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Table displaying Medical Items for the Medical Items page.

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To show up here items must have:

  • medicaltype defined as medicine.
Chemical Description Usage Crafting
Afflictions Duration (seconds) Skill Components Craft time (seconds) Skill

Pomegrenade Extract
Concentrated pomegrenade juice. It offers minor healing properties.
 Damage (Affliction Type) (-8 | -4)*
 Burn (-8 | -4)*
 Oxygen Low (20 | 20)*
Duration 25s*
Medical: 25 Pomegrenade x3 15 20

A powerful opiate for treating pain associated with internal injuries, but will cause shortness of breath and eventual dependency with overuse.
 Damage (Affliction Type) (-40 | -25)*
 Burn (-2 | -1)*
 Oxygen Low (20 | 30)*
 Opiate Addiction (20 | 40)*
 Opiate Overdose (20 | 30)*
 Opiate Withdrawal (-75 | -75)*
Duration 20s
Medical: 50 Opium (x2) 30 18

A powerful opiate for treating pain associated with internal injuries, but will cause shortness of breath and eventual dependency with overuse.
 Damage (Affliction Type) (-75 | -50)*
 Burn (-5 | -3.75)*
 Oxygen Low (25 | 40)*
 Opiate Overdose (22.5 | 30)*
 Opiate Addiction (25 | 75)*
 Opiate Withdrawal (-100 | -100)*
Duration 5s*
Medical: 72 Opium
45 50

A highly potent stimulant effective in the treatment of internal damage, oxygen deprivation and, to a lesser extent, blood loss. Produces mild burns as a side effect.
 Burn (4 | 20)*
 Damage (Affliction Type) (-60 | -40)*
 Bloodloss (-50 | -25)*
 Bleeding (-20 | -10)*
 Internal Damage (-20 | -10)*
 Infected Wound (-25 | -10)*
 Stun (-6 | -3)*
 Vigor (200 | 200)*
 Oxygen Low (-50 | -12.5)* (1s delay)
 Oxygen Low (-50 | -10)* (3s delay)
 Oxygen Low (-25 | -12.5)* (2s delay)
Duration 20s*
Medical: 72 Antibiotic Glue
Liquid Oxygenite
60 70

Basic bandages, useful in the treatment of bleeding wounds and, to a lesser extent, Burns.
Only affects the targeted limb
 Bleeding (-30 | -22.5)*
 Burn (-15 | -12)*
Duration 20s
Medical: 40 Organic Fiber
(produces 2 items)
15 5

A synthetic skin with hemostatic properties, able to quickly seal most wounds. Very effective against burns.
Only affects the targeted limb
 Bleeding (-40 | -30)*
 Burn (-50 | -37.5)*
Duration 10s
Medical: 25 Bandage (x3)
(produces 3 items)
25 16

Antibiotic Glue
An antibiotic glue with hemostatic properties. Seals bleeding wounds almost immediately and prevents them from getting infected. Also effective against burns. Use with care as it may cause mobile clots in the bloodstream.
8 uses. Only affects the targeted limb
 Bleeding (-80 | -60)*
 Burn (-40 | -30)*
 Infected Wound (-600 | -480)*
 Organ Damage (0 | 6.25)*
Duration 2s*
Medical: 55 Stabilozine
Broad-spectrum Antibiotics (x2)
Elastin (x1)
45 48

A sodium chloride infusion mildly useful in the treatment of blood loss. Small relief when used on infected tissue.
 Bloodloss (-25 | -12.5)*
 Infected Wound (-5 | -3)*
Duration 10s
Medical: 40 Sodium
Chlorine (x2)
(produces 2 items)
15 5

Blood Pack
A pack of blood substitute for the treatment of blood loss.
 Bloodloss (-120 | -60)*
Duration 15s
Medical: 40 Saline (x2)
Alien Blood (x2)
(produces 2 items)
25 31

Liquid Oxygenite
A mildly toxic solution that slowly releases oxygen into the bloodstream when injected. Avoid dropping.
 Oxygen Low (-150 | -150)* (1s delay)
 Oxygen Low (-112.5 | -12.5)* (3s delay)
 Oxygen Low (-12.5 | -12.5)* (2s delay)
 Organ Damage (7.5 | 15)* (2s delay)
Duration 60s*
Medical: 50

