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Wiring Components

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Wiring Components
Deconstructor Yield
Minimum Difficulty 15%
Base Price 100 mk
OutpostOutpost Buy Sell
Habitation OutpostHabitation 100 mk 30 mk
ColonyColony N/A 30 mk
Research OutpostResearch 125 mk 37 mk
Military OutpostMilitary 100 mk 30 mk
Mining OutpostMining 100 mk 30 mk
Medical MerchantMedical Merchant N/A 30 mk
Engineer MerchantEngineer Merchant 90 mk 27 mk
Armory MerchantArmory Merchant N/A 30 mk
Children of The HonkmotherClown Merchant N/A 30 mk
The Church of HuskHusk Merchant N/A 30 mk
Identifier andcomponent, equalscomponent, greatercomponent, notcomponent, orcomponent, regexcomponent, signalcheckcomponent, xorcomponent, abscomponent, addercomponent, ceilcomponent, dividecomponent, exponentationcomponent, factorialcomponent, floorcomponent, modulocomponent, multiplycomponent, roundcomponent, squarerootcomponent, subtractcomponent, acoscomponent, asincomponent, atancomponent, coscomponent, sincomponent, tancomponent, colorcomponent, concatcomponent, delaycomponent, memorycomponent, oscillator, relaycomponent, wificomponten
Categories Electrical
Tags smallitem, logic

Wiring Components are craftable, placeable items used to automate certain tasks or provide information about various submarine systems.


  • In-game, Wiring Components can be placed on background walls by "equipping" them in one hand, holding Right Mouseright click, then Left Mouseleft clicking on any empty space on the background wall's grid (see also placing).
    • Placed Wiring Components can be detached from the wall by making sure a Screwdriver is not equipped, equipping a Wrench, and pressing E.
    • Accessing the component's connection panel is done by equipping a Screwdriver and pressing E.
    • For more details on wiring mechanics, see Wiring Interface.
  • In the Submarine Editor, Wiring Mode is enabled by clicking the corresponding button to the top-right or pressing Ctrl+2.
    • From there, the same commands as in-game apply, although the Editor allows access to all components and wires, as well as many other customization features.
    • For more details, see Submarine Editor#wiring.


And Component

"Sends a signal when both inputs receive a signal within a set period of each other."

The And Component is an electrical component used to check if both inputs are receiving a truthy signal.

Connection Panel for Wiring Components
Hover over pins to see their descriptions.
The input of the first signal.
The input of the second signal.
Sets the "true" output.
The output of the component.
Requires: Screwdriver

"1" denotes any non-zero signal, "0" denotes a "zero signal or no signal"

Truth Table
Input 1 Input 2 Output
0 0 0
0 1 0
1 0 0
1 1 1

Equals Component

"Sends a signal when both inputs receive the same signal."

The Equals Component is an electrical component used to check if both inputs are the same.

Connection Panel for Wiring Components
Hover over pins to see their descriptions.
The input of the first signal.
The input of the second signal.
The input for setting the signal that will be output if the conditions are met.
The output of the component.
Requires: Screwdriver

"1" denotes any non-zero signal, "0" denotes a "zero signal or no signal"

Truth Table
Input 1 Input 2 Output
0 0 1
0 1 0
1 0 0
1 1 1

Greater Component

"Sends a signal if the value the signal_in1 input is larger than the signal_in2 input."

The Greater Component is an electrical component used to check if one input is greater than the other.

Connection Panel for Wiring Components
Hover over pins to see their descriptions.
The input of the first signal.
The input of the second signal.
The input for setting the signal that will be output if the conditions are met.
The output of the component.
Requires: Screwdriver

Not Component

"Sends a signal when the input is NOT receiving a signal."

The Not Component is an electrical component used to invert a signal. If it is set to continuous output, it will output even if not recieving a signal.

Connection Panel for Wiring Components
Hover over pins to see their descriptions.
The input signal.
The output of the component.
Requires: Screwdriver

"1" denotes any non-zero signal, "0" denotes a "zero signal or no signal"

Truth Table
Input Output
0 1
1 0

Or Component

"Sends a signal if either of the inputs receives a signal."

The Or Component is an electrical component used to check if recieving any truthy (non-zero) signals. Will output false if not recieving any truthy signals.

