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Orders are instructions used to direct the AI-controlled crew. While the crew will take initiatives on their own, orders help them react in more intelligent ways.
When using the Orders key on a crew member directly, or on their name top-left of the screen, any selected order will be given to them.
If the menu is opened by clicking anywhere else, a list of the crew may be displayed by right-clicking an order; left-clicking on a crew member will issue the order to them. When left-clicking an order directly, the first relevant crew member will be automatically selected.
Holding the Shift key and then using the orders key on certain installations, the radial menu will only display orders relevant to that specific installation; for instance, doing so on a weapon's periscope will display the Operate Weapon order.
Crew members can be dismissed from an order by right-clicking the order, next to their name in the top-left crew display.
- The Orders radial menu is opened with
by default.
- If an order requires using a specific item, such as a screwdriver to repair a junction box or a Diving Suit to fix leaks in a flooded room, they will first try to find it within the submarine's containers or laying on the floor. If no required items are found or if they are in another crew member's inventory, they won't take it from them and will be unable to complete their order, stating so in the chat.
- Issuing an order can be done preemptively: for instance, if ordering a crew member to Fight Intruders when none are in the submarine, they will answer that they can't find any, but will remain assigned to this task and when intruders arrive they will fight them.
- Up to 3 orders can be saved for quick re-assignment; when giving a new order to a crew member, their previous order will be moved to the right and its icon made smaller; left-clicking one of the previously dismissed orders will issue it again, letting one quickly cycle between orders depending on the situation. Preparing these quickly accessible orders at the beginning of a round may save a lot of time afterwards.
Assault Enemy
- Priority: 90
- Requires: Handheld Weapon, Outpost
- Quick Access
- Jobs: Security Officer
- Skills: Weapons
Ordered AI will board the docked outpost and kill enemies.
Order is disabled when not docked to an abandoned outpost.
Extinguish Fires
- Priority: 90
- Requires: Fire Extinguisher
- Quick Access
- Reports: Fire
Ordered AI will put out fires in order of closest to farthest.
Fight Intruders
- Priority: 90
- Requires: Handheld Weapon
- Quick Access
- Reports: Intruders
- Jobs: Security Officer
- Skills: Weapons
Ordered AI will fight any intruders inside of the submarine.
Security will prioritize attempting to arrest human targets before killing them.
Find Weapon
- Priority: 100
- Requires: Non-stun Handheld Weapons or Tools
Ordered AI will acquire a Handheld Weapon or Tool, prioritizing items with higher combat effectiveness.
Order is automatically dismissed after AI acquires an item.
Heal and Rescue
- Priority: 90
- Requires: Specific Medical Items
- Quick Access
- Reports: First Aid
- Jobs: Medical Doctor
- Skills: Medical
Ordered AI will heal non-light injuries with medicine.
If better medicine is not available, AI will use other medicine depending on it's healing effectiveness.
- Priority: 90
- Requires: Depends on environment
Ordered AI will follow the crew member who ordered them.
Order icon becomes discolored when the ordered AI is not following the controlled character.
The followed character will be shown when hovering over the order icon.
Prepare for Expedition
- Priority: 100
- Requires: Any Diving Suit, 5 Oxygen Tanks & an Underwater Scooter
Ordered AI will acquire diving gear.
- Priority: 90
Ordered AI will attempt to return to the submarine from outside using level waypoints.
- Priority: 90
Ordered AI will be prevented from idling, therefore forcing them to stand in place.
Cleanup Items
Ordered AI will store dropped items in their appropriate container if there is room.
If there is no room, they will find a different container or, if none found, drop the item next to its preferred container.
Deconstruct Items
- Requires: Items marked for deconstruction, Deconstructor
- Quick Access
- Jobs: Assistant
Ordered AI will bring any items marked for deconstruction to any available Deconstructor and will begin deconstructing them.
- Requires: Any deconstructable item
Selected items will be marked for deconstruction.
Can only be accessed with &
on an Item.
Don't Deconstruct
- Requires: Item marked for deconstruction
Selected items will be unmarked for deconstruction.
Can be accessed with &
on an Item or by
Left-clicking the red "Marked for deconstruction" icon on the item.
Fix Leaks
- Priority: 90
- Requires: Welding Tool with any type of Welding Fuel Tank
- Quick Access
- Reports: Hull Breach
- Jobs: Mechanic, Engineer, Assistant
- Skills: Mechanical Engineering
Ordered AI will seal hull breaches with a Welding Tool, in order from closest to farthest.
Load Items
- Priority: 90
Recharge battery cells
- Requires: Any non-full Battery Cell or Fulgurium Battery Cell
Ordered AI will recharge Battery Cells in Charging Docks.
Refill oxygen tanks
- Requires: Any non-full Oxygen Tank
Ordered AI will refill Oxygen Tanks in the Oxygen Generator.
Reload ammo
- Requires: Ammunition Boxes & Empty Loaders
Ordered AI will reload Turret loaders with ammunition.
Repair Electrical Systems
- Priority: 90
- Requires: Any type of Screwdriver
- Quick Access
- Jobs: Engineer
- Skills: Electrical Engineering
Ordered AI will repair electrical devices using a Screwdriver.
Repair Mechanical Systems
- Priority: 90
- Requires: Any type of Wrench
- Quick Access
- Jobs: Mechanic
- Skills: Mechanical Engineering
Ordered AI will repair mechanical devices using a Wrench.
Repair Damaged Systems
- Priority: 90
- Requires: Any type of Screwdriver and/or Wrench
- Quick Access
Ordered AI will repair mechanical and electrical devices using Screwdrivers and Wrenches.
Operate Reactor
- Priority: 10
- Quick Access
- Jobs: Engineer
- Skills: Electrical Engineering
Power up
Ordered AI will turn on the reactor and enable automatic control.
Shut down
Ordered AI will power off the reactor.
Operate Weapons
- Priority: 10
- Requires: A Turret wired to a Periscope
- Quick Access
- Jobs: Security Officer
- Skills: Weapons
Ordered AI will man the selected turret and shoot enemies in its line of sight.
AI will also reload ammunition on their turret's loader when it runs out.
- Priority: 10
- Requires: Any Navigation Terminal
- Quick Access
Maintain position
Ordered AI will set the selected Navigation Terminal to Autopilot - Maintain Position.
Ordered AI will set the selected Navigation Terminal to Autopilot - Navigate Back.
Ordered AI will set the selected Navigation Terminal to Autopilot - Navigate to Destination.
Note: Autopilot will ignore Ice Spires while an AI is using the navigation terminal.
- Quick Access
- Other: Any given Order
Dismisses all orders from the ordered crew member.
Single orders can be dismissed with on the order icon in the crew list.
Ignore This
- Requires: Any Installation or Item
Selected item will be invisible to AI crew members, preventing them from using the item.
Can only be accessed with &
on any Installation or Item.
Unignore This
- Requires: Any Installation or Item
The opposite of the previous command, allows AI crew to use the selected item.
Can only be accessed with &
on any Installation or Item.
Game Modes | |
Survival | |
Installations | |
Other |