immersed in water.
- Fixed server list only displaying servers that are located close to the client.
- Fixed server list displaying the selected game mode incorrectly.
- Fixed Chinese server names and descriptions showing up as "?????" in the server list when not playing in Chinese.
- Fixed occasional "error while reading a message from the server" console errors when joining a server.
- Fixed clients occasionally timing out and disconnecting during the loading screens.
- Fixed character name box resetting in the server lobby when another client joins or disconnects.
- Fixed "collection was modified" error when a client who's been given control of a bot tries to use the report buttons.
- Fixed server hanging when a client joins if the server has a very large number of submarines installed.
- Fixed a bunch of client-side console commands crashing the game if the client disconnects while a question prompt is active and then enters something in the console.
- Fixed full SteamP2P servers not showing up on the server list regardless of the filters.
- Fixed "remove ban" and "range ban" buttons in the server settings menu doing nothing.
- Fixed switches occasionally getting desynced between clients.
- Added a tickbox for selecting/deselecting all permissions to the client management panel.
- Fixed clients with campaign management permissions not seeing the permissions of newly joined clients.
- Fixed statuseffects with a duration not having an effect on karma.
- Causing an "oxygen low" affliction decreases karma (for example when injecting large amounts of fentanyl).
- Fixed scroll values resetting in the multiplayer campaign store menu when purchasing/selling items.
Miscellaneous improvements:
- Attempting to drop an item to an empty inventory slot that's not of the right type (e.g. trying to put an extinguisher in the normal inventory slots), automatically moves the item to the correct slot if it's free.
- Made irrelevant items (light components, lamps, small automated pumps, etc) non-interactable in the tutorials.
- The first patient cannot be healed in the doctor tutorial until the "take the patient to the medbay" objective has been completed.
- The docking interface does not become active in the captain tutorial when leaving the first outpost.
- Added sounds for rewiring and repairing.
Miscellaneous fixes:
- Fixed skills not having any effect on repair durations.
- Fixed inability to enable content packages created for a version prior to (ones that have the content package in the Data/ContentPackages folder instead of in the mod folder).
- Use a welding tool icon to indicate damaged walls in the mechanic tutorial, because the generic repair icon caused some players to think the wall needs to be repaired with a wrench.
- Minor changes to the instruction texts in the mechanic tutorial.
- Reduced repair durations in the engineer/mechanic tutorials.
- Fixed draggable subinventories staying visible when stunned.
- Fixed light sprites not being scaled in the sub editor when resizing lamps.
- Fixed contained items not changing their position when flipping the container (e.g. oxygen generator with some tanks inside).
- Fixed projectiles emitting sparks when they hit a character (not just when they hit a structure).
- Fixed sonar's zoom slider not moving when autodocking zooms in.
- Fixed small creatures being unable to reach waypoints.
- Fixed bots getting stuck while trying to repair items (in practice hatches) while holding ladders.
- Hid SMG rounds and coilgun bolts from the sub editor because they're not usable by themselves, but are spawned automatically when the SMG/coilgun is fired.
- Hid the junction box tutorial variant from the sub editor.
- Stun guns and darts can be fabricated and purchased.
- More reliable melee weapon hit detection (for example in the security tutorial it was previously very difficult to hit the crawler after it falls to the ground).
- Enemies steer back towards the level if they end up outside the boundaries.
- Added confirmation popups when exiting the sub editor or character editor to prevent losing unsaved work.
- Fixed reactor warning lights being clickable and becoming invisible when pressed.
- Fixed CPR button becoming invisible when pressed.
- Fixed water occasionally flowing only through one gap in a hull, for example water only draining through a hole at a one side of a room even if there is another hole at the other side of the room.
- Fixed scrollbars not resizing when filtering lists (e.g. the submarine list in the "new game" menu).
- Fixed being able to fire flamers (and other repair tools) through walls and doors.
- Fixed flamers working underwater when the water is shallow enough for the character to stand.
- Fixed battery recharge rate slider not moving when the recharge rate is set by an incoming signal or a remote player.
- Fixed some connection panels being rewireable in vanilla subs when a wire is equipped.
- Fixed some pre-placed body armors and grenades in vanilla subs having an incorrect scale.
- Fixed crashing when a character gains a skill level on a skill that's not initially configured for the character class.
- Fixed "Add File" dialog of the Workshop publish screen always using the mod's root folder as the file path even if the file is in a subfolder.
- Fixed contentpackage version number not being updated when updating an older workshop item.
- Fixed subinventories closing when items are dropped into or removed from them, which made reloading weapons or putting several items into a container cumbersome.
- Attacking someone who has just recently attacked you doesn't reduce karma.
- The karma penalty from attacking someone scales according to their karma (i.e. smaller penalty for attacking a griefer whose karma is low).
- Damaging characters by performing CPR doesn't decrease karma.
- Fixed karma decreasing when moving a wire from a connection to another.
- Reviving characters with CPR increases karma.
- Made the default karma settings a little less strict.
- Fixed clients always getting kicked (never banned) if the "kicks before ban" karma setting is set above 0.
- Players aren't notified about their karma decreasing when it decreases "naturally" towards the neutral value of 50.
- Fixed mechanic tutorial crashing after the welding task when playing in Russian.
- Less restrictive client name symbol constraints. Fixes clients failing to join servers if their name contains Chinese symbols for example.
- Fixed inability to enable/update content packages created for a version prior to (ones that have the content package in the Data/ContentPackages folder instead of in the mod folder).
- Traitors don't lose karma by damaging structures if their goal is to flood the sub.
- Traitors cannot be assigned to kill themselves.
- Fixed round summary and traitorlist command displaying incorrect traitor mission info.
- Fixed inability to end the round if there's an active traitor mission but no traitors assigned.
- Disabled traitors in campaign mode.
- Fixed server crashing when attempting to greet a traitor with no objective.
- Fixed dead characters being occasionally selected as traitors.
- Fixed info menu still displaying the old traitor objective after a traitor dies and respawns.
- Allow traitors to re-use the sabotage button when someone starts to repair the device without having to re-open the interface.
- Fixed grenades exploding multiple times when triggered using a detonator.
- Scaled down alien materials (oxygenite, sulphurite, fulgurium, etc) and fixed their collider sizes.
- Karma doesn't spontaneously decay/increase when dead.
- Increased karma penalties for poisoning someone.
- Option to kick clients with low karma from the server and ban them if they get kicked more than x times.
- Space herpes randomly toggles inverted controls on/off to make it more difficult to bypass the effect by modifying keybinds.
- Fixed workshop item preview image not being refreshed in the publish tab when adding a preview image to an item that doesn't have one.
- Fixed "error loading submarine" console error when creating a copy of a submarine, deleting the original sub and then saving the copy.
- Fixed server logging an "attempted to send a chat message to a null client" error when a client tries to send a private message to a non-existent client.
- Enable dynamic range compression and VOIP attenuation by default.
- Fixed inability to extinguish fires through holes in walls.
- Fixed some texts not fitting on the submarine's wall labels in Spanish and Polish.
- Fixed "Broken English" character trait not being translated.
- Fixed missing "undock" text in the navigation terminal interface.
- Fixed some of the items in Berilia and Bunyip being impossible to pick up.
- Fixed crashing when less than 3 arguments are passed to the "color" console command.
- Fixed crashing when attempting to rewire two linked devices at the same time. (Saints & Sinners)
- Switched to Steam's networking API, which allows clients to connect to servers without the need for the host to forward their ports.
Expanded traitor feature:
- Multi-step traitor missions that not only make things more interesting to the traitors themselves but also to give the rest of the crew a fighting chance of detecting the traitor.
- Karma: a system that detects malicious actions and automatically creates a more challenging experience for griefers, or potentially triggers a kickban. The feature is completely optional and the server hosts can decide how aggressively it will react to malicious actions. In a nutshell, you can lose karma for doing dumb things, karma is regained gradually over time and may be increased more rapidly by doing good things, thus negating false positives and also giving you the chance to redeem yourself. Lose too much karma and you'll start to experience increasing levels of inconvenience.
- Wire griefing is more difficult: wires have to be disconnected from the connection panels at both ends before they can be removed. Disconnected wires can be seen visibly hanging from the device, with noticeable particle effects and sound cues that make it easier to detect and fix wiring problems.
- Added a built-in overheat warning light and siren to reactors and increased the time it takes for the reactor to catch fire and explode.
- Option to disable friendly fire altogether.
New items and structures:
- Additional weapons: stun gun, SMG, Shotgun, Grenade Launcher, Flamer, two new types of Coilgun ammunition (piercing & explosive).
- New monster loot: husk stinger, mudraptor shell, crawler mask, moloch shell.
- Fun stuff: Accordion, Captain's Pipe, Toy Hammer.
- Tons of new decorative submarine pieces for the sub editor.
New submarine:
- Berilia, a submarine for 16 players.
- Fixed crashing when selecting doors or gaps in the sub editor.
