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Main article: Medical Items


Inventory icon

Basic bandages, useful in the treatment of bleeding wounds and burns.
Medical Usage
Only affects the targeted limb
 Bleeding (-30)*
 Burn (-30)*
Duration 6s
Only affects the targeted limb
 Bleeding (-22.5)*
 Burn (-22.5)*
Duration 6s
Skill Requirements
Skill Requirements
Medical: 40
Handicap Risk of failure proportional to the skill level.
Medical Fabricator
(produces 2 items)
Skill: Medical: 5
Deconstructor Yield
Base Price 30 mk
OutpostOutpost Buy Sell
Habitation OutpostHabitation 30 mk 9 mk
ColonyColony 30 mk 9 mk
Research OutpostResearch 30 mk 9 mk
Military OutpostMilitary 30 mk 9 mk
Mining OutpostMining 30 mk 9 mk
Medical MerchantMedical Merchant 27 mk 8 mk
Engineer MerchantEngineer Merchant N/A 9 mk
Armory MerchantArmory Merchant N/A 9 mk
Children of The HonkmotherClown Merchant N/A 9 mk
The Church of HuskHusk Merchant N/A 9 mk
Identifier antibleeding1
Categories Medical
Tags smallitem, medical

Bandage is a very useful Medical Item used to treat some common injuries.


Bandages are used to treat mild Bleeding and Burns. When applied, they will reduce the affliction strength of both by 30 over a period of 5 seconds. This will only affect the limb on which the Bandages are applied. This will translate to a maximum of 30 Vitality recovery from Burns for a character with 100 max Vitality, though usually a single limb will not be burned to this degree. Bleeding does not reduce Vitality appreciably, but instead, Bandages are effective at reducing the rate of Bloodloss that Bleeding causes. Bandages are one of the few Medical Item to only apply their effects to a single limb. It functions similarly to the more advanced Plastiseal or Antibiotic Glue.

Bandage treats both regular Burns and Acid Burns.

Bleeding is caused by many attacks from Creatures and hostile Humans. Burns are caused by Fires, failing an electrical repair, various weapons such as Flamers and Ancient Weapons, Explosives, Radiation Sickness, and some Creature attacks, such as Fractal Guardians and Watchers.


Like all Medical Items, Bandages can be applied via the Health GUI (Default Key H). See this page for more information on usage.

Bandages cannot be loaded into a Syringe Gun, though they can be swung by hand.

Bandages are also used to craft Plastiseal in the Medical Fabricator.

Even though Bandages can be applied by hand on another character, this is not recommended, as targeting a specific limb is difficult, and the effects will only be applied to whichever limb is hit.


The Bandage is a basic Medical Item, though it is vital for treating some of the most common Afflictions: Bleeding and Burns. An uncommon property of Bandages is that they only apply their effects to a single limb. This generally means that several Bandages are necessary to fully treat a character, and in general it is advised for Medics to carry more than a single stack at all times. Non-medics may also consider carrying some, due to their general effectiveness.
Since high levels of Bleeding can drain Vitality quickly, Bandages are extremely useful at stabilizing a downed character. If a downed crewmate is not being actively attacked by a Creature, Bleeding is often the most pressing threat to their life, and is the cause of the most preventable deaths. Bandages should be used generously in the case of catastrophic Bleeding, as they are both cheap and have no side effects on use.

Bandages are reasonably effective for most non-emergency and some emergency cases, however it is always recommended to upgrade Bandages into Plastiseal. This is because Plastiseal is crafted solely from Bandages and Elastin, which has no other major use. Antibiotic Glue functions similarly to Bandages and Plastiseal, however while it treats Burns and Bleeding twice as effectively as Plastiseal, it is much more expensive, and since it is also limb-specific, much of its healing power is often wasted.

Since both Bleeding and Burns heal themselves over time (as well as Bloodloss), if a character is not in immediate danger, simply waiting can be an acceptable substitute to Bandages, especially in the case of very minor wounds, in which case it is not recommended to waste Bandages. The Health Scanner HUD will show the affliction strength, and this may be used to judge whether Bandages are necessary. It should be noted however that the Health Scanner HUD sums the damage over the entire character, so this may not give an accurate picture. The affliction strength bar should be referred to instead - this will appear under each Affliction when clicking on a limb in the Health GUI - one Bandage will heal 30% of this bar.

Fabrication & Deconstruction

Medical Fabricator Items
Crafting Materials Crafting Talent, Skill, Time Item Deconstruction Time Deconstruction Yield
Bandage (x3)
(produces 3 items)
Medical 16

1 None
(for 1 deconstructed item)

Deconstructor Items
Crafting Materials Crafting Talent, Skill, Time Item Deconstruction Time Deconstruction Yield

Mucus Ball
10 Bandage

Related Talents

Talent Tree Description

Medical Expertise
ID: medicalexpertise
Medical Doctor
Spec. 1
Boosts your Medical skill by 30. Your Bandages are more effective.


  • Prior to (3rd Anniversary Update), crafting yielded 2 Plastiseal for each Bandage, against the current 1 to 1 crafting recipe. Nonetheless, it is still a recommended upgrade.

v · d · e · h

Medical Items

Basic Chemicals