Version History/Release

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Revision as of 14:11, 11 May 2023 by Hawkins (talk | contribs)
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See also: Version History/Alpha, Version History/Legacy

Released 2023-05-11
  • Fixed "hash mismatch" errors when trying to enable a mod that's been updated in the most recent patch.
  • Fixed "the submarine contains entities with duplicate IDs" error message when loading a submarine that contains multiple shuttles/drones.

Released 2023-05-10
  • Updated localizations.
  • Fixes to Japanese and Russian translations.
  • Fixed Azimuth not going up in Silent Running mode.

Released 2023-05-10
Misc changes and improvements:
  • NPCs who offer services don't get turned hostile regardless of your reputation. If you've got money, they'll be happy to serve!
  • Attacking outpost NPCs can't decrease your reputation by more than 20 points per round. Works as a safeguard against enormous reputation losses e.g. in the case of a trigger-happy griefer or a nuclear mishap.
  • Destroying outpost walls can't decrease your reputation by more than 10 points per round.
  • Outpost NPCs don't allow players to grab them for longer than 10 seconds to prevent being able to drag them around the outpost.
  • Minor visual improvements to biomes: biome-specific outpost levels (instead of all outpost levels looking like Cold Caverns), more level objects in Hydrothermal Wastes and the Great Sea.
  • Spawn abyss and combat suits in enemy subs and wrecks instead of normal ones in later biomes.
  • Fixed minerals still sometimes spawning on the wrong side of cave walls (when the other side of the wall is outside the boundaries of the level).
  • Fixed pressure stabilizer only affecting the player for 100 seconds, instead of the intended 1000 seconds (16 mins).
  • Fixed clients not getting assigned the "None" permission preset when using a language other than English (meaning it wasn't possible to customize what permissions clients have by default).
  • Fixed enabling cheats not actually disabling Steam achievements for the rest of the campaign (it was possible to re-enable unlocking achievements by saving and reloading).
  • Fixed Tormsdale mission not completing unless you bring the item to the sub. Now retrieving the item counts as "bringing it to the sub" in friendly outposts.
  • Optimized/simplified exosuit and FB3000 status effects.
  • Made huskified humans' items move to a duffel bag on death.
  • Increased the priority of turret lights to prevent them from getting hidden when using a low light limit.
  • Reduced the minimum mass required for a character to be visible with thermal goggles, always show at least the main limb regardless of the mass. Fixes thresher hatchlings being invisible to the goggles.
  • Alien power cells can be deconstructed.


