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Cleans or paints walls by spraying liquid on them.
Fuel Ethanol
Black Paint
Blue Paint
Green Paint
Red Paint
White Paint
Fuel Capacity 1
Skill: Mechanical: 30
Deconstructor Yield
Base Price 120 mk
OutpostOutpost Buy Sell
Habitation OutpostHabitation 120 mk 36 mk
ColonyColony 108 mk 32 mk
Research OutpostResearch 150 mk 45 mk
Military OutpostMilitary 150 mk 45 mk
Mining OutpostMining 108 mk 32 mk
Medical MerchantMedical Merchant N/A 36 mk
Engineer MerchantEngineer Merchant N/A 36 mk
Armory MerchantArmory Merchant N/A 36 mk
Children of The HonkmotherClown Merchant N/A 36 mk
The Church of HuskHusk Merchant N/A 36 mk
Identifier sprayer
Categories Equipment
Tags smallitem, tool, mountableweapon

The Sprayer is a tool


The Sprayer is able to paint walls when loaded with a Paint or clear them when loaded with Ethanol. This activity is purely cosmetic, but it enables creativity withing the crew, and if Submarine hygiene is an important aspect to them, they can also clear all of the gunk off the walls after a messy fight on board, or when a crew member has had a particularly bad case of Nausea.


The Sprayer is held with both hands and must be loaded with paint or ethanol to be used. As with all weapons and tools, using it is done by holding the Right Mouse Right-click to take aim, then by Left Mouse Left-clicking to shoot/use.

  • The crosshair snaps to the wall grid, much like how Detonators, Small Planter Boxes or Wires function when placing them.
    • If the crosshair is outside the range of the Sprayer or hovers over closed Doors and Hatches, inside walls (floors), or outside walls (Sub's shells), it will disappear and the tool cannot be activated.
  • Decals and Paint are persistent and water gradually dirties up the Submarine's walls.
  • It only works on the background walls and decorative structures inside the hulls since they are the only entities affected by decals and dirt.


"If you have time to lean, you have time to clean."

Cleaning is a downtime activity for Europan submariners. Subs will gradually become dirtier. Since they aren't going to clean themselves, submariners will have the new ability to use a pressure cleaner on the walls to get them looking clean and shipshape again.

By default, the Sprayer is loaded with Ethanol as the main cleaning agent to rid the walls of both the dirt and the decals. Each second of usage reduces 0.75% of its condition.


"Rumors of crew members misusing their pressure cleaners by loading them with paint for the purposes of vandalism or artistic expression are to be ignored, this is not a Coalition-endorsed use of cleaning equipment."

Painting is another type of pastime activity. Aside from its main purpose as a cleaning tool, the Sprayer is also used to paint the walls to create permanent decals provided the tool is loaded with a Paint.

Paints are mainly colored substances which are used to coat the walls to leave decorative decals. Once loaded in the Sprayer, it allows the player to freely paint walls. They can also be thrown around and much like fruits from gardening, they break and leave a corresponding colored splattered decal on impact.

Paints are non-refillable consumables, but two Paints of the same color can be combined if both of their conditions add up to less than 100%.

Colored decals already applied on the walls can be overlapped by other colors that are different from them. When using the Sprayer, the condition of Paints also reduces twice as much as Ethanol's, which is 1.5% of its condition every second of usage.

There are five different colored Paints that can be loaded in the Sprayer: Black, Blue, Green, Red, and White.

Paints Fabricating Deconstructing Price (mk)
Input Mechanical Level Time (second) Output Time (second)

Red Paint
Alien Blood
20 30 Ethanol 10 126-168

Green Paint
20 30 Ethanol 10 80-108

Blue Paint
20 30 Ethanol 10 80-108

Black Paint
20 30 Ethanol 10 80-108

White Paint
20 30 Ethanol 10 80-108


  • The content inside the Sprayer is shown attached to the Sprayer on the outside when not kept in a container or the inventory.


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