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This template is used by Template:GearTable to display individual rows. It is not meant for direct usage.

Gear Name Protected Limbs Damage Resistances Effects when worn Notes

Admiral's Uniform
Torso, Arms, Legs

Assistant Clothes
Torso, Arms, Legs

Bandit Outfit
Torso, Arms, Legs

Bandit Outfit
Torso, Arms, Legs

Boiler Suit
Torso, Arms, Legs

Clown Costume
Torso, Arms, Legs
It's a part of the Clown Ensemble.

Commander's Uniform
Torso, Arms, Legs

Commando's Fatigues
Torso, Arms, Legs

Crew Chief's Outfit
Torso, Arms, Legs

Doctor's Uniform
Torso, Arms, Legs
Has 3 slots for medical/chemical items

Engineer's Jumpsuit
Torso, Arms, Legs

Gunner's Uniform
Torso, Arms, Legs

Hazmat Suit
Torso, Arms, Legs

Mechanic's Jumpsuit
Torso, Arms, Legs

Medic's Fatigues
Torso, Arms, Legs
Has 3 slots for medical/chemical items

Miner's Overalls
Torso, Arms, Legs

Mother's Providence
Torso, Arms, Legs
It's a part of the Clown Ensemble.

Outpost Dweller's Outfit
Torso, Arms, Legs

Outpost Dweller's Outfit
Torso, Arms, Legs

Outpost Dweller's Outfit
Torso, Arms, Legs

Outpost Dweller's Outfit
Torso, Arms, Legs

Outpost Dweller's Outfit
Torso, Arms, Legs

Outpost Security Uniform
Torso, Arms, Legs

Prisoner Outfit
Torso, Arms, Legs

Quartermaster's Outfit
Torso, Arms, Legs

Renegade's Jacket
Torso, Arms, Legs

Researcher's Outfit
Torso, Arms, Legs

Security Officer's Uniform
Torso, Arms, Legs

Separatist Costume
Torso, Arms, Legs

Separatist Costume (Hard)
Torso, Arms, Legs

Separatist Costume (Novice)
Torso, Arms, Legs

Separatist Engineer Outfit
Torso, Arms, Legs

Separatist Engineer Outfit
Torso, Arms, Legs

Separatist Mechanic Outfit
Torso, Arms, Legs

Separatist Mechanic Outfit
Torso, Arms, Legs

Separatist Medic Fatigues
Torso, Arms, Legs
Has 3 slots for medical/chemical items

Separatist Medic Fatigues
Torso, Arms, Legs
Has 3 slots for medical/chemical items

Separatist Security Officer Fatigues
Torso, Arms, Legs

Separatist Security Officer Fatigues
Torso, Arms, Legs

Separatist Security Officer Fatigues
Torso, Arms, Legs

Station Administrator's Outfit
Torso, Arms, Legs

Veteran's Fatigues
Torso, Arms, Legs

Veteran's Jacket
Torso, Arms, Legs

VIP Outfit
Torso, Arms, Legs

VIP Outfit
Torso, Arms, Legs

VIP Outfit
Torso, Arms, Legs

Warlord's Attire
Torso, Arms, Legs

Watchman Clothes
Torso, Arms, Legs

Cultist Robes

Cultist Robes (Faulty)
Doesn't make Husks ignore the wearer.

Medical Officer's Outfit
Medical +15

Zealot Robes

This is the documentation page, it should be transcluded into the main template page. See Template:Doc for more information.