Template:Items infobox/doc

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This template is used to display the infobox on the right side of almost all Item pages. Fields defined on every page using this template are automatically stored in Special:CargoTables/Items and can be used by other templates.

Main Boilerplate with all possible fields - Boilerplate:Items infobox.

Sub Templates

Table of Contents

Field Types

Most common Field Types of the Cargo Table Special:CargoTables/Items. If a value does not fit the Field Type it will be saved incorrectly or not at all. To see the full list click here.

Field Type Note Field Example Value Example
String Holds standard, non-wikitext text (default max size: 300 characters) | description = String Makes mechanical repairs possible.
Integer Holds an integer | iconsize = Integer 80
Float Holds a real, i.e. non-integer, number | fuelduration = Float 16.7
Boolean Holds a Boolean value, whose value should be 1 or 0 / yes or no | fabricator = Boolean yes
Wikitext Holds longer text that is meant to be parsed by the MediaWiki parser | fuel = Wikitext {{hl|Welding Fuel Tank}}<br>{{hl|Incendium Fuel Tank}}
File Holds the name of an uploaded file or image in the wiki (similar to Page, but does not require specifying the "File:" namespace) (default max size: 300 characters) | sprite = File Wrench sprite.png
List () of FieldType A list of FieldType separated by Value the in Brackets () | tags = List (,) of String smallitem,tool,simpletool,mechanicalrepairtool,wrenchitem,mountableweapon


Section always displayed.

Field Note Example Expected Default
name Item name Wrench String {{PAGENAME}}
description In-game item description, as defined in EnglishVanilla.xml. Makes mechanical repairs possible. String
wikidescription Used by cargo queries. Template:Medical table Template:Crafting table Wikitext
note Summary of this items miscellaneous properties that don't have their own field. Used by cargo queries. Template:GearTable Wikitext
sources Used by cargo. Template:Crafting_table Wikitext
hideintables Used to hide items in cargo tables. Currently only used in Template:SubmarineWeaponsTable yes Boolean
icon Icon of an item Diving Suit.png File {{PAGENAME}}.png
iconsize Forced icon width (px) 80 Integer 96
iconcaption Caption under the icon Inventory Icon String Inventory Icon
sprite Sprite of an item Diving Suit sprite.png File {{PAGENAME}} sprite.png
spritesize Forced sprite width (px) 160 Integer 96
spritecaption Caption under the sprite. Shows only if sprite is defined. Sprite String Sprite
sprite2 Sprite of an item Diving Suit wearable.png File
sprite2size Forced sprite width (px) 160 Integer 96
sprite2caption Caption under the second sprite. Shows only if sprite2 is defined. Sprite String Sprite


Stats section is displayed if any* of the following is defined:

*By any I mean almost any (There is a lot of them). If the "Statistics" header is not displayed even though you have one of these defined tell me - G3.


Field Note Example Expected Default
qualitybonuses Bonuses from each quality level +10% Affliction Strength List (<br>) of String
qualitytalent Talent which increases the quality level of the item. Weaponsmith {{hl|Weaponsmith||Security Officer Job Icon}} Wikitext


Field Note Example Expected Default
weapontype Type of Weapon, used for cargo queries. Template:WeaponsTable Template:ExplosivesTable ranged String (allowed values=ranged, melee, throwable, explosive, turret, largeturret, submarineother)
weapondamagemodifier Weapon Damage Modifier, as defined in XML. 1.3 Float
attackspeed Number of potential hits per second. This is usually 1/reload (+maxchargetime if any). <- Will probably change this to reload, and attack speed will be calculated automatically. 5 Float
ammomaxstack Max stack of the ammo used by an item 8 Integer
ammo Ammo used by an item Shotgun Shell
Explosive Slug
Shotgun Rubber Shell {{hl|Shotgun Shell}}<br>{{hl|Explosive Slug}}<br>{{hl|Shotgun Rubber Shell}}
ammocount Amount of ammo an item can hold 4 Integer
ammo2 Secondary Ammo used by an item Shotgun Shell
Explosive Slug
Shotgun Rubber Shell {{hl|Shotgun Shell}}<br>{{hl|Explosive Slug}}<br>{{hl|Shotgun Rubber Shell}}
ammo2count Amount of Secondary Ammo an item can hold 4 Integer
magazine Number of rounds in a magazine 20 Integer
magazine2 Number of rounds in a magazine, used to display a range of magazine size: magazine-magazine2 30 Integer
fuelcount Amount of fuel an item can hold 4 Integer
fuel Fuel used by item Welding Fuel Tank
Incendium Fuel Tank {{hl|Welding Fuel Tank}}<br>{{hl|Incendium Fuel Tank}}
fuelduration Duration of fuel in a fuel tank in seconds 16.7 Float
fuelduration2 Duration of fuel in a fuel tank in seconds, used to show a range of fuel duration: fuelduration-fuelduration2 40 Float
payload Payload used by an item UEX {{hl|UEX}} Wikitext
payloadcount Amount of payloads an item can hold 1 Integer


