Drunk (No Debuffs)

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Revision as of 04:19, 23 May 2023 by Vyk (talk | contribs) (note on treating)
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The current game version is


Inflicted by Ethanol and Rum, if the user has the Drunken Sailor Talent.

  0-40 (Others):"This crewmate is in high spirits, perhaps a bit too high to operate complex machinery."
 40-80 (Others):"The smell of alcohol rises from them like a vapor, their speech slurs a little, and their eyes fail to focus."
80-100 (Others):"This crewmate has departed this world mentally, with a grin on their face. You fear the crewmate's life functions will soon depart as well."

  0-80 (Self):"After all… why not? Why shouldn’t you have another drink?"
80-100 (Self):"Is it time to lie down? Oh the infinite bliss of drowning out your sorrow…"

       Cause of death: "Died of alcohol poisoning."
Cause of death (Self): "You have died of alcohol poisoning."

Affliction Limb Specific Vitality Scaling Strength Change Strength Range Effects Treatments Caused By

ID: drunknodebuffs
Type: debuff
(Shown on Head)
No 0-20:

20 - 40:

40 - 100:
0 - 20 None N/A Ethanol (+20)* Desirable Medical Skill-
Rum (+90)* Desirable Medical Skill-
20 - 40 -100 Drunk
Visual Effects
40 - 80 -100 Drunk
Visual Effects
80 - 100 -100 Drunk
Visual Effects
  • When a character with the Drunken Sailor Talent is afflicted with the Drunk affliction, it will be replaced with this affliction.
  • This affliction appears identical to the regular Drunk affliction in both the health GUI and the Health Scanner HUD, but has less severe effects.
  • Since this affliction does not naturally decay below 20 strength, and there are no medical items that can reduce it and outposts medical clinics are unable to treat hidden afflictions, it is actually impossible to fully remove this affliction. This does not mean that the effects of Drunken Sailor will always be active (since this affliction must be greater than 20 to apply), but it does mean that it will be easier to get drunk again, as long as this affliction had been applied previously.

Talent Tree Description

Drunken Sailor
ID: drunkensailor
Spec. 3
Gain 75% stun resistance while drunk and immunity to the negative effects of drunkenness.

Unlock recipe: Rum.

Tainted Genes
Endgame (Spoilers)