- Fixed crashing when combining items inside an ItemContainer (e.g. cabinet, deconstructor).
- Fixed shuttles not being able to redock into some submarines with unconventionally positioned docking ports. Specifically, if a port needed to be docked to from below but was positioned above the center of the submarine (or vice versa), the docking interface would not activate on the navigation terminal.
- Fixed docking port using the wrong submarine's position for joint adjustment, causing errors when docking a submarine with greater mass to one with a smaller mass.
- Fixed an issue that caused occasional ID mismatch errors if a client died during a multiplayer campaign round and disconnected before the round ended.
- Fixed item editing panel not appearing in wiring mode when selecting a wire in the sub editor.
- Fixed ability to throw throwable items while unconscious.
- Fixed bots not using fire extinguishers client-side in multiplayer.
- Fixed clients not hearing the sound when someone crowbars a door open.
- Fixed progress bars not showing client-side when cutting/welding doors.
- Fixed inability to combine items in multiplayer.
- Fixed occasional "index out of range" errors when loading walls that have been set to a non-default scale in the submarine editor.
- Fixed inability to scroll the crew list with the mouse wheel when the cursor is over certain parts of the list.
- Fixed sonar pings stopping mid-way when active sonar is turned off, which could be exploited to stop the pings before they reach a monster further away from the sub.
- Fixed clients not seeing other characters when entering spectator mode after their character has been eaten by a creature.
- Fixed clients not seeing other characters in spectator mode after the distance between the submarine and the client's corpse gets great enough.
- Fixed clients getting stuck to a non-functional game screen if they start a new round before the ending cinematic has finished server-side.
- Fixed projectiles hitting a character you're standing next to when firing.
- Fixed characters automatically equipping handcuffs (i.e. handcuffing themselves) if they were picked up when the only free inventory space was the hand slots.
- Fixed a rare race condition that occasionally caused the game to crash during the loading screen with a "no text packs available in English!" error message.
- Fixed husk infection being healable with broad-spectrum antibiotics even when the infection has reached the final stage.
- Fixed attachable items (detonators, electrical components) becoming deattachable without any tools if the sub is saved after deattaching them.
- Fixed projectile raycasts not taking wall rotation into account, causing the projectiles to hit sloped walls when standing next to them.
- Fixed PowerTransfer components checking overloads based on the item the recursive power check starts from, not the item that's currently being checked. Caused junction boxes to never break or catch fire in some subs
- Fixed crashing in the character editor when no textures were found for the selected character.
- Fixed crashing if a humanoid character has no knees or ankles.
- Fixed EventManager calculating flooding amount incorrectly, causing floods to only have a very small effect on the intensity value.
- Fixed batteries and supercapacitors being able to provide power through their signal connections (e.g. "set_charge_rate", "charge_rate_out").
- Lighting fix: obstruct background lights behind hulls. Previously the background lights would only get obstructed by background structures, causing light to "bleed through" parts with no structures (e.g. humpback's docking port) and windows in the background walls.
- Fixed item loading being interrupted if any item XML cannot be loaded, causing some items not to be loaded if any of the selected content packages are missing files or contain corrupted item XMLs.
- Fixed fire sounds not playing when standing inside a fire source.
- Fixed client names being converted to lower case when comparing them to the name written by the sender, preventing the message from being sent if the name wasn't written in lower case.
- Pass private messages to the client hosting the server when the message is targeted to the server.
- Private messages appear in the server log.
- Fixed plasma cutter and welding tool hit particles being offset from the flame.
- Fixed steel bar and titanium-aluminium alloy deconstructing to 100% condition items even when degraded (which could be used as an exploit to get infinite coilgun rounds).
- Fixed holdable items staying in the characters hand(s) when swapping them from a hand slot to another limb slot (for example, when moving a flashlight from a hand slot to the head slot).
- Fixed text wrapping not working properly with words that are longer than a single line.
- Fixed deconstructor losing some of the material from deconstructed items if the output container couldn't hold all of the new items.
- Fixed discrepancies in door welding & repairing logic regarding collision.
- Fixed a crash when retrieving lobby information with an uninitialized IP.
- Fixed max player count in server list & duplicate lobby entries.
- Fixed arrow keys not changing caret position when typing.
- Fixed doors looking repaired as soon as the condition goes above 0%, even though the collisions aren't re-enabled until the door gets above 50%.
- Fixed water not leaking through broken doors.
- Fixed inability to throw items through platforms.
Misc additions and changes:
- Respawn shuttles now spawn inside the level somewhere near the submarine, instead of always spawning at the beginning of the level.
- Respawn shuttles don't leave and despawn until a new respawn is pending.
- Added "respawnnow" console command which immediately dispatches the respawn shuttle.
- Search for default animation/ragdoll folders from the folder where the character file is located, not from "Content/Characters". Fixes mods not being able to load animation/ragdoll files if the file paths are not defined explicitly in the character configuration file.
- Improved performance by deleting dead monsters that are far away from the sub and by disabling physics on dead bodies when they stay still long enough.
- Added option to use conditionals to activate/deactivate ItemComponents. You can take a look at the reactor and junction box config files to see how it's used.
- Added some indicator lights to junction boxes and reactors.
- Stun batons don't affect large enemies (molochs, hammerheads, endworms, etc).
- In wiring mode, items are selected by pressing E instead of clicking. Selecting items with the left mouse button made it very difficult to manipulate the wires because it was easy to accidentally select some device instead of a wire node.
- Crate/toolbox inventories stay open and can be moved across the screen when the item is equipped.
- Added limits to submarine name and description length.
- Delete incomplete file downloads when disconnecting from a server while a file transfer is active. Prevents console errors about corrupted submarine/save files caused by the partially downloaded files.
- Increased Humpback's battery capacity.
- Added widgets for manipulating coilgun/railgun rotation limits in the sub editor.
- Added a command for setting the value of a property on all selected entities in the sub editor (for example, "setentityproperties scale 2" would set the scale of all selected items/structures to 2).
- Show ballast tanks and airlocks in a different color on the status monitor to make it easier to distinguish which rooms are actually flooding and which are supposed to have water in them.
- Option to define multiple inventory variants for a character (e.g. to add variation to monster loot).
- Start playing the main menu music during the loading screen.
- More reliable human walk sounds (played at specific points of the walk cycle instead of relying on impacts between the feet and the floor).
- Option to show a 16x16 grid and snap the cursor to it in the sprite editor.
- Reactor can be controlled with movement keys.
- Option to add a probability for afflictions applied by an attack.
- Husk attacks have a 50% chance of causing a husk infection.
- Decreased minimum item scale from 0.1 to 0.01.
- The amount of materials received from deconstructing fuel rods depends on the condition of the fuel rod.
- Reactors keep sending the temperature_out signal after a meltdown.
- Improved file transfer
- Disabled riot shields for now (too much griefing potential).
- Toolboxes can be fabricated and decontructed.
- Nerfed nitroglycerin's structure damage and increased the impact tolerance from 4 to 6.
- Made alien pistols a little less underwhelming (sounds, recoil, particle effects).
- Deconstructors drop all items that are inside the deconstructed item. Previously they would just get destroyed, making it a potential exploit to destroy items that should not be possible to deconstruct.
- Modified welding fuel tank and oxygen tank sprites a bit to differentiate them from each other a bit more.
- Modified plasma cutter and welding tool sprites a bit to differentiate them from each other a bit more.
- Diving suits play the warning beep when there's no tank in the suit (not just when the tank is running out).
- Server list can be sorted according to ping, name, compatibility or any of the other property in the list.
- Docking ports of the enemy submarine are not shown on the sonar during combat missions.
- Recharge headset batteries between rounds in single player.
- Disable status monitor displays when out of power.
- Reduce server CPU usage.
- Update ladder and gap references if a waypoint is moved around in the editor.
- More descriptive error messages when publishing a Workshop item fails.
- Allow selecting multiple files at once when adding files to a Workshop item.
- Made the autogenerated submarine preview pictures larger.
- The "Host server" menu remembers the previously used port numbers and the player count.
- Restrict server names to a maximum of 60 characters.
- Items now collide with platforms.
- The game automatically opens the generated crash report when it crashes.
- Added "setmaxplayers" command to the dedicated server.
- Clients can change the server password using the command "setpassword" if they have a permission from the host.
- Reduced the range of the sonar ping sound and added a more subtle ping sound that can be heard further away.
- Watchmen now hold position when attacked.
- Added a subtle glow to alien buttons to make them a bit more noticeable.
- Items that are set to be hidden in-game can still be interacted with in the sub editor.
- EXPERIMENTAL: option to disable rewiring items in multiplayer. At the moment the setting can only be changed by editing a parameter called "allowrewiring" in serversettings.xml.
Misc bugfixes:
- Fixed the position of an outpost's docking port not being taken into account when determining how to place it in the level. Caused large submarines sometimes to collide with walls when docked to outposts where the port is offset from the center.