  • Fixed bots targeting crawler eggs when they are inside an inventory (also in the Broodmother's inventory).
  • Fixed bots being allowed to shoot items from very long distances.
  • Fixed bots wasting ammunition on crawler eggs that are not dangerously close to the sub.
  • Fixed bots using an unintentionally long delay before shooting.
  • Fixed bots targeting (but not shooting) enemies inside abandoned outposts.
  • Adjusted the delays and the targeting ranges. Remove the "grace" distance modifier. Improves the bots' general usage of turrets.
  • Fixed "fight intruders" order causing bots to attack enemies in abandoned outposts again.
  • Bots are allowed to use meds from an unconscious patient's inventory.
  • Fixed bots falling off the ledge in DockingModule_02_Colony (again).
  • Fixed bots not prioritizing the leaks as they should when multiple bots are fixing leaks simultaneously.
  • Fixed bots not preferring the items that lie on the ground.
  • Fixed bots often not being able to reach small items like battery cells or rifle rounds that lie on the ground.
  • Fixed bots sometimes holding the flashlight in their mouth.
  • Fixed bots acting weird when picking up items and having their inventory full.
  • Fixed bots not being able to find an alternative container for the items they are cleaning up, when the path to the preferred container is blocked. Didn't affect bots getting a specific item, like a diving suit when they need it.
  • Bots are no longer allowed to wear the items (other than in hands) when they are cleaning them up.
  • Improved bots' abilities to find items. They should be much quicker at it than previously.
  • Possibly fixed bots sometimes ignoring targets that they shouldn't ignore.
  • Fixed bots not being able to change the oxygen tanks when they are in a safe room with no enemies.
  • Fixed bots using both diving mask and the suit simultaneously.
  • Fixed bots holding to old paths that shouldn't be valid anymore (= not complying when you order them to follow outside of the submarine).
  • Fixed bots not being able to use pathing when the player has just controlled them, leaving them in a ruin, wreck, or a beacon. Only happened when the bot hadn't been AI controlled before during the round.
  • Fixed bots using the waypoints not linked to any sub when they should use the waypoints linked to a sub and vice versa.
  • Fixed bots trying to use the gaps when they could just use a path to get to the target.
  • Fixed missing links between doors and waypoints in Alien_Entrance3.
  • Fixed bots sometimes not being able to release from the ladders when they were trying to exit a wreck or beacon to get back to their own submarine.
  • Fixed bots sometimes still idling on ladders, which they shouldn't do (There are some unaddressed cases where it might seem like they'd do this, but actually don't. They just can't reach the buttons linked to the door.)
  • Fixed bots sometimes failing to climb up the ladder all the way up and falling down just before reaching next floor. Happened only in the idle state.
  • Fixed bots sometimes getting stuck on the long ladder in EngineeringModule_02_Colony.
  • Fixed waypoints on ladders leading to a hatch on many subs (using old waypoints), which caused the bots to fail to reach the hatch while trying to fix it.
  • Fixed bots not being able to operate properly in high pressure levels when they don't have a suit that protects from the pressure (e.g. a regular diving suit later in the campaign).
  • Bots now prioritize suits that give a better pressure protection (there's a separate attribute for it in the item definition: called "botpriority", which can and should be taken into account with the modified items).
  • Fixed bots not healing theirselves while swimming outside of the submarine (they only do that when the wounds are relatively severe).
  • Fixed bots treating theirselves when there's a medic onboard, which is currently unable to treat them (if the medic is able to treat the bot, they should not try to heal theirselves).
  • Fixed bots ignoring targets that are currently fixing leaks (which was intentional, but seems to have been a bad decision).
  • Added new dialogue for the bots about the lethal pressure levels and insufficient protection for it.
  • Fixed some minor buts regarding the dialogue.
  • Fixed bots not being able to use harpoon coil rifles properly.
  • Fixed bots accepting random items as weapons when they can't find any weapon. Note that many tools, like welding tools and wrenches, can intentionally be used as weapons.
  • Fixed prepare for expedition order and another order, like clean items, possibly resulting in looping behavior where the bot can't decide which one to follow.
  • Adjustments to how the bots prioritize combat targets under fight intruders objective.
  • Fixed bots not reacting when they are non-intentionally damaged by friendly NPCs (e.g. security smashing a player character).

Multiplayer fixes:

  • Changes to make starting a round more robust: fixes various equality check errors ("submarine/mission doesn't match") if starting a multiplayer round takes a long time.
  • Fixed dedicated servers' content package info getting truncated to 255 bytes, causing the content package list to just display "unknown" if the server has lots of mods enabled.
  • Fixed "input contains duplicate packages" error when trying to join a server that has certain types of mods enabled (more specifically, mods that only contain client-side content, identical content or files of the type "Other", which could result in the MD5 hashes of the mods to be identical).
  • Fixed projectile spread not being as random as it should be in multiplayer (successive hitscan rounds usually launched in the same direction).
  • Fixed spectators not hearing others if their character is dead before the character despawns.
  • Campaign rounds aren't forced to end if there's only one client on the server using freecam.
  • Fixed crashing when a traitor missions starts when the host isn't controlling a character.
  • Fixed sonar beacon tickbox sometimes flickering on and off in multiplayer.
  • Fixed clients not seeing wall damage in outposts if the server has made outpost walls damageable, and the client doesn't have permissions to manage server settings.
  • Fixed arc emitter briefly stunning the user client-side.
  • Unconscious players can't end the round.

