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[[File:Fire.png|thumb|497x497px|A fire in a submarine.]]
[[File:Fire.png|thumb|500px|A fire in the reactor room of a Dugong.]]
Fire damages crew members touching it, inflicts constant damage upon affected [[:Category:Installations|installations]], and—most importantly—consumes oxygen from the room it's in. It will also ignite any  [ Oxygen Tanks] or [ Welding Fuel Tanks] on contact (especially those that are in your inventory), causing them to explode.
'''Fire''' deals {{Affliction|Burn}} damage to crew in its range, inflicts damage upon certain [[Installations]], and will rapidly consume oxygen from the room it's in.
<br>Fire will also detonate most [[Explosives]] that are nearby and [[Oxygen Tank|Oxygen Tanks.]]

Fire is usually caused by electricity-related mishaps, most commonly overloading. This tends to result in multiple installations catching fire, overwhelming the crew. The [[Artifacts#Thermal Artifact|thermal artifact]] will also set anything it touches on fire. Obviously, fire can occur during a reactor meltdown.
==Causes of Fire==
Fire is typically caused by overvolting [[Junction Boxes]]. This tends to result in multiple fires, making these especially hard to deal with.
<br>[[Artifacts#Thermal Artifact|Thermal artifacts]] will spawn fire around it. Fires will also occur during [[Nuclear Reactor|Reactor]] meltdowns.
<br>[[Flamer|Flamers]] can be used to set things aflame, while [[Mutated_Pomegrenade||Mutated Pomegrenades]], [[Incendium Grenade|Incendium Grenades]], and [[IC-4]] create fires upon explosion.

'''<big>Dealing with fires</big>'''<br>
==Extingushing a Fire==
Fires need oxygen to keep burning, which informs the ways to deal with them.
The [[Fire Extinguisher]] is the most obvious tool for the job, however it tends to be slow if the fire is large or if there are many other fires.
<br>Another method for dealing with fires is to remove all oxygen from the fire. This can be done by closing all [[Doors|Doors/Hatches]] to the room the fire is in and, optionally, turning off the [[Oxygen Generator]].
<br>The last method for dealing with an especially tricky fire is to flood the room with water. This can be accomplished by using a [[Plasma Cutter]] to open an external wall that leads into the room in question. This is especially risky however, as the submarine may begin to [[Abyss|sink uncontrollably]].

The [[Fire Extinguisher]] is the most obvious tool for the job, but it tends to be insufficient when dealing with multiple fires at the same time.
==Fire Prevention & Damage Control==
Since one of the most common ways for fires to start is by overvolting, an easy way to prevent fires from happening is to minimize harsh load drops by piloting the sub slower or purchasing power efficiency [[Upgrades]].
<br>It is also recommended to remove any explosives that are near possible fire starting locations.
<br>Thermal artifacts can be dealt with by putting them in a [[Ballast|ballast tank]], an [[Artifact Transport Case]] or a de-oxygenated room.

It is possible to isolate and extinguish a fire by simply closing all [[Doors|doors]] to the room it's in and letting the fire use up all the oxygen. This is a viable but slow way to put out fire—useful when the affected installations can be ignored and maybe repaired afterwards, but insufficient when a fire needs to be put out quickly. The process can be accelerated by cutting off the air supply to the room (see [[Oxygen Generator]]), but this is risky and usually unnecessary.

Finally, desperate crew members might decide to put out a fire by drowning it. While this is an extremely efficient method to put out fire, it essentially replaces it with another hazard—[[Maintenance#Flooding|flooding]]—and for this reason is usually not recommended. Note, however, that it may happen on its own during a regular, unplanned flooding.
[[File:Flood.png|thumb|500px|A flood in the engineering section of a Dugong.]]
'''Flooding''' is one of the most dangerous things in ''[[Barotrauma]].'' Crewmembers caught in a flood will [[Afflictions#Oxygen Low|drown]] without proper equipment, and may implode if the pressure is high enough.
<br>Flooding will also damage [[Installations]], and detonate any explosives susceptible to water.