Protein Bar
May contain traces of galena.
 Burn (-7.5/s)*
 Vigor (15/s)*
Duration 7.5s
Consumption Time 3.3s of usage

Basic Chemicals

To show up here items must have:

  • medicaltype defined as basic.
Basic Chemicals
Chemical Description Usage Source
Afflictions Duration (seconds) Skill

A naturally occurring hormone, useful as short-term treatment and prevention for stun, while also keeping the patient from falling to life-threatening unconsciousness. Can be used to manufacture medicine or combat stimulants.
 Nausea (40)* (8s delay)
 Organ Damage (20)* (8s delay)
Duration 10s
Adrenaline Gland (x2)

Alien Blood
Blood extracted from a Europan lifeform. Can be further processed into a blood substitute for the treatment of blood loss.

Note: A blood substitute to treat Bloodloss, used to craft the more efficient Blood Pack, as well as Pulse Laser Fuel Boxes.
 Bloodloss (-90 | -45)*
 Psychosis (45 | 45)*
 Organ Damage (9.75 | 9.75)*
Duration 15s
Medical: 35 Crawler x1 Husked Crawler x1 Crawler Broodmother x2 Golden Hammerhead x(0-1) Hammerhead x(0-1) Hammerhead Matriarch x3 Tiger Thresher x1 Bone Thresher x1 Mudraptor Egg (S&M: x1) Moloch Baby x1 Spineling x1 Giant Spineling x3 Thalamus Organ x(1-2)

Broad-spectrum Antibiotics
An antibiotic that acts against a wide range of disease-causing bacteria, though with the side effect of internal damage and alcohol sensitivity. Used as an ingredient in many medical compounds.

Note: Treats Husk Infection if used before it is fully developed and gives Husk Infection Resistance, while dealing Internal Damage. Treats ~25% infection per use.

Can also be used to craft Antibiotic Glue and Calyxanide.

Only reduces Husk infection
when it is below 75%
 Husk Infection (-30 | -15)*
 Organ Damage (33 | 60)*
 Husk Infection Resistance (600 | 300)*
 Infected Wound (-90 | -60)*
 Alcohol Sensitivity (50 | 100)*
Duration 60s*
Medical: 25 Sprite Slime Bacteria (x3)

Medical alcohol used as an ingredient in the manufacture of various medicines. Drinking while on duty is not advised. Pouring on skin treats mild infections yet causes small burns.

Note: Provides Psychosis Resistance for 10mn and used to craft Welding Fuel Tanks.
Also used as fuel for the Sprayer to clean walls or remove paint.
Via health GUI
 Infected Wound (-8)*
 Burn (1.5)*
Duration 10s
Sprite Sea Yeast Shroom (x3)

Hallucinogenic Bufotoxin
Hallucinogenic toxin secreted by some Europan species. Serves as an antiparalysant in a pinch.
 Paralysis (-40)*
 Psychosis (20)*
Duration 20s

A relatively mild opioid obtained from aquatic poppy. Most commonly used to manufacture morphine and fentanyl.

Note: The first stage opioid, used to treat Internal Damage and to craft the more efficient Morphine.
 Damage (Affliction Type) (-20 | -16.25)*
 Burn (-5 | -3.75)*
 Oxygen Low (17.5 | 30)*
 Opiate Withdrawal (-35 | -35)*
 Opiate Addiction (25 | 43.75)*
 Opiate Overdose (25 | 37.5)*
Duration 25s
Medical: 40 Sprite Aquatic Poppy (x3)

Used as an ingredient in the manufacture of various medicines. On its own, can be used to slow down the effects of most toxins.
 Stabilozine (120 | 60)*
Duration 1s
Medical: 25 Swim Bladder

Sulphuric Acid
A strong acid that causes burns when in contact with skin. Used as an ingredient in several poisons.
 Acid Burn (15)*
Duration 5s
Sulphurite Shard
Small Crawler Egg


To show up here items must have:

  • medicaltype defined as poison.
Chemical Description Usage Crafting
Afflictions Duration (seconds) Skill Components Craft time (seconds) Skill

Calyx Extract
The Velonaceps Calyx or 'husk parasite' likes to bind itself to calcium, regardless of whether it's inside human bones or neatly packed inside a syringe.
 Husk Infection (0.01)*
 only if target's husk infection = 0
Duration 1s
Velonaceps Calyx Eggs
30 30

