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Stub Notes: All missions containing non-unique NPC are broken because we don't have pages for all of the separatist and coalition random NPCs etc.

There are many playable Missions. Some missions are exclusive to the 'Campaign' or 'Mission' gamemodes.
Most missions award Marks, which can be used at Stores in the campaign to buy items or Submarine upgrades.

Table of Contents

Combat (PvP)

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Combat Missions
Mission Description Valid Locations/Passageways Targets Rewards

Search and destroy
A Coalition vessel has been dispatched from [location1] to destroy a renegade vessel at the outskirts of [location2].
Team 1:
A renegade vessel has been detected at the outskirts of [location2]. Treason against the Europa Coalition is punishable by death—eliminate the renegades by any means necessary.
Team 2:
You're a member of the Jovian Separatists, a group opposing the Europa Coalition. According to your informants at [location1], a Coalition vessel has just been dispatched on a mission to take down your boat. Eliminate their crew by any means necessary.
Any LocationAny Location The crew of an enemy submarine Team 1: For the Coalition
Team 2: Viva la Revolution


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cargo Missions
Mission Description Valid Locations/Passageways Targets Rewards

Arms Delivery
The Coalition has sent some undercover operatives to investigate Separatist activity in [location2]. They are in urgent need of weapons and ammunition—deliver them and you will receive a reward of [reward] marks. Any OutpostAny Outpost 1–4 Secure Metal Crates filled with: 600 Marks per Crate
5 Europa Coalition
−5 Jovian Separatists

The Church of Husk is offering [reward] marks for delivering a shipment of husk parasite eggs to [location2]. Any OutpostAny Outpost 1–12 Chemical Crates filled with: 250 Marks per Crate
5 The Church of Husk
−5 Children of The Honkmother

Chemical shipment
Researchers of [location1] need someone to deliver some dangerous chemicals to [location2] for a reward of [reward] marks. Any OutpostAny Outpost 1–20 Chemical Crates filled with: 140 Marks per Crate
1 Reputation

Explosive cargo
The Jovian Separatists are offering [reward] marks in exchange for delivering a shipment of high explosives to a group of operatives in [location2]. Any OutpostAny Outpost 1–15 Explosive Crates filled with: 200 Marks per Crate
5 Jovian Separatists
−3 Europa Coalition

Handle with care
Local researchers are offering [reward] marks for delivering a large amount of nitroglycerin to [location2]. Any OutpostAny Outpost 1–10 Explosive Crates filled with: 350 Marks per Crate
1 Reputation

Medical item transport
A crew member over at [location2] has gone and gotten themselves a nasty case of morbusine poisoning. They might stand a chance of survival if you can get a shipment of antidote to them ASAP... You'll be paid [reward] marks on delivery. Any OutpostAny Outpost 1 Medic Crate filled with: 1,000 Marks per Crate
1 Reputation

Medical item transport
A consignment of medical items needs to be transported to [location2]. There's [reward] marks if you can get them there. Any OutpostAny Outpost 1–20 Medic Crates filled with: 120 Marks per Crate
1 Reputation

Mining outpost material transport
A consignment of construction materials needs to be transported to [location2]. The crew chief here is prepared to pay [reward] marks for your trouble. Any OutpostAny Outpost 1–25 Metal Crates filled with: 200 Marks per Crate
1 Reputation

Mining outpost material transport
The security team at [location2] needs to be resupplied with materials for weapon fabrication. There's [reward] marks for you if you get these supplies to them. Any OutpostAny Outpost 1–25 Metal Crates filled with: 100 Marks per Crate
1 Reputation

Praise the honkmother
A local clown syndicate is offering [reward] marks for delivering a shipment of clowning supplies to [location2]. Any OutpostAny Outpost 1–10 Metal Crates filled with: 500 Marks per Crate
5 Children of The Honkmother
−5 The Church of Husk

Chemical shipment
Researchers of [location1] need someone to deliver some dangerous chemicals to [location2] for a reward of [reward] marks. Upon loading the crates, it was noted some of the crates may not be waterproof. Any OutpostAny Outpost 1–2 Leaking Chemical Crates filled with:

1–18 Chemical Crates filled with:

160 Marks per Crate
1 Reputation

Chemical shipment
Researchers of [location1] need someone to deliver some dangerous chemicals to [location2] for a reward of [reward] marks. Upon loading the crates, it was noted some of the crates may not be waterproof. Any OutpostAny Outpost 1–2 Leaking Chemical Crates filled with:

1–18 Chemical Crates filled with:

160 Marks per Crate
1 Reputation

Handle with extreme care
Local researchers are offering [reward] marks for delivering very volatile nitroglycerin to [location2]. Magnetic suspension crates need to be powered at all times, to keep the contents stable. Any OutpostAny Outpost 1–4 Magnetic Suspension Crates filled with: 800 Marks per Crate
2 Reputation


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Escort Missions
Mission Description Valid Locations/Passageways Targets Rewards

Civilian Transport
An outpost dweller who believes the Jovian radiation that's penetrating deeper into the ice is going to wipe out their outpost has offered to pay you for transporting him to an outpost deeper down in the ocean. Any OutpostAny Outpost No results 1,000 Marks
3 Reputation
Safety not guaranteed

Civilian Transport
Transport a passenger and their companion to a nearby station. Any OutpostAny Outpost 1 [[Unique NPCs|]]
No results
2,000 Marks
Safety not guaranteed

Civilian Transport
A researcher who believes the Eye of Europa and the gravitational anomaly around it are linked to the increase in Jovian radiation has offered to pay you [reward] marks for transportation to a nearby outpost. Any OutpostAny Outpost No results 1,000 Marks
3 Reputation
Safety not guaranteed