Flooding will also make the submarine heavier, leading to less manouverability and potential sinking.
[[File:Flood.png|thumb|494x494px|alt=|A flooded section in a submarine.]]
==Causes of Flooding==
Flooding is an omnipresent menace in ''[[Barotrauma]]''. While [[:Category:Items|items]] and [[:Category:Installations|installations]] are waterproof, the crew can easily drown; moreover, the intense pressure found in the ocean will crush unprotected crew members found in completely submerged areas, instantly killing them. On top of these immediately lethal consequences, flooding also weighs down the [[Submarine|submarine]], increasing the rate of descent.
Floods can come from three main sources - Hull breaches, opened Doors/Hatches, and [[Pump]]s.
<br>'''Hull breaches''' are usually caused by [[Creatures]] attacking the sub from outside, and explosions.
<br>'''Exterior doors/hatches''' can flood the ship if they are not properly sealed with an airlock setup or if that airlock is [[Wiring|miswired]], [[Crowbar|forced open]], or breached.
<br>'''Pumps''' can flood the ship if they are set to pump into the ship uncontrollably, either through wiring or manual control. [[Ballast Flora]] can also hijack pumps to force them to fill the room they are in.
==Fixing Breaches & Floods==
Breaches and floods can be located by using a [[Status Monitor]] set to "General status" mode or a [[Handheld Status Monitor]].
<br>Before going out to fix floods, it is required to put on a [[Diving Mask]], or a [[Diving Suit]] if the pressure is too high.

The excess water can come from three sources: hull breaches, opened [[Doors|doors]] to the outside, and, a lot less likely, [[Pump|pumps]] being set to fill the submarine uncontrollably. In all cases, water will naturally flow toward the lowest available location not entirely flooded and begin to fill up room after room.
'''Hull breaches''' can be fixed with a [[Welding Tool]] containing a [[Welding Fuel Tank]], or by purchasing "Repair All Walls" at the [[Shipyard]], although the latter is not recommended as it can be somewhat expensive and can only be purchased at [[Outposts]].
<br>'''Exterior doors/hatches''' can be fixed with a [[Wrench]] if they have been breached by creatures, or by purchasing "Repair All Items" at the [[Shipyard]], however this is also not recommended for the same reasons as before.
<br>'''Pumps''' can be fixed by making sure their wiring is normal, and checking that any [[Wiring Components]] connected to it are on their normal settings as well. For manual pumps, the flow rate can be set to a negative value to drain water, or 0% to stop the pump.
==Flood Prevention & Damage Control==
'''Hull Breaches''' can be prevented by making sure explosives are stored in safe places, and that nearby creatures are killed using [[Submarine Weapons]] before they can attack the hull.
'''Exterior doors/hatches''' can be made not to breach in the same way, killing any creatures that happen upon the sub.
'''Pumps''' can be secured by making sure the ship doesn't drive through ballast flora often, and passing through it as fast as possible if required.
=Damaged Installations=
Various installations will gradually deteriorate over time. When reaching 0% condition, an installation will become completely inoperable.
<br>As installations become more damaged, they will become visually broken and some will start to emit smoke.
<br>Most installations can be damaged by explosions, fires and flooding.
<br>[[Junction Box]]es will quickly deteriorate if power production exceeds demand. This is commonly referred to as "overvolting".
<br>Broken [[Doors|Doors/Hatches]] will let water, air and fire through them as if they were open.
<br>[[Nuclear Reactor]]s will meltdown and explode when their condition reaches 0% if they have at least 1 fuel rod in them.
==Repairing Installations==
Most installations are repairable when under 80% condition. It is recommended to repair things even when they are not at a very low condition, to avoid having to repair during floods, fires or in combat.
<br>Repairs can be performed at any skill level, however they will take more time if the skill requirement of 55 isn't met.
<br>Additionally, repairs made below the skill requirement have a chance to {{Affliction|Stun}} the repairer, and deal one of two types of damage based on the type of installation.
<br>There are two types of installations: '''Electrical''' and '''Mechanical'''.
===Electrical Installations===
'''Electrical''' installations require [[Skills#Electrical|Electrical Skill]] and a [[Screwdriver]] to repair, and deal {{Affliction|Burn}} damage when the skill check is failed.
<br>Electrical installations include: [[Nuclear Reactor]]s, [[Navigation Terminal]]s, [[Shuttle Navigation Terminal]]s, [[Sonar Monitor]]s, [[Status Monitor]]s, [[Junction Box]]es, [[Batteries]], and [[Supercapacitor]]s.
===Mechanical Installations===
'''Mechanical''' installations require [[Skills#Mechanical|Mechanical Skill]] and a [[Wrench]] to repair, and deal {{Affliction|Lacerations}} damage when the skill check is failed.
<br>Mechanical installations include: [[Door]]s, [[Hatch]]es, [[Submarine Weapons|Loaders]], [[Oxygen Generator]]s, [[Fabricator]]s, [[Medical Fabricator]]s, [[Deconstructor]]s, [[Shuttle Engine]]s, [[Engine]]s, [[Large Engine]]s, [[Pump]]s, and [[Small Pump]]s.