Countermeasures against multiplayer exploits:

  • Fixed an exploit that allowed you to equip 2-handed weapons in only one hand.
  • Added protection against deliberately lagging the server.
    • Added an option to enable "DoS Protection" in the server settings under "Anti-Griefing".
      • Enabled by default.
      • When enabled, the server will automatically kick players who are causing the server to perform poorly.
    • Added a new "Max Packet Auto-Kick" in the server settings under "Anti-Griefing".
      • Enabled and set to 3000 by default.
      • Can be disabled by setting the limit to 1200 or below.
      • When enabled, the server will automatically kick players who are sending a certain amount of network packets in a minute.
  • Added "Spam Immunity" server permission.
    • Gives immunity to getting kicked from DoS protection, chat spam and from sending too many packets.
  • Added a rate limit to console commands in multiplayer.
  • Added a rate limit to creating new characters in multiplayer.


  • Buffed Harpoon Coil Rifle a bit (shorter charge time).
  • Reduced Focused Flak Shell penetration slightly.


  • Engine Engineer, Helmsman and Affiliation talents no longer stack (allowed gaining insane engine speed boosts and bonuses by having large numbers of crew with the same talent).
  • Fixed makeshift shelves no longer being placeable in pre-1.0 saves.
  • Fixed some incorrect talent icons.
  • Fixed Networking talent only giving a discount for faction-specific items.
  • Fixed Machine Maniac requiring 5 repaired items instead 3 like the description says.
  • Gene harvester doesn't spawn genetic materials on pets.
  • Dying due to a disconnect doesn't trigger talents (like "Revenge Squad") or get recorded as a kill.


  • Reworked Typhon (kudos to uberpendragon): replaced legacy items and structures, got rid of double walls, layout adjustments, visual improvements, improvements to the power grid and many smaller changes.
  • Fixed waypoint in Herja's airlock not being linked to the door.
  • Fixed fabricators not being linked to the cabinet next to them in Azimuth, Berilia, Kastrull, Orca2, Typhon, Typhon2, Winterhalter.
  • Fixed some unhulled spaces inside Kastrull, Azimuth and Berilia.
  • Fixed improperly wired smoke detectors in Typhon 2.
  • Replaced the wall between gunnery and engineering (that every sane person cuts a hole in) with a door in Kastrull.
  • Fixed medic not being given proper ID card tags in R-29, preventing them from accessing the toxin cabinet.
  • Fixed Venture's exterior airlock door being repairable with a welding tool instead of a wrench.
  • Fixed water detector in Dugong's oxygen generator room not being connected to the flood alarm circuit.
  • Added "Silent Running" to Azimuth, as well as 1 diving suit and exterior cameras to make it more worthy of tier 2 (despite a lack of guns)