Coalition Official Transport
A highly valuable Coalition official and their armed escort must be transported to [location2]. Take care not to pose any unnecessary risk to the VIP, as you will only be paid a reward of [reward] marks if they survive. Any OutpostAny Outpost No results
No results
1,500 Marks
7 Europa Coalition
−7 Jovian Separatists
Safety not guaranteed

Coalition Personnel Transport
The Coalition has hired a number of commoners from [location1] and needs them to be transported to [location2]. Take care not to endanger their lives, as you will only be paid your reward of [reward] marks if none of them die. Any OutpostAny Outpost No results 1,000 Marks
5 Europa Coalition
−5 Jovian Separatists
Safety not guaranteed

Personnel Transport
Transport the dangerous criminal Jacov Subra to a nearby station. Any OutpostColony Jacov Subra −20 The Church of Husk
Safety not guaranteed

Separatist Activist Transport
An influential activist of the Jovian Separatists must be transported to [location2] along with their armed escort. Take care not to pose any unnecessary risk to the VIP, as you will only be paid a reward of [reward] marks if they survive. Any OutpostAny Outpost No results
No results
1,500 Marks
7 Jovian Separatists
−7 Europa Coalition
Safety not guaranteed

Separatist Transport
A group of Jovian Separatists need to be transported to [location2]. They are on an important mission and all of them need to make it to the destination unharmed—you will only be paid your reward of [reward] marks if none of them die. Any OutpostAny Outpost No results 1,000 Marks
5 Jovian Separatists
−5 Europa Coalition
Safety not guaranteed

Stowaway Transport
A stowaway has sneaked on board. Transport them to a station where they can find their way back home. Any OutpostColony 1 [[Unique NPCs|]] Safety not guaranteed

Captive Transport
The Jovian Separatists are offering a reward of [reward] marks for transporting a group of captured Coalition personnel to [location2]. Make sure they are well-guarded during your voyage, as they may try to escape. Do not let any of them die. Any OutpostAny Outpost No results 2,500 Marks
10 Jovian Separatists
−10 Europa Coalition
Safety not guaranteed

Clown Transport
A group of clowns has offered to pay [reward] marks for transportation to [location2]. You have been warned that they may be somewhat unruly, or at the very least not accustomed to being on board a submarine. Any OutpostAny Outpost No results 1,500 Marks
5 Children of The Honkmother
−5 The Church of Husk
Safety not guaranteed

There are reports of undercover Coalition operatives staking out Separatist activity in the area. Some may attempt to sneak onto your ship alongside innocent passengers. Make sure the innocent civilians make it to [location2] alive, and deal with any operatives that reveal themselves, and you'll be paid a reward of [reward] marks. Any OutpostAny Outpost No results
(35% hostile, min. 1)
2,500 Marks
12 Jovian Separatists
−12 Europa Coalition
Safety not guaranteed

Cultist Transport
The Church of Husk has offered a reward of [reward] marks for transporting a group of acolytes to [location2]. There is reason to believe some of them might be planning a premature "communion" of their own, and a subsequent escape into the cold sea, but the Church has asked you to keep an eye on them and bring them to [location2] in human form. Any OutpostAny Outpost No results 1,500 Marks
5 The Church of Husk
−5 Children of The Honkmother
Safety not guaranteed

Prisoner Transport
A group of prisoners need to be transported to a high-security prison located in [location2] to be paid [reward] marks. Make sure these prisoners are well-guarded during your voyage, as they may try to escape. Do not let any of them die. Any OutpostAny Outpost No results 2,500 Marks
10 Europa Coalition
−10 Jovian Separatists
Safety not guaranteed

Terrorist Stakeout
Separatist terrorists have been hijacking ships in this sector. We believe some of them have snuck onto your ship alongside innocent passengers. Make sure the innocent civilians make it to [location2] alive, and deal with any terrorists that reveal themselves, and you'll be paid a reward of [reward] marks. Any OutpostAny Outpost No results
(35% hostile, min. 1)
2,500 Marks
12 Europa Coalition
−12 Jovian Separatists
Safety not guaranteed

VIP Transport
A highly valuable person and their armed escort must be transported to [location2]. Take care not to pose any unnecessary risk to the VIP, as you will only be paid a reward of 2000 marks if they survive. Any OutpostAny Outpost 3 Humans 2,000 Marks
30 Location Reputation
Safety not guaranteed


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Mining Missions
Mission Description Valid Locations/Passageways Targets Rewards

Mining Pyromorphite
There's been talk of deposits of [resourcename1] along the way from [location1] to [location2]. Bring back [resourcequantity1] samples of [resourcename1] to verify these claims. You are expected to hand over [handoverpercentage]. Habitation OutpostColonyHabitation OutpostMilitary OutpostResearch OutpostMining Outpost
ColonyMining Outpost
Military OutpostMining Outpost
Research OutpostMining Outpost
Mining OutpostAny Outpost
8 Pyromorphite on the main path 1,200 Marks
1 Reputation
6 Pyromorphite

Mining Quartz
There's been talk of deposits of [resourcename1] along the way from [location1] to [location2]. Bring back [resourcequantity1] samples of [resourcename1] to verify these claims. You are expected to hand over [handoverpercentage]. Habitation OutpostColonyHabitation OutpostMilitary OutpostResearch OutpostMining Outpost
ColonyMining Outpost
Military OutpostMining Outpost
Research OutpostMining Outpost
Mining OutpostAny Outpost
8 Quartz on the main path 1,200 Marks
1 Reputation
6 Quartz

