Crafting Materials

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Crafting Materials are used in making different kinds of Items in the Fabricator.

Raw Mineral Materials

Raw Minerals are obtained by deconstructing certain Minerals. They can only be purchased in Mining Outposts.

Material Mining Cost Description & Notes Sources (x amount)

25 A silvery-white powder. Used to fabricate Tonic Liquid. Aragonite x2 Polyhalite x1 Hydroxyapatite x1

8 Most commonly used in the manufacture of steel and plastic. Graphite x2 Diamond x3

9 Most commonly used in saline, a common treatment for blood loss, and chloral hydrate, a powerful sedative. Pyromorphite x2

18 Most commonly used in the manufacture of electrical wiring. Bornite x2 Stannite x1 Chalcopyrite x2

6 Can be used in the manufacture of simple tools, or refined into steel by mixing it with carbon. Lazulite x1 Chamosite x2 Iron Ore x4 Stannite x1 Titanite x1

14 Most commonly used in the manufacture of various types of ammunition. Galena x2 Esperite x1

70 Most commonly used in the manufacture of batteries and antipsychotic drugs. Reacts violently when in contact with water. Triphylite x1 Amblygonite x1

52 Used in the manufacture of explosives and medical compounds. Langbeinite x2

20 Used in the manufacture of lamps, explosives and some medical compounds. Lazulite x1 Hydroxyapatite x2 Brockite x1

8 Used in the manufacture of explosives and medical compounds. Reacts violently when in contact with water. Sylvite (x2) Langbeinite (x1) Polyhalite (x1)

14 Used as an ingredient in aluminum alloys, plastic and various electrical components. Chrysoprase x2 Quartz x2

26 Medical fabricators can combine sodium and chloride to create a saline solution, which can be used as a treatment for blood loss or as an ingredient for more complex medicine. Reacts violently when coming into contact with water. Sylvite x1 Cryolite x2 Amblygonite x1

100 A weakly radioactive, silvery metal. Can be refined to create longer lasting fuel rods. Brockite x1 Thorianite x2

9 Most commonly used in the manufacture of various electrical components. Cassiterite x3 Stannite x1

52 A hard and strong metal. Used for creating the durable Titanium-Aluminium alloy, as well as military applications. Ilmenite x1 Titanite x3

40 Can be refined in a fabricator to create fuel rods for a nuclear reactor, or used in the manufacture of nuclear weapons. Uranium Ore x3

21 Most commonly used in the manufacture of batteries and tonic liquid. Esperite x2 Sphalerite x3

Raw Organic Materials

Organic Materials are obtained by deconstructing certain Plants or as loot from Creatures.

Material  Habitation Cost Colony Cost  Research Cost  Military Cost Mining Cost Description & Notes Sources (x amount)

Alien Blood
N/A N/A 120 N/A N/A Blood extracted from a Europan lifeform. Can be further processed into a blood substitute for the treatment of blood loss. Crawler x1 Husked Crawler x1 Crawler Broodmother x2 Golden Hammerhead x(0-1) Hammerhead x(0-1) Hammerhead Matriarch x3 Tiger Thresher x1 Bone Thresher x1 Mudraptor Egg (S&M: x1) Moloch Baby x1 Spineling x1 Giant Spineling x3 Thalamus Organ x(1-2)

Broad-spectrum Antibiotics
40 36 36 N/A N/A An antibiotic that acts against a wide range of disease-causing bacteria, though with the side effect of internal damage and alcohol sensitivity. Used as an ingredient in many medical compounds. Sprite Slime Bacteria (x3)

N/A 36 36 N/A N/A A highly elastic, naturally occurring protein. Can be used to stem bleeding or heal burns once processed to medical items. Sprite Elastin Plant (x3)

Endworm Shell Fragment
N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A A sturdy piece of an endworm's shell. Endworm x(1-2)

60 54 54 66 66 Medical alcohol used as an ingredient in the manufacture of various medicines. Drinking while on duty is not advised. Pouring on skin treats mild infections yet causes small burns. Sprite Sea Yeast Shroom (x3)

Hammerhead Ribs
N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A The ribs and fleshy remains of a Hammerhead. Can fetch a decent price in colonies. Hammerhead x(0-1) Golden Hammerhead x(0-1)