  • Fixed all shadow-casting lights going through the outpost walls when docked to one.
  • Oxygen generator sprite and animation fixes.
  • Fixed escorted characters being hostile to you if they belong to a hostile faction.
  • Safeguard against getting pinned under flooded enemy subs. The sub can now be pushed off as long as the enemies inside it are dead/incapacitated.
  • Fixed enemy subs not affecting monster spawns (meaning monsters could spawn very close to enemy subs, and fighting an enemy sub didn't decrease the probability of monster spawns as it should've).
  • Fixed submarines sometimes getting stuck when trying to squeeze through a tight passage in the level.
  • Fixed pets being considered hostile in hostile outposts (causing AI crew to report them as intruders).
  • Fixed monsters sometimes spawning inside walls during nest missions.
  • Fixed paths between biomes sometimes being unlocked from the start on certain map seeds.
  • Fixed launching an alien turret (or any modded turret that spawns it's own ammo inside itself) causing a crash.
  • Fixed crashing when you exit Steam while the Workshop menu is open.
  • Fixed some of the fonts not working properly in Japanese (but using roughly similar Chinese symbols instead).
  • Fixed campaign's end boss moving away from you if you attack it with melee weapons.
  • Fixed enemy crews not being able to switch between turrets and being very reluctant to operate multiple turrets at the same time.
  • Fixed reputation reward text sometimes overflowing in the round summary (e.g. when the mission modifies both the husk cult and clown rep).
  • Fixed characters holding and eating bananas weirdly.
  • Fixed all friendly characters using the "hostage" dialog and all hostile characters the "bandit" dialog in abandoned outposts.
  • Fixed characters sometimes becoming briefly immobilized (as if stunned) when the surface of the water rises up to the character's chest.
  • Fixed cultist hood overlapping with the exosuit.
  • Fixed exosuit and FB3000 not being tagged as "provocative" (meaning enemies didn't care about the sounds they make or the lights on them).
  • Adjusted FB3000 fabrication recipe (the previous required so many materials they don't fit in the fabricator's input slots).
  • Fixed PUCS not having an AI target unlike all other diving suits.
  • Fixed sonar monitor's "sonar circle" overlapping with the control panel on some resolutions / HUD scales.
  • Fixed occasional invisible barriers around alien ruins.
  • Fixed protein bars only healing 1/60 of the intended amount.
  • Fixed "Engineers_are_special" event no longer appearing.
  • Fixed characters sometimes being able pass through level walls by swimming down through the broken floor of a wreck.
  • Fixed "acquire a wrench" popup appearing multiple times in the mechanic tutorial.
  • Fixed black squares on docking ports and hatches.
  • Fixed crashing when trying to increment the version number of a mod whose version number consists of only numbers (i.e. no periods) or is empty.
  • Fixed hireable cultists and clowns being the wrong way around (i.e. high clown rep allowed you to hire cultists and vice versa).
  • Fixed wikiimage_sub and wikiimage_character crashing the game if the file is being used by another process.
  • Fixed wikiimage_sub not sorting the entities the same way as the sub editor and game screen.
  • Fixed status monitor displaying very small amounts of water in linked hulls as 1%.
  • Faction reputation is reset after finishing the campaign.
  • Fixed colony docking modules spawning with a bit of water in them.
  • Fixed minerals sometimes spawning in normal caves in abyss mining missions. Happened if no abyss islands with caves happened to generate * now we always generate a cave in at least one of the islands.
  • Fixed lights on the items the character is wearing being visible when inside a clown crate.
  • Fixed mudraptor eggs (or other items set to be damaged by repair tools) not being damaged by flamers.
  • Fixed handheld sonars not working in the end levels.
  • Fixed rebinding the Use key not working in the sub editor.
  • Fixed Ctrl+A not selecting connected wires in the sub editor.
  • Fixed ability to climb ladders while lying in bed.
  • Fabricator input slot tooltips don't show duplicate item names when the item can be crafted from multiple different items with the same name (e.g. petraptor egg can be crafted from 3 different egg items, all called "mudraptor egg").
  • Fixed attacking others with the husk appendage not healing the user.
  • Fixed pet name tag getting stuck mid-air when equipped.
  • Fixed next round's missions not being displayed in the round summary when leaving a location that has missions (e.g. outpost with a jailbreak mission).
  • Fixed inability to hire Jacov Subra if you miss/ignore the event the first time you get it.
  • Outpost generator only takes walls with a collider into account when determining the bounds of the modules. Fixes husk modules being placed unnecessarily far from the outpost due to the decorative structures outside the door, leaving a very short hallway between the modules.
  • Fixed characters sometimes dying from barotrauma despite the pressure icon not being visible. Happened when the pressure was just above the lethal threshold, but not as high as outside the sub.
  • Fixed character interact texts (like "[H] Heal") not changing when you change the language.
  • Fixed treatment suggestion for husk infection being shown when wearing zealot robes.
  • Fixed inability to fabricate high-quality nuclear depth charges.
  • Fixed exosuits getting autofilled with batteries.
  • Fixed exosuits' lights not turning off when the wearer dies.
  • Fixed 0% grenades (stun grenade and fixfoam) detonating if a player has one in their inventory when a mission starts.
  • Fixed pre-unlocked talents not being visible client-side on the special faction NPCs hired during the round.
  • Fixed escort and cargo missions sometimes leading to an abandoned outpost even if there's an inhabited one available.
  • Fixed characters (ragdolls) sometimes getting stuck to the corners near platforms.
  • Fixes to Japanese and Russian translations.


