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CPR (Cardio-Pulmonary Resuscitation) is an emergency procedure which purpose is to bring back a crewmember that has been rendered unconcious after sustaining major injuries or having been deprived of oxygen for too long.

Most Afflictions, such as Internal Damage or Oxygen Low will damage a Character's Vitality. When their Vitality drop to zero, they are downed, preventing any movement or actions, and the Oxygen Low affliction is added if they didn't already suffer from it. At this point, only a fellow crewmember can save them by pressing the (H)ealth key on the downed Character to open their Health GUI, then clicking the "Perform CPR" button in the bottom right corner. Doing so will start the process, each pump bringing down the Low Oxygen affliction if the Character performing CPR has a high enough Medical skill, until the target regains conciousness.

Before starting CPR, one should make sure that the downed Character has oxygen available, either by bringing them to a room supplied with oxygen (using the (G)rab key), or by equipping them with a Diving Mask or Diving Suit with enough oxygen (also done by grabbing them and dropping the Mask/Suit in the appropriate slot in their inventory).

A Character whose Medical skill is below 20 will inflict Internal Damage with each pump when performing CPR.
