1 row is stored for this page
Field | Field type | Value |
namespace | String | |
pageid | Integer | 6,540 |
revid | Integer | 52,201 |
revdate | Date | 2023-12-21 |
version | String | |
lastmention | String | |
state | String | UpToDate |
note | Wikitext | |
deletion | Boolean | |
deletionnote | Wikitext | |
stub | Boolean | |
stubnote | Wikitext | |
cleanup | Boolean | |
cleanupnote | Wikitext | |
1 row is stored for this page
Field | Field type | Value |
identifier | String | subraescort |
tags | String | escortsubra |
type | String | Escort |
name | String | Personnel Transport |
icon | File | |
description | Wikitext | Transport the dangerous criminal Jacov Subra to a nearby station.
difficulty | Integer | 1 |
multiplayeronly | Boolean | No |
locations | Wikitext | →
targets | Wikitext | Jacov Subra
rewards | Wikitext | −20 The Church of Husk Safety not guaranteed