View table: Creatures

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Table structure:

  1. species - String
  2. name - String
  3. image - File
  4. hp - Integer
  5. hpvariant - Integer
  6. mass - Float
  7. massvariant - Float
  8. variantname - String
  9. combatstrength - Integer
  10. sight - Float
  11. hearing - Float
  12. sightvariant - Float
  13. hearingvariant - Float
  14. walkspeed - String
  15. swimspeed - String
  16. armorval - Wikitext
  17. weakpoints - Wikitext
  18. behavior - Wikitext
  19. entersub - Boolean
  20. drops - Wikitext
  21. drops2 - Wikitext
  22. drops3 - Wikitext
  23. drops4 - Wikitext
  24. chance - Integer
  25. chance2 - Integer
  26. chance3 - Integer
  27. chance4 - Integer
  28. stunimmunity - Boolean
  29. bleedingimmunity - Boolean
  30. burnimmunity - Boolean
  31. poisonimmunity - Boolean
  32. empvulnerability - Boolean
  33. poisonvulnerability - Float
  34. limb1 - String
  35. limb2 - String
  36. limb3 - String
  37. limb4 - String
  38. limb5 - String
  39. limb1resistances - Wikitext string
  40. limb1burn - Float
  41. limb1bleeding - Float
  42. limb1alldamage - Float
  43. limb1internaldamage - Float
  44. limb1lacerations - Float
  45. limb1bluntforcetrauma - Float
  46. limb1deeptissueinjury - Float
  47. limb1bitewounds - Float
  48. limb1gunshotwound - Float
  49. limb1organdamage - Float
  50. limb1minseverancedamage - Float
  51. limb1severanceprobabilitymodifier - Float
  52. limb1note - Wikitext
  53. limb2resistances - Wikitext string
  54. limb2burn - Float
  55. limb2bleeding - Float
  56. limb2alldamage - Float
  57. limb2internaldamage - Float
  58. limb2lacerations - Float
  59. limb2bluntforcetrauma - Float
  60. limb2deeptissueinjury - Float
  61. limb2bitewounds - Float
  62. limb2gunshotwound - Float
  63. limb2organdamage - Float
  64. limb2minseverancedamage - Float
  65. limb2severanceprobabilitymodifier - Float
  66. limb2note - Wikitext
  67. limb3resistances - Wikitext string
  68. limb3burn - Float
  69. limb3bleeding - Float
  70. limb3alldamage - Float
  71. limb3internaldamage - Float
  72. limb3lacerations - Float
  73. limb3bluntforcetrauma - Float
  74. limb3deeptissueinjury - Float
  75. limb3bitewounds - Float
  76. limb3gunshotwound - Float
  77. limb3organdamage - Float
  78. limb3minseverancedamage - Float
  79. limb3severanceprobabilitymodifier - Float
  80. limb3note - Wikitext
  81. limb4resistances - Wikitext string
  82. limb4burn - Float
  83. limb4bleeding - Float
  84. limb4alldamage - Float
  85. limb4internaldamage - Float
  86. limb4lacerations - Float
  87. limb4bluntforcetrauma - Float
  88. limb4deeptissueinjury - Float
  89. limb4bitewounds - Float
  90. limb4gunshotwound - Float
  91. limb4organdamage - Float
  92. limb4minseverancedamage - Float
  93. limb4severanceprobabilitymodifier - Float
  94. limb4note - Wikitext
  95. limb5resistances - Wikitext string
  96. limb5burn - Float
  97. limb5bleeding - Float
  98. limb5alldamage - Float
  99. limb5internaldamage - Float
  100. limb5lacerations - Float
  101. limb5bluntforcetrauma - Float
  102. limb5deeptissueinjury - Float
  103. limb5bitewounds - Float
  104. limb5gunshotwound - Float
  105. limb5organdamage - Float
  106. limb5minseverancedamage - Float
  107. limb5severanceprobabilitymodifier - Float
  108. limb5note - Wikitext
  109. attack1 - String
  110. attack2 - String
  111. attack3 - String
  112. attack4 - String
  113. attack5 - String
  114. attack1afflictions - Wikitext string
  115. attack1explosionafflictions - Wikitext string
  116. attack1target - String (allowed values: character · submarine · any)
  117. attack1projectiles - Integer
  118. attack1structuredamage - Integer
  119. attack1explosionstructuredamage - Integer
  120. attack1explosionitemdamage - Integer
  121. attack1explosionrange - Float
  122. attack1explosionrange2 - Float
  123. attack1explosiondeeptissueinjury - Float
  124. attack1explosionstun - Float
  125. attack1cooldown - Float
  126. attack1force - Float
  127. attack1penetration - Float
  128. attack1bitewounds - Float
  129. attack1bitewoundschance - Float
  130. attack1lacerations - Float
  131. attack1lacerationschance - Float
  132. attack1bleeding - Float
  133. attack1bleedingchance - Float
  134. attack1slowparalysis - Float
  135. attack1slowparalysischance - Float
  136. attack1bloodloss - Float
  137. attack1bloodlosschance - Float
  138. attack1stun - Float
  139. attack1stuninside - Float
  140. attack1stunchance - Float
  141. attack1huskinfection - Float
  142. attack1huskinfectionchance - Float
  143. attack1burn - Float
  144. attack1burnchance - Float
  145. attack1watchersgaze - Float
  146. attack1emp - Float
  147. attack1bluntforcetrauma - Float
  148. attack1note - Wikitext
  149. attack1duration - Float
  150. attack1context - String (allowed values: ground · water · any)
  151. attack1itemdamage - Float
  152. attack1gunshotwound - Float
  153. attack1deeptissueinjury - Float
  154. attack2afflictions - Wikitext string
  155. attack2explosionafflictions - Wikitext string
  156. attack2target - String (allowed values: character · submarine · any)
  157. attack2projectiles - Integer
  158. attack2structuredamage - Integer
  159. attack2explosionstructuredamage - Integer
  160. attack2explosionitemdamage - Integer
  161. attack2explosionrange - Float
  162. attack2explosionrange2 - Float
  163. attack2explosiondeeptissueinjury - Float
