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Main article: Boilerplate:Gear

Table displaying Gear for the Gear page.


Field Note Example Expected Default
Tabletype Type of the table Outerwear Outerwear / Innerwear / Headgear / Toolbelt / Headset / Splicer Outerwear
width Width of the table 50% / 1000px % / px auto

When you only specify the Tabletype, all items of that Gear Type are displayed.

  • Tabletype is Outerwear by default.

You can make a custom table by writing out any Item names (Currently max 10) separated by pipes |, only those items will be shown.

  • Tabletype can be set to change how the table is displayed.
  • Custom Items can be anything, they don't need to be Gear.

Sub Templates

Template in use


To show up here items must have:

  • geartype defined as outerwear.
Gear Name Protected Limbs Damage Resistances Effects when worn Pressure Protection Notes

Makeshift Armor
Torso, Arms, Legs
-30% Movement Speed
-30% Scooter Propulsion Speed
50% Water flow resistance

Safety Harness
Torso, Arms
90% Water flow resistance

Body Armor

Mudraptor Shell
-30% Movement Speed

Separatist Body Armor

Broken Diving Suit
-20% Walking Speed
-20% Swimming Speed

Diving Suit
 (0% | 50%)*
Up to 4000 meters Requires Breathing Supply.

Combat Diving Suit
 (0% | 50%)*
+5% Movement Speed
-10% Swimming Speed
+40% Scooter Propulsion Speed
Up to 5750 meters Requires Breathing Supply.

 (0% | 50%)*
+5% Movement Speed
-30% Walking Speed
+45% Swimming Speed
+40% Scooter Propulsion Speed
Up to 5750 meters Requires Breathing Supply.

 (0% | 50%)*
+10% Movement Speed
Up to 6200 meters Requires Breathing Supply.
Has a built-in Auto-Injector.

Abyss Diving Suit
 (0% | 50%)*
-20% Walking Speed
-20% Swimming Speed
-50% Scooter Propulsion Speed
Up to 6650 meters Requires Breathing Supply.

Disposable Diving Suit
 (0% | 50%)*
-20% Walking Speed
-20% Swimming Speed
-50% Scooter Propulsion Speed
Up to 6650 meters Has a built-in Oxygen Supply that lasts for 8 minutes and 20 seconds.

 (75% | 50%)*
 (0% | 90%)*
 (75% | 50%)*
 (50% | 75%)*
-75% Scooter Propulsion Speed
90% Water flow resistance
Up to 7000 meters Requires Breathing & Power Supply.
Hides the user's identity.
Has 10 small Item slots.

Funbringer 3000
 (75% | 50%)*
 (0% | 90%)*
 (75% | 50%)*
 (50% | 75%)*
-50% Scooter Propulsion Speed
90% Water flow resistance
Up to 7000 meters Requires Breathing & Power Supply.
Hides the user's identity.


To show up here items must have:

  • geartype defined as innerwear.
Gear Name Protected Limbs Damage Resistances Effects when worn Notes

Admiral's Uniform
Torso, Arms, Legs

Assistant Clothes
Torso, Arms, Legs

Bandit Outfit
Torso, Arms, Legs

Bandit Outfit
Torso, Arms, Legs

Boiler Suit
Torso, Arms, Legs

Clown Costume
Torso, Arms, Legs
It's a part of the Clown Ensemble.

Commander's Uniform
Torso, Arms, Legs

Commando's Fatigues
Torso, Arms, Legs

Crew Chief's Outfit
Torso, Arms, Legs

Doctor's Uniform
Torso, Arms, Legs
Has 3 slots for medical/chemical items

Engineer's Jumpsuit
Torso, Arms, Legs

Gunner's Uniform
Torso, Arms, Legs

Hazmat Suit
Torso, Arms, Legs

Mechanic's Jumpsuit
Torso, Arms, Legs

Medic's Fatigues
Torso, Arms, Legs
Has 3 slots for medical/chemical items

Miner's Overalls
Torso, Arms, Legs

Mother's Providence
Torso, Arms, Legs
It's a part of the Clown Ensemble.

Outpost Dweller's Outfit
Torso, Arms, Legs

Outpost Dweller's Outfit
Torso, Arms, Legs

Outpost Dweller's Outfit
Torso, Arms, Legs

Outpost Dweller's Outfit
Torso, Arms, Legs

Outpost Dweller's Outfit
Torso, Arms, Legs

Outpost Security Uniform
Torso, Arms, Legs

Prisoner Outfit
Torso, Arms, Legs

Quartermaster's Outfit
Torso, Arms, Legs

Renegade's Jacket
Torso, Arms, Legs

Researcher's Outfit
Torso, Arms, Legs

Security Officer's Uniform
Torso, Arms, Legs

Separatist Costume
Torso, Arms, Legs

Separatist Costume (Hard)
Torso, Arms, Legs

Separatist Costume (Novice)
Torso, Arms, Legs

Separatist Engineer Outfit
Torso, Arms, Legs

Separatist Engineer Outfit
Torso, Arms, Legs

Separatist Mechanic Outfit
Torso, Arms, Legs

Separatist Mechanic Outfit
Torso, Arms, Legs

Separatist Medic Fatigues
Torso, Arms, Legs
Has 3 slots for medical/chemical items

Separatist Medic Fatigues
Torso, Arms, Legs
Has 3 slots for medical/chemical items

Separatist Security Officer Fatigues
Torso, Arms, Legs

Separatist Security Officer Fatigues
Torso, Arms, Legs

Separatist Security Officer Fatigues
Torso, Arms, Legs

Station Administrator's Outfit
Torso, Arms, Legs

Veteran's Fatigues
Torso, Arms, Legs

Veteran's Jacket
Torso, Arms, Legs

VIP Outfit
Torso, Arms, Legs

VIP Outfit
Torso, Arms, Legs

VIP Outfit
Torso, Arms, Legs

Warlord's Attire
Torso, Arms, Legs

Watchman Clothes
Torso, Arms, Legs

Cultist Robes

Cultist Robes (Faulty)
Doesn't make Husks ignore the wearer.