- Fixed corrupted sub files causing crashes.
- Fixed item editing HUD not appearing on any other item after one item has been selected in-game (e.g. editing the channel on a wifi component prevented editing other items).
- Fixed ladders and other resizeable items reverting to their original size if they're resized and the sub is saved and reloaded.
- Fixed inability to resize gaps in the sub editor after they've been placed.
- Reactors take other power sources into account when calculating how much power they need to generate. Fixes overloads on Humpback when turning on the backup batteries and operating the reactor normally.
- Fixed watchmen not retaliating when a character does very small amounts of damage to them.
- Fixed bots being able to take handcuffs off from themselves.
- Fixed waypoint and spawnpoints being selectable in the sub editor even if they're hidden.
- Fixed deconstructing coilgun ammo boxes giving out more materials than the materials required to fabricate them.
- Scrollbars can only be dragged if the mouse button is pressed down while the cursor is on the scrollbar, not by holding the button and moving it on the scrollbar. Fixes accidentally switching from slider to another (often happens in the reactor interface).
- Fixed crashing when setting limb or joint scale to 0 using console commands.
- Fixed dropdowns in the Workshop item publish menu being draw behind the buttons below them.
- Fixes bots being unable to exit ladders if some part of their body is below the platform.
- Ignore keyboard inputs (delete, arrow keys, copy/paste) in the sub editor when a textbox is selected. Prevents accidentally deleting items/structures when attempting to delete text from a textbox.
- Toolboxes can't be put inside other toolboxes or in the doctor's clothes.
- Fixed items bought from the store during a singleplayer campaign session being deducted from the credits when save & quitting from the map.
- Flares stop emitting particles when inside an inventory.
- Fixed oxygen not flowing through horizontal gaps between subs (e.g. between Remora and the drone).
- Decreased the size of the mountain in the RidgeBasic level type to prevent it from blocking the main path.
- Fixed too small collider sizes on a bunch of crafting materials.
- Fixed order options ("hold fire"/"fire at will" etc) being displayed in one button instead of being split into separate buttons when playing the game in Chinese.
- Fixed "Text Self_CauseOfDeathDescription.Unknown not found" console error if a character gets killed by being inside a respawn shuttle when it despawns.
- Fixed sonar not scaling properly when resolution is changed mid-round.
- Fixed fabricators & deconstructors displaying the "insufficient power" warning when power is low (but still high enough for the devices to run).
Networking fixes:
- Fixed another ID mismatch problem that occasionally caused clients to get kicked out in multiplayer, usually with an error message warning about a missing item.
- Fixed players always getting range banned when banned by a client.
- Fixed turrets not being aimed correctly in multiplayer if they're in another sub (e.g. the coilgun in Remora's drone).
- More reliable fabricator and deconstructor syncing. Should fix items disappearing when multiple players attempt to use the device at the same time and strange timing inconsistencies when deconstructing multiple items in succession.
- Fixed all servers showing "unknown" as the game mode in the server list.
- Fixed server not allowing forward slashes in host messages.
- Fixed repair interface sometimes getting stuck close to 100% in multiplayer.
Character editor fixes and improvements:
- Nicer layout, made the panels hideable.
- Added buttons for creating joints, duplicating limbs, and deleting limbs/joints.
- A dropdown for selecting which content package to add the character to.
- Allow creating a new content package during character creation.
- Added hotkeys 1, 2, 3 for limb, joint, and animation modes respectively.
- Change the logic of deciding on which parameters are shown and when. In the ragdoll mode you can now see the ragdoll, but also scale it and see the main parameters. Source rects are now longer shown on the sprite sheet if limbs mode is disabled.
- Automatically select edit limbs mode when a new character is created.
- Option to create multiple limbs in the character creation wizard.
- Disallow deleting the main limb because it often causes crashes.
- Only allow selecting PNG files as the texture.
- The spritesheet is shown by default.
- Fixed deleted joints not being saved properly.
- Only lock the axis for torso/head position when alt is down.
- Disable test pose if the character is not a humanoid.
- Clamp camera offset so that the character is always at least partially visible.
- Made husks more common.
Multiplayer fixes:
- Fixed an ID mismatch problem that occasionally caused clients to get kicked out in the multiplayer campaign, usually with an error message warning about a missing item.
- Fixed servers using a local campaign save path sent by the client setupping the campaign, preventing the campaign from starting up if the path does not exist at the server's end.
- Fixed radio communication occasionally not working between characters in the multiplayer campaign. Characters that had made it through at least one round were not able to communicate through radio with characters that have just been spawned for the first time.
- Kick votes persist during a multiplayer session even if the client disconnects (= disconnecting and rejoining just before you get kicked doesn't work anymore).
- The server sends a "this client previously used the name xxx" message when a client rejoins with a different name.
- Fixed GameServer.UnbanPlayer passing the name to BanList in lower case even though BanList was case sensitive (preventing unbanning clients with the "unban" command if their name is not in lower case).
- Fixed server not saving the whitelist when it's enabled disabled, causing the setting to revert when relaunching the server.
- Fixed structure texture scale and texture offset now being reverting to default values when the submarine is saved by the server, causing them to reset between campaign rounds.
- Fixed client always launching the default "DedicatedServer.exe" even if using a content package that should replace the server exe.
- Servers only report content packages with files that cause multiplayer incompatibility to the master server. Fixes servers showing up as incompatible in the server list if they have custom sub files (or other types of files that don't cause compatibility issues) installed.
- Fixed crashing when clients attempted to kick/ban players through the in-game info menu when a round was running.
- Fixed client that's hosting a server not being taken into account in the player count visible on the server list.
- Fixed server list not displaying non-English symbols correctly (e.g. Cyrillic or Chinese characters).
Misc fixes:
- Replaced WinForms with SDL which should resolve most of the fullscreen/resolution issues. It's also now possible to change the resolution when in fullscreen without having to restart the game.
- Fixes to the DXGI crashes during startup.
- Fixed Character.GetConfigFile searching for the character file from all available content packages, not just the ones that are currently selected. Caused modded character files to affect the game even when the mod was not enabled, leading to various issues such as characters failing to equip items if the mod changes the number or type of inventory slots a character has.
- Fixed a bug in monster/item spawnpoint logic that occasionally caused perfectly valid spawnpoints to be discarded when there were floating ice chunks in the level, sometimes causing monsters to spawn very far from the submarine (which often lead to the player not running into them at all).
- Fixed bots not being able to retaliate when attacked with a repair tool.
- Fixed crashing when firing a revolver in the sub editor.
- Fixed items applying their status effects twice if they're put into a container by swapping them with another item. For example, replacing a fuel rod in the reactor by dropping a new fuel rod on it caused the reactor behave as if it had two rods in it.
- Switches send out a continuous 0/1 signal that can be flipped by interacting with the switch (as opposed to working like buttons which send out a pulse when interacted with).
- Fixed an issue that occasionally caused the main menu to look distorted when launching the game on Mac.
- Fixed crash after opening the file browser from the Workshop menu more than once on Linux.
- Fixed deconstructing coilgun ammo boxes giving out more materials than the materials required to fabricate them.
- Fixed combat mission achievements being impossible to unlock.
- Fixed item scales not being saved when the scale is modified in the sub editor.
- Fixed incorrect physicorium shell description.
- Fixed server list & workshop menu not resizing properly when changing resolution.
- Fixed player input being used to determine whether a character should be holding on to ladders, causing AI characters to let go of ladders when holding RMB.
- Fixed explosion damage bypassing armor (both creature shells and wearable items).
- Fixed OverrideSaveFolder and OverrideMultiplayerSaveFolder settings not being saved.
- Fixed order/report icons "twitching" when the sub moves.
- Fixed players being able to repair submerged electrical items indefinitely.
- Fixed a "attempted to access a removed ragdoll" console error when a character wearing the health scanner HUD is removed.
- Fixed console errors when a battery's or supercapacitor's capacity is set to 0 and the interface is open.
- Fixed ability to drop items into secure lockers (or other containers that require specific items) without having access to it.
- Automatically move the gaps linked to doors when the door is moved (and vice versa).
- Fixed items disappearing when they're dropped into a full container.
- Fixed crashing when an item that requires aim to use is used by something else than a character (e.g. a status effect).
- Fixed having a broken device on a sub in the sub editor and switching to Character Mode causing a crash.
- Fixed the bottom of the background ice texture not rendering correctly on high resolutions.
- Removed Berilia (vanilla sub that's not ready for release).
- Automatically fill the client name textbox with the player's Steam username.
- Allow clients (including the host) to change their name in the server lobby.
- Censor password boxes to make joining servers a little more streamer-friendly.
- Show the name of the server in the "connecting to..." popup instead of the IP address.
- Added a close button to the debug console and a text that explains it can be opened/closed by pressing F3.
- Electrical components are attached to walls with the left mouse button instead of E.
- Flares are activated with the left mouse button instead of E.
- Nerfed plasma cutters.