  • Fixed thalamus items fading from the prefab color to a darker tint, disregarding the actual sprite color of the item.
  • Fixed LevelTrigger statuseffects not doing anything when triggered by a submarine.
  • Added a scrollbar to the campaign setup's crew tab to make it work properly when there's more than 3 initial crew members.
  • Support for using OnWearing in Containable StatusEffects.
  • Fixed ability to "relaunch" a projectile that has already been launched or that's stuck to some target using status effects, which lead to various strange results.
  • Fixed ItemContainer StatusEffects working in a different way than other effects, applying the effect separately to each target. Prevents e.g. having an effect that does something to an item if a condition is met on the character wearing it.

Released 2023-04-12


  • Fixed crashing when you move from one textbox to another using tab and go past the last available textbox.
  • Fixed inability to enter the final levels on some subs that include shuttles/drones.
  • Fixed autoinjectors (PUCS, autoinjector headset) wasting the syringe without any effects on the character.
  • Fixed bots failing to operate turrets in Typhon 1 due to them being partially inside the ceiling.
  • Fixed lights going through walls in outposts.
  • Fixed language selection prompt not showing up when launching the game for the first time.
  • Fixed bots doing objectives during the roles tutorial, e.g. repairing the leaks for you.

Released 2023-03-16


  • Fixed loading screens sometimes getting stuck when playing in Chinese, Japanese or Korean.
  • Fixed certain mods that override outpost generation parameters causing crashes due to missing outpost NPC prefabs.
  • Fixed outpost NPCs never attacking you (just aiming their guns at you) if you attack them, but your reputation is not low enough to turn the outpost hostile.
  • Fixed broken dialog line in the waytoascension1 event.
  • Fixed healing your crewmates causing your karma to decrease. (Full Release)

Released 2023-03-13
Faction overhaul:
  • Outposts are controlled by the Europa Coalition or Jovian Separatists, and some of them include a module belonging to the Church of Husk or Children of the Honkmother.
  • Got rid of location-specific reputation. Now all the events/missions give faction reputation instead (excluding missions that aren't related to or given by a faction, e.g. abandoned outpost missions).
  • Lots of new outpost events, and a longer "event chain" for the secondary factions.
  • Lots of new faction-specific missions: some variants of existing missions, some new.
  • Faction-specific hires: "generic" high-level characters with more experience points and better gear than normal hireable NPCs. Available for hiring when Coalition or Separatist reputation is high enough.
  • Special, named characters who can be hired via scripted events after reaching a high enough reputation.
  • Faction-specific vendors (separatists, husks, clowns) who sell special items (many of which are completely new) if your reputation is high enough.
  • If your Coalition/Separatist reputation is low enough, you may get attacked by their vessel during missions.
  • There's now always two paths from biome to another, one controlled by the Coalition and one by the Separatists.
  • Improvements to the campaign map.
  • Added a 3rd talent tree, "Politician", for the Captain. Focused around faction relations and reputation.


  • Completely remade the ending of the campaign. Now you'll get to see what's beyond the Eye of Europa and perhaps uncover the cause for the increasing levels of radiation.
  • New types of enemies/bosses.
  • Some new events to foreshadow the ending during the course of the campaign.

