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A dementonite-based consumable concoction that allows you to sense other living beings through walls. The effect of the chemical is still poorly understood, but it certainly has to do with the odd space-altering properties of dementonite.
Medical Usage
 Mindsense (420)*
 Mindsense (240)*
Skill Requirements
Skill Requirements
Medical: 60
Medical Fabricator
(produces 1 items)
Skill: Medical: 40
Deconstructor Yield
Minimum Difficulty 35%
Base Price 280 mk
OutpostOutpost Buy Sell
Habitation OutpostHabitation N/A 84 mk
ColonyColony N/A 75 mk
Research OutpostResearch 252 mk 75 mk
Military OutpostMilitary N/A 92 mk
Mining OutpostMining N/A 92 mk
Medical MerchantMedical Merchant N/A 84 mk
Engineer MerchantEngineer Merchant N/A 84 mk
Armory MerchantArmory Merchant N/A 84 mk
Children of The HonkmotherClown Merchant N/A 84 mk
The Church of HuskHusk Merchant N/A 84 mk
Identifier mindsense
Categories Medical
Tags smallitem, chem, medical

Mindsense is a medical item that can be used to sense living characters through walls, similar to Thermal Goggles.


The effect granted by this medicine causes living characters to appear to glow, and allows the user to quickly identify any potential threats that may be on-screen but behind obstacles, which can be useful to avoid being surprised while exploring Wrecks or Abandoned Outposts.

Note that the effect does not show the location of machine or undead creatures such as Husks and Fractal Guardians, so one should not rely on seeing these creatures through walls, and should instead listen out for signs of them if one is in a situation where they may be present.

The visual effect does not distinguish between hostile and non-hostile characters, so care should be taken to properly identify the target before engaging, as the visual effect can make it difficult to discern details, especially in dark conditions.

While under the effects of Mindsense, Psychosis will slowly develop, which can sometimes have the effect of causing characters to become invisible. Luckily, characters that become invisible due to Psychosis still appear to glow with Mindsense.


Like many Medical Items, Mindsense can be applied using the Health GUI (Default Key:H). See this page for more information on usage.

Mindsense cannot be loaded into a Syringe Gun, nor can it be swung by the hand.

Mindsense is not used in any fabrication recipes.


Talent Tree Description

Nobody Important Dies
ID: nobodyimportantdies
Medical Doctor
Tier 1
Medical items you apply are +10% more potent when applied to non-assistants.

Treating assistants is 20% less effective.

ID: selfcare
Medical Doctor
Tier 1
Medical items are 20% more potent when applied to you.

Dr. Submarine
ID: drsubmarine
Medical Doctor
Spec. 3
Medical items you apply are 25% more potent.

First Aid Training
ID: firstaidtraining
Security Officer
Tier 1
Gain a bonus of 15 to Medical. Medical items are 35% more potent when applied to you.

v · d · e · h

Medical Items

Basic Chemicals