- Made coilgun ammunition boxes deconstructable.
- Allow to edit the door opening/closing speeds and increase the defaults.
- Reduce the follow-up distance and require the bot to be in the same room than the player before stopping, so that bots with a follow order don't stay on the doorways when the player is trying to enter the airlocks.
- Stop "breathing" deformations when the character is dead.
- Disable obstructed paths when the submarine docks to another submarine/outpost.
- Fixed crashing during startup due to faulty OpenAL installations.
- Fixed inability to select the voice capture device if the name of the device contains non-latin symbols (Cyrillic or Chinese characters for example).
- Fixed a networking issue that occasionally caused clients to get kicked with a "disconnected due to excessive desync" error message.
- Fixed fires being very hard to put out completely in multiplayer.
- Fixed items not being repaired after purchasing repairs in the campaign.
- Removed outdated Launch_BarotraumaServer script from the Linux version (does not work anymore, the dedicated server should be launched by running the file called "DedicatedServer").
- Fixed server ignoring the max players value set in the "host server" menu and using the setting configured in "serversettings.xml" instead.
- VOIP improvements (less crackling and pops).
- Increased oxygen output in vanilla submarines to prevent characters from suffocating when playing with an oversized crew.
- Fixed occasional console errors when ending a round (causing the round end summary not to appear).
- Waypoint fixes in vanilla subs.
- Disallow shooting and attacking when the cursor is over a UI element (to prevent, for example, accidentally firing a gun when dismissing a message box).
- Fixed monsters ignoring decoys.
- Fixed store menu switching back to the equipment category every time something is bought/sold in the multiplayer campaign.
- Fixed "push to talk" field going outside the audio settings menu on some aspect ratios.
- Fixed long server names overflowing in the server list menu.
- Fixed the character saying "OrderDialogSelf.dismissed" when a player removes an order from themselves.
- Fixed subinventory slots going outside the screen when for example grabbing someone with a toolbox in the leftmost inventory slot.
- Fixed monsters sometimes spawning inside the floating ice chunks within the levels.
- Fixed physicorium shells not being containable in railgun shell racks.
- Fixed physicorium ammo box not being containable in coilgun ammunition shelves.
- Fixed inability to spawn items in characters' inventories with the "spawnitem" console command.
- Fixed health interface not focusing to the most damaged limb when closing and reopening the interface.
- Prevent welding doors shut during the tutorials (as the player doesn't have access to any tools to reopen the door).
- Fixed AI pathfinding when the path is from a submarine to another submarine.
- Fixed Watchmen looking at the wrong direction.
- Fixed crashing due to an invalid display resolution. (Steam early access launch)
- Fixed clients occasionally failing to spawn items when playing using a different language than the server, which caused them to get kicked.
- Fixed extra cargo failing to spawn in multiplayer when playing using a different language than the server.
- Fixed legacy items failing to load if a sub is saved with a language other than English and the language then changed to something else.
- Fixed excessively small password input box when connecting to servers.
- Fixed a bug that occasionally caused items to drop from the inventory when moving items between inventory slots in the multiplayer.
- Prevent junction boxes from getting damaged due to overvoltage in the engineering tutorial.
- Fixed structures getting scaled incorrectly when cloning a structure with a non-default scale in the submarine editor.
- Fixed occasional crashes when leaving a multiplayer session while the "cinematic" at the end of the round is still playing.
- Fixed items not being moved to the humanhusk's inventory when a huskified player dies (= clothes and other gear seemed to magically disappear when the character "resurrected" as an AI husk).
- Fixed clients not seeing turrets rotating at their end when another client is operating the turret.
- Fixed hitscan projectiles (revolver rounds) going through walls if the weapon is fired while its barrel is partially inside the wall.
- Fixed welding tools being able to weld doors and burn characters through walls.
- Fixed bots reporting leaks when there are holes in the interior walls.
- Fixes to the colliders of some of the shuttle wall pieces.
- Fixed Linux version crashing when attempting to browse for files in the Steam Workshop menu.
- Fixed credits not resizing when resolution is changed.
- Added an upper limit to impact damage done to ragdolls, preventing characters from getting instakilled if a Moloch or another large monster smashes against the sub hard enough.
- Fixed mechanic tutorial getting stuck if repairing the devices is interrupted before they're fully repaired.
- Fixed Workshop item preview images not working on Mac or Linux.
- Fixed "Add file" and "Browse preview image" file dialogs crashing some Mac/Linux systems.
- Unlock tutorials one by one.
- Fixed crashing when clicking on the "no matching servers found" message in the server list.
- Fixed loading screen being dismissable when the window is not active.
- Fixed connection panel overlay overlapping with the connections on resolutions higher than 1080p.
- Fixed incorrect "mission completed" text in the combat missions.
- Fixed "a swarm of [monster]" description in the crawler swarm mission.
- More readable font and a fix to some texts appearing slightly "clipped".
- Additions to the credits.
- Minor tweaks to subs and shuttles.
- Added propeller damage to the shuttle engine.
- Increased maximum voice chat volume.
- Directional voice chat is enabled by default.
- Display the language names in the respective languages in the initial language selection screen.
- Playing the splash screens or tutorial videos doesn't require libvlc and libvlccore to be installed on the user's system in the Linux version anymore.
- Fixed a bug that caused frequent desync kicks when playing a multiplayer monster mission.
- Fixed private servers showing up in the server list.
- Fixed an index out of range error in DoctorTutorial if proceeding too fast to the submarine.
- Fixed report messages not going through to some clients when there are multiple clients on the server.
- Fixed players not seeing reports made by bots in multiplayer.
- Fixes to missing translations and UI layout problems when using languages other than English.
- Miscellaneous crew AI fixes and improvements.
- Fixed find safety AI objective not working properly.
- Fixed bots loading only half of the target items in the contain item objective.
- Fixed directional sonar indicators not being displayed on the sonar monitor.
- Fixed floating ice chunks occasionally spawning too close to the start of a level, causing them to clip through the submarin and/or the outpost.
- Fixed incorrect reward amount in the "Chemical shipment" description.
- Fixed inability to use the underwater scooters with LMB.
- Fixes to UI layouts on 4K resolution.
- Fixed unnecessary silence at the end of the "Objective Complete" music track.
- Fixed ruin walls being almost impossible to cut from inside the ruins.
- Fixed the "report leaks" button being highlighted inside ruins.
- Fixes to wall colliders.
- Fixed "Pause on focus lost" setting being always treated as if being enabled.
- Fixed dedicated server overwriting existing crash reports.
- Fixed save time being displayed in UNIX time in the right-hand panel in the campaign setup UI.
- Fixed "Praise the Honkmother" and "Extravehicular activity" achievements not unlocking in multiplayer.
- Fixed "No fun allowed" achievement being possible to unlock by committing suicide while wearing a clown costume.
- Fixed Steam Workshop on Mac.
- Fixed docking interface button not working in the multiplayer.
- Fixed medical doctor tutorial crashing on languages other than English.
- Fixed a bug that caused AI characters to occasionally get stuck next to stairways.
- Fixed animation and ragdoll file paths getting messed up if there are multiple content packages installed that include monsters with the same name.
- Fixed crashing when a StatusEffect causes an item to be used on a target.
- Fixed a gap between Remora and the drone.
- Added more supplies to Remora.
- Fixed watchman's dialogue getting muffled.
- Translations to German, Russian, French, Brazilian Portuguese, Traditional Chinese and Simplified Chinese.
- Numerous fixes and improvements to the crew AI. The biggest change is that the AI characters can now do tasks by themselves even when they haven't been assigned an order.
- One new outpost.
- New docking system.
- New logo and main menu art.
- Added a credits tab to the main menu.
- Some new item and structure sprites.
- Some new environment sprites.
- Increased the amount of credits the player starts with in the campaign.
- Balanced location and mission distribution.
- Balanced mission rewards.
- AI characters can be ordered to fight intruders.
- Lock the inventory when aiming with a railgun or a coilgun.
- Swap the order of the starting location & destination in nav terminals when playing in a mirrored sub.
- Option to automatically pause the game when the window loses focus.
- Fixed splash screens and tutorial videos crashing the Linux version.
- Fixed damaged item sprites not updating client-side after being repaired.
- Fixed characters occasionally taking impact damage when hitting walls while climbing.
- Fixes crashing when attempting to use symbols such as <, > or | in the save file name.
- UI layout/scale fixes on resolutions larger than 1080p.
- Fixed crashing when loading the same sub twice in the sub editor.
- Fixed submarines occasionally being rendered at an incorrect position when viewing them in the sub editor after they've been used in-game.
- Improved the syncing of ragdolled characters.
- Fixed characters not receiving impact damage when ragdolled.
- Fixed characters' arms occasionally spinning around when standing still.
- Fixed tutorial level generation parameters being used in some normal campaign levels (leading to extremely small levels and submarines overlapping with the outposts).