Field Note Example Expected Default
ammotype Type of Weapon using this ammo, for cargo queries. Template:ExplosivesTable turret String (allowed values=ranged, turret, largeturret, submarineother)
ammotype2 Type of Weapon using this ammo, for cargo queries. largeturret String (allowed values=ranged, melee, throwable, explosive, turret, largeturret, other, submarineother)
magazine Number of rounds in a magazine 20 Integer
fuelduration Duration of fuel in a fuel tank in seconds 10 Float
reusable Shows that this ammo is reusable if set to yes, hidden otherwise yes Boolean
usedby What weapon uses this ammo SMG {{hl|SMG}} Wikitext
usedbyweapondamagemodifier Weapon Damage Modifier of the weapon using this ammo 1.3 Float
usedby2 What weapon uses this ammo Deadeye Carbine {{hl|Deadeye Carbine}} Wikitext
usedby2weapondamagemodifier Weapon Damage Modifier of the weapon using this ammo 1.1 Float
usedby3 What weapon uses this ammo Machine Pistol {{hl|Machine Pistol}} Wikitext
usedby3weapondamagemodifier Weapon Damage Modifier of the weapon using this ammo 0.8 Float
penetration Armor penetration 10 Integer
explosionrange Range of explosion in meters, XML defines it in centimeters, so divide by 100. Must be set for the explosion[affliction] to be displayed. 7 Float
explosionrange2 Range of explosion in the second affliction group in meters, XML defines it in centimeters, so divide by 100. Must be set for the explosion[affliction] to be displayed. 7 Float
projectiles Amount of projectiles, XML defines it in centimeters, so divide by 100. Must be set for the explosion[affliction] to be displayed. 7 Float
projectiles2 Amount of projectiles in the second affliction group XML defines it in centimeters, so divide by 100. Must be set for the explosion[affliction] to be displayed. 7 Float
structuredamage Structure damage 20 Integer
explosionstructuredamage Explosion structure damage 20 Integer
ballastfloradamage Ballast Flora damage 20 Integer
Explosionballastfloradamage Explosion Ballast Flora damage 20 Integer


For more info check out Template:AfflictionParser.

Field Note Example Expected Default
afflictionsname Name displayed above afflictions
Afflictions are separated by ;
Affliction Parameters are separated by ,
  • medicalafflictions allows the Fail column to apprear if any affliction has fail defined, or if durationfail is defined.
  • First parameter of an affliction must be Identifier = Strength.
  • Optional parameters can be written in any order.

afflictions =
burn = 10;
burn = 20, chance = 0.5;

medicalafflictions = duration = 10;
damage = -5, fail = -2.5;
burn = -0.1, fail = -0.05;
oxygenlow = 2, fail = 3;

resistances =
burn = 0.5, chance = 0.4;
lacerations = 0.6;
bitewounds = 0.7;

afflictions2name Name displayed above the second group of afflictions
Second group of afflictions

afflictions =
burn = 10;
burn = 20, chance = 0.5;

medicalafflictions = duration = 10;
damage = -5, fail = -2.5;
burn = -0.1, fail = -0.05;
oxygenlow = 2, fail = 3;

resistances =
burn = 0.5, chance = 0.4;
lacerations = 0.6;
bitewounds = 0.7;

Affliction Instructions

Field Note Example Default
Status Effect Parameters (Must be defined before any afflictions. They affect all Afflictions. Separated by ,)
duration = number Duration of the entire Status Effect. duration = 10
durationfail = number Overrides duration for afflictions in the fail column. failduration = 15
successnote = "text" Note displayed above afflictions in the success column.
  • Text must be within quotation marks " "
successnote = "text"
failnote = "text" Note displayed above afflictions in the fail column.
  • Text must be within quotation marks " "
failnote = "text"
note = "text" Note displayed above afflictions.
  • Is displayed in both the success and fail columns.
  • Is displayed only if successnote and failnote are NOT defined.
  • Text must be within quotation marks " "
note = "text"
consumptiontime = number Time it takes to fully consume the item consumptiontime = 25
Affliction Parameters (Separated by ,)
identifier = strength Identifier of the affliction, followed by it's strength.
In case of resistances, Identifier of the affliction, followed by it's resistance multiplier.
  • It must be the first parameter of an affliction.
  • If the strength value in XML is inside a "ReduceAffliction" element, negate the value.
  • If the strength value is equal to 0, and resistances is NOT defined, then the affliction is not shown. Used when there is a fail affliction but no success affliction.
burn = 20

burn = 0.75

burn = -30
fail = number Strength of an affliction when failed fail = 10
chance = number Probability of an affliction to occur.
In case of resistances, probability to completely resist an affliction.
chance = 0.2
duration = number Duration of an affliction, only define if different from Status Effect duration. duration = 5
delay = number Delay before the affliction starts to have an effect. delay = 3
instant = yes Can be used to make an affliction ignore duration if needed. instant = yes
successnote = "text" Note displayed under the affliction stats in the success column.
  • Text must be within quotation marks " "
  • Overrides note
successnote = "text"
failnote = "text" Note displayed under the affliction stats in the fail column.
  • Text must be within quotation marks " "
  • Overrides note
failnote = "text"
note = "text" Note displayed under the affliction stats.
  • Text must be within quotation marks " "
note = "text"