Mining Uranium Ore
There's been talk of deposits of [resourcename1] along the way from [location1] to [location2]. Bring back [resourcequantity1] samples of [resourcename1] to verify these claims. You are expected to hand over [handoverpercentage]. Habitation OutpostColonyHabitation OutpostMilitary OutpostResearch OutpostMining Outpost
ColonyMining Outpost
Military OutpostMining Outpost
Research OutpostMining Outpost
Mining OutpostAny Outpost
4 Uranium Ore on the main path 1,400 Marks
1 Reputation
3 Uranium Ore

Mining Diamond
There's been talk of deposits of [resourcename1] along the way from [location1] to [location2]. Bring back [resourcequantity1] samples of [resourcename1] to verify these claims. You are expected to hand over [handoverpercentage]. Habitation OutpostColonyHabitation OutpostMilitary OutpostResearch OutpostMining Outpost
ColonyMining Outpost
Military OutpostMining Outpost
Research OutpostMining Outpost
Mining OutpostAny Outpost
8 Diamond in a Cave 1,600 Marks
2 Reputation
6 Diamond

Mining Galena
There's been talk of deposits of [resourcename1] along the way from [location1] to [location2]. Bring back [resourcequantity1] samples of [resourcename1] to verify these claims. You are expected to hand over [handoverpercentage]. Habitation OutpostColonyHabitation OutpostMilitary OutpostResearch OutpostMining Outpost
ColonyMining Outpost
Military OutpostMining Outpost
Research OutpostMining Outpost
Mining OutpostAny Outpost
8 Galena in a Cave 1,600 Marks
1 Reputation
6 Galena

Mining Langbeinite
There's been talk of deposits of [resourcename1] along the way from [location1] to [location2]. Bring back [resourcequantity1] samples of [resourcename1] to verify these claims. You are expected to hand over [handoverpercentage]. Habitation OutpostColonyHabitation OutpostMilitary OutpostResearch OutpostMining Outpost
ColonyMining Outpost
Military OutpostMining Outpost
Research OutpostMining Outpost
Mining OutpostAny Outpost
6 Langbeinite in a Cave 2,100 Marks
1 Reputation
4 Langbeinite

Mining minerals
There's been talk of deposits of [resourcename1] and [resourcename2] along the way from [location1] to [location2]. Bring back [resourcequantity1] samples of [resourcename1] and [resourcename2] to verify these claims. You are expected to hand over [handoverpercentage]. Habitation OutpostColonyHabitation OutpostMilitary OutpostResearch OutpostMining Outpost
ColonyMining Outpost
Military OutpostMining Outpost
Research OutpostMining Outpost
Mining OutpostAny Outpost
4 Ilmenite &
4 Chamosite in a Cave
2,400 Marks
1 Reputation
3 Ilmenite
3 Chamosite

Mining Thorianite
There's been talk of deposits of [resourcename1] along the way from [location1] to [location2]. Bring back [resourcequantity1] samples of [resourcename1] to verify these claims. You are expected to hand over [handoverpercentage]. Habitation OutpostColonyHabitation OutpostMilitary OutpostResearch OutpostMining Outpost
ColonyMining Outpost
Military OutpostMining Outpost
Research OutpostMining Outpost
Mining OutpostAny Outpost
6 Thorianite in a Cave 2,700 Marks
1 Reputation
4 Thorianite

Mining Titanite
There's been talk of deposits of [resourcename1] along the way from [location1] to [location2]. Bring back [resourcequantity1] samples of [resourcename1] to verify these claims. You are expected to hand over [handoverpercentage]. Habitation OutpostColonyHabitation OutpostMilitary OutpostResearch OutpostMining Outpost
ColonyMining Outpost
Military OutpostMining Outpost
Research OutpostMining Outpost
Mining OutpostAny Outpost
6 Titanite in a Cave 2,700 Marks
1 Reputation
4 Titanite

Mining Triphylite
There's been talk of deposits of [resourcename1] along the way from [location1] to [location2]. Bring back [resourcequantity1] samples of [resourcename1] to verify these claims. You are expected to hand over [handoverpercentage]. Habitation OutpostColonyHabitation OutpostMilitary OutpostResearch OutpostMining Outpost
ColonyMining Outpost
Military OutpostMining Outpost
Research OutpostMining Outpost
Mining OutpostAny Outpost
6 Triphylite in a Cave 2,100 Marks
1 Reputation
4 Triphylite

Mining Uranium Ore
There's been talk of deposits of [resourcename1] along the way from [location1] to [location2]. Bring back [resourcequantity1] samples of [resourcename1] to verify these claims. You are expected to hand over [handoverpercentage]. Habitation OutpostColonyHabitation OutpostMilitary OutpostResearch OutpostMining Outpost
ColonyMining Outpost
Military OutpostMining Outpost
Research OutpostMining Outpost
Mining OutpostAny Outpost
8 Uranium Ore in a Cave 2,000 Marks
1 Reputation
6 Uranium Ore

Abyss diving for Fulgurium Chunk
There's been talk of deposits of [resourcename1] in the abyssal depths between [location1] and [location2]. Bring back [resourcequantity1] samples of [resourcename1] to verify these claims. You are expected to hand over [handoverpercentage]. Habitation OutpostColonyHabitation OutpostMilitary OutpostResearch OutpostMining Outpost
ColonyMining Outpost
Military OutpostMining Outpost
Research OutpostMining Outpost
Mining OutpostAny Outpost
6 Fulgurium Chunk on an island in the Abyss 3,600 Marks
3 Reputation
4 Fulgurium Chunk
Amateur geologist