- Fixed characters running more slowly when their torso is in a different hull than the feet (for example in Humpback's bilge).
- Fixed character's feet getting stuck to platforms when climbing ladders while holding A/D.
- Fixed monsters being able to drag characters through walls.
- Fixed items "vanishing" if they move directly from sub to another without going outside first.
- Fixed content package hash calculation failing if the package is not enabled and contains new monster files.
- Fixed inability to enable content packages if some of the files included in the package are already in the game folder (which may happen, for example, if enabling a content package fails).
- Fixed AllowRagdollButton settings not being synced with clients, leading to strange ragdolling behavior client-side if the server has disabled ragdolling.
- Fixed incorrect keybinds being displayed in a couple of tutorial texts.
- Completely remade tutorials (separate tutorial for each job).
- Added a door and hatch variants with integrated buttons.
- New outpost graphics.
- Added swarm behavior to crawlers.
- Added a new mission where you have to kill a swarm of crawlers.
- Numerous crew AI improvements.
- Balanced item deterioration values.
- Mineral sprites change when collected from the environment.
- Added an option to disable directional voice chat.
- Added automatic submarine repair option to the campaign.
- Added "all" tab to the entity list in the submarine editor.
- Hide the crew area, chat box and server buttons when operating a turret or searchlight.
- Doors can be repaired with a wrench.
- Some new lamp variants.
- Display a progress bar when welding doors shut.
- Items that don't give any materials when deconstructed cannot be deconstructed.
- Added a console command that resets selected items and structures to prefab values ("resetselected").
- Option to toggle structure drop shadows and edit the position of the shadow in the sub editor.
- Minor physics optimizations.
- Disable background music & ambience in the character editor.
- More pronounced limping animation when a character's legs are injured.
- The inventory slots next to the character portrait (ID card, uniform, etc) can be hidden.
- Some new sound effects and background music.
- All walls can be scaled in the submarine editor.
- Structure damage is visualized when using debugdraw.
- Improved font scaling on different resolutions.
- Added Steam overlay support to Workshop.
- Server list shows which servers have voice chat enabled.
- Show a message box notifying respawning traitors that they're no longer a traitor.
- Added a search bar to the store menu.
- Added search bars to sub lists in campaign setup UI and sub editor.
- Don't allow rewiring and deattaching an item at the same time (happened when interacting with an item while holding both a screwdriver and a wrench).
- Fixed bots being unable to complete almost any task in the multiplayer due to a bug that caused them to interpret the sub as another crew's submarine.
- When spawning multiple monsters at the same time, spread them around a bit to prevent the players from getting attacked by a ball of overlapping crawlers.
- Fixed huge lag spikes when a character tries to escape from an enemy but can't find a path away from it.
- Fixed file transfer progress bars not being visible in the server lobby.
- Fixed crashing when attempting to start a mission round with mission type set to None.
- Fixed ElectricalDischarger electricity effect staying visible if the item breaks or the component is deactivated from outside (e.g. via a StatusEffect or the parent component).
- Fixed specular maps being rendered on top of characters when outside the sub.
- Fixed excessively bright lights around sonar flora and lava vents.
- Fixes to item collider sizes.
- Fixed inability to scroll through long texts in the sub editor's textboxes.
- Fixed clients not being able to see other characters in spectator if they've died far away from the sub.
- Fixed non-latin characters not being displayed correctly in Workshop item texts.
- Don't prevent selecting items in the sub editor when the cursor is on a wire node, because it makes it very difficult (or impossible) to select small items in the wiring mode.
- Fixed crashing when attempting to use the "spawnitem" command when a round is not running.
- Added collision sounds to items (e.g. when dropping or throwing items on the floor).
- Devices that are not currently being used never deteriorate spontaneously.
- Added a new submarine, "Berilia".
- Minor improvements to menu layouts.
- Randomize map seed when opening the "new game" tab.
- Show the "starting a round" popup to all clients when the server initiates a new round.
- The CustomInterface ItemComponent can be used to trigger StatusEffects. Buttons apply OnUse effects when pressed, tickboxes apply OnUse when checked and OnSecondaryUse when not.
- StatusEffects can modify item sound and sight ranges (requires an AITarget).
- Sonar beacons can be toggled on/off.
- Fixed submarines not being able to move horizontally in multiplayer if not accelerating fast enough.
- Fixed an inventory syncing issue that occasionally caused items to be dropped when moving them from the inventory to a container or vice versa.
- Fixed items occasionally dropping from the inventory at a very high speed, sometimes causing them to clip through floors.
- Fixed idling AI characters causing lag spikes if they can't find a path out of the room they're inside or if the submarine has no waypoints.
- Fixes to AI characters getting stuck if they fail to reach a leak they're trying to repair.
- Fixed characters "selecting" equipped railgun shells and depth charges, causing the characters to face towards the item.
- Prevent AI characters from jumping down from high places.
- Fixed highlighted items being selected when letting go of the Shoot button.
- Fixed inputs still working in multiplayer when the pause menu or the settings menu is open.
- Fixed some Steam achievements being impossible to unlock in single player.
- Fixed "Poisoner" Steam achievement being impossible to unlock.
- Fixed crashing when enabling game mode voting in multiplayer.
- Fixed voice chat volume not being applied on startup (i.e. the default volume was always used until you went back to the settings menu to change it).
- Fixed power not working correctly in some grids with chained relays and junction boxes.
- Fixed crashing when attempting to publish a sub with a preview image larger than 1MB on the Steam Workshop.
- Don't allow overwriting vanilla submarines/characters even if the vanilla content package is not selected.
- Don't allow deleting vanilla subs or subs that are a part of some content package through the sub editor.
- New control scheme: items are selected by left clicking, deselected with right click or esc, and held items are used on devices by pressing E (e.g. when rewiring with a screwdriver or repairing something with a wrench). The new controls are somewhat experimental; the intention is to make them more intuitive to new players. You can still switch back to the legacy control scheme from the game settings.
- Set default radio chat keybind to R and creature attack keybind to Mouse3.
- MODDERS, PLEASE NOTE: Moved crafting recipes from the fabricator xml to the xmls of the items. Makes it possible for modders to add new craftable items without having to modify the fabricators.
- Some menu layout improvements.
- Camera movement is disabled completely when an item interface is open (not just when the cursor is on the interface).
- Option to disable the camera pan/zoom effects from the game settings.
- Option to set a custom preview image for subs.
- Allow aiming on Ladders when not moving.
- Characters play "Entrance of the Gladiators" on the Guitar when wearing a Clown Mask.
- Display a warning on the Status Monitor when docked to an outpost ("Docked to X, undock before attempting to maneuver the submarine").
- Improvements to the line of sight effect. Prevents ugly-looking artifacts in spots where two wall pieces meet.
- The server gives the "None" permissions to new clients, allowing server hosts to automatically give specific permissions to all clients.
- Increased submarine masses to make it less easy for characters to push them around.
- Ping direction is shown on the sonar display when adjusting the direction slider even if directional ping is not enabled.
- Tweaked charybdis' AI, attacks and animations.
- Nuclear explosions cause radiation sickness.
- Reduced structure damage done by reactor explosions.
- Higher-resolution submarine preview images.
- Added a notification that tells where cargo spawns at the start of a round.
- Let the camera zoom out further when controlling a large monster.
- Added a longer delay to getting killed by pressure (5 seconds in max pressure).
- Made the pressure-zoom-in effect appear as soon as the pressure in a room starts to rise.
- Added blood particle effects when under high pressure.
- Some optimization to reduce loading times.
- Added a search bar to fabricators.
- Increased the range of docking port sounds and added a subtle camera shake when locking the ports to make it more noticeable when a sub docks.
- Made all new medical items fabricable.
- Automatically put the currently equipped item in the inventory (no matter if it's one or two handed) when picking up items that require two hands.
- Job preferences can be edited mid-round in the info menu.
- Slightly reduced the amount of oxygen characters consume from hulls.
- Enemies don't attack outposts or targets inside it anymore.
Multiplayer fixes:
- Fixed characters retaining the last known inputs when a client disconnects, causing the character to keep welding, honking a bike horn or whatever else they were doing until the server kills the character.
- More reliable throw StatusEffect (= grenade explosion) syncing. Fixes clients not seeing explosions at their end.
- More reliable item wall attaching syncing.
- Servers don't attempt to send position updates for items that have no enabled physics body (e.g. attached items). Fixes "received a position update for an item with no physics body" console errors when attaching items to walls.
- Fixed spectate button staying visible when a round ends while a client is in the lobby.
- Fixed remote characters sliding slowly to the left client-side when standing in place.
- Fixed server creating "attempted to create a network event for an item that hasn't been fully initialized yet" console errors when spawning Light Components mid-round.
- Fixes monsters flipping around way too often client-side (especially when inside the sub).
- Fixed wire connections that have been done mid-round not working properly.
- Fixed crashing when attempting to speak as a monster in single player.