Field Note Example Expected Default
geartype Type of a Gear item, used for cargo queries. Template:GearTable outerwear String (allowed values=toolbel, outerwear, innerwear, headgear, headset, card)
gearskillmodifiers Skill modifiers of a Gear item whem worn +10 Weapons
+10 Medical +10 Weapons<br>+10 Medical
gearspeedmodifiers Speed modifiers of a Gear item whem worn -20% Movement Speed
+30% Swimming Speed -20% Movement Speed<br>+30% Swimming Speed
gearstatmodifiers Stat modifiers of a Gear item whem worn +25% Ranged Weapon Fire Rate
+25% Turret Fire Rate +25% Ranged Weapon Fire Rate<br>+25% Turret Fire Rate
genecapacity Amount of genes that the item can hold 1 Integer
protects List of limbs protected by the Gear item when worn Torso, Arms Wikitext
pressureprotection Pressure Protection of the item Gear item when worn 4000 Integer


Field Note Example Expected Default
materialtype Type of Material, used for cargo queries. Template:CraftingTable rare String (allowed values=rare, processed, organic, mineral)
medicaltype Type of Medical item, used for cargo queries. Template:MedicalTable basic String (allowed values=basic, stimulant, poison, medicine, antidote)
itemcapacity Amount of generic item slots an item has 6 small Items String
maxstack Maximum number of this item in a stack 8 Integer
supplyname Collective name of Item Supplies used by an item that don't fit elsewhere Oxygen Supplies / Power Supplies / Whatever else is used String
supplycount Amount of supply items an item can hold 4 Integer
supplyitems Supply items used by an item Oxygen Tank
Oxygenite Tank
Welding Fuel Tank
Incendium Fuel Tank {{hl|Oxygen Tank}}<br>{{hl|Oxygenite Tank}}<br>{{hl|Welding Fuel Tank}}<br>{{hl|Incendium Fuel Tank}}
impacttolerance The impact tolerance of the item. 5 Integer
firedamage Damage per second to Ballast Flora, as defined in XML. 10 Float

Skill Requirements

This section is only shown if any skill is defined:

Field Note Example Expected Default
helm Helm skill required to handle item without penalty 10 Integer
weapons Weapons skill required to handle item without penalty 10 Integer
mechanical Mechanical skill required to handle item without penalty 10 Integer
electrical Electrical skill required to handle item without penalty 10 Integer
medical Medical skill required to handle item without penalty 10 Integer
handicap Penalty for not meeting the skill requirements Fuel used up 3x as fast / Spread +2.8 (0.2 → 3) String


This section is only shown if one of the items tags is "ore" or "plant".

  • Plasma Cutter is shown as Required Tool if one the items tags is "ore".
  • Empty Hand is shown as Required Tool if one the items tags is "plant".
Field Description Example Expected Default
detachtime Time it takes to detach the item from a wall. 6 Float 4
commonness Spawn chance for all biomes (Level, Cave, Abyss).
  • Overridden by commonness_[biome].
  • Like in XML, Abyss commonness is defined 0-100 instead of 0-1.
0.67, 0.33, 40 List (,) of Float 0, 0, 0
commonness_coldcaverns Spawn chance for the "Cold Caverns" biome (Level, Cave, Abyss). 0.67, 0.33, 40 List (,) of Float
commonness_europanridge Spawn chance for the "Europan Ridge" biome (Level, Cave, Abyss). 0.67, 0.33, 40 List (,) of Float
commonness_theaphoticplateau Spawn chance for the "The Aphotic Plateau" biome (Level, Cave, Abyss). 0.67, 0.33, 40 List (,) of Float
commonness_thegreatsea Spawn chance for the "The Great Sea" biome (Level, Cave, Abyss). 0.67, 0.33, 40 List (,) of Float
commonness_hydrothermalwastes Spawn chance for the "Hydrothermal Wastes" biome (Level, Cave, Abyss). 0.67, 0.33, 40 List (,) of Float


This section is only shown if growthspeed is defined.

Field Description Example Expected Default
growthspeed Speed of growth of vines, as defined in XML. 0.065 Float
maximumvines Maximum amount of vines, as defined in XML. 48 Integer
productrate Chance of spawning product, as defined in XML. 0.0056 Float
maxhealth Max health of the plant, as defined in XML. 500 Integer
hardiness Amount of health the plant loses every second, as defined in XML. 0.071 Float
floodtolerance Amount of health the plant loses every second when flooded, as defined in XML. 0.5 Float
produceditems Fruit produced by the plant. Tobacco Bud {{hl|Tobacco Bud}} Wikitext


This section is always shown

If the fabricator value is undefined or "no" it will show "Constructible? | No".
If the deconstructor value is undefined or "no" it will show "Deconstructible? | No".

Field Note Example Expected Default
fabricator Define as "yes" if the item is constructible in a regular fabricator. yes Boolean
medicalfabricator Define as "yes" if the item constructible in a medical fabricator. yes Boolean
fabricatortime Time required to craft an item in seconds 10 Integer
talent Which talent is required to craft this item
If defined, Category:Talent Items is automatically added to the page.
Warlord {{hl|Warlord||Security Officer Job Icon}} Wikitext
fabricatedamount How many items are crafted at once 4 Integer
fabricatorskill Skill required to craft an item medical String (allowed values=mechanical/electrical/medical/weapons/helm)
fabricatorskilllevel Skill level required to craft an item 20 Integer
fabricatorskill2 Second Skill required to craft an item medical String (allowed values=mechanical/electrical/medical/weapons/helm)
fabricatorskilllevel2 Skill level of the second skill required to craft an item 20 Integer
fabricatormaterials Items required to craft item Iron (x2) {{hl|Iron}} (x2) Wikitext
deconstructor Is the item deconstructible yes Boolean
deconstructortime Time required to deconstruct item in seconds 10 Integer
deconstructormaterials Items recieved after deconstructing.
If defined, Category:Deconstructible Items is automatically added to the page.
If not defined, Category:Non-Deconstructible Items is automatically added to the page.
Iron {{hl|Iron}} Wikitext