Abyss diving for Physicorium Bar
There's been talk of deposits of [resourcename1] in the abyssal depths between [location1] and [location2]. Bring back [resourcequantity1] samples of [resourcename1] to verify these claims. You are expected to hand over [handoverpercentage]. Habitation OutpostColonyHabitation OutpostMilitary OutpostResearch OutpostMining Outpost
ColonyMining Outpost
Military OutpostMining Outpost
Research OutpostMining Outpost
Mining OutpostAny Outpost
6 Physicorium Bar on an island in the Abyss 3,600 Marks
3 Reputation
4 Physicorium Bar
Amateur geologist


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Beacon Missions
Mission Description Valid Locations/Passageways Targets Rewards

Activate Beacon
The beacon station between [location1] and [location2] is down—get in there, and get it back online and transmitting an active sonar signal. Any LocationAny Location No results in a Beacon Station 1,500 Marks
A light in the darkness

Activate Beacon
According to the onboard navigation system, there should be a run-down beacon station nearby. Getting it back online will make the passage easier for other vessels to traverse, and help colonies to spread further. Inactive Beacon Station No results in a Beacon Station 1,500 Marks
A light in the darkness


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Salvage Missions
Mission Description Valid Locations/Passageways Targets Rewards

Artifact salvage
A submarine transporting an alien artifact toward [location2] has been lost. Find and retrieve the artifact, and deliver it. Any LocationAny Location One of:
Faraday Alien Artifact
Nasonov Alien Artifact
Psychosis Alien Artifact
Psychosis Alien Artifact
Sky Alien Artifact
Thermal Alien Artifact
in an Artifact Transport Case on a Wreck
3,000 Marks
2 Reputation

Cargo salvage
A cargo transport vessel carrying crucial supplies was en route from [location1] to [location2] when it sent out a distress call before going silent. Find and retrieve the cargo crates, and deliver them. Any LocationAny Location 10−15 Iron
A mix of 5-8 of these:
Steel Bar
A mix of 5-8 of these:
in a 1−2 Metal Crate on a Wreck


10−25 Plastic
5−8 Rubber
A mix of 5-8 of these:
in a 1−2 Metal Crate on a Wreck


A mix of 10-12 medical items in a 1−2 Medic Crate on a Wreck


5−8 Ethanol
A mix of 2-4 chemical items
A mix of 2-4 poisons
in a 1−2 Chemical Crate on a Wreck

2,000 Marks
2 Reputation

Cargo salvage
A cargo transport vessel carrying crucial supplies was en route from [location1] to [location2] when it sent out a distress call before going silent. Find and retrieve the cargo crates, and deliver them. Any LocationAny Location 10−15 Iron
A mix of 5-8 of these:
Steel Bar
A mix of 5-8 of these:
in a 2−3 Metal Crate on a Wreck


10−25 Plastic
5−8 Rubber
A mix of 5-8 of these:
in a 2−3 Metal Crate on a Wreck


A mix of 10-12 medical items in a 2−3 Medic Crate on a Wreck


5−8 Ethanol
A mix of 2-4 chemical items
A mix of 2-4 poisons
in a 2−3 Chemical Crate on a Wreck

3,000 Marks
2 Reputation

Cargo salvage
A cargo transport vessel carrying crucial supplies was en route from [location1] to [location2] when it sent out a distress call before going silent. Find and retrieve the cargo crates, and deliver them. Any LocationAny Location 10−15 Iron
A mix of 5-8 of these:
Steel Bar
A mix of 5-8 of these:
in a 3−5 Metal Crate on a Wreck


10−25 Plastic
5−8 Rubber
A mix of 5-8 of these:
in a 3−5 Metal Crate on a Wreck


A mix of 10-12 medical items in a 3−5 Medic Crate on a Wreck


5−8 Ethanol
A mix of 2-4 chemical items
A mix of 2-4 poisons
in a 3−5 Chemical Crate on a Wreck

4,000 Marks
2 Reputation

Cargo salvage
A cargo transport vessel carrying crucial supplies was en route from [location1] to [location2] when it sent out a distress call before going silent. Find and retrieve the cargo crates, and deliver them. Any LocationAny Location 3−4 Bike Horn
5−8 Clown Costume in a 1 Clown Crate on a Wreck
2,000 Marks
5 Children of The Honkmother
−5 The Church of Husk

Salvaging an artifact
A resident of [location1] has reported strange vibrations in their head after visiting a nearby ruin. Investigate the ruins and find the cause of these vibrations. ColonyResearch OutpostNatural Formations
Habitation OutpostResearch OutpostNatural Formations
Research OutpostNatural FormationsColonyHabitation OutpostMilitary OutpostResearch OutpostMining Outpost
1 Psychosis Alien Artifact
in an Artifact Holder in Alien Ruins
3,500 Marks
2 Reputation

Salvaging an artifact
Researchers of [location1] have picked up an infrasonic signal highly similar to those emitted by alien artifacts previously discovered on Europa. Investigate the signal and retrieve the potential artifact. Any LocationAny Location One of:
Faraday Alien Artifact
Nasonov Alien Artifact
Psychosis Alien Artifact
Psychosis Alien Artifact
Sky Alien Artifact
Thermal Alien Artifact
on the floor of a Cave
3,500 Marks
2 Reputation