  164. attack2explosionstun - Float
  165. attack2cooldown - Float
  166. attack2force - Float
  167. attack2penetration - Float
  168. attack2bitewounds - Float
  169. attack2bitewoundschance - Float
  170. attack2lacerations - Float
  171. attack2lacerationschance - Float
  172. attack2bleeding - Float
  173. attack2bleedingchance - Float
  174. attack2slowparalysis - Float
  175. attack2slowparalysischance - Float
  176. attack2slowparalysis2 - Float
  177. attack2slowparalysis2chance - Float
  178. attack2stun - Float
  179. attack2stuninside - Float
  180. attack2stunchance - Float
  181. attack2huskinfection - Float
  182. attack2huskinfectionchance - Float
  183. attack2burn - Float
  184. attack2burnchance - Float
  185. attack2watchersgaze - Float
  186. attack2emp - Float
  187. attack2bluntforcetrauma - Float
  188. attack2note - Wikitext
  189. attack2duration - Float
  190. attack2context - String (allowed values: ground · water · any)
  191. attack2itemdamage - Float
  192. attack2gunshotwound - Float
  193. attack2deeptissueinjury - Float
  194. attack3afflictions - Wikitext string
  195. attack3explosionafflictions - Wikitext string
  196. attack3target - String (allowed values: character · submarine · any)
  197. attack3projectiles - Integer
  198. attack3structuredamage - Integer
  199. attack3explosionstructuredamage - Integer
  200. attack3explosionitemdamage - Integer
  201. attack3explosionrange - Float
  202. attack3explosionrange2 - Float
  203. attack3explosiondeeptissueinjury - Float
  204. attack3explosionstun - Float
  205. attack3cooldown - Float
  206. attack3force - Float
  207. attack3penetration - Float
  208. attack3bitewounds - Float
  209. attack3bitewoundschance - Float
  210. attack3lacerations - Float
  211. attack3lacerationschance - Float
  212. attack3bleeding - Float
  213. attack3bleedingchance - Float
  214. attack3slowparalysis - Float
  215. attack3slowparalysischance - Float
  216. attack3stun - Float
  217. attack3stuninside - Float
  218. attack3stunchance - Float
  219. attack3huskinfection - Float
  220. attack3huskinfectionchance - Float
  221. attack3burn - Float
  222. attack3burnchance - Float
  223. attack3watchersgaze - Float
  224. attack3emp - Float
  225. attack3bluntforcetrauma - Float
  226. attack3note - Wikitext
  227. attack3duration - Float
  228. attack3context - String (allowed values: ground · water · any)
  229. attack3itemdamage - Float
  230. attack3gunshotwound - Float
  231. attack3deeptissueinjury - Float
  232. attack4afflictions - Wikitext string
  233. attack4explosionafflictions - Wikitext string
  234. attack4target - String (allowed values: character · submarine · any)
  235. attack4projectiles - Integer
  236. attack4structuredamage - Integer
  237. attack4explosionstructuredamage - Integer
  238. attack4explosionitemdamage - Integer
  239. attack4explosionrange - Float
  240. attack4explosionrange2 - Float
  241. attack4explosiondeeptissueinjury - Float
  242. attack4explosionstun - Float
  243. attack4cooldown - Float
  244. attack4force - Float
  245. attack4penetration - Float
  246. attack4bitewounds - Float
  247. attack4bitewoundschance - Float
  248. attack4lacerations - Float
  249. attack4lacerationschance - Float
  250. attack4bleeding - Float
  251. attack4bleedingchance - Float
  252. attack4slowparalysis - Float
  253. attack4slowparalysischance - Float
  254. attack4stun - Float
  255. attack4stuninside - Float
  256. attack4stunchance - Float
  257. attack4huskinfection - Float
  258. attack4huskinfectionchance - Float
  259. attack4burn - Float
  260. attack4burnchance - Float
  261. attack4watchersgaze - Float
  262. attack4emp - Float
  263. attack4bluntforcetrauma - Float
  264. attack4note - Wikitext
  265. attack4duration - Float
  266. attack4context - String (allowed values: ground · water · any)
  267. attack4itemdamage - Float
  268. attack4gunshotwound - Float
  269. attack4deeptissueinjury - Float
  270. attack5afflictions - Wikitext string
  271. attack5explosionafflictions - Wikitext string
  272. attack5target - String (allowed values: character · submarine · any)
  273. attack5projectiles - Integer
  274. attack5structuredamage - Integer
  275. attack5explosionstructuredamage - Integer
  276. attack5explosionitemdamage - Integer
  277. attack5explosionrange - Float
  278. attack5explosionrange2 - Float
  279. attack5explosiondeeptissueinjury - Float
  280. attack5explosionstun - Float
  281. attack5cooldown - Float
  282. attack5force - Float
  283. attack5penetration - Float
  284. attack5bitewounds - Float
  285. attack5bitewoundschance - Float
  286. attack5lacerations - Float
  287. attack5lacerationschance - Float
  288. attack5bleeding - Float
  289. attack5bleedingchance - Float
  290. attack5slowparalysis - Float
  291. attack5slowparalysischance - Float
  292. attack5stun - Float
  293. attack5stuninside - Float
  294. attack5stunchance - Float
  295. attack5huskinfection - Float
  296. attack5huskinfectionchance - Float
  297. attack5burn - Float
  298. attack5burnchance - Float
  299. attack5watchersgaze - Float
  300. attack5emp - Float
  301. attack5bluntforcetrauma - Float
  302. attack5note - Wikitext
  303. attack5duration - Float
  304. attack5context - String (allowed values: ground · water · any)
  305. attack5itemdamage - Float
  306. attack5gunshotwound - Float
  307. attack5deeptissueinjury - Float

This table has 49 rows altogether.

