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Submarines are the central feature of Barotrauma. They are used to navigate Europa's vast oceans while keeping their crew safe from the moon's many dangers. The crew's main task is to maintain the various Installations in working order and fight fires and floods.

Submarines and shuttles to scale.
Click to view in full screen.
Credit to Eleetpancake.

Default Submarines General Statistics

Default Submarines (as opposed to custom submarines made with the Editor) come with every installation of Barotrauma. They include submarines by Regalis and some by winners of submarine building contests.

The table below lists default submarines and their base main characteristics; that is, before any upgrades are installed, turrets modified, or wiring tweaks made. Maximum ascent speed is 19 km/h for all submarines. Horizontal (engine) speed is identical going forwards and backwards.

Submarine Statistics Comparison
Submarine Class Price (mk) Crew Recommendations Fabrication & Storage Movement* Weaponry
Size Experience Fabricator Medical Fabricator Crate Capacity Max Horizontal Speed (km/h) Max Descent Speed (km/h) Hardpoints Coilguns Railguns Lasers Chainguns Discharge Coils Depth Charge Tubes
Barsuk Attack 3999 1 - 3 Beginner - - 4 16 13 1 1 - 1 - - 1
Dugong Scout 6.000 3 - 5 Beginner - - 8 22 12 1 2 - - - 1 -
Humpback Attack 7.800 4 - 6 Intermediate Yes Yes 4 26 13 1 2 1 - - - -
Orca Scout 9.000 3 - 6 Beginner Yes Yes 8 25 15 1 2 - - - 1 1
Orca 2 Scout 9.000 3 - 6 Intermediate Yes Yes 4 24 14 1 1 - - 1 1 1
Azimuth Scout 10.000 3 - 5 Intermediate Yes - 4 23 16 1 2 - - - - 2
Typhon Attack 11.500 4 - 9 Intermediate Yes Yes 8 23 8 1 2 1 - - 1 1
R-29 Transport 14.500 5 - 9 Experienced Yes - 56 16 9 1 1 - - - 2 -
Herja Attack 15.300 4 - 7 Intermediate Yes - 4 16 15 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
Berilia Transport 15.326 12 - 16 Experienced Yes - 80 16 10 1 3 - - - 2 1
Remora Deep Diver 16.000 7 - 12 Experienced Yes Yes 12 21 11 1 1 (+1)* 1 - - 1 1
Typhon 2 Attack 20.000 4 - 9 Intermediate Yes Yes 8 18 12 1 2 1 - - 1 -
Kastrull Attack 21.000 8 - 12 Experienced Yes Yes 12 20 8 1 2 (+1)* 1 - - 2 1
Winterhalter Deep Diver 23.500 8 - 12 Experienced Yes Yes (*) 8 21 13 2 1 1 - - - -



Superior speed, sleek design, and quality-of-life systems make this submarine a favorite among wealthy Coalition captains who manage to make it to retirement.
Class: Scout
Price: 10,000mk
Dimensions: 34x8 m
Recommended crew: 3-5
Recommended crew experience: Intermediate


Barsuk is a favorite among beginner captains. Using materials out of recycled hulls of destroyed submarines (many of which were Barsuks anyway) keeps the price of the line down. Over the years, a subculture of Barsuk-enthusiasts has formed around customizing and tuning their vessels.
Class: Attack
Price: 3,999mk
Dimensions: 29x9 m
Recommended crew: 1-3
Recommended crew experience: Beginner


Berilia is one of the biggest cargo ships on Europa. Its two engines and three ballasts require a copious amount of power to operate, and keeping the machinery in good working condition is a handful for even a moderately large crew.
Price: 15,000 mk
Dimensions: 61x17 m
Recommended crew: 12-16
Recommended crew experience: Experienced


Compared to larger vessels, the Dugong series is overshadowed in all aspects except one: their reliability for their price is world class. They're lacking in firepower and speed, so smart maneuvering is key.
Class: Scout
Price: 6,000 mk
Dimensions: 34x8 m
Recommended crew: 3-5
Recommended crew experience: Beginner


With its varied weaponry, Herja submarines are equipped for encounters against most expected and unexpected run-ins with the denizens of Europa. A reliable workhorse in the Coalition fleet. If a monster nest has been cleared nearby, chances are high that it was a Herja that did the deed.
Class: Attack
Price: 15,300mk
Dimensions: 41x14 m
Recommended crew: 4-7
Recommended crew experience: Intermediate


A former military vessel, WH4-L3 'Humpback' has been outfitted to withstand most of the dangers in deep Europa. Her relatively high velocity is offset by low maneuverability. As she's still boasting an older model reactor, power needs to be supplemented by a backup battery array or the crew will find themselves unable to run all of the new equipment.
Class: Attack
Price: 7,800 mk
Dimensions: 44x9 m
Recommended crew: 4-6
Recommended crew experience: Intermediate


