View table: Afflictions
Table structure:
- noicon - String
- icon - File
- name - String
- identifier - String
- type - String
- limb - Wikitext
- scaled - Wikitext
- evolution - Wikitext
- range1 - Wikitext string
- effect1 - Wikitext
- range2 - Wikitext string
- effect2 - Wikitext
- range3 - Wikitext string
- effect3 - Wikitext
- range4 - Wikitext string
- effect4 - Wikitext
- range5 - Wikitext string
- effect5 - Wikitext
- range6 - Wikitext string
- effect6 - Wikitext
- range7 - Wikitext string
- effect7 - Wikitext
- range8 - Wikitext string
- effect8 - Wikitext
- treatments - Wikitext
- causedby - Wikitext
- description - String
- hidden - String
This table has 157 rows altogether.
Page | noicon | icon | name | identifier | type | limb | scaled | evolution | range1 | effect1 | range2 | effect2 | range3 | effect3 | range4 | effect4 | range5 | effect5 | range6 | effect6 | range7 | effect7 | range8 | effect8 | treatments | causedby | description | hidden |
Acid Burn (edit) | Acid Burn | acidburn | burn | Yes |
Yes |
-0.075/s |
0 - 30 |
-0 → -0.3 Vitality |
30 - 60 |
-0.3 → -0.6 Vitality |
60 - 200 |
-0.6 → -2 Vitality |
Antibiotic Glue (-100 | -75)* 55 |
Sulphuric Acid (+15)* - |
Acid Vulnerability (edit) | Acid Vulnerability | acidreaction | debuff | No |
No |
-0.8/s |
0 - 100 |
+0% → +300% Acid Burn Vulnerability |
Europabrew (+50)* - |
Adrenaline Rush (edit) | Adrenaline Rush | adrenalinerush | adrenaline | No |
No |
0 - 8: |
0 - 8 |
Remain conscious even below 0 vitality. |
Adrenaline (+8)* - |
Alcohol Sensitivity (edit) | Alcohol Sensitivity | drunkweakness | debuff | No |
No |
-1/s |
0 - 100 |
+0% → +500% Drunk Vulnerability |
Broad-spectrum Antibiotics (+10 | +20)* 25 |
Barotrauma (Affliction) (edit) | Barotrauma | pressure | pressure | No |
Yes |
0 - 1 |
-10 Vitality |
Battle-ready (edit) | Battle-Ready | battleready | talentbuff | No |
No |
-1/s |
0 - 1 |
+30% Stun Resistance |
Beat Cop (Affliction) (edit) | Beat Cop | beatcop | talentbuff | No |
No |
-1/s |
0 - 2 |
Berserker (Affliction) (edit) | Berserker | berserker | talentbuff | No |
No |
-1/s |
0 - 1 |
+20% Melee Damage |
Bite Wounds (edit) | Bite Wounds | bitewounds | damage | Yes |
Yes |
0 - 200 |
-0 → -2 Vitality |
Fentanyl (-75 | -50)* 72 |
Bleeding (edit) | Bleeding | bleeding | bleeding | Yes |
No |
-0.1/s |
0 - 20 |
20 - 40 |
-2 → -4 Vitality |
40 - 60 |
-4 → -6 Vitality |
60 - 100 |
-6 → -10 Vitality |
Antibiotic Glue (-100 | -75)* 55 |
Bleeding (Nonstop) (edit) | Bleeding | bleedingnonstop | bleeding | Yes |
No |
0 - 100 |
Antibiotic Glue (-100 | -75)* 55 |
Bloodloss (edit) | Bloodloss | bloodloss | bloodloss | No |
Yes |
-0.1/s |
0 - 5 |
None |
5 - 45 |
-0 → -0.75 Vitality |
45 - 100 |
-0.75 → -2 Vitality |
Blood Pack (-120 | -60)* 40 |
Blunt Force Trauma (edit) | Blunt Force Trauma | blunttrauma | damage | Yes |
Yes |
0 - 200 |
-0 → -2 Vitality |
Fentanyl (-75 | -50)* 72 |
Burn (edit) | Burn | burn | burn | Yes |
Yes |
-0.075/s |
0 - 30 |
-0 → -0.3 Vitality |
30 - 60 |
-0.3 → -0.6 Vitality |
60 - 200 |
-0.6 → -2 Vitality |
Antibiotic Glue (-100 | -75)* 55 |
Hyperzine (+7.5)* 50 |
Camaraderie (Affliction) (edit) | Camaraderie | camaraderie | talentbuff | No |
No |
-1/s |
0 - 1 |
+5% Damage Resistance |
Chem Addiction (edit) | Chem Addiction | chemaddiction | debuff | No |
No |
-0.025/s |