'''<big>Dealing with flooding</big>'''<br>
A [[Diving Mask|diving mask]] temporarily prevents its wearer from drowning, and a [[Diving Suit|diving suit]] has the additional effect of protecting its wearer from pressure; putting on the appropriate equipment can save your life and give you the time necessary to take additional steps. Don't forget the required [[Oxygen Tank]]; cautious crew members frequently store this equipment in their inventory (taking care not to use up the oxygen beforehand) just in case, so they can put it on quickly when needed. If neither item is equipped or available, swimming toward breathable air is your next best course of action; until the flooding is dealt with (or you flee to a safer area), you will have to resurface regularly to refill your lungs.
Once immediate survival is ensured, your highest priority is investigating and determining the origin point(s) of the flooding. In the case of a hull breach, the impact that caused the breach should be noticeable enough to orient the crew and coordinate repairs. The [[Status Monitor]] can help, as it displays flooded areas. Finally, you can watch for falling water or follow a current to locate the origin point of the flooding.
[[Doors]] can seal off sections of the submarine and prevent the passage of water. Counterintuitively, this is a double-edged sword and a divisive topic for some players: Some advocate closing as many doors as possible to contain the flooding to a limited area. Others point out that such a closed-off area would fill up quickly, and the rising pressure would crush any unfortunate crew members trapped inside, whereas opening doors would allow the water to spread out, filling individual compartments more slowly and giving crew members additional time to repair the cause of the flooding—delaying dangerous effects on the whole submarine. Use your wit and communicate with your colleagues to determine the most appropriate course of action in your specific situation.
[[Pump|Pumps]] should be activated to empty out water as possible; it may be enough to undo the first cause of the flooding, but even when this is not the case, it will obviously help fight the rising water level.
Once the cause of the flood is located, it must be dealt with: malfunctioning pumps should be adjusted to pump the water ''out'' instead of ''in'', the doors of the affected room(s) should be closed, and breaches should be fixed with a [[Welding Fuel Tank|fueled]] [[Welding Tool]]. (If the exact location of a breach is uncertain, don't hesitate to wave the welder around on suspicious hull sections to check their status.) If you identify the cause and/or initial location of the flooding but are unable to fix it, use the chat to communicate this information to other crew members.
==Installation Maintenance==
The various installations aboard the Submarine will gradually deteriorate over time when in use. When reaching 0% condition, an installation becomes inoperative, with all associated consequences.
This includes mechanical and electrical installations - with a couple of exceptions: the [[Charging Dock]] and [[Shuttle Battery]] never deteriorate and are immune to damage.
All installations may also be damaged by explosions and fires.
Additionally, the [[Nuclear Reactor]] will be damaged when submerged in water or when overheating.
[[Junction Boxes]] will deteriorate fast when submerged in water or when power production exceeds demand.
[[Doors]] may be damaged and breached by [[Creatures]].
'''<big>Repairing Installations</big>'''<br>
[[Junction Boxes]], [[Battery|Batteries]], [[Supercapacitor]]s, [[Sonar Monitor|Sonar]] and [[Status Monitor]]s, [[Navigation Terminal]]s and [[Shuttle Navigation Terminal]]s are repaired with a [[Screwdriver]]. All other repairable installations are repaired with a [[Wrench]].
Repairs can be performed at any skill, however they will take five times longer (from <abbr title="Except doors which take 10 seconds to repair when skilled)">5*</abbr> to  25 seconds) when the skill requirement of 55 isn't met. Screwdriver repairs require [[Skills#Electrical Engineering|Electrical Engineering]], and wrench repairs require [[Skills#Mechanical Engineering|Mechanical Engineering]]. Additionally, mechanical repairs performed below level 55 present a risk of failure - relative to the level gap - where the character will suffer light injuries.
Most installations will be repairable when going below 80% condition. Regularly performing routine repairs to maintain their condition high, even when there is no immediate danger, will reduce the risk of having to do so in the middle of combat, during floods or other dangers.

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[[Category:Game Mechanics]]
[[Category:Game Mechanics]]

Latest revision as of 11:06, 10 January 2024

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A fire in the reactor room of a Dugong.

Fire deals Burn damage to crew in its range, inflicts damage upon certain Installations, and will rapidly consume oxygen from the room it's in.
Fire will also detonate most Explosives that are nearby and Oxygen Tanks.

Causes of Fire

Fire is typically caused by overvolting Junction Boxes. This tends to result in multiple fires, making these especially hard to deal with.
Thermal artifacts will spawn fire around it. Fires will also occur during Reactor meltdowns.
Flamers can be used to set things aflame, while |Mutated Pomegrenades, Incendium Grenades, and IC-4 create fires upon explosion.

