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Table displaying Skill Requirements of Items and Installations for the Skills page.

Sub Templates


Field Note Example Expected Default
tabletype Type of the table weapons helm / weapons / mechanical / electrical / medical Outerwear
width Width of the table 50% / 1000px % / px auto
collapsed Table starts collapsed if defined yes
hideitems Doesn't display items if defined yes
hideinstallations Doesn't display installations if defined yes

Template in use


Helm Usage
Name Skill Requirement Handicap

Ceremonial Sword
Helm: 50
Weapons: 50
Medical: 50
Attack Speed -1.25 (1.92 → 0.67)
Helm Crafting
Name Skill Requirement

Deepdiver Duck
Helm: 10

Pipe Tobacco
Helm: 30


Weapons Usage
Name Skill Requirement Handicap

Stun Gun
Weapons: 20
Spread +2 (0 → 2)

Syringe Gun
Weapons: 20
Medical: 30
Spread +10 (0 → 10)

Rapid Fissile Accelerator
Weapons: 25
Spread +10 (0 → 10)

Scrap Cannon
Weapons: 25
Spread +3 (1 → 4)

Harpoon Coil-Rifle
Weapons: 30
Spread +4.8 (0.2 → 5)

Advanced Syringe Gun
Weapons: 30
Medical: 50
Spread +10 (0 → 10)

Harpoon Gun
Weapons: 30
Spread +9 (1 → 10)

Weapons: 40
Reload time +3 (2 → 5)
Spread 2 (No penalty)

Prototype Steam Cannon
Weapons: 40
Burns applied to user
Lower fire rate
Spread 25 (No penalty)

Weapons: 40
Spread +5.9 (0.1 → 6)

Ceremonial Sword
Helm: 50
Weapons: 50
Medical: 50
Attack Speed -1.25 (1.92 → 0.67)

Deadeye Carbine
Weapons: 50
Spread +6 (10 → 16)

Machine Pistol
Weapons: 50
Spread +8 (10 → 18)

Assault Rifle
Weapons: 50
Spread +12 (4 → 16)

Weapons: 50
Spread +6 (10 → 16)

Boom Stick
Weapons: 50
Spread +3 (1 → 4)

Weapons: 50
Burns applied to user
Lower fire rate
Spread 25 (No penalty)

Riot Shotgun
Weapons: 50
Spread +2.9 (0.1 → 3)

Grenade Launcher
Weapons: 60
Spread +9 (1 → 10)

Weapons: 60
Spread +8 (0 → 8)

Weapons: 75
Spread +13 (5 → 18)

Weapons: 90
Spread +44 (6 → 50)
Short Stun when firing.

Weapons: 50
Spring Stiffness -48 (50 → 2)
Spring Damping -9.5 (10 → 0.5)
Rotation Speed -4 (5 → 1)

Pulse Laser
Weapons: 50
Spring Stiffness -48 (50 → 2)
Spring Damping -9.5 (10 → 0.5)
Rotation Speed -7 (8 → 1)

Weapons: 50
Spring Stiffness -48 (50 → 2)
Spring Damping -9.5 (10 → 0.5)
Rotation Speed -7 (8 → 1)

Weapons: 50
Spring Stiffness -48 (50 → 2)
Spring Damping -9.5 (10 → 0.5)
Rotation Speed -7 (8 → 1)

Flak Cannon
Weapons: 50
Spring Stiffness -48 (50 → 2)
Spring Damping -9.5 (10 → 0.5)
Rotation Speed -7 (8 → 1)

Double Coilgun
Weapons: 50
Spring Stiffness -48 (50 → 2)
Spring Damping -9.5 (10 → 0.5)
Rotation Speed -7 (8 → 1)
Weapons Crafting
Name Skill Requirement

Makeshift Armor
Weapons: 20
Mechanical: 20

Weapons: 20

Weapons: 20

Iron Helmet
Weapons: 20
Mechanical: 20

Depth Charge Shell
Weapons: 25

Depth Decoy Shell
Weapons: 25

Railgun Harpoon
Weapons: 25

Coilgun Harpoon Box
Weapons: 25

Spreader Flak Shells Box
Weapons: 25

Coilgun Ammunition Box
Weapons: 25

Railgun Shell
Weapons: 25

Boarding Pod
Weapons: 25

Focused Flak Shells Box
Weapons: 25
File:Canister Railgun Shell.png
Canister Railgun Shell
Weapons: 25

40mm Stun Grenade
Weapons: 30

Hardened Diving Knife
Weapons: 30

Diving Knife
Weapons: 30

Harpoon Coil-Rifle
Weapons: 30

Rifle Round
Weapons: 30

Gravity Railgun Shell
Weapons: 30

Riot Shield
Weapons: 30

Harpoon Gun
Weapons: 30

Riot Helmet
Weapons: 30

Revolver Round
Weapons: 30

Shotgun Rubber Shell
Weapons: 30

Stun Gun Dart
Weapons: 30

Stun Baton
Weapons: 30

Stun Grenade
Weapons: 30

Physicorium Harpoon
Weapons: 30

Explosive Harpoon
Weapons: 30

Weapons: 30
Electrical: 10

Depleted Fuel Revolver Round
Weapons: 30
Electrical: 30

Gunner's Helmet
Weapons: 30

40mm Grenade
Weapons: 30

Shotgun Shell
Weapons: 30

Ballistic Helmet
Weapons: 30

40mm Acid Grenade
Weapons: 30
File:Piercing Coilgun Ammunition Box.png
Piercing Coilgun Ammunition Box
Weapons: 30
File:Physicorium Railgun Shell.png
Physicorium Railgun Shell
Weapons: 30

