Honkmotherian Scriptures: The Nine Pillars of Fun (I-III)

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Honkmotherian Scriptures: The Nine Pillars of Fun (I-III)

Inventory icon

Constructible? No
Deconstructible? No
Reputation Requirement
Base Price 20 mk
OutpostOutpost Buy Sell
Habitation OutpostHabitation N/A 6 mk
ColonyColony N/A 6 mk
Research OutpostResearch N/A 6 mk
Military OutpostMilitary N/A 6 mk
Mining OutpostMining N/A 6 mk
Medical MerchantMedical Merchant N/A 6 mk
Engineer MerchantEngineer Merchant N/A 6 mk
Armory MerchantArmory Merchant N/A 6 mk
Children of The HonkmotherClown Merchant 20 mk 6 mk
The Church of HuskHusk Merchant N/A 6 mk
Identifier honkmotherianscriptures1
Categories Misc
Tags smallitem, clowns

The Honkmotherian Scriptures: The Nine Pillars of Fun (I-III) is a miscellaneous item.


The Honkmotherian Scriptures: The Nine Pillars of Fun (I-III) contains teachings written by the Children of the Honkmother.

It can be obtained in the "Path of the Bike Horn" event chain, or it can be bought from Clown Merchants, provided the player has at least 30 Reputation with the Children of the Honkmother.


When held it displays the following text:

Honkmotherian Scriptures: The Nine Pillars of Fun (I-III)
I. The honk that can be told is not the eternal Honk. The honkmother that can be named is not the eternal Honkmother. The nameless is what sets the stage. The named is the play, the actors, the audience and the wall between them. Freed from seriousness, you can see the hidden mystery. Serious eyes only see what is visibly real.

II. We shape a balloon into an animal, but it is the emptiness inside that lets the balloon take its shape. We work with the substantial, but what is between the lines is what we use.

III. The highest Fun is not to seek to create Fun, but to allow yourself to become it. The serious person seeks to do Fun things, and finds that they cannot do them continually. The serious person tries to squeeze all the Fun out of the lemons they’ve been given, only to find the juice is sour.


  • The Honkmotherian Scriptures are based on excerpts from Tao Te Ching, an ancient Chinese text that provides the basis for the philosophical school of Taoism.
  • The first 'Pillar of Fun' is based on the first chapter of Tao Te Ching, with the word 'Tao' replaced with 'Honkmother', suggesting the concept of the Honkmother is similar to the concept of Tao.
  • The second 'Pillar of Fun' is based on Chapter 11 of Tao Te Ching.
  • The second 'Pillar of Fun' is based on Chapter 38 of Tao Te Ching.

See Also

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