Recreate data.

Page species name image hp hpvariant mass massvariant variantname combatstrength sight hearing sightvariant hearingvariant walkspeed swimspeed armorval weakpoints behavior entersub drops drops2 drops3 drops4 chance chance2 chance3 chance4 stunimmunity bleedingimmunity burnimmunity poisonimmunity empvulnerability poisonvulnerability limb1 limb2 limb3 limb4 limb5 limb1resistances limb1burn limb1bleeding limb1alldamage limb1internaldamage limb1lacerations limb1bluntforcetrauma limb1deeptissueinjury limb1bitewounds limb1gunshotwound limb1organdamage limb1minseverancedamage limb1severanceprobabilitymodifier limb1note limb2resistances limb2burn limb2bleeding limb2alldamage limb2internaldamage limb2lacerations limb2bluntforcetrauma limb2deeptissueinjury limb2bitewounds limb2gunshotwound limb2organdamage limb2minseverancedamage limb2severanceprobabilitymodifier limb2note limb3resistances limb3burn limb3bleeding limb3alldamage limb3internaldamage limb3lacerations limb3bluntforcetrauma limb3deeptissueinjury limb3bitewounds limb3gunshotwound limb3organdamage limb3minseverancedamage limb3severanceprobabilitymodifier limb3note limb4resistances limb4burn limb4bleeding limb4alldamage limb4internaldamage limb4lacerations limb4bluntforcetrauma limb4deeptissueinjury limb4bitewounds limb4gunshotwound limb4organdamage limb4minseverancedamage limb4severanceprobabilitymodifier limb4note limb5resistances limb5burn limb5bleeding limb5alldamage limb5internaldamage limb5lacerations limb5bluntforcetrauma limb5deeptissueinjury limb5bitewounds limb5gunshotwound limb5organdamage limb5minseverancedamage limb5severanceprobabilitymodifier limb5note attack1 attack2 attack3 attack4 attack5 attack1afflictions attack1explosionafflictions attack1target attack1projectiles attack1structuredamage attack1explosionstructuredamage attack1explosionitemdamage attack1explosionrange attack1explosionrange2 attack1explosiondeeptissueinjury attack1explosionstun attack1cooldown attack1force attack1penetration attack1bitewounds attack1bitewoundschance attack1lacerations attack1lacerationschance attack1bleeding attack1bleedingchance attack1slowparalysis attack1slowparalysischance attack1bloodloss attack1bloodlosschance attack1stun attack1stuninside attack1stunchance attack1huskinfection attack1huskinfectionchance attack1burn attack1burnchance attack1watchersgaze attack1emp attack1bluntforcetrauma attack1note attack1duration attack1context attack1itemdamage attack1gunshotwound attack1deeptissueinjury attack2afflictions attack2explosionafflictions attack2target attack2projectiles attack2structuredamage attack2explosionstructuredamage attack2explosionitemdamage attack2explosionrange attack2explosionrange2 attack2explosiondeeptissueinjury attack2explosionstun attack2cooldown attack2force attack2penetration attack2bitewounds attack2bitewoundschance attack2lacerations attack2lacerationschance attack2bleeding attack2bleedingchance attack2slowparalysis attack2slowparalysischance attack2slowparalysis2 attack2slowparalysis2chance attack2stun attack2stuninside attack2stunchance attack2huskinfection attack2huskinfectionchance attack2burn attack2burnchance attack2watchersgaze attack2emp attack2bluntforcetrauma attack2note attack2duration attack2context attack2itemdamage attack2gunshotwound attack2deeptissueinjury attack3afflictions attack3explosionafflictions attack3target attack3projectiles attack3structuredamage attack3explosionstructuredamage attack3explosionitemdamage attack3explosionrange attack3explosionrange2 attack3explosiondeeptissueinjury attack3explosionstun attack3cooldown attack3force attack3penetration attack3bitewounds attack3bitewoundschance attack3lacerations attack3lacerationschance attack3bleeding attack3bleedingchance attack3slowparalysis attack3slowparalysischance attack3stun attack3stuninside attack3stunchance attack3huskinfection attack3huskinfectionchance attack3burn attack3burnchance attack3watchersgaze attack3emp attack3bluntforcetrauma attack3note attack3duration attack3context attack3itemdamage attack3gunshotwound attack3deeptissueinjury attack4afflictions attack4explosionafflictions attack4target attack4projectiles attack4structuredamage attack4explosionstructuredamage attack4explosionitemdamage attack4explosionrange attack4explosionrange2 attack4explosiondeeptissueinjury attack4explosionstun attack4cooldown attack4force attack4penetration attack4bitewounds attack4bitewoundschance attack4lacerations attack4lacerationschance attack4bleeding attack4bleedingchance attack4slowparalysis attack4slowparalysischance attack4stun attack4stuninside attack4stunchance attack4huskinfection attack4huskinfectionchance attack4burn attack4burnchance attack4watchersgaze attack4emp attack4bluntforcetrauma attack4note attack4duration attack4context attack4itemdamage attack4gunshotwound attack4deeptissueinjury attack5afflictions attack5explosionafflictions attack5target attack5projectiles attack5structuredamage attack5explosionstructuredamage attack5explosionitemdamage attack5explosionrange attack5explosionrange2 attack5explosiondeeptissueinjury attack5explosionstun attack5cooldown attack5force attack5penetration attack5bitewounds attack5bitewoundschance attack5lacerations attack5lacerationschance attack5bleeding attack5bleedingchance attack5slowparalysis attack5slowparalysischance attack5stun attack5stuninside attack5stunchance attack5huskinfection attack5huskinfectionchance attack5burn attack5burnchance attack5watchersgaze attack5emp attack5bluntforcetrauma attack5note attack5duration attack5context attack5itemdamage attack5gunshotwound attack5deeptissueinjury
Ancient (edit) Ancient Ancient
100 0 10.0 10.0 1.5 slow - 1.5 fast