Salvaging an artifact
Researchers of [location1] have picked up an infrasonic signal highly similar to those emitted by alien artifacts previously discovered on Europa. Investigate the signal and retrieve the potential artifact. Any LocationAny Location One of:
Faraday Alien Artifact
Nasonov Alien Artifact
Psychosis Alien Artifact
Psychosis Alien Artifact
Sky Alien Artifact
Thermal Alien Artifact
in an Artifact Holder in Alien Ruins
3,500 Marks
2 Reputation

Wreck salvage
[location1] just received a fragmented distress call from a vessel that was thought to have been lost along with some highly sensitive encrypted data. Retrieve the captain's logbook as a priority and return it. Any LocationAny Location 1 Logbook in a locker on a Wreck 2,000 Marks
2 Reputation
Underwater coffin

Wreck salvage
[location1] just received a fragmented distress call from a vessel that was thought to have been lost along with some highly sensitive encrypted data. Retrieve the captain's logbook as a priority and return it. Any LocationAny Location 1 Logbook in a locker on a Wreck 3,000 Marks
2 Reputation
Underwater coffin

Wreck salvage
[location1] just received a fragmented distress call from a vessel that was thought to have been lost along with some highly sensitive encrypted data. Retrieve the captain's logbook as a priority and return it. Any LocationAny Location 1 Logbook in a locker on a Wreck 4,000 Marks
2 Reputation
Underwater coffin

Salvaging an artifact
Researchers of [location1] have picked up a faint infrasonic signal similar to those emitted by alien artifacts previously discovered on Europa. The weakness of the signal suggests a deep dive to the abyss may be necessary to retrieve the potential artifact. Any LocationAny Location One of:
Faraday Alien Artifact
Nasonov Alien Artifact
Psychosis Alien Artifact
Psychosis Alien Artifact
Sky Alien Artifact
Thermal Alien Artifact
on the floor of an Abyss island Cave
6,000 Marks
2 Reputation

The Eye
The blinding light subsides into a dim orange light and the sounds of the ocean get overtaken by a low thunderous rumble. Perhaps you'll be able to make sense of what's happening by exploring your surroundings. The Eye of Europa 2 Logbooks in 1–2 Wrecks
1 Alien Button
No results

Tormsdale Report
The Jovian Separatists have tasked you to retrieve a classified report of the so-called "Tormsdale Incident," which the Separatists believe to have been orchestrated by the Coalition to eliminate their political opposition. ColonyHabitation OutpostMilitary OutpostResearch OutpostMining Outpost 1 Tormsdale Report (Item) in a Secure Steel Cabinets in an Outpost administrator's office −10 Europa Coalition
10 Jovian Separatists


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Monster Missions
Mission Description Valid Locations/Passageways Targets Rewards

Getting rid of Mudraptors
A pack of Mudraptors has been terrorizing vessels traveling between [location1] and [location2]. A reward of [reward] marks has been promised to any crew that can neutralize it. Any LocationAny Location 2–3 Mudraptor Unarmoreds 2,000 Marks
1 Reputation

Kill Moping Jack
Captain Hognose has recruited you to help him kill his old nemesis, Moping Jack the Hammerhead. Any LocationAny Location Hammerhead 2,500 Marks

Killing a large Crawler
An especially large Crawler has been terrorizing vessels traveling between [location1] and [location2]. A reward of [reward] marks has been promised to any crew that can neutralize it. Any LocationAny Location No results
3–4 Crawlers
1,500 Marks
1 Reputation

Killing a Moloch
A particularly aggressive Moloch has been terrorizing vessels traveling between [location1] and [location2]. A reward of [reward] marks has been promised to those who kill the creature. Any LocationAny Location 1 Moloch 2,000 Marks
2 Reputation

Killing Hammerheads
Particularly aggressive Hammerheads have been terrorizing vessels traveling between [location1] and [location2]. A reward of [reward] marks has been promised to whoever kills the creatures. Any LocationAny Location 2–3 Hammerheads 2,000 Marks
1 Reputation

Terminate a Squadron of Spinelings
A small swarm of Spinelings has been terrorizing vessels traveling between [location1] and [location2]. A reward of [reward] marks has been promised to any crew that can neutralize it. Any LocationAny Location 5–6 Spinelings 2,000 Marks
1 Reputation

Terminate a Swarm
A small swarm of [monster] has been terrorizing vessels traveling between [location1] and [location2]. A reward of [reward] marks has been promised to any crew that can neutralize it. Any LocationAny Location 5–6 Crawler 2,000 Marks
1 Reputation

Aggressive Hammerheads
According to our sources, there is a group of Hammerheads blocking the route from [location1] to [location2]. Get rid of the creatures so that our vessels can continue traveling safely through the passage. Any LocationAny Location 1 Hammerhead Matriarch
2 Hammerheads
1–2 Golden Hammerheads
3,500 Marks
2 Reputation

Crawler Mother
There's been reports of a particularily large and hostile Crawler terrorizing vessels traveling between [location1] and [location2]. A reward of [reward] marks has been promised to whoever kills the creature. Any LocationAny Location 1 Crawler Broodmother
6–7 Crawlers
3,500 Marks
2 Reputation

Getting rid of Mudraptors
A pack of Mudraptors has been terrorizing vessels traveling between [location1] and [location2]. A reward of [reward] marks has been promised to any crew that can neutralize it. Any LocationAny Location 2–3 Mudraptor Unarmoreds
2 Mudraptors
3,500 Marks
2 Reputation

Getting rid of Mudraptors
A pack of Mudraptors has been terrorizing vessels traveling between [location1] and [location2]. A reward of [reward] marks has been promised to any crew that can neutralize it. Any LocationAny Location 2–3 Mudraptor Unarmoreds
2−3 Mudraptors
1 Mudraptor Veterans
4,000 Marks
2 Reputation