Connection Panel for Wiring Components
Hover over pins to see their descriptions.
The input of the first signal.
The input of the second signal.
Sets the "true" output.
The output of the component.
Requires: Screwdriver

"1" denotes any non-zero signal, "0" denotes a "zero signal or no signal"

Truth Table
Input 1 Input 2 Output
0 0 0
0 1 1
1 0 1
1 1 1

RegEx Find Component

"Sends a signal if the received signal matches a specific regular expression pattern."

The RegEx Find Component is an electrical component used to match an exact string.

It is commonly used with a Terminal.

Click here for a tutorial on regular expressions. Click here to create/test regular expressions.

Connection Panel for Wiring Components
Hover over pins to see their descriptions.
The input signal.
The input for setting the signal that will be output if the conditions are met.
The output of the component.
Requires: Screwdriver

Signal Check Component

"Sends a signal when a signal matching a specific value is received."

The Signal Check Component is an electrical component used to check if the received signal matches a target signal.

If the signal input matches the target value, the output is sent. If the signal does not match, the false output is sent.

Connection Panel for Wiring Components
Hover over pins to see their descriptions.
The input signal.
Sets the "true" output.
Sets the signal that must be matched to.
The output of the component.
Requires: Screwdriver

Xor Component

"Sends a signal if either of the inputs, but not both, receives a signal."

The Xor Component is an electrical component used to check if exactly one input pin is receiving truthy signals.

Connection Panel for Wiring Components
Hover over pins to see their descriptions.
The input of the first signal.
The input of the second signal.
Sets the "true" output.
The output of the component.
Requires: Screwdriver

"1" denotes any non-zero signal, "0" denotes a "zero signal or no signal"

Truth Table
Input 1 Input 2 Output
0 0 0
0 1 1
1 0 1
1 1 0


Abs Component

"Outputs the absolute value of the input."

Adder Component

"Outputs the sum of the received signals."

Ceil Component

"Transforms a given float input into the closest integer, rounding up."

Divide Component

"Outputs the divided value of the received signals."

Exponentiation Component

"Outputs the input raised to a given power."

Factorial Component

"Outputs the factorial of the input."

Floor Component

"Transforms a given float input into the closest integer, rounding down."

Modulo Component

"Outputs the remainder when the input is divided by a specific number."

Multiply Component

"Outputs the product of the received signals."

Round Component

"Rounds a numerical input to the nearest integer value."

Square Root Component

"Outputs the square root of the input."

Subtract Component

"Outputs the subtracted value of the received signals."


Acos Component

"Outputs the angle whose cosine is equal to the input."

The Acos Component is an electrical component that performs the inverse cosine function; cos-1(x).

Connection Panel for Wiring Components
Hover over pins to see their descriptions.
The input signal.
The output of the component.
Requires: Screwdriver

Asin Component

"Outputs the angle whose sine is equal to the input."

The Asin Component is an electrical component that performs the inverse sine function; sin-1(x).

Connection Panel for Wiring Components
Hover over pins to see their descriptions.
The input signal.
The output of the component.
Requires: Screwdriver

Atan Component

"Outputs the angle whose tangent is equal to the input. If the "signal_in_x" and "signal_in_y" connections are used, the input is interpreted as a vector and the angle calculated using Atan2."

The Atan Component is an electrical component that performs the inverse tan function; tan-1(x).

Connection Panel for Wiring Components
Hover over pins to see their descriptions.
The input signal.
The input of the X signal.
The input of the Y signal.
The output of the component.
Requires: Screwdriver

Cos Component

"Outputs the cosine of the input."

The Cos Component is an electrical component that performs the cosine function; cos(x).

Connection Panel for Wiring Components
Hover over pins to see their descriptions.
The input signal.
The output of the component.
Requires: Screwdriver

Sin Component

"Outputs the sine of the input."

The Sin Component is an electrical component that performs the sine function; sin(x).

Connection Panel for Wiring Components
Hover over pins to see their descriptions.
The input signal.
The output of the component.
Requires: Screwdriver

Tan Component

"Outputs the tangent of the input."

The Tan Component is an electrical component that performs the tangent function; tan(x).