Black Moloch (edit) Molochblack Black Moloch
Black Moloch.png
1,700 2,200 1,118.9646 1,611.3097 Boss 2,000 0.075 1.0 0.1 1.5 N/A 2 slow - 6.50 fast

Shell, Skirt, Tentacles
(See values in the Defense section)

Core beneath the Shell



Moloch Bone

Moloch Shell Fragment

100 33 Yes 0.3 Core Shell Tentacles Skirt 1.5 1.5 1.5 0.25 0.0 0.1 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.25 0.25 0.25 Core Shell Tentacles Structure 120 1.5 12.0 50.0 7.5 100.0

bitewounds = 150; stun = 3;

Character 12.0 15.0

bitewounds = 100; stun = 3;

Character 10 5.0 50.0
Bone Thresher (edit) Bonethresher Bone Thresher
300 58.8504 500 1.0 1.0 N/A 4 slow - 9.75 fast

Body & Jaw (see values in Defense values)




Alien Blood

Scrap *

Diver's Remains *

100 20 20 Yes 0.6 Head Body Jaw 1.5 1.0 1.0 1.5 0.5 1.5 0.5 0.1 0.1 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 0.5 1.0 Jaw Head Structure Bite

bitewounds = 60; bleeding = 60; stun = 1;

Character 0 4.0 40.0 0.5 0.0 Structure 50 100 2.5 10.0 100.0 3.0 0.25 60.0 Structure 50 1.0 25.0 0.25 25.0
Carrier (Legacy) (edit) Carrier (Legacy)
1,000 0 4





Charybdis (edit) Charybdis Charybdis
8,000 4,841.7017 8,000 3.0 7.0 N/A 14 slow - 17 fast

Head, Jaw, & Tail (see values in Defense section)




Diver's Remains

Scrap *

Scrap (+2) *

Scrap (+4) *

100 60 20 20 Yes 0.2 Jaw, Head, & Tail Mouth 0.5 0.0 0.25 5.0 5.0 5.0 Jaw Structure Attack

bitewounds = 250; bleeding = 1000; stun = 2;

Character 100 5.0 500.0 0.5 Any Structure 200 400 5.5 4.0 1.0 4.5 0.5 Any
Charybdis (Legacy) (edit) Charybdis (Legacy)
1,000 0.5 4 4 No
Coelanth (Legacy) (edit) Coelanth (Legacy)
100 0.1 3.5 5 No


Crawler (edit) Crawler Crawler
80 23.099543 100 1.0 1.0 1.55 walk - 5 run 4 slow - 8 fast

Legs & Tail (see values in defense section)



Alien Blood

Crawler Mask

100 2 2.0 Head Legs & Tail 1.5 1.5 0.75 0.75 Jaw Jump Attack Water Attack Structure Attack

bitewounds = 3; bleeding = 5, chance = 0.5; stun = 0.1, chance = 0.5;

Character 0 0.5 10.0

Heals the Crawler of any Damage (all) by 2 per hit.

0.25 Ground 0.0

bitewounds = 12; stun = 1.5;

Character 0 5.0 20.0 0.5 Ground 0.0

bitewounds = 12; bleeding = 12, chance = 0.5; stun = 0.25;

Character 0 3.0 20.0

Heals the Crawler of any Damage (all) by 5 per hit.

0.5 Water 0.0 Structure 35 3.0 20.0 0.5 Any 10.0
Crawler (Legacy) (edit) Crawler (Legacy)
Legacy Crawler.png
100 0.5 2 2



Crawler Broodmother (edit) Crawlerbroodmother Crawler Broodmother
Crawler Broodmother.png
1,000 164.4377 800 1.5 1.5 N/A 4 (Slow)<br>8 (Fast)

Legs & Tail (see values in Defense section)



Alien Blood (x2)
Small Crawler Egg
Swim Bladder

100 Yes 0.5 Legs & Tail Head 0.5 1.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 1.5 Water Attack Structure Attack Ranged Attack

bitewounds = 60; bleeding = 30, chance = 75; stun = 1.5;

Character 0 5.0 40.0 1.0 Water Structure 100 5.0 40.0 1.0 Any

burn = 20; stun = 0.5;

Any 200 15.0 0.0 1.0 Water
Crawler Hatchling (edit) Crawler_hatchling Crawler Hatchling
Crawler Hatchling.png
40 5.7748857 50 1.0 1.0 1.2 walk - 4 run 2 slow - 4 fast

Legs & Tail (see values in Defense section)



Yes Head Legs & Tail 1.5 1.5 0.75 0.75 Jaw Jump Attack Water Attack Structure Attack

bitewounds = 1.5; bleeding = 2.5, chance = 0.25; stun = 0.05, chance = 0.25;

Character 0 0.25 5.0

Heals the Crawler Hatchling of any Damage (all) by 1 per hit.

0.125 Ground

bitewounds = 6; stun = 0.75;

Character 0 2.5 10.0 0.25 Ground

bitewounds = 6; bleeding = 6, chance = 0.25; stun = 0.125;

Character 0 1.5 10.0

Heals the Crawler Hatchling of any Damage (all) by 2.5 per hit.

0.25 Water Structure 18 1.5 10.0 0.25 Any
Cthulhu (edit) Balloon Cthulhu
30 10 1.0 1.0 0.5 Walk - 1.2 Run 1.3 Slow - 3.6 Fast

If owner is attacked

Yes Bite

bitewounds = 1; stun = 0.1;

Character 1.0 10.0 0.5 Ground
Cyborg Worm (edit) Cyborgworm Cyborg Worm
Cyborg Worm.png
10,000 10,000 10.0 10.0 N/A 17



Endworm Shell Fragment (x2)

Alien Power Cell (x8)

Physicorium Bar (x8)

Fulgurium Chunk (x8)

100 100 100 100 Yes Yes Head and Tail Eye Armor Plates 0.25 0.0 0.5 200.0 5.0

The severance chance for the tail chunks range from as low as 0.25%, to as high as 5%. The value changes depending on how far away the tail chunk is from the head.

