EDIT: The closed alpha testing has already started, and unfortunately we won’t be taking in any more testing applications. We were very happy to see so much interest and want to thank everyone who wrote to us. We believe we found a solid testing team and we also heard more praise and encouragement in your letters than we could have imagined! We hope you stay tuned to our news as we move closer to our release date. We are always happy to hear your thoughts.
Hello everyone!
It’s finally time for that rumored closed testing round of the Steam version of Barotrauma. Our official release into Early Access is just around the corner now, so first a quick reminder to please wishlist us:
Now, to make sure everything is in its right place when we hit the Publish button (aiming for the end of March!), we are going to give you the chance to try the game in advance and help us steer the development in the right direction. To that end, we will give out 100 Steam keys for a closed testing phase starting in about a week from now. If you want to be one of those 100, please write a brief introduction telling us
- your name and who you are as well as any existing nicknames on our Discord or forums
- why you would make a good tester
- if you have played Barotrauma before
- where you found out about our closed testing round (Discord/Youtube/Twitter/Reddit/Facebook/Other – what?).
Then just send those couple of lines by email to [EDIT: the signup period has ended]. We are asking these questions to make sure we get different kinds of people to participate and help us make the game enjoyable for both beginners and those who have been contributing from the early days. Sign up as soon as you can, as spots are limited and time is short – we’d like to get the bulk of the feedback within one month. We will not use your email for marketing or anything other than this closed testing round.
If you are chosen, we’ll send you more detailed instructions about feedback and reporting in a return email. The reporting won’t be difficult, because we really need you to do it – so everyone, thanks in advance!
Dr Pepper Pepper
Hmm it looks pretty decent i would like to get in the tester thing i already played this game around 400 hours or something
Меня зовут Родион, 17 (скоро 18) лет, увлекаюсь видео-играми. Играю в barotrauma примерно с 0.7 версии. О игре я узнал на сайте vsetop.com, позже нашел русскоязычную группу в ВК https://vk.com/barotrauma, и следил за игрой от туда. Думаю я могу быть хорошим бета-тестером, я часто играю в видео-игры и буду присылать вам отчеты об ошибках. Мой ник в Дискорд – RodionToP(Родион)#6199 .
Please send the application to the email address provided in the post, and preferably in English – unfortunately no-one in the dev team speaks Russian so it’s hard for us to go through applications written in Russian (the same applies to feedback and bug reports when the testing starts).
Joshua Bruns
Finally! It’s time for the Alpha! Let’s rock and roll >:D
Matthew Alexander
In Multiplayer There should Be A function Called “Random Name Generator” So When you click it it will generate a random name so players wont think so hard for making a name, this could be good For RP servers also. The Husks with the Diving Suit Should Be slow because they are fast than humans wearing a Diving suit, There should be a Voice Call Button so players can talk with each other in-game so people mostly dont need to open up Discord before playing (I cant think much of an idea left probably most of the people world wide have their ideas better than this anyways this is just a comment i hope this game will be get the steam awards and always stay Fresh)
So how will we know if we arnt selected?
We’ll send an email to those who didn’t get selected as well.
Whens the selection happening?
Joshua Bruns
I believe later this week, or the weekend.
We’ve already gone through most of the applications, but we’re still polishing and testing the game a bit before sending out the keys. Should be ready around the end of the week though. 🙂
Jack Andersson
Man, I am so hyped for this game! I hope that your dream of a fully completed Barotrauma comes true, as it would be one of the best things to happen to this world! Keep up the good work my dudes.
Hello give me alpha test game please me this game is very necessary it is very cool and I have long been playing this game my email addres [email protected]
Great, I really like it! Youre awesome
Hello, I hope you need to write about testing, the translation will be a bit clumsy because it is translated from Google translator, I want as you understand the key to the closed test, if you give me the key, I would rate this game and start recommending the game to many I will tell a lot to people that a person will definitely need to buy it, I play right now alone, with friends and I always play for fun, playing on my list of my favorite games, I think that you should write me questions that I should answer about the test and if they accept me, I wait in Sheha and answer questions, my nickname in Discord Слоняндр#0115, My email [email protected]
Markus schezmen
Hello, i want to be alpha tester.
I have 2 pc’s so i could test the game optimisation
I heard about alpha testing from discord.
Well i’ve played barotrauma before and really liked it.
My discord tag is:finsir#9456
My email is [email protected]
Stunsley Wrencher
Aww man, that’s really sad that applications are closed. I honestly had no idea this was a thing until today. I would’ve totally applied and played the heck out of this because I’ve been waiting to see what the new version is like and how many of my absurd amount of ideas have been implemented. Anyways, I’m super hyped for this to come out and I love your guys’ work. Ps. Regalis, were you ever involved in the making of SCP Containment Breach and how come it’s been so long since Undertow has made a new game?
Sorry to hear you missed this, but luckily the release is not that far away…
And yes, I made SCP-CB with the help of a couple of other devs. The reason why I haven’t released any new games in a while is that I’ve been busy making Barotrauma. 🙂
Моё имя Александр 18 лет, играю в barotrauma с 0.7 версии, играл в SCP а сейчас играю в barotrauma. О ней я узнал с ютуба и мне понравилось. надеюсь что смогу помочь:) oladushek#4636
My name Alexander is 18 years old, I play barotrauma with 0.7 version, I played SCP and now I play barotrauma. I learned about it from YouTube and I liked it. I hope that I can help 🙂 oladushek # 4636
i cant waaaaaaaaaait!!!
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