Connection Panel for Wiring Components
Hover over pins to see their descriptions.
The input signal.
The output of the component.
Requires: Screwdriver


Color Component

"Outputs a combined color signal for light control."

The Color Component is an electrical component used to provide a color signal for lamps/lights.

It is most commonly used in tandem with Light Components for easily changeable lighting.

Connection Panel for Wiring Components
Hover over pins to see their descriptions.
The brightness of the red channel.
The brightness of the green channel.
The brightness of the blue channel.
The transparency of the alpha channel.
The combined color signal.
Requires: Screwdriver

Concatenation Component

"Joins the inputs together and outputs the joined value (for example, the inputs "mud" and "raptor" would output "mudraptor")."

Connection Panel for Wiring Components
Hover over pins to see their descriptions.
Input of the first signal.
Input of the second signal.
The joined value.
Requires: Screwdriver

Delay Component

"Delays all received signals for a specific amount of time."

The Delay Component is an electrical component used to delay a signal for a short amount of time.

It is most commonly used in tandem with Terminals for custom commands.

Connection Panel for Wiring Components
Hover over pins to see their descriptions.
The signal to be delayed.
The delay duration, in seconds.
The delayed signal.
Requires: Screwdriver

Memory Component

"Outputs a stored value that can be updated from other sources. Use the signal_in connection to set the stored value, and the lock_state input to toggle whether the received signals should be stored."

The Memory Component is an electrical component used to store signals for later use. This is one of the only components that will "output an empty string", "explicitly sending nothing to other components", instead of "not sending anything".

Connection Panel for Wiring Components
Hover over pins to see their descriptions.
The signal to be stored
Sets whether signals will be stored (1=yes, 0=no)
The currently stored signal
Requires: Screwdriver

Oscillator Component

"Sends out a periodic, oscillating signal."

The Oscillator is an electrical component used to provide a signal that changes over time.

  • Frequency is in Hertz (Hz), 1 Hz is once per second, 0.5 Hz is once every 2 seconds and so on.
  • The wave type may be set on the component by sending a number into set_outputtype.
Input Wave Description
0 Pulse periodically sends out a signal of 1.
1 Sawtooth sends out a periodic wave that increases linearly from 0 to 1.
2 Sine sends out a sine wave oscillating between -1 and 1.
3 Square sends out a signal that alternates between 0 and 1
4 Triangle sends out a wave that alternates between increasing linearly from -1 to 1 and decreasing from 1 to -1.
Connection Panel for Wiring Components
Hover over pins to see their descriptions.
Sets the frequency of the oscillator, in Hz (Hertz).
Sets the output type of the oscillator (0=pulse, 1=sine, 2=square).
The output of the component.
Requires: Screwdriver

Relay Component

"When switched on, forwards all received signals from the input connections to the outputs."

The Relay Component is an electrical component used to disconnect power or signals from a circuit.

In-game, a relay may only pass a maximum of 1000 kW however in the Submarine Editor this can be adjusted.

It is most commonly used for providing toggleable power to lights or duplicating signals.

When switched off (State = 0) the Relay Component does not transfer power via the power_out pin.

Connection Panel for Wiring Components
Hover over pins to see their descriptions.
Power input from a power network.
The input of the first signal.
The input of the second signal.
Toggles the state on any signal.
Sets the state of the Relay. (0 = Off, all other signals = On)
Power output to a power network.
The output of the first signal.
The output of the second signal.
The current state of the relay.
Outputs the current load level as a number (required power).
Outputs the current power level as a number (supplied power).
Requires: Screwdriver

Wifi Component

"Allows remote communication between other wifi components that are using the same channel."

The Wifi Component is an electrical component used to transfer signals over long distances.

It can also be linked to radio chat, forwarding text messages from players to the signal_out pin and printing values sent to the signal_in pin into radio chat.

When printing messages to radio chat, the name of the connected component (eg "Memory Component") is displayed as the author of the message.

`Range` (cm) can be set to limit how far the signal will travel.

Connection Panel for Wiring Components
Hover over pins to see their descriptions.
The signal to be transmitted.
Sets the current wifi channel.
The recieved signal.
Requires: Screwdriver

v · d · e · h

Electrical Components

Wiring Components

v · d · e · h

Submarine Weapons
Small Turrets
Large Turrets