Misc changes:

  • New loading screen / location portraits.
  • Four new music tracks.
  • Items' skill requirements are shown in their tooltips (the same way as damage resistances).
  • Tweaks to poisons.
  • Adjusted Europan Handshake to work better with the overhauled morbusine poisoning.
  • Acid Grenades and 40mm Acid Grenades are now properly affected by talents
  • Acid Grenades and 40mm Acid Grenades deal more damage and slow enemies down, making them more viable against fast monsters.
  • Made regular 40mm grenades penetrate armor more efficiently.
  • Made Diving Suits resist Acid Burns a bit more.
  • Europa Brew's Acid Vulnerability is now double as effective (200% damage taken instead of 100%).
  • Adjustment to throwable items (shorter throw distance and reduced speed in water).
  • Made flares float in place to make them more useful.
  • Made high-quality stun guns more effective (stunning the target faster).
  • The health scanner always shows poisons and paralysis on monsters to make it easier to determine whether the poisoning is progressing or wearing off.
  • A pass on sound ranges: the ranges should now be more consistent and sensible.
  • Made moloch shell fragment and riot shield medium items instead of small to fix them going inside e.g. toolbelts.
  • Made husk eggs consumable.
  • Made it more difficult to repeatedly enter an abandoned outpost and re-loot the bandits: now the bandits immediately attack you if you re-enter the outpost.
  • Monsters you haven't encountered yet are now hidden by default in the character editor. Can be enabled using the command "showmonsters" and re-hidden using "hidemonsters". The value is saved in creaturemetrics.xml. Doesn't affect custom creatures.
  • Fixed character crush depths behaving inconsistently (varying between levels, e.g. sometimes crushing the character at the depth of 2000 meters, sometimes 3000).
  • Improvements to submarine crush depth effects: previously the breaches were easy to deal with because pressure did small amounts of damage to all walls, now it instead does heavier damage to some walls (and the amount of damage and walls to damage increases with depth).
  • Added a round light component variant.
  • Increased the hard-coded max mission count back from 3 to 10. It'd be preferable to not change the value above 3 in the vanilla game, but since campaign settings are not moddable, we shouldn't be too strict about it (because it can be useful for a mod that this value can be adjusted).
  • Miscellaneous optimizations.
  • New slot indicator icons (= the icons that show what can go inside some items, like tanks/ammo).
  • Made outpost hull repair service cheaper.
  • Doors can now be damaged by melee weapons and ranged (handheld) weapons. (They were already destructible by submarine mounted weapons and explosives)
  • Adjusted and rebalanced item damage for most items, to take into account doors being destructible.
  • Reduced time needed for a crowbar to open doors, 7.5s for regular doors, 6s for wrecked doors (down from 10 s).
  • Boosted Plasma Cutter damage against doors and items (walls not touched).
  • Made galena more common in order to make lead easier to get.
  • Added Auto Operate option for all turrets. Can be enabled in the submarine editor. Not currently used on vanilla submarines. Auto operated turrets don't require a person to operate them, but they still require power and ammunition (-> someone needs to reload them).
  • Exosuits are powered by fuel rods instead of batteries.
  • Adjusted plant spawn rates in caves.
  • Made lead more common in stores.


  • Added a language filter to the server browser.
  • Fixed reports given by dragging and dropping them on the status monitor always targeting the room the character is inside.
  • Improvements to medical clinic syncing (should fix some of the afflictions a character has sometimes not being visible on the list).
  • Fixed crashing if you close a server when mod downloads are disabled.
  • Improved projectile syncing: spread now behaves the same client-side as it does server-side (as opposed to being completely random).
  • Improvements/fixes to dialogs that are shown to multiple clients: disable the option buttons when another client chooses an option, and highlight the option that was chosen.
  • Fixed server randomizing the game mode at the end of the round when playing a campaign with the game mode selection set to Random.
  • Fixed inability to join servers with a submarine switch/purchase vote running.
  • Fixed votes passing if the client who initiated them disconnects before anyone else votes.
  • Fixed inability to gain more than 15 talent points in the multiplayer campaign.


