Boom Stick

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Boom Stick

Inventory icon

Barrels of fun.
Quality Bonuses +10% Affliction Strength
Attack Speed 1.82
Ammunition Shotgun Shell
Explosive Slug
Shotgun Rubber Shell
Ammo Capacity 2
Ammo Max Stack 12
Skill Requirements
Skill Requirements
Weapons: 50
Handicap Spread +3 (1 → 4)
Constructible? No
Deconstructor Yield
Base Price 931 mk
OutpostOutpost Sell
Habitation OutpostHabitation 279 mk
ColonyColony 279 mk
Research OutpostResearch 279 mk
Military OutpostMilitary 279 mk
Mining OutpostMining 279 mk
Medical MerchantMedical Merchant 279 mk
Engineer MerchantEngineer Merchant 279 mk
Armory MerchantArmory Merchant 279 mk
Children of The HonkmotherClown Merchant 279 mk
The Church of HuskHusk Merchant 279 mk
Identifier shotgununique
Categories Weapon
Tags mediumitem, weapon, gun, mountableweapon

The Boom Stick is a Handheld Ranged Weapon in Barotrauma.


The Boom Stick is a two-handed short-range medium-size firearm, meaning it can be stored in the inventory, but not in Storage Containers. The Boom Stick is a unique variant of the Riot Shotgun, which differs from the latter by having a much faster pump-action and quadrupled knockback, but lower magazine size. It fires Shotgun Shells or Shotgun Rubber Shell loaded with eight pellets spread randomly in a 15° arc from a single or one bullet from an Explosive Slug. Shotgun Shells deal larger amounts of damage at close range, where more pellets may hit, but individual pellets deal the same damage at any range.

It has a 5% chance to spawn in Secure Steel Cabinets in Wrecks and Pirate Subs. Pirate Captain Lords always spawn with one.


The Boom Stick is held with both hands and must be loaded with Shotgun Shells or Explosive Slugs or Shotgun Rubber Shells to be used. As with all weapons and tools, using it is done by holding the Right Mouse Right-click to take aim, then by Left Mouse Left-clicking to shoot/use.

  • It has a single slots for ammunition that can hold up to 2 shells each.
  • The Boom Stick actually has a reload time of 0.1 seconds, but every 2 shots (A full magazine), there is a delay of 1 second.
  • Like most two-handed weapons, the Boom Stick has a Flashlight slot. The inserted Flashlight automatically turns on whenever the weapon is drawn.
  • It should be noted that the Boom Stick has a wide spread even for skilled users. Therefore, in the hands of the unskilled, the spread greatly reduces the weapon's utility outside of point-blank range.

Damage Values

ItemShots Afflictions Armor PenetrationStructure Damage Explosion Range

Explosive Slug
 Bleeding (20)*
 Stun (0.8)*
Explosion (0.7m):
 Burn (60)*
Impact: 20
Explosion (0.7m): 8
0.7 meters

Shotgun Rubber Shell
 Blunt Force Trauma (24)*
 (8 projectiles x 3)
 Stun (2.4)*
 (8 projectiles x 0.3)
Impact: 0

Shotgun Shell
 Gunshot Wound (64)*
 (8 projectiles x 8)
 Bleeding (48)*
 (8 projectiles x 6)
 Stun (0.8)*
 (8 projectiles x 0.1)
Impact: 8

Related Talents

Talent Tree Description

Don't Push It
ID: dontpushit
Security Officer
Tier 2
Unlock recipe: Bandolier, Explosive Slug.

Munitions Expertise
ID: munitionsexpertise
Security Officer
Tier 2
Unlock recipe: SMG Magazine, Shotgun Shell.


  • The Boom Stick is a direct reference to the signature shotgun used by Ash Williams, the protagonist of the 1992 American dark fantasy comedy film Army of Darkness from the Evil Dead horror film franchise, where he refers to his twelve-gauge double-barreled Remington as a "boomstick". The term has since become a common name for shotguns, particularly short-barreled, or "sawed-off" double-barreled shotguns, which the Boom Stick appears to be.
  • The Boom Stick uses the same audio files as the Riot Shotgun


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Submarine Weapons
Large Turrets
Handheld Weapons
Ranged Weapons
Melee Weapons
Ammunition & Explosives