- Fixed linked subs not getting docked correctly when loading a saved game.
- Fixed turrets not working if they're placed inside the submarine.
- Fixed calyxanide not being usable in Syringe Guns.
- Explosive Harpoons disappear after exploding.
- Emptying the "required items" field of an item in the sub editor now removes the item requirements (instead of using the default ones).
- Fixed crashing if a fabricator finishes creating an item after the user has been removed (e.g. eaten).
- Fixed crashing if none of the selected content packages contain location portraits suitable for the main menu.
- Fixed projectiles not applying status effects on impact if they have no attack defined.
- Fixed thorium rods not being usable in the reactor.
- Conditionals return a match when checking status tag inequality and the target has no status tags (e.g. checking if a character doesn't have a StatusEffect with a "poison" tag returns true even if the character has no active StatusEffects).
- Fixed severed limbs occasionally noclipping into the submarine.
- Fixed large engine emitting smoke before it becomes repairable.
- Improved tutorial * better videos, instructional texts, objective list that suggest what you should do next, option to rewatch the videos and re-read the instructions.
- Overhauled charybdis (still a work in progress though).
- Automatically grab adjacent ladders when the top/bottom of the current ladder is reached. Makes moving through docking ports a little less confusing.
- Option to configure when afflictions become visible with the health scanner by adding a "ShowInHealthScannerThreshold" attribute to the affliction.
- Added labels next to periscopes in Humpback and Dugong.
- Modified Humpback's bilge to make it easier for AI characters to fix.
- Enemies can now navigate out from the sub when escaping.
- Bunch of tweaks to monster AIs (targeting priorities, attack cooldowns, etc).
- Made InventoryIconColor and ContainerColor properties saveable.
- Removed descriptive name from alien artifacts (so be extra careful when bringing them on board).
- Allow panning the campaign map with WASD.
- Allow editing selected wires in wiring mode (so it's possible to, for example, modify the colors of the wires without having to disconnect them).
- Decreased structure damage done by frag grenades and made them disappear after they've exploded.
- Batteries output charge values as integers.
- Made damaged Junction Boxes less sensitive to overvoltage. Nearly broken junction boxes were barely able to handle any overvoltage, leading to chain reaction where one junction box breaking causes the grid to be overloaded, and the rest of the boxes start taking damage at an increasing speed.
- Reactors don't cool down when underwater anymore.
- Removed minimum conditions from battery deconstruction output (= deconstructing an empty battery still gives the materials used to craft the battery).
- Made a bunch of ItemContainer UI panels larger.
- Items can be dragged and dropped directly from the inventory into containers without having to select the container first.
- Plants can be picked up from the environment without any tools.
- Added more help texts to highlighted items ("[E] Interact", "[E] Climb"...)
Multiplayer fixes:
- Changes to event syncing logic to prevent cases where clients fall behind the server and get kicked out due to the server not being able to send out network events to the clients fast enough.
- Networking optimizations that prevent level objects and continuously deteriorating items from creating excessive amounts of network events.
- Fixed windows clients being unable to start a campaign in servers running on Linux.
- Fixed clients being unable to start a campaign using a submarine that's not in the default Submarine folder at the server's side.
- Fixed loading submarine files and campaign saves occasionally failing when running multiple instances of the game from the same install location (for example, a dedicated server executable and a client executable).
- Don't transfer files through the network when sending them to the owner of the server (i.e. a client hosting directly from the main executable).
- Fixed fires and water occasionally getting out of sync between a client using the fire/water console commands and the server.
- Fixed clients disconnecting with an "unknown object header" error if they fail to read a network event (when they should instead report the error to the server and wait for a message that contains a more descriptive error).
- Campaign fix: clear missions from locations that change their type, and all adjacent locations. Not clearing them caused missions to still be available when they logically shouldn't be (e.g. a transport mission from an uninhabited location to another) and syncing issues in multiplayer.
- Disable campaign start button if a round is already running when joining.
- Fixed clients being unable to end campaign rounds at all if the sub isn't at the start/end outpost (regardless if they have the permission to end the round or not).
- Fixed campaign characters still being displayed in the server lobby after the game mode has been changed to something else.
- Fixed items in the characters inventory always starting at 100% condition client-side even if they had deteriorated during the previous round.
- Fixed LevelResource (mineral, plant, etc) deattach timers not being synced with clients.
- AI characters can take out excess fuel rods from the reactor when needed.
- Item interfaces and the health interface can be closed with Esc.
- Fixed almost all items using default repair duration values (10 seconds with high skills, 100 seconds with low skills) instead of the ones configured in the item XMLs.
- Nuclear shells and nuclear depth charges disappear after they've exploded.
- Fixed "trying to add a dead character to crewmanager" errors when attempting to revive a character killed by some other affliction than internal damage, bleeding or burns.
- Take the position of a sub's docking port into account when determining where to place outposts. Previously the outposts were simply placed midway between the adjacent walls, which occasionally caused problems with submarines whose docking port is close to the bow or tail.
- Fixed a bug in relay components that caused a bunch of issues in power grids that utilize relays: Relays would receive the full amount of power from the grid regardless of the load of the devices connected to the power_out connection, causing unnecessary overloads and fires.
- Fixed batteries being able to draw power through relay components that are connected directly to a power source, even if the relay isn't on.
- Don't allow steering the sub with WASD when a textbox is selected.
- Use the SpriteColor of the item when drawing the moving parts of turrets and doors.
- Fixed steering issues that caused monsters to swim in an incorrect direction when they're targeting something inside the sub.
- Fixed a crash due when scaling the Mudraptor.
- Fixed crashing if a character has neither a head angle or a torso angle configured.
- Fixed characters always being created in the default folder in the character editor.
- Monsters don't target doors/hatches at the exterior of the sub when inside or inner doors when outside.
- Don't display disabled limbs on sonar (i.e. severed limbs that have "faded out").
- Close the save/load dialogs when leaving the sub editor. Otherwise they'll still be visible when re-entering the editor, and saving at that point will overwrite the previously loaded sub with an empty one.
- Removing an item after it's been combined doesn't trigger the OnBroken StatusEffects (e.g. combining two half-full flash powder jars doesn't cause them to explode).
- Fixed welding tools and plasma cutters not hitting targets if the barrel is inside the target (e.g. if trying to weld a completely broken wall with the cutter partially inside the wall).
- Fixed very small mineral colliders that made them extremely hard to hit with the plasma cutter.
- Fixed items with no sprite crashing the game (now they just cause a console error).
- Don't allow autointeracting with contained items (e.g. picking up an ammunition box from a loader) if another item is currently selected. Makes it less likely for players to accidentally pick up items from containers when they deselect another item.
- Fixed characters not letting go of the character they're grabbing when the health interface is closed by clicking outside the window.
- Fixed CrewManager throwing errors if changing resolutions when a crew member is dead.
- Fixed items emitting light from inside containers in the sub editor.
- The fission rate gauge on the reactor now visualizes the amount of fuel available.
- Doors and hatches can now also be repaired with wrenches.
- Changed default StatusEffect conditional comparison type back to OR.
- Clients communicate syncing errors to the server, and the server logs a more descriptive error about what went wrong. Should make it easier to diagnose disconnection issues from now on.
- Ending a multiplayer campaign round by talking to a watchman doesn't require any special permissions.
- Server automatically ends rounds if there have been no players alive in 60 seconds and respawning is not allowed during the round.
- Added a button for resetting an entity's properties to the default values to the sub editor.
- Updated handheld sonar UI graphics.
- Fixed non-radio chat/VOIP having an unlimited distance.
- Fixed a networking bug that caused the server to send item state changes to the clients before sending a message about the item being spawned. For example, spawning any item with a Light Component would always cause clients to get disconnected.
- Changes to the way the clients are put in sync with the server when joining mid-round. Should make it less likely for clients to get disconnected immediately after starting a round.
- StatusEffects only apply non-limb-specific afflictions to one limb even if targeting the whole character. Fixes drugs like fentanyl and morphine being way too harmful due to the oxygen loss affliction being applied once per every limb.
- Fixed TargetItemComponentName not working in StatusEffect conditionals (making it impossible to create conditionals that target a specific component of an item).
- Made all of the new medical items combinable and usable in a Syringe Gun (assuming the drug is in a syringe).
- Fixed inability to throw anything in the multiplayer.
- Fixed multiplayer campaign setup UI showing the client's subs instead of the server's.
- Fixed campaign view button overlapping with the "ready to start" tickbox in the server lobby.
- Fixed sub/mode voting not being enabled when changing the setting after the server has been started.
- Fixed character inventories occasionally being saved incorrectly in the multiplayer campaign when an
- Fixed flares not activating by left clicking.
- Fixed affliction icons flickering rapidly in the health interface and above the health bar if their strength is fluctuating around the threshold where the icon becomes visible.
- Fixed dedicated server crashing when typing in more text than can fit on one line.
- Fixed enemies "fleeing" after they have been shot. There was a steering issue when they targeted characters inside the sub while being outside.