  • Fixes and improvements to translations (Japanese and Chinese in particular).
  • Fixed light components with a range of 0 and a hidden sprite being invisible against dark backgrounds.
  • Various fixes to Typhon 1: most notably, adjusting the hulls to prevent some rooms from being impossible to drain fully.
  • Fixed "kill" command not killing characters under the influence of "Miracle Worker".
  • Fixed some lights becoming invisible when their range is set to 0 and they're against a dark background.
  • Fixed lights turning on without power when they receive a toggle or set_color input.
  • Fixed changing the amount of items to fabricate inadvertently starting(or activating) fabrication in MP if you've previously started fabricating something
  • Fixed campaign settings resetting in the campaign setup menu every time you relaunch the game (meaning you'd always need to e.g. remember to toggle the tutorial off if you want to play without it).
  • Fixed inverted mouse buttons not working properly since the last update: the left mouse button was considered the primary mouse button regardless of your OS settings.
  • Fixed status monitor not properly displaying condition on tinkered items.
  • Fixed machines smoking when above 100% condition with tinkering.
  • Fixed inventory overlapping with the chatbox on low aspect ratios (small width, large height).
  • Fixed some layering issues in abandoned outposts.
  • Fixed water-sensitive items sometimes spawning as loot in wrecks.
  • Fixed radio static still playing even if you don't have a headset.
  • Fixed rifle grenade sounds not working.
  • Fixed crashing on startup if the MD5 hash cache file is empty.
  • Fixed research stations and loaders not being visible on the status monitor's electrical view.
  • Fixed artifact missions sometimes choosing the same artifact as a target if you happen to have multiple missions active at a time, which would lead to console errors when the round ends.
  • Fixed exosuit playing the warning beep if there's empty or almost empty tanks in any of its slots.
  • Fixed oxygen generators deteriorating in some of the outpost modules.
  • Fixed reputation loss when a character other than the player (e.g. crawlers in the 'crawleroutbreak' event) damages the outpost walls.
  • Fixed outpost modules sometimes being placed in a way that makes them overlap with the sub.
  • Fixed characters trying to walk in flooded spaces that are too low to stand in (like some of the tight passages in alien ruins).
  • Genetic material backwards compatibility to fix old unidentified genetic materials disappearing from saves prior to v0.21.6.0.
  • Fixed genetic materials being too rare in outposts now.
  • Fixed hunting grounds affecting outposts 2 steps away, not just ones in adjacent locations.
  • Fixed "residual waste" talent duplicating genetic materials.
  • Fixed monsters sometimes spawning inside destructible ice chunks in caves.
  • Fixed respawn shuttle sometimes spawning inside floating ice chunks.
  • Fixed equipping a ranged weapon setting its reload timer to 1, making it possible to reduce some weapons' loading times by unequipping and equipping them.
  • Fixed partially consumed items not staying on top of the stack they're in.
  • Fixed submarine tier and class affecting the prices of the submarine upgrades: e.g. a tier 2 upgrade would cost more on a submarine where tier 2 is the maximum than on a submarine with a higher maximum.
  • Fixed reputation loss when you steal items from bandits in a beacon station.
  • Fixed equipped flares igniting when you click on the inventory.
  • Fixed "Quickdraw" talent not affecting Alien Pistols.
  • Fixed toolbelts and other items worn on the torso getting hidden when wearing a safety harness.
  • Fixed advanced syringe gun and slipsuit fabrication recipes.
  • Fixed floating pumps and ladder layering issues in Herja.
  • Limited the number of makeshift shelves per sub to 3 (similar to portable pumps). Otherwise you can use them to expand the sub's cargo capacity indefinitely.
  • Fixed dementonite and hardened crowbars spawning in respawn containers (= respawn shuttle cabinets).
  • Fixed alien blood no longer causing psychosis, + made it slightly less effective to make fabricating blood packs more worthwhile
  • Fixed fire extinguisher spray getting blocked by characters.
  • Venture: Fixed the battery room not flooding properly (again), fixed the two hulls in the airlock not being linked, adjusted the waypoints a bit.
  • Selkie: Disconnect the outer nodes from the ladder/door nodes, because the docking ports can't be opened manually.
  • Fixed Thalamus AI not running properly when there's no player characters or submarines around (e.g. when all the players are in the freecam mode).
  • Fixed the ammo indicator not showing correctly on the advanced syringe gun.
  • Fixed bots sometimes getting confused by outside waypoints while being inside an outpost.
  • Fixed item relocation logic running also on NPCs that are not in the player team, which could cause diving suits dropped by NPCs to get spawned in the player sub.
  • Fixed ranged weapons (most noticeably, scrap cannon) emitting particles in the wrong direction.
  • Fixed acid burns not having a cause of death text.
  • Fixed "skedaddle" not giving a 10% movement boost like the description says.
  • Fixed odd fabrication list sorting: the items that require a recipe to fabricate were split into ones you have the skills to fabricate and ones you don't, even though that isn't visible in the UI, making the list just seem out of order.
  • Fixed red glow around the light switch's green button.
  • Fixed inability to hold a captain's pipe or cigar in your left hand.
  • Fixed ready checks not working.
  • Fixed affliction probabilities being evaluated twice, meaning that e.g. 50% probability of getting some affliction from an attack was actually a 25% probability.
  • Fixed item highlights from the previous round remaining visible the next round.
  • Fix the vitality modifiers on husk not working properly, because health indices on the limbs were not defined. Effectively husks always took 2x damage.
  • Fixed basic depth charges being cheaper than intended (only 30 mk).
  • Fixed inability to make lights blink at a high frequency by rapidly turning them on and off with e.g. oscillators.
  • Fixed follow orders not being persistent between singleplayer rounds.
  • Fixed bots being unable to move through Herja's airlock due to an unlinked waypoint.