1.0 1.0 1.25 1.0 100.0

Despite having a severance probability modifier, the eye cannot be severed.

0.25 0.0 0.1 0.5 20.0


Bite Eye Left Turret Right Turret Front Turret

bitewounds = 200; bleeding = 100; stun = 3;

Character 0 5.0 0.0 Any

explosiondamage = 40; stun = 0.5;

Any 6 25 0.5 5.0 1.0

Spawns 6 projectiles in a 5° cone.

Any 25.0

explosiondamage = 250; stun = 15;

explosiondamage = 250; stun = 7;

Any 200 100 200 0.25 3.0 0.0

Bolt lasts for 5 seconds before exploding.

Any 100.0

explosiondamage = 250; stun = 15;

explosiondamage = 250; stun = 7;

Any 200 100 0.25 3.0 0.0

Bolt lasts for 5 seconds before exploding.

Any 100.0

explosiondamage = 250; stun = 15;

explosiondamage = 250; stun = 7;

Any 200 100 200 0.25 3.0 0.0

Bolt lasts for 5 seconds before exploding.

Any 100.0
Doomworm (edit) Doomworm Doomworm
15,000 20,883.486 30,000 0.5 3.0 N/A 17

Armor Plates (see values in Defense section)

Broken armor sections, mouth



Endworm Shell Fragment

Endworm Shell Fragment (+1) *

Scrap (x2) *

100 5 24 Yes Yes Armor Plates Tail Chunk 0.25 0.0 0.1 0.5 20.0


1.0 1.0 1.0 200.0 0.25

The severance chance for the Tail Chunk ranges from as low as 0.25%, to as high as 10%. The value changes depending on how far away the tail chunk is from the head.

Character Attack Submarine Attack Character 0 5.0 1,000.0 300.0 1,000.0 3.0 0.5 0.0 Structure 150 600 9.0 7.0 0.0 7.5 0.5 100.0
Endworm (edit) Endworm Endworm
10,000 9,281.527 10,000 2.0 10.0 N/A 17

Armor Plates (see values in Defense section)

Broken armor sections, mouth



Endworm Shell Fragment

Endworm Shell Fragment (+1) *

Scrap (x2) *

100 5 24 Yes 0.16 Armor Plates Tail Chunk 0.25 0.0 0.1 0.5 20.0


1.0 1.0 1.0 200.0 0.25

The severance chance for the Tail Chunk ranges from as low as 0.25%, to as high as 10%. The value changes depending on how far away the tail chunk is from the head.

Character Attack Submarine Attack

bitewounds = 300; bleeding = 1000; stun = 3;

Character 0 5.0 1,000.0 0.5 0.0 Structure 150 600 9.0 7.0 0.0 7.5 0.5 100.0
Endworm (Legacy) (edit) Endworm (Legacy)
Endworm (Legacy).png
10,000 0.1 2.0 N/A 1 slow (3 fast)



Always (Submarines)

Never (Humans)



Fractal Guardian (edit) Fractalguardian Fractal Guardian
Fractal Guardian.png
400 35.54815 550 2.0 1.0 N/A 2 slow - 5 fast

Arms, Tail, Stinger (see Defense values below)

Sensor, Torso

Always (Humans)
Never (Submarines)


Alien Circuitry

Alien Curio *

Alien Ornament *

Alien Trinket *

100 13 13 13 Yes Yes Yes Yes Sensor Torso Arms Tail 0.25 1.25 1.0 0.5 0.25 1.25 0.5 0.5 0.1 0.75 0.5 0.5 0.1 0.75 0.5 0.5 Stinger Hook Cannon Steam Cannon

lacerations = 30; bleeding = 30; stun = 0.2;

Any 20 2.0 12.0 0.25 Any

bleeding = 30; lacerations = 30; stun = 0.3;

Character 20 3.0 0.0

If not stuck to anything, the rope snaps. The rope will always snap after 45 seconds.

3.0 Any

burn = 1.25;

Character 0 3.0 0.0 3.0 Any
Giant Spineling (edit) Spineling_giant Giant Spineling
Giant Spineling.png
500 168.01141 600 2.0 2.0 N/A 6 (Slow) 12 (Fast)

All body:
Stun100% (Immune)



Alien Blood (x3)
Swim Bladder

Zinc (x3)*

Carbon (x3)*

100 50 50 0.5 Head 1.5 1.5 1.5 Spike

lacerations = 15; bleeding = 10; stun = 1;

Any 100 5.0 50.0 1.0 0.1
Golden Hammerhead (edit) Hammerheadgold Golden Hammerhead
400 202.40038 500 4.0 2.0 8 slow - 15 fast

Claws, Head, Tail, Fins, & Arms (see values in Defense section)




Swim Bladder

Alien Blood *

Hammerhead Ribs *

100 75 25 Yes 0.6 Head Tail, Fins, & Arms Claws 0.25 0.1 0.1 1.0 0.75 0.75 0.5 0.0 0.5 Nose Attack 1 Nose Attack 2 Claws

bitewounds = 100; stun = 3;

Character 0 10.0 10.0 0.25 Structure 200 100 4.0 10.0 10.0 3.0 0.25 75.0

bitewounds = 50; bleeding = 50; stun = 0.1;

Character 0 3.0 60.0 0.2 15.0
Hammerhead (edit) Hammerhead Hammerhead
350 400 197.8004 Boss 400 2.0 1.0 8 slow - 12 fast

Head, Tail, Fins, Arms, & Claws (see values in Defense section)




Swim Bladder

Alien Blood *

Hammerhead Ribs *

100 75 25 Yes 0.6 Head Tail, Fins, & Arms Claws 0.25 0.1 0.1 1.0 0.75 0.75 0.5 0.0 0.5 Nose Attack 1 Nose Attack 2 Claws

bitewounds = 80; stun = 3;