- Fixed Hammerhead attack causing warping.
- Fixed incorrect submarine and level seed in server logs when playing campaign mode.
- Hide the start button from the campaign UI if the client doesn't have the permission to manage the campaign or rounds.
- A major overhaul on the crew AI. They should now be much better at executing their tasks, keeping themselves alive and less likely to get stuck.
- Re-enabled multiplayer campaign.
- New alien ruin art.
- New main menu (still a work in progress).
- New fonts.
- New subs and a new shuttle.
- New husk sprites.
- Improved item/character highlight effect.
- New signal items (divide, multiply, subtract, memory, equals, greater than, color, xor).
- Option to adjust microphone volume in multiplayer.
- Added console commands for changing the gender and race of the character.
- More intuitive BrokenSprite condition logic: a BrokenSprite with a MaxCondition of 50 will start fading in at 50 (and be fully visible when the condition drops to 0 or down to the MaxCondition of the next BrokenSprite).
- Added Mirror X/Y buttons to editing HUDs and tooltips that tell about the keyboard shortcuts.
Multiplayer fixes:
- Improved item position syncing logic. Less warping or items being impossible to pick up due to being in a different position server-side.
- Fixed clients not sending a network update to the server when dragging an item out of an inventory slot, causing situations such as suffocation after dropping a diving suit due to the server not knowing that you'd dropped it.
- The client hosting a server and spectators don't trigger autorestart.
- The owner of a server is allowed to spectate even if spectating is disallowed in server settings.
- Fixed "play yourself" always toggling to true when a round ends.
- Fixed missing item names in the extra cargo menu.
- Fixed traitor rounds failing to start if the server is not hosted by a client.
- Fixed console command aliases not being taken into account in GameClient.HasConsoleCommandPermission (meaning that the client needed a permission for each name variant of a command, making it impossible to for example use "fixwalls" instead of "fixhulls").
- Made the "control" console command usable to clients.
- Show the "ready to start" tickbox in the server lobby even if the client has the permission to start the round.
- Fixed server lobby screen not showing the names of the submarines the client doesn't have.
- Fixed inability to select the respawn shuttle as a client host.
- Fixed VoipCapture creating new "could not start voice capture" popups constantly if there's no suitable capture device.
- Fixed crashing when starting a round if a submarine name contains underscores.
- Fixed clients console errors when attempting to modify the properties of an ItemComponent in-game (for example, the color of a light component).
- Added some more information to the console messages and error popups when a client gets disconnected.
- Fixed enablecheats command crashing the server if it's used when there are no clients present.
Misc bugfixes:
- Audio fixes (less snap, crackle and pop).
- Fixed particle "jitter" when the submarine was moving fast.
- Fixed damage modifiers affecting all afflictions if they use affliction types instead of affliction identifiers.
- Fixed end round vote text going outside the screen if there's a 2-digit amount of votes.
- Fixed StatusEffects only applying afflictions to one limb even if the target is "Character" instead of "Limb".
- Disable audio instead of crashing if no audio device is found.
- Fixed item interfaces getting repositioned every frame when the editing HUD is open.
- Fixed held items clipping with the sleeves of the character (e.g. when holding a revolver while an uniform is equipped).
- Fixed being able to levitate by spamming the ragdoll button.
- Fixed dead characters draining oxygen tanks inside diving suits/masks.
- Fixed reactor gauges getting messed up if the optimal fission rate is more than 100% (which may happen if the power consumption is larger than what the reactor can generate).
- Fixed mud raptors not having an inventory (nor lootable items).
- Fixed inability to interact with any items when aim assist is set to 0%.
- Fixed info panel flickering out and Tab getting "inverted" (= info panel shown when tab is not being held) when selecting crew members in the panel.
- Fixed characters arms occasionally getting stuck above their shoulders.
- Fixed wire nodes occasionally being created at the wrong end of a wire (e.g. when moving a wire between connections in a connection panel, the wire stretched from the device at the other end of the wire to the device that's being rewired).
- Changed the way arguments are given to the "setclientcharacter" command (no semicolon to separate the names, quotation marks have to be used for multi-word names just like with any other command).
- Show the amount of credits in the crew tab of the campaign menu.
- Don't spawn new monsters if docked to the start outpost or within 50 meters of the start/end of the level.
- The diving knife now causes also internal damage besides bleeding.
- Fixed alien vents crashing the game when there's a character nearby.
- Fixed chatbox retaining the radio message prefix after being deselected.
- Push-to-talk doesn't trigger when typin in a text box.
- Fixed some server log messages and texts sent to clients being incorrect (= showing the tags that are used to fetch the texts from the language files instead of the actual texts).
- Fixed AI orders that target a specific item (such as the order to power up the reactor) not working in multiplayer.
- Fixed crashes when attempting to use voice capture or change voice capture settings when there are no suitable capture devices available.
- Fixed clients not being notified when an AI character shuts down the reactor.
- Fixed deconstructors staying active without power in multiplayer.
- Fixed sonar labels going outside the screen when at the left side of the display.
Additions & changes:
- Added some supplies to vanilla submarines.
- Balanced item deterioration rates and adjusted neutral ballast settings in vanilla subs.
- Increased the impact tolerance of crawlers to prevent them from killing themselves by bumping into walls.[1]
- Got rid of the listen server: when hosting as a client, the game actually runs the dedicated server executable in the background. Makes client-hosted servers a little smoother due to the better performance of the dedicated server, and also makes it much easier for us to maintain and test the multiplayer because we no longer have two separate server applications.
- Added multiplayer campaign.
- VOIP support! Still a work in progress, so minor audio glitches are to be expected.
- Improved character and submarine position syncing. Way less rubberbanding and teleporting!
- Fixed servers occasionally starting the round multiple times when autorestarting or starting by voting.
- Fixes players being unable to log in as a client when they're hosting a dedicated server on another machine.
- Option to randomize your job preferences in the server lobby.
- Fixed a server timing issue that occasionally caused the server to kick clients due to desync when a round starts.
- Fixed occasional server-side "maximum packet size exceeded" errors.
- Require the players to either dock with the ending outpost or to get the sub close and enter the outpost before automatically ending the round.
- Fixed crashing if the round ends while the health window is open.
- Fixed incorrect item panel positioning in the crew command interface when the sub is docked to something.
- Fixed crashing when an incompatible content package is selected in config.xml or if the content package cannot be found.
- Fixed screen distortion effects on Linux.
- Fixed non-character key input on Linux (arrow keys, tab, etc).
- Fixed fullscreen option not taking effect on game launch.
- Fixes to a bunch of crashes in the character editor.
- Fixed subinventories not being displayed on the inner clothes slot, making it impossible to use the extra slots in uniforms.
- Fixed game settings resetting every time the game is updated.
- Fixed bots shooting at their own crew with turrets.
- Fixed wifi components not receiving chat messages in single player.
- Fixed AI not reloading coilguns if an empty box of ammunition is inserted in the loader.
- Fixed incorrect deusizine scale.
- Fixed turret light toggle not doing anything.
- Fixed character skills that aren't defined in the job xml never increasing, resulting in all jobs except the captain always having a helm skill of 0.
- Fixed flashlight & scooter light cones being "clipped".
- Fixed StatusEffects bypassing limb damage modifiers.
- Fixed waypoints not getting connected between docking ports on some subs.
- Fixed target identifiers being bypassed when a StatusEffect is set to target nearby items or characters.
- Fixed the "insufficient skills to use the item" text popping up if a character doesn't have sufficient skills to operate one of the item's components, even if the component was not interacted with (e.g. captains got a warning about not being able to use the connection panel of a nav terminal, even if they didn't select the connection panel).
Steam Workshop:
- Update installed workshop items automatically on startup.
- Allow adding submarines to workshop items with the "add file" dialog.
- If creating an update for a workshop item that's currently installed, use the installed version instead of the one downloaded from the workshop.
- Some new random events.
- A bunch of new afflictions and medical items.
- Some new item sprites.
- Added some new items that can be crafted from alien materials.
- Display linked hulls as one room on the status monitor.
- Tons of new sound effects.
- Display the controlled character in the crew interface.
- Option to "give orders" to the character you're controlling. In single player it can be useful if you want the controlled character to keep doing something when switching to another one, in the multiplayer it can be used to let others know what you're doing.
- Added a weak spot to Moloch's bladder.
- Baby Moloch, doo doo doo doo doo doo
- Added damage particles to Mud Raptors and Molochs.
- Added "minimum velocity" property to to motion sensors. Allows making sensors that, for example, keep a door open when a character is standing in the doorway.
- Option to choose whether to use AND/OR logic in StatusEffects with multiple conditionals. Defaults to AND.
- Added a 1 second "cooldown" to water detector state switches to prevent alarms from toggling on and off constantly when the water level is fluctuating around the position of the detector.
- Added scram option (reactor shutdown) to the nav consoles in the vanilla subs.