Extingushing a Fire

The Fire Extinguisher is the most obvious tool for the job, however it tends to be slow if the fire is large or if there are many other fires.
Another method for dealing with fires is to remove all oxygen from the fire. This can be done by closing all Doors/Hatches to the room the fire is in and, optionally, turning off the Oxygen Generator.
The last method for dealing with an especially tricky fire is to flood the room with water. This can be accomplished by using a Plasma Cutter to open an external wall that leads into the room in question. This is especially risky however, as the submarine may begin to sink uncontrollably.

Fire Prevention & Damage Control

Since one of the most common ways for fires to start is by overvolting, an easy way to prevent fires from happening is to minimize harsh load drops by piloting the sub slower or purchasing power efficiency Upgrades.
It is also recommended to remove any explosives that are near possible fire starting locations.
Thermal artifacts can be dealt with by putting them in a ballast tank, an Artifact Transport Case or a de-oxygenated room.


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A flood in the engineering section of a Dugong.

Flooding is one of the most dangerous things in Barotrauma. Crewmembers caught in a flood will drown without proper equipment, and may implode if the pressure is high enough.
Flooding will also damage Installations, and detonate any explosives susceptible to water.

Flooding will also make the submarine heavier, leading to less manouverability and potential sinking.

Causes of Flooding

Floods can come from three main sources - Hull breaches, opened Doors/Hatches, and Pumps.
Hull breaches are usually caused by Creatures attacking the sub from outside, and explosions.
Exterior doors/hatches can flood the ship if they are not properly sealed with an airlock setup or if that airlock is miswired, forced open, or breached.
Pumps can flood the ship if they are set to pump into the ship uncontrollably, either through wiring or manual control. Ballast Flora can also hijack pumps to force them to fill the room they are in.

Fixing Breaches & Floods

Breaches and floods can be located by using a Status Monitor set to "General status" mode or a Handheld Status Monitor.
Before going out to fix floods, it is required to put on a Diving Mask, or a Diving Suit if the pressure is too high.

Hull breaches can be fixed with a Welding Tool containing a Welding Fuel Tank, or by purchasing "Repair All Walls" at the Shipyard, although the latter is not recommended as it can be somewhat expensive and can only be purchased at Outposts.
Exterior doors/hatches can be fixed with a Wrench if they have been breached by creatures, or by purchasing "Repair All Items" at the Shipyard, however this is also not recommended for the same reasons as before.
Pumps can be fixed by making sure their wiring is normal, and checking that any Wiring Components connected to it are on their normal settings as well. For manual pumps, the flow rate can be set to a negative value to drain water, or 0% to stop the pump.

Flood Prevention & Damage Control

Hull Breaches can be prevented by making sure explosives are stored in safe places, and that nearby creatures are killed using Submarine Weapons before they can attack the hull. Exterior doors/hatches can be made not to breach in the same way, killing any creatures that happen upon the sub. Pumps can be secured by making sure the ship doesn't drive through ballast flora often, and passing through it as fast as possible if required.

Damaged Installations

Various installations will gradually deteriorate over time. When reaching 0% condition, an installation will become completely inoperable.
As installations become more damaged, they will become visually broken and some will start to emit smoke.
Most installations can be damaged by explosions, fires and flooding.
Junction Boxes will quickly deteriorate if power production exceeds demand. This is commonly referred to as "overvolting".
Broken Doors/Hatches will let water, air and fire through them as if they were open.
Nuclear Reactors will meltdown and explode when their condition reaches 0% if they have at least 1 fuel rod in them.

Repairing Installations

Most installations are repairable when under 80% condition. It is recommended to repair things even when they are not at a very low condition, to avoid having to repair during floods, fires or in combat.
Repairs can be performed at any skill level, however they will take more time if the skill requirement of 55 isn't met.
Additionally, repairs made below the skill requirement have a chance to Stun the repairer, and deal one of two types of damage based on the type of installation.
There are two types of installations: Electrical and Mechanical.

Electrical Installations

Electrical installations require Electrical Skill and a Screwdriver to repair, and deal Burn damage when the skill check is failed.
Electrical installations include: Nuclear Reactors, Navigation Terminals, Shuttle Navigation Terminals, Sonar Monitors, Status Monitors, Junction Boxes, Batteries, and Supercapacitors.

Mechanical Installations

Mechanical installations require Mechanical Skill and a Wrench to repair, and deal Lacerations damage when the skill check is failed.
Mechanical installations include: Doors, Hatches, Loaders, Oxygen Generators, Fabricators, Medical Fabricators, Deconstructors, Shuttle Engines, Engines, Large Engines, Pumps, and Small Pumps.

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