Alternative Crafting

Field Note Example Expected Default
fabricatortimealt Time required to craft item in seconds in an Alternative recipe 10 Integer
talentalt Which talent is required to craft this item in an Alternative recipe Warlord {{hl|Warlord||Security Officer Job Icon}} Wikitext
fabricatedamountalt How many items are crafted at once in an Alternative recipe 4 Integer
fabricatorskillalt Skill required to craft item in an Alternative recipe medical String (allowed values=mechanical/electrical/medical/weapons/helm)
fabricatorskilllevelalt Skill level required to craft item in an Alternative recipe 20 Integer
fabricatormaterialsalt Items required to craft item in an Alternative recipe Iron (x2) {{hl|Iron}} (x2) Wikitext


This section is only shown if baseprice is defined and nostore is not defined.

Factions: coaliton, separatists, clown, husk

Stores: outpost, city, research, military, mine, medical, engineering, armory, clown, husk

Field Note Example Expected Default
nostore Removes the store section. yes String
baseprice Base price of item.
  • If defined but no outpost has "multiplier", "sold" or "minavailable" then the buy column is not displayed.
200 Integer
minleveldifficulty Minimum level difficulty of the Outpost required for this item to be buyable, as defined in XML. 35 Integer
[faction]reputation Minimum reputation for a faction required for this item to be buyable, as defined in XML. 35 Integer
unbuyable Define as "yes" if unbuyable.
  • If NOT defined then any outpost with "multiplier", "sold" or "minavailable" has the price shown in the buy column.
  • If defined then any outpost with "sold" has the price shown in the buy column.
yes Boolean
[store]multiplier Price multiplier at [store]. 1.25 Float 1
[store]minavailable Minimum stock available at [store]. 3 Integer
[store]sold Define as "yes" if sold at [store].
  • Overrides unbuyable. Usefull for example when an item is set as unbuyable and then as sold in only some stores.
yes Boolean
[store]unbuyable Define as "yes" if unbuyable at [store]. yes Boolean
[store]baseprice Used to override baseprice for chosen stores when necessary. 500 Integer


This section is always shown.

Field Note Example Expected Default
identifier Internal identifier of the item, as defined in XML. medicalofficerclothes String
nameidentifier Internal name identifier of the item, used in language text files, as defined in XML. medicalofficeroutfit String
cargocontaineridentifier Identifier of the container this items spawns in when bought, as defined in XML. metalcrate String
category Category of the item, as defined in XML. Equipment String (allowed values=Structure, Decorative, Machine, Medical, Weapon, Diving, Equipment, Fuel, Electrical, Material, Alien, Wrecked, Legacy, Misc)
tags Tags of the item, as defined in XML. smallitem, tool, simpletool, mechanicalrepairtool, wrenchitem, mountableweapon List (,) of String


NOTE: Some of these may be:

  • Modified to test new features of the infobox.
  • Slightly outdated in terms of formatting - using some deprecated (replaced or no longer used) fields, or not having a Boilerplate for their Item Type, and therefore not following any set style/layout standards but instead copypasta from other pages. See the linked Boilerplates for the most up to date version and use them as a guide when editing/making pages.

Ranged Weapon example

Main article: Boilerplate:Ranged Weapon

Main article: Autoshotgun


A roughly engineered automatic shotgun with a vast ammo capacity. Its size and heft makes it a bit cumbersome to lug around.
Quality Bonuses +10% Affliction Strength
Damage Modifier 0.9x
Attack Speed 2.22
Ammunition Shotgun Shell
Explosive Slug
Shotgun Rubber Shell
Ammo Capacity 24
Ammo Max Stack 12
Skill Requirements
Skill Requirements
Weapons: 60
Handicap Spread +2.8 (0.2 → 3)
Talent: Pacification Kit
Skill: Weapons: 55
Deconstructor Yield
Reputation Requirement
Base Price 710 mk
OutpostOutpost Buy Sell
Habitation OutpostHabitation N/A 298 mk
ColonyColony N/A 266 mk
Research OutpostResearch N/A 266 mk
Military OutpostMilitary 639 mk 191 mk
Mining OutpostMining N/A 266 mk
Medical MerchantMedical Merchant N/A 213 mk
Engineer MerchantEngineer Merchant N/A 213 mk
Armory MerchantArmory Merchant N/A 213 mk
Children of The HonkmotherClown Merchant N/A 213 mk
The Church of HuskHusk Merchant N/A 213 mk
Identifier autoshotgun
Categories Weapon
Tags mediumitem, weapon, gun, gunsmith, mountableweapon
{{Items infobox 
| name = Autoshotgun
| description = A roughly engineered automatic shotgun with a vast ammo capacity. Its size and heft makes it a bit cumbersome to lug around.