0 - 20 |
None |
20 - 40 |
+0.1 Chem Withdrawal per Second |
40 - 60 |
+0.2 Chem Withdrawal per Second |
60 - 80 |
+0.4 Chem Withdrawal per Second |
80 - 100 |
+0.8 Chem Withdrawal per Second |
Combat Stimulant (+20 | +40)* 35 |
Chem Withdrawal (edit) | Chem Withdrawal | chemwithdrawal | debuff | No |
No |
0 - 20: |
0 - 20 |
None |
20 - 40 |
-0 → -20 Vitality |
40 - 80 |
-20 → -50 Vitality |
80 - 100 |
-50 → -200 Vitality |
Anabolic Steroids (-90)* - |
Clown Power (edit) | Clown Power | clownpower | talentbuff | No |
No |
-1/s |
0 - 1 |
+5% Damage Resistance |
Combat Stimulant (Affliction) (edit) | Combat Stimulant | combatstimulant | talentbuff | No |
No |
-1/s |
0 - 10 |
0% → 45% Stun Resistance |
10 - 100 |
45% → 50% Stun Resistance |
Combat Stimulant (+75)* - |
Commando (Affliction) (edit) | Commando | commando | talentbuff | No |
No |
-1/s |
0 - 1 |
Concealed (edit) | Concealed | concealed | concealed | No |
Yes |
-0.6/s |
0 - 1 |
Character or creature is indetectable to AI. |
Concussion (edit) | Concussion | concussion | damage | No |
No |
-0.01/s |
0 - 10 |
Once every 30 - 60 seconds: Vomit (2 second duration) |
Fentanyl (-75 | -50)* 72 |
Crawler Genes (edit) | Crawler Genes | increasedswimmingspeed | geneticmaterialbuff | No |
No |
0 - 100 |
+10% → +50% Swimming Speed |
Cyanide Poisoning (edit) | Cyanide Poisoning | cyanidepoisoning | poison | No |
No |
0 - 10: |
0 - 10 |
+11 Oxygen Low per second |
10 - 30 |
-0% → -10% Movement Speed |
30 - 50 |
-10% → -30% Movement Speed |
50 - 75 |
-30% Movement Speed |
75 - 99 |
-30% Movement Speed |
99 - 100 |
-200 Vitality |
Cyanide Antidote (-100 | -50)* 40 |
Cyanide (+11 | +10)* 60 |
Damage (Affliction Type) (edit) | Damage (Affliction Type) | damage | yes | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
Damage Immunity (edit) | Damage Immunity | damageimmunity | immunity | No |
No |
-0.6/s |
0 - 1 |
100% Damage* Resistance |
Dashing (edit) | Dashing | dashing | talentbuff | No |
No |
-2/s |
0 - 1 |
Decrepify (edit) | Decrepify | decrepify | geneticmaterialdebuff | No |
No |
0 - 100 |
-10% → -25% Max Vitality |
Deep Tissue Injury (edit) | Deep Tissue Injury | explosiondamage | damage | Yes |
Yes |
0 - 200 |
-0 → -2 Vitality |
Fentanyl (-75 | -50)* 72 |
Deliriumine Poisoning (edit) | Deliriumine Poisoning | deliriuminepoisoning | poison | No |
No |
0 - 10: |
0 - 100 |
+1 Psychosis per Second |
Deliriumine Antidote (-200 | -100)* 40 |
Deliriumine (+20 | 10)* 35 |
Deputy (Affliction) (edit) | Deputy | deputy | talentbuff | No |
No |
-1/s |
0 - 1 |
+20 Helm Skill |
Disguised (edit) | Disguised | disguised | disguiseasanother | No |
No |
0 - 100 |
Disguised As Husk (edit) | Disguised As Husk | disguise | disguise | No (Not Shown) |
No |
-1/s |
0 - 1 |
Husks become passive |
Disoriented (edit) | Yes | Disoriented | invertcontrols | invertcontrols | No |
No |
-1/s |
0 - 50 |
Inverted Controls |
50 - 100 |
-30% Movement Speed |
Doom of Jove (edit) | Doom of Jove | doomofjove | doomofjove | No |
Yes |
0 - 100 |
-0 → -1 Vitality |
Down with the Ship (Affliction) (edit) | Down with the Ship | downwiththeship | talentbuff | No |
Yes |
-1/s |
0 - 60 |
+50% Hull Repair Speed |
Drag (edit) | Drag | drag | drag | No |
No |
-0.6/s |
0 - 1 |
-70% Swimming Speed |
Drunk (edit) | Drunk | drunk | debuff | No |
No |
0 - 40: |