Giant Spineling
There's been reports of a particularily large and hostile Spineling terrorizing vessels traveling between [location1] and [location2]. A reward of [reward] marks has been promised to whoever kills the creature. Any LocationAny Location 1 Giant Spineling
4–5 Spinelings
3,500 Marks
2 Reputation

Killing Hammerheads
Particularly aggressive Hammerheads have been terrorizing vessels traveling between [location1] and [location2]. A reward of [reward] marks has been promised to whoever kills the creatures. Any LocationAny Location 1−2 Golden Hammerheads
2–3 Hammerheads
3,500 Marks
2 Reputation

Terminate a Large Swarm
A large swarm of Crawlers has been terrorizing vessels traveling between [location1] and [location2]. A reward of [reward] marks has been promised to any crew that can neutralize it. Any LocationAny Location 14–15 Crawlers 3,500 Marks
2 Reputation

Terminate a Large Swarm
A large swarm of [monster] has been terrorizing vessels traveling between [location1] and [location2]. A reward of [reward] marks has been promised to any crew that can neutralize it. Any LocationAny Location 10–12 Crawlers
1 Crawler Broodmothers
3,500 Marks
2 Reputation

Terminate a Large Swarm
A large swarm of [monster] has been terrorizing vessels traveling between [location1] and [location2]. A reward of [reward] marks has been promised to any crew that can neutralize it. Any LocationAny Location 10–12 Husked Crawlers 3,500 Marks
2 Reputation

Terminate a Squadron of Spinelings
A small swarm of Spinelings has been terrorizing vessels traveling between [location1] and [location2]. A reward of [reward] marks has been promised to any crew that can neutralize it. Any LocationAny Location 14–15 Spinelings 4,000 Marks
1 Reputation

Terminate a Thresher Swarm
There have been several reports of a large swarm of threshers assaulting vessels traveling between [location1] and [location2]. A reward of [reward] marks has been promised to any crew who can get rid of them. Any LocationAny Location 5–6 Tiger Threshers
1–2 Bone Threshers
4,000 Marks
2 Reputation

Aggressive Hammerheads
According to our sources, there is a group of Hammerheads blocking the route from [location1] to [location2]. Get rid of the creatures so that our vessels can continue traveling safely through the passage. Any LocationAny Location 1 Hammerhead Matriarch
3–5 Hammerheads
1–2 Golden Hammerheads
5,000 Marks
2 Reputation

Crawler Mother
There's been reports of a particularily large and hostile Crawler terrorizing vessels traveling between [location1] and [location2]. A reward of [reward] marks has been promised to whoever kills the creature. Any LocationAny Location 1 Crawler Broodmother
10–12 Crawlers
4,500 Marks
2 Reputation

Getting rid of Mudraptors
A pack of Mudraptors has been terrorizing vessels traveling between [location1] and [location2]. A reward of [reward] marks has been promised to any crew that can neutralize it. Any LocationAny Location 1–2 Mudraptor Unarmoreds
4–5 Mudraptors
1–2 Mudraptor Veterans
5,000 Marks
2 Reputation

Giant Spineling
There's been reports of a particularily large and hostile Spineling terrorizing vessels traveling between [location1] and [location2]. A reward of [reward] marks has been promised to whoever kills the creature. Any LocationAny Location 1 Giant Spineling
8–10 Spinelings
4,500 Marks
2 Reputation

Hunting grounds
A creature from the Abyss has made this passageway its hunting grounds. Until the beast is dead, new outposts won't be established in the adjacent locations, and existing outposts may get abandoned. Hunting Grounds 1 Endworm in the Abyss 8,500 Marks
2 Reputation

Hunting grounds
A creature from the Abyss has made this passageway its hunting grounds. Until the beast is dead, new outposts won't be established in the adjacent locations, and existing outposts may get abandoned. Hunting Grounds 1 Charybdis in the Abyss 8,500 Marks
2 Reputation

Hunting grounds
A creature from the Abyss has made this passageway its hunting grounds. Until the beast is dead, new outposts won't be established in the adjacent locations, and existing outposts may get abandoned. Hunting Grounds 1 Latcher in the Abyss 8,500 Marks
2 Reputation

Killing a Moloch
A particularly aggressive Moloch has been terrorizing vessels traveling between [location1] and [location2]. A reward of [reward] marks has been promised to those who kill the creature. Any LocationAny Location 1 Black Moloch 5,000 Marks
2 Reputation

Terminate a Huge Swarm
A huge swarm of Crawlers has been terrorizing vessels traveling between [location1] and [location2]. A reward of [reward] marks has been promised to any crew that can neutralize it. Any LocationAny Location 14–15 Crawlers 4,000 Marks
2 Reputation

Terminate a Thresher Swarm
There have been several reports of a large swarm of threshers assaulting vessels traveling between [location1] and [location2]. A reward of [reward] marks has been promised to any crew who can get rid of them. Any LocationAny Location 8–10 Tiger Threshers
2–3 Bone Threshers
5,000 Marks
2 Reputation


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Nest Missions
Mission Description Valid Locations/Passageways Targets Rewards

Destroy a Crawler nest
A crawler nest was recently discovered in a cave near [location1]. A reward of [reward] marks has been promised to any crew that can get rid of the nest. ColonyResearch OutpostNatural Formations
Habitation OutpostResearch OutpostNatural Formations
Research OutpostNatural FormationsColonyHabitation OutpostMilitary OutpostResearch OutpostMining Outpost
7 Crawler Eggs in a Cave 3,000 Marks
2 Reputation
Don't count them before they hatch