Moloch Bone
N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A Piece of a Moloch bone. Considered an expensive luxury item by colony dwellers; can be sold at a high price. Moloch x1 Black Moloch x1

40 36 36 N/A N/A A relatively mild opioid obtained from aquatic poppy. Most commonly used to manufacture morphine and fentanyl. Sprite Aquatic Poppy (x3)

Organic Fiber
39 38 30 27 27 Fiber created from plants. Used in the manufacture of clothing and bandages. Sprite Fiber Plant (x3)

N/A N/A 190 N/A N/A A strange substance that numbs when touched. Used to create a powerful paralyzing agent. Leucocyte x(0-1)

Small Crawler Egg
N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A Useful for crafting. Crawler Broodmother x1

Spineling's Spike
N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A A detached bone spike that once belonged to a Spineling. Spineling x(1-2)

Swim Bladder
N/A 250 275 N/A N/A Many Europan lifeforms have a swim bladder containing tissue fluids that can be easily processed into stabilozine and saline. Hammerhead (x1)
Golden Hammerhead (x1)
Hammerhead Matriarch (x1)
Giant Spineling (x1)
Crawler Broodmother (x1)
Moloch Baby (x1)

Watcher Shell Fragment
N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A A sturdy piece of a watcher's shell. Watcher x(0-1)

Processed Materials

Processed Materials can be made by using certain raw materials in the Fabricator or Medical Fabricator.

Material  Habitation Cost Colony Cost  Research Cost  Military Cost Mining Cost Description & Notes Crafting Requirements

Ballistic Fiber
N/A 200  176  144 144 Strong fiber strung from plastic and titanium. Used in the manufacture of armor. Mechanical 40
Plastic (x2)

Flash Powder
N/A 113  99  81 N/A A quick burning powder, composed of magnesium and potassium. Used in flares and explosives.
Potassium (x2)

FPGA Circuit
80 N/A  100  80 80 Field-programmable gate array—a multipurpose circuit that can be reconfigured for use in a large variety of electrical devices. Electrical 15
Copper (x2)

59 56  45  41 41 An easily shaped, synthetic material. Contains Silicon and Carbon. Used in circuitry and various equipment. Mechanical 20
Silicon (x2)

26 25  20  18 18 A tough and elastic substance. Used in the manufacture of diving gear and other equipment.

Steel Bar
36 35  28  25 25 A strong metal alloy of iron and carbon. Used in fuel rod manufacturing, as well as many military applications. Mechanical 20
Iron x2

Titanium-Aluminum Alloy
N/A 188  165  135 135 A very tough metal alloy. Used in durable diving gear and advanced weaponry. Mechanical 30
Aluminum (x2)

Rare Materials

Rare Materials can only be purchased from Research and Mine Outposts or acquired by deconstructing Alien Artifacts and other alien items.

Material  Research Cost Mining Cost Description & Notes Sources (x amount)

Dementonite Cluster


200 180 A higher-dimensional metamaterial. As dementonite has more than three spatial dimensions, the human mind cannot quite grasp it and would prefer not to even try. Psychosis Alien Artifact x3

Dementonite Cluster (Minds Unraveled)


N/A N/A A higher-dimensional metamaterial. As dementonite has more than three spatial dimensions, the human mind cannot quite grasp it and would prefer not to even try.

Fulgurium Chunk


220 180 A rare metallic alien material, capable of storing massive amounts of energy. Used in high capacity batteries. Faraday Alien Artifact x3

Incendium Crystal


200 180 A rare alien crystal capable of emitting extreme amounts of heat. Used in incendiary weapons. Thermal Alien Artifact x3

Oxygenite Shard


230 180 An alien mineral. Sky Alien Artifact x3  Alien Trinket x1

Physicorium Bar


200 180 An incredibly hard and durable alien material. Used in highly advanced weaponry and ammunition. Nasonov Alien Artifact x3  Alien Ornament x1

Sulphurite Shard


230 180 An alien mineral. Alien Curio x1

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Crafting Materials

Raw Mineral Materials
Raw Organic Materials
Processed Materials
Rare Materials