Medical Officer's Outfit
Medical +15

Zealot Robes


To show up here items must have:

  • geartype defined as headgear.
Gear Name Protected Limbs Damage Resistances Effects when worn Notes

Admiral's Hat
Helm +10

Ballistic Helmet

Chitin Helmet

Gunner's Helmet
Weapons +10

Iron Helmet
-10% Movement Speed
Hides the wearer's identity.
Reduces field of view.

Renegade's Hat
Helm +10

Riot Helmet

Separatist Bandana

Separatist Captain Hat
Helm +12

Separatist Helmet

Veteran's Cap
Helm +10

Veteran's Hat
Helm +10

Warlord's Hat
Helm +10

Clown Diving Mask
Requires an oxygen supply.
It's a part of the Clown Ensemble.

Clown Mask
It's a part of the Clown Ensemble.

Crawler Mask
Makes one of the three noises of an idle Crawler every 7 seconds.

Diving Mask
Requires an oxygen supply.
Hides the wearer's identity.

Electrician's Goggles

Health Scanner HUD
Shows health information from a distance.

Mother's Countenance
It's a part of the Clown Ensemble.

Thermal Goggles
Highlights some living targets though walls.



To show up here items must have:

  • geartype defined as toolbelt.
Gear Name Notes

Arc Emitter

Assault Rifle
-10% Movement Speed (When Held)

-10% Movement Speed (When Held)

-30% Movement Speed
-30% Scooter Propulsion Speed
Has 12 small Item slots.

+10% Ranged Attack Speed
+10% Turret Attack Speed
Has 8 slots for handheld ammunition, 40mm grenades and hand grenades.

Grenade Launcher

-25% Movement Speed

Rapid Fissile Accelerator

Riot Shield
-40% Movement Speed (When Held)

Scrap Cannon

Has 6 small Item slots.


To show up here items must have:

  • geartype defined as headset.
Gear Name Notes

Auto-Injector Headset
Allows giving orders to the crew and communicating using radio chat functions, and injecting inserted Medical Items when the user drops below 50% Vitality.

Allows giving orders to the crew and communicating using radio chat functions.


To show up here items must have:

  • geartype defined as splicer.
Gear Name Gene Capacity Notes

Advanced Gene Splicer

Gene Splicer

Custom Table Examples

Captain's Clothes Table

{{GearTable|Veteran's Jacket|Renegade's Jacket|Admiral's Uniform|Veteran's Cap|Renegade's Hat|Admiral's Hat|Tabletype=Innerwear}}
Gear Name Protected Limbs Damage Resistances Effects when worn Notes

Admiral's Uniform
Torso, Arms, Legs

Renegade's Jacket
Torso, Arms, Legs

Veteran's Jacket
Torso, Arms, Legs

Admiral's Hat
Helm +10

Renegade's Hat
Helm +10

Veteran's Cap
Helm +10

Diving Suit Table

{{GearTable|Diving Suit|Combat Diving Suit|Slipsuit|PUCS|Abyss Diving Suit|Exosuit|Disposable Diving Suit|Tabletype=Outerwear}}
Gear Name Protected Limbs Damage Resistances Effects when worn Pressure Protection Notes

Diving Suit
 (0% | 50%)*
Up to 4000 meters Requires Breathing Supply.

Combat Diving Suit
 (0% | 50%)*
+5% Movement Speed
-10% Swimming Speed
+40% Scooter Propulsion Speed
Up to 5750 meters Requires Breathing Supply.

 (0% | 50%)*
+5% Movement Speed
-30% Walking Speed
+45% Swimming Speed
+40% Scooter Propulsion Speed
Up to 5750 meters Requires Breathing Supply.

 (0% | 50%)*
+10% Movement Speed
Up to 6200 meters Requires Breathing Supply.
Has a built-in Auto-Injector.

Abyss Diving Suit
 (0% | 50%)*
-20% Walking Speed
-20% Swimming Speed
-50% Scooter Propulsion Speed
Up to 6650 meters Requires Breathing Supply.

Disposable Diving Suit
 (0% | 50%)*
-20% Walking Speed
-20% Swimming Speed
-50% Scooter Propulsion Speed
Up to 6650 meters Has a built-in Oxygen Supply that lasts for 8 minutes and 20 seconds.

 (75% | 50%)*
 (0% | 90%)*
 (75% | 50%)*
 (50% | 75%)*
-75% Scooter Propulsion Speed
90% Water flow resistance
Up to 7000 meters Requires Breathing & Power Supply.
Hides the user's identity.
Has 10 small Item slots.

Stuff Table

{{GearTable|Poop|Clown Diving Mask|Europan Handshake|Body Armor|Tabletype=Headgear}}
Gear Name Protected Limbs Damage Resistances Effects when worn Notes

Body Armor

Clown Diving Mask
Requires an oxygen supply.
It's a part of the Clown Ensemble.

Europan Handshake