Character 0 10.0 10.0 0.25 Structure 75 150 3.0 7.0 10.0 3.0 0.25 60.0

bitewounds = 40; bleeding = 40; stun = 0.1;

Character 0 3.0 60.0 0.2 10.0
Hammerhead Matriarch (edit) Hammerheadmatriarch Hammerhead Matriarch
Hammerhead Matriarch.png
1,000 1,202.5566 550 1.0 1.0 N/A 2 slow - 6 fast

Skirt (see values in Defense section)


Only when attacked


Alien Blood x3
Swim Bladder

100 Yes 0.5 Head Skirt 10.0 1.0 2.0 10.0 2.0 1.0 2.0 10.0 1.0 0.5 0.2 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 Nose Attack Submarine 400 350 4.0 15.0 5.0 4.5

Spawns 30 Hammerhead Spawn. Deals 1000 Internal Damage to itself.

0.1 Any
Hammerhead Spawn (edit) Hammerheadspawn Hammerhead Spawn
Hammerhead Spawn.png
5 0.86456215 10 1.0 1.0 N/A 1.6 slow - 3 fast


Burn damage (see values in Defense section)




3.0 All body 5.0

This is a VitalityMultiplier. It does not increase the affliction strength, however the vitality damage dealt by this damage type is multiplied by the value in the table.


bitewounds = 2; stun = 0.05, chance = 0.25;

Character 2.0 1.0 0.5 Water
Human (edit) Human Human
100 1 1.0 1.0 1.7 walk (1.5 crouch) - 4.7 run 1.5 slow - 2.5 fast

Legs & Arms (see values in Health section)




Inventory content

100 Head Torso Arms & Legs 0.75 0.5 0.5 0.75 0.5

25% chance to gain 10 Concussion after receiving 5 Internal Damage, Blunt Force Trauma, Bite Wounds, Lacerations or Deep Tissue Injury from a single attack.

0.75 0.5 0.5 0.75 0.5


0.75 0.5 0.5 0.75 0.5


Husk (edit) Husk Husk
200 90 0.5 1.0 0.5 walk (0.9 crouched) - 2.5 run 1 slow - 2.2 fast

Legs & Arms (see values in Defense section)


Always (excluding stage 3 infected players)


ID Card

Velonaceps Calyx Eggs

Husk Stinger

100 27 9 0.5 Head Arms & Legs 2.0 0.5 Husk Appendage

bitewounds = 5; huskinfection = 5, chance = 0.5; bleeding = 5, chance = 0.75; stun = 0.5;

Character 0 3.0 6.0

Heals the Husk of any Damage (all) by 5 per hit.

0.25 Any
Husked Crawler (edit) Crawlerhusk Husked Crawler
100 29.341423 150 0.5 1.0 1 walk - 4 run 2.5 slow - 7 fast

Legs & Tail (see values in Defense section)




Velonaceps Calyx Eggs Alien Blood

Husk Stinger

27 9 0.5 Head Legs & Tail 1.5 1.5 0.75 0.75 Jaw Jump Attack Water Attack Structure Attack

bitewounds = 3; huskinfection = 2, chance = 0.5; bleeding = 10, chance = 0.5; stun = 0.1, chance = 0.5;

Character 0 1.0 50.0

Heals the Husked Crawler of any Damage (all) by 2 per hit.

0.25 Ground 0.0

bitewounds = 12; huskinfection = 5, chance = 0.1; stun = 1.5;

Character 0 5.0 20.0 0.5 Ground 0.0

bitewounds = 12; huskinfection = 5, chance = 0.5; bleeding = 20, chance = 0.5; stun = 0.25;

Character 0 3.0 20.0

Heals the Husked Crawler of any Damage (all) by 5 per hit.

0.5 Water 0.0

stun = 0.3;

Structure 35 20.0 0.5 Any 10.0
Husked Human (edit) Humanhusk Husked Human
Husked Human.png
50 90 0.5 1.0 0.8 walk (0.7 crouched) - 2.5 run 0.6 slow - 2.5 fast

Arms & Legs
(See values in the Defense section)




Player/NPC's inventory when they were alive

100 0.5 Head Arms & Legs 2.0 0.5 Husk Appendage

bitewounds = 2; huskinfection = 1, chance = 0.5 bleeding = 2, chance = 0.5; stun = 0.3;

Character 0 1.0 6.0

Heals the Husked Human of any Damage (all) by 1.5 per hit.

0.1 Any
Huskified Storage Container (edit) huskcontainer Huskified Storage Container
Huskified Storage Container.png
30 10 1.0 1.0 0.4 Walk - 1.05 Run 0.53 Slow - 1.3 Fast


Feet and Tail (see values in Defense section)

If Owner or Husk is attacked.

Yes Feet and Tail 0.6 Tentacle Spike

bitewounds = 1; bleeding = 2, chance = 0.5; huskinfection = 1, chance = 0.5; stun = 0.1;

Character 0 1.0 6.0

Heals 1.5 Internal Damage per hit.

Jove (edit) Jove Jove
10,000 10,000 1.0 1.0 N/A 0.1 Slow - 1 Fast



When awoken

No Yes Yes Shield 0.0 0.0 0.0

Removed once all Pylons are destroyed. Deflects projectiles. Once severed, it deals 1 Internal Damage in a range of 5m which causes the Ancients to flee.

Latcher (edit) Latcher Latcher
7,000 3,009.6008 7,000 3.0 10.0 N/A 7 slow - 15 fast

Legs (See values in the Defense section)




Diver's Remains

Diver's Remains (+1) *

Ballistic Fiber

Ballistic Fiber (+2) *

100 20 80 20 Yes 0.2 Legs Belly 0.5 0.5 0.5 2.0 2.0 2.0 Spike Attack Tongue Structure Bite Character Bite Character Tongue Attack

lacerations = 10; bleeding = 10; stun = 0.25;

Structure 30 60.0 0.0

Will only happen if the Latcher is below 75% HP

1.0 Any Structure 10 15.0 0.0

The tongue will snap after 14 seconds if left completely alone.