Destroy a Mudraptor nest
A mudraptor nest was recently discovered in a cave near [location1]. A reward of [reward] marks has been promised to any crew that can get rid of the nest. ColonyResearch OutpostNatural Formations
Habitation OutpostResearch OutpostNatural Formations
Research OutpostNatural FormationsColonyHabitation OutpostMilitary OutpostResearch OutpostMining Outpost
2 Mudraptor Eggs and No results in a Cave 5,000 Marks
2 Reputation
Don't count them before they hatch

Destroy a Crawler nest
A crawler nest was recently discovered in a cave near [location1]. A reward of [reward] marks has been promised to any crew that can get rid of the nest. ColonyResearch OutpostNatural Formations
Habitation OutpostResearch OutpostNatural Formations
Research OutpostNatural FormationsColonyHabitation OutpostMilitary OutpostResearch OutpostMining Outpost
7 Crawler Eggs in a Cave 4,000 Marks
2 Reputation
Don't count them before they hatch

Destroy a Mudraptor nest
A mudraptor nest was recently discovered in a cave near [location1]. A reward of [reward] marks has been promised to any crew that can get rid of the nest. ColonyResearch OutpostNatural Formations
Habitation OutpostResearch OutpostNatural Formations
Research OutpostNatural FormationsColonyHabitation OutpostMilitary OutpostResearch OutpostMining Outpost
3 Mudraptor Eggs and No results in a Cave 6,000 Marks
2 Reputation
Don't count them before they hatch

Destroy a Tiger Thresher nest
A thresher nest was recently discovered in a cave near [location1]. A reward of [reward] marks has been promised to any crew that can get rid of the nest. ColonyResearch OutpostNatural Formations
Habitation OutpostResearch OutpostNatural Formations
Research OutpostNatural FormationsColonyHabitation OutpostMilitary OutpostResearch OutpostMining Outpost
7 Tiger Thresher Eggs in a Cave 4,500 Marks
2 Reputation
Don't count them before they hatch

Destroy a Tiger Thresher nest
A thresher nest was recently discovered in a cave near [location1]. A reward of [reward] marks has been promised to any crew that can get rid of the nest. ColonyResearch OutpostNatural Formations
Habitation OutpostResearch OutpostNatural Formations
Research OutpostNatural FormationsColonyHabitation OutpostMilitary OutpostResearch OutpostMining Outpost
7 Tiger Thresher Eggs in a Cave 4,500 Marks
2 Reputation
Don't count them before they hatch

Destroy a Tiger Thresher nest
A thresher nest was recently discovered in a cave near [location1]. A reward of [reward] marks has been promised to any crew that can get rid of the nest. ColonyResearch OutpostNatural Formations
Habitation OutpostResearch OutpostNatural Formations
Research OutpostNatural FormationsColonyHabitation OutpostMilitary OutpostResearch OutpostMining Outpost
7 Tiger Thresher Eggs in a Cave 6,500 Marks
2 Reputation
Don't count them before they hatch

Destroy a Tiger Thresher nest
A thresher nest was recently discovered in a cave near [location1]. A reward of [reward] marks has been promised to any crew that can get rid of the nest. ColonyResearch OutpostNatural Formations
Habitation OutpostResearch OutpostNatural Formations
Research OutpostNatural FormationsColonyHabitation OutpostMilitary OutpostResearch OutpostMining Outpost
7 Tiger Thresher Eggs in a Cave 6,500 Marks
2 Reputation
Don't count them before they hatch


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Outpost Missions
Mission Description Valid Locations/Passageways Targets Rewards

The Europa Coalition has tasked you to free some of their operatives who are being held captive by the Jovian Separatists. ColonyMilitary Outpost No results in an Outpost prison 3,000 Marks
5 Europa Coalition
−5 Jovian Separatists
No results

The Jovian Separatists have tasked you to free some of their operatives who are being held captive by the Coalition. ColonyMilitary Outpost No results in an Outpost prison 3,000 Marks
5 Jovian Separatists
−5 Europa Coalition
No results

The Jovian Separatists have tasked you to free a high-profile operative who's being held captive by the Coalition. ColonyMilitary Outpost Sootman in an Outpost prison 3,000 Marks
5 Jovian Separatists
−5 Europa Coalition
No results

Outpost rescue
A bandit group that has claimed the abandoned [location1] recently sent out a message in which they demand a ransom for releasing a group of civilians they're holding hostage. The Coalition doesn't negotiate with terrorists, but has promised a considerable reward to anyone who manages to rescue the hostages. Abandoned Outpost No results in an Abandoned Outpost 3,000 Marks
Knight in rusty armor

Rescuing Subra
Jacov Subra, the "Head Organizer" of the Church of Husk, is hiding from authorities in [location1]. The Church has reason to believe his whereabouts have been discovered by a party looking to score the bounty on his head. Travel to [location1] and take him on board before someone else gets to him. Abandoned Outpost Jacov Subra in an Abandoned Outpost 10 The Church of Husk
−10 Children of The Honkmother
No results

Outpost recovery
Contact with [location1] was recently lost, and it's suspected that hostile fauna has built a nest inside it. Find any eggs inside the outpost and destroy them. Abandoned Outpost 6 Crawler Eggs in an Abandoned Outpost 3,000 Marks
Pest control

Outpost recovery
Contact with [location1] was recently lost, and it's suspected to have been taken over by someone. Destroy the outpost's reactor to drive away any squatters and ensure they don't return. Abandoned Outpost 1 Nuclear Reactor in an Abandoned Outpost 3,000 Marks
Unwanted guests