0 - 20 |
None |
20 - 40 |
-0 → -20% Movement Speed |
40 - 80 |
-20% → -30% Movement Speed |
80 - 100 |
-30% → -50% Movement Speed |
Drunk (No Debuffs) (edit) | Drunk | drunknodebuffs | debuff | No |
No |
0-20: |
0 - 20 |
None |
20 - 40 |
-100 Drunk |
40 - 80 |
-100 Drunk |
80 - 100 |
-100 Drunk |
Emergency Maneuvers (Affliction) (edit) | Emergency Maneuvers | evasivemaneuvers | talentbuff | No |
No |
-1s |
0 - 5 |
Set Helm Skill to 100 |
Emergency Response (Affliction) (edit) | Emergency Response | emergencyresponse | talentbuff | No |
No |
-1/s |
0 - 1 |
Can drag bodies without movement penalty |
Emergency Response (Self Buff) (edit) | Emergency Response (Self Buff) | emergencyresponse_selfbuff | talentbuff | No |
No |
-1/s |
0 - 1 |
+40% Movement Speed |
EMP (Affliction) (edit) | EMP | emp | emp | No |
Yes |
0 - 25: |
0 - 25 |
25 - 50 |
Stun |
50 - 75 |
Stun |
75 - 100 |
Stun |
Endocrine Boost (edit) | Endocrine Boost | endocrineboosted | talentbuff | No |
No |
0/s |
0 - 10 |
+25% Maximum Vitality |
Excellent Morale (edit) | Excellent Morale | excellentmorale | talentbuff | No |
No |
-1/s |
0 - 10 |
+40% Repair speed |
Foolhardy (Affliction) (edit) | Foolhardy | foolhardy | talentbuff | No |
No |
-1/s |
0 - 1 |
+20% Damage Resistance |
Gene Tampering (Affliction) (edit) | Gene Tampering | genetampering | talentbuff | No |
No |
-1/s |
0 - 1 |
+5% Movement Speed |
Glass Jaw (edit) | Glass Jaw | glassjaw | geneticmaterialdebuff | No |
No |
0 - 100 |
+25% → +75% afflictedStun,Incremental Stun, andProgressive Stun |
Guarded (edit) | Guarded | guarded | talentbuff | No (Shown on Torso) |
No |
+1/s |
0 - 10 |
Gunshot Wound (edit) | Gunshot Wound | gunshotwound | damage | Yes |
Yes |
0 - 200 |
-0 → -2 Vitality |
Fentanyl (-75 | -50)* 72 |
Hallucinating (edit) | Hallucinating | hallucinating | No |
No |
-1/s |
0 - 30 |
None |
30 - 100 |
Visual Effects |
Cigar (-250)* - |
Hallucinating (Short) (edit) | Hallucinating (Short) | hallucinatingshortduration | No |
No |
-10/s |
0 - 100 |
Visual Effects |
Hammerhead Genes (edit) | Hammerhead Genes | increasedmeleedamage | geneticmaterialbuff | No |
No |
0 - 100 |
+20% → +100% Melee Damage |
Hammerhead Matriarch Genes (edit) | Hammerhead Matriarch Genes | healdamage | geneticmaterialbuff | No |
No |
0 - 20 |
20 - 40 |
40 - 60 |
60 - 80 |
80 - 100 |
High Morale (edit) | High Morale | highmorale | talentbuff | No |
No |
-1/s |
0 - 10 |
+20% Repair speed |
High Pressure (edit) | High Pressure | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Hunter Genes (edit) | Hunter Genes | increasedmeleedamageondamage | geneticmaterialbuff | No |
No |
0 - 20 |
If ≥5Damage* received at once:+20 Increased Melee Damage (Temporary) |
20 - 40 |
If ≥5Damage* received at once:+40 Increased Melee Damage (Temporary) |
40 - 60 |
If ≥5Damage* received at once:+60 Increased Melee Damage (Temporary) |
60 - 80 |
If ≥5Damage* received at once:+80 Increased Melee Damage (Temporary) |
80 - 100 |
If ≥5Damage* received at once:+100 Increased Melee Damage (Temporary) |
Husk Genes (edit) | Husk Genes | husktransformimmunity | geneticmaterialbuff | No |
No |
0 - 100 |
Husk Infection cannot go above 90 strength |
Husk Infection (edit) | Husk Infection | huskinfection | alieninfection | No |
No |
+0.3/s |
0 - 50 |
Hidden from Health Scanner HUD until 20 strength |