- Support for binding Mouse4, Mouse5 and MouseWheel.
- Made Hammerhead and Mudraptor attracted to light.
- New husk sprite (still WIP).
- Decreased deterioration rates across the board. Repairing a damaged item to full condition also now resets the deterioration delay, meaning that the item will not start deteriorating again immediately after it's been repaired.
- Miscellaneous optimization.
- Removed the info button from the top-left corner * the info menu is now opened with TAB.
- Changed default chat/radio keybinds to T and Y.
- Welding tools repair all the walls within the range of the raycast, not just the first wall the raycast hits. Makes it easier to repair overlapping and multi-layered walls.
- Decreased the range of passive sonar * previously there was often no reason to use the active sonar because
the passive mode showed the area around the sub so clearly.
- Health scanner shows all active afflictions (not just those that are visible in the health interface). Allows detecting afflictions at an earlier stage, making the item much more useful.
- Nerfed the structure damage done by Molochs and Crawlers.
- Reduced creature HP across the board.
- Increased the amount of minerals in levels.
- Increased flare burn time, making them more useful as path markers during exploration of ruins.
- RepairTool damage is configured using StatusEffects and Afflictions instead of the "limbfixamount" attribute that always does burn damage.
- Made headsets craftable.
- Battery output doesn't start dropping until the charge is below 10%.
- Restrict the amount of power going through relay components to the MaxPower value of the relay.
- Set Humpback reactor output a bit higher, batteries now start at full charge and relays can't be overloaded.
- Miscellaneous fixes and balancing to vanilla subs.[2]
- Watchmen cannot be dragged or grabbed.
- AI characters can give treatment to characters who aren't unconscious.
- Added a button that dismisses the tutorial popups to prevent accidentally closing the popups.
- Underwater scooters now attract monsters.
- Improvements and balancing to vanilla submarines.
- Made alien ruin walls more durable.
- Reduced item deterioration speeds.
- Added "yes to all" and "no to all" buttons to the prompts when deleting containers in the submarine editor.
- Improved the background smoke texture in hydrothermal wastes.
- Baby moloch, doo doo doo doo doo doo
- Fixed console errors in the chemical shipment mission due to auxiliorizine being still present in the mission configuration despite the item being removed.
- Made coilgun ammunition boxes craftable and purchaseable, coilgun bolts cannot be purchased anymore.
- Fixed AI-controlled husk not spawning when a huskified player dies.
- Fixed AI crew occasionally going outside to fix leaks.
- Fixed server failing to sync clients who join the server after a character has been removed during the round (e.g. eaten, turned into a husk).
- Fixed server-side console errors when clients attempt to use a fabricator.
- Display Steam authentication errors in the server logs.
- Fixed status effects with a ReduceAffliction value of 0 freezing the game.
- Fixed sliders not moving in the battery/supercapacitor interface when an AI character is operating it.
- Fixed chatbox being deselected in the net lobby when receiving a lobby update from the server (i.e. whenever the server host changes any setting).
- Fixed OnBroken status effects firing in the submarine editor when an item's condition is set to zero (for example, reactors exploding and breaking all the nearby walls).
- Fixed file number being added to the file extension of debug console log files ("file123.txt (2)" instead of "file123 (2).txt").
- Fixed battery positioning in Charging Docks.
- Fixed crashing when ending a single player round while a character is outside the sub.
- Fixed "attempting to remove an already removed item" console errors when ending a round.
- Fixed fire sounds persisting in menus.
- Fixed the layout of the extra cargo menu in server settings.
- Fixed depth charges disappearing from loaders when interacting them with both hand slots full.
- Fixed StatusEffects not being able to target item components. Caused doors to be impossible to weld and most likely other issues with item StatusEffects as well.
- Artifacts spawn in artifact holders again.
- Fixes to "attempted to move pulljoint extremely far" errors which occasionally caused severe problems in syncing characters' positions.
- Fixed a bug that occasionally caused monsters to spawn very close to the submarine in monster missions.
- Fixed servers occasionally starting the round multiple times when automatically starting the game via autorestart or clients being ready.
- Fixed up-to-date content packages being reported as incompatible in the Steam workshop menu.
- Changed the default radio chat hotkey to T.
- Fixed the line of sight effect not working on ruins when looking at them from inside a sub.
- Fixed fabricator allowing new items to be created when the output is not empty, resulting in wasted materials.
- Fixed servers reporting incorrect player counts in the server list.
- Fixed order messages not being visible in single player if the character issuing the order has no headset.
- Fixed riot shields retaining their pushing ability even when the user is stunned or unconscious.
- Fixed rubber ducks not floating like a good duck should.
- Prevent locations from being generated too close to each other in the campaign map.
- Fixed battery and supercapacitor charges not staying in sync between the server and clients.
- Fixed watchmen imploding continuously if they end up outside.
- Fixed non-downloaded workshop items showing zero as the file size.
- Fixed spectate button staying disabled if starting a round fails (due to a missing sub file for example).
- Fixed crashing when teleporting characters from a submarine to ruins in multiplayer.
- Fixed automatic temperature control setting turbine output above 100 if the power consumption is higher than what the reactor can generate. Caused "failed to write an event for the entity" errors in multiplayer.
- Fixed AI characters attempting to treat dead characters.[3]
- Fixed crew UI occasionally overlapping with device interfaces (such as the "passive sonar" checkbox).
- Fixed second submarine overlapping with the outpost at the end of the level in combat missions.
- Steam query port can be automatically forwarded using UPnP if your router supports UPnP.
- Fixed water currents inside the sub occasionally being way too strong to break free from.
- Fixed rewards mentioned in the mission descriptions not matching the actual reward of the mission.
- Fixed "can't create an entity event for Hull * the entity has been removed" errors when removing hulls with fires inside them.
- Fixed submarine/mode selection tickboxes in the server settings menu.
- Fixed crashing when attempting to select an item in Humpback's fabricator interface.
- Fixed crashing when attempting to use active sonar in the submarine editor.
- Fixed the husk appendage not appearing on huskified humans.
- Fixed order/report messages being flagged as spam way too easily, causing frequent spam kicks.
- Fixed sliders buttons being invisible while pressed in device interfaces.
- Fixed an item being spawned in the submarine editor when selecting an item from the menu while another one is already selected.
- Fixed submarine colliders not taking into account the body offsets of the wall structures, causing some items outside the submarine's walls to be impossible to interact with (the most noticeable being the button that opens Orca's airlock from the outside).
- Added a small stun effect to railgun shells.
- Added a little extra fuel to vanilla subs.
- Slowed down item deterioration rates.
- Moved the position of turrets in Orca and Typhon to prevent players getting caught under them.
- Moved humpback's cargo spawn position a bit to prevent the cargo from falling down the hatch under it.
- Added better visual feedback when reactor is in poor condition.[4] (First closed alpha testing build)
- Improved random event system that tries to keep the overall difficulty of the game at certain level, delaying additional monster spawns if there's already lots of things going on, or spawning more when there's a more quiet moment.
- Improved difficulty system: now the difficulty level has a much more noticeable effect on the gameplay.
- General difficulty balancing all across the board: we've tried to make the difficulty curve more approachable to new players while still keeping things challenging for more experienced players on higher difficulty levels.
- More varied levels, environmental hazards.
- A new more detailed health system with things such as limb-specific injuries, addictions, overdoses, mental issues... The system is also highly moddable, and makes it much easier to implement things such as hunger mechanics, more varied poisons or stat-boosting items.
- Completely redesigned in-game HUD (the inventory, crew command interface, chat, etc).
- Redesigned crafting system.
- Minerals scattered across the level (can be used for crafting).
- A command/report system that can be used to communicate with your crew more effectively (in both single player and multiplayer).
- Tons of additions to alien ruins (traps, puzzles, non-flooded rooms).
- Improved AI (both the crew AI and the enemy AIs).
- NPC dialog (including random chatter and context-specific lines that make it easier to keep track of what the crew is doing).
- Most of the device interfaces have been redesigned to make them easier to use (and nicer to look at!).
- Many additions to the campaign mode (still a work in progress though).
- Overhauled the skill system: now every character can generally do anything (repair devices, fabricate new items, apply medical treatments), but characters with higher skill levels will do things more efficiently.
- Skill progression in the campaign mode: characters' skills gradually increase, making them more valuable with each completed round.
- New music composed specifically for the game.
- Overhauled audio.
- New monsters.
- New items (weapons, tools, medical items, alien items, crafting materials, etc).
- A completely remade tutorial.
- Too many bugfixes to count.
- Improved and much more stable ragdoll animations.
- Additional tools for modders (character editor, sprite editor, level editor, additions to the submarine editor).
- Steam functionality of course: full Workshop support, achievements, banning Steam IDs from servers...
- Improved translation support: it's possible to translate texts in item/job/etc configuration files without breaking compatibility with existing subs or mods (see the EnglishVanilla file for some instructions).[5]