<!-- Gear Info-->
| geartype = toolbelt

<!-- Weapon info-->
| weapontype = ranged
| qualitybonuses = +10% Affliction Strength
| weapondamagemodifier = 0.9
| attackspeed = 2.22
| weapons = 60
| handicap = Spread +2.8 (0.2 → 3) 

| ammo = {{hl|Shotgun Shell}}<br>{{hl|Explosive Slug}}<br>{{hl|Shotgun Rubber Shell}}
| ammomaxstack = 12
| ammocount = 24

<!-- Crafting -->
| fabricator = Yes
| talent = {{hl|Pacification Kit||Security Officer Job Icon}}
| fabricatortime = 65
| fabricatorskill = weapons
| fabricatorskilllevel = 55
| fabricatormaterials = {{hl|Ballistic Fiber}}<br>{{hl|Physicorium Bar}} (x2)<br>{{hl|Titanium-Aluminium Alloy}} (x2)

| deconstructor = Yes
| deconstructortime = 30
| deconstructormaterials = {{hl|Ballistic Fiber}}<br>{{hl|Physicorium Bar}} (x2)<br>{{hl|Titanium-Aluminium Alloy}}

<!-- Store -->
| baseprice = 710
| unbuyable = true
| coalitionreputation = 70

| outpostmultiplier = 1.4
| citymultiplier = 1.25
| researchmultiplier = 1.25
| militarymultiplier = 0.9 | militaryminavailable = 0 | militarymaxavailable = 1 | militarysold = true
| minemultiplier = 1.25

<!-- Technical -->
| identifier = autoshotgun
| category = Weapon
| tags = mediumitem, weapon, gun, gunsmith, mountableweapon

Ammo example

Main article: Shotgun Shell

Shotgun Shell

Inventory icon

Ammunition for a shotgun. Lethal.
Used by Riot Shotgun
Autoshotgun 0.9x Damage
Boom Stick
 Gunshot Wound (64)*
 (8 projectiles x 8)
 Bleeding (48)*
 (8 projectiles x 6)
 Stun (0.8)*
 (8 projectiles x 0.1)
Severance chance 50%
Structure damage 8 (8x1)
Item Damage 2
Maximum stack 12
(produces 12 items)
Talent: Munitions Expertise
Skill: Weapons: 30
Deconstructible? No
Base Price 30 mk
OutpostOutpost Buy Sell
Habitation OutpostHabitation N/A 13 mk
ColonyColony 37 mk 11 mk
Research OutpostResearch N/A 11 mk
Military OutpostMilitary 27 mk 8 mk
Mining OutpostMining N/A 11 mk
Medical MerchantMedical Merchant N/A 9 mk
Engineer MerchantEngineer Merchant N/A 9 mk
Armory MerchantArmory Merchant 27 mk 8 mk
Children of The HonkmotherClown Merchant N/A 9 mk
The Church of HuskHusk Merchant N/A 9 mk
Identifier shotgunshell
Categories Weapon
Tags smallitem, shotgunammo
{{Items infobox
| name = Shotgun Shell
| description = Ammunition for a shotgun. Lethal.
| maxstack = 12

<!-- Ammo -->
| ammotype = ranged
| projectile = Instant

| usedby = Riot Shotgun
| usedby2 = Autoshotgun
| usedby2weapondamagemodifier = 0.9
| usedby3 = Boom Stick

| severlimbsprobability = 50
| projectiles = 8

| afflictions = 
gunshotwound = 8;
bleeding = 6;
stun = 0.1;

| structuredamage = 1
| itemdamage = 2

<!-- Crafting -->
| talent = {{hl|Munitions Expertise||Security Officer Job Icon}}
| fabricatormaterials = {{hl|Phosphorus}} or {{hl|Magnesium}}<br>{{hl|Lead}} or {{hl|Copper}} or {{hl|Steel Bar}}<br>{{hl|Zinc}} or {{hl|Copper}} or {{hl|Iron}}<br>{{hl|Plastic}}
| fabricatorskill = weapons
| fabricatorskilllevel = 30
| fabricatedamount = 12
| fabricatortime = 20
| fabricator = yes

| deconstructor = No

<!-- Store -->
| baseprice          = 30
| outpostmultiplier  = 1.5  | outpostunbuyable     = true
| citymultiplier     = 1.25 | cityminavailable     = 4
| researchmultiplier = 1.25 | researchunbuyable    = true
| militarymultiplier = 0.9  | militaryminavailable = 12
| minemultiplier     = 1.25 | mineunbuyable        = true
| armorymultiplier   = 0.9  | armoryminavailable   = 12

<!-- Technical -->
| identifier = shotgunshell
| category = Weapon
| tags = smallitem, shotgunammo

Melee Weapon example

Main article: Boilerplate:Melee Weapon

Main article: Boarding Axe

Boarding Axe

Inventory icon

A hand axe, meant to be wielded with both hands.
 Lacerations (36)*
 Bleeding (10)*
 Stun (0.5)*
Quality Bonuses +10% Affliction Strength
Range 1.55 m
Attack Speed 0.83
Severance chance 750%
Structure damage 25
Item Damage 30
Talent: Boarding Party
Skill: Weapons: 40
Deconstructor Yield
Base Price 350 mk
OutpostOutpost Sell
Habitation OutpostHabitation 131 mk
ColonyColony 131 mk
Research OutpostResearch 131 mk
Military OutpostMilitary 94 mk
Mining OutpostMining 131 mk
Medical MerchantMedical Merchant 105 mk
Engineer MerchantEngineer Merchant 105 mk
Armory MerchantArmory Merchant 105 mk
Children of The HonkmotherClown Merchant 105 mk
The Church of HuskHusk Merchant 105 mk
Identifier boardingaxe
Categories Weapon
Tags mediumitem, weapon, gunsmith, mountableweapon
{{Items infobox 
| description = A hand axe, meant to be wielded with both hands.