50-75 |
30% speech impediment. |
75 - 100 |
Waterbreathing |
100 |
+6.3 Internal Damage per second; continues until death |
Calyxanide (-100 | -60)* 38 |
Calyx Extract (+0.01)* - |
Husk Infection Resistance (edit) | Husk Infection Resistance | huskinfectionresistance | resistance | No |
No |
-1/s |
0 - 600 |
+0% → +75% Husk Infection Resistance |
Broad-spectrum Antibiotics (+600 | +300)* 25 |
Husk Roulette Participation (edit) | Husk Roulette Participation | huskroulette | resistance | No |
No |
-0.1/s |
0-120 |
Husk Symbiosis (edit) | Husk Symbiosis | husksymbiosis | alieninfection | No |
No |
0 - 75: |
0 - 75 |
Waterbreathing |
75 - 100 |
Waterbreathing |
Hyperactivity (edit) | Hyperactivity | haste | haste | No |
No |
-1/s |
0 - 600 |
+0% → +35% Movement Speed |
Methamphetamine (+420 | +300)* 35 |
Hypersensitivity (edit) | Hypersensitivity | hypersensitivity | geneticmaterialdebuff | No |
No |
0 - 100 |
+25% → +75% afflicted Damage |
Immunity to Husk Transformation (edit) | Immunity to Husk Transformation | husktransformimmunitytemporary | geneticmaterialbuff | No |
No |
-10/s |
0 - 100 |
Husk Infection cannot go above 90 strength |
Implacable (Affliction) (edit) | Implacable | implacable | talentbuff | No |
No |
-1/s |
0 - 15 |
+25% Damage |
In the Flow (Affliction) (edit) | In the Flow | repairflow | talentbuff | No |
No |
-1/s |
0 - 7 |
+70% Repair speed |
Increased Melee Damage (Temporary) (edit) | Increased Melee Damage (Temporary) | increasedmeleedamage_temporary | geneticmaterialbuff | No |
No |
-1/s |
0 - 100 |
+75% → +150% Melee Damage |
Incremental Stun (edit) | Incremental Stun | incrementalstun | stun | No |
No |
0 - 90: |
0 - 90 |
-0% → -70% Movement Speed |
90 - 100 |
Chloral Hydrate (125 | 62.5)* 30 |
Infected Wound (edit) | Infected Wound | infection | infection | Yes |
Yes |
+0.1/s |
0 - 30 |
-0 → -0.3 Vitality |
30 - 60 |
-0.3 → -0.6 Vitality |
60 - 200 |
-0.6 → -2 Vitality |
Antibiotic Glue (-600 | -480)* 55 |
Inflamed Lung (edit) | Inflamed Lung | inflamedlung | geneticmaterialdebuff | No |
No |
+0.1/s |
0 - 100 |
-0 → -50 Vitality |
Inspirational Leader (Affliction) (edit) | Inspirational Leader | inspirationalleader | talentbuff | No |
No |
-1/s |
0 - 1 |
+25% Skill Gain Speed |
Inspired to Act (edit) | Inspired to Act | inspiredtoact | talentbuff | No |
No |
0% → 25% Damage Resistance |
Inspiring Presence (Affliction) (edit) | Inspiring Presence | inspiringpresence_walkspeed | talentbuff | No |
No |
-1/s |
0 - 1 |
+5% Walking/Running Speed |
Inspiring Tunes (Affliction) (edit) | Inspiring Tunes | inspiringtunes | talentbuff | No |
No |
-1/s |
0 - 10 |
+15 Electrical Skill |
Internal Damage (edit) | Internal Damage | internaldamage | damage | Yes |
Yes |
0 - 200 |
-0 → -2 Vitality |
Fentanyl (-75 | -50)* 72 |
Journeyman (Affliction) (edit) | Journeyman | journeyman | talentbuff | No |
No |
-1/s |
0 - 1 |
Applies the relevant Journeyman affliction to crewmates with jobs that match the Assistant's Apprenticeship |
Journeyman (Captain) (edit) | Yes | Journeyman (Captain) | journeyman_captain | talentbuff | No |
No |
+10 Helm Skill |
Journeyman (Engineer) (edit) | Yes | Journeyman (Engineer) | journeyman_engineer | talentbuff | No |
No |
+10 Electrical Engineering Skill |
Journeyman (Mechanic) (edit) | Yes | Journeyman (Mechanic) | journeyman_mechanic | talentbuff | No |