1.0 Water Structure 100 350 5.0 5.5 30.0 300.0 30.0 4.5

Will only happen if the Latcher is below 90% HP

0.25 Any 100.0

bitewounds = 200; bleeding = 100; stun = 2;

Character 0 1.0 0.0 1.0 Any

blunttrauma = 20; stun = 5;

Character 10 6.0 0.0 1.0 Water
Leucocyte (edit) Leucocyte Leucocyte
25 4.071515 40 1.0 1.0 N/A 0.5 slow - 2 fast






20 3.0 Player attack Charge Attack

burn = 6; slowparalysis = 1; stun = 0.5;

Character 0 1.5 5.0 0.3

burn = 10; slowparalysis = 1, chance = 0.5; slowparalysis = 10, chance = 0.5; stun = 2;

stun = 1;

character 0 3.0 1.0 5.0

Causes 1,000 Internal Damage to the Leucocyte, triggers an explosion.

Mantis (Legacy) (edit) Mantis (Legacy)
200 0.5 2 2

0.2 (Carapace)

0.5 (Lower Shell & Head)



Swim Bladder (x1)

Moloch (edit) Moloch Moloch
1,250 1,600 1,118.9646 1,611.3097 Boss 1,250 0.075 0.1 1.5 N/A 2 slow - 6.50 fast

Shell, Skirt, Tentacles
(See values in the Defense section)

Core beneath the Shell



Moloch Bone

Moloch Shell Fragment

100 33 Yes 0.3 Core Shell Tentacles Skirt 1.5 1.5 1.5 0.25 0.0 0.1 15.0 0.5 0.5 0.5 1.0 0.25 0.25 0.25 1.0 Core Shell Tentacles (x2) Third Tentacle submarine 150 8.0 12.0 50.0 7.5

bitewounds = 100; stun = 3;

character 12.0 15.0

bitewounds = 75; stun = 3;

character 10 5.0 50.0

bitewounds = 50; stun = 3;

character 10 5.0 50.0
Moloch Baby (edit) Molochbaby Moloch Baby
Moloch Baby.png
100 62.834858 1 1.0 1.0 N/A 0.25 slow - 0.5 fast




Alien Blood
Swim Bladder

Mudraptor (edit) Mudraptor Mudraptor
150 24.494452 240 1.0 1.0 1.8 walk - 7 run 2.5 slow - 6.5 fast

Armor plates covering the body (see values in Defense section)





Diver's Remains *

Mudraptor Shell *

Mudraptor Egg *

100 23 5 5 Head Armor (Head, Chest, Appendages, Tail, Back, Legs) 1.5 1.5 1.5 16.0 0.25 0.0 0.1 0.8 100.0 Jaw Head Armor Water Attack Right Foot

bitewounds = 10; bleeding = 10, chance = 0.75; stun = 0.2;

Any 18 1.0 30.0 0.2 Inside 12.0

bitewounds = 60; stun = 3;

Any 60 6.0 20.0 0.3 Ground 40.0

bitewounds = 30; bleeding = 20, chance = 0.5; stun = 0.5;

Any 60 3.0 20.0 0.3 Outside 40.0

bitewounds = 10; bleeding = 5, chance = 0.5; stun = 1;

Character 0 5.0 10.0 1.0 Ground 0.0
Mudraptor Hatchling (edit) Mudraptor_hatchling Mudraptor Hatchling
Mudraptor Hatchling.png
60 6.027719 95 1.0 1.0 1.8 walk - 5 run 2.5 slow - 5 fast

Tail (see values in Defense section)



Yes 2.0 Head Tail 1.5 1.5 1.5 0.25 0.0 0.1 Jaw Water Attack Right Foot

bitewounds = 2.5; bleeding = 2.5, chance = 0.1875; stun = 0.05;

Any 5 0.25 7.5 0.05 Inside 3.0

bitewounds = 7.5; bleeding = 5, chance = 0.125; stun = 0.125;

Any 15 0.75 5.0 0.06 Outside 10.0

bitewounds = 2.5; bleeding = 1.25, chance = 0.125; stun = 0.25;

Character 0 1.25 2.5 0.25 Ground 0.0
Mudraptor Unarmored (edit) Mudraptor_unarmored Mudraptor Unarmored
150 24.494452 160 1.0 1.0 1.8 walk - 7 run 2.5 slow - 6.5 fast

Tail (see values in Defense section)





Mudraptor Shell *

Mudraptor Egg *

100 6 6 Head Tail 1.5 1.5 1.5 16.0 0.25 0.0 0.1 0.8 100.0 Jaw Water Attack Right Foot

bitewounds = 10; bleeding = 10, chance = 0.75; stun = 0.2;

Any 18 1.0 30.0 0.2 Inside 12.0

bitewounds = 30; bleeding = 20, chance = 0.5; stun = 0.5;

Any 60 3.0 20.0 0.3 Outside 40.0

bitewounds = 10; bleeding = 5, chance = 0.5; stun = 1;

Character 0 5.0 10.0 1.0 Ground 0.0
Mudraptor Veteran (edit) Mudraptor_veteran Mudraptor Veteran
Mudraptor Veteran.png
300 46.309834 490 1.5 1.5 1.8 walk - 6.5 run 2.5 slow - 6.5 fast

Armor plates covering the body (see values in Defense section)





Diver's Remains *

Mudraptor Shell *

Mudraptor Egg *

100 23 5 5 0.7 Head Armor (Head, Chest, Appendages, Tail, Back, Legs) 1.5 1.5 1.5 16.0 0.25 0.0 0.1 0.8 100.0 Jaw Head Armor Water Attack Right Foot

bitewounds = 20; bleeding = 20, chance = 0.75; stun = 0.4;

