Version History/Alpha

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The following lists the changelogs of every Steam release version of Barotrauma.

Released March 22nd, 2019

Additions and changes:

  • The fission rate gauge on the reactor now visualizes the amount of fuel available.
  • Doors and hatches can now also be repaired with wrenches.
  • Changed default StatusEffect conditional comparison type back to OR.
  • Clients communicate syncing errors to the server, and the server logs a more descriptive error about what went wrong. Should make it easier to diagnose disconnection issues from now on.
  • Ending a multiplayer campaign round by talking to a watchman doesn't require any special permissions.
  • Server automatically ends rounds if there have been no players alive in 60 seconds and respawning is not allowed during the round.
  • Added a button for resetting an entity's properties to the default values to the sub editor.
  • Updated handheld sonar UI graphics.


  • Fixed non-radio chat/VOIP having an unlimited distance.
  • Fixed a networking bug that caused the server to send item state changes to the clients before sending a message about the item being spawned. For example, spawning any item with a Light Component would always cause clients to get disconnected.
  • Changes to the way the clients are put in sync with the server when joining mid-round. Should make it less likely for clients to get disconnected immediately after starting a round.
  • StatusEffects only apply non-limb-specific afflictions to one limb even if targeting the whole character. Fixes drugs like fentanyl and morphine being way too harmful due to the oxygen loss affliction being applied once per every limb.
  • Fixed TargetItemComponentName not working in StatusEffect conditionals (making it impossible to create conditionals that target a specific component of an item).
  • Made all of the new medical items combinable and usable in a Syringe Gun (assuming the drug is in a syringe).
  • Fixed inability to throw anything in the multiplayer.
  • Fixed multiplayer campaign setup UI showing the client's subs instead of the server's.
  • Fixed campaign view button overlapping with the "ready to start" tickbox in the server lobby.
  • Fixed sub/mode voting not being enabled when changing the setting after the server has been started.
  • Fixed character inventories occasionally being saved incorrectly in the multiplayer campaign when an
  • Fixed flares not activating by left clicking.
  • Fixed affliction icons flickering rapidly in the health interface and above the health bar if their strength is fluctuating around the threshold where the icon becomes visible.
  • Fixed dedicated server crashing when typing in more text than can fit on one line.
  • Fixed enemies "fleeing" after they have been shot. There was a steering issue when they targeted characters inside the sub while being outside.
  • Fixed Hammerhead attack causing warping.
  • Fixed incorrect submarine and level seed in server logs when playing campaign mode.
  • Hide the start button from the campaign UI if the client doesn't have the permission to manage the campaign or rounds.

Released March 18th, 2019


  • A major overhaul on the crew AI. They should now be much better at executing their tasks, keeping themselves alive and less likely to get stuck.
  • Re-enabled multiplayer campaign.
  • New alien ruin art.
  • New main menu (still a work in progress).
  • New fonts.
  • New subs and a new shuttle.
  • New husk sprites.
  • Improved item/character highlight effect.
  • New signal items (divide, multiply, subtract, memory, equals, greater than, color, xor).
  • Option to adjust microphone volume in multiplayer.
  • Added console commands for changing the gender and race of the character.
  • More intuitive BrokenSprite condition logic: a BrokenSprite with a MaxCondition of 50 will start fading in at 50 (and be fully visible when the condition drops to 0 or down to the MaxCondition of the next BrokenSprite).
  • Added Mirror X/Y buttons to editing HUDs and tooltips that tell about the keyboard shortcuts.

Multiplayer fixes:

  • Improved item position syncing logic. Less warping or items being impossible to pick up due to being in a different position server-side.
  • Fixed clients not sending a network update to the server when dragging an item out of an inventory slot, causing situations such as suffocation after dropping a diving suit due to the server not knowing that you'd dropped it.
  • The client hosting a server and spectators don't trigger autorestart.
  • The owner of a server is allowed to spectate even if spectating is disallowed in server settings.
  • Fixed "play yourself" always toggling to true when a round ends.
  • Fixed missing item names in the extra cargo menu.
  • Fixed traitor rounds failing to start if the server is not hosted by a client.
  • Fixed console command aliases not being taken into account in GameClient.HasConsoleCommandPermission (meaning that the client needed a permission for each name variant of a command, making it impossible to for example use "fixwalls" instead of "fixhulls").
  • Made the "control" console command usable to clients.
  • Show the "ready to start" tickbox in the server lobby even if the client has the permission to start the round.
  • Fixed server lobby screen not showing the names of the submarines the client doesn't have.
  • Fixed inability to select the respawn shuttle as a client host.
  • Fixed VoipCapture creating new "could not start voice capture" popups constantly if there's no suitable capture device.
  • Fixed crashing when starting a round if a submarine name contains underscores.
  • Fixed clients console errors when attempting to modify the properties of an ItemComponent in-game (for example, the color of a light component).
  • Added some more information to the console messages and error popups when a client gets disconnected.
  • Fixed enablecheats command crashing the server if it's used when there are no clients present.

Misc bugfixes:

  • Audio fixes (less snap, crackle and pop).
  • Fixed particle "jitter" when the submarine was moving fast.
  • Fixed damage modifiers affecting all afflictions if they use affliction types instead of affliction identifiers.
  • Fixed end round vote text going outside the screen if there's a 2-digit amount of votes.
  • Fixed StatusEffects only applying afflictions to one limb even if the target is "Character" instead of "Limb".
  • Disable audio instead of crashing if no audio device is found.
  • Fixed item interfaces getting repositioned every frame when the editing HUD is open.
  • Fixed held items clipping with the sleeves of the character (e.g. when holding a revolver while an uniform is equipped).
  • Fixed being able to levitate by spamming the ragdoll button.
  • Fixed dead characters draining oxygen tanks inside diving suits/masks.
  • Fixed reactor gauges getting messed up if the optimal fission rate is more than 100% (which may happen if the power consumption is larger than what the reactor can generate).
  • Fixed mud raptors not having an inventory (nor lootable items).
  • Fixed inability to interact with any items when aim assist is set to 0%.
  • Fixed info panel flickering out and Tab getting "inverted" (= info panel shown when tab is not being held) when selecting crew members in the panel.
  • Fixed characters arms occasionally getting stuck above their shoulders.
  • Fixed wire nodes occasionally being created at the wrong end of a wire (e.g. when moving a wire between connections in a connection panel, the wire stretched from the device at the other end of the wire to the device that's being rewired).


  • Changed the way arguments are given to the "setclientcharacter" command (no semicolon to separate the names, quotation marks have to be used for multi-word names just like with any other command).
  • Show the amount of credits in the crew tab of the campaign menu.
  • Don't spawn new monsters if docked to the start outpost or within 50 meters of the start/end of the level.
  • The diving knife now causes also internal damage besides bleeding.

Released March 5th, 2019


  • Fixed alien vents crashing the game when there's a character nearby.
  • Fixed chatbox retaining the radio message prefix after being deselected.
  • Push-to-talk doesn't trigger when typin in a text box.
  • Fixed some server log messages and texts sent to clients being incorrect (= showing the tags that are used to fetch the texts from the language files instead of the actual texts).
  • Fixed AI orders that target a specific item (such as the order to power up the reactor) not working in multiplayer.
  • Fixed crashes when attempting to use voice capture or change voice capture settings when there are no suitable capture devices available.
  • Fixed clients not being notified when an AI character shuts down the reactor.
  • Fixed deconstructors staying active without power in multiplayer.
  • Fixed sonar labels going outside the screen when at the left side of the display.

Additions & changes:

  • Added some supplies to vanilla submarines.
  • Balanced item deterioration rates and adjusted neutral ballast settings in vanilla subs.
  • Increased the impact tolerance of crawlers to prevent them from killing themselves by bumping into walls.[1]

Released March 3rd, 2019

Multiplayer improvements:

  • Got rid of the listen server: when hosting as a client, the game actually runs the dedicated server executable in the background. Makes client-hosted servers a little smoother due to the better performance of the dedicated server, and also makes it much easier for us to maintain and test the multiplayer because we no longer have two separate server applications.
  • Added multiplayer campaign.
  • VOIP support! Still a work in progress, so minor audio glitches are to be expected.
  • Improved character and submarine position syncing. Way less rubberbanding and teleporting!
  • Fixed servers occasionally starting the round multiple times when autorestarting or starting by voting.
  • Fixes players being unable to log in as a client when they're hosting a dedicated server on another machine.
  • Option to randomize your job preferences in the server lobby.
  • Fixed a server timing issue that occasionally caused the server to kick clients due to desync when a round starts.
  • Fixed occasional server-side "maximum packet size exceeded" errors.
  • Require the players to either dock with the ending outpost or to get the sub close and enter the outpost before automatically ending the round.