  • Fixed bots considering certain multi-hull rooms flooded when they are not.
  • Fixed bots deciding prematurely that they can't fix an item when it's deteriorating (e.g. when it's submerged).
  • Fixed bots removing battery cells from exosuits when ordered to charge batteries.
  • Fixed bots sometimes getting stuck in automatic doors and/or double doors, because they didn't wait for the door to open entirely before pressing the button again.
  • Improved bot ‘extinguish fires’ behavior. Fixes bots sometimes not being able to extinguish larger fires, because they stopped too far and didn't keep advancing towards the target.
  • Fixed bots claiming that they can't return back to the sub and then following the order anyway.
  • Improved the ‘find safety’ calculations so that the bots give more preference to the distance of the room.
  • Fixed some remaining issues and edge cases in the logic over when the bot needs diving gear and when it can be taken off.
  • Fixed captains (and some NPCs) idling in the airlock if they equip a diving suit.
  • Bot can now target items (like projectiles) with turrets and have different targeting priorities on different monsters.
  • Fixed bots being allowed to reach items that are too far to be interacted with.


  • Fixed crashing if a StatusEffect is configured to SpawnItemRandomly but doesn't configure anything to spawn.
  • Improved the error handling of item/character variants. Previously if the parent prefab wasn't found, there was no error message, but the variant was still created, causing crashes in various situations.
  • Added AITurretPriority and AISlowTurretPriority on items and characters. Setting the priority to 0 can be used for telling the bots to ignore the target entirely. Items also need to have IsAITurretTarget="True" enabled to make them a valid target.
  • Added ItemDamageMultiplier on items. Can be used for increasing the damage caused by other items, like weapons. Works like the existing ExplosionDamageMultiplier.