Chloral Hydrate
A sedative that can be used to knock someone out for a short period of time.
 Organ Damage (2.5 | 2.5)*
 Incremental Stun (125 | 125)*
Duration 5s
Medical: 30 Chlorine (x2)
60 50

Crimson Acid
A strong acid that causes burns when in contact with skin. Contained in a syringe.
 Acid Burn (75)*
 Acid Burn (20)*
 Scaled by Vitality, below 3000 mass.
 Acid Burn (2.5)*
 Scaled by Vitality, above 3000 mass
 Slow (200)*
 Scaled by Vitality
Duration 10s
Sulphuric Acid x2
Alien Blood
(produces 2 items)
5 30

A highly toxic chemical that causes a rapid death once a sufficiently large dose has been administered. Can be used as a risky method for eliminating husk infections.
 Cyanide Poisoning (11 | 10)*
 On non-human targets increased to 20
Duration 1s
Medical: 60 Chloral Hydrate
Sodium (x3)
60 54

A psychosis-inducing toxin.
 Deliriumine Poisoning (20 | 10)*
Duration 1s
Medical: 35 Dementonite Bar
(produces 2 items)
60 50

A double-edged chemical brew. While it activates the immune system to neutralize poisons, it also significantly weakens the target, making them more susceptible to all damage types, as well as husk infection.
 Europabrew's effects (30)*
 Scaled by Vitality
Duration 30s
Alien Blood
Calcium x2
10 30

A highly potent neurotoxin that causes an eventual shutdown of lungs and muscles, greatly hindering movement.
 Morbusine Poisoning (11 | 10)*
 On non-human targets increased to 20
Duration 1s
Medical: 50 Chlorine (x2)
Calcium (x2)
Sulphuric Acid
60 58

Causes paralysis.
 Paralysis (11 | 10)*
 On non-human targets increased to 20
Duration 1s
Medical: 60 Chloral Hydrate
60 40

A highly radioactive substance that causes radiation sickness and eventual liquefaction of inner organs.
 Radiation Sickness (64 | 64)*
Duration 8s
Medical: 30 Thorium
Uranium (x2)
60 56

Raptor Bane Extract
Concentrated raptorbane juice. Mildly toxic for humans, catastrophically toxic for mudraptors.
 Organ Damage (200 | 200)*
 only affects Mudraptors.
 Nausea (100)*
Duration 20s
Medical: 35 Raptor Bane (x4) 40 20

A stealthy neurotoxin, undetectable in early stages. Causes a loss of vision and, ultimately, death. Can be used as a risky method for eliminating husk infections.
 Sufforin Poisoning (11 | 10)*
 On non-human targets increased to 20
Duration 1s
Medical: 40 Sulphuric Acid
60 60

Velonaceps Calyx Eggs
Dormant eggs of the Europan lifeform colloquially referred to as 'husk parasite'.
 Husk Infection (0.01)*
 Only if target's husk infection = 0
Duration 1s

Velonaceps Calyx Eggs (Harmless)
Dormant eggs of the Europan lifeform colloquially referred to as 'husk parasite'.
Duration 1s

Velonaceps Calyx Eggs (Infect)
Dormant eggs of the Europan lifeform colloquially referred to as 'husk parasite'.
Only if Husk Infection is lower than 0.01
 Husk Infection (50)*
Duration 1s


To show up here items must have:

  • medicaltype defined as antidote.
Chemical Description Usage Crafting
Afflictions Duration (seconds) Skill Components Craft time (seconds) Skill

A cure for paralysis. Beware: Excessive use may cause psychosis.
 Paralysis Resistance (800 | 6.5)*
 Psychosis (5 | 0.75)*
Duration 1s
Medical: 64 Paralyzant
30 24

Slows down cellular degradation caused by radiation.
 Radiation Sickness (-100 | -25)*
Duration 1s
Medical: 25 Radiotoxin
30 35

An antiparasitic drug used in the treatment of husk parasite infections. Might require higher dosage to cure the infection at later stages.
 Husk Infection (-100 | -60)*
 Organ Damage (30)*
 At max infection
 Organ Damage (600 | 300)*
 Applies to Husks
Duration 1s*
Medical: 38 Calyx Extract
Broad-spectrum Antibiotics
30 22