  • Fixed crashing if the round ends while the health window is open.
  • Fixed incorrect item panel positioning in the crew command interface when the sub is docked to something.
  • Fixed crashing when an incompatible content package is selected in config.xml or if the content package cannot be found.
  • Fixed screen distortion effects on Linux.
  • Fixed non-character key input on Linux (arrow keys, tab, etc).
  • Fixed fullscreen option not taking effect on game launch.
  • Fixes to a bunch of crashes in the character editor.
  • Fixed subinventories not being displayed on the inner clothes slot, making it impossible to use the extra slots in uniforms.
  • Fixed game settings resetting every time the game is updated.
  • Fixed bots shooting at their own crew with turrets.
  • Fixed wifi components not receiving chat messages in single player.
  • Fixed AI not reloading coilguns if an empty box of ammunition is inserted in the loader.
  • Fixed incorrect deusizine scale.
  • Fixed turret light toggle not doing anything.
  • Fixed character skills that aren't defined in the job xml never increasing, resulting in all jobs except the captain always having a helm skill of 0.
  • Fixed flashlight & scooter light cones being "clipped".
  • Fixed StatusEffects bypassing limb damage modifiers.
  • Fixed waypoints not getting connected between docking ports on some subs.
  • Fixed target identifiers being bypassed when a StatusEffect is set to target nearby items or characters.
  • Fixed the "insufficient skills to use the item" text popping up if a character doesn't have sufficient skills to operate one of the item's components, even if the component was not interacted with (e.g. captains got a warning about not being able to use the connection panel of a nav terminal, even if they didn't select the connection panel).

Steam Workshop:

  • Update installed workshop items automatically on startup.
  • Allow adding submarines to workshop items with the "add file" dialog.
  • If creating an update for a workshop item that's currently installed, use the installed version instead of the one downloaded from the workshop.


  • Some new random events.
  • A bunch of new afflictions and medical items.
  • Some new item sprites.
  • Added some new items that can be crafted from alien materials.
  • Display linked hulls as one room on the status monitor.
  • Tons of new sound effects.
  • Display the controlled character in the crew interface.
  • Option to "give orders" to the character you're controlling. In single player it can be useful if you want the controlled character to keep doing something when switching to another one, in the multiplayer it can be used to let others know what you're doing.
  • Added a weak spot to Moloch's bladder.
  • Baby Moloch, doo doo doo doo doo doo
  • Added damage particles to Mud Raptors and Molochs.
  • Added "minimum velocity" property to to motion sensors. Allows making sensors that, for example, keep a door open when a character is standing in the doorway.
  • Option to choose whether to use AND/OR logic in StatusEffects with multiple conditionals. Defaults to AND.
  • Added a 1 second "cooldown" to water detector state switches to prevent alarms from toggling on and off constantly when the water level is fluctuating around the position of the detector.
  • Added scram option (reactor shutdown) to the nav consoles in the vanilla subs.
  • Support for binding Mouse4, Mouse5 and MouseWheel.
  • Made Hammerhead and Mudraptor attracted to light.
  • New husk sprite (still WIP).


  • Decreased deterioration rates across the board. Repairing a damaged item to full condition also now resets the deterioration delay, meaning that the item will not start deteriorating again immediately after it's been repaired.
  • Miscellaneous optimization.
  • Removed the info button from the top-left corner * the info menu is now opened with TAB.
  • Changed default chat/radio keybinds to T and Y.
  • Welding tools repair all the walls within the range of the raycast, not just the first wall the raycast hits. Makes it easier to repair overlapping and multi-layered walls.
  • Decreased the range of passive sonar * previously there was often no reason to use the active sonar because

the passive mode showed the area around the sub so clearly.