The Kastrull is a dependable attack sub class bringing plenty of firepower to any fight, and although it's not very nimble, it does sport a drone gunship as standard. Keep in mind that with its experimental open ballast tanks, low tolerance to flooding and numerous crew stations, a large, experienced crew will get the most out of this sub.
Class: Attack
Price: 21,000 mk
Dimensions: 45x11 m
Recommended crew: 8-12
Recommended crew experience: Experienced


With a relatively high top speed and fantastic ascent and descent characteristics due to her three large ballast tanks, Orca class subs are agile vessels, let down only by their small compliment of weapons, unreliable engine and reactors with a greater than average hunger for fuel.
Class: Scout
Price: 9,000 mk
Dimensions: 41x10m
Recommended crew: 3-6
Recommended crew experience: Beginner

Orca 2

Orca 2
Successor to the classic Orca series, this submarine boasts the same three-ballast setup which allows it to ascend and descend with only a moments notice. Well armed and equipped for a scout vessel, the Orca 2 is capable of taking on all but the most dangerous denizens of europa.
Class: Scout
Price: 9,000 mk
Dimensions: 41x10m
Recommended crew: 3-6
Recommended crew experience: Intermediate

R-29 "Big Rig"

R-29 is a heavyweight transport ship. While not terribly well armed against Europa's underwater denizens, it has been retrofitted with two powerful electric discharge coils. Original design by rav2n.
Class: Transport
Price: 14,500 mk
Dimensions: 50x12 m
Recommended crew: 5-9
Recommended crew experience: Experienced


A range of customization options are available for Remora. In this model, some of the main hull space has been replaced by a detachable ballast and a remote-controlled drone. A large crew is needed to operate this submarine
Class: Deep Diver
Price: 16,000 mk
Dimensions: 43x15 m
Recommended crew: 7-12
Recommended crew experience: Experienced


Typhon class subs are known for their brutish appearance, reasonable array of light and heavy firepower, and their general dependability. Any captain should be aware of their poor rate of descent and unimpressive top speed.
Class: Attack
Price: 11,500 mk
Dimensions: 40x14 m
Recommended crew: 4-9
Recommended crew experience: Intermediate

Typhon 2

Typhon 2
Typhon 2 is an overhauled version of the venerable Typhon class of sub. Serving as a heavy gunship, the Typhon 2 class subs remain slow and ugly, but with the benefits of better survivability for their crews.
Class: Attack
Price: 20,000 mk
Dimensions: 40x14 m
Recommended crew: 4-9
Recommended crew experience: Intermediate


Originally manufactured by Archsteel Yards in New Iapetus, Winterhalter submarines were only in production for a year until they were acquired by the Coalition for research purposes. Many surviving models come equipped with an onboard research laboratory, and they are heavily armed.
Class: Deep Diver
Price: 23,500 mk
Dimensions: 49x18 m
Recommended crew: 8-12
Recommended crew experience: Experienced


Shuttles are much smaller submarines used mostly as respawn vessels in multiplayer. They very often don't have their own nuclear reactor and their batteries are often fully charged and can store more kW power than the main submarine.

Respawn shuttles spawn only if a certain percentage of players has died. This can of course be changed to the server host's desire.

Upon spawning in the shuttle there will be fully stocked diving suits and underwater scooters, the number of spawned suits and scooters is according to the respawned player amount.

They can be used in case the shuttle is not able to dock safely to the main submarine.

Most shuttles have barely any hull, because of that they are easily sunk by most creatures, impact from rocks or other submarines. So knowing how to steer them is crucial.


For when you need extra room to stretch your legs or want some space between you and the poor, choose Hemulen shuttles.
Class: Shuttle
Dimensions: 20x6 m


The workhorse of the colonies, these little shuttles have good speed and dive/ascent characteristics, but they are fragile and their low-capacity batteries limit their range somewhat.
Class: Shuttle
Dimensions: 11x3 m


Originally intended as research vessels, Venture shuttles have been co-opted as a more robust alternative for travel between outposts and submarines.
Class: Shuttle
Dimensions: 13x6 m


Drones are small shuttles, remotely controlled from the submarine using a Shuttle Navigation Terminal. They are battery powered, and extremely fragile. They are not made to transport humans or cargo. Their task typically is to provide remote scouting and firepower. Two default submarines have their own shuttle: the Remora and the Kastrull.

In the Campaign, lost shuttles can be recovered for 1,000 mk at a Shipyard.

Remora Drone

Remora Drone
No description
Class: Shuttle
Dimensions: 7x3 m

Kastrull Drone

Kastrull Drone
No description
Class: Shuttle
Dimensions: 5x2 m

Tier 1 Scout Dugong  •  Orca
Attack Barsuk
Transport Camel
Tier 2 Scout Azimuth  •  Orca 2
Attack Herja  •  Humpback  •  Typhon
Transport R-29
Tier 3 Scout Remora (drone)  •  Winterhalter
Attack Kastrull (drone)  •  Typhon 2
Transport Berilia
Shuttles Hemulen  •  Selkie  •  Venture
Hostile Pirate Dugong  •  Pirate Humpback  •  Pirate Typhon 2