No |
+10 Mechanical Engineering Skill |
Journeyman (Medical Doctor) (edit) | Yes | Journeyman (Medical Doctor) | journeyman_medicaldoctor | talentbuff | No |
No |
+10 Medical Skill |
Journeyman (Security Officer) (edit) | Yes | Journeyman (Security Officer) | journeyman_securityofficer | talentbuff | No |
No |
+10 Weapons Skill |
Lacerations (edit) | Lacerations | lacerations | damage | Yes |
Yes |
0 - 200 |
-0 → -2 Vitality |
Fentanyl (-75 | -50)* 72 |
Lone Wolf (Affliction) (edit) | Lone Wolf | lonewolf | talentbuff | No |
No |
-1/s |
0 - 1 |
+20% Melee Damage |
Loyal Assistant (Affliction) (edit) | Loyal Assistant | loyalassistant | talentbuff | No |
No |
-1/s |
0 - 1 |
+1 Fabrication Quality |
Mantis Camouflage (edit) | Mantis Camouflage | mantiscamouflague | No |
No |
0 - 10: |
0 - 10 |
+500% → +0% Movement Speed |
Mantis Genes (edit) | Mantis Genes | increasedwalkingspeed | geneticmaterialbuff | No |
No |
0 - 100 |
+10% → +25% Walking/Running Speed |
Medical Assistant (edit) | Medical Assistant | medicalassistance | talentbuff | No |
No |
-1/s |
0 - 1 |
+30 Medical Skill |
Melodic Respite (Affliction) (edit) | Melodic Respite | melodicrespite | talentbuff | No |
No |
-1/s |
0 - 60 |
+25% Repair speed |
Melodic Respite (Charging) (edit) | Melodic Respite (Charging) | melodicrespite_charging | talentbuff | No |
No |
-1/s |
0 - 12 |
Miracle In Progress (edit) | Miracle In Progress | miracleworker | talentbuff | No |
No |
-1/s |
0 - 1 |
Cannot Die to Afflictions |
Mollusc Genes (edit) | Mollusc Genes | vigorondamage | geneticmaterialbuff | No |
No |
0 - 20 |
If ≥5Damage* received at once:+10 Vigor |
20 - 40 |
If ≥5Damage* received at once:+20 Vigor |
40 - 60 |
If ≥5Damage* received at once:+30 Vigor |
60 - 80 |
If ≥5Damage* received at once:+45 Vigor |
80 - 100 |
If ≥5Damage* received at once:+60 Vigor |
Moloch Genes (edit) | Moloch Genes | damageresistance | geneticmaterialbuff | No |
No |
0 - 100 |
10% → 25% Damage* Resistance |
Morbusine Poisoning (edit) | Morbusine Poisoning | morbusinepoisoning | poison | No |
Yes |
0 - 10: |
0 - 10 |
-0% → -10% Movement Speed |
10 - 20 |
-10% Movement Speed |
20 - 75 |
-10% → -50% Movement Speed |
75 - 99 |
-50% → -80% Movement Speed |
99 - 100 |
-50% → -80% Movement Speed |
Morbusine Antidote (-100 | -30)* 5 |
Morbusine (+11 | +10)* 50 |
Mudraptor Genes (edit) | Mudraptor Genes | naturalmeleeweapon | geneticmaterialbuff | No |
No |
0 - 100 |
A Mudraptor-like beak protruding from the head. |
Muscular Dystrophy (edit) | Muscular Dystrophy | musculardystrophy | geneticmaterialdebuff | No |
No |
0 - 100 |
-10% → -50% Melee Attack Damage |
Mystery Affliction (edit) | Mystery Affliction | mysteryaffliction | damage | No |
No |
0 - 100 |
Nausea (edit) | Nausea | nausea | nausea | No |
No |
-1/s |
0 - 100 |
-0% → -40% Movement Speed |
Energy Drink (+50)* - |
Notice me (edit) | Notice me | inspiringpresence | talentbuff | No |
No |
-1/s |
0 - 1 |
When gaining a Skill Point, gain 2 extra of the same Skill |
Opiate Addiction (edit) | Opiate Addiction | opiateaddiction | debuff | No |
No |
0 - 40: |
0 - 20 |
None |
20 - 40 |
+0.15 Opiate Withdrawal per Second |
40 - 80 |
+0.25 Opiate Withdrawal per Second |
80 - 100 |
+0.5 Opiate Withdrawal per Second |
Naloxone (-60 | -30)* 40 |
Fentanyl (+25 | +75)* 72 |