  • Health scanner shows all active afflictions (not just those that are visible in the health interface). Allows detecting afflictions at an earlier stage, making the item much more useful.
  • Nerfed the structure damage done by Molochs and Crawlers.
  • Reduced creature HP across the board.
  • Increased the amount of minerals in levels.
  • Increased flare burn time, making them more useful as path markers during exploration of ruins.
  • RepairTool damage is configured using StatusEffects and Afflictions instead of the "limbfixamount" attribute that always does burn damage.
  • Made headsets craftable.
  • Battery output doesn't start dropping until the charge is below 10%.
  • Restrict the amount of power going through relay components to the MaxPower value of the relay.
  • Set Humpback reactor output a bit higher, batteries now start at full charge and relays can't be overloaded.
  • Miscellaneous fixes and balancing to vanilla subs.[2]

Released February 6th, 2019
  • Made molochs slower.
  • Watchmen cannot be dragged or grabbed.
  • AI characters can give treatment to characters who aren't unconscious.
  • Added a button that dismisses the tutorial popups to prevent accidentally closing the popups.
  • Underwater scooters now attract monsters.
  • Improvements and balancing to vanilla submarines.
  • Made alien ruin walls more durable.
  • Reduced item deterioration speeds.
  • Added "yes to all" and "no to all" buttons to the prompts when deleting containers in the submarine editor.
  • Improved the background smoke texture in hydrothermal wastes.
  • Baby moloch, doo doo doo doo doo doo
  • Fixed console errors in the chemical shipment mission due to auxiliorizine being still present in the mission configuration despite the item being removed.
  • Made coilgun ammunition boxes craftable and purchaseable, coilgun bolts cannot be purchased anymore.
  • Fixed AI-controlled husk not spawning when a huskified player dies.
  • Fixed AI crew occasionally going outside to fix leaks.
  • Fixed server failing to sync clients who join the server after a character has been removed during the round (e.g. eaten, turned into a husk).
  • Fixed server-side console errors when clients attempt to use a fabricator.
  • Display Steam authentication errors in the server logs.
  • Fixed status effects with a ReduceAffliction value of 0 freezing the game.
  • Fixed sliders not moving in the battery/supercapacitor interface when an AI character is operating it.
  • Fixed chatbox being deselected in the net lobby when receiving a lobby update from the server (i.e. whenever the server host changes any setting).
  • Fixed OnBroken status effects firing in the submarine editor when an item's condition is set to zero (for example, reactors exploding and breaking all the nearby walls).
  • Fixed file number being added to the file extension of debug console log files ("file123.txt (2)" instead of "file123 (2).txt").
  • Fixed battery positioning in charging docks.
  • Fixed crashing when ending a single player round while a character is outside the sub.
  • Fixed "attempting to remove an already removed item" console errors when ending a round.
  • Fixed fire sounds persisting in menus.
  • Fixed the layout of the extra cargo menu in server settings.
  • Fixed depth charges disappearing from loaders when interacting them with both hand slots full.
  • Fixed StatusEffects not being able to target item components. Caused doors to be impossible to weld and most likely other issues with item StatusEffects as well.
  • Artifacts spawn in artifact holders again.
  • Fixes to "attempted to move pulljoint extremely far" errors which occasionally caused severe problems in syncing characters' positions.
  • Fixed a bug that occasionally caused monsters to spawn very close to the submarine in monster missions.
  • Fixed servers occasionally starting the round multiple times when automatically starting the game via autorestart or clients being ready.
  • Fixed up-to-date content packages being reported as incompatible in the Steam workshop menu.
  • Changed the default radio chat hotkey to T.
  • Fixed the line of sight effect not working on ruins when looking at them from inside a sub.
  • Fixed fabricator allowing new items to be created when the output is not empty, resulting in wasted materials.
  • Fixed servers reporting incorrect player counts in the server list.
  • Fixed order messages not being visible in single player if the character issuing the order has no headset.
  • Fixed riot shields retaining their pushing ability even when the user is stunned or unconscious.
  • Fixed rubber ducks not floating like a good duck should.
  • Prevent locations from being generated too close to each other in the campaign map.
  • Fixed battery and supercapacitor charges not staying in sync between the server and clients.
  • Fixed watchmen imploding continuously if they end up outside.
  • Fixed non-downloaded workshop items showing zero as the file size.
  • Fixed spectate button staying disabled if starting a round fails (due to a missing sub file for example).
  • Fixed crashing when teleporting characters from a submarine to ruins in multiplayer.
  • Fixed automatic temperature control setting turbine output above 100 if the power consumption is higher than what the reactor can generate. Caused "failed to write an event for the entity" errors in multiplayer.
  • Fixed AI characters attempting to treat dead characters.[3]