Any 36 2.0 60.0 0.4 Inside 24.0

bitewounds = 120; stun = 6;

Any 120 12.0 40.0 0.6 Ground 80.0

bitewounds = 60; bleeding = 40, chance = 0.50; stun = 1.0;

Any 120 6.0 40.0 0.6 Outside 80.0

bitewounds = 20; bleeding = 10, chance = 0.50; stun = 2;

Character 0 10.0 20.0 1.0 Ground 0.0
Orange Boy (edit) Orangeboy Orange Boy
Orange Boy.png
30 2.0261273 10 1.0 1.0 0.5 (Walk) - 1.2 (Run) 1.3 (Slow) - 3.6 (Fast)

If owner is attacked

Yes 3.0 Bite

bitewounds = 1; stun = 0.1;

Character 1.0 10.0 0.5 Ground
Peanut (edit) Peanut Peanut
30 1.7586639 10 1.0 1.0 0.5 Walk - 1.2 Run 1.3 Slow - 3.6 Fast


Yes 3.0 Bite

bitewounds = 1; stun = 0.1;

Character 1.0 10.0 0.5 Ground
Petraptor (edit) Mudraptor_pet Petraptor
100 105 1.0 1.0 1.8 walk - 6 run 2.5 slow - 5.5 fast

Head (see values in Defense section)

If owner is attacked OR hostile creature is spotted


Mudraptor Egg

100 Head Tail 1.5 1.5 1.5 0.25 0.0 0.1 Jaw Water Attack Right Foot

bitewounds = 7; bleeding = 7, chance = 0.53; stun = 0.14;

Any 13 1.0 30.0 Inside 8.4

bitewounds = 21; bleeding = 14, chance = 0.35; stun = 0.35;

Any 42 3.0 20.0 Outside 28.0

bitewounds = 7; bleeding = 3.5, chance = 0.5; stun = 0.7;

Character 0 5.0 10.0 Ground 0.0
Psilotoad (edit) Psilotoad Psilotoad
30 2.7511332 50 1.0 1.0 0.5 walk - 1.27 run 1.34 slow - 3.64 fast

If owner is attacked

Yes 3.0 Bite

bitewounds = 1; stun = 0.1;

Character 1.0 10.0 0.5 Ground
Scorpion (edit) Scorpion
100 0.5 1.5 1.5 No
Spineling (edit) Spineling Spineling
50 11.73897 120 2.0 2.0 N/A 6 slow (12 fast)


Head (see values in Defense section)



Alien Blood

Spineling's Spike

Spineling's Spike (+1)

100 100 25 Head 2.0 2.0 2.0 Spike

lacerations = 10; bleeding = 10; stun = 0.25;

Any 10 1.0 0.0 20.0 0.1 Any
Swarm Feeder (edit) Swarmfeeder Swarm Feeder
10 0.5613709 10 0.5 0.5 0.2 walk - 1.3 run 0.5 slow - 1 fast

Never (Submarines)



3.0 Bite Attack

bleeding = 1, chance = 0.5; bloodloss = 1;

Character 0 5.0

Heals the Swarm Feeder of any Damage (all) by 100 per hit.

0.25 Any
Thalamus (edit) Thalamus
Thalamus Brain.png
150 355 0.0 0.0 N/A N/A





Alien Blood 1-2 (Organ)

Adrenaline Gland 1-2 (Organ)

100 100 Flesh Spike Coilgun Railgun Player Submarine 1,000 2.0 0.01

Spawns 5 Terminal Cells after 0.35 seconds.

Humans 20 15.0 1.0 0.025

Damage values vary based on ammunition type.

Player Submarine 110 200 2.5 250.0 50.0 15.0

Damage values vary based on ammunition type.

Tiger Thresher (edit) Tigerthresher Tiger Thresher
Tiger Thresher.png
150 19.072945 200 1.0 1.0 N/A 6 slow - 8 fast





Alien Blood

Diver's Remains

100 25 Jaw Head Structure attack

bitewounds = 20; bleeding = 20; stun = 0.2;

Character 0 2.0 40.0 0.5 Inside

bitewounds = 30; bleeding = 30; stun = 0.3;

Character 0 3.0 80.0 0.5 Outside Structure 30 2.0 40.0 0.5 Any 15.0
Tiger Thresher Hatchling (edit) Tigerthresher_hatchling Tiger Thresher Hatchling
Tiger Thresher Hatchling.png
75 4.768236 120 1.0 1.0 N/A 4 slow - 6 fast






2.0 Jaw Head Structure attack

bitewounds = 10; bleeding = 10; stun = 0.1;

Character 0 1.0 20.0 0.25 Inside

bitewounds = 15; bleeding = 15; stun = 0.15;

Character 0 1.5 40.0 0.25 Outside Structure 15 1.0 20.0 0.25 Any 7.5
Watcher (edit) Watcher Watcher
500 1,365.7026 600 5.0 0.0 N/A 2 slow - 5 fast

Upper Body, Spikes (see values in Defense section)




Sulphuric Acid x4

Watcher Shell Fragment

100 50 Yes 0.5 Eye Upper Body Spikes 5.0 1.0 1.0 5.0 5.0 0.5 1.0 0.2 1.0 1.0 0.25 0.0 0.1 1.0 1.0 Watcher's Gaze (Far) Watcher's Gaze (Close) Acid Emitter

watchersgaze = 5;

Character 0

Expires upon death. It has a range of 5 meters.

999.0 0.0

watchersgaze = 20;

Character 0

Expires upon death. It has a range of 1.5 meters.

999.0 0.0

burn = 0.5;

Any 60

Triggers upon taking damage. Spawns 9 instances of the Acid Emitter. Each acid cloud has a range of 3 meters.

30.0 30.0
Watcher (Legacy) (edit) Watcher (Legacy)
Watcher (Legacy).png
1,000 0.0 0.3 0.5



When Attacked