<!-- Weapon info-->
| weapontype = melee
| qualitybonuses = +10% Affliction Strength
| meleerange = 1.55
| attackspeed = 0.83

| structuredamage = 25
| itemdamage = 30
| severlimbsprobability = 750
| afflictions =
lacerations = 36;
bleeding = 10;
stun = 0.5;

<!-- Crafting  -->
| fabricator = Yes
| talent = {{hl|Boarding Party|25|Security Officer Job Icon}}
| fabricatortime = 25
| fabricatorskill = weapons
| fabricatorskilllevel = 40
| fabricatormaterials = {{hl|Titanium-Aluminum Alloy}} (x2)

| deconstructor = Yes
| deconstructortime = 20
| deconstructormaterials = {{hl|Titanium-Aluminum Alloy}}

<!-- Store -->
| unbuyable = true

| baseprice = 350
| outpostmultiplier = 1.25
| citymultiplier = 1.25
| researchmultiplier = 1.25
| militarymultiplier = 0.9
| minemultiplier = 1.25

<!-- Technical -->
| identifier = boardingaxe
| category = Weapon
| tags = mediumitem, weapon, gunsmith, mountableweapon

Gear example

Main article: Boilerplate:Gear

Main article: Diving Suit

Diving Suit

Inventory icon

An atmospheric diving suit capable of withstanding the immense pressure under Europa's crust. Only offers adequate protection up to the depth of 4,000 meters - beyond this point, an Abyss or Combat suit is required.
Resistances (Protects All limbs)
 Bite Wounds (30%)*
 Lacerations (30%)*
 Gunshot Wound (30%)*
 Burn (25%)*
 Husk Infection (0% | 50%)*
 Bleeding (30%)*
Speed Modifiers -20% Movement Speed
Pressure Protection Up to 4000 m
Breathing Supplies Oxygen Tank
Oxygenite Tank
Welding Fuel Tank
Incendium Fuel Tank
Breathing Supplies Capacity 1 Item Slot
(produces 1 items)
Skill: Mechanical: 40
Deconstructor Yield
Base Price 250 mk
OutpostOutpost Buy Sell
Habitation OutpostHabitation 225 mk 67 mk
ColonyColony 212 mk 63 mk
Research OutpostResearch 250 mk 75 mk
Military OutpostMilitary 250 mk 75 mk
Mining OutpostMining 312 mk 93 mk
Medical MerchantMedical Merchant N/A 75 mk
Engineer MerchantEngineer Merchant N/A 75 mk
Armory MerchantArmory Merchant N/A 75 mk
Children of The HonkmotherClown Merchant N/A 75 mk
The Church of HuskHusk Merchant N/A 75 mk
Identifier divingsuit
Categories DivingEquipment
Tags diving,deepdiving,provocative
{{Items infobox
| name = Diving Suit
| description = An atmospheric diving suit capable of withstanding the immense pressure under Europa's crust. Only offers adequate protection up to the depth of 4,000 meters - beyond this point, an Abyss or Combat suit is required.
| note = Requires Breathing Supply.

<!-- Gear Info-->
| geartype = outerwear
| gearspeedmodifiers = -20% Movement Speed
| protects = All
| pressureprotection = 4000

<!-- Other -->
| supplyname = Breathing Supplies
| supplyitems = {{hl|Oxygen Tank}}<br>{{hl|Oxygenite Tank}}<br>{{hl|Welding Fuel Tank}}<br>{{hl|Incendium Fuel Tank}}
| supplycount = 1 Item Slot

<!-- Afflictions -->
| resistances =
bitewounds = 0.7;
lacerations = 0.7;
blunttrauma = 0.7;
gunshotwound = 0.7;
burn = 0.75;
huskinfection = 1, chance = 0.5;
radiationsickness =  0.75;
bleeding = 0.7;

<!-- Crafting -->
| fabricator = Yes
| fabricatortime = 30
| fabricatedamount = 1
| fabricatorskill = mechanical
| fabricatorskilllevel = 40
| fabricatormaterials = {{hl|Titanium-Aluminium Alloy}}<br>{{hl|Rubber}} x2

| deconstructor = Yes
| deconstructortime = 30
| deconstructormaterials = {{hl|Titanium-Aluminium Alloy}}<br>{{hl|Rubber}}

<!-- Store info -->
| baseprice = 250

| outpostmultiplier     = 0.9  | outpostminavailable  = 2
| citymultiplier        = 0.85 | cityminavailable     = 4
| researchminavailable = 3
| militaryminavailable = 3
| minemultiplier        = 1.25 | mineminavailable     = 5

<!-- Technical -->
| identifier = divingsuit
| category = Diving,Equipment
| tags = diving,deepdiving,provocative