Released February 2nd, 2019
  • Fixed "incorrect filename case" errors.
  • Fixed crew UI occasionally overlapping with device interfaces (such as the "passive sonar" checkbox).
  • Fixed second submarine overlapping with the outpost at the end of the level in combat missions.
  • Steam query port can be automatically forwarded using UPnP if your router supports UPnP.
  • Fixed water currents inside the sub occasionally being way too strong to break free from.
  • Fixed rewards mentioned in the mission descriptions not matching the actual reward of the mission.
  • Fixed "can't create an entity event for Hull - the entity has been removed" errors when removing hulls with fires inside them.
  • Fixed submarine/mode selection tickboxes in the server settings menu.
  • Fixed crashing when attempting to select an item in Humpback's fabricator interface.
  • Fixed crashing when attempting to use active sonar in the submarine editor.
  • Fixed the husk appendage not appearing on huskified humans.
  • Fixed order/report messages being flagged as spam way too easily, causing frequent spam kicks.
  • Fixed sliders buttons being invisible while pressed in device interfaces.
  • Fixed an item being spawned in the submarine editor when selecting an item from the menu while another one is already selected.
  • Fixed submarine colliders not taking into account the body offsets of the wall structures, causing some items outside the submarine's walls to be impossible to interact with (the most noticeable being the button that opens Orca's airlock from the outside).
  • Added a small stun effect to railgun shells.
  • Added a little extra fuel to vanilla subs.
  • Slowed down item deterioration rates.
  • Moved the position of turrets in Orca and Typhon to prevent players getting caught under them.
  • Moved humpback's cargo spawn position a bit to prevent the cargo from falling down the hatch under it.
  • Added better visual feedback when reactor is in poor condition.[4]

Released February 1st, 2019
  • A full graphics overhaul: almost all of the sprites has been polished or completely remade.
  • Improved random event system that tries to keep the overall difficulty of the game at certain level, delaying additional monster spawns if there's already lots of things going on, or spawning more when there's a more quiet moment.
  • Improved difficulty system: now the difficulty level has a much more noticeable effect on the gameplay.
  • General difficulty balancing all across the board: we've tried to make the difficulty curve more approachable to new players while still keeping things challenging for more experienced players on higher difficulty levels.
  • More varied levels, environmental hazards.
  • A new more detailed health system with things such as limb-specific injuries, addictions, overdoses, mental issues... The system is also highly moddable, and makes it much easier to implement things such as hunger mechanics, more varied poisons or stat-boosting items.
  • Completely redesigned in-game HUD (the inventory, crew command interface, chat, etc).
  • Redesigned crafting system.
  • Minerals scattered across the level (can be used for crafting).
  • A command/report system that can be used to communicate with your crew more effectively (in both single player and multiplayer).
  • Tons of additions to alien ruins (traps, puzzles, non-flooded rooms).
  • Improved AI (both the crew AI and the enemy AIs).
  • NPC dialog (including random chatter and context-specific lines that make it easier to keep track of what the crew is doing).
  • Most of the device interfaces have been redesigned to make them easier to use (and nicer to look at!).
  • Many additions to the campaign mode (still a work in progress though).
  • Overhauled the skill system: now every character can generally do anything (repair devices, fabricate new items, apply medical treatments), but characters with higher skill levels will do things more efficiently.
  • Skill progression in the campaign mode: characters' skills gradually increase, making them more valuable with each completed round.
  • New music composed specifically for the game.
  • Overhauled audio.
  • New monsters.
  • New items (weapons, tools, medical items, alien items, crafting materials, etc).
  • A completely remade tutorial.
  • Too many bugfixes to count.
  • Improved and much more stable ragdoll animations.
  • Additional tools for modders (character editor, sprite editor, level editor, additions to the submarine editor).
  • Steam functionality of course: full Workshop support, achievements, banning Steam IDs from servers...
  • Improved translation support: it's possible to translate texts in item/job/etc configuration files without breaking compatibility with existing subs or mods (see the EnglishVanilla file for some instructions).[5]