Weapons: 35

Weapons: 35

Nuclear Depth Charge
Weapons: 40

Nuclear Depth Decoy
Weapons: 40

Ceremonial Sword
Weapons: 40

Boarding Axe
Weapons: 40

Assault Rifle Magazine
Weapons: 40

Explosive Slug
Weapons: 40

Physicorium Flak Shells Box
Weapons: 40

Body Armor
Weapons: 40

Gravity Flak Shells Box
Weapons: 40

HMG Magazine
Weapons: 40

Physicorium Ammunition Box
Weapons: 40

Acid Grenade
Weapons: 40

Fulgurium Stun Gun Dart
Weapons: 40

Stun Gun
Weapons: 40

Depleted Fuel Coilgun Ammunition Box
Weapons: 40

Incendium Grenade
Weapons: 40

Depleted Fuel SMG Magazine
Weapons: 40
Electrical: 30

SMG Magazine
Weapons: 40

Chaingun Ammunition Box
Weapons: 40
File:Nuclear Railgun Shell.png
Nuclear Railgun Shell
Weapons: 40

Handcannon Round
Weapons: 45

EMP Grenade
Weapons: 50

IC-4 Block
Weapons: 50

Explosive Flak Shells Box
Weapons: 50

Pulse Laser Fuel Box
Weapons: 50

Weapons: 50
File:Explosive Coilgun Ammunition Box.png
Explosive Coilgun Ammunition Box
Weapons: 50

Weapons: 55

Physicorium Chaingun Ammunition Box
Weapons: 55

Weapons: 55

Weapons: 55

Riot Shotgun
Weapons: 55

Shredder Chaingun Ammunition Box
Weapons: 60

Weapons: 60

Frag Grenade
Weapons: 60

Assault Rifle
Weapons: 65

Weapons: 65

Pulse Tri-Laser Fuel Box
Weapons: 65

C-4 Block
Weapons: 70


Mechanical Usage
Name Skill Requirement Handicap

Heavy Wrench
Attack Speed 0.67
Stun (0.3)* to self

Scrap Cannon
Weapons: 25
Spread +3 (1 → 4)

Ceremonial Sword
Helm: 50
Weapons: 50
Medical: 50
Attack Speed -1.25 (1.92 → 0.67)

Plasma Cutter
Slower Cutting Speed ~45% (0% → ~45%)

Welding Tool
Slower Welding Speed ~45% (0% → ~45%)

Alien Pump
Slower Repairs
Minor Injuries if failed

Railgun Loader (Legacy)
Slower Repairs
Minor Injuries if failed

Railgun Loader Single Horizontal
Slower Repairs
Minor Injuries if failed

Railgun Loader Single Vertical
Slower Repairs
Minor Injuries if failed

Chaingun Loader
Slower Repairs
Minor Injuries if failed

Pulse Laser Loader
Slower Repairs
Minor Injuries if failed

Railgun Loader
Slower Repairs
Minor Injuries if failed

Coilgun Loader
Slower Repairs
Minor Injuries if failed

Flak Cannon Loader
Slower Repairs
Minor Injuries if failed

Coilgun Loader
Slower Repairs
Minor Injuries if failed
Mechanical Crafting
Name Skill Requirement

Mechanical: 20

Steel Bar
Mechanical: 20

Mechanical: 20

Welding Fuel Tank
Mechanical: 20

Mechanical: 20

Handheld Itemfinder
Mechanical: 20
Electrical: 20

Makeshift Shelves
Mechanical: 20
Electrical: 20

Fire Extinguisher
Mechanical: 20

Hardened Wrench
Mechanical: 20

Hardened Screwdriver
Mechanical: 20

Mechanical: 20

Heavy Wrench
Mechanical: 20

Oxygen Tank
Mechanical: 20

Small Planter Box
Mechanical: 20

Watering Can
Mechanical: 20

Storage Container
Mechanical: 20

Mechanical: 25

Diving Mask
Mechanical: 25

Safety Harness
Mechanical: 25

Handheld Sonar
Mechanical: 30

Handheld Status Monitor
Mechanical: 30

Cargo Scooter
Mechanical: 30

Mechanical: 30

Mechanical: 30

Plasma Cutter
Mechanical: 30

Health Scanner HUD
Mechanical: 30
Medical: 50

Welding Tool
Mechanical: 30

Mechanical: 30
Weapons: 20

Auto-Injector Headset
Mechanical: 30

Hardened Crowbar
Mechanical: 30

Sonar Beacon
Mechanical: 30

Mechanical: 30

Underwater Scooter
Mechanical: 30

Titanium-Aluminum Alloy
Mechanical: 30

Fixfoam Grenade
Mechanical: 35

Mechanical: 40

Diving Suit
Mechanical: 40

Oxygenite Tank
Mechanical: 40

Incendium Fuel Tank
Mechanical: 40

Ballistic Fiber
Mechanical: 40

Portable Pump
Mechanical: 50

Combat Diving Suit
Mechanical: 60

Abyss Diving Suit
Mechanical: 60

Mechanical: 60

Funbringer 3000
Mechanical: 60

Scrap Cannon
Mechanical: 65


Electrical Usage
Name Skill Requirement Handicap

Ceremonial Sword
Helm: 50
Weapons: 50
Medical: 50
Attack Speed -1.25 (1.92 → 0.67)