Gatherable example

Main article: Galena


Inventory icon

A mineral mostly consisting of lead.
Required Tools, Duration Plasma Cutter, 4s
Biome Commonness (Level, Cave, Abyss)
Cold Caverns 90%, 90%, 0%
Europan Ridge 90%, 90%, 0%
The Aphotic Plateau 85%, 90%, 50%
The Great Sea 85%, 80%, 50%
Hydrothermal Wastes 80%, 70%, 0%
Constructible? No
Deconstructor Yield
Lead x2
Base Price 70 mk
OutpostOutpost Sell
Habitation OutpostHabitation 23 mk
ColonyColony 26 mk
Research OutpostResearch 21 mk
Military OutpostMilitary 21 mk
Mining OutpostMining 15 mk
Medical MerchantMedical Merchant 21 mk
Engineer MerchantEngineer Merchant 21 mk
Armory MerchantArmory Merchant 21 mk
Children of The HonkmotherClown Merchant 21 mk
The Church of HuskHusk Merchant 21 mk
Identifier galena
Categories Material
Tags smallitem, ore
{{Items infobox
| name = Galena
| description = A mineral mostly consisting of lead.

<!-- Images and Captions -->
| sprite = Galena_sprite.png
| spritewidth = 100

<!-- Gatherable -->
| gatherable_type = mineral

| commonness = 0.9, 0.9, 0
| commonness_theaphoticplateau = 0.85, 0.9, 50
| commonness_thegreatsea = 0.85, 0.8, 50
| commonness_hydrothermalwastes = 0.8, 0.7, 0

<!-- Crafting -->
| fabricator = No

| deconstructor = Yes
| deconstructortime = 5
| deconstructormaterials = {{hl|Lead}} x2

<!-- Store Info -->
| baseprice = 70
| unbuyable = true

| outpostmultiplier  = 1.1
| citymultiplier     = 1.25
| minemultiplier     = 0.75

<!-- Technical -->
| identifier = galena
| tags = smallitem, ore
| category = Material

Growable example

Main article: Tobacco Vine Seed

Tobacco Vine Seed
Time to fully grow 2 hours, 3 minutes, 4 seconds
Average fruit spawn rate 2.02 / hour
Fruit Tobacco Bud
Conditions Time to decay when fully watered
Base 1 hour, 57 minutes, 22 seconds
Flooded 14 minutes, 35 seconds
Constructible? No
Deconstructor Yield
Base Price 30 mk
OutpostOutpost Buy Sell
Habitation OutpostHabitation 30 mk 9 mk
ColonyColony 36 mk 10 mk
Research OutpostResearch 36 mk 10 mk
Military OutpostMilitary N/A 8 mk
Mining OutpostMining N/A 6 mk
Medical MerchantMedical Merchant N/A 9 mk
Engineer MerchantEngineer Merchant N/A 9 mk
Armory MerchantArmory Merchant N/A 9 mk
Children of The HonkmotherClown Merchant N/A 9 mk
The Church of HuskHusk Merchant N/A 9 mk
Identifier tobaccovineseed
Categories Misc
Tags smallitem, seed, plantitem
{{Items infobox
| name = Tobacco Vine Seed
| description = 

<!-- Growable -->
| growthspeed = 0.065
| maximumvines = 48
| productrate = 0.0056
| maxhealth = 500
| hardiness = 0.071
| floodtolerance = 0.5
| produceditems = {{hl|Tobacco Bud}}

<!-- Crafting -->
| deconstructortime = 30
| deconstructormaterials = {{hl|Carbon}}

<!-- Store Info -->
| baseprice = 30

| outpostunbuyable     = false
| citymultiplier     = 1.2  | cityminavailable     = 1
| militarymultiplier = 0.9  | researchminavailable = 2
| researchmultiplier = 1.2  | militaryunbuyable    = true
| minemultiplier     = 0.75 | mineunbuyable        = true

<!-- Technical -->
| identifier = tobaccovineseed
| tags = smallitem, seed, plantitem
| category = Misc

Tool Example

Main article: Welding Tool

Welding Tool

Inventory icon

One of the most crucial tools on board the submarine. Also works underwater.
Quality Bonuses +10% Hull Repair Speed
Ballast Flora Damage
Fuel Welding Fuel Tank
Incendium Fuel Tank
Fuel Capacity 1 fuel tank
Skill Requirements
Skill Requirements
Handicap Slower Welding Speed ~45% (0% → ~45%)
Skill: Mechanical: 30
Steel Bar (x2)
Plastic (x2)
Fabrication time 20s
Deconstructor Yield
Base Price 150 mk
OutpostOutpost Buy Sell
Habitation OutpostHabitation 150 mk 45 mk
ColonyColony 150 mk 45 mk
Research OutpostResearch 187 mk 56 mk
Military OutpostMilitary 187 mk 56 mk
Mining OutpostMining 135 mk 40 mk
Medical MerchantMedical Merchant N/A 45 mk
Engineer MerchantEngineer Merchant 135 mk 40 mk
Armory MerchantArmory Merchant N/A 45 mk
Children of The HonkmotherClown Merchant N/A 45 mk
The Church of HuskHusk Merchant N/A 45 mk
Identifier weldingtool
Categories Equipment
Tags smallitem, weldingequipment, tool, mountableweapon
{{Items infobox
| name = Welding Tool
| description = One of the most crucial tools on board the submarine. Also works underwater.