Outpost recovery
Contact with [location1] was recently lost. It's suspected that an extremist branch of the Church of Husk is using it for one their ascension rituals. Get rid of the husks, and any eventual cultists. Abandoned Outpost 4–9 Husks
4–9 Husk (Legacy)s,
No results, &
No results
in an Abandoned Outpost
3,000 Marks
Pest control

Outpost recovery
Contact with [location1] was recently lost, and it's suspected that hostile fauna has built a nest inside it. Find any eggs inside the outpost and destroy them. Abandoned Outpost 6 Mudraptor Eggs in an Abandoned Outpost 3,000 Marks
Pest control

Keeper of Silence
The Church has become aware of a Coalition operative investigating their activity. The operative has already stuck their nose so deep into the Church's secrets that there's no option but to silence them for good. Travel to [location1] and kill the operative as discreetly as you can. ColonyHabitation OutpostMilitary OutpostResearch OutpostMining Outpost [[Unique NPCs|]] in an Outpost 2,000 Marks
10 The Church of Husk
−10 Children of The Honkmother
−5 Europa Coalition
No results

Outpost assassination
Contact with [location1] was recently lost, and there have been reports about a notorious group of outlaws having claimed it as their base. There's a bounty on the head of the group's leader's – eliminate the leader to claim the reward. Abandoned Outpost No results in an Abandoned Outpost 3,000 Marks
Bounty Hunter

Outpost recovery
Contact with [location1] was recently lost, and it's suspected that hostile fauna has built a nest inside it. Find any eggs inside the outpost and destroy them. Abandoned Outpost 6 Mudraptor Eggs in an Abandoned Outpost 4,500 Marks
Pest control

Find Jacov Subra
Investigate the station and locate the fugitive Jacov Subra. Abandoned Outpost An Abandoned Outpost on the Campaign map 1,000 Marks

The Ultimate Jest
The Children of the Honkmother have tasked you to reclaim an outpost that used to belong to them. Their plan is to annoy the inhabitants until they have no choice but to move out. You've been given a special exosuit to help you with the task. ColonyHabitation OutpostMilitary OutpostResearch OutpostMining Outpost An Outpost on the Campaign map Funbringer 3000
The Grandest of Jesters


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Pirate Missions
Mission Description Valid Locations/Passageways Targets Rewards

Coalition Ambush
Any LocationAny Location One of:

1 of:
No results
No results

1–5 of:
No results
No results
No results
No results

1 of:
No results
No results

1 of:
No results
No results
5 Jovian Separatists
−5 Europa Coalition
Fight the power

Coalition Vessel
Seek out the Coalition vessel that has been terrorizing this area and eliminate its crew. The marked locations show where the ship has last been sighted. Any LocationAny Location One of:

1 of:
No results
No results

1–5 of:
No results
No results
No results
No results

1 of:
No results
No results

1 of:
No results
No results
3,200–5,600 Marks
10 Jovian Separatists
−10 Europa Coalition
Fight the power

Pirate Vessel
Seek out the Jovian Separatist vessel that has been terrorizing this area and eliminate its crew. The marked locations show where the ship has last been sighted. Any LocationAny Location One of:

1 of:
No results
No results

1–5 of:
No results
No results
No results
No results

1 of:
No results
No results

1 of:
No results
No results
3,200–5,600 Marks
10 Europa Coalition
−10 Jovian Separatists
Resistance is futile

Separatist Ambush
Any LocationAny Location One of:

1 of:
No results
No results

1–5 of:
No results
No results
No results
No results

1 of:
No results
No results

1 of:
No results
No results
5 Europa Coalition
−10 Jovian Separatists
Resistance is futile


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Alien ruins,Scan Missions
Mission Description Valid Locations/Passageways Targets Rewards

Clear Ruin
Destroy all guardians and their pods in the ruins near [location1]. Any LocationAny Location 2 or more of:
No results

0 or more of:
Guardian Pod
6,000 Marks
2 Reputation
Aggressive Archaeology

Clear Ruin
Destroy all guardians and their pods in the ruins near [location1]. Any LocationAny Location 4 or more of:
No results

0 or more of:
Guardian Pod
7,000 Marks
2 Reputation
Aggressive Archaeology

Scan ruin
To further their research, a group of scientists in [location1] have asked you to scan the nearby ruin. Venture into the ruin and scan the marked rooms using the provided scanner. ColonyResearch OutpostNatural Formations
Habitation OutpostResearch OutpostNatural Formations
Research OutpostNatural FormationsColonyHabitation OutpostMilitary OutpostResearch OutpostMining Outpost
1 Metal Crate containing:
3 scan targets in Alien Ruins
4,000 Marks
2 Reputation
Ruin Raider


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End Missions
Mission Description Valid Locations/Passageways Targets Rewards

The End
You arrive in a large, open space within the structure. Something in the middle of the space seems to be disrupting the sonar. The Eye of Europa Jove The end is the beginning

The Eye
Your crew has arrived just a stone's throw away from the mysterious gravitational anomaly at the center of the Eye of Europa. There is something below you on the sonar. The Eye of Europa The Eye of Europa

The Eye
The blinding light subsides into a dim orange light and the sounds of the ocean get overtaken by a low thunderous rumble. Perhaps you'll be able to make sense of what's happening by exploring your surroundings. The Eye of Europa 2 Logbooks in 1–2 Wrecks
1 Alien Button
No results

v · d · e · h

Game Mechanics

Game Modes