Rapid Fissile Accelerator
Weapons: 25
Spread +10 (0 → 10)

Slower Repairs
Minor Injuries if failed

Sonar Monitor
Slower Repairs
Minor Injuries if failed

Slower Repairs
Minor Injuries if failed
Electrical Crafting
Name Skill Requirement

Timed Detonator
Electrical: 10

Seed Bag
Electrical: 15

FPGA Circuit
Electrical: 15

Light Component
Electrical: 20

Light Component
Electrical: 20

Light Component
Electrical: 20

Electrical: 20

Electrical: 25

Handheld Electrical Monitor
Electrical: 25

Fuel Rod
Electrical: 25

Battery Cell
Electrical: 25

Electrical: 25

Smoke Detector
Electrical: 30

Water Detector
Electrical: 30

Emergency Siren
Electrical: 30

Alarm Buzzer
Electrical: 30

Reactor PDA
Electrical: 30

Oxygen Detector
Electrical: 30

Motion Detector
Electrical: 30

Depleted Fuel
Electrical: 35

Circuit Box
Electrical: 35

Nuclear Depth Charge (cheap)
Electrical: 40

Nuclear Depth Decoy (cheap)
Electrical: 40

Fulgurium Battery Cell
Electrical: 40
File:Nuclear Shell (cheap).png
Nuclear Shell (cheap)
Electrical: 40

Electrician's Goggles
Electrical: 50

Thorium Fuel Rod
Electrical: 50

Electrical: 50

Text Display
Electrical: 50

Thermal Goggles
Electrical: 50

Electrical: 60

Fulgurium Fuel Rod
Electrical: 60

Rapid Fissile Accelerator
Electrical: 65

Arc Emitter
Electrical: 65

Volatile Fulgurium Fuel Rod
Electrical: 70


Medical Usage
Name Skill Requirement Handicap

Tonic Liquid

Medical: 25

Medical: 25

Pomegrenade Extract
Medical: 25
Risk of failure proportional to the skill level.

Broad-spectrum Antibiotics
Medical: 25

Medical: 25
Risk of failure proportional to the skill level.

Medical: 30

Chloral Hydrate
Medical: 30

Syringe Gun
Weapons: 20
Medical: 30
Spread +10 (0 → 10)

Pressure Stabilizer
Medical: 35

Alien Blood
Medical: 35

Medical: 35

Anabolic Steroids
Medical: 35

Raptor Bane Extract
Medical: 35

Combat Stimulant
Medical: 35

Medical: 35

Medical: 37

Medical: 38

Medical: 40

Blood Pack
Medical: 40
Risk of failure proportional to the skill level.

Medical: 40

Medical: 40
Risk of failure proportional to the skill level.

Sufforin Antidote
Medical: 40

Deliriumine Antidote
Medical: 40

Medical: 40

Cyanide Antidote
Medical: 40

Morbusine Antidote
Medical: 40

Medical: 40
Risk of failure proportional to the skill level.

Ceremonial Sword
Helm: 50
Weapons: 50
Medical: 50
Attack Speed -1.25 (1.92 → 0.67)

Liquid Oxygenite
Medical: 50
Risk of failure depending on the skill level.

Advanced Syringe Gun
Weapons: 30
Medical: 50
Spread +10 (0 → 10)

Medical: 50

Medical: 50

Medical: 50
Risk of failure proportional to the skill level.

Antibiotic Glue
Medical: 55
Risk of failure proportional to the skill level.

Medical: 60

Medical: 60

Endocrine Booster
Medical: 60

Medical: 60

Medical: 64

Medical: 72
Risk of failure proportional to the skill level.

Medical: 72
Risk of failure proportional to the skill level.
Medical Crafting
Name Skill Requirement

Medical: 5

Medical: 5

Medical: 16

Medical: 18

Pomegrenade Extract
Medical: 20

Medical: 30

Blood Pack
Medical: 31

Medical: 40

Volatile Compound N
Medical: 40

Antibiotic Glue
Medical: 48

Advanced Syringe Gun
Medical: 50

Mind Wipe
Medical: 50

Gene Splicer
Medical: 50

Syringe Gun
Medical: 50

Medical: 50

Compound N
Medical: 60

Advanced Gene Splicer
Medical: 60

Medical: 70

|- |style="text-align:center;"|[[File:{{{name}}}.png|x25px]]
[[{{{name}}}]] |