<!-- Tool -->
| fuel = {{Hyperlink|Welding Fuel Tank}}<br>{{Hyperlink|Incendium Fuel Tank}}
| fuelcount = 1 fuel tank
| mechanical = 50
| handicap = Slower Welding Speed ~45% (0% → ~45%)
| firedamage = 10

<!-- Crafting -->
| fabricator = yes
| fabricatortime = 20
| fabricatorskill = mechanical
| fabricatorskilllevel = 30
| fabricatormaterials = {{Hyperlink|Steel Bar}} (x2)<br>{{Hyperlink|Plastic}} (x2)
| qualitybonuses = +10% Hull Repair Speed

| deconstructor = yes
| deconstructortime = 10
| deconstructormaterials = {{Hyperlink|Steel Bar}}<br>{{Hyperlink|Plastic}}

<!-- Store -->
| baseprice = 150

| outpostminavailable = 3
| cityminavailable = 2
| researchmultiplier = 1.25 | researchminavailable = 2
| militarymultiplier = 1.25 | militaryminavailable = 2
| minemultiplier = 0.9 | mineminavailable = 10
| engineeringmultiplier = 0.9 | engineeringminavailable = 5

<!-- Technical -->
| identifier = weldingtool
| category = Equipment
| tags = smallitem, weldingequipment, tool, mountableweapon

Medical example

Main article: Morphine

NOTE: Medical items currently use Template:Medical infobox. They are not fully supported by this template but this is how they would look if they used it.


A powerful opiate for treating pain associated with internal injuries, but will cause shortness of breath and eventual dependency with overuse.
Medical Usage
 Burn (-1)*
 Oxygen Low (20)*
 Opiate Overdose (10)*
Duration 10s
 Burn (-0.5)*
 Oxygen Low (30)*
 Opiate Overdose (20)*
Duration 10s
Skill Requirements
Skill Requirements
Medical: 40
Medical Fabricator
Opium (x2)
Fabrication time 30s
Deconstructor Yield
Base Price 100 mk
OutpostOutpost Buy Sell
Habitation OutpostHabitation 100 mk 30 mk
ColonyColony 100 mk 30 mk
Research OutpostResearch 100 mk 30 mk
Military OutpostMilitary 100 mk 30 mk
Mining OutpostMining 100 mk 30 mk
Medical MerchantMedical Merchant 90 mk 27 mk
Engineer MerchantEngineer Merchant N/A 30 mk
Armory MerchantArmory Merchant N/A 30 mk
Children of The HonkmotherClown Merchant N/A 30 mk
The Church of HuskHusk Merchant N/A 30 mk
Identifier antidama1
Categories Medical
Tags smallitem, chem, medical, syringe
{{Medical infobox
| name = Morphine
| description = A powerful opiate for treating pain associated with internal injuries, but will cause shortness of breath and eventual dependency with overuse.

<!-- Afflictions -->
| medical = 40
| medicalafflictions = duration = 10;
damage           = -5,   fail = -2.5;
burn             = -0.1, fail = -0.05;
oxygenlow        = 2,    fail = 3;
opiateaddiction  = 0.5,  fail = 2.5;
opiatewithdrawal = -3,   fail = -3;
opiateoverdose   = 1,    fail = 2;

<!-- Crafting -->
| fabricator = no

| medicalfabricator = yes
| fabricatortime = 30
| fabricatorskilllevel = 18
| fabricatormaterials = {{hl|Opium}} (x2)

| deconstructor = yes
| deconstructortime = 20
| deconstructormaterials = {{hl|Opium}}

<!-- Store Info -->
| baseprice = 100

| outpostmultiplier  = 1   | outpostminavailable  = 12
| citymultiplier     = 1   | cityminavailable     = 12
| researchmultiplier = 1   | researchminavailable = 12
| militarymultiplier = 1   | militaryminavailable = 12
| minemultiplier     = 1   | mineminavailable     = 12
| medicalmultiplier  = 0.9 | medicalminavailable  = 12

<!-- Technical -->
| identifier = antidama1
| category = Medical
| tags = smallitem, chem, medical, syringe
| medicaltype = medicine
| sort = 2


Items infobox/doc
Click to upload a new image.Dummy link
A mildly toxic solution that slowly releases oxygen into the bloodstream when injected. Avoid dropping.
Medical Usage
 Organ Damage (30)*
 Oxygen Low (-99)*
Duration 60s
 Organ Damage (90)*
 Oxygen Low (-99)*
Duration 60s
Explosion (2m):
 Burn (50)*
 Stun (1.5)*
Triggers Railgun Shells
Depth Charges
Impact: over 8m/s.
Explosion Radius 2 m
Structure damage 10
Ballast Flora Damage
50 (Explosion)
Skill Requirements
Skill Requirements
Medical: 72
Constructible? No
Deconstructible? No
Base Price 80 mk
OutpostOutpost Buy Sell
Habitation OutpostHabitation N/A 24 mk
ColonyColony 72 mk 21 mk
Research OutpostResearch 72 mk 21 mk
Military OutpostMilitary N/A 24 mk
Mining OutpostMining N/A 21 mk
Medical MerchantMedical Merchant 72 mk 21 mk
Engineer MerchantEngineer Merchant N/A 24 mk
Armory MerchantArmory Merchant N/A 24 mk
Children of The HonkmotherClown Merchant N/A 24 mk
The Church of HuskHusk Merchant N/A 24 mk
Identifier liquidoxygenite
Categories Medical
Tags smallitem, chem, medical, syringe

This is the documentation page, it should be transcluded into the main template page. See Template:Doc for more information.