Cyanide Antidote
An antidote for acute cyanide poisoning.
 Cyanide Poisoning (-100 | -100)*
Duration 10s
Medical: 40 Cyanide
30 26

Deliriumine Antidote
An antidote for acute deliriumine poisoning.
 Deliriumine Poisoning (-200 | -200)*
Duration 10s
Medical: 40 Deliriumine
30 25

A strong antipsychotic drug.
 Psychosis (-100 | -25)*
 Hallucinating (-100 | -25)*
Duration 1s
Medical: 37 Lithium
Carbon (x2)
Chlorine (x2)
30 21

Morbusine Antidote
An antidote for acute morbusine poisoning.
 Morbusine Poisoning (-100 | -100)*
Duration 10s
Medical: 40 Morbusine
30 20

An opioid antagonist for the treatment of opiate-based withdrawal and overdose.
 Opiate Withdrawal (-60 | -30)*
 Opiate Addiction (-60 | -30)*
 Opiate Overdose (-60 | -30)*
 Oxygen Low (0 | 30)*
Duration 30s
Medical: 40 Opium
30 23

Sufforin Antidote
An antidote for acute sufforin poisoning.
 Sufforin Poisoning (-100 | -100)*
Duration 10s
Medical: 40 Sufforin
30 24


To show up here items must have:

  • medicaltype defined as stimulant.
Chemical Description Usage Crafting
Afflictions Duration (seconds) Skill Components Craft time (seconds) Skill

Endocrine Booster
This medical contraption, when used, bestows the user with permanent performance enhancement.
Grants the user a new talent, provided there's one available to recieve.
Medical: 60 Sulphurite Shard x2
Paralyxis x2
(produces 1 items)
50 90

Energy Drink
Mantis Energy keeps you skittering from dawn till dusk!
 Hyperactivity (100)*
 Nausea (50)* (25% chance)
Consumption Time 3.3s of usage

Anabolic Steroids
Temporarily increases muscular strength and physical performance.
 Oxygen Low (-12 | -12)*
 Chem Addiction (6 | 12)*
 Chem Withdrawal (-90 | -90)*
 Vigor (420 | 300)*
Duration 60s
Medical: 35 Tonic Liquid
Adrenaline (x3)
45 30

A potent nervous system stimulant.
 Organ Damage (15 | 30)*
 Oxygen Low (-90 | -45)*
 Stun (-22.5 | -22.5)*
 Chem Addiction (7.5 | 15)*
 Chem Withdrawal (-90 | -90)*
 Hyperactivity (420 | 300)*
Duration 30s
Medical: 35 Phosphorus
Chlorine (x2)
Carbon (x2)
30 30

An extremely potent muscle stimulant for those moments when you gotta go fast.
 Hyperactivity (400 | 400)*
 Vigor (400 | 400)*
 Damage (Affliction Type) (-12 | -6)*
 Oxygen Low (-15 | -6)*
 Stun (-54 | -15)*
 Chem Addiction (12 | 24)*
 Chem Withdrawal (-90 | -90)*
 Burn (0 | 7.5)*
Duration 60s
Medical: 50 Methamphetamine
Anabolic Steroids
60 40

Combat Stimulant
A highly advanced stimulant that makes the user rapidly recover from physical injuries and bloodloss.
 Combat Stimulant (75 | 75)*
 Chem Addiction (20 | 40)*
Duration 5s
Medical: 35 Adrenaline (x2)
55 40

Pressure Stabilizer
A special drug that gives the user an immunity to pressure and removes their need for oxygen for a short duration.
 Pressure Stabilized (900 | 450)*
Duration 10s
Medical: 35 Liquid Oxygenite (x2)
20 40

Tonic Liquid
A medical solution that's mildly effective as a treatment for internal damage, but is more commonly used to increase the duration of performance enhancing drugs.

Note: A medical solution primarily used to extend the duration of buffs and as an ingredient in more complex medical compounds. It's also mildly effective as a treatment for internal damage.
 Slow Metabolism (300 | 300)*
Duration 120s
Medical: 5 Calcium (x3)
Zinc (x3)
Potassium (x3)
(produces 2 items)
20 5

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